Glue for catching mice and rats, what bait to use and how to catch?

Many residents of private buildings are familiar with household rodents. They cause a lot of inconvenience in the form of damage to property, furniture, food, and household utensils.

But the main danger is that animals often act as carriers of various infectious diseases, such as salmonellosis, rabies, and plague.

Among the many methods of baiting, one can highlight glue for catching mice and rats. Despite its effectiveness and safety, not everyone is ready to get rid of rodents using this inhumane method. The fact is that animals will get stuck in a thick mass, but will not die immediately. Since they cannot get out, their death lasts a long time, painfully.

Glue for rats and mice

Store-bought mouse glue helps you quickly, safely, and effectively get rid of annoying rodents. The principle of operation of the drug is that the pest, running through a made trap, sticks to the adhesive mass and cannot leave this area.

Making a trap is simple. To do this, before applying glue for mice, take an unnecessary piece of plywood, cut out the frame, and clean the workpiece from dust and dirt. It is not advisable to smear the floor with the product, since if the rat sticks to the floor along with the substance, it will be difficult to remove it from the surface. In addition, there will be stains that are difficult to remove.

All store products of this specific type consist of 80% polybutylene, 20% mixture of polyisobutylene and cyclosan. It is this combination that makes it possible to obtain a viscous mass that sticks for a long time, but does not harden.

Glue and sticky traps are the best remedy for mice

One day I found rodent repellent glue in a hardware store. I bought it and forgot about it for a year.

When a mouse appeared in the bathhouse and began to leave traces of its presence, I flew into a rage. First, I foamed all the holes and caulked all the cracks. Did not help.

Then he performed an ultrasound. A week later, new mouse tracks appeared again on the floor, table and near the ceiling (!) on the electrical box. And then a tube of mouse glue caught my eye. This turned out to be the best way and remedy to get rid of mice.

The best brands

There are mouse glues from various companies on store shelves, but the most popular are:

  • Forssyth. The drug is from Russia, hazard class 4. Can be used in rooms where pets and children live.
  • Alt, clean house. Product from a Russian manufacturer for baiting indoors and in gardens.
  • EuroGuard, an Italian product resistant to severe temperature changes. It is successfully used in refrigerators and basements.
  • Ratrap is a non-toxic glue from a Czech manufacturer. It is quite sticky, so it helps to catch even a large rodent.
  • Trap glue is successfully used for making rat traps with your own hands.

Advantages and disadvantages

Before catching a mouse using glue, you should carefully study all the advantages and disadvantages of this method.

Rat glue has the following advantages:

  • Ease of use.
  • Prolonged action. The stickiness remains for a long time until the paste becomes covered with dust and debris.
  • Lack of harmful components, almost every mouse glue can be used in the house, even if pets and children live there.
  • Versatility. The drug is suitable for baiting rats and mice of various sizes.
  • No persistent toxic odor.
  • Low price.

Anti-mouse glue also has a number of negative aspects.:

  • Difficult to eliminate. If the substance gets on the floor, clothes or hands, the glue is difficult to remove.
  • Rodents stuck in the sticky mass die long and painfully.
  • A pet can become a victim of a trap and it will be difficult to get it out of the mess. In dogs and cats, patches of fur have to be cut off to eliminate the problem.
  • Velcro for rats is not effective in high humidity. The properties of the drug in such an atmosphere quickly dry up, and the trap ceases to pose a danger to rodents.

Important. Since small ornamental pets can die in a liquid viscous mixture, when baiting rats and mice it is necessary to exclude their presence outside the cages.

How to use

It is not difficult to understand how to properly apply glue against rats and mice. The annotations for such drugs are almost identical.

Each instruction for using mouse glue involves following a 4-step algorithm:

  1. You need to take a 20*20 square of cardboard, plywood or plastic. If you plan to catch rats, then the trap should be screwed to the floor. It is better to take a discreet color of the material, merging with the floor.
  2. The mixture is applied in a spiral onto a smooth surface. The width of the strip should be 2-4 cm, and the spaces between the rings should be 4-6 cm.
  3. After 20-30 minutes, the glue reaches the desired consistency and is ready for use. Then bait is placed in the center of the trap and the structure is installed where rodents were most often seen. The squares are placed within 3-10 m from each other.
  4. You need to inspect mousetraps 1-2 times a day, as an adult mouse that is caught emits an alarming squeak, warning its relatives.

Having learned how to use mouse glue, it is important to remember that even if there is no victim in the trap, it should be replaced after 5-7 days. The shelf life of the structure depends on the humidity and dustiness of the room. If this is not done, the rodent will be able to get out of the mass, which does not stick well.

Lethal rodent traps

  1. To kill rats, you can make a mixture of flour and alabaster in a 1:1 ratio. The composition must be laid out next to the holes and containers with water placed nearby. Having eaten the product and washed it down with water, the rodent is doomed to death, since the water will dissolve the gypsum that has entered the rodent’s body. It is important to understand that this method is not the most humane and will doom the animal to a painful death.
  2. Don't forget about spring mousetraps. Moreover, they have been replaced by new generation spring traps. Unlike mice, rats have a larger body weight and larger dimensions, so a classic mousetrap is not always able to contain such a pest.
  3. To exterminate rats, a device such as an electric trap . It is a small house that needs to be turned towards the rodent’s home and wait. The moment a rat falls into the trap, it is struck by a discharge of current, which ensures instant death. The trap is equipped with a special indicator, which will save you from the need to constantly check its contents and notify you of the capture of the intruder.
  4. If you decide to kill a rodent yourself after catching it at home, you can use the following method. Place the rat in a regular plastic container. Dissolve baking soda and vinegar in a cup. Their reaction will release carbon dioxide and suffocate the rodent.

