For lovers of the orange root vegetable, how to store carrots in the refrigerator to preserve their beneficial properties?

  • Shelf life: 6 months
  • Shelf life: 6 months
  • Shelf life in the refrigerator: 1 month
  • Freezer life: 12 months

Storage conditions:
Store at temperatures from 0 to +3 ° C and relative humidity no more than 90%

  • 4. How to store carrots in the cellar
  • Carrots are a healthy and necessary vegetable for the human body. It contains many vitamins and also contains carotene. This substance is known for the fact that in the human body it turns into vitamin A. By eating carrots, you can supplement the body not only with vitamins, but also with essential minerals. Carrots have their own distinct smell due to the fact that they contain essential oils. Young women should include this vegetable in their diet, as it contains beta-carotene. It is a precursor to vitamin A. Also, if you have vision problems, you should start eating carrot dishes.

    How to properly store carrots in the cellar

    Before storing in the cellar, carrots must be removed from their butts and soil and thoroughly dried in the fresh air. It is not necessary to wash vegetables.

    How to store carrots in boxes

    Place about 2 cm of sand, pine sawdust, onion peels or moss in a wooden or plastic box. Whatever filler you choose, it must be dry.

    Distribute the vegetables on top in one layer at some distance from each other and cover them with some of the filler. Alternate layers until you run out of carrots.

    There should be a thick layer of filler at the top.

    How to store carrots in bags

    Place the carrots in plastic bags and tie them well, releasing excess air and blocking access to new ones.

    For reliability, you can use vacuum bags or make them yourself. To do this, you can suck the air out of ordinary bags with a vacuum cleaner.

    Sometimes two methods are combined at once: they put the carrots in bags, sprinkle them with sawdust, and tie them tightly. However, vegetables are well preserved even without any filler.

    How long does it last?

    The timing also depends on the type of carrots: whether they are cooked or raw, washed or not. Each type has some characteristics that you need to know.


    The timing depends on the processing method. Let's consider the most popular options: juice, Korean salad and simply boiled:

    As you can see from the instructions above, ready-made carrots do not last very long: it is better to consume them immediately to avoid spoilage and food poisoning.


    With fresh carrots, the situation is much better: its shelf life can be extended to almost a year - and this is all at home. At the same time, it remains fresh, tasty, crispy and rich in nutrients.

    How to properly store carrots in an apartment

    At home, you will have to resort to the help of a refrigerator and freezer. There you will be able to preserve the vegetable for many months.

    How to store carrots in the refrigerator

    Wash the carrots thoroughly and scrub with a sponge or brush to remove any dirt. Place the vegetables on a towel and dry thoroughly.

    Cut off the ends of dry carrots on both sides. Leave the vegetables for a while longer so that the cut areas dry out.

    Place the carrots in a tight plastic bag, release excess air and tie well. To be secure, you can put the bag of carrots with the knot down in another bag and tie it tightly too.

    Store a bag of carrots in the vegetable compartment of the refrigerator. In the first few days, condensation may form inside the bag. But after a while the water drops will disappear.

    Do I need to wash carrots?

    Whether to wash carrots before storing them is a controversial issue. Arguments for and against are actively put forward.

    The positive points include the following:

    • It is easier to notice damage on a washed vegetable and thereby immediately reject it for long-term storage;
    • During washing, most of the microbes that cause rotting are removed from the surface.

    Propagation of lemon by cuttings at home: rules, features and tips for caring for shoots (90 photos + video)

    Negative points:

    • with a large harvest, washing noticeably complicates and delays the process, since the vegetables must not only be washed well, but also dried no less efficiently;
    • washed vegetables can only be stored under certain conditions and the containers for them must be chosen more pickily (only baskets, wooden or special plastic boxes).

    By choosing the most suitable storage method and carefully preparing your vegetables, you can enjoy delicious, crunchy carrots all year round.


    How and what kind of carrots are useful?

    It has been scientifically proven that carrots contain a number of rare but important vitamins for the human body: K, PP, E, as well as C and group B. This root vegetable contains beta-carotene, which improves lung function, 1.3% protein, 7% carbohydrates.

    The vegetable is rich in minerals that the human body needs:

    • potassium, iron, phosphorus,
    • magnesium, cobalt, copper,
    • iodine, zinc, chromium,
    • fluorine, etc.

    Has a beneficial effect on the retina of the eye. However, all these beneficial properties are found only in unspoiled vegetables.


