Ficus lyre or violin (ficus lyrata). care, reproduction, formation

Maintenance and care

Ficus Lyre-shaped is very demanding: living conditions must be as close to natural as possible. To begin with, the ficus should choose a comfortable place, preferably a secluded one. The place should be well lit: the large leaf plates of the flower actively absorb light, and photosynthesis occurs more efficiently.

Naturally, then the plant receives more energy for development, and they reproduce more actively. Therefore, it is preferable to choose rooms with panoramic windows or large doors, with a good lighting system. However, do not forget that exposure to direct sunlight can cause burns to the dermis. Provide light shade with curtains or curtains to create diffused lighting.

Drafts and sudden changes in temperature are contraindicated for the flower. Do not forget that in the natural environment the temperature and humidity are high. But for a home ficus, a temperature in the range of 18–25 degrees will be quite acceptable. Hypothermia of the soil and a decrease in temperature below 13 °C is fraught with diseases for the Lyre-shaped ficus.

Under no circumstances should there be “dry” air in the room: the native tropics provide the flower with increased requirements for humidity. Buy an air humidifier or place containers of water near the plant, try to spray more often. Heat sources should not be close to the plant. Also, we should not forget that house ficus, due to its rapid growth, requires frequent replanting. Until three years, the flower is replanted every year, after that - every few years.

The soil must be fertile, with a neutral or slightly acidic reaction. You can purchase special substrates at a flower shop containing turf, river sand and charcoal. While the ficus is growing and developing, it is necessary to feed it using universal fertilizers. Experienced flower growers advise using liquid mineral fertilizers, but the dose should be halved from the recommended one.

Temperature and light

High temperature and air humidity are what this flower loves so much. Therefore, by placing the lyre-shaped ficus on the sunny side, we can assume that some of the natural conditions are provided to it.

Important! You need to make sure that the sun does not burn the leaves in the heat. During this period, it is better to shade the flower.

If the plant does not have enough sun, the leaf blades will begin to lighten, and the trunk will reach towards the light. In this case, the ficus will not grow as such.

In summer, the flower needs to be provided with a temperature varying between +23..+26 °C, and in winter at least +17 °C. Sudden changes should be avoided, because the flower may begin to hurt, dropping all its leaves. The flowerpot should be kept away from drafts, because they will also negatively affect the plant.

Care and cultivation of lyre-shaped ficus flowers at home (with photo)

Ficus lyrata Warb. (F. pandurata hort. Sander) - a fig with a violin-shaped leaf (violin-leaved fig).

Evergreen trees up to 10–12 m high; the trunk is brown.

As can be seen in the photo, the leaves of the lyre-shaped ficus are broadly ovate, dissected, large, up to 50 cm long and 10–15 cm wide, dark green, with light veins, light green underneath, leathery, thickened:

Found in tropical rain forests in Tropical West Africa.

Annual ficuses can be kept in a sunny window, watering abundantly, shading, spraying and washing the leaves. It is useful to fertilize 2-3 times during the summer. It’s even better if you have a greenhouse on the window or in the garden to place a young plant there. The soil temperature should be 22-24°C. This thermal regime is very important for the rapid growth of both roots and above-ground parts. From July, ficus can be accustomed to the outside air by gradually opening the greenhouse frames. With this method of keeping annuals, the ficus will grow to 50-90 cm by autumn. It will have a straight, strong trunk, covered from top to bottom with large leaves. For rapid growth, it is useful to warm up young ficus plants standing in the room once a week by pouring hot water heated to 45 ° C into a tray.

In order for plants to last, it is necessary to properly care for them. Although ficus plants are not picky about temperature and light, they nevertheless require certain maintenance conditions.

It is very important to distinguish the characteristics of care according to the seasons

In spring, adult plants are pruned, replanted or transplanted. Since ficus elastica does not branch in the first years of its life, the tops of young and adult plants should be cut off annually. The trimmed ficus takes on a crown shape and is well leafy. Ficus should not be transplanted into very spacious pots or tubs, since the new soil in them often has time to turn sour before the roots penetrate into it. This is especially often observed with inept watering in winter. The container can be increased by 1-2 cm larger than the size of the transplanted plant. It is recommended to replant or replant adult plants after 2-3 years. For untransplanted ficuses, it is useful to change the top layer (2-3 cm) of soil in the spring.

