Effective ways to wash kitchen towels with mustard

The kitchen is the calling card of every housewife. Clean, elegant and snow-white towels are an indispensable attribute of the kitchen interior and an indicator of the neatness of its owner. Being an essential item, they are always in sight. Everyone knows how quickly these textiles in the kitchen lose their original fresh appearance.

In addition, dirty towels accumulate pathogenic bacteria, which can cause infectious intestinal diseases. In a home where small children, elderly people, pets or people with allergies live, it is especially important to use natural remedies.

Popular folk recipes - how to wash kitchen textiles - are harmless, economical and effective.

One such handy method is washing kitchen towels with mustard. Mustard is an effective cleanser. The procedure can be carried out using mustard according to several proven recipes.

Washing kitchen towels with mustard

Mustard is an excellent cleanser. It not only gets rid of stains, but also disinfects. No boiling is required; regular soaking will suffice for cleaning. Take ½ bucket of warm water, dissolve 50 g of mustard powder in it, previously diluted in boiling water. Soak kitchen towels for 3-4 hours and rinse thoroughly.

Whitening with baking soda

To bleach kitchen towels, you should prepare a soda solution. For a liter of water you need to use a tablespoon of soda. Soak textiles in the mixture and leave overnight. Then wash using any method.

If there are old stains on the fabric, prepare a paste of baking soda. Apply the mixture to the stained area and leave for several hours. Then soak the product in water for an hour, and then wash it using any method.

How to wash kitchen towels using mustard

Dilute a small amount of mustard powder with water, lubricate the contaminated areas, wrap in plastic and leave it until the morning. After soaking, wash the towels as usual.

If tomato and coffee stains appear on the towel, you won’t be able to get rid of them with mustard. Take advantage of another effective folk remedy. It is prepared like this: in 1 liter of cool water, dilute 1 tbsp. a spoonful of table salt. Soak kitchen towels in the resulting solution for 1 hour, and then wash in the washing machine. For washing you need to add regular powder.

Grease stains can be easily removed with laundry soap. Soak dirty towels in warm water and scrub them lightly with soap. Place the soaped items in a plastic bag and leave until the morning. In the morning, rinse them in clean warm water.

What is the principle of operation

Connoisseurs of the fiery and aromatic mustard seasoning know that with the help of mustard powder you can fight excess weight. Mustard is used to wash very oily scalps and even wash clothes with stubborn stains. What is the secret of regular mustard? Everything is very simple. Its grains are capable of breaking down fats and oils of organic origin. First of all, you can quickly wash kitchen towels with mustard powder. Moreover, this seasoning, after removing the stain, kills fungi and microbes. And this is so important, especially for kitchen items that come into contact with plates and food.

Whitening kitchen towels with sunflower oil

If simple washing does not help, and all traditional methods have been tried, try using vegetable oil. At first glance, this seems like a strange idea, since oil can leave greasy stains. But put all doubts aside, because this is a reliable method, proven by more than one generation of housewives.

So, pour warm water into a bucket, dilute 2 tbsp. spoons of powdered bleach, 2/3 cup of regular washing powder and 2 tbsp. spoons of purified sunflower oil. Place dry kitchen towels in a bucket and leave for a while until the water cools down. After soaking, rinse the towels thoroughly.

This recipe has another variation. In a bowl of hot water, mix equal amounts of vegetable oil, baking soda, laundry detergent and powdered bleach. Soak towels in this solution for 24 hours and wash in a washing machine. Set to quick wash mode.


This powder is able to remove stains and traces of grease from them. In addition, it will disinfect towels, saving family members from infections and germs. There are several recipes for removing stains with mustard powder.

First way

After preparing everything necessary, prepare the water for soaking:

  • bring the water to a boil;
  • pour mustard powder into boiling water and stir everything well;
  • when the solution has settled, it is filtered;
  • Dirty handbrake handles are dipped into the filtered solution;
  • After two hours, take out the towels and rinse well in clean water. Then it is dried and ironed.

Wanting to enhance the effect of cleanliness after soaking, the wipes are thrown into an automatic washing machine at a temperature of 60 degrees. Colored towels are washed separately from white ones.

Second way

In the kitchen there will be a handbrake that is hopelessly dirty and stained. Just washing is not enough here. In such situations, it is better to immediately resort to bleaching kitchen towels. Mustard gruel can do this.

  • the powder is diluted in warm water to a thick paste;
  • Having spread a pre-moistened towel on the table surface, spread this mustard paste onto dirty oil stains;
  • everything is rolled up and placed in a plastic bag;
  • After two hours, the handbrake is washed by hand or in a machine.

After this treatment, things regain their former brightness.

Third way

White towels turn gray over time. Then the kitchen will not shine with its former cleanliness. Ordinary mustard powder can give them their former whiteness.

This is done as follows:

  • one package of mustard is dissolved in a bowl of hot water;
  • Stir the solution thoroughly for 5 minutes;
  • white towels are immersed in the resulting bleaching solution;
  • After 12 hours, the towels are washed.

Fourth method

To make your kitchen shine, various methods of removing stains from wipes are used. Mustard is a remedy that has proven itself excellent in this matter. It is capable of washing dirty wipes after a short soaking.

