How to polish the glass on a watch and what to do if the glass on the watch is cracked: folk signs

Removing scratches using improvised means

Minor damage can be repaired with toothpaste. Rub it into the recess and leave to dry. After this, sand the glass with a slightly damp cloth or using a blade. The movements must be directed along the scratch in one direction, otherwise you risk irreversibly damaging the product.

If you are unable to remove the damage the first time, you can enhance the effect of the tooth gel using other ingredients - vinegar and dry mustard powder. A paste is prepared from their mixture, which is subsequently applied to glass.

Ammonia helps disguise minor imperfections. Prepare your own cleaning solution consisting of 15 ml of ammonia and 0.5 liters of water. Apply the defect several times in a circular motion.

Furniture polish can also help. The glass is wiped with the product, then sanded with a soft cloth. Microfiber, flannel or gauze are suitable for these purposes, but not rough cloth, otherwise you risk scratching the surface.

The means at hand will help to cope with a minor defect, but you should not rely on them for deep damage. For these purposes, you will need special professional kits, which are sold in the store. These include sanding pastes and sets of special paper. It is enough to describe to the seller the size of the defect and the thickness of the glass, and he will find the necessary remedy for scratches on the glass.

Disassembling the plate

If all of the above methods for restoring window sills do not match or the plastic is very swollen and you no longer know how to fix a plastic window sill, you can try to radically get rid of the problem by completely replacing the part.

Removing an element requires some effort:

  1. Cut the mounting foam and carefully pull the element, holding its slopes.
  2. We remove the abandoned place from the garbage.
  3. We put a new plate the size of the old windowsill.
  4. We supply support rails.
  5. Apply silicone sealant to the side of the connecting plate with the window.
  6. Install the new sill into the socket, checking its level.
  7. Fill the voids with foam and place a weight on top of the piece.
  8. Remove the protective film after the foam has dried.

It is important! Before deciding to choose PVC windows, you should pay attention to the fact that some companies offer a guarantee to replace the window sill if it is damaged.

If the window sill is severely damaged, it is recommended to replace it.

Installing a PVC window sill is not such a difficult process, but it does require attention and persistence. If you decide to replace the plastic window sill and rebuild it, the second option will of course be more attractive in terms of saving money, avoiding waste and different color palettes. And if you use a plastic liner, the list of materials from which you can make a window sill is not limited to plastic. It can be concrete, wood, brick and metal.

It turns out that dismantling and repairing window sills with your own hands depends on the deformation of the structure, the availability of funds and free time. In order for this part of the interior to last for many years, you must use it for its intended purpose and properly care for the plastic texture using specially designed tools.

Modern plastic windows are made of special plastic, which is highly resistant to mechanical and thermal influences. However, often the outer surface is scratched during transportation and unprofessional installation. Often scratches on plastic windows appear during their operation due to the inaccuracy of people living or working in the room, less often due to pets. Small scratches on white plastic are not very noticeable, but they still spoil the appearance of the windows, so it is better to get rid of them. Currently, there are several options for masking scratches, the most popular of which are:

1. Grinding scratches with abrasive (GOI paste, etc.) and polishing.

The surface immediately after scratches (around) is sanded. The top layer is removed extremely carefully in order to smoothly move from the surface level to the “scratch” and remain intact. Only high-quality polishing gives the desired effect, namely hiding damage. Important: sanding only helps with very small scratches.

2. Use of solvent and grinding.

Solvent polishing can mask deeper scratches, but it is very difficult and is not suitable for every profile. First, the scratch is treated with a solvent, which slightly corrodes the plastic and removes the scratch groove. The surface is then treated (the solvent must be removed) and then sanded.

3. Use of maintenance personnel.

A repair kit for plastic windows is a special paste applied to the scratch area. Having torn a little plastic, the paste literally glues it (glues it together) and all that remains is to grind and polish the surface. Scratches on plastic windows are difficult to disguise with the help of repair personnel, so you need to be highly qualified and, without exaggeration, with golden hands.

It's fair to say that any scratch removal method without proper experience is extremely risky. This process requires a well-developed skill, so it rarely happens with the first event (there is not even the slightest mistake when working with plastic). We recommend entrusting the removal of scratches on plastic to professionals, which will not only play it safe, but also save on the purchase of tools and mixtures necessary for reconstruction. You can contact our company. We will eliminate plastic defects in an optimal manner and with high quality. The next day you will forget that there were ever scratches on the window.