These photos show caring for the lyre-shaped ficus at home in compliance with all basic agricultural practices:

Features of flower care at home

Unlike most varieties of ficus, this variety is demanding in care.


Ficus lyreformis is a heat-loving plant. In summer, the room temperature should be at least +25 ℃. In winter, it is enough to maintain it at a level of 17-22 ℃ above zero.

Note! It is not recommended to leave the plant in a draft - this may cause the root system to die


Good lighting at home is the key to successful cultivation of this type of ficus. It is best to place pots on windows facing east. Bright sunlight is detrimental to the plant, and the eastern windows have soft, diffused light.


Depending on the time of year, watering features will differ. In winter, the amount of irrigation is reduced. In summer, on the contrary, watering should be abundant and frequent. The water is allowed to settle for 24 hours before irrigation. If you water with unsettled water, white streaks will begin to appear on the leaves.


A lot of dust accumulates on the leaves, making regular spraying and wiping necessary. They need to be cleaned of dust several times a week. In summer they wipe more often.


Since ficus lyreate is a tropical plant, it needs high humidity (at least 70%). To increase humidity, you can place the pot in a tray with wet expanded clay, wipe the leaves with a sponge more often, or use a humidifier.


Soil composition for ficus:

  • turf land (3 parts);
  • peat (1 part);
  • coarse river sand (1 part).

Before planting, all ingredients are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass.


Caring for ficus lyreate at home involves regular fertilizing. Fertilizers are activated during the plant’s active period, which lasts from March to September. They are applied twice a month. Fertilize with fertilizers for ficus or decorative deciduous crops.

Important! When fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, make sure that the solution does not get on the leaf.

What to do immediately after purchase?

It is impossible to disturb the ficus immediately after “moving” into a new place: the plant needs 4-5 days to acclimatize and get used to new conditions. The ficus may react to changing conditions by dropping leaves. To help it adapt and recover, it is necessary to water regularly, but moderately, avoiding stagnation of water in the pan.

After some time allotted for getting used to the house, the ficus is transplanted into a new pot with a complete replacement of the soil. The plant is removed from the pot and the old soil is shaken off. The roots are trimmed by 1-2 cm, dried or damaged parts are completely removed. A layer of drainage (expanded clay, fine gravel, pieces of polystyrene) is placed at the bottom of the new pot, some slightly moistened soil is poured in, and the ficus is installed. Then the roots are gradually covered with soil, compacting it by tapping the walls of the pot.

Important! The plant is not watered for the first 2 days after transplantation, since the roots are not yet able to absorb moisture and may begin to rot.

Diseases and pests of lyre-shaped ficus

Ficuses, like any indoor plants, are susceptible to various diseases, but the tree is especially troubled by a common fungus, characterized by dark spots and dots on the leaf blades. If you follow the correct regime of watering the plant, maintaining the temperature and additional lighting, the plant does not get sick. Remember this!

Very often, the spider mite beetle settles on large ficus leaves. For no apparent reason, leaf blades turn yellow, become speckled and dry out. The pest aphid and dangerous mealybug may appear, so the plant should be sprayed in a timely manner for the purpose of prevention with insecticide solutions.

Pruning, crown formation

The formation of the crown is carried out in early spring, when the plant is in an active state. During the dormant period (from October to January) it is not disturbed. Pruning has a beneficial effect on the appearance of the plant - it begins to bush. For example, this video shows how the ficus lyrata has grown after pruning:

Even a bare tree can be tidied up by removing its top and allowing shoots to develop from the lateral buds. Using an elastic band or thin wire, you can even set the branches in the desired direction, and then, having achieved the desired result, remove them.

ATTENTION: if the lyre-shaped ficus develops aerial roots, they can be removed regardless of the time of year and the condition of the plant.


