Rules for caring for leather furniture and a review of the best products

  • Key care features
  • Cleaning products
  • Cleaning light upholstery
  • Types of mechanical stains and their elimination
  • Suitable conditions for furnishings
  • People's Councils
  • Videos and reviews

Leather furniture makes the interior elite, emphasizing the restrained style of the room and the special taste of the owner. Such products fit into different styles. They are texturally simple, not provocative or “screaming”, but always attract attention. They transform a room into a luxurious space, provided that the item is in good condition. So how to clean a leather sofa at home, make light and dark cuts clean, dry clean and maintain that attractive shine? What tools and methods should I use? Experts will talk about this in this article.

Which cleaning products for leather furniture should you choose?

It is not enough to simply wipe leather furniture with a damp sponge and clean water. Sometimes it is necessary to remove more complex stains and contaminants that can only be treated with certain compounds. When cleaning some stains, using only a damp cloth will leave unsightly streaks on the skin after drying. Therefore, before cleaning, you need to determine how to clean your leather products.

For cleaning, it is better to use a specially designed product for the care of leather furniture. Choose premium formulations based on vegetable and animal fats. Not only do they deal with stains and scratches, but they also create a protective layer around the leather fibers. Experts advise treating and cleaning furniture with a special balm every six months.

Among the professional products, the following products are distinguished:

  • Balm and cream for leather furniture;
  • Products for restoring skin color and structure;
  • Leather furniture care oil;
  • Impregnation and wax in the form of aerosols for natural leather;
  • Powder to remove stains and soap to clean the material.

In addition, you can use folk remedies. Ammonia will help remove stains from tea, coffee and other drinks, as well as traces of cosmetics. Glycerin soap removes food debris.

Lemon juice removes traces of markers and pens and returns whiteness to light-colored furniture. A white leather sofa or armchairs can also be cleaned with milk or a mixture of milk and egg whites. Whipped protein and glycerin will help maintain the shine, elasticity and softness of the material for a long time.

It is not recommended to clean leather furniture with standard soap or soapy water, as the upholstery will quickly dry out and become cracked. By the way, instead of special products for leather furniture, you can take compositions for the care of shoes made of genuine leather. This can be a cream, spray or aerosol, as well as shoe shampoo and conditioner. You can find a list of the best leather shoe care products here.

How to Clean Leather Furniture

Restore natural shine

What you will need:

  • glycerol
  • sponge
  • dry soft cloth

How long will it last: 2 weeks

Dull skin can be restored to its natural shine using a glycerin solution. The composition is applied to the surface of the skin and rubbed in effortlessly in a circular motion.

After treatment, wipe the surface of the leather with a dry cloth.

The effect of this procedure lasts for about a week. After this, the processing should be repeated.

People's advice : Instead of glycerin, whipped egg whites are suitable. To care for white leather furniture, whites should be mixed with milk.

Remove dark spots

What you will need:

  • ammonia - for coffee stains
  • ethyl alcohol - for lipstick marks
  • vinegar - for ink stains
  • soft fabric

How long will it last: until the next stain

Dip a piece of cloth into the desired substance and wipe the stain, being careful not to rub the stain into the surface. After the stain has disappeared, go over the treated area of ​​skin again with a damp cloth.

Important! Do not use solvents or benzene to remove stains. They corrode the top layer of skin and leave stains that cannot be removed by anything.

Remove abrasion

What you will need:

  • olive oil
  • shoe polish
  • cotton fabric
  • sponge
  • iron

How long will it last: 2 months

Apply olive oil to the scuff. Place a cloth dampened with water on top. Place a warm, but not hot, iron on the fabric. Under the influence of temperature, the oil will be deeply absorbed into the skin and restore its structure.

Once the oil has been absorbed, rub a little shoe polish into the treated area. This way the abrasion will be completely camouflaged. Remove the remaining cream with a sponge.

Popular advice To remove small abrasions, try rubbing the skin with orange peel.

