How to remove carrot stains from children's and adult clothes

Carrots are, first of all, useful vitamins, microelements and essential fiber for everyone. It is advisable to include it in the diet of both adults and children. It is not surprising that a variety of delicious juices and purees are prepared from carrots, both industrially and at home. Many mothers cannot imagine their baby’s diet without this vegetable, but not everyone knows how to remove a carrot stain. From our article you will learn how to easily and, most importantly, how to wash carrot juice from clothes and other fabric surfaces.

Features of removing carrot stains

This root vegetable is distinguished by a high content of natural dyes - carotene and anthocyanin. It is this factor that provokes such a rich color of carrots. In addition, this feature makes it much more difficult to clean the fabric from such stains, so you need to act quickly. The fresher the stain, the easier it is to remove it.

Before you wash carrot juice from clothes, you need to determine the type of material. This information is contained on the label. For natural delicate fabrics, you should use only gentle products so as not to damage the fiber structure.

To remove stains from colored fabric, do not use chlorine-containing bleaches, as they change the basic tone of the product.

Important! You can quickly wash carrots from children's clothes only if they have not had time to dry.

Fresh stains can be removed with plain water. To do this you will need to boil it. Then soak the soiled item in it until the liquid level completely covers it. Wait 5-10 minutes. This procedure allows you to remove fresh carrot stains without the use of additional detergents.

It is also important that when fresh contamination appears, sprinkle it thickly with table salt. This component absorbs liquid along with the pigment, which will significantly reduce its concentration. After this, it is enough to carry out a regular wash to completely remove the dirt and return the clothes to a presentable appearance.

However, boiling water and salt will not be able to remove a dried stain from Korean carrots. In this case, you should use folk remedies or household chemicals. In any case, the sooner the cleaning is done, the higher the chances that the stain can be removed without leaving a trace.

General rules for removing carrot stains on clothes:

  1. When applying the product to fabric, movements should be directed from the edge of the stain to the center to eliminate the possibility of streaks.
  2. Before using household chemicals, you need to test the stability of the material. To do this, you should initially moisten the cloth in an inconspicuous place, and if no changes have occurred, then you can use the selected solution to remove the contamination.
  3. Before removing a fresh carrot stain, you should first use a paper napkin to soak up the excess vegetable juice or puree.
  4. When spot removing a stain, you need to place plywood under the top layer of material and cover it with a white cloth. This measure will allow you to keep the other side of the item clean.
  5. Household chemicals should be selected depending on the color and type of fabric. It is also important to adhere to the dosage indicated in the instructions. Ignoring these standards may result in the carrot stain disappearing, but at the same time the product will lose its presentable appearance.

If traces of carrots remain on the clothes after cleaning, it is recommended to hang them while still wet in the fresh air, but so that the stains are exposed to the sun's rays. After some time they will lighten and disappear. This is due to the fact that carotene is completely destroyed under the influence of light and heat.

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How to remove fresh stains

If you want to remove a stain quickly, easily and without damaging your item, you must do this immediately.

The simplest and most inexpensive method is hot (almost boiling water) water. To do this, you need to soak the dirt in it for a couple of minutes. You will see that the bright carrot marks will begin to disappear on their own.

IMPORTANT! This method cannot be used on wool, silk and synthetic materials.

How to remove fresh stains from delicate fabrics or synthetics that do not tolerate high heat treatment. Regular salt will help us with this. Sprinkle it on the wet dirt and wait a while. The salt will act as an absorbent. After this, wash the item additionally in a warm (up to 40 degrees!) soapy solution.

Simple laundry soap will also work well with fresh dirt. Lather the dirty area of ​​fabric thoroughly with it and leave it for a while. Next, simply wash the item by hand.

How to remove carrot stains using traditional methods

If the carrot stain has not yet become old, you can remove it using improvised means. Various components that can neutralize the coloring pigment without much difficulty will help you cope with this task. During the removal process, you must strictly follow the sequence of actions in order to preserve the structure of the material and remove the stain without leaving a trace.