Propagation of rubber ficus by cuttings is the easiest way to obtain a new plant. The most suitable time for this is summer and spring. To propagate ficus, proceed as follows:

It is necessary to cut the shoots of an adult plant at an angle in order to have the widest possible cut; cuttings from 5 cm are suitable for rooting; it is important to remove all the lower foliage from the cutting so that it is not immersed in water;

  • cut shoots must be washed to remove milky juice;
  • can be rooted both in water and in soil;
  • the air temperature in the room with the ficus should not fall below +25 degrees;
  • High humidity is also welcome.

The rooting process of ficus is quite long and can reach one month. After the young roots reach a size of 1-2 cm, the cuttings are ready to be planted in a pot. It is recommended that the soil for planting be as nutritious as possible and consist of peat, sand and vermiculite.

Cuttings of rubber ficus directly into the ground leads to the fact that the plant takes root faster and young leaves soon appear on the shoot. At the same time, the old foliage also remains green and elastic without signs of rotting or drying out.

Difficulties in growing ficus

Beginning gardeners may have some difficulties growing ficus. Most of them are due to the fact that the plant begins to lose its decorative effect. For example, leaves may begin to turn yellow or fall off.

These processes may have several causes. First of all, it should be taken into account that yellowing and dying of the lower tiers of leaves (especially in autumn and winter) is considered a natural process of change of foliage cover, characteristic of adult plants. However, if all the leaves are turning yellow and falling off, or your plant is less than three years old, you may have a problem. First of all, you need to carefully examine the flower to detect possible symptoms of disease or the presence of pests. If none were found, you should reconsider the watering schedule: perhaps you are watering the flower too often, and the moisture has begun to stagnate at the roots. In addition, it is necessary to develop a clear schedule for applying fertilizing, since yellowing and falling leaves can be caused not only by a lack of nutrients, but also by their excess in the soil.

In addition, difficulties with growing can arise if the ficus is placed incorrectly. Perhaps your plant is in a draft, or it is regularly exposed to direct sunlight

It is important to remember that ficus trees do not tolerate drafts, and too intense lighting can cause leaf burns. In this case, it is better to move the pot to a new place, given that after moving the ficus may completely shed its leaves

It is normal that when a plant acclimatizes to a new location, it will form new foliage.

From the video you will learn what care you need to provide to your ficus at home.

Ficus care

The most important rule of care is to provide enough light. If this condition is not met, the plant may shed all its foliage.

Lyre-shaped ficus needs a lot of light

Lighting. In natural habitats, ficus trees grow in open spaces where there is a lot of sunlight and warmth. When grown indoors, the pots are placed in bright places, but not in direct sunlight, so as not to cause burns to the leaves. In summer, pots with plants can be taken out onto the veranda, and in winter it is better to place them in a greenhouse, near a natural or artificial light source for additional illumination.

Location. It is recommended to place the pot on a slight elevation. This is necessary in order to prevent the roots from overcooling.

It is better to keep the plant away from open windows

Crown formation. In order for the plant to have a decorative appearance and develop normally, it needs to have its crown trimmed correctly. Only in this case will the crown be dense and branched. In this case, the leaves will not intersect and interfere with each other. The foliage will develop well and become the main decoration of the tree. The lower buds will begin to awaken after unnecessary branches are removed and the crown is thinned out.

It is recommended to prune this plant at least once every six months. In this case, two basic rules are followed: the branches are cut at a right angle, and the cut on the trunk is made vertically. For pruning you need garden pruning shears and gloves. The latter must be worn to protect your hands from the white sap of the plant, which is released after pruning and can cause irritation.

The juice is also unsafe for ficus foliage. After pruning, you need to carefully inspect it and, if you find any juice, wipe it off thoroughly.

It is recommended to periodically prune the plant for its proper development and spectacular appearance.

Feeding. It is recommended to fertilize the soil for good plant development only in the summer months, and in winter there is no need for this. Nutrients accumulated over the summer are stored in the ficus trunk. You need to fertilize the soil a couple of times a month. When adding fertilizers to the soil, it is best to alternate organic additives with mineral ones. Complex mixtures for indoor species are also useful.