Tips: how to extend the life of leather furniture

  • Sunlight. Do not place leather furniture in areas where the sun shines constantly. From direct exposure to rays, the skin quickly loses softness and elasticity.
  • Air humidity. Maintain air humidity in the room where leather furniture is located at 60-70%. With sufficient moisture, the skin retains its elasticity longer and does not crack. For the same reason, it is not recommended to place a leather sofa or chair next to heating appliances or a fireplace.
  • Electrification. When skin comes into regular contact with the fabric of clothing, static electricity is generated on the surface of leather furniture. It attracts dust particles and speeds up the pollution process. It is better to remove static with special wet wipes, wiping the skin at least once a week.
  • Pets. Scratches from pet claws are practically permanent on the surface of the skin. Therefore, if there are many pets in the house, it is better to place leather furniture in rooms where the path is closed for them, or even choose a different type of upholstery.

You will find a large assortment of leather sofas in various colors in our catalog.

We have a wide selection of models in stock and models to order.

Proper care of leather furniture

It is no secret that improper care provokes the appearance of cracks, which can subsequently burst. The appearance of cracks on the product indicates that the skin was not moisturized in a timely manner and was overdried.

May honey: beneficial properties, harm, features and reviews

Caring for leather furniture begins with its careful use.

Therefore, it is necessary to properly care for sofas and other leather products, and especially car seats. Since the structure of leather resembles a porous spongy material, dust can penetrate deep into the product over time, resulting in ingrained dirt.

Note! On light-colored furniture, such stains may appear earlier and be more clearly visible.

One of the main skin pollutants is dust.
In order to prevent the appearance of unpleasant stains, you must follow simple rules for caring for a leather sofa. The upholstery cleaning cloth should not be too wet.

Leather furniture should be cleaned at least once a month.

Over time, excess moisture is absorbed into the material, which subsequently provokes the growth of fungus and mold in the fabric. Dry your sofa or chair in natural conditions. It is prohibited to speed up the drying process using heating devices, as the skin may dry out and crack.

Clean the sofa immediately after soiling.

It is necessary to remove dirty stains from the upholstery as quickly as possible, without allowing them to be absorbed, since it will be much more difficult to wash them later. Existing stains should not be rubbed; simply blot with a dry cloth.

Once every six months, restore the protective lipid layer of the skin using special impregnations.

Rules of care

In order to extend the life of furniture, it is necessary to comply with operating conditions and use a professional care product. It is better to place the piece of furniture in a room with moderate humidity, away from heat sources. The surface should be treated once a week. Excessive rubbing of the surface contributes to rapid wear.

Care includes:

  • vacuuming from dust and crumbs, paying special attention to seams;
  • wipe with a soft, damp cloth (microfiber);
  • wipe with a dry cloth.

A competent approach to furniture care makes cleaning at home effective and safe. It is impossible to cope with some types of pollution without household chemicals.

Some more cleaning tips:

  • Do not scrub the surface with hard sponges or brushes.
  • Make sure that red wine, coffee, and paint do not come into contact with your skin. If this happens, immediately remove the stain with a damp cloth.
  • Use balms that create a protective layer and increase the elasticity of the upholstery. Some types mask abrasions.

The dry cleaner will do all the work themselves if you have no experience in removing stains. In addition, it is not always possible to deal with old stains on your own.

Useful tips

Before you start cleaning, you need to make sure that the selected household chemicals are suitable for the surface of the furniture. To do this, test the balm on a small area. It is not recommended to use several products at the same time, so as not to damage the upholstery. When removing stains, move from the edge to the center, then there will be no streaks left. If the dosage of the balm is increased, do it gradually, allowing the skin to get used to it.

How to keep your skin looking pristine:

  • ensure that the humidity in the room is 60-70%;
  • remove products at a distance of 1 meter or more from heat sources;
  • use protective covers and capes if the house is left without owners for a long time;
  • keep pets away from the furniture;
  • protect from exposure to ultraviolet radiation so that the material does not fade;
  • Carefully ensure that the composition is suitable for a particular type of upholstery.

What should not be used for care

Even the most durable material does not last forever. Before you start cleaning, you need to know how to clean upholstery.