Old stains will require bleaching:

  • handbrake handles are simply soaked, and then washed in clean water and dried;
  • Five liters of hot water are poured into a bucket;
  • pre-prepared mustard powder gruel is dissolved in a bucket of water. Add 50 grams of any powder;
  • towels are kept for 2–3 hours;
  • Well-washed handbrake hang out to dry.

The slight disinfectant property of mustard powder can be enhanced. This is achieved by adding vinegar to the water when rinsing (100 grams per 10 liters). Vinegar will also help get rid of unpleasant odors that sometimes permeate wipers.

Some tips for bleaching fabric using folk remedies

Folk remedies include different components: from kitchen salt to silicate glue, so they must be used very carefully.

  1. Before bleaching fabric, apply a small amount of bleach to a small area and let it sit for several hours or overnight. If nothing happened to the fabric during this time, you can safely use the product on other areas.
  2. Follow the instructions strictly. If you take ingredients by eye, this can lead to unpredictable consequences.
  3. If the chosen whitening method involves the use of aggressive components (potassium permanganate, acetic acid, hydrogen peroxide, chlorine), carry out the procedure with rubber gloves so as not to harm the skin of your hands. A protective mask will not hurt either, since the listed components emit harmful fumes.
  4. A large number of bacteria accumulate on kitchen towels, so after washing they must be treated with a solution of acetic acid (0.1 liter of vinegar per 10 liters of water). Thanks to vinegar, 90% of the microbes on the fabric will die.

List of the best stain removers and bleaches

If you have neither the time nor the desire to tinker with folk recipes, you can purchase high-quality household chemicals. There are inexpensive options that won't break the bank even with regular use.

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So, which stain removers and bleaches do the job effectively?

  • ACE Oxi Magic. A stain remover that effectively washes colored and white items. Can be used for washing in cold water, but works better at high temperatures. For severe stains, it is recommended to soak. For fresh stains, mix the product in half with powder and wash it in a machine. Cost – 130-160 rubles. for 500 g.
  • Udalix Oxi Ultra. Thanks to its special composition with enzymes and oxygen-containing bleach, it removes all known types of stains. It makes colored fabrics brighter, and returns white fabrics to their original appearance. The downside is that it is not sold in all stores and only works when soaked in hot water. Cost – up to 200 rubles. for 600 g (consumed economically).
  • "Sarma Active 5 in 1." The product removes difficult stains well on white and colored items, but requires long soaking or a full automatic wash cycle. It is as cheap as possible - 70 rubles. for 500 g.
  • "Bos plus Maximum". Bleach, which already at 40 degrees can make yellowed and gray towels snow-white. Price – 55-65 rub. for 250 g.

For many housewives, washing kitchen towels seems like an ordeal. But this is only until they learn her secrets. Simple recipes with mustard, vegetable oil, and laundry soap help get rid of grease and stains. There is an alternative option - you can spend a little money and buy a special bleach or stain remover. All the remedies described above - both homemade and purchased - cope with their task 100%.

How to use kitchen towels so they get less dirty?

  1. To dry your hands after eating or preparing food, use dark or colorful towels on which grease stains are not very visible. If possible, it is advisable to wash your hands with water, and only then dry them with a towel. As an alternative, you can use paper napkins.
  2. Hang not just one, but several kitchen towels in your kitchen. For each process: drying hands, covering baked goods, etc. you must have a separate towel.
  3. Do not use terry towels in the kitchen as they quickly become dirty.

Important Rules

  • To maintain the strength of kitchen cloth napkins, you should wash them in boiling water and using special products no more than once a month.
  • To control the cleanliness of kitchen items at home, have several sets of work towels. They need to be washed more often, without waiting for serious old and difficult to remove stains.
  • It is better to wipe a dirty table and stove surface with paper napkins or microfiber cloths. Use cloth napkins only for wiping your hands and clean plates.
  • Terry towels are not the best option for the kitchen. They are a source of bacterial growth and are more difficult to wash and bleach even with mustard. In addition, thick terry napkins absorb food odors for a long time.
  • Washed, dry fabric napkins need ironing - this will prolong their fresh appearance.
  • Do not put dry kitchen utensils in the closet - mold may appear.

Original and cheap methods of washing and bleaching kitchen towels with mustard powder or oil are surprising in their effectiveness and bring back the joy of crystal cleanliness to your home. These options are ideal for families with small children where disinfection is necessary, as well as for people who suffer from allergies to chemical laundry detergents.

Source of the article: https://ladykrasotka.com/housewife/kitchen/kak-otstirat-kuxonnye-polotenca-pri-pomoshhi-gorchicy.html

Washing kitchen towels with mustard - removing stains and bleaching |, How to wash kitchen towels using mustard.

How to bleach towels with soap nuts (video)?

Soap nut is a natural product that contains large amounts of saponins. These substances are natural foaming agents and are therefore used for washing. Learn more about how to use soap nuts to wash kitchen towels in this video:

Frequent washing of kitchen towels with chemicals negatively affects their appearance, since the active substances corrode the fibers, causing the product to lose its shape and color. The best way to keep towels clean is to use various folk recipes based on simple ingredients.

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