Watering. The quantity and quality of watering will depend on the season and air temperature. In the warm season, the soil needs to be moistened more abundantly. But the following rules must be observed:

  • each subsequent moistening should be done only when the top layer has dried;
  • water for irrigation should be settled and lukewarm;
  • It is recommended to water the ficus abundantly, but without overflowing and without creating stagnation of water.

You need to water the flower after the top layer of soil has dried.

Providing climatic comfort

Ficus lyreata has three different varieties, differing in leaf size, plant height and crown volume

But, regardless of the variety, increased attention on your part will be an integral part of ficus care

Ficus lyre-shaped differs from other species of this family by its increased capriciousness and demanding conditions of detention. And caring for ficus at home has its own certain tricks and subtleties. If the plant doesn’t like something, it immediately reacts by dropping leaves and losing its decorative appearance. Comfortable conditions can be created only by as close as possible to natural conditions.

If your choice is to purchase a lyre-shaped ficus, then, first of all, you will need to think about providing it with a suitable place. The plant does not tolerate drafts and does not like overcooling of the soil.

But it loves light, so choose the brightest room in your house. But such a place should provide protection from direct sunlight. The most suitable place would be near a window facing east or west. In the north, the plant will not have enough lighting, and the ficus will slow down its development, and the southern direction can destroy the plant with too aggressive rays of the sun, causing burns. Or the ficus will always have to be shaded.

It will be great if you can create a temperature regime that best suits the plant's life in the tropics. This means that the optimal temperature range will extend from 15-20 degrees in winter to 20-25 degrees in summer. If the temperature drops below 10-12 degrees Celsius, the ficus will immediately “express” its dissatisfaction with the appearance of brown spots on the leaves.

And, of course, the approach to the tropics must be absolute in terms of humidity parameters. Do I need to spray ficus? Necessarily.

And it would be a good idea to place a container of liquid next to the plant, the evaporation of which will additionally moisten the room.


Ficus lyreate does not have a particularly wide range of varieties, but everyone can choose the one they like. But what if a person orders seeds from online stores and has no idea what a particular variety looks like? It is for this purpose that our article contains a description of the varieties of this beautiful flower.


It will not be possible to place it in an apartment, as it grows quite tall. But it is perfect for a garden or greenhouse. This type of lyre-shaped ficus has a thin, long trunk and large, dark green leaves that make up a dense crown.

Little Fiddle

This type is already smaller than the previous one, it can be placed in apartments, offices and studios. It also has a thin trunk and large, dark green leaves that point upward. It is almost the same size as Columnaris, but much lower.


This species is best suited for growing at home, as it is small in size, suitable for an apartment. It has a relatively small trunk, covered with medium-sized leaves from top to bottom. The leaves are colored green and dark green, their growth is directed upward.

In general, the species differ only in size, so the choice of species depends on where and under what conditions the ficus will grow.

Diseases and pests

Ficus is susceptible to various fungal infections.

They manifest themselves by the appearance of dark stains and scratches on the leaves. This problem can occur due to excessive watering, as well as in damp and cold indoor climates.

Treatment is carried out with insecticides according to the instructions.

The plant can also be attacked by spider mites and mealybugs.

Spider mites bite through the leaves and become entangled in cobwebs, which affects the decorative appearance of the tree - the leaves become rough and covered with ulcers.

To get rid of ticks, the plant must be treated with chemicals. To prevent the occurrence of spider mites, you need to maintain the room temperature at +25 degrees.

Mealybugs primarily damage the roots and stems of the plant.

They secrete a sticky, light-colored waxy coating. Lives in air pockets, cracks, depressions on the plant. The result of its action is the leaves curling and falling.

To kill an insect, on a flower you need to wipe all the leaves above and below with a cotton pad soaked in alcohol, take a soapy shower and rinse the leaves well.

In general, ficus lyreate is an unpretentious plant; with proper care, it rarely gets sick. Now you know all the intricacies of caring for this tropical guest and can decorate your home with a beautiful evergreen plant.

