How can you store alcohol and how to do it correctly

Is it possible to store alcohol in plastic bottles?

It is strictly prohibited to store alcohol in plastic bottles.
The fact is that upon contact with alcohol, plastic bottles begin to release harmful toxic substances. The human liver and kidneys are affected by carcinogenic substances. Plastic containers contain toxins that are not broken down in ordinary mineral waters and juices, but upon contact with ethyl, a chemical reaction is triggered. When using plastic bottles to store vodka, the risk of developing intoxication of the body increases significantly, even with small doses of ingestion of the drink. A particular danger to humans is vodka in plastic containers that have been heated, for example, by sunlight or have been in a hot room.

Today there is a special marking on bottles that indicates what material the container is made of:

  • HDPE – releases formaldehyde upon contact with alcohol;
  • PVC – upon contact with ethyl, releases vinyl chloride and phthalates;
  • LDPE – capable of releasing heavy metals;
  • PP – releases bisphenol A;
  • PS - as a result of reaction with alcohol, it releases styrene.

All of the above substances have a detrimental effect not only on the human body, but also on the environment, which is why environmentalists so often talk about the need to recycle plastic waste.

In addition to vodka, a plastic bottle is used to store wine, this is not strange in principle, because the container is very spacious, hermetically sealed and has amazing strength. Unlike spirits, wine can be kept in plastic containers. The percentage of alcohol in wine is much lower than in vodka, so it takes a long time for the plastic to break down and release formaldehyde.

Regardless of what drink you choose to drink, use exclusively glass containers. This is not a rule of etiquette or a fashionable expense, but a recommendation that will help protect your liver and kidneys from degenerative changes.

Every year, more and more people are admitted to the hospital for drinking vodka from plastic containers. Remember, no matter how expensive and high-quality the drink is poured into a glass, upon contact with plastic, the taste of the drink begins to change, and the most harmful substances are released. Sanitary services constantly raid outdoor sales tents where they sell beer and alcohol on tap in plastic cups to prevent mass poisonings.

In hot, sultry weather, people do not pay attention to the exact container in which cool beer is sold to them. When a foamy drink comes into contact with harmful components of plastic, dubityl phthalate is released. This substance can negatively affect the human reproductive, nervous and genitourinary systems. A harmful carcinogen promotes the formation of tumors in the endocrine system in men and women.

If you do not want the next alcoholic drink you drink to become lethal for you or cause a serious illness, buy it at certified points and drink it from the right glassware.

Alcoholic drinks are usually found in every home. They are not always purchased for drinking. Sometimes they are simply kept just in case. And then the question arises of how long they can lie on the table. Year? Two? Maybe the shelf life is actually infinite? But this is only one side of the issue. Packaging is also important. Today we will talk about whether it is possible to store alcohol in a plastic bottle.

In principle, there is no shortage of this product today. Therefore, you can go to the store at any time and buy a bottle of vodka or buy alcohol in a specialized department. But sometimes you happen to stumble upon a wholesale outlet that is located far from home. Most often, sellers do not burden themselves with the need to purchase containers for selling products, and plastic packaging can be purchased at any nearby store. But you need to remember in time whether it is possible to store alcohol in a plastic bottle.

  • For normal safety of the product, it is better not to violate the integrity of the original packaging.
  • Plastic is not suitable for storing alcoholic beverages. It interacts with alcohol and forms toxic compounds over time.
  • It is very important to seal the bottle airtight. Alcohol is very volatile and evaporates quickly. Therefore, if you want to preserve the strength of the product, you need to check the quality of the lid.
  • If a cloudy sediment has formed at the bottom of the bottle, consuming this drink internally is strictly prohibited. He became a real poison. Most often this happens if the packaging reacts with the contents.

Is it possible to store alcohol in a plastic bottle? Only if you need to move it from one point to another, where you will immediately pour it into a glass container. But it’s better not to do even this.

It would seem that the vodka is in glass, everything is done correctly, which means you don’t have to worry about the safety of the product. In fact, it is very important where this packaging is located. Every person should know how to store alcohol correctly to avoid negative consequences.