The material must not be cleaned:

  • Aggressive agents (solvents, turpentine, alcohol, bleach).
  • Running water. Tap water contains salts and heavy metals and has increased hardness. After treatment, stains remain on the upholstery, which are very difficult to remove.
  • Rough mechanical impact. Cleaning is done with a soft cloth using smooth movements.
  • Drying with a hairdryer or other heating devices is contraindicated.
  • To prevent the material from fading, do not expose it to ultraviolet rays.

Any piece of furniture loves cleanliness, leather products especially. It is better to remove dirt immediately. Then it will be easy to do.

Features of leather furniture

Leather is a natural material, which means that it breathes, creating a feeling of comfort. In summer, the leather surface pleasantly cools the body, and in winter, heated by warm air, it gives its warmth to vacationers.

Leather is a classic that always looks fashionable.

Since leather is a natural material of natural origin, it has very high wear resistance and serves its owners for decades. This material has very good resistance to abrasion and all kinds of tears.

We take care regularly

Immediately after purchasing furniture, you should purchase a leather sofa care product. Once a month it is necessary to wet clean the surface, but the use of aggressive detergents is prohibited! Do not rub the upholstery with brushes - it will leave scratches. For skin care, a special composition is selected, which depends on the type of material. Detailed instructions for caring for the product should be issued by the store along with the purchased furniture. You should not skimp on cleaning compounds that can damage the material: it is much more profitable to purchase an expensive product and keep the leather in its original form than to watch the upholstery age day after day despite constant care. It is recommended to first try an unfamiliar composition on an inconspicuous area.

Prevention is better and cheaper than cure. In order for natural leather furniture to look presentable longer and not become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria, it must be provided with regular care throughout its entire lifespan.

Once a year, leather furniture needs to be impregnated with a special fat composition so that the material does not dry out and remains soft longer. If you do not follow this rule, the upholstery will quickly “grow old” and crack. Do not treat your leather sofa with shoe creams or impregnations.

Leather or not? Determining the type of material

Speaking about how to care for leather products, it is worth giving a few tips with which you can distinguish natural from artificial upholstery :

  • natural material, if you put your palm on it, immediately heats up, artificial material does not;
  • natural quickly restores its shape and does not change color when deformed;
  • natural material has a very dense structure, as well as a rough edge;
  • artificial upholstery does not absorb moisture, emits a strong chemical aroma, and has a fabric base.

Simple and effective ways to get rid of a wasp nest

If you don’t know how to identify a leather product, then simply look at the manufacturer’s instructions, which indicate the type of material that was used in the production of the upholstery. By the way, in the instructions or on the sticker (located on the bottom of the furniture) you will find recommendations for caring for the product; let’s look at some of them:

  • W – cleaning with a special water-based product;
  • S, P – cleaning using solvent (dry cleaning);
  • SW, WS – cleaning with water-based agents, solvents (dry cleaning), steam cleaner;
  • X - only dry cleaning performed by professionals is acceptable.

Also, the manufacturer can apply manipulation (vector) signs to the label, for example, “Keep away from moisture,” “Keep away from the sun,” and others. They pay attention both when packing and transporting goods, and during direct operation!

Cleaning from dust

To care for the leather of the sofa, a vacuum cleaner is used, which rids it of its main enemy - dust. If you don't clean the upholstery once every two weeks, dust will clog the pores of the leather, making it even more difficult to get rid of dirt. The abundance of dirt significantly reduces the service life of leather products. When cleaning, use a soft brush to remove dust from folds and crevices. Suitable for both home and car vacuum cleaners. If you don’t have any equipment, you can use a special broom or a damp cloth. To add shine, you can soak a rag in a weak lemon solution and wipe the leather sofa with it.

Removing stains

You can clean stains from sofa upholstery at home using improvised means. The easiest way is to remove fresh stains, so don’t put off this work. Immediately after a stain appears, it should be treated.

Fat or oil

If grease or oil gets on the leather upholstery, you should not rub the sofa with a rag, this will only spread the grease over the surface and the stain will become larger in area.

