Why does the smell of garlic occur: from women’s secretions, from the mouth, from sweat, body or urine? Is it dangerous and how to remove it?

What explains the smell of garlic in the room for no reason, which many people do not like? This is what allicin smells like: a substance released from an enzyme in garlic called allinase. Garlic owes its characteristic smell and taste to allicin. This is a natural defense mechanism that helps the plant resist harmful parasites, fungi and insects. When allicin spontaneously decomposes, compounds containing sulfur are formed, which give rise to the familiar smell of garlic. Parsley, milk, apples, spinach, ginger and mint help neutralize it. But allicin also has beneficial antibacterial and antifungal properties. Plus, garlic is supposedly good for the heart and blood vessels.

How to get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth?

How to get rid of the smell of garlic from your mouth? This unpleasant aroma can bother you for three to four days and be felt by others if nothing is done. Let's look at the techniques for eliminating garlic odor.

Garlic smells because it contains allicin. Once the garlic cloves are damaged, a chemical reaction occurs that releases a specific odor. By the way, it is thanks to allicin that this vegetable is reliably protected from fungi, as well as from rodents. And everyone knows about the beneficial properties of garlic.

There are some foods that neutralize the garlic flavor. These include the following:

  1. Greenery. Bay leaves, rosemary, basil, leaf parsley and dill will help cope with the unpleasant aroma.

  2. Fruits. Peaches, prunes, apricots, grapes, pears, plums, cherries and apples are especially helpful in combating the smell of garlic from the mouth.

  3. Hard fruits and spices. You can highlight coffee beans, cinnamon sticks, walnuts and nutmegs, hazelnuts, almonds, cardamom.

  4. Bread. Any baked product will do, for example, one made from wheat, rye flour or bran.

  5. Vegetables. Root parsley, lettuce, potatoes, and eggplants will help cope with the garlic smell.

All of these foods are characterized by their ability to oxidize quickly. This can be seen in the example of vegetables and fruits, which quickly darken when cut or peeled.

One of the excellent means of combating garlic odor can be called nuts. Nutmeg, walnuts and almonds are especially helpful.

To eliminate garlic odors, you can additionally use drinks. © https://ydoo.info/qa/kak-izbavitsya-ot-zapaha-chesnoka.html These include the following:

  1. Milk. One glass is enough to cope with even the strong garlic aroma.

  2. Green tea. It contains antioxidants and phenols that help freshen breath.

  3. Various herbal infusions. This includes infusions of chamomile, rosehip, sage, etc.

  4. Sour fruit juices. The acidity index must be more than 3.60. Lemon, lime, grapefruit and cranberry are good options.

Acidic fruits stimulate bile formation, promote improved digestion of food and accelerate the elimination of undigested digestive waste. Fruit acids also help to increase the secretion of saliva, which washes the oral cavity, helping to combat odor.

If you need to urgently freshen your breath, you can use a quick drink. An infusion of fenugreek in the amount of 200 milliliters is excellent. The decoction is made on the basis that one teaspoon of seeds is needed per 500 milliliters of water. The product is brewed and then infused for fifteen minutes.

You can try to eliminate the garlic odor through hygiene procedures. This will help:

  1. Teeth cleaning. Use toothpaste with a fresh effect.

  2. Dental floss. This will remove food debris that is stuck between your teeth.

  3. Rinse aid. Preference should be given to products containing cetylpyrinidium chloride and chlorhexidine, which provide antibacterial properties.

  4. Special tongue scraper. Often bacteria and tiny particles of food remain on the tongue, and a scraper allows you to get rid of them.

  5. Irrigator. It effectively cleanses the oral cavity.

As a homemade rinse, you can use a solution of baking soda or salt (1 teaspoon of the chosen product per glass of warm water is enough). By the way, these same compositions will help cope with the garlic odor on your hands or dishes.

Additionally, chewing gum (you should choose one with a pronounced mint or eucalyptus smell), lemon peel, activated carbon, and cinnamon will help in the fight against unpleasant aroma. But you should not rinse your mouth with compounds that contain alcohol, as this will enhance the smell of garlic.

Causes of odor

A whole, unpeeled garlic bulb has virtually no odor. The aroma only appears when it is cut or crushed. This is explained by the fact that during the cutting process, two compounds are mixed: alliin and allicinase. One of them is located in the vacuoles of garlic cloves, and the other is in their cytoplasm. As a result of such contact, the enzyme allicin is formed. It is this that is the source of the specific aroma.

It is also interesting that the smell of chopped garlic is much more pleasant than the aroma that comes from the person who ate the dish with this ingredient or simply cooked it. The reason for this metamorphosis is the interaction of garlic with certain substances present in the body. This interaction leads to the formation of sulfur dioxide gases, which are very persistent.

