How to remove tomato stains from colored and white clothes

How to remove tomato stains from clothes: 10 ways

First, carefully remove the dried tomato pulp.

How to remove stains from tomatoes

You can quickly get rid of marks on clothes if:

  1. The juice did not have time to dry completely before washing . A fresh mark is easier to remove. Removing an old stain is often accompanied by destruction of the tissue structure.
  2. Initially, the stain was removed by hand using special products. Machine wash is the second stage.
  3. The treatment was carried out from the edges to the center of the spot, and not vice versa . Otherwise, the stain will spread in breadth.

The work is carried out on the table, having previously placed a cotton towel on it, which will absorb excess liquid.

The cleaning technology depends on the type of active substance that can remove the trace. There are 10 most popular methods that have proven their effectiveness in practice.

Laundry soap

Laundry soap is an effective and fabric-friendly product that allows you to preserve the color and structure of the material.

You can get rid of a tomato stain by quickly washing it with laundry soap.

Operating procedure:

  1. Bring a small amount of water to a boil.
  2. Pour boiling water over the stain.
  3. Lather generously with a bar of laundry soap.
  4. Clean with a soft brush or by hand.

To remove remaining stains, wash with laundry soap and rinse thoroughly with sufficient water.

If it is impossible to use boiling water quickly, you can get by with cool water.

Hydrogen peroxide

Considered the strongest bleach, suitable for white delicate materials.

Depending on the area of ​​contamination, different methods are used:

  1. If the spot is small, you can apply a drop of undiluted hydrogen oxide to it.
  2. To remove a decent stain, you need to dilute 50 ml of peroxide in 3 liters of water, saturate the entire contaminated area with the resulting solution.

In both cases, you need to wait 30 minutes, then manually wash the problem area. There should not be a trace left of the stain.

Table vinegar

The product allows you to clean kitchen towels and aprons from traces of tomatoes.

If the spot is small, you can apply a drop of undiluted hydrogen oxide to it

Work order:

  1. Moisten the stain with 5% vinegar.
  2. Leave for some time for the acid and dye to react.
  3. Wash the area with soap or dishwashing liquid.

You can clean natural cotton fabrics from abundant traces of tomato:

  1. Soak for several hours in a solution of vinegar and water, taken in a 1:1 ratio.
  2. Subsequent washing in the washing machine.

Vinegar is an aggressive substance; when working with it, you must be careful: do not inhale, if it gets on mucous membranes, rinse immediately with water.

Ammonia and salt

There are two recipes for cleaning tomato stains using ammonia and salt:

  1. Mix the ingredients. Apply the paste to the contaminated area and clean using circular rubbing movements.
  2. Sprinkle a thin layer of salt over the stain. Pour a small amount of alcohol on it and clean it in the same way.

Then, after 30 minutes, remove the dried salt crystals with a brush or hand and wash the product.

The combination of ammonia and salt is more effective than when the components are used separately.

Green tomato and talcum powder

The combination of ammonia and salt is effective on ketchup stains.
Unripe tomato juice can remove stains from a ripe tomato.


  1. Squeeze the required amount of juice directly onto the stain.
  2. Wait until completely absorbed into the fabric.
  3. Clean with a soft brush or hands.
  4. Apply a thin layer of talcum powder and leave for 15 minutes.
  5. Wash the item.

The advantage of this method is that it is suitable not only for white, but also for colored clothes.


You can get rid of tomato stains using sour milk or whey. This is an effective and at the same time very gentle product, suitable for long-term processing, including soaking, of thin and delicate materials.

Rules of application:

  1. Warm the whey a little.
  2. Dip the dirty area or item completely (if size allows) into a container with serum.
  3. Leave for 30 minutes (overnight if heavily soiled).
  4. Wash completely.

For better results, add laundry soap to the milk, previously crushed on a coarse grater.

Oxalic acid

To prepare a cleaning product from oxalic acid, you need to dissolve 2 g of acid in 200 ml of water.

Then use the resulting mixture to remove traces of tomato from clothes:

  1. Apply the product to the stained material and wait 30 minutes.
  2. Check the quality of cleaning, if necessary, leave for another 10 minutes.
  3. Rub the area with laundry soap.
  4. Wash and rinse clothes.

Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate)

The product is suitable for products made of colored fabrics.
As a result of using a solution of potassium permanganate, pink stains remain, noticeable on light-colored clothes. For this reason, the product is more suitable for products made of colored fabrics.

Stain removal technology:

  1. Pour a sufficient amount of warm water into a large basin.
  2. Take a little dry potassium permanganate (literally what will fit on the head of a match).
  3. Add the product to a bowl of water. Thoroughly dissolve the potassium permanganate; the water should turn pale pink.
  4. Place the clothes in the water and straighten out all the wrinkles.
  5. Leave for 20 minutes.
  6. Clean the problem area with your hands.
  7. Wash clothes in a machine.

