Did you over-salt the dish? We'll tell you how to fix this annoying error.

As Vysotsky sang, “this can happen to anyone if they are drunk and soft.” And in many other cases. One day the cat nudged me on the arm, and half a glass of coarse salt was vigorously poured into the broth. If the catastrophe is total, i.e. The salinity of the contents of the pan is at the level of the Dead Sea, you will have to part with the liquid forever. If you simply salted the soup twice, both at the beginning and at the end, or someone passing by, out of the kindness of their hearts, poured another tablespoon into your brew, you can try to correct the situation. Let's talk about some methods.

If you just salted the soup twice, you can still correct the situation.

What to do if potatoes are over-salted

Now, it is probably difficult to even imagine how people used to live without potatoes. But it appeared in Russia relatively recently - Peter I brought it to us, and since then potatoes have become part of traditional Russian cuisine.

The number of dishes that can be prepared from potatoes is simply enormous. There is probably no person in the world who does not like fried potatoes or mashed potatoes. But what to do if suddenly the dish turns out to be too salty? You can, of course, blame everything on falling in love, but don’t leave the whole family hungry! Is it possible to somehow save over-salted potatoes? Let's try it!

What to do if you over-salted potatoes: boiled, fried or mashed

One of the universal products that every housewife has in their bins throughout the year is potatoes. It’s not surprising, because you can cook anything from the root vegetable - stew, potato pancakes, add it to a salad or soup, or just fry it. During the cooking process, unforeseen situations happen, for example, you added too much salt to a dish. Is there any way to correct the situation?

I over-salted the potatoes: what to do and how to fix it?

The root vegetable can be prepared in different ways - baked, boiled or fried. Thanks to spices, you can give it the desired taste and aroma. Well, of course, no housewife can do without salt, because without it the dish will be bland and tasteless. If you haven't added enough salt to the dish, the situation can be easily corrected. What if you added too much salt? Do you really have to throw away the food and start cooking again?

First of all, do not panic, because if desired, the situation can be corrected. Of course, if you added a lot of salt, then most likely you will have to throw away the dish and prepare a new one. But in most cases you will be able to revive him.

If you have the time and inclination, you can fry a couple of potatoes separately without adding salt, then add them to the pan with the dish and stir.

What to do if you over-salt your stewed potatoes? If you have added too much salt to boiled potatoes, drain the water from the pan and rinse it thoroughly 1-2 times. Pour water into the container and put on fire, cook for another 10 minutes.

We recommend adding whole, over-salted boiled potatoes to a salad or other appetizer, since the situation cannot be corrected. Or you can serve boiled and peeled potatoes with sour cream and herbs.

Over-salted puree: what to do?

Even though you added just a little salt, the dish was too salty. Prepare a little more puree separately and mix it with the salted one. If you don’t have the time or desire for this, add a piece of butter, sour cream or milk to the dish.

How much salt to use?

It all depends on what kind of salt you use. For example, if it is fine-grained, just a little is enough. Coarse salt is less salty. We recommend using a salt shaker, this way you will definitely not oversalt the dish. There are no specific recommendations regarding the amount of salt, as much depends on your preference and the type of product you use.

Is it possible to add sugar?

Many people immediately come up with the idea of ​​adding sugar to a dish. Do not do this, as the potatoes will become cloyingly salty and are unlikely to be salvageable.

If, even after putting our tips into practice, the dish is still salty, it is important to choose the right thing to serve it with. Choose unsalted salads and vegetables. And remember that it is advisable to add salt at the end of cooking, in small quantities.

We over-salted the cutlets and minced meat: what should we do?

If I over-pepper the soup, what should I do? advice from experienced housewives

And finally, what to do if you oversalt the minced meat?

. A common situation, isn't it?

The easiest way is to add additional ingredients to the minced meat that will take away the salt: slices of loaf soaked in milk, boiled potatoes, flour, potato starch. The loaf and potatoes can be minced or grated on a coarse grater.