Vodka has an extremely negative attitude towards sunlight. In addition, she does not like high temperatures. Therefore, it is best to store it in a cool and dark place. Pure alcohol can be put in the freezer - it still won’t freeze. And as we have already found out, it is not the alcohol that spoils, but the additives. But they will freeze and then precipitate.

Another important point is the humidity in the room. You should not rely on the fact that you have a container for alcohol that is impenetrable to external influences. How to properly store alcohol is described in special instructions. Humidity in the room should not exceed 85%. Therefore, damp basements are not the best choice.

It is better not to store anything in plastic bottles. The plastic is slowly but dissolving. And the more aggressive the liquid, the faster it dissolves, and alcohol is a very aggressive environment. So, store alcohol in jars. Glass.

It is better to store alcohol in glass containers. Polyethylene bottles are made mainly from polypropylene. In itself, it is not very dangerous, which is why it is used in the food industry, but the antioxidants that fill almost all polymers so that they do not decompose and age pose a health hazard, they do not dissolve in water, but alcohol is for them best solvent, even many antioxidant tests rely on alcohol extraction. So alcohol absorbs antioxidants very easily, this is especially noticeable in the example of rubber, where the smell and color of alcohol quickly changes upon contact.

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Better, of course, in polypropylene or glass. And so, for technical needs it can take a long time, but if you are going to eat it, I really don’t recommend it. Alcohol corrodes plastic and you will consume its particles along with alcohol. This is fraught with serious poisoning.

I don’t know if it’s true or not, but alcohol, they say, can be stored in glass containers for up to 100 years. In the program “Habitat” they said that alcohol comes in five types, according to the adopted State Standards 1 High purity 2 “Basis” 3 “Extra” 4 “ Lux" 5 "Alpha" The difference is in the composition of the raw materials. “Alpha” contains 100 percent grain raw materials, “Lux” should contain no more than 35 percent potato starch, “Basis” and “Extra” should contain up to 60 percent potato. “Lux” alcohol is used more often, and “Alpha” is the purest, but and much more expensive. Also, the Habitat program states that alcohol in oak barrels should be stored for about two years, no more.

Some people even buy ordinary water or store it in a glass bottle. In general, the element bisphenol remains in plastic bottles after production, which significantly increases the risk of cardiovascular diseases. Although if you use alcohol for technical purposes (excluding medical ones), then a plastic one is quite suitable

There are different types of plastic. There is plastic that can release impurities, including when in contact with alcohol, and even the aroma and taste of the drink often changes. If alcohol is used externally, then this may not be so critical. But still, the best container for alcohol is glass, as well as stainless steel.

A plastic bottle can be used as a container for transportation. But it is not recommended for storage - it reacts and releases toxic compounds. For storage it is better to use dark glass containers.

If you have alcohol and don’t have a stainless steel canister of 20 liters on hand, then feel free to pour it into bottles. Nothing will happen. My father's stash has been sitting in a 5 liter flask for 7 years and has not leaked. I use it only for medical purposes.

alcohol at the alcohol factory is stored in plastic 5 liter bottles of ninety percent strength and nothing is done to it and 1 liter of pure 90 percent alcohol costs about 100 rubles, i.e. 1 liter of vodka costs 50 rubles, and the purest vodka, but in the store for 200 rubles they sell fusel with added fragrance, smelly alcohol so that it drinks better and does not stink, they add fragrance in glass bottles, it is better and cheaper to drink drinking alcohol for 50 rubles 40% liter than to drink vodka 40% for 200 rubles 0.5 l

Conditions affecting the shelf life of moonshine (vodka, alcohol)

If the drink contains additives, such as herbs, spices, fruits, flavor concentrates, its shelf life is up to a year.
This is because these ingredients can oxidize and produce harmful substances. For example, cherry pits eventually release hydrocyanic acid, which is life-threatening. If the composition does not contain chemicals, oils and fusel, then the shelf life of the drink increases several times. Plastic container for storing moonshine

One of the most important storage conditions is container. It could be as follows:

  • glass;
  • plastic;
  • wooden;
  • made of stainless steel.