All steps must be followed precisely, otherwise the tomato remover itself – potassium permanganate – will cause the appearance of difficult-to-remove stains.

Glycerin and ammonia

A combined solution of these components allows you to get rid of old traces of tomatoes.

This requires:

  1. Make a solution using 1 part ammonia (or ammonia) and 2 parts glycerin.
  2. Apply to the contaminated area.
  3. Leave for 3-4 hours. During the specified time, as a result of chemical reactions, the stain will be eliminated.
  4. Wash the product.

Effective Methods for Removing Tough Stains

There are several effective ways to help deal with difficult tomato juice stains:

1. Washing powder . This method is great for synthetic fabrics. You need to prepare a concentrated solution of powder and water. It is then applied to the material. You need to let it sit for half an hour, and then rinse the clothes thoroughly. Afterwards you can wash the fabric in the washing machine.

2. Laundry soap. If the stain is several days old, it can still be removed with regular soap. Contaminants are removed thanks to the acids that are part of the bar. It is necessary to thoroughly soap the stain and leave for 30 minutes. Then you can wash your clothes as usual.

3. Antipyatin. This is a special soap that cleans different types of fabrics well. It is suitable for different materials. Antipyatin's biggest advantage is hypoallergenicity. This product is suitable for washing baby clothes.

4. Stain remover. It effectively fights any pollution. The product is very concentrated, so it can ruin clothes. Be sure to select a stain remover based on the type of fabric. Particularly strong are stain removers such as Vanish, Amway, Faberlic.

5. Bleach. This product is only suitable for white items. It is advisable to use bleach for cotton or linen. Delicate fabrics require more gentle products.

If none of the above methods have dealt with the stain, you can use folk remedies.

How to remove a tomato stain from white clothes

White clothes do not fade, which makes it possible to use quite aggressive chemicals.

The desired result will be ensured by washing with specialized industrial products:

  • bleach "Bos+";
  • Extra Oxy oxygen bleach;
  • laundry soap “Eared Nyan” with a whitening effect.

A good bleaching effect is also ensured by acid-containing substances, so recipes based on:

  • oxalic acid;
  • vinegar;
  • ammonia and glycerin;
  • green tomato juice;
  • hydrogen peroxide.

It is not recommended to choose potassium permanganate for white clothes.

How to peel a tomato from colored fabrics

Professional products

Attention! When using professional products, such as special stain removers, you need to carefully study their composition and the possibility of use on a specific fabric.

The use of aggressive agents, compounds containing chlorine, and universal stain removers is excluded. This is dangerous for thin, multi-colored materials. And universal products are not designed to remove traces of tomato and ketchup.


Based on its effect on the red pigment of tomatoes, Frosh is the most suitable product for removing it. It is also effective in removing old tomato marks on any clothing, including white T-shirts. Use the product before washing with powder, directly applying it to the area and rubbing the stain with your hands in warm water.

Boss is an excellent stain remover for old and new marks on a T-shirt. It is also used before the main wash, according to the general principles of removing dirt.


The widely used Vanis stain remover has gained popularity due to its effective removal of tomato stains from colored clothing. At the same time, it does not disturb the basic color of the clothing or spoil the structure of the fabric.

Oxi Magic

Oxi Magic stain remover is used according to the general principles of removing tomato stains, before the main wash of clothes with powders. Its peculiarity is its gentle effect on the structure of the fabric, due to which the red pigment is washed out even on old dirt.



The Faberlic company produces various products - stain removers, washing powders. Each product has accompanying instructions that guide the selection for a specific fabric and the technology for removing stains.


The classic Antipyatin soap has long been known to housewives. It perfectly removes stains from tomatoes and herbs if you pre-wash them with your hands in warm water. According to its properties, Antipyatin is safe for various fabrics and hypoallergenic for hands and clothing. This allows you to use it in hand washing children's clothing.

Features of cleaning multi-colored fabrics

The following universal products are effective and gentle stain removers for colored fabrics:

  • Ace Oxi Magic;
  • Udalix Oxi Ultra;
  • Astonish OXY PLUS;
  • Sarma Active 5 in 1.

The active oxygen present in their composition delicately removes stains without disturbing the structure or blurring the color of the fabric.

Suitable traditional remedies:

  • milk;
  • green tomato juice;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • laundry soap;
  • glycerin or salt with ammonia.

The type of stain remover determines the stain removal technology:

  • traditional - used first of all, they get rid of stains at the initial stage, before washing the item.
  • universal stain removers are added directly to the machine simultaneously with powder or gel and remove old stains on clothes during general washing.