If the cutlets are over-salted

, turn them into...meatballs. To do this, boil the rice until half cooked and combine with the minced meat. Simmer the meatballs in unsalted sauce and the dish will turn out mmmm... finger licking good!

Sour cream or an egg beaten into the minced meat can also remove excess salt.

Get creative: add vegetables (cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini, pumpkin) to over-salted minced cutlets - this will give them a new original taste.

If you find that the cutlets have been over-salted when they are already fried, you can lightly steam them additionally: add water directly in the frying pan and simmer after boiling for 6-7 minutes. Then the water is drained. The cutlets become less salty.

There is nothing worse than an over-salted dish, because the situation is difficult to correct and sometimes the only option is to throw the food in the trash. That is why next time we advise you to under-salt rather than over-salt. In fact, even experienced housewives often add too much salt. As a result, the food becomes inedible. But if the soup can be diluted with water and broth, with cutlets the situation is much more complicated.

Have you spent time preparing a dish, but after tasting it, you realize you added too much salt? There are several tricks that will help you soften the salty taste and make it more neutral. If the cutlets are too salty and the tips below do not help, you will have to throw them away. Next time, better add less salt.

What to do, I over-salted the cutlets: how to correct the situation:

Serve cutlets with sauce.

Of course, the sauce should not be salty, preferably even sweetish. It can be sour cream or cream sauce, tomato sauce.

Using cutlets to make casserole

. Your imagination should already be at work here. You can lay out a layer of cutlets, then pour sauce over them and add a layer of potatoes or mashed potatoes, vegetables. Garnish the casserole with sauce and cheese.

We make the filling for baking from the cutlets.

Grind them in a blender or mortar, you will get a mixture of minced meat. Mix it with mashed potatoes and make delicious pies or pie.

Simmer in water.

Pour a little water into the frying pan and place the salted products in it. Simmer on both sides for a few minutes and pour out the water. The disadvantage of this method is that the cutlets will no longer have a crispy crust.

We use a double boiler.

Place the meat products in a steamer or multicooker with a steam function, cook them for 20-30 minutes. Due to exposure to moisture, some of the salt will be removed from them.

Serve with a side dish.

It will soften the taste of the cutlets, but the side dish should be unsalted. This could be a vegetable salad or porridge, potatoes.

You might be interested in our Recipe for delicious buckwheat and minced meat cutlets step by step

Cooking soup.

Cut the cutlets into large pieces and add them to the soup instead of meatballs.

Porridge with cutlets.

Cut the cutlets and add them to the porridge at the very beginning of cooking. Don't salt the dish!

Stew in tomato sauce

. Pour the meat products with tomato sauce with vegetables (carrots, onions, peppers, tomatoes) and keep on the fire until cooked.

Cooking pasta naval style.

This method will help if the cutlets are too salty. Grind them in a blender, fry them with onions and add to the boiled pasta.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to correct the situation, so don’t get upset ahead of time. Choose the method that suits you.

If you oversalt the minced meat for cutlets: what to do?

In this case, it will be much easier to correct the situation than if you have already fried the cutlets. The easiest option is to add a little more minced meat to the cutlet mixture. If the minced meat is no longer on hand, add boiled rice or cereal, coarsely grated potatoes.

Too much salt? Prepare cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers from minced meat. Add boiled rice and onions to the meat.

What to do if you over-salt the cutlets?

You can still save the product, to do this you need to use our tips. Next time, try not to overdo it with salt. Remember - it is better to under-salt than to over-salt!

There have been times in every housewife's life when she had to correct an over-salted dish. Everything is easy to solve when it comes to, for example, pasta. But what to do if the finished cutlets are too salty? You should never panic, even if the problem happened not with the minced meat, but with the finished dish.

A few tips will help you correct this mistake, useful for both beginners and experienced housewives.