Signs and superstitions

Ficus is the hero of many beliefs and superstitions. Married couples should not grow this plant. It is believed that a ficus given as a wedding gift will lead to the breakup of a family due to the departure of a man. For the same reason, young single girls should not grow it. It drives men away and prevents new romantic relationships. However, this plant is believed to bring money. Therefore, it is often placed at work, on window sills and work tables. It is believed that ficus helps pregnant women to endure pregnancy more easily, prevents miscarriages and facilitates the birth of a child.

Did you know? The placement of other plants near the lyre-shaped ficus is extremely undesirable; it prefers to grow alone.

This belief also says that if you are just planning to have a child, the ficus will contribute to this. Having knowledge about growing this plant, you can arrange your home and introduce the flower as a decorative element. Considering that it is not difficult to propagate, it will be possible to decorate the house with not one, but several plants of this type.

Pruning Lyre-shaped ficus

Lyre-shaped ficus: flower photo

To form new shoots and form the desired shape of the crown, when transplanting a lyre-shaped ficus at home, you must constantly remove unnecessary, damaged and infected parts. When the plant grows seventy centimeters, you can begin the pruning process. Buy sharp scissors or a knife and remove the top parts of the shoots.

The weakest shoots of the lyre-shaped ficus are cut straight, the powerful and strong shoots are cut obliquely.

However, pruning out of necessity does not mean that it will not be tedious to purchase larger containers and replant the lyre-shaped ficus. Every year, namely in the spring, it is necessary to replant the lyre-shaped ficus. In the fourth year of life, the plant is not replanted; it should be replanted once every two years. Before moving the lyre-shaped ficus into a pot or any other container, it is necessary to make holes; this will come in handy later, when the plant sticks its root system into them - it’s time to replant it.

We advise you to each time purchase a container three centimeters larger than the previous one.

  • The bottom layer is drainage, for example, crushed brick or sand.
  • The second layer is rack sand.

Carefully move the earthen lump with the lyre-shaped ficus into a new container. Add missing soil.

Botanical description of the plant

The plant acquired its name because of the shape of its leaves, which resembles a lyre. The flower is used in the decoration of apartments and offices. In its natural environment, ficus reaches 30 m, when grown in an apartment - up to 2 m.

Botanical description:

  • at home, the height of the flower ranges from 2 to 2.5 m;
  • the slightly branched straight brown trunk has some roughness on its surface;
  • leaves are 45 cm green, the edges are wavy. In the center of the foliage there are veins, the arrangement of the veins along the leaf is like a musical instrument;
  • the leaves are arranged on the stem in a spiral; they grow on petioles;
  • in the natural environment, medium-sized green fruits appear on the plant;
  • the flower reacts to sudden changes in temperature;
  • Ficus lyre-shaped blooms with inconspicuous flowers, but at home it is extremely rare.

Did you know? Popularly, ficus lyre-shaped is called violin ficus.

There are such types of ficus lyre-shaped:

  • Phyllis Craig - has large leaves measuring 35 cm and a good root system;

  • Compacta and Bambino - small decorative ficuses, the size of the leaves of which is 25 cm.

How to grow ficus lyreata at home

When grown at home, ficus grows to a maximum of 2–3 meters and almost never blooms or bears fruit. However, this does not bother hobbyists, who have been promoting fig trees as the most fashionable plants for interior decoration for several years now. Today, fig trees can be purchased almost anywhere - from small seedlings a few centimeters long to mature plants over a meter tall.

You can purchase an artificial ficus right now with home delivery. TO THE STORE

Ficus lyre-shaped - soil requirements

Ficus lyres love sunlight, but rather in the form of diffused light than direct rays on the windowsill. Therefore, it is ideal to place them about 1 m from a window facing west or south. However, be careful with drafts - ficus loves calm heat with stagnant air. In a pot, preferably made of clay, you should mix a high-quality, well-drained substrate enriched with crushed bark and perlite. Some also recommend adding peat or planting it in a ready-made substrate for cacti or palm trees. However, it is always worth putting a layer of gravel at the bottom of the container to facilitate drainage.