Basic rules for removing tomato stains

Timely cleaning of clothes will keep them new

A number of special rules will allow you to remove stubborn tomato stains on a T-shirt, jeans or any other white and colored knitwear, including delicate fabrics:

  1. Timeliness is the main condition for washing. The longer you delay the procedure, the more difficult it is to remove stains. It is impossible to remove stains that appeared more than a week ago without damaging the tissue structure.
  2. You should not wash clothes with a tomato stain in the machine. Pre-wash it by hand using available products.
  3. Treat contamination from the edges to the center so as not to increase the amount of work.
  4. Soak old stains in laundry soap or prepared solution for 30 minutes. Finally, wash with additional detergent or soap.
  5. If you are treating the stain on a table, place a kitchen towel under your dress or shirt. It will absorb the dripping dissolved tomato.

A special feature of tomato juice is its ability to color fabrics. A permanent stain forms when the pigment is absorbed into the structure of the material, making it impossible to remove the red tint. This is the main reason why timely washing is required to achieve results.

When choosing a method, consider the type of fabric

A gentle method for removing tomato stains is based on the use of mineral water.
Information about the type and washing conditions is reflected on the label sewn into the product. It is advisable to first test a small piece of fabric in an area hidden from view.

A gentle method for removing tomato stains is based on the use of mineral water . It is suitable for wool and delicate fabrics and is simple.


  1. Soak the contaminated area with mineral water;
  2. Wait 30 minutes: during this time the pigment should be neutralized.
  3. Wash the item.

The most convenient specialized stain removers are:

  • Edelstar from Faberlic;
  • PreWash Spray from Amway.

They contain enzymes that allow you to delicately clean different types of fabrics. The most popular product is Vanish in liquid form.

How to remove old tomato stains

In this case, the process of removing dried and possibly old tomato marks will be a little more difficult.

  • Old stains on wool are removed with glycerin. Place a couple of drops of the substance on the problem area. Next, apply a solution of ammonia and warm water in a 1:1 ratio to a cotton pad and further treat the stained area. Afterwards, rinse everything well and wash the clothes by hand in a mild soap solution (preferably with conditioner) at a temperature of no more than 40 degrees.
  • The area of ​​contamination is rubbed very generously with laundry soap, wrapped in polyethylene so that the fabric does not dry out and left to act for several hours (you can

    oh even for the whole day). Then the clothes are taken out and washed thoroughly under warm water. If traces of the tomato remain visible, rub them with a mixture of washing powder or a suitable stain remover and put them in the washing machine.

  • Unusual method. Heat up plain milk, which you always buy at the store, and soak the stained area of ​​fabric in it for a while. Then rinse thoroughly under hot water and dry.
  • You can buy Vanish universal stain remover at any supermarket or hardware store. All instructions for its use are described in detail on the packaging of the product.

How to remove stains from tomato tops

Yellow-green sap oozing from broken branches or leaves of a tomato plant also leaves marks easily. Getting rid of them is not easy, especially if they have dried out. Fresh stains are much easier to remove.

Removal method:

  1. Soak clothes in warm water.
  2. Rub generously with soap.
  3. Leave for several hours. The fabric must remain wet during this time (watch this).
  4. Put it in the wash.

The method allows you to completely get rid of traces of juicy tops and leaves. Instead of laundry soap, dishwashing liquid is also suitable.

In this case:

  • pre-soaking of clothes is not required;
  • The detergent should completely saturate the stained area.

Then proceed in the same way.

Remove fresh stains

Immediately after the tomato stain has settled on the fabric, it must be washed immediately. Fresh, not dried marks can be removed with boiling water, household soap, or mineral water without dyes.

Boiling water

Dirt from tomato paste can be washed off with boiling water from any clothing that does not fade from exposure to hot water.

Attention: treatment with boiling water is not suitable for denim - areas of contact with hot water are sharply lightened.

Laundry soap

Treatment with laundry soap is used when boiling water has not washed away all the dirt.

If the pigment has managed to be absorbed into the structure of the fabric, you need to soap the contaminated area, leave it for ½ hour, then wash it by hand again. Repeated rinsing will help get rid of any remaining dirt.


Fresh traces of tomato can be washed off with mineral water. This method is considered an emergency aid, especially for removing dirt from white, woolen, and cotton clothes.

Gases from mineral water act like active oxygen; they do not harm the structure of the tissue.

How to remove tomato, ketchup or tomato sauce stains from wool clothes

  1. To do this, it is recommended to use mineral water, into which you should dip a cotton swab or disk and apply it to the stained area with light rubbing movements.
  2. To remove old stains left from tomatoes, it is better to use a couple of drops of glycerin, which should be applied to the problem area. Stains treated with glycerin should be rubbed with a cotton pad previously soaked in ammonia diluted with plain water.
  3. After which the treated item should be rinsed well in water heated to a warm temperature.

Household chemicals

Not every modern woman wants to use folk recipes to remove difficult stains. Therefore, there are special stain removers that are best used in accordance with the instructions from their manufacturers. In order for the results of such processing to meet expectations, it is recommended to purchase chemicals from proven brands and in accordance with the fabrics that will be treated with them. Accordingly, for leatherette products it is recommended to use Sharky brand stain remover; for beige and colored items it is better to use Vanish OXI ACTION MULTI.

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