What to do if your hat shrinks after washing: how to stretch it and restore it to its original shape

What is this text about? In this text we will answer the following questions: how to stretch a winter hat at home 7 tips: how to stretch a hat if it shrinks after washing

It often happens that after a season the hat becomes small, tight, or does not fit on the head at all. Of course, buying a new thing is not a problem today. The market is overflowing with different models made from all kinds of materials. But is there a guarantee that you won’t have to buy a new hat for the next season? And it’s very difficult to part with your favorite thing. How to stretch a hat so that it can still please the owner is the story in this article.

Why does the hat shrink and how to avoid it

What is the reason for the changes, and what recommendations will help preserve your favorite product:

  1. Use boiling water when washing. In such a situation, high temperature will contribute to the narrowing of tissue fibers. Therefore, wool hats are washed in water up to 30° C.
  2. The item deteriorates due to machine washing, even if the required temperature conditions are observed. This is an indication that hats are usually washed by hand.
  3. Wrong choice of detergent. The active chemical compounds contained in the usual powder destroy the structure of fragile tissues. Therefore, you should opt for liquid preparations for gentle washing.
  4. An abnormal drying temperature can disrupt the molecular structure of the fibers of the product. Therefore, it is best to dry the product in a natural environment. Batteries and other heating devices are excluded.
  5. Changes in humidity and temperature conditions harm the headdress. Keeping a hat after winter wear in a room with dry air or in a closet without proper control until the next season causes it to become deformed, decrease in size, and lose its shape. Therefore, storage and ventilation conditions must be observed. When purchasing, you must obtain the seller's recommendations on operating rules.

But if it happens that your favorite item has decreased in size, stretching a hat at home is quite possible, you just need to choose the appropriate method and take precautions.

How to stretch an earflap hat at home

Ushanka hats look stylish and respectable. They provide great warmth in cold and frosty winters. Such hats have become indispensable for use in the army and police. However, fur requires careful and thorough care, otherwise over time it loses its presentable appearance, wears out, shrinks and becomes deformed. This causes the headpiece to shrink and become small.

In addition, an earflap hat may shrink due to improper storage, use and washing. Fur and skin react sharply to temperature changes, humidity, hot water and various manifestations of bad weather. After an unsuccessful wash, heavy rain or wet snow, a headdress can easily lose its previous shape. And if stored for a long time in a humid or hot room, especially when folded, the product will become deformed.

You can stretch a winter fur hat with earflaps in a professional workshop. Or you can use home methods, but be careful not to completely ruin the material. Let's look at how to stretch an earflap hat at home.

How to stretch a hat with earflaps

Steaming is suitable for stretching hats made of fur, suede and leather. Pour water into a saucepan, kettle or other container and bring to a boil. Then hold an army, police or other hat over boiling water.

Place the steamed headdress on a three-liter jar, a special stand or blank for hats and leave for two to four days in a cool and dark place. When the hat is completely dry, it will stretch and retain the desired size.

To stretch a military or other fur hat with earflaps, the product can be rinsed in cool water at a temperature of 20-30 degrees for ten minutes. To enhance the effect, you can rinse the products in water with the addition of a tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide 30% or two to three tablespoons of vinegar.

After soaking or rinsing, lightly wring out the cap and place it on a stand, jar, or even a stack of books. Leave to dry completely in a dry place away from batteries, sunlight or electrical appliances.

If a wool earflap hat has shrunk slightly, lay the item on an ironing board, cover the top with damp gauze or cotton cloth and steam with an iron at a distance of 10-15 centimeters from the material. At the same time, stretch the product in the desired directions. After the manipulations, put the hat on your head and walk around like this for a few minutes so that it stretches and locks into place at the desired size.

