Choosing an air humidifier for an apartment with a small child

What is a humidifier and what is it for?

A humidifier is a special device that is designed to increase the humidity of dry indoor air, especially in winter, when heating is turned on in apartments and houses. Today you can find modernized devices that are equipped with functions such as cooling the air or, conversely, heating it, as well as cleaning it and much more. Small devices that operate silently are very popular. They are the ones most often purchased by parents for their children.

Insufficient air humidity in the apartment has a bad effect on the well-being of all family members. Dry rooms have a particularly negative effect on very young children. Because of this, they may develop skin problems, dry out mucous membranes of the nose and mouth, and difficulty breathing. It is very important to pay attention to this in a timely manner and prevent the development of various complications.

Does a child need a humidifier and why?

The child spends most of his time at home. Especially in the first years of life. The body and immune system are just beginning to form and get acquainted with the world around us, to learn everything new. Therefore, it is especially important to organize the correct microclimatic conditions for the baby. This will contribute to its normal development.

A decrease in humidity levels below the standard is a factor that has an extremely negative impact on human health. Optimal air humidity has been determined scientifically and is regulated by regulatory documentation, namely SanPiN–10 “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for living conditions in residential buildings and premises” dated August 15, 2010. Thus, normal humidity varies from 40 to 60% in the cold season and up to 65% in the warm season.

Air humidity is measured using a hygrometer.

Hygrometer - a device for measuring air humidity levels

Visible signs of dry air are:

  • the occurrence of static discharges when touching various objects;
  • wilting of indoor plants;
  • dry skin and mucous membranes;
  • general decrease in immunity in all family members;
  • drowsiness, general lethargy, etc.

With prolonged exposure to a child’s body, dry air causes a number of negative and sometimes irreversible consequences:

  • Due to drying of the mucous membranes, the body's defenses suffer, and a decrease in immunity is observed.
  • Systematic irritation of the respiratory tract greatly increases the risk of developing viral or bacterial infections and inflammatory diseases.
  • There is congestion in the nasal sinuses, which prevents the child from breathing normally.
  • There is a danger of allergic reactions and a tendency to skin diseases.
  • The quality of sleep decreases and there is a general loss of strength.

In order to protect the health of children, the Association of Pediatricians recommends artificially humidifying the air when its humidity level is below a critical level. A humidifier was created to maintain a comfortable level of humidity.

How to determine indoor humidity?

The easiest way to determine whether the air in a room is humid enough is to use a hygrometer. This simple device can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is relatively inexpensive, approximately 200-250 rubles. To determine the humidity in a room with the greatest accuracy, measurements should be taken several times a day for 2-3 days. It is important to understand that this figure will vary greatly at different times of the year. Increased dryness is usually observed in winter, when the heating season begins.

Many parents probably remember how their mothers humidified the air in the old days. To do this, they used wet linen or large basins of water, which were placed near the radiator or other heating devices. This was quite inconvenient, because wet sheets and towels quickly dried on the hot radiators and the procedure had to be repeated again and again.

Now there is no such need. To maintain normal humidity in the room, you just need to purchase a humidifier and forget about this problem forever.

Features of choosing an air humidifier for children

Regardless of whether it is a children’s air humidifier or one that is not age-specific, the choice of device for a child’s room must be approached with special care and all possible nuances taken into account.

  1. First of all, the device must be safe for the child. A steam humidifier is not the best solution for a child's room. If, nevertheless, the choice fell on the steam model, it should be placed out of reach of the child to avoid burn injuries.
  2. It is recommended to choose models that do not have easily removable small parts.
  3. The device should be as silent as possible, in view of the possibility of its operation while the child is sleeping.
  4. A model with a built-in hygrometer will make it easier to control indoor humidity.
  5. Automatic shutdown upon reaching a specified level, as well as its automatic maintenance, will ensure normal humidity in the children's room.
  6. It is important to pay attention to the convenience of unscrewing the water container in order to carry out the procedures necessary for the safe operation of the device (washing the container, changing water, etc.).
  7. The volume of the water tank must be selected strictly based on the size of the children's room. Otherwise, the device will not cope with the task or exceed it.
  8. The rotary sprayer will help to humidify the air more evenly.
  9. The presence of cleaning filters in the device will allow, in parallel with air humidification, to reduce the concentration of pathogenic bacteria in it and minimize the content of suspended particles.
  10. The design of the device and the presence of additional functions (night light, etc.) should be chosen based on the age and needs of the child.

