For those with a sweet tooth: how to prepare confiture from fruits and berries
Raspberry confiture Let's prepare raspberry confiture. Such a delicacy can become an independent participant in tea drinking or
Apple jam for the winter. Recipes for delicious preparation in slices, whole and with additives
Apple jam has already become the basis of home cooking. It is eaten just like that, added to
cucumbers in tomato sauce
Making preparations for the winter from large cucumbers
Sliced ​​cucumbers in tomato sauce A tasty dish - a replacement for fresh vegetable salad, which
Tomato-garlic sauce
Recipe: Tomato-garlic sauce. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.
Reviews (3) 3 Prepared by: Valentina60 06/06/2013 Cooking time: 25 min Save I cooked
Ketchup with cinnamon for the winter: recipe with step-by-step description, storage
Tomato sauce made from tomatoes without vinegar and cooking - a recipe for the winter. Before you
Preparations for the winter
9 super recipes for winter preparations... For all occasions!
Salads and snacks for the winter Tomato preparations for the winter Mushrooms, ginger, lemons –
Cucumber and carrot salad for the winter
Cucumbers and carrots for the winter: step-by-step recipes with photos
13 Prepared by: Alexey Marchuk 09.25.2015 Cooking time: 19 hours 0 minutes Save I
Lightly salted cucumbers - 7 quick recipes with garlic and herbs, stage 3
The best selection of recipes for quick-cooking lightly salted cucumbers
When cucumbers are pickled, components such as sodium, iron,
Cold pickling of cucumbers is considered the simplest and most convenient way of home canning, allowing you to preserve the beneficial properties of vegetables
How to prepare delicious cucumber preparations for the winter without vinegar
Video The harvesting season is a hot time for any housewife. When does harvest time begin?
adjika with pepper
Adjika from tomatoes without garlic for the winter: stock up, you won’t regret it! Various recipes for adjika from tomatoes without garlic for the winter
Adjika from bell pepper It is not necessary to add tomatoes when preparing adjika. Tomatoes in recipes
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