How to quit smoking? – All ways to combat a bad habit that help

Date of publication: 11/24/2017

until June 30

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You don’t smoke because you know about the dangers of smoking, but what about the smoke that you inhale against your will? Second-hand smoke causes or contributes to a variety of health problems, including heart disease and lung cancer. It is worth understanding what exactly we inhale during passive smoking, and also think about how you can protect yourself and your loved ones from this.


  • Delete this article from your home computer history to prevent further suspicion if it is noticed. If they do find it in the story, tell them you were looking at WikiHow (clicking on various random article links) and just came across it. You didn't read it!
  • If you have a friend whose parents smoke, you can use this as an excuse for smelling like cigarettes.
  • Don't throw used cigarette butts on your porch or lawn. Dispose of all evidence.
  • If your parents found your cigarettes, have an 18 year old friend on hand to pin the blame on him (the friend should be aware of this in advance, in case your parents call him, he will know and can respond with something like, "Oh , that’s right, I left this pack there.. thank you very much, I’ll pick them up tomorrow! ")
  • Wash your hair regularly. The cigarette smell will linger on your hair, especially if it is long.
  • Keep calm . they shouldn't notice anything if you're acting normal.
  • Don't hide cigarettes in your sock drawer. As seen in many comedies, your mom will most likely stumble upon them while folding laundry.
  • Wear a glove on the hand in which you are holding the cigarette.
  • Don't throw your cigarette butts anywhere.
  • Carry a zip-up jacket and, after smoking, take it off and turn it inside out. This will keep your shirt from smelling.
  • If you smoke outside, remove your sweater while smoking. Once you're done, put it back on. This will hide the smell of cigarettes on your shirt.
  • If possible, bring extra clothing (a T-shirt or a hat) as smoke will remain on the fabric after the cologne/perfume wears off.
  • If your parents notice that you smell like smoke, claim that other people were smoking near you while you were standing at the bus stop, or that you ran into a friend who smokes.
  • Learn how to roll a cigarette. They don't smell as strong as factory-made cigarettes because they have fewer additives; a pack of tobacco and paper will be consumed more slowly than a pack of cigarettes. In addition, they are much cheaper.
  • The inside pockets of jackets and coats are a great place to stash cigarettes and lighters.
  • Light incense in your room/home to mask the smell. They can both provide a strong, distinctive aroma, but they can also create the same smell as cigarettes.
  • If you're a guy, don't wear a T-shirt while smoking. The smoke doesn't stick to your skin too quickly, and you can always shower while your parents probably come into contact with your dirty laundry.
  • Place your laundry in the dryer for a few minutes with other fabrics.
  • If you are caught with cigarettes in your pocket, you can say that you swapped coats with a friend who smokes and that he forgot to take them out.
  • If you smoke menthol cigarettes, mint/menthol chewing gum or other mint/menthol products may help reduce suspicion.
  • There are several aerosol deodorants that are used specifically to eliminate cigarette/weed odor.
  • Make U-shaped paper cigarette clips. They will reduce hand contact with the cigarette, and your hands will smell less.
  • If you quit smoking or don't start, you will have nothing to hide.
  • Hide cigarettes in your room where they will not be visible. For example, under furniture or in a drawer.
  • It won't be difficult to hide it from your parents if you lie often.

The essence of the ban law

Federal Law No. 15 consists of a number of clauses and articles that detail its content.

Contents No. 15-FZ dated 02.23.13:

  • Listing of general concepts and principles of protecting the body from the effects of tobacco components;
  • Responsibilities and rights of citizens in the context under consideration;
  • Powers of government representatives in the field of protection from the influence of tobacco components.

The law describes in detail the places where smoking is not permitted, indicates the restrictions imposed on the sale of cigarettes, introduces prohibitive measures on advertising products for tobacco and the smoking process itself, for example, in cinema, and several other points:

  • The procedure for providing citizens with support from medical workers aimed at abstaining from tobacco addiction;
  • Various measures aimed at reducing the use and demand of cigarettes;
  • Measures of executive control according to all criteria of the legislative act.

Law No. 15-FZ affected 4 more Federal Laws, which required amendments. They were the laws: “on the principles of organization of government bodies”, “on the organization of self-government bodies”, “on advertising” and “on violations in the field of health protection”. The full version of this regulatory act can be found on the official website of the government of the Russian Federation.