Scratched glass can be easily repaired by applying toothpaste and applying a little force. The only question is whether it should be restored or better replaced. Not only does the glass repair tool create a rainbow effect on the glass, but scratches reduce the strength of the window, making them prone to cracking just by applying light pressure to the desired spot.

And without that, I'm sorry that you can feel the scratch on the glass with your fingernail, it's probably so deep that you can't fix it without leaving a mark. Polishing kits can leave a hole with bubbles that refract light when the sun shines through the window. Depending on where the window is located, this could be a problem for you. If the scratch is located exactly in the middle of the facade bay window, it usually needs to be replaced.

Working with small scratches

For scratches that can be seen in the sun but you can't cover the nail, toothpaste is the best solution.

Toothpaste is the best solution to the problem of scratches on glass

In this case, a paste or cream works much better than a gel. Clean the glass thoroughly. It is better to clean the surface with a lint-free cloth. Apply enough toothpaste over the entire length of the scratch and remove excess.

If you use a razor blade to clean off excess toothpaste, do yourself (and your window) a favor.

Move in one direction only. “Picking” the glass back and forth over the glass can cause irreparable damage!

After the window has dried, take a piece of soft cloth and polish the window. The contour will disappear immediately with toothpaste. Sometimes you have scratches that are barely noticeable but still bother you. Don't rush to use the pasta. First, try polishing the glass with furniture paste. Just be careful not to scratch materials such as newspapers when polishing. A soft, dry cloth is the best choice.

Medium scratches

Most window cleaning experts will tell you that you don't need to repair scratches on your window. But if you move your finger after scratching and the nail falls into the groove, that means the window is too damaged to repair. Yet there is a possible solution for these stubborn craftsmen of all industries. The second treatment is toothpaste with equal parts dry mustard and vinegar, and this mixture can fix scratches that are a little deeper. Apply toothpaste and buff with a clean cloth. If the scratch is still visible after taking it apart, it's time to move on to the next step - a professional scratch removal system.

Professional methods

Some scratch removal kits are sold both online and in brick-and-mortar stores. Typically, windshield repair kits contain everything you need to get the job done. Unfortunately, they can be quite expensive, and without expert knowledge you won't be able to use them profitably. Look for tools that do not contain abrasive ingredients. Cerium oxide and those that only scratch by scratches. The end result is a decrease in the strength of the window. Homeowners and their insurers will agree that it's better to replace a window right away than wait until it breaks.

Preventing scratches

Without a doubt, the easiest way to take care of a scratch is to hide your presence in the first place. Not all scratches can be fixed, but you can avoid some common causes of scratches on the following windows:

  • Construction marks - mortar, putty and plaster - stick to the surface of a new window, and when they come off, they create scratches. Some new tools protect the window surface. They can be applied or sprayed onto the glass at the factory, such films can be removed after construction, and then the window is sufficient for cleaning.
  • Newspaper, heavy-duty towels and vigorous scrubbing can scratch the surface of the glass. Surprisingly, a diamond ring can do the same. Wash the window with a soft, clean cloth. If fibers or streaks remain on the surface, use a lint-free towel and do not wipe windows when the sun is shining on them.
  • Dirt or construction dust can easily scratch the window when washing. If possible, hose or hose down dust from the window before washing it.

Windows create the overall impression of your home. Tinted glass, dirty, dirty or scratched windows create a false impression. Improve feelings of abandonment and improve the class of your home by updating or replacing damaged glass windows.

As you progress in woodworking, you will notice that there are some significant differences between woodworking tools and wood products. But while you're still learning the basic skills, you can use the same tools as a carpenter. They are easily available and cheaper, so you can start working with wood without breaking the bank...

Family: Rubiaceae Trade name: Bahia. Other names: Subah (Ghana); elolom (Gabon); Elilo (Cameroon). Distribution: Tropical West Africa. Wood Description Abura Light orange brown or pink wood color. The heart of the tree is reddish brown, sometimes spongy, with darker veins. Mostly plain, with grain, but sometimes with spiral grain. The texture is clear. Weight ranges from 460-690 kg/m3...