How to care for a hat with earflaps

  • The hat should be dried and stored away from sunlight, batteries and electrical appliances in a dry, cool and dark place;
  • Clean the lining of your headgear regularly. It is advisable to unfasten and wash the lining material separately. In addition, you can clean the lining with soapy water, ammonia, or alcohol-based wet wipes;
  • A woolen men's hat with earflaps and any other woolen items can be washed only at a temperature of 20-30 degrees. When washed in hot water at temperatures above 30 degrees, wool becomes deformed and shrinks. And in cold water with a temperature below 20 degrees it becomes hard and “wooden”;
  • When washing and rinsing wool hats, use water at approximately the same temperature, otherwise the wool may also shrink. Choose special shampoos, gels or powders for washing woolen clothes. Store and wash wool separately from items made from other fabrics and materials;
  • A fur hat cannot be washed or washed in water. For cleaning, use a dry soft brush or sponge. The fur is combed using a rare metal comb;
  • Dirt on a fur hat is removed with a sponge or soft cloth soaked in clean gasoline. You can also use a solution of one tablespoon of ammonia, three teaspoons of table salt and sky


The hat shrank after washing - what should I do? How to stretch a hat? And immediately the idea comes to use the old grandfather’s method - to pull the headdress onto the jar. How to do this correctly and what other methods exist? I’ll tell you about this.

Why the hat shrank: 5 reasons

Reducing the size of a fur hat is not a difficult task, and we often do it unintentionally. If the headpiece does not fit correctly, it means that one of these factors may have affected its shrinkage:

Reason 1. Washing in hot water
High temperatures affect the structure of the fabric fibers, significantly narrowing them.
Reason 2. Machine wash
The knit for many hats is weaker than, for example, for sweaters. For this reason, even washing in the wool mode can ruin the product.
Reason 3. Using regular washing powder
Regular powders contain active substances that have a detrimental effect on the structure of delicate fabrics.
Reason 4. Drying on a radiator
Again we are talking about high temperatures that distort the structure of the fibers.

Dry items naturally.

Reason 5. Improper storage
Seasonal temperature changes harm the material of hats.

Store hats in a ventilated area where there are no temperature changes.

How to stretch a wool hat?

I know of two ways to stretch a wool hat. However, for those who are afraid of harming the product or simply don’t want to get dirty, I recommend going to a dry cleaner.

When you take an item to the dry cleaner, you can easily stretch it

Method No. 1. Softening fibers

To stretch the hat, workshops use special solutions that soften the fabric fibers, making them more elastic. A similar effect can be achieved using vinegar or hydrogen peroxide:

Step 1
Mix a couple of tablespoons of vinegar with 10 liters of warm water (pelvis volume).

Instead of vinegar, you can use hydrogen peroxide

Step 2
Soak the hat in a solution cooled to a temperature no higher than 30 degrees for 5–10 minutes.
Step 3
Wring out the item well and pull it onto a 3-liter jar or mannequin.

Method No. 2. Heating

Oddly enough, you can stretch the cap with the same thing that shrinks it - temperature.

  • Place the hat on an ironing board and cover with damp gauze. For reliability, fold the gauze in 2 layers.
  • Set your iron to the wool ironing setting.
  • Gently pull the hat in the direction you want, giving it the desired shape.
  • How to stretch a fur or leather hat?

    How to stretch a cap at home if it shrinks? It is quite difficult to enlarge a headdress made of these materials. Moreover, some hats are sewn so well that it is impossible to change their size. However, I will tell you about two ways to add a couple of sizes to a product.

    Method number 3. Steam softening

    You can relax tight skin fibers using steam:

    Step 1
    Heat water in a saucepan to 100 degrees and hold the hat over the steam until it warms up.
    Step 2
    Pull the damp cap onto a jar or any other solid object that is suitable in shape and size.

    Leave the product in this position for several hours.

    Method number 4. Salon services

    In specialized salons for sewing hats, there are electric bobbins and special solutions for stretching.

    Be careful, hat stretching services are also offered by scammers who put the headdress on a homemade stump, which can damage the product. When handing over an item for the procedure, ask to demonstrate the device.

    The workshop will definitely help you increase the size of your hat, regardless of its material and shape. The price for such a service is usually low - for example, in the workshop closest to my home it is only 300 rubles.


    I presented all the known and effective ways to stretch hats. If you still have clarifications on how to stretch a fur hat, write a question in the comments. But before that, I suggest you watch the video in this article.


    If a hat is made of fur or wool, sooner or later the owner will be faced with the question of how to stretch the hat? We ask you not to fall into despair. Everything is solved simply and easily. Consider:

    Causes of headgear deformation. Ways to correct the situation.