When choosing an air humidifier for a child, it would be useful to study reviews of people who already have experience using similar devices, as well as read the recommendations of professional and reputable medical professionals and the advice of competent experts who are not personally interested in selling certain types of humidifiers.

Video material: pediatrician of the highest category Komarovsky E.O. how to choose the right humidifier for a child

How to choose the right device for a nursery?

The first thing parents should pay attention to when choosing a humidifier is its type, quality and cost. Let's take a closer look at the different models of these devices.


The operating principle of such devices is based on the evaporation of cold water. That is, the liquid is not preheated. The evaporative element here is a disk, cartridge or filter. From a special tank, water falls on this evaporative element and disperses into the air. Such devices are usually the most affordable. Many of them work on the basis of replaceable paper filters, which have to be changed frequently. More expensive devices are equipped with plastic disks. They accumulate moisture due to constant rotation inside the device. After this, a special cooler comes into play, which expels the evaporated water into the room, thanks to the blowing of the evaporative element.

In addition to humidification, such devices also purify the air. This happens due to the fact that the air passes through a special filter, on which all dust and other harmful particles settle. It is also worth noting that such devices regulate the humidity level independently.

Are there any disadvantages to this humidifier? Yes, sure. The first thing you need to know is that you cannot use tap water for them. To prevent the device from deteriorating, it is necessary to use distilled water. The fact is that the cartridges and filters located inside the device become clogged very quickly from ordinary tap water. But this cannot be considered a big drawback. Today, many companies are engaged in the production of filters that can easily cope even with such water. True, their cost will be slightly higher.


If you are looking for the best air humidifier to buy for a newborn, you should pay attention to steam devices. They are the best option for rooms with a dry and hot climate, if, for example, it is not possible to frequently ventilate the room. Such devices operate on a very simple principle. Here the evaporation of water occurs due to its heating. In this case, a special spiral or ceramic plate acts as a heating device. It should also be noted that such humidifiers require a greater degree of safety. They should only be turned on after you are sure that the heating element is securely closed. If a child tries to disassemble such a device, there can be extremely negative consequences.

Steam devices are equipped with special sensors - hygrostats. If the set humidity in the room is reached, the humidifier turns off. By the way, this cleaner can be used among children for ARVI and cough. This greatly speeds up the healing process.


An ultrasonic humidifier is a good choice for a young baby. It can be placed in a room both in summer and winter. These devices are safe because they do not use heating elements. Evaporation of moisture in them occurs due to water hitting a special platinum operating in the ultrasonic range. In this case, water particles are converted into fine dust, which is very light and quickly rises into the air with the help of a special cooler.

The main advantage of such a device is maintaining high accuracy of humidity in a given room. In addition, the temperature of the escaping steam from the device is approximately 40°C, which is considered the most acceptable for devices of this type. Another plus is the presence of not only a hygrostat, but also a special control panel. Often the kit also includes a remote control. It should be noted that all these innovations also affect the cost of the device.

What about the cons? In addition to the rather high cost, another significant drawback is the inability to use ordinary tap water. Ultrasonic devices require only purified water, otherwise they will quickly become unusable.

Types of household humidifiers

All household humidifiers used in apartments can be divided into three types:

  • traditional;
  • steam;
  • ultrasonic.

Traditional humidifiers

The operating principle of traditional humidifiers is very simple - water poured into the tank passes through special cleaning filters and then evaporates naturally. At the same time, with the help of built-in fans, dry air is sucked into the device, after which it is supplied under pressure to the evaporative elements - thus, air saturated with moisture comes out. Using this method, it is impossible to obtain a moisture content in the air of more than 60°, so this level of humidity is considered the maximum for traditional humidifiers. In addition, due to their operating principle, such devices allow you to quickly increase the level of humidity in the room if the air was initially dry, however, as the hygrometer readings increase, the speed of operation will slow down, and achieving a comfortable 60° will take quite a long time.