Containers for moonshine are an important factor on which the quality and shelf life of strong alcohol depend. High alcohol content can cause a chemical reaction with the cookware material and lead to the release of harmful impurities. Most often, homemade alcoholic drinks are stored in the following containers:

  • Plastic
  • Glass
  • Wooden
  • Steel

For every bottle of moonshine, a label is not a luxury, but a necessity. Why is it needed and what exactly should I indicate?

  1. So as not to forget what kind of moonshine is contained in this bottle (sugar, grain, jam, etc.).
  2. Date of manufacture. Especially important for tinctures and liqueurs, which should be used first.
  3. Strength of the drink (see: the required strength of moonshine and methods for determining it).
  4. Features, including how successful the moonshine in a given bottle is: unsuccessful; traditional; elite; infused in an oak barrel (and how much), etc.
  5. Purpose. What can you indicate here? For example, for guests; for dear guests; for rubbing; for tinctures and what else your imagination tells you.

Temporary labels

Labels may be temporary, for personal use, so to speak. As a rule, in this case you don’t have to bother with appearance.

All you need to do is buy self-adhesive price tags at a stationery store (they come in different types and sizes), indicate the parameters you need on them, and stick them on the container with moonshine.

Your personal labels will reflect not only the identity of the alcohol, but also its status and quality. So start creating your brand name. What is needed for this?

Cloudiness of crystal clear moonshine (if more than 10 days have passed after dilution with water) and (or) the appearance of sediment in the form of flakes is a sign of improper storage. Often not only the appearance, but also the quality deteriorates. We will consider the parameters that affect the shelf life of moonshine. By creating the right conditions, the drink can be left for decades.

1. Container. The most important factor on which the shelf life of strong alcohol depends by 80-90%, since alcohol is an active substance that reacts with most materials, which can lead to the release of harmful impurities. At home, the ideal packaging options are glass bottles, carboys and cans for preservation.

It is better to use bottles from official vodka (with the “original” cork), into which no other substances were poured. If food or liquids have been in containers for even a short time, then before use the container must be thoroughly washed and dried, and then checked for the presence of third-party odors that could spoil the aroma of the distillate.

It is better to roll up jars with steel lids, since they are more reliable and safer than nylon lids. Nylon is one of the types of plastic that, when in contact with alcohol, can release harmful substances, this will be discussed further.

Metal lids are preferable to nylon ones

You cannot pour moonshine into containers where non-food products, such as gasoline or glue, were previously stored, since it is very difficult to wash such containers and the risk of irreversibly spoiling the distillate is very high.

For very large volumes, stainless steel barrels used in industry are recommended. Food grade stainless steel, like glass, does not react with alcohol and is therefore safe. But aluminum cans and enamel cookware are not suitable.

Food grade stainless steel barrels are a good solution for large volumes

Alcohol corrodes most plastic bottles, as a result the moonshine becomes cloudy, flakes or loose sediment appear at the bottom, and an unpleasant odor appears. There have been cases when alcohol “burned through” thin plastic.

Cloudy moonshine in a plastic container

But even if moonshine has not visually changed after storage in a plastic bottle, this does not mean that the drink is safe; many harmful substances cannot be determined organoleptically (by taste and smell). When alcohol reacts with different types of plastic, carcinogens such as formaldehyde (phenol) and styrene are released.

Many home distillers prefer to store moonshine in oak barrels. Sometimes such a decision is justified, but this method has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, you need to purchase and prepare a barrel for use, create normal storage conditions, including temperature and humidity, then periodically check the safety of the barrel.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with Endogenous alcohol in the human body

After aging in a barrel, moonshine changes color and taste

2. Composition. Moonshine may contain third-party additives (except alcohol and water): sugar, citric acid, herbal extracts, fruits, berries, other substances that improve the aroma or taste of moonshine, as well as essential oils and other impurities remaining due to improper distillation and (or) cleaning. It is impossible to predict how all these substances will behave after prolonged exposure.

It all depends on the composition, concentration and chemical reactions of third-party components between themselves on the one hand, and alcohol on the other. Typically, natural additives precipitate or become cloudy when exposed to direct sunlight, which only worsens the visual perception of the drink, but does not affect the quality.

