How to remove black mold from walls: causes, control and prevention

Security measures

Before you begin cleaning, it is wise to ensure the safety of all family members:

  • It is better to evict children and animals from the apartment for a short time so that they are not attacked by large amounts of aggressive chemicals and mold particles that will certainly get into the air;
  • for those who will destroy the fungus, it is worth preparing rubber gloves, goggles, a respirator and a protective suit that covers the body as much as possible;
  • You need to open the window and provide sufficient fresh air. At the same time, do without a draft so that spores do not spread throughout the home along with air masses.

Most chemicals are harmful to humans. Therefore, avoid contact of products with skin and mucous membranes, and do not inhale toxic fumes. If particles of the substance do get into your eyes or nose, you should rinse them thoroughly.

Safety precautions when working to eliminate black mold

  • When working, it is very important to follow all safety rules. Antiseptics contain caustic and toxic substances. It is necessary to wear gloves and safety glasses, and to protect the respiratory tract, it would be useful to wear a mask.
  • If any product gets into the eyes or inside the body, you should immediately consult a doctor.
  • Read the instructions before use. Not all medications can be used inside a building.

How to get rid of mold once and for all

If the question arises of how to get rid of fungus on the wall, then the first thing to start with is choosing a product that can eliminate it.

Today, the chemical market offers a wide selection of various antiseptics. The most popular remedies for mold and mildew are:

  • "Fongifluid Alpa". Effective, but quite expensive.
  • "Antiseptic Dali" It has good absorbency and versatility of use.
  • For rooms with high levels of humidity and dampness, Olymp Stop-Mold is suitable.
  • Biatol spray is used in kitchens and balconies. This product is also often used in laundries where high levels of humidity are constant.

The cost of these products varies from 360 to 1500 rubles per 5 liters of solution.

If the fungus has not yet thoroughly settled on the surface, it can be treated with home remedies for mold, which every housewife has. In this case it will do:

  • table vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • ethanol;
  • three percent hydrogen peroxide solution;
  • detergents with chlorine;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate.

How to get rid of fungus on walls is an individual decision. The choice should be made based on the degree of damage, the nature of the premises and your own financial capabilities.

The mold treatment itself is not a labor-intensive process, but it includes several mandatory steps.

  1. It is imperative to remove the mold-damaged area. If it is wallpaper, then it and the adjacent sheets must be removed. If there is paint, then sand the affected area.
  2. Next, you need to moisten the cleaned surface with water. This will prevent the spread of fungal spores.
  3. Then you need to remove the layer of plaster that came into contact with the infected surface. Most likely, the fungus has already colonized it.
  4. The remaining plaque must be cleaned with a wire brush or a special scraper.
  5. After the mold-infested surface has been cleaned, the entire room must be thoroughly swept to prevent a new source of mold growth.
  6. The final step will be treating the previously infected surface with an antifungal agent.

If all these steps are followed and the premises are properly cared for in the future, the likelihood that household fungus will return is close to zero.

What services do mold remediation professionals provide?

Treatment of premises from black mold includes mechanical and chemical methods. The mechanical method involves cleaning the contaminated surface. After which the surface is treated with special disinfectants that kill fungal spores and prevent the appearance of new ones. The price for such a service starts from 500 rubles.

If the fungus has spread to the entire room, ozonation is carried out. The sanitization service involves treating the premises with environmentally friendly ozone gas. Ozone gas penetrates even the most inaccessible places and kills every last fungal spore.

After the procedure, ozone turns into ordinary oxygen, which we breathe. That is why this procedure is safe for humans. The price for the service is from 3,000 rubles per square meter.

If the fungus has spread to the entire room, ozonation is carried out

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