  • Cotton clothing retains odors longer than most other fabrics.
  • The cologne trick doesn't always work. If you apply too much, they may think you're getting high from the Ax Effect or using it to cover up the smell. Parents with a good sense of smell (especially former smokers) are able to smell cigarettes through it. Clean your tongue with your teeth to eliminate the smell, and make sure you have a couple of friends who smoke. This way, you can always say the good old phrase: “Yes, that’s right, I went out with so and so. It's so disgusting that they smoke, isn't it?" when they ask why you smell like an ashtray. You can also say something like, “Oh, cool!” to sound funny. If you joke about it and show that it doesn't bother you, parents will be less suspicious.
  • If your parents are non-smokers, they will still be able to smell the smoke no matter how hard you try to clean yourself and your belongings. Even if you don't smell cigarettes, they do. Simply because people who don't smoke have a healthier and more sensitive sense of smell. Well, parents who are completely sensitive to smells will notice this right away - if you have one in your family, you already know this!
  • Some former smokers are extremely sensitive to the smell of cigarettes. If your parents smoked but quit, they may feel it even more strongly than if they had never smoked before.
  • The smell of some cigarette brands lingers longer than others. For example, Parliament, Marlboro red/light and Camel are considered more caustic. Light Marlboro with menthol does not smell as strong.
  • Remember, if your parents find out that you lied to them, they may be reluctant to trust you again after that.
  • Cigarette smoke disappears within 45 minutes if you smoke one cigarette. With each next add another 15 minutes.
  • Smoking causes cancer in the mouth, throat and lungs, and therefore can kill. Do not smoke if you are pregnant or underage (the age is generally 16 in Europe, 18 in Australia, 18 or 19 in Canada, and 18 in New Zealand, UK, Russia and the US). Moreover, smoking turns your hands and teeth yellow from nicotine and causes wrinkles and lines around your lips from holding a cigarette in your mouth.
  • Do not smoke in bed under any circumstances. It is very dangerous. While in bed, it is very easy to fall asleep and drop your cigarette on the carpet or furniture, which can cause a fire.

Fine for smoking in a public place

The size of the fine for non-compliance with this legal act depends on several factors:

  • Where was the offender detained?
  • The norms were violated by a legal entity, individual or official;
  • Were persons under the age of majority involved in the process of nicotine use?

Where was the illegal act committed?

  1. The citizen smoked in a place prohibited by law. A representative of executive bodies has the right to give a warning if the fact of the act was recorded for the first time, or issue a fine from 500 to 1,500 rubles. The written protocol is considered administrative.
  2. Smoking on children's or playgrounds, in places where children gather, can cost the smoker up to 3,000 rubles.
  3. Separately from the fine for smoking, the offender will be fined up to 2,000 rubles if he involved a minor in the process of consuming cigarettes, bought him a pack of cigarettes, or promoted smoking.
  4. The parents of a teenager for acts committed in the third paragraph may be fined up to 3,000 rubles.

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In addition to the authorities themselves, citizens can complain about a heavy smoker, it all depends on how much harm he constantly causes by smoking in the wrong place. The amount of the fine in the situation under consideration will be up to one and a half thousand rubles if the victims write a statement to the police and the guilt of the person breaking the law is revealed.

Video materials and witness statements will be considered evidence of guilt.

Other interesting questions and answers

14 years old boy, what should you do if you get burned while smoking? I don’t want them to be disappointed in me, can you share your experience?

If you don’t want to be disappointed in you, then don’t do something that will disappoint your parents. Everything is extremely simple.

Of course, your parents see you as the best child in the world and when you do something that doesn’t fit into their idea of ​​you, it’s like a knife to their heart. You have to come to terms with this, you will do these things, you will have conflicts and that’s life.

But the most important thing is to understand that at every age, parents see different “characters” in you. At the age of 14, they will be sad that you smoke, but will be happy that you are a good student. At the age of 18, smoking will not upset them so much, but going to university will please them much more. If you start smoking at 25, they'll just say you're being stupid, but if you take them to the seaside on vacation, they'll be much happier about it.

And it’s also very important to understand that at your age you decide on a lot of things. The choice of education, social circle and habits will affect your life. And smoking will become a problem for you in the future.

Mikhail Kozlov 17

Good Saturday. I miss the hell out of long, detailed answers. Please consider my question. So, how do you feel about smoking? What does smoking lead to? Don’t hide it if you’ve tried smoking, and I’m sure many have tried it.

How to hide that you smoke?