3. Conditions. Proper temperature and humidity along with a lack of sunlight will block or slow down most chemical reactions. This is very important when storing moonshine with additives, but it is also desirable to create optimal conditions for “pure” distillate, especially if the drink is stored for a long period - 3-10 years.

I recommend placing the container with moonshine in a dark room (or at least away from direct sunlight) with a temperature of 5-20°C and a relative humidity of 85%. Be sure to periodically check the appearance of the drink and its tightness.

Temporary labels

How to store opened vodka

On store shelves, we are used to seeing vodka and other types of alcohol in glass bottles. Initially, no one pays attention to this point, but this is not easy. There are special standards and norms for storing alcohol and alcohol-containing drinks. In large containers, they must be stored in steel tanks or barrels, and smaller volumes of strong drinks are recommended to be kept in glass or metal flasks, with tightly sealed lids and appropriate markings.

Considering the simplicity of the chemical composition of this alcoholic drink, vodka does not require special storage conditions. At the same time, in order to avoid taste distortion under the influence of foreign odors or other similar factors, you need to know where to store vodka to ensure the preservation of its taste.

The main requirement for the place where you plan to store vodka is the absence of any type of lighting. Since this drink is mainly bottled in transparent bottles, exposure of vodka to light will lead to the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste.

Briefly, the requirements for the place in which vodka can be stored are as follows:

  • Lack of light
  • Temperature from 5 to 20 °C
  • Relative humidity up to 85%

The period for which vodka can be stored in a glass bottle is virtually unlimited. But this condition applies exclusively to vodka without additional components. In particular, the shelf life of any vodka tincture usually does not exceed one year, and to guarantee the preservation of taste - no more than six months.

It is impossible to say unequivocally how long vodka can be stored without additives. According to most opinions, the guaranteed shelf life is about three years.

An essential condition for long-term preservation of suitability for drinking is storing vodka in a glass bottle. This material does not react with alcohol and ensures the longest preservation of the original properties of the drink.

Another requirement regarding how to store vodka is that the container is tightly sealed. Ethyl alcohol is a fairly volatile substance, so loosely sealed vodka will lose its strength over time.

It is immediately necessary to clarify that storing vodka for a long time after opening is not recommended. Even a carefully screwed bottle will no longer be airtight, so the vodka may become saturated with foreign odors, which will negatively affect its taste.

It is advisable to store opened vodka away from products that have a strong or pronounced odor to prevent distortion of the taste of the drink itself. The first place to store an open bottle is the bar compartment in the closet, where there are no foreign products. In most cases, it is not recommended to store an open bottle for more than three months.

Store opened vodka in a bar or closet where there are no foreign odors. Shelf life 3 months.

The remaining requirements, where to store and how to store an open bottle of vodka, are identical to the general conditions given above.

In general, the period for which vodka tincture can be stored is about one year. Since the substances contained in the products used to prepare the tincture react with alcohol, the tincture becomes unusable over time.

Thus, to preserve taste and prevent possible food poisoning, it is advisable to limit the shelf life of homemade tinctures to a period of one year.

Quite often the question of whether it is possible to store vodka in plastic containers is discussed. According to the results of recent studies, alcohol reacts quite actively with the plastic from which bottles are made, which leads to the accumulation of harmful substances in vodka and reduces its shelf life. Therefore, the answer to the question whether it is possible to store vodka in plastic bottles will be negative.

The shelf life of vodka without additives is by and large unlimited, but taking into account production technology that is not always strictly followed, it is better to consume this product within three years from the date of bottling.

A prerequisite is to store vodka in a glass bottle. When storing a drink in a plastic container, after a short time, as a result of a chemical reaction, sediment forms and the taste is distorted. A glass bottle is the best option for storing vodka due to the fact that this material does not react with alcohol.

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The conditions for storing vodka do not contain any special requirements for either the characteristics of the place or the temperature. If you maintain a consistently low temperature at room temperature, the period for which vodka can be stored will be quite long.

