We remove cockroaches from the house using ammonia

Using ammonia in an apartment against cockroaches

Cockroaches are guided in their activities by their sense of smell. Long moving mustaches on their heads

not for beauty at all. They act like an antenna. The whiskers pick up even the slightest odors. The cockroach uses them to find food. A highly developed olfactory system played against them. People began to use ammonia and thereby mislead pests. With the constant aroma of ammonia, cockroaches cannot find food, and their respiratory tract suffers from a strong irritant.

However, one feature should be taken into account - ammonia has a bad effect on people, including. If you go too far with the con and all its legal residents. When using the substance in an apartment, you must follow the rules for preparing the solution.

Necessary Precautions

It doesn’t matter what specific substances you use to treat your apartment against cockroaches, when working with any of them there are certain precautions that must be taken so as not to harm yourself or your loved ones.

Regardless of how strongly you smell the alcohol, wear a respirator over your face to protect your respiratory system, as well as rubber gloves to protect your skin before starting to clean the area.

Be extremely careful and try to prevent accidental ingestion or ingestion of the substance in undiluted form, otherwise it will result in trouble for you (for example, a burn to the gastrointestinal tract is possible).

Also make sure that this product does not come into contact with any part of the skin (irritation may occur).

What are the proportions

There are no strict rules for preparing the solution, but some nuances should be taken into account. If there are no people in the house for a certain time, you can prepare a concentrated product or use ammonia in its pure form. Simply pour it into a saucer, lid or other container and place it behind furniture, along baseboards, or in another place where cockroaches like to hang out. If everyone stays in the house, the proportions should be such that alcohol does not worsen people's well-being. Cockroaches pick up even the faintest odors. Therefore, even the weakly concentrated aroma of the folk remedy will be felt.

How to use ammonia against cockroaches

The pungent smell does not last long. No more than 10 minutes after treating the surface with a weak concentration solution. They enhance the effectiveness of folk remedies in different ways.

Wet cleaning

A room infested with cockroaches is treated with ammonia solution for 7-14 days. Wet cleaning is carried out daily. To wash floors and wooden furniture parts, prepare a solution of water and ammonia in a ratio of 10:1.


It is better to treat floors and furniture late in the evening. Cockroaches are active at night. Daytime wet cleaning will have no effect.

Impregnation with repellent

Any housewife knows where cockroaches live most. In these places you can place household napkins (rags) soaked in pure ammonia or ammonia diluted with water.

Repellent containers

In places where insects accumulate, place small containers (lids, saucers) filled with ammonia. This method is used when leaving home for the entire weekend. There should be no cats, dogs, birds or other animals in the apartment.

Syringe for inaccessible places

During the day, insects hide in crevices of the floor, furniture, and behind baseboards. You can get them out of there using a syringe and a concentrated solution of ammonia.

Increased concentration for non-residential premises

In utility rooms, treatment is carried out daily with a solution of high concentration. Daily wet cleaning is combined with repellent containers.

How to dilute ammonia, how much is needed per room

To obtain a concentrated solution, dilute 200 ml of ammonia in 1 liter of room water

temperature. The resulting composition will have to be used to treat all furniture from the reverse side in the kitchen, washbasins, baseboards, and floors. If the room is large, you will have to prepare a double solution in the amount of 2 liters. Alcohol is poured into water and stirred well.

A weak solution is prepared in a similar way. Only 1 teaspoon of ammonia is dissolved in 1 liter of water. This folk remedy for cockroaches can be used as a daily procedure. The product is prepared immediately before use, since the smell of alcohol quickly evaporates.

A pungent odor will spread into the room already during the preparation of the solution. It is advisable that the windows and doors are closed at this time. It’s even better if you can do the procedure in the evening, since cockroaches are nocturnal. During the day they practically never meet. There will be no special reaction to ammonia. At night they will calmly get out of their shelters. If you wash the floors in the evenings, then the life of insects will become much more difficult. Especially when combining this method of fighting with others.

Efficiency of the method

Speaking about the advisability of using this method to combat cockroaches, it is worth noting that ammonia is more appropriate to use when a small number of insects are found at home or to prevent their appearance. A dwelling with a larger number of such “neighbors” will be more effectively subjected to other methods of treatment. You can use modern chemicals or contact a special service. The forms of release of purchased drugs against cockroaches are varied: gels, crayons, aerosols. In addition, you can buy traps in stores - small plastic boxes with bait inside.

In addition, we should not forget that in the fight against Prussians, sanitary conditions in the house play an important role. To avoid creating an environment favorable for cockroaches in your home, you need to:

  • wash used dishes immediately after eating and wipe the sink dry;
  • regularly take out the trash and keep the trash can and the area around it clean;
  • systematically clean the entire home;
  • store food in hermetically sealed containers or bags;
  • apply preventive measures, for example, carry out wet cleaning with a weak solution of ammonia once a week.