Glue traps

If you don’t want to bother with homemade baits, you can purchase ready-made glue traps for rats and mice.

They are also versatile and easy to use. No toxic effects of traps on the skin of children have been detected, so they can be used in any home. The advantages of choosing include the fact that you do not need to make a blank from plywood yourself, since everything is included in the kit.

Such devices are disposable, so after the rodent gets stuck in the mass, they are thrown out along with the pest.


A ready-made store-bought sticky trap for rats and mice can be presented in the form:

  • Plastic container. The package contains 2 products with dimensions 55*130 mm. Inside the container is an insecto-rodenticide mixture. This design prevents the sticky mass from getting on the floor or human skin.
  • Cardboard construction. They are equipped with scents to attract rodents. Most often purchased are Clean House and Alt.
  • Adhesive tape for rats and mice. This is a wide strip with a viscous mass, where in the middle there is space for bait.
  • Plates and books. There are several products in the package.
  • Sticky houses. This is a folding structure where the glue is applied inside the frame.

Known glue traps for mice and rats from CatchExpert, Gryzunoff, Kapkan, Kotofey.

Rules of application

Adhesive rat and mouse traps should be installed in the most infested areas. You can simply remove the finished books and houses from the packaging and remove the protective layer from the sticky surface. If parasites are noticed in several places at the same time, then the book can be cut in half, resulting in two traps.

Some manufacturers make products that lure rodents with their scent. But such models do not include adhesive tape for mice. Here, seeds or lard are placed in the middle.

Security measures

Although glue, baited traps, and sticky mouse tapes are non-toxic, care must be taken when using them.

  1. You should work in rubber gloves and a robe; this will protect your skin and clothing from getting the finished mass on it.
  2. The substance must be applied with a brush or sponge.
  3. If there are pets or children in the house, then it is necessary to ensure that the trap is out of reach.
  4. After handling the product, wash your hands well with soap and water.

If glue gets on the floor, fur, hair or skin is very difficult to remove . Vegetable oil, greasy cream, acetone, kerosene, and gasoline will help remove the drug from your hands. You can remove the mass from walls and floors with acetone and alcohol. If it gets on wood, mechanical cleaning with sandpaper works well.

Folk remedies to scare away rats

  • Cat or dog of a hunting breed. Ratcatching cats are the most obvious and historically established method. The smell of a cat alone can scare away nasty aliens. It is enough to spread out lumps of cat hair, litter from the cat’s litter box, or even food from the mustache’s bowl. Also, dogs of some breeds catch rats: dachshunds, terriers, Italian greyhounds.
  • The smell of a predator. Place feathers of birds of prey in possible habitats: owls, eagle, falcon. A piece of fox or wolf fur will also work.
  • Protective aromatherapy. Place a few drops of eucalyptus, mint or bay laurel essential oil on a cotton pad. Dried stems with leaves of these plants are also suitable.

  • Allspice. Sprinkle ground black pepper in areas where rodents may appear.
  • Onions are also hated by rats because of their smell and are harmful to their digestion. Place sliced ​​onions near baseboards and in basements and attics.
  • Ash. Rats will never live in a house built on ashes. You can scatter ash around the house and area, thereby driving away unwanted guests.

DIY mouse glue

There is also a recipe for making mouse glue with your own hands. To do this you will need rosin, petroleum jelly, pine resin, and bitumen pitch. But since making glue for mice with your own hands is not so easy, it is easier to purchase a ready-made product in a store. Moreover, the average price of products is in the range of 150-300 rubles. Traps will cost a little more, with the price scale directly proportional to the complexity of the design.

Glue for rodents is effective and safe . But sometimes, even despite the powerful composition of the product, it is not possible to catch the mouse. It is worth trying a different drug or choosing a more humane method of bullying. For granaries it is easier to purchase special poison or mousetraps.

In a house where there are children, it is better to have a cat. If you don’t want to kill rodents, but just need to scare them away, then use ultrasonic devices that emit sounds that can only be heard by animals.

How to prevent mice from appearing in the house

If you follow a number of recommendations, you can protect your home from the invasion of rodents such as mice. The rules are quite simple and implementable. This will help avoid such an unpleasant procedure as rodent control, which will require time and money.

To prevent rodents from appearing in the house:

  • All food products must be stored in special containers and in specially designated places. At the same time, it is necessary not to forget and constantly inspect the products for traces of the vital activity of such pests.
  • You should not store food in plastic bags, since polyethylene is not a barrier for mice.
  • Wherever food is stored, it is better to place cloves of garlic, bay leaves or onion peels. These odors act as a deterrent to pests.
  • Garbage should not lie in the trash can, as this attracts mice like a magnet. Still, the aroma from a trash can, especially if the trash hasn’t been taken out of it for a long time, spreads quite far.
  • You can hang a birdhouse near your house, which can attract birds of prey. Some of them can catch up to 7 rodents in one night.
  • If you treat all surfaces with a chlorine solution, the smell will repel rodents. To prepare the solution, you need to take a tablespoon of powder and dissolve it in one liter of water.
  • Mice don't like cleanliness, lack of clutter, and space. Therefore, maintaining cleanliness and order in the house is a guarantee that no pests will take root in the house.

Mice are quite interesting pests that can survive in the most unrealistic conditions. Unfortunately, being next to them does not bring any benefit other than harm.

The best mousetraps // How to get rid of mice // Traps for mice

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