Why do many housewives add soda to minced meat (I now do the same)

Fragrant marinade

Make a small bag from several (3-4) layers of gauze, put spices in it, add chopped onions, wrap tightly and pour boiling water over it. Cook for 3-5 minutes. Remove the mixture from heat, add garlic and a coffee spoon of citric acid. Wait until it cools down completely. Pour the cold marinade over the prepared meat and refrigerate overnight.

Read also: Pickled kohlrabi for the winter

For this marinade you will need 10 juniper berries, 6 clove flower buds, one tablespoon of dried mint, 15 grams (1 tablespoon) of dried marjoram and 6 pieces of ground allspice.

Popular diets

“Why does chicken sometimes smell like vinegar?” Several TV viewers came to us with this question. We bought three samples of chilled chicken fillet from different brands and went to the meat industry research institute. Here you don’t rely on your own instincts. What and why a product smells is determined by the “Electronic Nose” scientific device. To analyze the smell, the electronic nose only needs three grams of the product. The expert takes two samples from each sample for a more reliable result.

The device takes the test tubes and heats them to 50 degrees. The product begins to smell more intensely. A thin needle pierces the lid of the container and selects the gas environment above the product. On the screen we see the result of the study in the form of a graph. Using it, an expert can say with confidence whether the fillet is fresh or not... Was it treated with any chemicals? And even determine the degree of ripening of meat. In this case, no vinegar was found.

If you detect a faint smell of vinegar, then most likely the manufacturer used peracetic acid to treat poultry carcasses with antimicrobial properties. It is not prohibited. But it is better that the chicken fillet does not have any foreign odors.

Why do I add a little soda to the minced meat?

Everything is simple here - soda simply makes it more fluffy and juicy. As a result, the cooked cutlets turn out tastier and more tender.

But there are several important secrets here:

  1. Additionally, many are accustomed to adding a little milk, but this product can significantly worsen the taste of meat.
  2. If you use soda, it is recommended to thoroughly knead the minced meat to saturate the mass with oxygen.
  3. When using soda, do not add eggs - this will make the cooked cutlets very tough. Similarly, you need to give up bread.
  4. To improve the taste, it is advisable to add a little butter - in this case the cutlets will be more tender.

Regular soda will make the minced meat softer and more tender (Photo: herkkusuut.com)

Recipe for making minced meat with the addition of soda:

  1. Take 1 tsp. soda per 1 kg of minced meat.
  2. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for half an hour.
  3. Add 1 tsp. salt, herbs, finely chopped onion.
  4. Form cutlets and cook them in any convenient way.

Slightly rotten smell

If left in a warm room even for a short period of time, various microbes and bacteria will happily get to work, receiving a nutrient medium in the form of an appetizing cut of meat.

The smell appears very quickly. You can remove it using the following methods.

  • Soak in cold water with a spoonful of vinegar for an hour, then rinse.
  • Soak in lemon juice or wine for an hour. If the piece is large, it should be cut into pieces. After this, rinse.
  • Spread small pieces in mustard and leave for an hour. After this, rinse thoroughly.
  • Soak in salt water (there should be a lot of salt), then rinse thoroughly.
  • Soak in a weak, barely pink solution of potassium permanganate, then rinse in running water and leave in cold for 15 minutes.
  • Chop onion and garlic into a container with meat, add herbs and leave for an hour.

If during this time the desired effect does not occur, the meat can be considered completely spoiled. In addition, if the smell returns during cooking, you should not waste the effort and money spent - you must throw away the product immediately.

Chicken fillet. Where does the vinegar smell come from? Good morning. Fragment of the release dated 04/03/2017

“Why does chicken sometimes smell like vinegar?” Several TV viewers came to us with this question. We bought three samples of chilled chicken fillet from different brands and went to the meat industry research institute. Here you don’t rely on your own instincts. What and why a product smells is determined by the “Electronic Nose” scientific device. To analyze the smell, the electronic nose only needs three grams of the product. The expert takes two samples from each sample for a more reliable result.

The device takes the test tubes and heats them to 50 degrees. The product begins to smell more intensely. A thin needle pierces the lid of the container and selects the gas environment above the product. On the screen we see the result of the study in the form of a graph. Using it, an expert can say with confidence whether the fillet is fresh or not... Was it treated with any chemicals? And even determine the degree of ripening of meat. In this case, no vinegar was found.

If you detect a faint smell of vinegar, then most likely the manufacturer used peracetic acid to treat poultry carcasses with antimicrobial properties. It is not prohibited. But it is better that the chicken fillet does not have any foreign odors.