    It is necessary to comply with the conditions for selecting and preparing carrots:

    In the summer, carrots can always be found fresh in the markets and homemade only from the garden without spraying with harmful substances. In winter, carrots can be found on supermarket shelves brought from overseas and it is not known in what conditions they grew and what they were sprayed with against all sorts of pests and rapid growth for sale on a large scale.

    Thus, in order to avoid eating imported vegetables, it is very convenient to stock up on fresh carrots from the garden for the winter , and store carrots at home in an apartment for a long period in your own refrigerator.

    Today it is very convenient and useful when on a winter day you can take a fresh vegetable out of the refrigerator and add it to your favorite soup or other dish. The tips listed above will help you preserve not only carrots, but also beets and other root vegetables for the winter.

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    Which root vegetable is stored for a long time?

    It is impossible to answer this question unambiguously, since several factors are responsible for the safety of vegetables:

    The duration of storage directly depends on it. For example, early carrots are completely unsuitable for storage for a long time. And, conversely, the later the vegetable ripening period, the longer it can remain unharmed. The best preserved varieties are: “Forto”; "Valeria"; "Vita Longa"; "Moscow Winter" and others.

    Carrots intended for storage should not have surface damage. Such a vegetable is very attractive to fungi and pathogenic bacteria and will soon become contaminated.

    Only ripened root vegetables can be preserved in the winter; unripe ones will very soon begin to deteriorate.

    Small carrots are also not intended for long-term storage. It will not be easy for it to retain moisture; it will wither too quickly.

    In addition, in order for the vegetable to be stored longer, the temperature in the room must be maintained: from 0°C to 5°C.

    Air humidity is also of great importance. 65-75% is considered optimal. These parameters can be adjusted using ventilation in the storage. If all standards are observed, the vegetable can be stored for up to 10 months.

    Shelf life of carrots

    The shelf life depends on the location, conditions and type of carrots. In the apartment, the best area will be only the freezer; all other places will store carrots for no more than 1 month.

    Fresh carrots

    If all thermal conditions are met, fresh carrots can retain their beneficial properties for up to 6 months, but for this you will need to carefully process them and regularly monitor their condition. In the freezer the maximum period is 1 year, in the vegetable compartment 2-3 months, in a cool place - no more than 1 week.

    Washed carrots

    The storage conditions for washed carrots are practically no different, but the best option would be the refrigerator; just before storing them, wrap them in a plastic bag or cling film.

    Storage rules

    The success of preservation depends 50% on proper preparation of the vegetable for this process. Therefore, even during harvesting, it is necessary to separate spoiled root vegetables, which will be used for processing, from carrots without external damage, intended for storage.

    Washed root vegetables

    After preliminary sorting, the gardener who has just harvested the crop faces the first dilemma: whether to wash the vegetables or not. Of course, washed carrots, freed from soil with parasites, will last longer.

    It will be easier to sort it in winter: any changes on the surface of such a root crop will immediately become noticeable. However, washing can be a fatal step if it is not completely dried or done incorrectly.


    Root vegetables should be dried in the shade, in a well-ventilated place, on film or thick fabric. Vegetables should be laid out in one layer so that they do not cover each other; they must be turned over during the drying process so that moisture is removed evenly from the root vegetables.


    When the vegetables are completely dry, you can begin an equally important process: sorting. Each carrot should be carefully inspected and the roots should be left undamaged for the winter. Others should be eaten in the autumn or processed into juice or salads.

    The video presents an experiment that shows how carrots are preserved when stored in different ways.

    Which is correct?


    To keep peeled carrots fresh at temperatures from 2 °C to 6 °C for 24 hours, you need to pack them correctly.


    All recommended conditions must be observed so that the carrots remain presentable without losing all their beneficial properties for much longer. Peel the carrots, rinse, dry and grate.
    Pack the grated root vegetable in plastic or a vacuum bag and place it in the freezer. You can store grated carrots in this for quite a long time and is a semi-finished product for some dishes, in particular soups and salads, which is very convenient in winter.

    Grated carrots. One of the long-term storage methods:

    No freezing

    To preserve vegetables without freezing, you need to select the freshest and not overgrown fruits. Carefully and short cut the tops without damaging the top of the root crop. If the carrots are wet, they should be dried.

    It is believed that carrots that have stuck soil on them will last much longer; you should also not peel off the soil with something hard, so as not to cause mechanical damage that leads to early spoilage.

    This gas causes the root crop to rapidly wither. Pack the vegetable in plastic or cling film and place it in the bottom drawer of the refrigerator.

    Ways to properly store in winter

    Carrots should not be stored directly on the concrete floor of the basement. The vegetable can absorb harmful dust particles. Root vegetables must be carefully placed on a prepared place, flooring or in a container.

