Samsung does not charge - micro USB connector of smartphone, tablet, phone

A dirty USB connector leads to difficulties with charging - it does not work or goes very slowly. There are also problems connecting the smartphone to the computer for synchronization or data transfer. There are three ways to clean your phone's charging socket:
  • A simple piece of paper;
  • Using a fine needle brush;
  • Medical alcohol;
  • A cylinder of compressed air.

First we will work with a needle and brush, then we will look at other methods.

Features of cleaning the nest

Here we present the main commandment of doctors - do no harm. The micro-USB connector is thin and can be easily damaged by careless actions or a rough brush. Do not use thick needles, sandpaper, screwdrivers or power tools here. Only careful handling - as with a patient lying on a surgical table. Remember that damage to electrical contacts will require repairs at a service center.

The cleaning process comes down to three steps:

  • The first is to remove large contaminants stuck in the nest.
  • The second stage is to clean the connector with a brush.
  • The third step removes oxide from the contacts.

Next, all you have to do is dry the phone and you can use it.

Aliexpress sells unusual protective accessories - plugs for connectors. They will prevent clogging of the sockets in the phone. Cost - within 80-100 rubles.

Alternative chemical methods

The funds that I have listed are usually more than enough. However, in “wildlife” there are other effective ways of cleaning electrical contacts of semiconductors, which cannot be ignored. From gentle, when there is almost no need for mechanical friction, to those used by professionals in everyday activities:

  • Hygiene stick and ammonia in moderation. Suitable for simple cases when little moisture has accumulated and it has not had time to enter into a chemical reaction at a serious level.
  • Asidol is a cleaning agent for brass, bronze, copper and its alloys. Consists of a mixture of ammonia (ammonia water) with chalk. This is an advanced version of the previous method.
  • In case of heavy contamination, moisten the board with vodka and rub with a brush or brush. Then wipe off the dirt with a napkin. The powerful effect is explained by the presence of an optimal combination of distilled water and alcohol in the drink.
  • There is a method for the paranoid that removes oxide from hidden cavities. May be justified when moisture gets under the BGA chips. The board is placed in a container filled entirely with ethyl alcohol (technical). To delay the evaporation process, it can be covered with paper. Soak for 2 hours. Then, directly in the improvised bath, treat with a brush or brush. Well, dry it, of course.
  • Isopropyl alcohol. Cleaning is not very good for them. Available for free sale.

An effective way to clean the phone socket: step-by-step instructions

Find step-by-step instructions for cleaning the charging socket:

  • The first stage is to inspect the connector and clean it with a thin needle. A regular sewing needle or a needle from a medical syringe will do (take a syringe of the smallest volume - for example, a tuberculin one). Simply blow the dirt to be removed onto the table;
  • The second stage is fine cleaning with a brush. Its pile should penetrate into the nest, reaching the most secluded corners. Use your wife's or girlfriend's cosmetic brush, take an old toothbrush of medium hardness. Place the lint inside the connector and clean it. No hard brushes or sudden movements - spare your smartphone and your own money;
  • The third stage is cleaning with alcohol or an alcohol-containing liquid, which helps to completely clean the electrical contacts.

As soon as the alcohol dries, carry out tests by connecting the cable to the charger.

How to clean iPhone charging socket

At first, you may not even see the accumulated dirt in the iPhone charging socket. It is important to proceed carefully until you get at least some of the debris out. After this everything becomes easier.

Note. Take extra care when cleaning around the charging contacts to avoid accidentally damaging them. Otherwise, you may need to replace your iPhone's charging port entirely.

  1. Turn off your iPhone.
  2. If you are using cotton, place it on the toothpick and twist until it catches on the toothpick (use only a small amount of cotton).
  3. Holding your iPhone with the socket facing up, place a toothpick in the charging port.
  4. Swipe along the back wall of the connector and try to pull out the dirt from there.

    Be careful, don't press too hard

    Sometimes you may need to thoroughly clean the sides of the port as well. There may very well be debris stuck there. Be careful not to damage the clips that hold the Lightning cable in place.