To prevent the fat from being deeply absorbed, it is necessary to immediately cover the area of ​​contamination with any product that could absorb the oil. This could be soda, salt, starch, baby powder. After a few minutes, the fat will be absorbed and the used absorbent will be carefully swept away from the sofa. Then you should wash off any remaining grease using dishwashing gel. Such gels contain substances that dissolve fat, so the product removes oil and grease stains very well.


Stains from spilled wine, coffee, or tea must be removed immediately. You should try to blot up as much liquid as possible using napkins and cover the stain with salt or other absorbent substance. Then you should wash the area of ​​contamination with soapy water.

If the stain is old, you should first try to wash the contaminated surface with soap. If a trace remains, it is cleaned with Vaseline. If this method does not work, you will have to resort to more radical measures - cleaning with ammonia solution. To prepare the solution, dilute a teaspoon of ammonia in a glass of water.


Fresh blood stains can be easily washed off from leather upholstery with cold water. If the stain is old, then first wipe it with a cold soapy solution and let it soak for about 20 minutes. Then wipe the upholstery with a dry cloth and treat it with a small amount of Vaseline.

Traces from pens, ink, felt-tip pens

These stains on leather upholstery can be easily removed with alcohol solutions. You can use vodka or diluted rubbing alcohol. Products made from genuine leather can be cleaned with nail polish remover; artificial materials cannot be treated with this product.

Chewing gum

First of all, you need to remove the dried gum mechanically. For easier separation, the cooling area must be cooled. To do this, you need to put ice in a thick bag and apply this “compress” to the upholstery of the sofa. The cooled gum can be easily removed with your fingers; you can use a blunt plastic spatula. But it is not recommended to use a knife; it can easily damage the upholstery.

Ketchup and other sauces

Table vinegar is suitable for removing traces of low-fat sauces. Take a 9% solution and dilute it half with water. Treat the stain with a solution using a soft sponge. Then wipe with a cloth moistened with clean water. Remains of moisture are removed with a dry cloth or napkins.

So, you can wash a sofa with leather upholstery and clean it from stains yourself. But it is still better to take measures that will reduce the risk of stains. You can periodically treat leather furniture with special products that form a thin protective film on the surface. This film will prevent dirt from penetrating deep into the pores of the skin, and it will be much easier to remove stains.

Main causes of pollution

Any furniture deteriorates due to natural wear and tear. It is noteworthy that if you take care of the upholstery correctly, you can significantly increase its service life. The appearance of spots is explained by the following reasons:

  • Using the wrong leather upholstery care products. This causes the fabric to wear out faster. Often the compositions erase the protective layer, which reduces resistance to stains.
  • If there is high humidity in the room, the black color will gradually change in the corners of the sofa and in the seam area. This is due to the appearance of mold.
  • Food crumbs or drops of caustic substances constantly fall on furniture upholstery. Often alcoholic drinks, juices or compotes are spilled - all liquids that contain natural or food dyes can leave a stain. For example, a white sofa drenched in compote will be difficult to clean with just a rag or sponge.
  • The upholstery is also damaged by pets who prefer to play, causing damage to the leather in the form of scratches.

Often, leather upholstery deteriorates due to non-compliance with conditions, namely the use of incorrect materials and tools for cleaning sofas.


An important indicator to which the skin “reacts” is temperature. Do not place the item near heating appliances. The water for washing a sofa or chair should be warm, but not hot. The air temperature in the room must be maintained at an average level. Under incorrect temperature conditions, leather products wear out quickly, may crack, and have an untidy appearance.

Such products are more “capricious” and react to various changes in external conditions.


Since genuine leather is a hygroscopic material (actively absorbs moisture from the air), it is important to maintain appropriate humidity in the room. These indicators should not exceed 70%. The air should not be too dry. This disrupts the natural fat layer, as a result of which the product quickly deteriorates. If you do not adhere to this mark, the material will crack, and rubbed areas will soon appear on it.

An important indicator to which the skin “reacts” is temperature.

