Purpose and correct use of "Asidol"

What is Asidol and why is it needed?

This is a cleaning agent that is used to clean various metal products (most often nickel and copper). But this cleaning agent is prohibited from cleaning products made of aluminum and painted to resemble other metals. This product is a white liquid.

Composition of the cleaning product

The composition of the purchased drug includes such chemical components as:

  • carboxylic acid;
  • mineral oils;
  • sodium salts of naphthenic acids;
  • surface active elements;
  • abrasives that do not harm the human body;
  • ammonia;
  • wax of synthetic origin.

Application of Asidol M

This type of household chemicals is popular among soldiers undergoing military service and among the military; This product is used to clean the plaque on a military belt. This product was made at the beginning of the last century. There are several variants of asidol, which are classified according to their intended use.

Paste marked 4 is used in cases where it is necessary to rub out a scratch on the metal and give the surface of the product a matte tint. This type of paste is used to clean the fireplace grate. Paste marked 3 processes a thinner metal product. To make the product shine like a mirror, use paste marked 1 and 2.

This product is used mainly for polishing items made of non-ferrous metals, for cleaning chrome-plated and nickel-plated items, and is suitable for removing dirt and darkening of jewelry made of precious metals.

Coin cleaner Asidol M is used by collectors of various coins. Only this paste is capable of cleaning and maintaining the collection in good condition without causing harm; it allows you to polish even minor scratches, but only on coins made of silver-colored metal.

Advantages, disadvantages, price

The product "Asidol" began to be produced at the beginning of the last century, so today it is on the lips of many people. After replacing brass buttons on military uniforms with plastic ones, the liquid did not become so popular. But it still applies, highlighting a number of the product's strengths:

  • availability;
  • economical consumption;
  • easy application;
  • quality result;
  • Suitable for common and precious metals;
  • cleaner + polish in one bottle.

But this liquid has some negative qualities:

  • Strong smell;
  • aggressive effects on the skin (people sensitive to aggressive odors are recommended to additionally protect their respiratory tract with a mask);
  • aluminum is not suitable for cleaning painted metal surfaces;
  • Due to abrasive particles in the composition of the product, micro-scratches remain on the metal.

“Asidol” is sold in metal stores, but today it can not be found on the shelves as often as before. Those who find a bottle with a miracle cleanser are doubly happy - the price is also lucky (600 ml capacity 300 rubles and 120 ml - 150 rubles).

How to clean a soldier's badge with Asidol?

Cleaning the plaque is a kind of soldier’s ritual, to which a large amount of time and effort is devoted. The use of Asidol paste does not harm the product and brings the desired result. To clean this item, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Before the procedure, you should carefully inspect the belt; If there are scratches on the fastener, it is better to sand them down first, since if the paste gets into the grooves, it can give the product a greenish tint.
  2. Take a small piece of natural felt and a small amount of paste.
  3. To clean the plaque, apply the composition to a felt flap in a small amount.
  4. Start rubbing the belt buckle with sanding movements until the scratches are removed, and then until completely clean.
  5. The procedure will be completed when you can see your reflection in the plaque, which is an extremely important indicator in the army.

Time-tested traditions

In people’s associations, the concepts “GOI paste”, “mirror shine” and “army plaque” are located side by side. It’s not surprising, since it was invented in the 30s. of the last century, the composition helps to shine the shine on the belt plaques of generations of defenders of the Fatherland.
This paste (not Goya, in honor of the Spanish artist Francisco Goya, but GOI, named after the State Optical Institute, where the technology for preparing a preparation originally intended for polishing lenses was developed) will please you with its price. The cost varies from 300 to 500 rubles per kilogram, and a small jar can be purchased at Leroy Merlin or Voentorg for 50 rubles.

There are four different options in which GOI paste is presented. The application depends on the tasks facing us. Paste No. 4 will be useful in cases where you need to rub out scratches on the material, giving the surface a matte tint. The paste is convenient to use, for example, when you need to thoroughly clean fireplace grates . Paste No. 3 gives a finer surface treatment. However, if you are interested in a truly mirror-like shine, you will opt for No. 2 or 1.

Cleaning metal products with GOI paste

To clean a plaque to a shine or tidy up a tarnished wind musical instrument, you need to consider the following points:

How to make asidol with your own hands?

In order to make such a cleaning product at home, you can use various combinations of substances. For example, the simplest thing is tooth powder, which is applied to a moistened brush and with which the product is polished to the desired state. The second popular home method for cleaning small dirt from a metal surface is a mixture of baking soda and dishwashing detergent. The composition must be applied to the surface of the item, rubbed and rinsed off, and then wipe the item dry to avoid streaks.

An effective remedy is a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, water and ammonia. Peroxide and water are taken in a 1:1 ratio, and ammonia is added in a small amount. Use the resulting mixture to lubricate the contaminated object and leave it overnight, after which you must wipe it dry with felt.

A mixture of acetone, ammonia and heated acetic acid is often used. But these products are dangerous to use and after prolonged contact with a metal product they can damage it. In order to clean silver jewelry, a decoction of potatoes is suitable. You need to immerse the product in a hot broth for half an hour, then rinse and wipe dry.