A traditional humidifier is designed quite simply - dry air is supplied to the evaporator element, thus saturated with moisture, and released outside

There are many advantages of such a device:

  • you can use any water, including tap water;
  • filters remove various contaminants from water;
  • the price of such a humidifier is usually low;
  • low power consumption - 15–100 W;
  • it is safe for children, so it can be used from infancy onwards.

It also has disadvantages:

  • to maintain the required level of air humidity, the device must operate continuously;
  • quite high noise level;
  • the maximum achievable humidity level is 60°.

Steam humidifiers

The operation of a steam device is similar to the operation of a kettle - there is a heating element inside the device that brings the water to a boil, after which the hot water steam is released outside.

Due to the principle of their operation, steam humidifiers intensively saturate the air with moisture, without stopping at any specific humidity levels in the room. Therefore, it is worth choosing models equipped with a built-in hygrometer, which will turn off the device when the specified humidity level in the room is reached.

Advantages of a steam device:

  • rapid air humidification;
  • the device turns off automatically when it runs out of water;
  • high productivity - 7–16 liters of water per day;
  • you can use tap water;
  • can be used for inhalation or aromatherapy.

Of course, there are also disadvantages:

  • the device is dangerous for children, since it produces hot steam, so when using it in a children's room, it must be positioned so that the child cannot reach it in any way;
  • high level of electricity consumption - 300–500 W;
  • high noise level - about 40 decibels.

Ultrasonic humidifiers

This type of device is considered the most comfortable, modern and economical. The principle of operation is that water is supplied to a special plate that vibrates at an ultrasonic frequency (hence the name of this type of humidifier); this vibration breaks the water into many microscopic droplets, which are sprayed throughout the room using an electric fan.

The advantages of an ultrasonic device are obvious:

  • safety for children - it is impossible to get burned by the resulting water vapor;
  • low noise level - about 25 decibels;
  • low power consumption - 15–100 W;
  • This type of humidifier sometimes additionally includes a hygrostat - a device that allows you to configure the device to turn off when a given humidity level is reached, and filters that purify the water.

The main disadvantage is the need to fill the device with distilled water - when using tap water containing various impurities and salts, a white coating appears on the surfaces in the room, and if the water is particularly contaminated, the device may fail.

The benefits of a humidifier for a child

So, how is such a device useful for children and adults? Reviews from people who have tested devices of this type in action are predominantly positive. Experts agree with them and believe that the benefits of humid indoor air are as follows:

  • Normalization of heat exchange processes in humans.
  • Prevention of viral and colds of the respiratory tract by moisturizing the mucous membrane of the nasopharynx.
  • Most modern devices are equipped with special filters that perfectly clean the air of pollution and various allergens.

Modern devices have a positive effect on the quality of sleep and overall well-being of a person.

Using the device in a baby’s room helps prevent such common negative phenomena as crusts in the nose, excessive dryness of the dermis, rashes, dry cough and throat irritation.

Humidifier damage

An air humidifier is a unique and extremely simple device that allows many to forget about allergies and respiratory diseases, but even in it they manage to find negative features. The nature of the negative impact of a humidifier on the human body depends on the design features of the device.

Negative effects of traditional humidifiers

The safest units are traditional humidifiers. They do not emit hot steam and are practically harmless if the filter cartridges are replaced in a timely manner.

Their main disadvantage is the loud noise during operation. This noise can make it difficult for children to concentrate on playing or studying. Due to constant extraneous sounds, a child may become nervous, hot-tempered or whiny.

If a traditional household humidifier is very noisy, you can turn it off or set it to minimum power while children are in the room.

To eliminate such a negative effect of the humidifier on the children's nervous system, you need to turn on the humidifier only when the child is not in the room. In this case, when he arrives, the room will have a normal microclimate, but any irritating factors will disappear.

Why is a steam humidifier harmful?

Using a steam humidifier can cause your child to get a thermal burn from the hot steam coming out of the device. To prevent this from happening, the device should be installed in a hard-to-reach place (on a cabinet or behind a fence) or use an ultrasonic humidifier that does not emit steam.

Also, steam humidifiers that do not have a built-in hygrostat can lead to increased humidity in the room, and this, in turn, can cause a sore throat.