How to properly wash leather furniture and sofas

When it comes to caring for a leather sofa, you need to follow the basic rules:

  • stains are wiped with soft rags or sponges in a circular motion;
  • special attention is paid to cleaning seams and folds;
  • the use of products with abrasive substances, as well as tools with hard bristles, is prohibited;
  • You cannot use tap water when caring for a leather sofa - only filtered water;
  • It is prohibited to use cleaning products containing acetone, turpentine or solvent.

Each time after cleaning the upholstery, you need to dry the surface with napkins. Do not use a hair dryer or other blowing tools.

Basic mistakes in caring for quality furniture

Double sofa made of genuine leather BADIANE

Furniture with genuine leather upholstery reacts poorly to:

  • moisture - abundant wetting;
  • ammonia-based bleaches;
  • cleaners with abrasive particles;
  • household solvents;
  • polishes.

It is prohibited to use the listed products to care for leather sofas . You should not experiment with folk recipes - after using untested compounds, damaged expensive upholstery cannot be restored.

Do not press hard or rub the material when trying to remove the stain - you will stretch the skin and reduce its elasticity. Soaps and foaming detergents should be used with caution - they destroy the protective fat layer and shorten the life of the furniture. The ban also applies to using a hairdryer to dry wet areas - the skin should dry naturally.

Contact with pets

Another important point. If you have pets, be extremely careful. Scratches left by your pet’s claws or teeth cannot be removed; you will only have to change the upholstery. Therefore, before purchasing, be sure to think about whether it is worth buying such a headset and whether you can keep track of your pet’s activities.

Furniture is also a concentration of pathogenic microbes and harmful bacteria.

If you still decide to buy and are worried about the safety of the fittings, there is also a way out. In this case, you can purchase animal repellents. They are not harmful either to the sofa or to the person, as well as to the four-legged friend. They simply contain components whose smell they do not like.

Proper care of leather furniture will not only preserve its appearance for a long time, but also create a healthy atmosphere in the room.

There is also a robot that controls that the animal does not enter the forbidden territory. It's small and looks like a hockey puck. When the pet is not around, it is in a state of rest. Having sensors configured to recognize the animal, it senses its approach. Then he goes into active mode, drives up to the cat or dog and splashes water at him. The four-legged animals are afraid of such influence, and as a result they leave. And after a few “sessions” a reflex will be developed, and the pet will not approach the upholstery.

First, the fittings need to be transported correctly so as not to be scratched during transfer.

Types of mechanical stains and their elimination

Kitchen sofas are more often exposed to household pollution - traces of food, consequences of children's activity or scratches from animal paws. Experts told us how to care for leather furniture and how to wash the surface in case of such stains:

  • Citric acid with water (proportion: 1 tablespoon per glass of water) and rubbing with alcohol perfume will help get rid of felt-tip pens, paint, markers;
  • detergents help with drinks – soap, mild dishwashing chemicals;
  • from ink, walk over the surface with a rag soaked in purified gasoline; the same method is suitable if you are interested in how to clean a leather sofa from a ballpoint hand and from paste;
  • Remove grease with water and soda (1 teaspoon to 1 glass), and you can also remove greasy stains with talcum powder, salt and starch;
  • from blood - dissolve an aspirin tablet in water and wipe the material.

Spilled brilliant green is removed from the surface in different ways. The first method for cleaning green paint from a leather sofa and restoring the color that has darkened is to use alcohol wipes immediately after the spill. Additionally, you can resort to a solution of soda and vinegar.

If you are planning to purchase chairs for the kitchen, we recommend placing them away from the radiator, stove or other heat source.

Cleanse with folk remedies: 6 ways

After reading the forums I found which folk remedies work:

  • add a little glycerin to a small container;
  • take a microfiber cloth;
  • moisten it in the product;
  • Without pressing, wipe leather furniture.


  • skin hydration;
  • maintaining elasticity;
  • shine
Castor oil + glycerin
For deeper hydration. This will help restore your leather sofa.


  • mix glycerin and castor oil (1:1) in a container;
  • moisten a soft cloth in the mixture;
  • wipe down the furniture


  • adding shine;
  • maintaining elasticity

This moisturizing should be done no more than once a week.