Chewing gum doesn't help, my clothes and hands still smell like cigarettes, what should I do?

A non-smoking person can smell a smoker 50 meters away.

This is if he walks with a cigarette and smokes.

I remember at school, girls would bring a clothespin with them and hang on a cigarette and smoke so that their hands would not stink.

Mint and lemon help eliminate the smell of tobacco from the mouth.

Antitobacco sprays are also now sold in pharmacies.

But you need to understand that clothes and hair also smell strongly of tobacco.

So it’s better to get rid of this habit once and for all and not give off the smell of an ashtray.

The skin also absorbs nicotine and a non-smoker will feel it.

The only way out is to wash in the shower and rub yourself with aroma oils after each cigarette.

You need it, throw it away. If this is unpleasant for someone.

Or look for a person who has a neutral attitude towards the smoker, without disgust.

Chewing gum doesn't help, my clothes and hands still smell like cigarettes, what should I do?

A non-smoking person can smell a smoker 50 meters away. This is if he walks with a cigarette and smokes. I remember at school, girls would bring a clothespin with them and hang on a cigarette and smoke so that their hands would not stink. Mint and lemon help eliminate the smell of tobacco from the mouth. Antitobacco sprays are also now sold in pharmacies. But you need to understand that clothes and hair also smell strongly of tobacco. So it’s better to get rid of this habit once and for all and not give off the smell of an ashtray. The skin also absorbs nicotine and a non-smoker will feel it. The only way out is to wash in the shower and rub yourself with aroma oils after each cigarette. You need it, throw it away. If this is unpleasant for someone. Or look for a person who has a neutral attitude towards the smoker, without disgust.

I suggest this method of preparation:

  1. Drill 2 holes in the outer wall.
  2. insert the long mouthpiece (tube) into the smaller hole
  3. insert a larger tube (20 - 30 mm) into the larger hole

Smoking process:

  1. go outside
  2. insert the cigarette into the mouthpiece and light it
  3. return to the room, take a drag without touching the mouthpiece with your hands
  4. blow smoke into a large pipe
  5. After finishing smoking, take a puff of “Antitabak”
  6. go out, remove the cigarette butt with tweezers and extinguish it (against fire)

How do you like this method? But neither your hands nor your clothes will stink.

Medical methods

Quitting smoking forever is difficult without the help of a specialist. Modern medicine offers several ways to combat smoking. We offer you an overview of all methods of getting rid of nicotine addiction.

Nicotine gum

The method consists of using special chewing gum every time you want to smoke. The composition contains a small dose of nicotine, which is absorbed into the blood through the mucous membrane. For some time, the craving for cigarettes decreases. The taste of the chewing gum is unpleasant and does not resemble the usual “Orbit” and “Dirol”, which makes the method not entirely comfortable.

Help from a narcologist

Traditional medicine offers the services of a narcologist. The doctor selects the optimal treatment program: sedatives, anti-stress pills, etc. Often the method does not give results, since it is based on the “placebo effect” and the patient does not lose the desire to smoke.

Nicotine patches

A simple and affordable way to quit smoking at home. Small doses of the substance are contained in a patch that must be attached to the body in certain places. The disadvantage of this method is that after quitting smoking you will have to wean yourself off the nicotine-containing patch.

Anti-smoking sprays

The modern method is to use a spray with a small dose of nicotine at moments when you want to smoke. The composition contains chemical additives and toxins that are no less harmful than the tar and nicotine from tobacco. Similar to the patch, you need to get used to the effects of the spray.

Is it possible to smoke near the hospital?

Smoking is prohibited on hospital territory, and if there are smoking areas outside the hospital territory, and the administrative code states that patients are not allowed to go beyond the boundaries of hospital-owned land, punishment can be imposed specifically for violating the Code of Administrative Offenses.

In some neurological dispensaries, since 2015, the administration has been accommodating to patients, allowing them to leave the smoking area, since breaking the habits of such patients can lead to increased irritability and depression. In any case, this territory must be marked.

How to neutralize aroma from wallpaper?

It will not be enough to simply ventilate a heavily smoky room. Cigarette smoke is firmly absorbed into surrounding objects, and wallpaper suffers more from this.

If the wallpaper can withstand wet treatment, it is worth going over it with a sponge dipped in an aqueous solution of vinegar.

If the wallpaper is old, with a lingering smell of cigarettes, you can simply replace it with new ones by carrying out cosmetic repairs.

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