© Provided by: MAXIM By publishing this instruction, we decided to kill two birds with one stone: potentially first-class
for 1 person 5 minutes 113.83 kcal 5/5 (4) Pumpkin smoothie recipe
Belyashi with meat from yeast dough For this recipe we do not add
Haddock is a fish from which you can prepare a large number of different dishes, constantly surprising your
3 servings 50 minutes 166 kcal 5/5 (1) Skinless duck in a frying pan Ingredients
{banner_pod-soderzhaniem} Lagman is a dish of oriental cuisine and is a cross between meat
Kissel, in addition to its excellent taste and berry-fruit aroma, has its own special smell for everyone. This
Salad “Fish” A simple salad with red fish is prepared very quickly and simply, but
Good afternoon dear readers! Today we will prepare a certain delicacy with you, I’ll clarify a little
14 Prepared by: Vika Vasilenko 03/12/2018 Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes Save I