10 golden rules for working with the oven for perfect baking

Would you like to pamper your family or friends with delicious and aromatic pastries? Take a responsible approach to the process: carefully measure, beat thoroughly, mix carefully, pour and sprinkle with love. And then again – and it doesn’t work! It burns from above or below without being baked inside. All the work is in vain. Capricious ovens discourage any desire to cook anything in them.

In fact, this unit is not at all capricious if you know its basic operating rules and use them correctly. It would be a good idea to study the instructions, as they may describe the nuances of the operation of your particular model that other ovens do not have.

Rules for using the oven

  • Nothing extra. When cooking buns, pizza and pies, be sure to remove all foreign objects from the oven. Even a small saucepan or baking sheet disrupts the correct distribution of hot air flows;
  • Maximum warm-up. Turn on the gas at full power for 15 minutes, then reduce the temperature to the required temperature according to the recipe. After another 5 minutes, you can place the buns in the oven;
  • Correct location. Place the pan with the future cake on the oven rack, placing it in the middle. This way the heat will flow freely around the product, heating it evenly from all sides;
  • Keep your hands off the door. During the cooking process, it is better not to look into the oven at all. Or look in a minimum number of times, and best of all, through a window specially designed for this purpose. Each time you open the oven, the temperature inside the oven decreases, which many types of dough really don’t like. They may even fall off or settle! Yes, such attention is harmful to roast meat, and you may not get a beautiful crust;

  • Rest. The oven is turned off, but it’s better not to rush taking the finished dish out of it. The food should sit for a while and rest until it reaches its proper condition.

Why do baked goods burn in a gas or electric oven?

Most often, owners of gas ovens complain about products burning on the bottom. In this case, observing the temperature regime, recipes and little folk tricks to combat unruly ovens will help.

But it also happens that the top crust of a dish burns. What should you do if the top of the baked goods burns in the oven?

  • Adjust the temperature to a lower temperature;
  • Move the tray with pies from the top rack to the middle one;
  • Cover the crust with a sheet of foil or damp paper.

What about electric ovens? There are now a great variety of them - different sizes, shapes and configurations. What are their advantages?

Thanks to uniform heating on both sides (top and bottom), convection and grilling, uniform heat distribution and the desired temperature regime for each individual dish are achieved.

It is very convenient that this oven is equipped with a timer and thermostat, which itself maintains the desired temperature. And in the instructions supplied by the manufacturer there are convenient signs with explanations about the use of this or that mode.

The main reasons for burning in such ovens are the incorrect use of these modes; they must be strictly adhered to. And also, like gas ovens, electric ovens are suitable for traditional methods of improving the quality of baked goods, which we will discuss below.

How to bake correctly, serve deliciously and eat appetizingly? – 12 simple tips!

We think you can’t wait to start cooking or try the finished pie!

Therefore, catch interesting facts and tips about preparing and eating homemade baked goods:

  1. Use yeast dough to make the cake fluffy and light.
  2. Follow only proven recipes. Our grandmothers have them especially tasty.
  3. Maintain proportions. Otherwise the dough may be too runny/watery.
  4. Choose only fresh and high-quality products. Not only the taste, but also the health of those who try your food depends on them.
  5. Grease the mold with vegetable oil or flour. This makes it much easier to get the pie.
  6. Fill the dough with filling in the proportion: “Not too much, not too little.” The filling will give the pie, juiciness and brightness in taste.
  7. Before filling the pie with filling, process it. For example, if it is meat, mushrooms, minced meat, fry them. Only then start stuffing.
  8. Follow the temperature specified in the recipe. Use a wooden toothpick to check the appearance and readiness of the pie - the dough should not stick to it.
  9. Using berries in a pie is convenient if they are frozen. So, they will not have time to release the juice and dilute the dough with their wateriness.
  10. Don't forget to give the yeast dough a chance to brew in a warm and quiet place. It will be much more magnificent.
  11. The idea arose to bake a pie with oranges - a great idea! But sugar the fruit before putting it in the oven, otherwise it will become bitter.
  12. Don't eat pies that have just come out of the oven. This harms the body. Give it time to stand.

We hope that our tips and recommendations will help any housewife bake the most delicious and unique pies. Therefore, arm yourself with a recipe and an oven and feel free to experiment!