During meals, allicin mixes with saliva and microorganisms that fill the oral cavity. As a result, a not particularly pleasant aroma emanating from the mouth appears. But defeating it is much easier than removing the smell of garlic from your hands.

What to do if your hands or hair smell bad?

What to do if your hands or hair smell bad? Of course, fight. By the way, garlic, due to its medicinal properties, is often included in medicinal masks for curls. You can eliminate the unpleasant smell of garlic from your hair in the following ways:

  1. Rinsing with mustard solution. You need to dilute one tablespoon of mustard in one liter of water. Rinse your hair carefully, as mustard will burn if it gets into your eyes.

  2. Using Apple Cider Vinegar. It needs to be diluted in the amount of two tablespoons in one liter of water. Be careful not to get the product into your eyes.

  3. Application of lemon juice. Just two tablespoons per liter of water is enough.

  4. Involvement of essential oils. Rose, lavender or tangerine will do. Apply literally 5-8 drops of essential oil to your hair and distribute thoroughly.

Keep in mind that the product may not remove the garlic aroma from your hair the first time. Repeat the procedure the next day. It is advisable to combine several methods, for example, apple cider vinegar and essential oils.

To quickly remove garlic odor from your hands, you should use the following products:

  1. Laundry soap. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and cold water. You can’t use hot water, as it causes the pores on the skin to expand, and this will cause the smell to become even stronger.

  2. Stainless steel. Any item made of stainless steel will do. Rub the skin of your hands with it and the smell will instantly disappear. A spoon, fork, knife and any other kitchen utensil will do.

  3. Mouth antiseptic. Despite its purpose for the oral cavity, the composition will help combat the persistent aroma of garlic on the hands, and also get rid of bacteria. You need to apply a little product on your palms, carefully distribute and leave for about 4-5 minutes. After this, you need to rinse your hands with cool water.

  4. Antibacterial gel. You need to pour a little product into your palm, carefully distribute without rubbing, and wait for absorption. Repeat several times.

  5. Vinegar. Hands should be moistened with vinegar and not washed off for several minutes. Next, you need to rinse your palms with cold water, dry them and use any nourishing cream that will prevent skin irritation or dryness.

  6. Vegetable oil (any). Surprisingly, this product helps eliminate unpleasant odors. You need to apply it to your hands, wait two to three minutes and wash thoroughly with soap.

Each of these means allows you to get almost instant results, which is what you need.

Homemade scrubs will help in the fight against garlic odor on your hands:

  1. Baking soda. Dilute it with water in a ratio of 1:3 accordingly. You should get a white paste, which you need to rub on your hands and not rinse off for about 5-7 minutes. Then rinse your palms with cold water.

  2. Toothpaste. Use a hygiene product that contains baking soda. They need to rub their hands and not rinse off for about 5-7 minutes. Next, rinse your palms with cold water.

  3. Table or sea salt. Wet your palms with water and rub with salt. Leave the scrub on your hands for one minute and then rinse it off with cold water.

  4. Coffee grounds. Apply liquid soap to your hands and spread coffee grounds over it. Leave the product on your hands for 3-4 minutes, and then rinse your palms with cold water.

You can also use hand baths. The best ones are antibacterial ones, which help to cope with the specific aroma of garlic in just two or three minutes. The most effective recipes include the following:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide is diluted with water in a ratio of 1:3, respectively.

  2. The parsley decoction is brewed on the basis that per liter of water you will need about three tablespoons of dry ingredient or six to seven fresh (chopped). You need to soak your hands in the resulting mixture for five minutes and then rinse with water.

  3. Add two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar to one liter of water. You can hold your hands in this composition for no more than two minutes.

  4. Lemon juice and water are mixed in equal proportions. After five minutes, rinse your hands with water.

  5. The milk needs to be heated a little. Place your hands in it and hold for about five minutes. The unpleasant smell will disappear almost immediately.

  6. Mix one teaspoon of salt and baking soda in a container, add warm water (one and a half glasses is enough). After the crystals have dissolved, lower your hands and soak in the bath for three to five minutes.

At the end of the procedure, be sure to rinse your hands with cold water and use a nourishing cream to moisturize the skin.

How to get rid of the smell of garlic in an apartment?

How to get rid of the smell of garlic in an apartment? It can be absorbed into the dishes that contained the dish with this vegetable, hover in the air and be very irritating. Therefore, you need to quickly find ways to combat this specific aroma. The following folk recipes are suitable for eliminating odors from dishes:

  1. Baking soda. It is usually enough to wash the dishes with this product several times to eliminate the smell.

  2. Dish detergent + mustard powder. The combination of these two products is a guarantee of odor elimination. You need to mix the components in equal quantities, apply to the dishes and leave for about twenty minutes. After this, you can rinse the utensils with cold water.