The ficus should be replanted once a year - its roots grow quite intensively, and planting directly in large pots does more harm than good. Plants also grow quite quickly, so it is recommended to adjust their shape to make it easier for them to maintain aesthetic balance. We make cuts in early spring, thinning out the densest parts and adjusting the height

For the health of the freeze-dried ficus, it is important that it does not protrude more than 20 cm below the ceiling. Yellowed and dried leaves should be removed on an ongoing basis all year round

In the case of the lyre-shaped ficus, wiping the leaves with a damp cloth is not only desirable, but even necessary. A large, flat surface will accumulate a lot of sediment, which should be removed at least once a week to allow the ficus to fully utilize the ambient light.

How to feed and water a lyre-shaped ficus

The general recommendation is to drink water once a week, but you can also take longer breaks. However, it is necessary to water the plant when the top layer of the substrate is dry at a depth of 10 cm. Ficus tolerates tap water well, as long as it is not icy. Room temperature or even lukewarm water will do much better for the plant.

For your information! Lyra leaves also like moist air around them, so it's worth taking care to humidify the room they're growing in or mist them with an aerosol mist at least once every few days.

There are several theories about fertilizing ficus, but the most common belief is that the plant should be fertilized once a month, only in spring and summer. All-purpose liquid fertilizers can be used, but the dose should be halved.


You need to water the flower at different times in different ways.
The main indicator to focus on should be the substrate. If the soil has not yet dried out, there can be no talk of any manipulation. In winter, experienced gardeners water ficus lyrata no more than once every 7-10 days. In summer, watering is usually done 2 or even 3 times more often. At the same time, you need to pay attention to ensure that the soil mixture is not over-moistened. For these purposes, it must be loosened regularly. This will help, firstly, to avoid stagnation of water and rotting of roots, and secondly, it will allow air to pass through better.

Watering is carried out only with settled or filtered water. In addition, the flower loves frequent spraying, which should be done daily if possible. If this is not possible, then such manipulations must be performed at least 3 times a week. In the warm season, once a month it is worth giving the ficus a shower, but do not forget to cover the substrate with a film so that it does not wash out.

Reproduction of ficus lyreate

The simplest method of propagating ficus lyreate is cuttings. The method involves using a 10–12 cm long cutting from the mother plant for rooting. This is a side stem with a lignified base and a young green shoot. The cutting may have 2 pairs of healthy green leaves.

The branch is cut obliquely with a sharp knife. The juice that appears on the cut is washed off under warm running water. Next, the cuttings are placed on a flat, dry surface for 4 hours to dry. Activities for planting cuttings:

  • Dissolve an activated carbon tablet in a glass of water;

place the cutting so that the leaves do not touch the water;

Do not allow direct sunlight to hit the cutting.

Roots appear on the 23rd–30th day. When the roots grow to 2 cm, plant the cuttings in a 1–1.5 liter pot, place it near a window in a well-lit place. Cut ficus in March–April.

Formation of the crown of ficus lyre-shaped or violin-shaped:

Many gardeners use top pruning to form ficus plants. This method does not always lead to the desired result; most often, after such pruning, only 1 bud wakes up. In order for more buds to emerge as a result of pruning, you need to trim at least 5-6 internodes, and the resulting apical cutting can be used for propagation. Plant pruning is carried out with disinfected scissors or a knife. The milky juice that begins to flow should be washed off with running water, and the cut area should be treated with activated carbon.

Stimulation of branching using citicone paste shows good results. It should be applied once a month to the buds above the leaf blades. No more than 3 buds can be processed at a time. Don’t expect quick results; it’s not always possible to get a new branch the first time, but this method is more gentle and allows you to get a lush ficus without radial pruning.

A dense ficus bush can be formed from several specimens, which are planted in one pot. Usually, 2-3 plants of different sizes are selected and planted in a bush, next to each other. It turns out to be a dense multi-level bush. Such plants are most often not subjected to shaping, since they already look good and lush.

Why get a ficus?

Ficus lyreate is liked by most gardeners. It can stand in any chosen place, delighting guests and apartment owners with the lush greenery of its leaves at any time of the year. At home, it is often placed in the living room, bringing a touch of southern flavor to the interior. If you have your own plot, then in the summer a tub of ficus can decorate a gazebo, veranda or other open spaces.

Often these flowers become a decoration for indoor public spaces, because they grow really large and look beautiful.