    Once you're done, reconnect the charging cable to your iPhone and see if it works. You don’t have to wait for dirt to clog the charging socket and carry out this procedure once every 3-4 weeks.

Other methods

  • Plain paper will help to clean the charging socket. Tear off a piece from an A4 sheet, fold it in half or in four to form a pointed corner. Insert the resulting corner into the connector, carefully cleaning it from dirt. This is a method for field conditions when there is nowhere to get a needle and brush.
  • Some users recommend pouring alcohol directly into the connector using a pipette. The technique is interesting, since the alcohol composition will soak up the dirt and make it easier to remove. And someone recommends drawing it into a syringe, holding the phone vertically and cleaning the connector with a stream directed from bottom to top. Don't forget to dry the handset with a hairdryer turned on at minimum power.
  • The third method is the most gentle. It involves the use of compressed air cylinders. These cans are used for contactless cleaning of accumulated dust from electronics (such as computers). “Blow” the can into the connector several times and the dirt will fly out. Now wipe the contacts with alcohol - the goal is achieved.

How to clean the charging cable

How to bleach dirty wires on white headphones?

It's very very simple. You can bleach the wiring like this. take regular alcohol or vodka, wet a cotton swab, squeeze it out and thoroughly wipe your headphone wires. The dirt will come off and the wiring will be clean.

the author of the question chose this answer as the best

It all depends on the material of the wires. If we are talking about fabric-wrapped headphones, then it is difficult to clean them. You can try to clean it by soaking the fabric in bleach, but it will be difficult to wash off. That’s why they are usually wiped with wet wipes.

They are also used when it comes to rubber windings. Wet wipes are great for removing most dirt. Just be careful around the buttons and base, don't pull. Makeup remover wipes are also suitable.

As an option, soak a cotton pad with a low-concentration alcohol-containing solution. Alcohol does an excellent job of removing yellowness, but you can overdo it, and the rubber may dry out and begin to crack.

From time to time, the white wires of the headphones, like the headphones themselves, need to be cleaned to remove dirt, grease and microorganisms.

There are several cleaning methods available.

1). A cotton pad with a small amount of laundry soap.

2). Hydrogen peroxide applied to a cotton pad. If the wires are very dirty, you can arrange baths by soaking the item for 10-15 minutes.

3). The same with the use of chlorhexidine.

After each procedure, wipe the wires and membranes dry with a clean napkin or cotton pad.

Do not use alcohol or alcohol-containing liquids for cleaning as this may damage the surface of the wiring.

You can bleach dirty wires on white headphones using a cotton pad, onto which you need to apply a small amount of laundry soap. You can also use hydrogen peroxide, which must be applied to a cotton pad. I think the best way to clean white wires is with laundry soap; you can apply it to a wet rag and rub the headphone wire until you see whiteness.

I always clean the white wires with soap and a cloth. We take laundry soap, take a wet rag, smear the rag with soap and rub the headphone wire until the whiteness returns. Cleans perfectly. Soap can be replaced with any detergent, Fairy, for example. I do not use alcohol, as it has a negative effect on the insulation of wires.

Depends on what exactly made them dark. In most cases, this is ordinary dirt, incl. It may also contain fat. Such dirt can be easily removed with some cleaner or alcohol. It is not recommended to use a solvent, because it may begin to dissolve the insulating sheath material. In some cases, even alcohol may not help. Then you can try to bleach the stain with hydrogen peroxide. If this does not help, then the problem most likely cannot be fixed, because... the properties of the material itself have changed.

The wires on the headphones get dirty over time, so if they are white, their color will turn gray.

It is possible to restore the purity of the wires, but this must be done regularly, since over time they may lose their whiteness.

Wipe the wires with cotton pads soaked in alcohol or vodka. This will remove dirt from the wires and make them whiter.

more than a year ago

Black deposits from wires (it apparently consists of grease + dust) Perfectly dissolves ordinary vegetable OIL, which everyone has. Wedge wedge

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