    Options for preparing containers intended for storing carrots:

    The container has ventilation holes from 1 to 2.5 cm, which promotes air circulation and compliance with humidity standards. The container is disinfected before use. To do this, the container is first washed, if it has already been used for household needs, and then doused with boiling water.

    Both plastic and wooden boxes are used to store carrots. In the basement, they should be located at a distance of 15-20 cm from the wall, so that the vegetables in them do not spoil from the moisture of the damp walls. To avoid dampness, boxes should also not be placed on the floor.

    Where can I store it?

    In a standard apartment, storage space is quite limited, but you can still often find several options:

    As it turned out, there are quite a lot of places in the apartment where you can store root vegetables even in winter. Is it possible to store carrots in a cellar or underground? Of course, if the temperature conditions are met. Only apartments are now found without a cellar, so the next question arises.

    Seven ways to store in the refrigerator

    So, you brought some carrots from your plot, bought them at the market or in a store. In what form should it be placed in the refrigerator?

    Unwashed carrots in plastic bags

    On our website there is a whole article devoted to studying the question of whether or not to wash carrots before storing; you can read it separately if this question still bothers you.

    If you traditionally store this vegetable unwashed, you will need to go through the following short steps before storing it in the refrigerator:

    • Sort through the root vegetables, separating damaged or rotten specimens from the total mass - they will need to be consumed first.
    • Place the sorted whole fruits in plastic bags, pump out the air from the bags if possible and tie them tightly. Place the bags in a special vegetable drawer in the refrigerator.

    How to properly prepare a root vegetable?

    The steps before putting carrots into the refrigerator for storage often depend on personal experience and habits . Few people decide to make a sudden experiment if they are planning a long-term harvest of root vegetables, because a mistake can be costly.

    The main difference is the almost Hamletian question “to wash or not to wash.” Some believe that washed root vegetables are stored better, others are inclined towards “grimy”.

    Do I need to pre-wash?

    To wash or not is a controversial issue. In support of carrot washing supporters, a number of advantages of this approach can be cited:

    • all mechanical damage or its absence is immediately visible;
    • traces of disease and decay are visible;
    • parasitic microorganisms are removed;
    • easier to sort through during storage.

    The disadvantages include the fact that washed carrots are more demanding on storage conditions and undesirable proximity in the refrigerator . It also takes longer to dry before sending it for long-term storage. It's up to you to decide which is best.

    General Tips

    Finally, we summarize some general nuances for storing carrots in the refrigerator:

    • Both excessive humidity and dry air are harmful to vegetables; try to maintain optimal humidity for storage: in tightly closed non-vacuum bags, carrots will not dry out, but they may rot, so periodically open the bags and inspect them, or make small holes in them for ventilation.
    • Go through your supplies from time to time and remove, if you find, damaged fruits so that they do not damage neighboring ones.
    • Do not store ripe vegetables with ripe apples, bananas or tomatoes - they all produce ethylene, which speeds up ripening and causes faster spoilage.
    • Carrots begin to wrinkle and dry out, become flabby, and from too high a temperature and humidity, they simply begin to germinate and all of their strength and juiciness are spent on growth.
    • To prevent germination, before placing in a bag, the fruits can be pre-cooled by placing them in the refrigerator for a day, and then put into bags and tie them.
    • According to GOST, on an industrial scale and in conditions, it is recommended to store carrots for the winter unwashed and under the following conditions: temperature not lower than 0 ˚C and not higher than +5 ˚C, with a humidity of 95–98%.
    • Carrots will be best stored at temperatures from 0 to +1 ˚C and at a humidity of 90–95%. This is the best option in which carrots will be preserved, depending on the keeping quality of the variety, for at least 4–6 months.

    You can store only a small amount of stock in the refrigerator; despite all the similarities in approaches, storing a large harvest has its own nuances.


    Shelf life of Korean carrots

    The root vegetable, crushed using a special grater, seasoned with red pepper, garlic, herbs and hot vegetable oil, acquires a new taste. After infusion, Korean carrots can be stored for no more than 2 weeks. Oil and spices are natural preservatives that increase the shelf life of any product.

    How long grated carrots can be stored in the refrigerator depends on several conditions. Chopped root vegetables, not cooked in Korean, can be consumed fresh for 1-2 days. The next day it is better to use it for cooking or freeze it.

    Carrots last a long time in the refrigerator: in bags on the vegetable shelf - more than 2 months, chopped in the freezer - from 6 to 12 months at temperatures from -18 to -30°C. It is important to properly prepare root vegetables and select packaging. Storage conditions must be observed to obtain maximum benefits from the “sunny” vegetable.