  3. Lemon + table salt. You need to take a lemon wedge and thoroughly rub the dishes that smell of garlic. Sprinkle everything on top with table salt. Leave it like this for about ten minutes, after which you can rinse the utensils with cool water.

  4. Potato. It should be peeled and grated on a fine grater. You will get a paste that needs to be applied to the dishes, wait a little (literally 5-7 minutes) until the potatoes darken. Next, the product should be rinsed off with cool water.

  5. Calcination method. It is suitable for cutlery and cast iron cookware. They should be heated over an open fire (for example, over a gas burner). Then the utensils should be washed with cool water, using additional detergent.

If none of the above remedies helped, this means that the smell is very ingrained. In this case, you can use a mustard or soda solution (1-1.5 tablespoons of the solution per one and a half glasses of water is enough), in which you need to soak the kitchen utensils for about one hour. After this time, the dishes should be washed in a convenient way.

If a specific aroma bothers you in the refrigerator, then a piece of bread (preferably rye or black) can help. Place a piece of baked goods on each refrigerator shelf and leave for one night. Bread absorbs odors perfectly. If you are of the opinion that you can’t just throw it in the trash, feed the product to the birds, they will only be happy with such a delicacy. A sprig of juniper also works by analogy, which also allows you to get rid of the smell (not only of garlic and onions, but any other) that irritates.

If an unpleasant garlic smell is in the air, then you can fight it in the following ways:

  1. Boil water with vinegar (usually three to four tablespoons per liter of water is enough, but more is possible if the vinegar aroma is not irritating) on ​​the stove until the garlic aroma is eliminated.

  2. Heat a stove burner and place lemon or orange zest on it.

  3. You need to fry coffee beans in a frying pan, which perfectly combat the garlic aroma.

  4. Soak towels in cool water and hang them around rooms where the scent is strong. This simple method allows you to effectively eliminate odor due to the ability of wet fabric to absorb unpleasant odors. In this case, the windows in the room must be open.

If the smell of garlic has spread to areas other than the kitchen, using the stovetop to heat vinegar or roast grains may not be effective. You can use a microwave or electric oven, which can be plugged into an outlet in the living room or even the bedroom if necessary. Each of these devices allows you to use the above methods to quickly and effectively eliminate odors.

After this, you need to thoroughly ventilate the room. Remember that garlic is an incredibly healthy vegetable that should be included in the diet at least in moderation, despite its specific aroma.

Prevention of specific aromas

Prevention of specific odors is an opportunity to prevent the appearance of unpleasant odors in the home. It is enough to adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. If you need to leave soon (for work, a date, a walk, a business meeting), but you need to cook something with garlic, then you should use vinyl gloves. It is advisable to wear them in two layers. As a result, it is possible to prevent garlic from getting on your hands, so there will be no need to deal with the garlic aroma.
  2. It is worth using a special peeler for garlic. This will eliminate or at least minimize contact of garlic with the skin.
  3. Remember that garlic must be stored correctly. You need to place the vegetable in an airtight container or closed bag. This will prevent the aroma from spreading throughout the refrigerator and throughout the apartment.
  4. You should not store garlic near fish, dairy products and fruits, as this will lead to their saturation with garlic aroma.
  5. Before cooking food with garlic, you need to close the door to the kitchen. This will prevent the specific smell from spreading to other areas of the house.
  6. After preparing a dish with garlic, you must ventilate the room, even if it is winter outside. Ten to fifteen minutes of airing is enough to avoid the spread of odors and their absorption into the surfaces of the house.
  7. If you remove the centers from the garlic cloves during cooking, you will be able to weaken the garlic aroma several times.

As you can see, there are ways to eliminate garlic odor. Most of them act quickly and are effective. Choose the appropriate method to combat the specific aroma and quickly eliminate the garlic odor so that it does not become a problem.

Remove mold from hard surfaces

Mold has a characteristic odor that can spread throughout your home. It is necessary to promptly eliminate mold in the shower, on tiles, in sinks and other damp places in the house, since it not only produces an unpleasant odor, but is also harmful to health. To kill mold, do the following:

  • Mix 1 cup (250 milliliters) bleach and 4 liters of water in a bucket
  • Wear protective rubber gloves
  • Open the windows to better ventilate the room
  • Dip a stiff bristle brush into the prepared solution.
  • Scrub moldy areas with a brush
  • Periodically dip the brush in a bleach water solution.
  • Wipe the cleaned area with a damp sponge
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