Recipes for an effective remedy

Ammonia can be used alone or as part of other folk remedies.

  • The smell of ammonia quickly disappears. There will be no odor left from the weak solution after 10 minutes. The cleaning procedure will have to be carried out every day for 1 or even 2 weeks. Until the number of cockroaches decreases. A strong solution stays active longer. Its strength lasts for about half an hour. Classic recipe for preparing a solution - 1 part

    alcohol to 10 parts of water at room temperature.

  • To prolong the effectiveness of the product, ammonia is poured into a small container. Lids from jars and saucers are often used. However, in this case, it is better for people not to be in the house. For 1 procedure, 1 bottle of ammonia is consumed.
  • Another way to prolong the pungent odor longer is to dampen a rag and place it in a place where cockroaches like to hang out.
  • Another effective recipe for fighting cockroaches is ammonia in a syringe. Prepare a solution with a high concentration, or use it in its pure form. Use a syringe to pour under the baseboards, into the cracks in the wall, if any.
  • Acetic acid acts in a similar way. Insects also cannot tolerate the pungent odor. To make it even more unpleasant, ammonia is added. For 1 liter of water, 200 ml of alcohol, the same amount of vinegar. In this case, it is necessary to protect the respiratory tract with a respirator or gauze mask.
  • Ammonia in strong concentrations causes a reflex cessation of breathing. Insects may simply suffocate. But only a few find themselves in such a situation. A folk remedy for fighting cockroaches cannot be considered complete, since the effect of ammonia is short-lived. Alcohol is used more as an additional control method.

    The room is processed as follows:

  1. Prepare the solution. For 1 liter of water, 1 teaspoon of alcohol. From this calculation, the required volume is prepared. Another recipe calls for 100 ml of alcohol for the same volume of water. The concentration will be much higher.
  2. Do wet cleaning. An alcohol solution is used to wash the floor, wipe furniture, baseboards, window sills, and doorways.
  3. Repeat the process. You should not hope that cockroaches will scatter after one treatment. It must be carried out at frequent intervals until the pests are completely expelled.
  4. Ammonia has a strong, unpleasant odor of ammonia. It is poorly tolerated not only by cockroaches, but also by people. The procedure must be carried out wearing a mask or respirator. After treatment, ventilate. For humans, the smell will not be noticeable, but for insects it will continue to act.

"Barbels" have a highly developed sense of smell. With the help of smell they find food and their own kind. Ammonia confuses them. Insects cannot concentrate and detect food. After a while, the situation is no longer satisfactory, and the cockroaches leave their place of residence.

Boric alcohol works in the same way. The pharmacy sells a solution that is diluted in the same ratio with water as ammonia. Various baits are prepared using boric acid to help get rid of cockroaches; the recipe can be found on the Internet.

What is ammonia

This is nothing more than an ammonia solution, which has quite a wide range of applications. Also called ammonium hydroxide. Colorless, transparent liquid, similar in appearance to water. Has a very pungent odor.

You can buy this product in pharmacies; it is sold in bottles with a concentration of 10%, volume from 10 ml and above.

Regarding the medical field, the drug is used:

  • To bring a person to his senses - inhalation.
  • As a disinfectant and disinfectant - topically. For insect bites, lotions are made, but the product is diluted with water, and surgeons also disinfect their hands, also diluted.
  • To quickly induce vomiting - inside. Only in diluted form and strictly in the presence of medical workers.

It is important to know:

  • To bring a person back to his senses and take him out of fainting, you just need to moisten a cotton swab with ammonia and let the patient inhale: STRICTLY for 1 second. Then you should remove it. The vapors of this drug act as follows: the smell irritates specific receptors, blood pressure increases, and breathing quickens. If the patient inhales a lot of vapor, breathing will stop, which will lead to serious consequences.
  • If the solution enters the body undiluted, the person will receive severe burns to the mucous membrane of the stomach and esophagus; in these cases, urgent hospitalization is required.

No less popular is the use of ammonia in households:

  • This is an ideal tool to restore the shine and original condition of gold and silver, and get rid of stains and plaque.
  • Often used for cleaning plumbing fixtures.
  • Copes with difficult-to-remove stains on clothes and upholstered furniture.
  • Excellent at repelling Prussians and cockroaches.

On a note!

Very often you can hear people call it “ammonia”. But it is worth knowing that ammonia has very little in common with ammonia. Ammonia is a solution, as mentioned earlier, its main distinguishing feature is a very characteristic “aroma”. But “ammonia” is nothing more than ammonium salt, which has no odor at all.

Feasibility of use

Ammonia against cockroaches will not be able to eliminate a crowd of insects. It is necessary to take into account the degree of contamination of the premises and the reasons. The method is excellent as a preventive measure. If cockroaches live in neighboring apartments, create an unfavorable environment for them in your home. The smell will repel insects and they will not dare to crawl. This cannot continue for long. It is necessary to inform the SES about the current situation.

How effective the product can be judged from reviews.

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