It is undesirable to store an open bottle for a long time due to the oxidation of alcohol by oxygen entering the bottle, as well as due to the weathering of ethanol and the loss of strength of the drink. Once opened, the product must be consumed within a period of up to three months.

Regarding whether it is possible to store vodka in plastic bottles, the answer is definitely negative. Due to the active reaction of alcohol with the plastic from which the bottle is made, the period for which vodka can be stored in a plastic container until the vodka is imbued with harmful substances will be insignificant.

Everything you need to know about alcohol: wine, beer, vodka, cognac, whiskey, champagne, rum...

My brother recently brought home the coolest homemade cognac in a plastic bottle. So I’m wondering if this drink should be transferred somewhere or if it’s possible to store cognac in a plastic bottle?

Cognac refers to alcoholic drinks that contain alcohol. The latter reacts actively with plastic. Therefore, polyvinyl chloride containers are not the best choice for storing alcohol. Moreover, even plastic bottles that look identical in appearance are made from different materials that can react with alcohol.

To prevent negative consequences, it is advisable to pour cognac into a glass container. Moreover, you should not keep the drink at sub-zero temperatures. Experts are sure that the taste of cognac changes in the cold. This may make the drink unfit for consumption. If desired, draft cognac can be placed in the refrigerator.

The main thing is that the temperature there does not fall below 5°. The main factor influencing how long cognac can be stored in a certain container is whether the conditions for keeping the drink are correctly observed. After all, high-quality alcohol can be stored for a long time. The position of the bottle plays an important role.

Tightness is also important. To greatly increase the shelf life of the drink, it is advisable to fill the cork with sealing wax. This will prevent air from getting into the drink. It is unacceptable to store cognac in the light. The sun's rays have a detrimental effect on its taste, so after some time it will lose its original qualities. The duration of storage is also determined by the temperature at which the drink is kept. The best option is 5-20° heat.

The humidity of the room in which the cognac is located, with proper sealing and the use of a cork that is resistant to external manifestations, will not play a special role. But there is a nuance here too. It is not recommended to store cognac in a room that is too damp.


Sugar mash after fermentation should be poured into clean, sterile glass jars and placed in a dark, dry and cool place with a temperature no higher than 5°C.

No you can not.

It is advisable not to store moonshine in a plastic bottle at all.

If it is a food metal, then it is possible. The shelf life will be up to 3 months if the recommended temperature conditions are observed.

If it is a special metal marked “For food storage”, then it is possible within the specified expiration date.

According to the law, only certified ethnic estates can brew and store it. This is prohibited for private individuals.

We suggest you familiarize yourself with a liter of alcohol and how much vodka.

According to Art. 176 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, the production and storage of moonshine without the purpose of sale entails a fine of 51 to 170 hryvnia.

According to the amendment to Art. 14.17 of the Code of Administrative Offenses, from January 1, 2021, a restriction on the storage and transportation of moonshine in a volume of more than 10 liters comes into force.

What happens if an alcoholic drink is left in the cold? If you are wondering whether it is possible to store moonshine at sub-zero temperatures, then remember that alcohol freezes at -80°C and below. The drink will become viscous, but will not freeze, and we don’t have such frosts in our country.

Modern plastic containers for storing wine

The taste of an alcoholic drink depends on many factors, and not the least important role is played by the container for its storage and transportation. “Can wine be stored in plastic bottles?” - this is a common question asked by modern alcohol producers around the world. And this is no coincidence, because this material is gaining more and more positions in the modern world, being used in many areas of life.

Is it possible to store wine in a plastic bottle? Just a few years ago this issue was not even raised among winemakers. Even now, despite the abundance of plastic products of varying quality, specialists do not use plastic bottles. If the alcoholic drink is homemade, then at most it can be transported in plastic, and then poured into glass containers for long-term storage.

If your wine is in a plastic bottle, how long can it be stored in such a container? In fact, plastic is the most unsuitable material for long-term storage of any alcohol.

It is most harmful for wine, since the very structure of the material is such that it allows many gases to pass through. And since, according to technology, after corking the wine, oxygen should not enter it so that the drink does not oxidize, you can imagine what changes this leads to.