What to do if a dish is too salty

It’s not difficult to over-salt a soup, meat dish or porridge: just one awkward movement of your hand is enough. But fixing the resulting problem is much more difficult. How can you save over-salted food? What to do if a particular dish is too salty? Let's find out more about this right now.

It is almost impossible to eat over-salted food, but simply throwing away food that took a lot of time, effort and money to prepare is not the best solution. ’s much better to try to save the dish

, especially since there are quite a lot of ways to do this. The methods of “rescue” will depend on which particular dish turned out to be over-salted.

What to do if the soup is too salty?

If you oversalted the soup

, then you can choose the simplest way - dilute it with clean boiled water. However, depending on the degree of salting, you may need quite a lot of water, and this will not change the taste of the soup for the better. In addition, adding water may make the soup cloudy.

In this regard, it is recommended not to dilute salted soup with water, but to add various salt “absorbers” to it, which will help reduce the salinity of the soup. For example, you can put a gauze bag filled with rice into your soup

: Cook the rice in the soup until done and remove. The rice will absorb excess salt.

Another popular “salt absorber” for soup is raw potatoes.

. Dip a few raw potatoes into the soup and simmer for 5-10 minutes. Be careful not to overcook the potatoes, otherwise your soup may become cloudy. Less effective than potatoes and rice, but still quite effective, noodles, so you can try to save your over-salted soup with its help.

It is important!

Finally, a few life hacks. The ability to save a situation is good. But it is much more important to avoid such situations. Simple rules will help with this:

  • Salt while cooking, not on the plate. Do not throw out all the salt prescribed in the recipe at once. Perhaps it will be too much for you.
  • Iodized salt often requires less than regular salt. Many perceive the taste of iodine as a salty taste.
  • Salt dishes containing salty ingredients especially carefully: cheese, capers, pickled mushrooms or cucumbers, soy sauce, bacon are not only salty in taste - they impart it to the entire dish.

There are no hopeless situations for a savvy housewife. An over-salted dish can almost always be saved. But it’s much easier to be vigilant, avoiding culinary misfires.

What to do if you over-salt your stewed potatoes?

Now, it is probably difficult to even imagine how people used to live without potatoes. But it appeared in Russia relatively recently - Peter I brought it to us, and since then potatoes have become part of traditional Russian cuisine. The number of dishes that can be prepared from potatoes is simply enormous. There is probably no person in the world who does not like fried potatoes or mashed potatoes. But what to do if suddenly the dish turns out to be too salty? You can, of course, blame everything on falling in love, but don’t leave the whole family hungry! Is it possible to somehow save over-salted potatoes? Let's try it!

How to save over-salted potatoes

You can add unsalted mushrooms, such as fresh champignons, and fry them along with the potatoes.

Sour cream and fresh herbs can also save over-salted potatoes.

Well, the last way is to fry some more unleavened potatoes and mix them with salted ones.

And another simple tip - make it a rule to salt fried potatoes after they are finally ready.

Here, in fact, are all the ways to save over-salted potatoes. Cook with pleasure, and such a nuisance as oversalting will happen to you very rarely!

Any person, whether he is an experienced chef or a novice cook, has mistakes. Many explanations can be found for an over-salted dish. After all, salt differs in grinding and in its origin. Thus, sea salt has a milder taste than lake salt. You need to be careful with rock salt. An extra pinch can ruin the dish. If you oversalt a dish, then don’t despair. There are several ways to correct this mistake.

What to do if you oversalt your soup

The easiest way to remove excess salt from soup is to add a bag of rice to it. Nowadays you can find rice on sale that is cooked in bags, or you can wrap the rice in cheesecloth. The rice will absorb excess salt.

Absorbs salt and potatoes well. Place a few raw whole potatoes in a saucepan, boil for about 5 minutes (the main thing is that the potatoes do not fall apart), and then remove.