    If you know the reasons, then a person will not allow the situation to repeat itself, so it is worth talking about them at least briefly. A fur hat is extremely sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity. If a person buys a hat, wears it for a season, and then stuffs it somewhere where he himself does not look until the next winter, the hat will become deformed, because, like any expensive thing, you need to take care of it. A fur hat is also harmed by:

    Temperature changes. Humidity changes.

    If the room where the hat is located was well heated and the air was dry, then the hat decreases in size, and when the owner takes it out, he cannot recognize last year’s new thing. To prevent such an incident from happening again, a person must ask the seller everything about the conditions for storing a fur hat and strictly follow the instructions received.

    Fur hat. How to stretch it?

    You can fix the header:

    By someone else's hands. This means: going to a special studio, complaining to the craftsmen about your bitter fate, complaining that on the eve of the season, your beloved hat has fallen into disrepair. If a person is satisfied with the price, then he puts the fur product in the hands of professionals, and after 1, 2 or 7 days he picks it up like new. Quickly and without unnecessary worries. But it may also be that there is no money or the person is terribly afraid of strangers and doesn’t trust them. With his own hands. For a suspicious subject or a person without funds, there are methods that will help stretch the cap at home.

    The fur hat was deformed. How to stretch it? There is nothing unexpected or extremely complicated in the method.

    You will need:

    Hot steam.Jar.Dark and cool place.

    Soak the deformed cap with hot steam. Place a kettle or pan on the fire, pour in water and wait until it boils. Then we quickly pull the cap onto the neck of a three or five liter jar. We place the structure in a dark, cool place. We wait 3-4 days. We wear it.

    The old Soviet way of storing a fur hat: it is stored directly on the jar in a dark and cool place. This will protect the headdress from deformation.

    How to stretch a wool hat?

    Fur is not the only material from which a hat can be made. Hats are also made from wool. And some people prefer this fabric for financial or taste reasons. Despite all the luxury, there are people in the world who are indifferent to fur. So how do you stretch a wool hat?

    Lightly wet the top and neck of a three-liter jar with cold or cool water. Pull the hat over the neck. Secure the hat in place so that it does not come off, using clothespins, for example. Wait for the hat to dry. If the first method does not bring the desired result, try washing it with cool water (no more than 30 degrees Celsius) with the addition of vinegar (a tablespoon is enough for a small basin). Then take the jar again and put the hat on its neck. Wait until it dries. If the previous method did not help, the last resort remains - hot steam. You need to act like this: take the iron and, without touching the fabric, release the steam, not forgetting to pull the hat in all directions. To reduce the effects of heat, use gauze.

    If the item does not shrink too much, then the question of how to stretch a woolen hat is by no means idle.

    Precautions when handling woolen items

    Not only hats, but also sweaters and other wool products are reduced in size. Therefore, we will mention the general rules for washing woolen items.

    Wool has a capricious character. It is better if the housewife washes it separately, without mixing it with other fabrics. As can be seen from the above methods for stretching a hat, wool does not like hot weather. It is better to wash it in cool water. If the housewife prefers to both wash and rinse, then the water temperature should be the same in both cases. Discrepancies are detrimental to the fabric. The temperature “setting” for wool is very delicate: the water should be no lower than 20 and no higher than 30 degrees. If the fabric is higher, it will shrink, and if lower, it will become stiff. The preferred method of cleaning fur is hand washing, but if this is not possible or you are too lazy, then you should carefully choose the washing machine mode. Use a delicate wash that does not wring out, because any kind of twisting is detrimental to the wool. Ordinary powder is not suitable in this case, special means are used. The wool should be dried either on a hanger or on a terry towel (if you don’t have a terry towel, an ordinary one will do). Under no circumstances should you throw a woolen item over a rope like laundry; such handling will create creases that damage the fabric.


Steam softening

Actions are performed according to the following algorithm:

  1. Heat water in a saucepan or kettle to 100° C.
  2. Impregnate the cap with steam. This will take five minutes.
  3. Pull the wet object onto the balloon or blank for the cap.
  4. Place the entire structure in an unlit place for 2–4 days.