Alcohol is also an active chemical medium. Being in plastic for a long time, it can interact with its polymers, dissolving some molecules in the liquid. Thus, the finished product not only tastes different (synthetic notes of plastic are added), it can also cause harm to the body.

Therefore, it is not at all difficult to answer the question: “Is it possible to store wine in plastic barrels?” If you want to try a natural drink with its original and unique taste, then it is better to purchase wine in glass bottles.

But the production process does not stand still, so modern manufacturers have made special containers for storing wine in plastic bottles. These companies claim that the plastic they used is completely passive and therefore does not interact with alcohol (or with other products). They are also impermeable to all gases, i.e. wine does not oxidize under the influence of oxygen.

But how long can you store wine in a plastic bottle? In fact, despite the apparent quality of plastic, it is not as ideal for storage as glass containers. More recently, in the homeland of the most delicious wine, France, scientists conducted a small but interesting experiment.

In the laboratory, they created a simple model of wine by mixing two ethyl esters (complex forms) and two alcohols. Next, they were poured into an acidified aqueous solution of ethyl alcohol. These four elements are the main elements that give flavor to alcoholic beverages.

By pouring the wine substitute into a special plastic container, scientists monitored its changes. Based on the results of the study, we can say that the mixture and plastic did not come into contact, so it is not dangerous to humans.

But some elements quietly leaked through the walls of food-grade plastic. For example, 4-ethylphenol (responsible for the subtle aroma) leaked almost half of the total volume, and ethyl hexanoate (gives the wine a fruity taste) leaked into the plastic by a quarter of the total volume.

Accordingly, such properties of polyethylene to absorb certain alcohol substances significantly affect its taste. These studies have been disputed by other scientists, since there was still no real tasting. A second stage is planned, where professional tasters will be involved in the experiment, but for now winemakers are not taking risks with storing a good drink.

Of course, whether it is possible to store wine in plastic containers is up to the manufacturer to decide, but if it has a high quality mark, then there is no need to spoil the drink with polyethylene. If you use plastic containers, you need to choose high-quality ones, preferably with a large number of layers so that they do not allow oxygen to pass through. Such containers are well suited for homemade wine, which is usually not stored for long in plastic bottles.

Today, storing wine in plastic containers is common all over the world, despite the fact that the taste of a product stored in this way for a long time is significantly inferior to that stored in the classical way.

Many winemakers, especially those who produce home wine, recommend that their customers only transport alcohol in plastic containers and pour it into glass bottles upon arrival home. Storing homemade wine in plastic bottles for a long time is undesirable.

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If we talk about bottled wine of unknown production, which is often sold at resorts or small shops, then we can say that in addition to the unclear composition of the alcohol, keeping it in a plastic container for a long time does not impart any taste to the drink. In general, good wine will never be sold under the counter.

The shelf life of bottled wine in a plastic bottle, if you do purchase it, is short, no more than two months, the same as for homemade wine. But wine produced at wineries can be stored in plastic for no more than six months. This figure was derived after testing by scientists.

To prevent wine from spoiling, it should be stored properly. It should be noted that wine that is made at the factory and homemade wine are stored using completely different technologies. However, it is better to keep both drinks in cool rooms, free of foreign odors. After all, even when clogged it absorbs foreign aromas.

These wines also differ in shelf life. A homemade drink without loss of taste in good conditions can retain its unforgettable aroma for up to seven years. But alcohol made at a winery can be stored much longer.

In modern wine production, there are a number of reservations when plastic containers are acceptable without losing the original quality of the drink. Many producers, having analyzed the sales market, agreed that the produced inexpensive young wine reaches the consumer within a month.

That is why, in order not to spend money on expensive glass containers, they decided to produce wine in a certain segment in plastic containers. This is especially appropriate when such inexpensive drinks are transported by sea or land over long distances.

As you can see, wine can be stored in plastic bottles, but not for long. Even if it is a bottle specialized for wine, after just six months the properties of the drink in it change. Therefore, if you want to drink high-quality and tasty wine, buy yourself a bottle made of traditional glass. Also, do not store homemade wine in plastic; use glass for fermentation and further storage of finished wine.