An additional benefit of Ficus lyreata is that it is a true natural air purifier. Everyone knows about the benefits of house plants, because they saturate the room with oxygen. Ficus is ideal for such purposes: the huge leaves and large size of the entire tree allow you to feel the difference. It will be much more pleasant to be in a room with a ficus.

When caring for such a plant, it should be borne in mind that it is quite demanding. We will have to try to create conditions as close as possible to natural

You also need to remember that transplantation and other manipulations must be done carefully. Experienced gardeners note that the most important thing is to take into account the attitude of the ficus to chemicals

Only the most delicate ones are suitable, otherwise it is easy to ruin the plant.

Ficus lyreata has a chance to please literally everyone. At home it sometimes blooms, but the buds are too inconspicuous. The main advantage of this tree is its leaves, and they are equally beautiful at any time of the year.

Methods for propagating violin or lyre ficus

The easiest way to propagate ficus is by cuttings.

For such propagation, apical and stem cuttings measuring at least 10 cm are suitable. It is best to root cuttings in the soil in a transparent plastic cup using a greenhouse from a bag. The roots that can be seen through the walls of the cup will indicate that the cutting has taken root.

Ficuses with monochromatic leaves take root easily, but variegated leaves take root with difficulty. In order to increase the chances of successful rooting, before planting, the cuttings should be dipped in a root stimulator or heteroauxin.

How to reproduce?

Lyre-shaped ficus can be propagated in several ways: by seeds, as well as by layering or cuttings. In practice, the first option is practically not used, since the plant blooms only in conditions as close as possible to natural ones, and it is impossible to recreate them in residential buildings and offices. In addition, this process is quite labor-intensive and troublesome - the first shoots appear no earlier than a couple of months after planting, and in order to get a full-fledged plant, it will take more than one year. That is why this propagation option is used mainly by scientists for the purpose of selection and breeding new varieties of ficus.

Cuttings are the most popular method of propagating lyrata. All necessary procedures are carried out in spring, when the plant awakens from sleep and begins active development and growth. To do this, cuttings of 10-15 cm in size are cut from a strong mother ficus, so that each has at least two leaves. The cut pieces are washed under running water at room temperature to wash away all the milky juice, then dried for a couple of hours, and then soaked in a vessel with water.

To disinfect the substrate and prevent putrefactive processes, you should add a little methylene blue or an activated carbon tablet to the substrate.

In order for root formation to proceed faster, a “Kornevin” solution is poured into water, and all leaves are cut in half. The jar should be covered with dark-colored plastic wrap - this creates a greenhouse effect that favors the growth of young roots.

Usually after a month you can have good roots - at this time the plant can be transplanted to a permanent place in the ground.

The second most popular propagation method is layering, but this method is only suitable for gardeners with extensive experience. To do this, select a non-lignified young shoot, remove all the lower leaves and make an incision at a distance of approximately 5 cm.

The milk that appears is washed off with water, the cut site is treated with a root formation stimulator, a wooden stick is inserted so that the cut does not become overgrown, covered with wet moss and wrapped with film. From time to time, the sphagnum is moistened, and after a month, roots usually appear - then the sprout can be cut off and replanted in the ground.

To learn how to propagate ficus lyre-shaped, see the following video.

Diseases and pests

Most often, ficus lyreate suffers from rot of various origins, which occurs due to improper watering. Obvious signs of overflow are brown spots formed on the leaves; after some time, the affected specimens fall off. Fungal infections can be destroyed with systemic fungicidal preparations, which are diluted in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Also, non-compliance with the temperature regime and low levels of air humidity provoke the development of another problem - yellowing of the leaves. When these parameters are normalized, the plant is restored.

Of the parasitic insects, the main dangers are spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects. To rid the ficus of them, insecticidal preparations that do not have a strong odor and are intended for indoor plants are used, for example, Fitoferm, Aktara. The working solution is prepared according to the instructions for use.

Ficus lyreate is a relatively unpretentious and quite beautiful plant. The key to its successful cultivation is correct agricultural technology and timely response in the event of an attack by harmful insects or infection by fungal diseases.

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