But the occurrence of sore throat or tonsillitis becomes possible only if the relative humidity in the room rises to 80%. Only then, due to an excess of moisture in the air, mucus begins to accumulate in the lungs and bronchi, forming a favorable environment for the proliferation of bacteria.

Sometimes mold is associated with high humidity in a room, but it does not appear due to humidifiers, but due to problems with ventilation

However, achieving this level of humidity is extremely difficult. During the cold season, due to actively working batteries, the humidity indicator rarely rises above 35% (usually lower). Those. Even the most powerful humidifier will not be able to raise this value to 80%.

Dangers of using an ultrasonic humidifier

In ultrasonic humidifiers, the filters that retain various impurities of minerals in the water periodically break down. Because of this, a thin layer of white salt coating may appear on furniture and appliances. The same plaque appears when using an ultrasonic humidifier without a filter.

Mineral salts settling in the room become an excellent breeding ground for bacteria. Moreover, these salts not only settle on interior items, microscopic particles of minerals are also contained in the air, which is inhaled by all those who are in the room.

But this problem can be solved if you use distilled water sold in stores or water purified in household filters for the humidifier. Do not pour tap water into the humidifier.

City water contains too many impurities, which, when evaporated, can enter the child’s respiratory tract and lead to irritation.

Some people are wary of placing ultrasound devices in a home with small children. This is due to the fact that the effect of ultrasound on the human body has not yet been fully studied.

In fact, this effect can be associated with tissue stimulation and the local thermal effect that ultrasound can have on individual human organs. Mild stimulation with ultrasonic waves improves blood circulation and metabolic processes.

However, prolonged and intense exposure to ultrasound can destroy body cells and lead to:

  • baldness;
  • increase in ROE indicators;
  • hemolysis;
  • destruction of nerve cells (in children the detrimental effect on the central nervous system becomes especially noticeable);
  • pathologies of the skeletal system, etc.

But certified humidifiers use a wave frequency of 5 MHz. Ultrasonic waves with a similar frequency are safe for health. They do not act on a person, but on a membrane moistened with water.

If, after purchasing and installing a humidifier, your child has problems sleeping, his appetite has decreased, he has become apathetic, and timid, then you need to check the device. Perhaps the problem lies there.

Cheap and low-quality air humidifiers of dubious production that do not have the necessary certificates can use a different wave frequency and a different operating principle, and therefore have a detrimental effect on the child’s health.

Before purchasing a humidifier for a children's room, you need to read real reviews from people who have already purchased similar devices.

Those. the likelihood of a humidifier having a negative impact on the body directly depends on the quality of the device. If you don’t save money and choose devices from trusted manufacturers, no problems will arise. The best brands of humidifiers are Vitek, Scarlett, Sharp, Electrolux, Polaris and Philips.

Is there any harm?

Despite the large number of positive aspects, the devices in question can also cause harm. The disadvantages described below do not apply to all humidifiers; they apply only to some devices:

  • A steam appliance evaporates water through heat. If a child accidentally puts his hand under a stream of hot steam or knocks over a container on himself, trouble cannot be avoided.
  • Ultrasonic devices without a filter can also cause harm. When water is sprayed, harmful elements related to salts enter the air. By inhaling them, a person harms his body.
  • If you place the device near furniture with a dark surface, persistent white spots may form on it, and accordingly, the furniture will be damaged.

And, of course, it is important to understand that too high a level of humidity can also harm a child, just like its lack.

The ideal option is a traditional Oskar humidifier

In a traditional Oskar humidifier, air passes through wetted filters that simultaneously purify and humidify

Models of this family do not release hot steam or cold suspension, they cannot get burned and do not cause condensation. They work on the principle of natural evaporation

. Oskar brings the humidity level to the desired value and then automatically maintains it. It cannot create a greenhouse effect.

“We bought a room of 25 m². The initial humidity was 22%, the child slept poorly, ventilation did not help, and it became cold with the radiators turned off. They installed Oscar, it works without breaks for a month. The first week the effect was weak, the humidity was about 29% - the furniture and wallpaper were being saturated. In the second week, progress began. Now the humidity is stable at 48%, my daughter is finally getting enough sleep!”