Compared to conventional wooden windows, plastic has some advantages. These are thermal protection, high sound insulation and low operating costs. And if we compare them only in appearance, unlike wooden windows, plastic windows look more stylish. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Also with plastic windows, which still have some disadvantages (read the article about the dangers of plastic windows). One of these disadvantages is the difficulty, and sometimes impossibility, of removing scratches on them.

Polishing glass from scratches, in what cases you can do it yourself and when to contact a specialist

You can polish your car windshield yourself or at a car service center. If the scratches appeared due to the work of the wipers, then you can deal with the problem at home. Large scratches and chips on the windshield can only be removed by specialists.

You can polish your car windshield at home

To determine whether a scratch is deep or not, just run your fingernail across the glass; if it clings to it, it means it is deep.

Reasons for clouding of the windshield and the appearance of small scratches on it:

  • wipers work when sand gets under them;
  • pebbles falling on the glass while driving;
  • improper cleaning of glass from frost;
  • improper car washing.

The presence of minor damage to the windshield leads to the following problems:

  • visibility deteriorates, so the driver strains his eyes more and this makes them get tired faster;
  • existing defects distract attention, which negatively affects traffic safety;
  • at night, the light from the headlights of oncoming cars is distributed unevenly, and this creates discomfort for the driver and passengers;
  • the appearance of the car becomes less attractive, especially if traces from the wipers are clearly visible on the glass.

There are several proven methods that allow you to remove minor scratches and clouding on your windshield at home. You can cope with the work yourself using available tools.

The windshield is restored by polishing it. The existing options differ from each other only in the material used for this.

Polishing the glass helps remove scuffs and minor scratches.

To carry out the work you will need:

  • grinder or drill with adjustable speed. It is not recommended to use a grinder, as it operates at very high speeds;
  • felt circle;
  • polishing paste or its folk substitute;
  • spray bottle with water;
  • marker, with its help problem areas are marked;
  • soft cloth;
  • masking tape. With its help, areas that do not need to be polished are protected.

    For polishing you will need simple and accessible materials and tools.

Preparatory work consists of the following steps:

  1. Before polishing the windshield from scratches, it is necessary to wash the car thoroughly, washing away dirt and dust, otherwise they will interfere with the work.
  2. Before polishing your windshield, it is important to identify all areas of damage and their depth. To make the procedure easier, outline such defects with a marker.
  3. Next, you need to cover the car with film so that the polishing agent does not get on other areas of the body and spoil them. Make cuts in the film in places for polishing and glue the edges of the film with construction tape.
  4. Dilute the polishing powder with water to a thick cream and prepare a spray bottle with water.

It is necessary to wash the car well before polishing.

After completing all the preparatory work, you can move on to the main part, like polishing the car glass with your own hands:

  1. Stir the polishing mixture according to the instructions and fill the drill with a special circle with a felt attachment.
  2. First you need to apply a small amount of the mixture to a glass surface with an area of ​​40x40 centimeters and grind it.
  3. Using a special polishing machine, polish the canvas with smooth and gentle movements. Periodically moisten the cloth with water so that the paste does not have time to dry out and damage the glass.
  4. Wipe the clean surface with microfiber and spray with a cleaning agent that will give a final shine and a perfect look.
  5. Check the canvas for scratches and matte roughness; if there are any, you will have to re-polish it.
  6. It is not advisable to press hard on the surface with the machine, otherwise the canvas may crack. Hold the drill at the correct angle from the surface. You need to polish the glass in sections, overlapping each time. Also, you should not stay in one area for a long time, otherwise the polishing machine will make strong indentations on the surface.

Removing the glass from scratches and small cracks can be a long process, since the glass cloth is a very hard material and it is not always possible to polish it well at one time.

The grinding option is quite complicated at home, but it can still be done.

In car dealerships you can buy products for fast-acting polishing, with a grinding effect and with a long-lasting effect. Chemicals based on liquid glass and wax have proven themselves well; both of them effectively cope with scratches and chips.

The procedure for polishing car glass with chemicals with your own hands is quite simple: first you need to degrease the surface with alcohol and dilute the composition according to the instructions. Apply the mixture to the canvas and quickly rub it over the glass.

This procedure is carried out in several stages and the mixture must constantly be allowed to dry. The finishing layer must be washed off with water and the glass sheet dried.

After proper polishing with your own hands, the glass will again begin to transmit light without refraction and will take on a fresh appearance. The machine looks beautiful with smooth and clean glass surfaces.