If you don’t have rice or potatoes in the house, then flour will do just fine. They treat it like rice, put it in cheesecloth and put it in water, but this method has one drawback. Flour makes the soup cloudy. If you nevertheless decide on the option with flour and the soup has become cloudy, to lighten it you can add minced meat or beaten egg white and strain the broth; in the case of ready-made soup, the protein should simply be removed from the surface (in the same way as foam is removed from the broth ).

If you decide to serve clear broth at the table, but it turns out to be too salty, you can add some noodles there, it will absorb the excess salt. Just don’t cook the noodles, the broth will become cloudy, and you can simply throw them away before serving.

There is a more exotic way to get rid of excess salt in the first dish. You can overcome salt by adding a piece of refined sugar to the broth. If necessary, add more sugar.

It is not a good idea to dilute the broth with water, because the broth will become watery, cloudy and lose its taste, aroma and beneficial properties. Alternatively, you can dilute it with a second, fresh broth, if you have time for this.

It is more difficult to remove salt from the second dish. For this, culinary tricks with a combination of seasonings are used. To prevent the dish from seeming too salty, you need to add something sour, spicy or sweet to it. The acidity and sweetness balance out the salt.

It will be useful to know 16 clever ways to use table salt in the kitchen, where you don’t have to worry about overdoing it.

What to do if you oversalt the meat

You can remove excess salt from meat by adding unleavened flour sauce or butter-based sauce, which will remove excess salt. This is done either during stewing or when serving the dish to the table, but not during cooking. It is possible to correct the situation by preparing a bland, unseasoned side dish for over-salted meat.

If you have over-salted the raw minced cutlet, you can revive it by adding a little unleavened boiled rice.

If all else fails, the meat dish is lost for you. Therefore, it is always better to under-salt meat, especially minced meat for pies, cutlets and pieces of meat.

What to do if you oversalt poultry (chicken, turkey)

Answers (8):

If the cutlets or meat are over-salted, put them in a saucepan and add a little water, and also add half a raw onion or one raw potato and simmer your cutlets. Onions and potatoes absorb salt.

You can color them and wrap them in pancakes, or you can stew them in a large amount of water, but this is unlikely to correct the situation if the cutlets are too salty. Just some other dish.

You can also grind it. Or maybe just make mashed potatoes for them, not at all salty? I don’t even know what I would do in this situation. I would probably still grind it, add unsalted minced meat and make meatballs for the soup.

I remember this happened once. I over-salted the cutlets. I did this: I bought 20% fat cream and, without diluting it with water, I poured it over the cutlets. I sprinkled cheese on top. And simmered it for 30 minutes in the oven right in the frying pan. When I poured the cream, I tried to make sure that the cream was completely product. After stewing, I tried the cutlets and was delighted; the salty taste transferred into the cream. And the cutlets were saved!)))

I think the second option you suggested is the most optimal. Make navy-style pasta or casserole with minced meat (cutlets) and tomato sauce. If the dish itself is not salted, it should turn out delicious. The combination of fried minced meat and pasta is a win-win option.

There is no way to fix ready-made fried cutlets. Shouldn't we soak them? Therefore, I completely agree with your option - grind them and use them in dishes such as meat casserole, empanadas, navy pasta, etc. And in order to remove oversalting, add overcooked onions to this minced meat, and undersalt the rest of the products.

Continuing the topic of cooking on the Babushkina Dacha website, I couldn’t ignore the question: How to remove excess salt from a dish?

It’s a sin, I over-salt it often. As it turns out, there are ways to save a dish if it’s too salty

, great amount! Some tips are so ingenious, but at the same time simple, that every housewife simply needs to take note of them!

Add an absorbent product

Some products have beneficial absorbent properties, e.g. able to absorb excess salt. Such products include potatoes, starchy cereals, pasta, and fresh herbs. So, in an over-salted soup, you can put a few chopped potatoes or add 100-150 g of rice - these ingredients will absorb excess salt. If you don’t want to spoil the dish with extra food, you can put the potatoes in whole so that they can be easily taken out later, and place the cereals in the soup in a fabric bag.