— Valeria, design engineer, mother of a teenager

The atmosphere of the room is not only saturated with moisture, but also cleansed

, as when using an air washer.
Filters trap dust, animal hair, fluff and pollen. Antibacterial impregnation
SILVADUR™ ANTIMICROBIAL protects filters from the growth of bacteria, mold, mildew and, most importantly, copes with viruses and bacteria. When a person breathes humidified and purified air, he gets sick less.

About the influence of the climate in the house on the health of the child

Systems based on natural evaporation are the quietest

. In addition, models in this line have a night mode that reduces the fan volume to a minimum and turns off the backlight.

For parents of preschoolers:

Oskar models are less attractive to small children because the indicators and control buttons are hidden in the body. The air does not come out in a stream, but imperceptibly, so kids are not so curious to play with the equipment.

It's difficult to turn Oskar over:

The heavy water tank is located low, the stand leg provides a little shock absorption during collisions. If there is a strong impact, the lid with the fan may fly off, but the container with water will not overturn.

Main advantages:

It works silently and unnoticed, cleans the air, is resistant to overturning, and can be filled with tap water.

Main disadvantage:

moisturizes quite slowly.


Traditional humidifiers from the Oskar line are ideal for children's rooms. They raise the humidity level slowly, but maintain it well, take care of the microclimate and do not attract unnecessary attention.

Which model is best for a children's room?

I would like to note that the most suitable option for a children's room is an ultrasonic air humidifier with replaceable filters. Such a device allows you to achieve the desired humidity and clean the air in the room from dust, allergens and various contaminants.

Of course, the cost of such a device is quite high, but, as they say, the price justifies the quality. You should not save on your children's health.

Which humidifier to choose for a children's room

The family decides for itself which air humidifier is best to buy for a child in a particular situation. Usually their choice is based on financial capabilities, personal tastes and the size of the children's room. Most parents choose an ultrasonic humidifier. And there are objective reasons for this. The advantages of this type of “helpers” include:

  • automatic system for maintaining the humidity level in the room due to the built-in hygrostat;
  • safety for a small person (low weight, use of low temperatures);
  • low price;
  • silent operation of the internal mechanism;
  • economical consumption of electricity during operation;
  • quickly obtaining the desired humidity and temperature.

Rating of the best models

When choosing a device for a child's room, parents should first of all take care of its safety for the baby. We invite you to consider popular models that meet all quality and safety standards.


This device has a power of 2 W. The container volume is 0.25 l. PROFFI is suitable for rooms up to 20 square meters. m. The price of the humidifier is approximately 699 rubles. This option is popular among parents and is great for children's rooms.

AIC XJ-297

This model has a power of 28 W, and its volume is 4.5 liters. The area of ​​the serviced premises is 28 square meters. m. The cost is 8400 rubles. Perfect for large houses and apartments. This option is easy to use, even a child can figure it out. Just read the operating instructions.

Lumme LU-1556

Lumme LU-1556 has a power of 20 W. The capacity of the water container is 2.5 liters. This model is suitable for servicing a room up to 24 square meters. m. Approximate cost – 890 rubles. For a product of this quality, the price is quite reasonable. This model has a lot of positive feedback.

Dyson AM10

The model has a power of 55 W and a bowl capacity of 3 liters. This humidifier is perfect for the living room and children's room. The service area is not specified, however, it is at least 20 square meters. m. The price of the model is 32,000 rubles. Dyson is easy to use and excellent quality.

Ballu UHB-310

The Ballu device has a power of 25 W. Container volume – 3 l. The area of ​​the serviced premises is at least 40 square meters. m. The model has a very attractive price for such characteristics, namely 1120 rubles. The company producing these products has a strong position in the global market.

CS Medica KIDS CS-19h

The small portable humidifier CS Medica KIDS CS-19h is well suited for a child's room and has an attractive design for babies. The power of the model is 25 W, and the bowl volume is 1.2 liters. Service area – 18 sq. m. Price – 2200 rubles.

Polaris PUH 0545D

Another popular and fairly high-quality model is Polaris PUH 0545D. The device has a power of 30 W and a water container volume of 5 liters. Service area – 45 sq. m. Price – 3800 rubles.

Types of evaporators and the basics of their operation

There are several types of air humidifiers on sale:

  • steam;
  • ultrasonic;
  • traditional;
  • climatic.