Helps remove greasy, fresh stains.


  • moisten the stain;
  • add starch;
  • wait until the starch absorbs the fat;
  • vacuum


  • removing grease stains;
  • maintaining the integrity of furniture

Don't rub in starch! This may damage the material

Soap solution
  • rub laundry soap;
  • dissolve in a container with enough water;
  • take a flannel cloth;
  • gently wipe the furniture with soapy water;
  • wipe with a dry soft cloth


  • cleaning from dust;
  • removing abrasions

Use soap solution no more than once every 2 weeks

  • place an ice cube in a bag;
  • apply it to the chewing gum to dry it;
  • remove the bag and carefully remove the gum


Removes stuck gum from a leather sofa

  • pour milk into a small container;
  • soak a cloth in it;
  • wipe the leather material;
  • wipe dry with a cloth


  • cleansing;
  • shine

Best suited for fair skin

People's Councils

Our employees have collected several recipes to help you care for leather furniture at home using folk remedies:

  • Orange peel helps with scratches and abrasions;
  • to restore elasticity, use castor oil;
  • remove dirt from white upholstery with heated cow's milk;
  • It is better to remove dirt from brown surfaces with alcohol (do not choose this method for light textures).

Helpful tips on protecting and transporting leather furniture in winter

  1. When transporting around the city, it is advisable to cover leather furniture with a blanket.
  2. If leather furniture is being moved in a container or trailer, care should be taken to ensure that nothing is placed on it.
  3. If furniture has been transported for several days in low temperatures, special care must be taken when unloading it. Under no circumstances should furniture be picked up by the handles or overturned. Leather furniture can only be lifted from below.
  4. After unloading, leather furniture should be left unpacked for at least 24 hours in a warm room.

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Caring for leather furniture - useful tips - product for leather furniture (1 video)

Precautionary measures

Before implementing the proposed recipes for cleaning leather furniture from various contaminants, you need to familiarize yourself with the features of safe cleaning of the product. Otherwise, there is a risk of damaging the leather surface:

  • The quality of each substance must be checked on the back side of the sofa before using it on the front side of the product. Don’t neglect checking, even if the product says “Specially for removing stains”;
  • You need to scrub stains from the edge to their center;
  • Remove fresh stains immediately after they appear. In 70-80% of stains, they can be easily removed with clean or soapy water;
  • Be careful not to get the product into your eyes. If this happens, you need to rinse your eyes under running water and consult a doctor;
  • When working with household chemicals, you need to use gloves;
  • Keep away from children;
  • Remove stains in a well-ventilated area.

By taking precautions, you will protect your health from unforeseen problems, and your leather product from becoming damaged.

Folk remedies for removing dirt

One of the most popular means for removing dirt is soap solution. Balms prepared by yourself allow you to save a lot of money. The main thing is that they do not dry out the skin or harm the upholstery.

Homemade laundry soap is mixed with water. The liquid is used with reduced hardness. The contaminated surface is treated with a solution and then washed well. Below is how to make your own care balm.

A few recipes to help deal with stains:

  1. Vinegar mixed with ammonia helps remove odors and dirt. It is important to maintain a 2:1 ratio. Two parts vinegar are diluted with one part alcohol. The solution is mixed with water and applied to a napkin. Leather is a capricious material. Before using the recipe, it is better to test it on a small area.
  2. An egg with milk is also suitable for leather and leather furniture. Especially when it comes to light surfaces. The egg white is whipped, 100 g of milk is added and applied to the product. After care, rinse thoroughly with water.

To prevent a damp environment from causing fungus to develop, after cleaning the sofa is wiped with a dry soft cloth. Vinegar gets rid of mold; it penetrates the fibers and destroys the fungus.

Ways to clean white furniture

White skin requires special attention and care. Effective and inexpensive ways to remove stains for fair skin:

  • Ammonia. Diluted with soft water. Not only cleans, but also removes odors.
  • Onion juice. The vegetable is cut into two parts, the surface is wiped and the juice is removed.
  • Restore whiteness with white toothpaste.
  • A gel is often used to wash dishes. Cleaning is done with a soft cloth.
  • Warmed milk removes fat from white skin.

