How to get rid of urine smell

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Regardless of the reason why a persistent smell of urine appeared in the house (a person who had health problems lived in the apartment for a long time or there were pets in the room that did not go to a place specially designated for them to relieve themselves), know how to remove the smell of urine from a wooden floor is extremely necessary in this case. In order to find a solution to this problem, we decided to clarify what it consists of, why it has such a persistent unpleasant odor, and collected the most effective methods for eliminating foul odor from parquet using available means.

What does urine consist of?

Cat urine contains:

  • uric acid - has the property of crystallizing, which in turn makes it impossible to dissolve and remove it with ordinary water or simple detergents;
  • urea - makes urine sticky, which helps it quickly stick to the floor;
  • urochrome - gives lasting color.

Important! When urine dries, it is decomposed by specific bacteria, and this in turn gives an unpleasant odor of ammonium. Therefore, it is quite difficult to remove the smell of urine, and especially from a wooden floor, which immediately absorbs moisture.

How to remove urine odor?

To remove the smell of urine from a wooden floor using improvised means, you need:

  • baking soda;
  • washing powder;
  • laundry soap;
  • potassium permanganate;
  • hydrogen peroxide;
  • vodka or alcohol;
  • vinegar;
  • iodine;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • lemon juice or citric acid;
  • oxalic acid;
  • liquid soap;
  • salt;
  • "White";
  • bleach “Bos”;
  • bleaching powder;
  • mouth rinse.

You will also need:

  • paper or cloth napkins;
  • toilet paper;
  • rags;
  • absorbent diapers.

Important! If you treat a room with products that contain chlorine, act very carefully and be sure to wear rubber gloves. Since chlorine-containing products are extremely toxic.

Hydrogen peroxide and soda

Soda is a substance that perfectly absorbs foreign odors, so it can also be used as a neutralizer. For more successful results, soda should be used in combination with hydrogen peroxide (3%).

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Application method:

  1. On a fresh wet trail of cat urine, first pour soda in such an amount that it completely covers the stain (the soda should absorb the urine).
  2. Then hydrogen peroxide is poured on top (a chemical reaction should begin, during which an ammonia smell will be released).
  3. Leave it like this overnight. In the morning, any residue should be removed with a damp cloth, and then thoroughly washed with soapy water.

How to remove urine odor?

To solve this problem as quickly as possible and no longer wonder about the burning question of how to remove the smell of urine from wooden floors, choose one of the options below. All of them are equally effective and will not require you to spend much time cleaning.

Method 1

The most effective way to remove urine odor from a wooden floor:

  1. Dilute “Whiteness” in a bucket of cold water with a ratio of 1:10.
  2. Wear rubber gloves and, if possible, a respirator and goggles.
  3. Wash the floor thoroughly with this solution using a rag that you will no longer need.
  4. Fill a bucket of clean water.
  5. Wash the floor with cold water several times.

Important! If the source of the problem is not only the floor, but also the upholstered furniture, be sure to clean it at the same time. Otherwise, there will be no talk about the effectiveness of the results. Read about effective ways to get rid of urine smell on your couch.

Method 2

Remove the corrosive smell of urine, for example, cat or dog urine, using potassium permanganate - it has a very good deodorizing effect. If you have such a remedy at hand, proceed as follows:

  1. Dilute potassium permanganate in cold water.
  2. Add vinegar with a concentration of no more than 4%.
  3. Wash the floor with the resulting solution.
  4. Fill a bucket of cold water.
  5. Rinse the floor with water until clean.

Important! Instead of vinegar, when preparing the solution, you can use hydrogen peroxide, iodine solution, lemon juice or citric acid.

Method 3

If you are dealing with fresh urine stains on your hardwood floors, immediately do the following:

  1. Blot with paper napkins the places where the animal has done its “dirty deeds” or cover with absorbent.
  2. Pour table vinegar onto the contaminated area.
  3. Cover the treated area with paper.
  4. Leave it like this until the vinegar dries completely.
  5. Rub baking soda onto stained areas.
  6. Take 100 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide, 0.5 tsp. detergent or liquid soap.
  1. Mix them and place them in a spray bottle.
  2. Add water to it up to 200 ml.
  3. Spray the areas sprinkled with baking soda.
  4. Leave the applied composition on the floor for 2-3 hours.
  5. Wash the parquet with a vacuum cleaner or a cloth that you will no longer need.
  6. Wipe the coating dry and treat with protective polish.

Important! If you do not take preventative measures, the problem will arise again and again, and in the end, nothing will help your interior, and the smell of feces will be intense and constantly hover in your home. To prevent this from happening, do not put off this question, but right now learn everything about how to quickly train a cat to use the litter box.

How to wash your dog so it doesn't smell like dog

It is important to follow a breed-specific bathing schedule. If breeders recommend washing the dog no more than 2 times a year, then frequent water procedures will only enhance the effect (the sebaceous glands will begin to work more actively).

Animals usually require delicate care. Their hair is different from human hair. It is better to use special shampoos that can be purchased at pet stores. There are special perfumed cosmetics for animals, but they can cause allergies. Before use, you need to read the composition.

Advice! Some dog breeders recommend using any shampoo with a conditioner effect for bathing dogs. The selection of hygiene products is individual: what helps one may irritate others. Products from SPA and Pantene are highlighted.