Scratches on the glass of household appliances

Colorless varnish is the easiest way to disguise a scratch on the glass of household appliances. Before starting work, the surface should be cleaned and degreased. Using a manicure brush, apply the polish to the defect and let it dry slightly. To avoid leaving traces of restoration work, use a rubber spatula to remove excess varnish.

If the glass has a concave or convex shape, then the varnish can be removed with a piece of cardboard. It is applied to the treated area and dried a little, while the cardboard follows the curves of the scratch. The results of the work may be slightly disappointing, because the refractive index of varnish and glass is different and the flaw can be obvious.

How to polish?

In theory, everything is simple: polishing the glass with any soft abrasive should help prevent scratches. In fact, it turns out that the best option is still a special polishing paste and a special polishing machine. But we want to remove scratches on car glass without buying anything expensive! Then there are few effective and safe options.

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What to do if you scratch your phone or watch? Many portals advise polishing the product with ordinary toothpaste. Perhaps there are craftsmen who actually managed to get rid of scratches in this way, but this method of repair still does not inspire confidence. The abrasive in the paste is too small and soft: polishing glass this way will take forever.

Soft sandpaper

If it is difficult to achieve at least some shift with paste, it is easy to overdo it with sandpaper, even the finest one. Not only does the risk of new, even more noticeable scratches skyrocket, but intense friction can create a depression that will disrupt the evenness of the curvature of the glass, and it will look no better than a large chip.

Paste GOI

But this kind of car glass polishing may well work! The paste made from chromium oxide powder is well known to soldiers: how else can you polish a plaque until it shines, if not with it? In everyday life, it is used for polishing metal and glass products. Only here there are some peculiarities.

  • You need to choose a paste with a medium abrasive: this is number 2 or 3.
  • It cannot be applied to the surface to be polished due to the risk of scratches, so the paste is applied only to the fabric.
  • Choose a lint-free fabric: felt or lint-free napkins are fine.

They say you can add gasoline or oil to the paste to enhance the effect, but we wouldn’t risk the integrity of expensive car glass.


Large and deep grooves require not polishing or even grinding, but filling with special polymers. Even after purchasing all the necessary materials, it is unrealistic to do it yourself without minimal experience, so in order to avoid unnecessary frustration, it is better to immediately ask a knowledgeable person for help.

Is this all? Unfortunately yes. The remaining methods require special equipment and polish, and the procedure for removing imperfections carried out at home will not be much different from what they will do for you in a workshop.

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Restoration of an aquarium, window glass, car

On aquarium glass, a scratch is especially noticeable because it gets dirty quickly. Just a few days after cleaning, dirt accumulates in it and spoils its appearance. You cannot remove a scratch using a grinding machine, because the device removes more material than necessary. The result is a “lens effect” that will be noticeable on the glass.

You can use polish to remove scratches. Hardware stores sell special products for polishing car glass. As a rule, they contain all the necessary components to solve the task.

Polishes are Teflon-based and wax-based. They contain abrasive particles that help remove a layer of several microns and restore scratched glass. However, the products can only be used to treat the outside of the aquarium; the inside should not be polished. It is unknown how the chemical composition will affect aquatic life.

In order to polish windows and car glass, you can use Polarit paste, which has a particle size of 0.5 microns. If the scratches are thin, use diamond paste, which is effective for removing difficult stains. It is applied using felt or felt in a circular motion and the residue is removed with a soft material.

If the glass is thick

If the glass is of impressive thickness, grinding work is first carried out, and the process is completed by polishing. If you don’t have a professional tool at hand, you can use sandpaper No. 200-800 or medium-grain pastes. Restoration begins with the use of a composition that has larger particles, then switches to fine-grained pastes. This process is long and laborious, sometimes lasting several hours. Therefore, the Miss Clean website advises to be patient.

With an impressive thickness of glass, you will need special devices in the form of an electric machine, drill, or grinder. An attachment in the form of a roller, which is made of leather, cloth, or felt, is put on the disk. For manual polishing, materials such as wood, rubber, cork, which are covered on the outside with leather and then with felt or felt, are suitable.

After the top layer is removed, treatment is carried out using a paste or polishing solution for cars. GOI paste has proven itself well, and its cost is lower than others.

Polishing glass from scratches takes place in several stages.