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Modern plastic containers for storing wine

Of course, glass bottles are not very convenient. They are heavy, break easily, and are extremely inconvenient to transport. That's why the question often arises about whether it is possible to store vodka in plastic containers. Here you should take into account the quality of the material itself. And you definitely need to make sure that there are no open flame sources nearby, since plastic is a highly flammable material.

You can find out what material the container is made of quite easily. To do this, just look at the bottom where the markings are. But even if high-quality material is chosen, you should not leave alcohol in it for a long time. Such containers are intended for temporary storage of drinks and are excellent for transporting them.

For a long time now, plastic products have settled in almost every home. In the kitchen you can find plastic containers, disposable and reusable utensils made from food-grade plastic. Many are happy with everything, because such products can be used for a long time, and they are cheaper than glass. But is it really that simple?

Firstly, modern scientists prove the danger of various substances contained in food plastic, which after prolonged exposure can negatively affect human health.

For example, xenoestrogens (artificial hormone-like substances), when they enter the body and reach a high concentration in it, upset the balance of the hormonal system, thereby causing dangerous diseases (CVS, liver, etc.). And one of the xenoestrogens, bisphenol A, is now even used in products for children.

Secondly, the container itself must be able to be distinguished by its markings, because some types of plastic cannot be used in a microwave oven, since hazardous substances are released under the influence of microwave rays, or they cannot be frozen.

The same applies to wine, because in addition to its oxidation of plastic containers and the release of various substances into the liquid that change the taste of the drink, the lifespan of alcohol in plastic containers is significantly reduced. We will talk about this in more detail in the article.

Storage conditions

It would seem that the vodka is in glass, everything is done correctly, which means you don’t have to worry about the safety of the product. In fact, it is very important where this packaging is located. Every person should know how to store alcohol correctly to avoid negative consequences.

Vodka has an extremely negative attitude towards sunlight. In addition, she does not like high temperatures. Therefore, it is best to store it in a cool and dark place. Pure alcohol can be put in the freezer - it still won’t freeze. And as we have already found out, it is not the alcohol that spoils, but the additives. But they will freeze and then precipitate.

Another important point is the humidity in the room. You should not rely on the fact that you have a container for alcohol that is impenetrable to external influences. How to properly store alcohol is described in special instructions. Humidity in the room should not exceed 85%. Therefore, damp basements are not the best choice.

How to properly store bottled wine at home

It is usually indicated on the packaging. But sometimes manufacturers ignore this point or indicate that the deadlines are unlimited. At the same time, in small print at the bottom of the packaging it states that the product must be consumed within 12 months. Therefore, on the one hand, we understand that there is nothing to spoil there. But on the other hand, everyone knows how severe the consequences of alcohol poisoning can be. Therefore, willy-nilly, they will look at the transparent liquid with caution.

In fact, everything has a shelf life. But in the case of alcohol, much will depend on external conditions. Let's take a closer look at what conditions must be met.

Shelf life of wine in a specially produced plastic bottle

So, in order for alcohol or vodka to be considered suitable for consumption, you need to check the following characteristics: what the product consists of and how it is stored. Moreover, the first point does not apply to alcohol if it is pure.

  1. Only at first glance all vodka is the same. Simple consists of ethyl alcohol and purified water. It will be stored almost forever, because there are no additives in it. But the drink can be reproached for not having a very mild taste. With special vodka the situation is somewhat different. Specific additives that are needed to improve taste may deteriorate. It is best to use this product within 6 months from the date of manufacture.
  2. The second point is packaging. And here we come to the main question: “Can alcohol be stored in a plastic bottle?” In fact, there can only be one answer. Only containers that do not react with alcohol are suitable for storage. That is, glass is the ideal option.


For long-term storage of alcohol (years), containers made of borosilicate glass or stainless food steel are suitable. The place is cool and dark.

For a period of no more than a year, glass juice jars are allowed.

For transportation within a couple of days, PET plastic bottles (PET, PETE (1) or PEHD, HDPE (2) are suitable. Within a few days, emissions from plastic do not reach dangerous concentrations.

  • How to store potatoes
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