Meat and Poultry Dictionary | Dictionary

Many different animals and birds were hunted in the wild, but only a few were raised for their meat. In the ancient civilizations of Egypt, India, China and Greece, people raised pigs, sheep, cattle and poultry such as chickens and ducks, all of which are still raised today. Although much has changed since ancient times, the types of meat and poultry we eat today have largely remained the same.


In the modern supermarket we see the same meats, although the cuts may have changed. Today's cuts of beef include top round, ribs and steaks such as sirloin and t-bone steak, as well as various cuts of veal . We also see legs of lamb and lamb chops , as well as lamb from older sheep. of pork can also be seen , including pork butts, pork chops and spare ribs, as well as cured pork such as bacon and ham . All types of meat: diced , stewed, minced , sausage, meat pies and hamburger patties.

Rabbit and goat meat are also eaten in many places, as well as various types of offal such as liver, kidney, heart, tripe and brains. By-products and meats such as ox tongue, sheep's head and pig's feet or "trotters" are often eaten by people who cannot afford more expensive meat, or in places where every edible part of a killed animal is cooked and eaten. In ancient times, people also hunted game , such as wild boar, deer, quail and pheasant, all of which meat is still eaten today, especially in expensive restaurants.

Domestic bird

Birds kept as poultry include chickens, ducks, geese and turkeys. The whole bird can be boiled or fried, or it can be cut into pieces before cooking. For example, when we eat fried chicken, we may eat pieces of breast or wings or drumsticks . Poultry eggs are also an important food, with chicken eggs being the most popular. When shopping, you can buy free-range poultry or eggs if you don't like industrial farming, where birds are kept in small cages and are never allowed to roam freely outside the world.

bacon (noun): meat from the back or sides of a pig, cured and sliced ​​- We ate bacon and eggs every morning when I was a kid.

beef (noun): meat from a cow, ox or ox - We have roast beef and vegetables for dinner.

breast (noun): meat from the front of the bird - Who wants another piece of chicken breast?

chop (noun): a small piece of meat, usually lamb or pork, near the ribs - Could you get pork chops from the supermarket, please?

cure (verb): to preserve meat by smoking, curing or drying - Ham and bacon can be cured or smoked.

cut (noun): a piece of meat cut from a specific part of an animal - The High Street butcher has the best cuts of beef.

cubes (verb): to cut food into small cubes or square pieces - Steak and kidney pie contain diced meat and gravy.

drumstick (noun): boiled chicken leg - Don't eat all the drumsticks!

free-range (adjective): (poultry) able to live naturally outside instead of being kept inside a farm - Make sure you get your eggs from free-range hens.

game (noun): 1. wild animals and birds hunted by people 2. meat from caught animals and birds - The only places that serve game these days are expensive restaurants.

ham (noun): cured meat from the top half of a pig, usually sliced ​​- I'll have a ham sandwich, please.

lamb (noun): 1. young lamb 2. meat of a young ram - People have been eating lamb for thousands of years.

meat (noun): the meat of animals or birds used for food - Jason has stopped eating meat, but still eats fish and seafood.

mince (verb): to cut meat into small pieces, often using a machine called a mincer - If you buy ground beef, I'll make hamburgers for dinner.

lamb (noun): meat from an adult sheep - David thinks they put lamb in the curry instead of mutton.

offal (noun): organs of an animal or bird that are eaten, such as liver, heart and kidneys - Everyone used to eat offal, but I had never tried it.

pork (noun): pig meat - Do you know which religions prohibit eating pork?

poultry (noun): 1. birds kept for meat or eggs 2. the meat of these birds - We serve meat, fish and poultry, all with salad or vegetables.

sausage (noun): minced meat in a long tube of skin, usually fried - How many sausages do you take to a barbecue?

slaughter (verb): to kill an animal for its meat - Have you ever seen animals being slaughtered in a slaughterhouse?

ribs (noun): a cut of pork or beef containing rib bones - Last night I dreamed that I was eating ribs.

steak (noun): a thick cut of high quality beef - I don't think steak and chips is a very healthy lunch for kids.

tripe (noun): the stomach of a sheep or cow, eaten as food - My uncle likes tripe, but I think it's terrible.

veal (noun): meat from a calf or young cow - I'd like some veal with garden vegetables, please.

Dictionary of fish and seafood

Author: Joseph Essberger

English club: Learn English: Vocabulary: Thematic dictionary: Food: Types of food: Meat and poultry.

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