  1. Wash the glass to remove dirt with plain water; you can add a small amount of window cleaner to it.
  2. Insert the polishing disc into the drill and turn on the machine at minimum speed - no more than 1000-1200 rpm.
  3. Work until the scratch disappears completely.
  4. Apply some paste to the disc and polish.
  5. Use circular motions to treat the defect.
  6. Repeat the process until the glass becomes smooth.
  7. Rinse the area with water and ammonia.
  8. Treat the surface with clean water and wipe dry with a cloth.

Before polishing the product, you should diagnose the damage. Use your finger to locate the scratch and outline the area with a marker. This is necessary so as not to catch other parts of the product during grinding. Before starting and during work, the surface must be moistened with a spray bottle. This will prevent the paste from drying out during the restoration process.

If your watch is scratched

To understand which polishing method is suitable, you need to find out what material the glass is made of. There are several glasses used for watches:

  • organic;
  • sapphire;
  • mineral;
  • plastic.

With the organic type, watch glass polishing can be done in several ways. The simplest and most effective is to use white non-granular toothpaste without whitening properties:

  1. wipe the glass from any remaining dust and dirt;
  2. squeeze a small pea of ​​toothpaste onto a cotton pad;
  3. place the watch on a flat surface and, using almost no pressure, rub the paste into the glass in a circular motion;
  4. literally after a minute of work, take a clean swab, moisten it with water and wash off the remaining paste.

Make sure that water does not penetrate into the watch case. If you doubt the water resistance of the device, then it makes sense to disassemble the watch and perform the glass polishing procedure separately. You can repeat this about four times until minor scratches are completely removed.

GOI paste for polishing watches
If there are more serious defects, then the second method is suitable, in which GOI paste is used (there are four types of grain):

  1. Apply paste number four (coarse) to a damp cotton pad;
  2. polish in a circular motion for about two minutes;
  3. wash off the remaining paste with a damp disc and wipe dry;
  4. if the scratches have become less noticeable, then it is worth repeating the procedure, but with GOI paste number three;
  5. To remove small defects, fine-grained paste number two or one, or the toothpaste described in the first grinding method, is suitable.

If you doubt your success, then it makes sense to seek help from a professional.

In any case, the properties of air contain humidity, and watches are not assembled in a vacuum, so fogged glass is not such a rare occurrence, especially with a sharp temperature change. This cannot be called a defect, but if the glass on the watch sweats, it means there is some kind of defect.

There is a chance to contact a service center if the product’s warranty has not yet expired; otherwise, you can do some steps to fix the problem yourself:

  1. remove the back cover of the watch;
  2. place the watch near a heat source for some time (up to two days); if you can’t wait, use a hairdryer;
  3. cover with a napkin while drying to prevent dust from getting inside the product;
  4. do not open windows, do not use humidifiers - you need to try to minimize the humidity in the room;
  5. carefully place the lid in place without disturbing the design of the product (if there are any rubber bands or gaskets, they need to be installed back where they were).

It should be understood that the presence of moisture under the watch case can cause damage to parts and the watch mechanism. If fogging occurs rarely, for example, only when going outside in cold weather, then you should not worry and disassemble the product. Perspiration that appears at room temperature can be considered a cause for concern.

Please note that you can only worsen the situation: bring dust under the device body, tear the gasket, or increase fogging. Therefore, if you doubt your success, it is better to trust the professionals.

Signs have long been an explanation for incomprehensible events in the life of every nation. Man saw in them his destiny, purpose, and looked for hidden meaning. Nowadays, belief in omens does not lose its relevance. People continue to be guided by them in planning affairs, assessing the impact of signs on the future.

cracked glass
The clock is directly related to time, the flow of life. Many esotericists believe that watches are capable of absorbing the energy of their wearer; because of this, it is not recommended to give watches to strangers or pick them up on the street, which is why the sign of broken glass on a watch is so important for most.

Removing scratches from watch glasses and glasses

Before removing scratches from a watch glass, first determine the type. There are sapphire (including those with anti-reflective coating), mineral, plexiglass and combined (with an external sapphire coating). The softer the material, the faster scratches are removed. Cheap ones - it makes more sense to replace them than to polish them.

The most difficult to process are sapphire crystals; they are polished with diamond powders using a grinding machine, and with an anti-reflective film they are sent to professionals for repair.

The watch is disassembled for convenience, so as not to damage the case. And rub in a circular motion on a cloth coated with a polishing agent (or vice versa).