Recycle over-salted foods

So, from over-salted meat or fish, you can prepare a delicious, hearty pie filling by adding additional ingredients (vegetables, cereals). Over-salted vegetables can be processed into puree by adding pureed vegetables boiled without salt.

There is only half an hour left before the guests arrive, and having dressed up, you quickly try the salad prepared according to a long-proven recipe, but suddenly you realize that the dish is too salty... Tragedy? Catastrophe? Nothing like this! In no case should you panic, because food that seemed hopelessly spoiled can easily become not only edible again, but also surprisingly tasty. To fix everything, you just need to enlist the support of experienced chefs who will offer you simple tips, some of which are presented below.

What to do if you over-salted the soup?

It is known that even the most aromatic and richly flavored soup can lose its invaluable qualities if it is over-salted. However, in the case of this particular dish, there are three ways to cope with the problem.

1. Sugar is the best enemy of salt.

The simplest thing you can do is add a pinch of sugar to over-salted soup. No matter how strange it may look, it is sugar that can most quickly cope with the problem that has arisen, being a contrasting flavoring substance that can not only eliminate excess salt, but also enhance your taste sensations when eating the saved soup.

2. More liquid!

Another method, also widely used by cooks, is no less simple: you need to add unsalted broth or just boiled water to the soup. The best option, of course, would be broth, and not because adding it may just seem more natural, but for the reason that it is the broth that will mix with the other ingredients in a matter of minutes and you will immediately understand whether you need to continue adding to the soup liquid, or it no longer seems over-salted. Unlike broth, it will take some time for the soup to mix properly, and it is quite possible that after adding water and tasting the soup again, you will not notice any difference and decide to continue adding more. But in fact, you should just wait and only then take the sample. It is possible that much water will not be required.

Of course, this option is unlikely to suit those of us who like to fill the pot with soup to the very brim.

3. Potatoes, but not as an ingredient.

This third option, no less effective and simple, will suit everyone. The method is to peel a raw potato and place it in the soup. Keep the potatoes in the soup for as long as possible, until the time comes to pour it into plates. Potatoes will perfectly absorb excess salt.

What to do if you over-salt your mashed potatoes?

Of course, the simplest solution to this problem would be to add some more unsalted boiled potatoes, mashed into a puree, but if you don’t have the opportunity to increase the amount of the prepared dish, then unsalted butter will help you.

Most of us prefer to eat mashed potatoes with a piece of butter added to it, but few people know that this product not only makes the mashed potatoes more tender and thick in consistency, but also muffles the feeling of salty taste in it.

What to do if you over-salt the rice?

In this case, the best thing you can do is to rinse the rice with as much cold water as possible. The colder the water, the more effective this rinsing will be. Washed rice will become more attractive in appearance and fluffy, and at the same time will lose excess salt.

What to do if you over-salted porridge, buckwheat and other cereals?

If the porridge was cooked in milk, you can get rid of the problem very simply: just add a little more milk - and the problem is solved! But if we are talking about non-dairy porridges, or any other cooked cereal, such as buckwheat, then the best solution would be to use potatoes.

Add a side dish

Excess salt can absorb adsorbent products. These include pasta, potatoes, and cereals with a high starch content. If you have over-salted the soup, add a couple more potatoes or a handful of rice to it. In the case when such ingredients are not suitable, for example, there are no potatoes in the soup, do not cut the tuber into slices, but simply put it in whole, let it sit for 10-15 minutes and remove it. The starch will absorb excess salt, so it will not be noticeable.

When preparing stews or frying meat, add chopped zucchini, eggplant, carrots and onions as additional ingredients. This way you will be able to kill two birds with one stone: save the dish and, in addition, make a delicious side dish for it.

Note! If you have over-salted the minced meat or fish, then grate one potato, squeeze out the excess water and mix with the meat.