Application of Asidol-M

"Asidol-M" is a more modern means for cleaning metals and alloys. It is made from waste treated with sulfuric acid after purifying petroleum distillates with alkali. This drug has a pungent odor due to the active additives present in the composition, so it is better to use the product in a ventilated area. Before starting work, you must put on gloves on your hands.

The algorithm is simple:

  • Before processing, shake the bottle with the product.
  • We apply “Asidol-M” directly to the product that is intended for cleaning (unlike GOI paste, which must be applied to a cloth, dry or moistened with gasoline). The product must be dry. This also applies to GOI paste, but especially Asidol-M.
  • We wait 1 minute until the active substances in the preparation act, dissolving contaminants and oxide film.
  • Polish with a clean cloth or soft brush. Wipe dry.

Attention: Asidol-M is not suitable for cleaning aluminum products.

Cleaning metal products with GOI paste

The paste is produced either in the form of solid bars or in a container in the form of a viscous mass. Therefore, before starting work, the paste should be softened. Machine oil is used for this. You should break off a piece of paste and apply a few drops to it. The resulting mixture is stirred.

After achieving a homogeneous consistency, the paste can be used. To do this, it is applied to a cloth that will be used to process the metal product. For metal processing it is better to use felt. To obtain the best effect, contaminants must be removed from the metal surface.

Before starting work, a cloth should be soaked in gasoline. Then apply 2 drops of machine oil to the metal surface and polish with light circular movements, adding oil dropwise. When polishing, do not make sudden movements or press hard on the surface - this can lead to deformations and scratches. Polish until shiny. After completing the work, rinse the metal product in kerosene to remove any remaining paste.

How to clean metal products?

The use of any chemical substance, including Asidol-M, requires compliance with safety regulations. The product should be used in a well-ventilated area so that the person does not feel sick from the strong odor. Before work, wear rubber gloves to prevent irritation from the chemical composition on the skin of your hands. Only when following precautionary measures do they begin to clean the products:

  1. Before starting work, you should prepare everything you need: several dry, clean pieces of soft cloth, rubber gloves, a sponge, a microfiber cloth.
  2. The surface of the metal item to be treated is wiped with a cloth until the item is completely dry. In the presence of humidity, the abrasives contained in Asidol-M will not work. After this, it is not recommended to use the fabric again.
  3. The product is placed on a flat horizontal surface.
  4. Shake the bottle with the product vigorously and then open the lid.
  5. The product is applied to the entire surface of the product using a small sponge.
  6. After waiting 1-2 minutes, clean the item with a soft toothbrush.
  7. The product is wiped with another piece of cloth.
  8. The remaining product is washed off the item under running cool water. If necessary, clean off the product with a toothbrush.
  9. The product is repeatedly wiped with a cloth and polished with a microfiber cloth.
  10. If it is not possible to remove all contaminants at one time, then repeat the cleaning procedure.

Despite the fact that Asidol-M is sold only in specialized stores, the substance is popular among ordinary users. The miraculous properties of the product allow you to quickly get rid of dirt on different surfaces. In addition to numismatists, the product is used by people working in dirty industries and collectors of metal objects.

Is it possible to clean a regular belt buckle using these methods?

This type of cleaning is suitable for cleaning buckles on regular men's and women's belts. In cases where the buckle is made entirely of metal, there are no contraindications to the use of the product. Cleaning will not only add shine, but also remove the resulting oxide layer.

It is worth taking a close look at the belt, since if the chrome plating is of poor quality, the product cannot be cleaned with similar means, otherwise additional damage will occur and the coating will be partially or completely removed. Chrome or enamel does not accumulate oxide deposits, but only dirt, which can be easily removed with a wet sponge.


This product is an oily liquid. Most often it is sold in small bottles with a spray. It can be white or dark brown, depending on the quality of purification and processing of the original substances. The product evaporates quickly, causing the room to fill with an unpleasant, pungent odor in a matter of minutes. It is caused by the fact that the product contains active detergent additives. "Asidol-M" is obtained by treating oil waste with sulfuric acid.

"Asidol-M" can not always be found in stores. Therefore, the product is often replaced with improvised substances. Among them:

  • toothpaste or tooth powder dissolved in water;
  • liquid hand soap mixed with surface cleaners;
  • soda dissolved in a small amount of water to make a paste;
  • water remaining after boiling potatoes.


The product contains components that allow it to be used for cleaning many products. With the help of "Asidol-M" you can:

  1. Polish items made of non-ferrous metals and stainless steel to a shine.
  2. Clean items coated with chrome or nickel.
  3. Remove dirt and tarnish from jewelry made from precious metals.
  4. Remove the blackened layer from silver items.
  5. Wipe the surface of the coins. It must be borne in mind that the chemical composition can only be used to remove contaminants from modern specimens. Asidol-M is not suitable for old metal money. It contains many active abrasive substances that can damage a rare coin. Micro scratches on light metal money can be polished out. But if you clean the yellow ten-ruble coins that are currently in use with the substance, they will acquire an unpleasant rusty color.
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