Do the same with glasses lenses, protecting the frames. First, of course, having figured out the material (mineral glass or polymer). You cannot polish prescription glasses yourself.

You can manually get rid of scuffs and dullness, and polishing scratches on any glass is more convenient and faster with a polishing machine. If you cannot get rid of defects, you can always contact a car repair shop, watchmakers or glaziers.

Polishing car windows is not difficult if you know a few tricks when working.

Polishing car windows is not a complicated process.

Polishing the windshield from scratches is done in two ways:

  1. The most aggressive method is grinding to get rid of deep defects and surface deformations. However, performing the procedure yourself is quite problematic. Grinding will not be an effective method for all glass surfaces, since the procedure depends on the thickness of the glass sheet. During processing, a thick layer of material is peeled off, so the thin sheet can easily burst.
  2. The second method is to polish scratches on glass. This is a gentle treatment that will effectively and quickly correct all defects without harm. This treatment is also suitable for polishing side windows from scratches. This chip removal solution is quite suitable for independent use.

At home and in the absence of certain skills, it would be unwise to restore scratches on glasses. Any inept manipulation will lead to the appearance of cloudy, matte spots, and then the glasses will have to be thrown away. In this case, it is better to resort to the services of a salon that makes glasses.

Using a small set of special tools, you can get rid of scratches yourself without the involvement of professionals. You should not rely on instant results, since the work requires accuracy and patience. If the item is especially valuable or fragile, do not rush to restore it yourself. Inept actions are more likely to ruin a glass object than restore its former appearance.

Do-it-yourself polishing

In theory, everything is simple - polishing the glass with any soft abrasive should help get rid of scratches. Experts recommend using polishing paste and a special polishing machine for this work. If most car owners are ready to purchase paste and special chemicals in the relevant stores, then a polishing machine is an unnecessary and unaffordable expense. Manual polishing of the windshield is also possible, but such work will be more complex and labor-intensive.

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Sequence of procedure

If you do all the work step by step and follow these recommendations, the result will blow your mind! The main condition that must be observed before removing scratches is calmness and accuracy.

As the practice and experience of motorists shows, using goyi toothpaste is much more rational and effective than toothpaste. Although the latter also has a right to exist in the matter of finishing the windshield to a shine.

My personal experience suggests that the best remedy for removing scratches on the windshield of any car is the voiced paste together with cerium oxide as a means to combat deep damage in the form of scratches. But the choice is yours. Some even polish with soda, believing that it is in no way inferior to oxide.

The entire polishing process can be divided into several successive steps. I strongly advise you to adhere to this structure of your work process.

When you have managed to purchase and assemble the entire kit for restoration and polishing work, you can begin the procedure.

It consists of the following actions:

  • Body wrap. It is important to protect body parts from accidental contact with pastes and oxide. The products dry quickly, so this will save you from having to wash the car again;
  • Oxide treatment. The product is applied with water not to the glass, but to the polishing wheel. Be sure to keep the machine at medium speed. Do not allow the glass to overheat, stop periodically;
  • After finishing the oxide treatment, thoroughly rinse the glass surface and replace the wheel on the machine;
  • Now the paste is applied. The product is cheap, but incredibly effective. For better performance, you can mix Goya paste with a small amount of paraffin or wax;
  • After finishing the finishing process, remove the masking tape from the body.

At this point the polishing can be considered complete.

Please note that there are many videos and instructions on the Internet that clearly show the entire process of polishing car windshields yourself. You shouldn't rely on them completely. Take only the main ideas and main recommendations.

When working independently in a garage environment, it is very important to distribute the force from the polishing machine extremely carefully and evenly. During the processing, a layer of glass is removed, which allows you to remove scratches. But you can’t shoot more than 10 microns.

Paste GOI

GOI abrasive powder paste contains chromium oxide, which makes it possible to eliminate even serious damage using such chemistry. This is a universal paste that is used with equal success for polishing metal and glass products.

Features of using GOI paste for polishing a windshield in a car:

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  • It is recommended to use a paste with medium abrasiveness No. 2 or No. 3;
  • The abrasive paste should be applied to a cloth or polishing roller, but not to glass;
  • The rags used should not leave lint.

It is important!

Large and deep cracks cannot be eliminated by polishing or grinding alone; such damage is filled with special polymers. It will be impossible to repair such deep cracks on your own without minimal experience.

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