If none of the above helps, then try making a filling out of the failed dish by first mixing the food with neutral ingredients: fresh or fried vegetables, cooked cereal. Mix salted meat with finely chopped onions and use for filling in pies or bake a large pie from unsalted yeast dough. If you oversalt the vegetables, then grind them in a blender until smooth, and then cook a second portion of the same ingredients, but do not add salt and grind them. Then mix the 2 parts and the dish will taste normal.

In the event that the dish can no longer be saved, all that remains is to serve unsalted mashed potatoes, stewed vegetables without salt or unleavened porridge as a side dish. The products will taste harmonious. If you treat diners to a glass of chilled sparkling wine, the bubbles will remove the feeling of saltiness from the tongue. In the future, be careful and do not make such mistakes. It is better to under-salt than to over-salt and then correct the taste of the prepared dish.

What to do with leftover over-salted potatoes?

Even if the hostess decided not to take risks and boiled or fried a new portion of potatoes for the guests, over-salted food should not be thrown away. Boiled or fried potatoes are added to salads and vinaigrettes.

Fillings for pies and dumplings are made from boiled potatoes:

This dough is universal. Dumplings are made from it: rolled into sausages, cut into pieces, boiled in salted water and served with fried onions, mushrooms or any gravy. Dumplings with plums or cherries are made from the same dough (a piece of refined sugar must be placed inside), boiled and served with crackers fried in butter and sour cream. The dough is also suitable for potato bowls with cabbage, mushrooms or meat. Zrazy are breaded and fried in vegetable oil.

Potato dough - the basis for zrazy with cabbage

How to fix over-salted potatoes

In fact, the main thing is not to panic; what happened is a reason to be resourceful. If the housewife has over-salted the potatoes, the only way out is to mix the dish with something bland. There are different options and recipes depending on the cooking method.

Boiled potatoes. The easiest way to fix undercooked potatoes. If you notice your mistake in time, you need to transfer the tubers to a pan of boiling fresh water and cook until tender.

Fully cooked, salted potatoes are cut into mugs or slices, placed in a frying pan, poured with sauce and simmered for 15–20 minutes over medium heat.

  • Fry diced onions in vegetable oil until translucent and mix with 2-3 tablespoons of sour cream. The sauce will be tastier if you replace the onions with leeks. Adding champignons to the sauce will turn the dish into a delicacy;
  • the taste of heavily salted boiled potatoes will be significantly improved by sweet and sour tomato sauce, which is prepared from a mixture of tomato paste or fresh tomatoes, onions fried until transparent, stewed carrots and bell peppers. In winter, bell pepper is replaced with a pinch of ground sweet paprika. Grated apple will add a piquant sourness to the dish. The sauce is seasoned with sugar, hot pepper, and, if desired, ginger and cinnamon.
  • It is possible that the potatoes with sauce will again seem under-salted to the hostess. In this case, you need to salt very carefully. It is better to let each guest use the salt shaker independently. It also makes sense to serve chopped, unsalted fresh vegetables and herbs.

    Stewed potatoes. To correct the taste of over-salted stewed potatoes, just dilute the sauce with sour cream or tomato paste, add fried carrots, for piquancy - grated sour apple, a little sugar, 1-2 tablespoons of wine to taste. About 15–20 minutes in the “updated sauce” - and the dish will become even tastier than originally intended.

    How not to over-salt potatoes

    People say: if a woman over-salts a dish, it means she is in love. There is some truth in this saying: the thoughts of a person in love are far from cooking. People whose attention is distracted often add excessive amounts of salt and seasonings to food without looking. Before salting a dish, you need to focus on the taste sensations, preferably turn off the TV.

    To someone who has already eaten something salty, subsequent food seems more bland. Potatoes are most often over-salted by adding salt after the first or second test. To avoid such trouble, before trying the dish, be sure to drink one or two sips of water.

    It should also be taken into account that many manufacturers include salt or monosodium glutamate in the composition of ready-made spicy mixtures. Therefore, food is first seasoned with spices and then with salt.