    What's the best way to keep carrots fresh in the refrigerator?

    Fresh carrots are one of the longest-livers in our refrigerators. It can be stored for a long time and used as needed, unless it has withered. Some housewives prefer cellars or balconies on which there are large boxes with gifts of nature. But in our case, we will consider how carrots will feel in a modern refrigerator. If you store carrots in your apartment in the refrigerator:

    • In the main compartment +3+6C – shelf life up to 2 days;
    • In the vegetable freshness zone 0+3C – up to 1 month;
    • In the freezer -8-20C - up to 6 months.

    But before you send the carrots to the refrigerator compartments, it is important to process them correctly!

    To wash or not to wash?

    Housewives are still debating whether or not to wash vegetables before putting them in the refrigerator? Judge for yourself:

    • If you do not wash, then the fruits will remain covered with fungal spores and rotted leaves, which are always present in the soil. And such a coating, under favorable conditions, will certainly lead to rotting of the carrots.
    • If you wash carrots before storing them in the refrigerator, you must dry them thoroughly with paper towels. Then place the vegetables on the shelves of the main compartment for several hours so that the cool air can dry out any remaining moisture.

    Attention! Never dry carrots using newspapers. Harmful typographic font is easily washed off and absorbed into the porous structure of fresh carrots.

    So that it doesn’t become sluggish and flabby!

    Now it remains to answer the question of how to store carrots in the refrigerator so that they do not become limp or flabby. To do this, you need to protect hard, crunchy vegetables from access to warm air and moisture. Vacuum containers, containers or regular cling film will help us in this matter. But even with complete tightness, there is a risk of shoots sprouting, softening and flabbiness. It is important to maintain an optimal humidity level of 65-70%. Avoid sudden changes in temperature, and keep the bags in the mode from 0 to +3 degrees.

    We divide clean, dried root vegetables into piles and place them in a prepared airtight container. It is important to deprive the carrots of air access as much as possible, then they will not be flabby for a long time and will remain fresh and crispy.

    Advice! Do not pack carrots with other fruits for long-term storage. The porous structure of the vegetable, like a sponge, absorbs “foreign” odors and quickly loses its beneficial properties!

    Bookmark in the vegetable compartment

    Housewives, before sending carrots to the vegetable shelf, keep them open in the main compartment so that they dry completely. Then the long root vegetables are packed like soldiers in plastic bags, 5-6 pieces in one container. The bags are deprived of air, tied and kept in the greens compartment. In this form in the refrigerator, without freezing, fresh carrots will retain their properties throughout the winter.

    Optimal varieties of carrots for storage

    Not all housewives know that late-ripening varieties are most suitable for home supplies. In good conditions, such carrots can be stored for up to 6 months and do not lose their pleasant taste. Take note of the best varieties of the most resistant carrots:

    • Queen of Autumn;
    • Dolyanka;
    • Flaccoro;
    • Moscow winter;
    • Shantanay.

    Late ripening vegetables practically do not get sick and do not shoot arrows. They can be easily stored at home in the refrigerator to prevent them from drying out.

    How to preserve carrots for the winter without freezing

    To store carrots for the winter in the refrigerator without freezing, you need to resort to one simple trick.

    Just take a small plastic bag and use a special pump to pump out the air. In a vacuum, all vegetables retain their natural freshness, so after opening the package you can enjoy carrots and not feel any difference.

    Moisture cannot penetrate inside such a package, so the possibility of rotting processes is completely eliminated. However, prepare the packaging in advance - it should completely cover the carrots.

    Storing carrots for the winter is not as labor-intensive a process as one might think, so just follow a few basic rules that will keep your carrots as fresh as possible throughout the winter.

    Preparation for storage

    Prepare containers for storing carrots labeled “for food”.
    The following are used as containers:

    • thermal packages;
    • vacuum bags;
    • food stretch film;
    • baking molds;
    • plastic containers, buckets.

    The storage container must be hermetically sealed to prevent air from entering the product.

    Set the temperature regime of the refrigeration chambers:

    1. Main compartment – ​​2-6 degrees Celsius.
    2. Freshness zones – 0-3 degrees Celsius.
    3. Freezer compartment – ​​8-25 degrees below zero.

    Vegetables retain their natural freshness longer without access to oxygen. To create an exceptional vacuum, a special pump is used to pump air out of the package.

    You cannot freeze food in ordinary plastic bags and glass containers - the glass may crack and the bag may burst.

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