Ultrasound device

The device sprays water using a plate that vibrates at a high frequency. A small but powerful fan throws out the water, broken into tiny particles. From the outside, it looks like fog is coming out of the device.

Ultrasonic device does not create any noise

Note! Impurities contained in ordinary tap water can lead to the formation of a white coating on furniture. If the water is hard, it will quickly damage the internal filter of the device. It is better to use bottled water for the evaporator.

An ultrasonic device is usually equipped with a built-in gyroscope to determine atmospheric humidity and automatically turn off when the required values ​​are reached. The undoubted advantage of this device is the optimal temperature of the steam entering the room - about forty degrees. The device can evaporate up to 12 liters of moisture per day.

Traditional evaporator

It has a rather primitive operating principle: it evaporates cold moisture by passing air through special filter cartridges. This device naturally cleanses the atmosphere from the smallest dust. In addition, the cartridges have antibacterial impregnation, which helps to partially clean the room from harmful bacteria.

The cartridges of such devices can be paper or plastic.

Helpful information! This device is extremely easy to use and almost silent. To soften water and prevent white deposits from appearing on furniture, you can additionally purchase a softening cartridge.

A traditional humidifier evaporates up to eight liters of water per day.

Steam evaporator

The principle of operation is clear from the name of the device. The water evaporates after being heated by two electrodes. When the liquid container is empty, the device automatically stops functioning.

Helpful information! A steam evaporator is similar to a regular electric kettle. The difference is that not all of the liquid in the evaporator boils, but only a part that falls into a special container with electrodes. It is impossible to get burned with such a device.

A steam humidifier needs to be descaled from time to time.
This device enriches the atmosphere with 12 liters of moisture per day. The downside of the device is noise. Therefore, if you choose which air humidifier is better: ultrasonic or steam, for a child’s room you should choose an ultrasonic device. Noise can disturb your baby's sleep.

Climate humidifiers

In the atmosphere of large cities you can find many harmful impurities: car exhaust gases, heavy metal salts, tobacco smoke; waste emissions from industrial enterprises. All this goes into the children's room. A climate station, a device that combines a humidifier with a toxin removal system, will help clean the air. These are complex devices equipped with a gyrostat, indicators and replaceable filters.

These are complex devices equipped with a gyrostat, indicators and replaceable filters.

The climate station takes air from the room, passes it through a filter system, then through water. As a result, the air mixture is returned to the room, purified from a greater number of toxins. Three filters are used for filtering:

  • preliminary, to retain dust, wool, dirt;
  • electrostatic, for collecting small particles;
  • carbon, absorbing toxic compounds.

Related article:

How to humidify the air in a room without a humidifier. You can assemble a fully functional device yourself. How? Read our special publication!

What to consider when choosing a model for a children's room

The first thing to consider is, of course, the price. Not all families can afford to purchase a device, the cost of which is quite high. After this, it is necessary to measure the square footage of the room, since different models are created to serve rooms with different areas. For example, a device that is designed for a room service area of ​​up to 15 square meters. m., will not be suitable for larger areas and will not have the desired effect.

In addition, you need to pay attention to the fact how often you can change the water in the container. If you are at home all the time, the bowl may be small. If it is unlikely that you will be able to change the water often, it is better to choose a larger container.

Let's sum it up

It is quite difficult, and perhaps impossible, to name the best air humidifiers from all the models available today. Each of the devices has its own advantages and disadvantages. Very different pricing policies.

Despite this, there are still some criteria that such a device must meet. This is quality and safety. Choose only the best for your kids, take care of yourself and be happy.


Diana Virmina, housewife:

About six months ago, at a family council, my husband and I decided to buy our children a humidifier for their room. The eldest son was just about to go to kindergarten. I knew about the ability of moisturizers to have a positive effect on a child’s immunity, but to do so! It was a pleasant surprise for me that none of our kids, during all these 6 months of daily use of the humidifier, ever got sick. I definitely recommend it to every family who cares about the health of their children!

Egor Firzin, insurance manager:

After several months of using a humidifier in my daughter's room, I can see a few positive things. Firstly, she began to get sick less, and that’s a fact. Secondly, my girl began to sleep more soundly and get enough sleep. And this is reflected in her studies, in particular. And, of course, the amount of dust in the entire apartment has decreased significantly.

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