Removing difficult stains

To remove even the most difficult stains, do not use abrasives. This list also includes compounds based on chlorine, acid or alkali. Don't rub the material too hard: it could ruin it. Scuffs are masked by “liquid leather” - a polymer that is applied to the upholstery. It reliably protects textiles, gives them shine and restores their original color. The product has positive reviews from users.

Help against serious contamination:

  • Salt. Removes fresh oily stains. Leave it for 15 minutes, then wipe the area with a dry cloth. It will also help remove wine stains. Finish the cleaning with alcohol.
  • Vinegar. Copes with juice stains. After the vinegar has evaporated, wipe the product with a damp cloth.
  • Dishwashing liquid. After spilled coffee, you need to clean the sofa immediately. If the drink has dried out, you will have to repeat the procedure several times or use household chemicals.
  • Laundry soap. Removes fresh blood stains.
  • Alcohol. Removes felt-tip pen drawings.

“Vanish” is another lifesaver for leather sofas. Dilute in water, apply to stains and wipe with a sponge. Copes with greasy stains, fruit stains, tea and ink stains. It can be used to wash not only furniture, but also the interior of the car. Before use, it is better to read the instructions to make sure that the composition is suitable for this type of product.

Protect from scratches

Caring for leather furniture involves not only regular cleaning, but also protection from all kinds of damage. If you have pets in your home, the surest way to protect leather furniture from claws is to keep pets out of the room. If this is not possible, you should consider a different type of upholstery.

You should not sit on a leather sofa with your feet on without first taking off your shoes. Furniture should also be protected during renovations.

It is impossible to restore a sofa without getting rid of severe damage on your own - you will have to turn to specialists for reupholstery and restoration. Minor defects on leather furniture can be eliminated using professional means, for example, “liquid leather”. They are sold in auto repair shops and also on the Internet. In order for the scratch to become invisible, it is necessary to select a shade as close as possible to the material. And you can completely restore the color of the product using a special spray paint.

Caring for a leather sofa or chair is a task that requires organization and accuracy. But the result is worth it: upholstery made from natural material, even after 10 years, will look as if the furniture was purchased just yesterday.

Let's sum it up

To make leather furniture last a long time, you need:

  • wipe dust regularly;
  • Maintain the correct temperature and humidity levels;
  • nourish the fat layer;
  • keep animals away;
  • use soft cloths for cleaning;
  • use only special skin products;
  • avoid any kind of contamination.

To do this, use oil-based leather furniture care products and polish the fittings once a month.

By following these simple rules, you will ensure that leather furniture will delight you with its excellent appearance and condition for a long time.

Caring for leather furniture in dark and light colors is somewhat different.

If you do spill liquid, you need to remove it by blotting the stain, but do not rub it in.

Recommended Rules

Correct humidity

The room in which leather furniture is placed must be damp. It is enough to maintain humidity at 65-70% . If the air becomes too dry, the surface of the leather will overheat, cracks will appear and the paint will begin to peel off.

Sources of light and heat

To prevent leather furniture from fading, try to avoid exposing the furniture to direct sunlight . It is also not recommended to dry leather furniture with a hairdryer or other heating device. Leather with moisture evaporates some fats and oils, causing it to dry out and crack, losing its good quality and aesthetic appearance.

Removing stains

The skin should be cleaned properly by gently wiping it with a dry cloth.

If vegetable or animal fat appears on the skin, it is not recommended to wash the stains with water or detergents. Simply clean the stain with a dry cloth. Soon it will be absorbed and will no longer be visible.

If you spill liquid on leather furniture, try to dry it as soon as possible with a rag or sponge, but do not wait for the stain to dry naturally.

If a dirty spot appears, gently wipe it with a rag or piece of cotton wool. If this is not enough, soak a piece of cotton wool and clean the dirty stain using gentle, circular movements. Remove any remaining moisture from the skin with a dry cloth.

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If the furniture is very dirty, then all you have to do is contact a furniture cleaning specialist.

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