    It’s a good habit to add a little less salt to your food during cooking. Then each of those sitting at the table salts the food to taste.

    One of the universal products that every housewife has in their bins throughout the year is potatoes. It’s not surprising, because you can cook anything from the root vegetable - stew, potato pancakes, add it to a salad or soup, or just fry it. During the cooking process, unforeseen situations happen, for example, you added too much salt to a dish. Is there any way to correct the situation?

    I over-salted the potatoes: what to do and how to fix it?

    The root vegetable can be prepared in different ways - baked, boiled or fried. Thanks to spices, you can give it the desired taste and aroma. Well, of course, no housewife can do without salt, because without it the dish will be bland and tasteless. If you haven't added enough salt to the dish, the situation can be easily corrected. What if you added too much salt? Do you really have to throw away the food and start cooking again?

    First of all, do not panic, because if desired, the situation can be corrected. Of course, if you added a lot of salt, then most likely you will have to throw away the dish and prepare a new one. But in most cases you will be able to revive him.

    You might be interested in our article How to cook accordion potatoes in the oven

    If you have the time and inclination, you can fry a couple of potatoes separately without adding salt, then add them to the pan with the dish and stir.

    What to do if you over-salt your stewed potatoes? If you have added too much salt to boiled potatoes, drain the water from the pan and rinse it thoroughly 1-2 times. Pour water into the container and put on fire, cook for another 10 minutes.

    We recommend adding whole, over-salted boiled potatoes to a salad or other appetizer, since the situation cannot be corrected. Or you can serve boiled and peeled potatoes with sour cream and herbs.

    Over-salted dishes. How to prevent it and what can be done?

    Of course, it’s easier to prevent this, that is, to be a little more careful and know some rules. After all, it is known that a dish that was not salted is much better than one that, due to someone else’s fault, turned out to be too salty. Because you can always add salt to any under-salted dish, which is called “along the way,” that is, a little later, when you start eating it. And your mistake will not be so critical. That is why in any canteen and other establishments there are always salt shakers on the tables.

    And so, in order not to go in one direction (that is, under-salting or more “terrible” over-salting), you just need to remember some fairly simple numbers.

    • If you are preparing something (the same cutlets, for example) from minced meat or fish, then for one kilogram of salt you will need only 20 grams. If you are not particularly strong in grams, then you can remember this number even easier - it’s 2 teaspoons.
    • If you love baking and often prepare yeast dough, then salt it correctly too, that is, take only 12 grams of salt per kilogram of flour. The number is also interesting (12!) and also a little unclear at first. And 12 grams is the same teaspoon, only a little larger.
    • Buckwheat porridge also needs to be salted so that it turns out crumbly. Here, take the same 2 teaspoons of salt, per half a kilo of cereal.

    If you still “managed” to over-salt some dishes, then everything will be much more complicated, but you will be able to save something else.

    • Did you over-salt your meat today? Then place the piece in the unleavened flour sauce. It is able to extract excess salt from a piece of meat.
    • The same sauce will also help you with oversalting fish. Or you can use sour cream instead, but always with herbs. In such a basting, just lightly simmer the fish
    • Over-salted vegetables can easily be turned into puree, and then mixed with the same amount of puree, which you will prepare from the same, but not at all salted, vegetables. If you have just a little over-salted vegetables, then again make puree and add sour cream, flour or well-beaten egg white.
    • It's even easier with mushrooms. Did you manage to over-salt them? Then flour is added to them. In addition to flour, you can add other products of your choice. This is rice, you can add onions, mashed potatoes or just sour cream. In addition to these products, you can get by with plain water, but with the addition of lemon juice. Just add a small amount of this water to the mushrooms.

    In general, you need to be careful with salt and not over-salt your dishes. If it doesn’t work out, then this video will tell you what to do with over-salted meat. Let's see.

    Source: lublurukodelie.ru

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