Fur hats are also stored in a bottle in the dark. Or they fill the inside of the cap with paper or newspapers. No packaging required. You can stretch a fur hat at home using another method.

How to stretch a fur hat? — Household tricks

What should women do if their favorite fur hat, which cost her a lot, suddenly changes in size? Of course, you can trust the professionals and take the product to the nearest workshop. There it will be treated with a special compound, placed on a block, and after a couple of days the headdress will be suitable for wear again.

But here's the problem. There is no atelier in your city that specializes in fur products, or the list of available ones does not inspire confidence among customers. Dont be upset. You can increase the size of a fur hat at home without special tools or skills.

Home workshop

To give your headdress the required size, it is enough to use steam and a five-liter jar of compote, for example, but in this case you should understand that the hat can only be stretched a couple of centimeters.

So, you need to determine in advance the item that will replace the block from the workshop. An excellent option would be not only a glass container for sealing food, but also any other round object that will allow you to give the dish the required shape. So, it could be a pan or a lampshade.

When you have decided on the shape, proceed to boiling water. How you get steam (whether it’s a kettle or a steamer) doesn’t matter. You just need to hold the fur product for 5 minutes over a steam bath and pull it onto the prepared block.

Next, be patient. Before you put on your expensive clothing again, you will have to thoroughly dry it for a couple of days. In this case, places of direct exposure to the sun's rays and proximity to heating devices should be avoided. Everyone knows that the sunny environment has a detrimental effect on the appearance of the product. But what happens to it under thermal influence?

Why did the hat change in size?

As it turns out, it is temperature changes and air humidity that cause your favorite fur hat to become deformed in size and shape. Improper storage of cleaning equipment thrown on the mezzanine, repeated wetting and drying inappropriately has led to the fact that you are forced to look for measures to return the required volumes.

Even if you manage to stretch a fur hat by a couple of units of measuring tape, you will hardly be able to pull it back. Therefore, buying a hat in the cold is not a very good decision for you. Under the influence of frost, the fur decreases and a product of seemingly ideal volumes, after warming up to room temperature, will begin to dangle freely on the head.


Leather hat

Leather and suede hats and caps stretch very poorly, but using steam softening, which is described above, you can achieve success. You can slightly modify the method if you first rinse the leather hat in water adding 2 tbsp. l. vinegar and 3 tbsp. l. 30% peroxide. And after a gentle push-up, pull the item onto the container or saucepan. Then dry at a constant temperature in the living room.

Do not forget to read the manufacturer's recommendations before the procedure.

Three ways to stretch a wool hat

  1. A more radical method is to wash the cap with a special solution. Take cool water with a temperature of up to 30 degrees and add a spoonful of table vinegar or a few tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide 30%. Rinse the product in the solution and hang it to dry on a three-liter jar or on a special stand for hats;
  2. Hot steam will help steam the material and return the product to its former presentable appearance. To do this, place the cap on a flat surface, cover with gauze and steam with an iron at a distance of ten centimeters from the material. In the process, stretch the headdress in different directions and directions. After processing, pull the cap onto a three-liter jar or a special stand. Leave until completely dry.

Towel instead of wringing

The essence of the method is that the knitted hat will stretch without damaging the fibers and weaving, but at the same time it will also be possible to get rid of moisture with a towel.

How to stretch a hat in this way. Algorithm of actions:

  1. Lay out a terry towel on the table.
  2. Place the cap stretched by hand on it.
  3. Roll the towel for 10 minutes. Moisture will be absorbed.
  4. Replace the towel with a dry one.
  5. Repeat the first steps again.
  6. The remaining moisture will evaporate after hanging the headdress on the rope.
  7. The hat will stretch due to its weight.

When hanging a product on a rope, clothespins are used to hold the edges of the item.

Softening fibers

This method is used in workshops to restore the elasticity of fibers. Stretching is done using certain compounds. At home, this option is possible in the presence of acetic acid or peroxide.

Wet a wool hat in an aqueous solution containing 1 tbsp. l. vinegar per 10 liters of water. And then pull it onto the balloon. After drying, the problem will be eliminated. Vinegar can also be replaced with peroxide.

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