In addition to bathing, you will need a set of measures: trimming, haircut (for long-haired dogs), removing hair from the ears, cleaning shells, getting rid of plaque.

How to rid the floor of urine stains?

When you enter a room where a persistent, pungent odor prevails, and you don’t know how to remove the smell of urine from a wooden floor or how to remove the smell from parquet, first of all, look for dirt in the area.

Important! If you cannot immediately detect them, use an ultraviolet lamp to search for marked places. In this light they sparkle yellow. Mark the detected area with chalk and proceed to remove the unpleasant odor from urine using the following methods.

Method 1

White vinegar will ideally help get rid of the corrosive odor of urine; to do this, follow this procedure:

  1. Take vinegar and water.
  2. Prepare a solution in the proportion of 3 parts water and 1 part vinegar.
  3. Wash the floor with this solution.
  4. Afterwards, rinse the wood surface with cold, clean water several times.

Important! When treating the surface with this solution, open the windows, as vinegar has a very strong aroma.

Method 2

Regular laundry soap will help you cope with this problem:

  1. Take a sponge.
  2. Moisten it with water and lather well with laundry soap.
  3. Lather the marked areas.
  4. Give them time to dry.
  5. Rinse off soapy areas with clean water.

Method 3

To remove the unpleasant smell of urine from parquet, prepare the following solution:

  1. Take 1.5 liters of mineral water.
  2. Add 1 tbsp to it. vinegar.
  3. Apply the prepared product using a spray bottle to contaminated areas.
  4. Leave it for a while.
  5. Wipe the wood surface with a clean damp cloth and then a dry cloth.

Method 4

A fairly simple but effective way to combat the corrosive aroma:

  1. Wash the floor with water and washing powder.
  2. Wipe dry with a dry cloth.
  3. Take vodka and rinse the coating with it several times.

Method 5

Liquid Bos will help get rid of the smell of urine on parquet floors:

  1. Apply concentrate to the parquet.
  2. Rub the sponge a little and wait for the reaction.
  3. Wait for the foam to subside.
  4. Rinse off the product with clean water.

Method 6

To remove a marked spot on the laminate left by a cat, do the following:

  1. Fill the stain with hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Cover the treated area with talcum powder.
  3. Change the wet talc several times until the stain is completely dry.

Important! If all else fails, then you will have to make a more radical update to the natural coating. To do this, follow our instructions on scraping a wooden floor.

How to get rid of dog smell in an apartment

In addition to the specific smell of dog urine, there are several other reasons why a persistent stench remains:

  1. Failure to comply with hygiene rules (schedule of bathing, cleaning ears, teeth; lack of disinfection of paws and groin after walks).
  2. Inappropriate cleaning of wool, untimely washing of beds, toys, and carpet cleaning.
  3. Unbalanced diet, choice of low-quality food.
  4. Stress in a pet, severe fear (causes a protective release of hormones and odor).
  5. Serious health problems (enteritis, hepatitis, plague).

In order to get rid of the “aroma”, you need to find out the reason for its appearance. First of all, the dog is bathed, his mouth, ears, and anal glands are cleaned (at a veterinary clinic).

The next step is to treat the surfaces with an antiseptic or folk remedies to remove the smell of the discharge. If these points do not help, then you should consult a doctor to find out the exact cause of the smell.

Important! Some breeds have a natural smell due to a biological feature. Many herding dogs camouflage themselves among sheep in this way to hide from wolves. In this case, you will have to put up with the “aroma”.

How to mask the smell of urine?

Remove mildly unpleasant odors using home-made fragrances, which very effectively refresh the room.

Option 1

  1. Pour water.
  2. Add mint, eucalyptus and cologne to it.
  3. Place the resulting solution in a spray bottle.
  4. Apply the mixture to the desired areas. You need to wash until the smell is completely eliminated.

Option 2

  1. Buy a solution of ammonia and anise at the pharmacy.
  2. Place it in a spray bottle.
  3. Spray it on areas with an unpleasant odor.

How to remove the smell of cat urine from the floor using specialized products

If your pet periodically leaves its marks, then it’s still worth stocking up on specialized products. Today in pet stores you can buy neutralizers that will not only drown out the pungent odor, but also destroy it from the inside, preventing it from reappearing.

These specialized tools include:

  1. “Dezosan” is a product consisting of nonionic surfactants and food fragrances. It doesn’t just mask the unpleasant smell of cat feces, but removes it forever, breaking it down at the molecular level. Use as a spray or concentrated product. Treatment is carried out after removal of urine. Treat the contaminated area with the product and wait until it dries completely. If necessary, the procedure is repeated.
  2. “ZooSan” is a product that does not contain harmful substances, but is quite effective as a cat urine odor neutralizer. It is used in the form of an aqueous solution in a ratio of 1:9. Use this solution to wash the area where the cat left the mark and wipe it dry. Secondary treatment may be required for severe or old contamination.
  3. “Odorgone” is a product that not only eliminates the unpleasant odor of cat urine, but also has a deodorizing effect. The product contains natural ingredients that do not cause allergies. The principle of use is based on spraying the drug onto the source of the odor. For greater effectiveness, the treated area should be covered with plastic wrap.

Attention! There are also other specialized products, when purchasing any of which you need to carefully study the instructions for use so as not to spoil the floor surface.

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