How to remove a carrot stain with citric acid

Lemon juice or dry concentrated powder will help to quickly wash off carrot puree.


  1. Moisten the stain.
  2. Squeeze citrus juice onto the stain or apply a thick layer of crystallized citric acid evenly.
  3. Lightly rub into the material.
  4. Wait 15 minutes.
  5. If necessary, repeat the procedure.
  6. When finished, rinse the item under running water and wash as usual.

How to wash carrots with lactic acid

The effectiveness of this component in removing carrot stains is explained by its neutralizing effect in relation to such natural dyes as carotene and anthocyanin.


  1. Pour heated whey or yogurt into a basin.
  2. Immerse the soiled item in the milky liquid.
  3. Wait 2-3 hours.
  4. When the time is up, take it out. If traces of carrots remain, repeat soaking.
  5. At the end of cleaning, rinse clothes in plain water.
  6. Carry out washing as usual.

How to remove carrot stains with vinegar

In this case, table vinegar 9% will help remove the carrot stain.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. Mix the component with warm water in equal proportions.
  2. Moisten the carrot stain generously with the resulting liquid.
  3. Using a sponge, lightly rub the problem area.
  4. Wait 5-8 minutes, then rub again and leave for another 2-3 minutes.
  5. At the end of the waiting period, rub the stain with laundry soap and wash as usual.

How to wash carrots with soda

You can also remove this type of stain using baking soda. To do this, you will need to initially slightly wet the dirt, and then clean it in a certain mode.

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  1. Sprinkle baking soda onto the problem area in a thick, even layer.
  2. Lightly pour table vinegar (9%) on top.
  3. Wait until the reaction is over and rub lightly.
  4. At the end, you need to wash the product and rinse well.

Important! This method will help remove carrot juice from white, but it is better not to use it for colored products.

How to wash carrots with sunflower oil

According to experienced housewives, this component helps remove contamination from carrots without much difficulty. The effectiveness of the method is explained by the ability of sunflower oil to break down carotene, which helps remove this type of contamination without much difficulty.


  1. Soak a cotton pad in sunflower oil.
  2. Apply the component to the stain from the periphery to the center to avoid the appearance of streaks.
  3. Wait 1 hour, and when finished, update the layer.
  4. After 2 hours, lightly rub the stain.
  5. Apply dishwashing detergent to the stain to neutralize the grease.
  6. Rub again and place the soiled clothes in the washing machine.

Important! Sunflower oil should be used to clean stains of this kind only on natural fabrics.

How to clean upholstery or carpet

If your baby accidentally stains the sofa or carpet with carrot juice, you should immediately apply a clean napkin to the wet spot. You can sprinkle it with salt.

The dirty area is wiped with a sponge and a foam solution prepared from warm water and liquid soap or dishwashing gel.

In the case when the contamination has already dried and is well established, the effective “Vanish Oxi Action” product will always help.

Removing carrot stains is not at all difficult. We hope that our tips will help you deal with them easily.


How to remove carrot stains using specialized products

Folk remedies are not always able to remove carrot juice stains on clothes if they have dried out. In this case, it is worth using household chemicals, which are sold in specialized stores.

The most effective means:

  1. Stain remover "Dr. Beckmann Expert". To remove a carrot stain, you need to apply a cleaning solution to the problem area using a sponge, rub lightly and wait 5-7 minutes. After the time has passed, send the product for washing. The stain remover effectively removes carrot juice from clothes without damaging the fiber structure or changing the shade of the fabric.
  2. "Ace Oxi Magic". Release form: dry cleaning powder. To remove traces of carrots from clothes, you must first prepare a working solution in accordance with the attached instructions. Then, using a sponge, apply it to the stain from the edge to the center, wait 10-15 minutes. And then machine wash, additionally adding stain remover to the washing powder compartment.
  3. "Udalix Oxi Ultra". This affordable stain remover helps remove carrot stains without much hassle. To do this you will need to dissolve 3 tbsp. l. cleaning powder in 2 liters of warm water (at least 60 degrees). Moisten a sponge in this solution and wipe the carrot trail with it, wait 2-3 minutes. Then completely soak the soiled item for 30 minutes. At the end of the waiting period, rinse the clothes several times to prevent streaks from appearing on the fabric, and dry in fresh air.
  4. "Faberlic Edelstar". Available in pencil form. It is recommended to use immediately after contamination appears on the fabric. To remove a stain from fresh carrots, apply the product to it and wait 10-15 minutes. If necessary, repeat the procedure. Once cleaning is complete, send the product for washing. A pencil will not be able to remove old stains.
  5. "Sarma Active".
    An effective stain remover suitable for white and colored items. To remove carrot stains, it is recommended to dissolve the powder in cool water in advance according to the instructions. Soak the product completely in the resulting solution and wait 30-40 minutes. At the end of the time, wash as usual, additionally adding an activator to the washing powder compartment. Important! All stain removers must be selected in accordance with the color of the product and the type of fabric being treated.

How to help the carpet?

Children, through carelessness, often spill bright juice on the carpet. If this happens, try not to put off cleaning. Blot up the puddle on the carpet with paper or cloth. If your child overturns a plate of puree, scoop up the orange mass. Pour a spoonful of “Fairy” into 0.5 ml of water, foam, apply the composition to the pile, brush, rinse and dry.

  1. You can cover a fresh mark on the carpet with table salt. It will absorb most of the dye. After a quarter of an hour, collect it with a vacuum cleaner. Combine vinegar and water in a 1:2 ratio and treat residual stains on the carpet.
  2. When the stain on the rug has dried, it will take more effort to remove. Clean it with a concentrated soap solution, collect the foam, go over the pile with a cloth soaked in alcohol, and cover the dirt with baking soda. After an hour, remove it with a vacuum cleaner.

If you don't know how to remove carrot stains, prepare a cleaning paste. Pour 2 tbsp into a bowl. l. “Fairy”, add 1 tbsp to it. l. baking soda and stir. Take a soft brush and apply the product to the dirty carpet pile. After an hour, all you have to do is wash the coating with water and dry it with a hairdryer.

Carrot juice is deeply embedded in the fabric fibers and flooring. But if you take quick action and start removing the contamination, the problem can be solved without much effort.

Aggressive methods

You can solve the problem of old contamination with alcohol. It must be diluted with water in the same proportion and soaked in the blot solution. Apply the product several times at intervals of 15 minutes, and then put the clothes in the washing machine.

  1. What else can you use to wash carrots? The use of ammonia is effective.
  2. Measure out 1 tsp. the drug and stir in a liter of warm water.
  3. Place the item in the sink, place a piece of thick fabric on the wrong side and wet the soiled clothing.
  4. After an hour, rinse the material from the solution and wash.

Old stains

There is one reliable recipe that will help remove even stubborn carrot juice stains in minutes. But it is only suitable for natural fabrics, such as linen or thick cotton.

  • A little hot water is taken into the basin so that it is enough to soak the item.
  • Then add 2 tbsp to the water. l. chlorine bleach and 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  • Pour 2 tbsp into the solution. l. high quality bleaching powder.
  • Clothes are immersed in the prepared solution and left for 12 hours. It is convenient to do this at night.
  • In the morning, the product is taken out and rinsed, and then additionally washed in the machine.

A good product that can be used to wash even carrot puree, which kids so often stain their clothes with, is alcohol. Medical alcohol or even vodka is diluted in half with water and the blots are soaked in the solution every 15 minutes until the spots turn pale.

Ammonia gives excellent results in cleaning plain light-colored fabrics. You need 1 tsp. Dilute ammonia in 1 liter of water and soak the product in the solution for 10 minutes. All that remains is to rinse the laundry and throw it in the washing machine.

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