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Secrets of temperature regime

  • We follow the recipe. What temperature is indicated in it, it is at this temperature that we prepare the dish;
  • Such important pallets. Sometimes even using trays from other ovens can block the circulation of hot air and ruin baked goods;
  • Please pay attention to the size. A large cake needs more time to bake, but at a lower temperature than a small one. Small baked goods at low temperatures will not bake, but will simply dry out;
  • Subsequence. In a gas oven, the main level is medium, so we start with it. Only then, having assessed the process of preparing the dish, we move it up (to brown the crust) or down (if you need to fry the bottom);
  • Universal temperature. The optimal mode is 180ºС, but there are dishes that do not obey this mode:

Pizza – 220°С

Meringue – 140°С

Lasagna – 200°C

Fish – 150-180°C

Pies with filling and just large pies – 190-200°C

Small pies and small pastries – 200-220°C

Importance of Formulation

Sometimes, even despite all the attempts and efforts, the cake still remains raw on the inside and burnt on the outside. Then it is logical to assume that the problem here is in the test itself, since each type of it loves an individual approach.

Shortbread dough

Use chilled ingredients. The butter should be soft, but not melted. It is better to remove egg whites altogether.

This dough should not be kneaded for a long time. This causes it to thicken, becoming hard and easily burning.

Puff pastry

One wet, inedible cake instead of crispy, golden-brown slices? Perhaps, instead of crushed butter with a knife, you put melted butter in the dough, which is unacceptable in this recipe. Or baked a layered treat at a low temperature? It should reach 200-220°C.

Yeast dough

Loves leisurely and thorough kneading. But flour should be in moderation. And of course, this type of dough must stand and rise. Without this, it will immediately form a crust in the oven and burn.


This is a tender, fluffy egg dough. The whites and yolks must be beaten separately, and after mixing all the ingredients, immediately place the product in a preheated oven.

What else can interfere with proper baking?

  • Poorly beaten eggs;
  • Excess sugar and oil;
  • Keeping soda in the dough for a long time. Baking should be placed in the oven immediately after introducing this ingredient.

We tame the shrew using folk methods

The disadvantage of gas stoves is uneven heating. The gas burns below, so it's hottest there. You can try to adjust the nozzles to distribute the heat more evenly; only a specialist can do this. But there are also special methods, proven by housewives and time:

  • Special stone for baking. You can also use regular red brick. Thanks to their fine-porous structure, they heat up well and perfectly accumulate and distribute heat;

  • A baking tray with 1-2 kilograms of coarse rock salt or sand placed at the bottom of the oven. The salt will take away the excess heat, allowing your dish to cook through without burning. Can be used many times. Over time, the salt bakes into a uniform crust, which does not at all affect its beneficial properties;

  • Metal bowl with water. The liquid must be added in a timely manner, otherwise burnt vegetables or meat will not thank you. This method is also not suitable for small baked goods;

  • A special mold with a hole in the middle also facilitates better baking of the filling inside the pie.

The perfect recipe for golden brown pies in the oven

✍ Ingredients (per 12 pieces):

  • flour – 500 g;
  • egg – 2 pcs.;
  • milk – 1 tbsp.;
  • fresh yeast – 25 g;
  • sugar - to taste;
  • salt - to taste;
  • sunflower oil – 3 tbsp. l.;
  • white cabbage – 800 g;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • carrots – 1-2 pcs.;
  • tomato sauce or juice – 1/2 cup;
  • black pepper (ground) - to taste;
  • cream – 1 teaspoon.

See also: Why pancakes turn out rubbery: 7 main secrets

  1. Dissolve yeast, a tablespoon of flour and a teaspoon of sugar in warm milk. The temperature of the milk should not exceed 45 ºC, since at a higher temperature the yeast will die.
  2. Mix the resulting dough, cover and leave in a warm place for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Sift the remaining flour to make the pies more airy.
  4. When the prepared dough has risen 2-3 times and bubbles appear on the surface, add 21/2 cups of sifted flour.
  5. Add 1 egg, be sure to be at room temperature, so that the pies turn out fluffy.
  6. Add a tablespoon of sunflower oil and a teaspoon of salt.
  7. Knead the dough thoroughly with your hands, adding flour if necessary, until it becomes soft and stops sticking.
  8. Roll the dough into a ball, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 30-40 minutes.
  9. Peel and finely chop the onion. Simmer over medium heat.
  10. Peel and pass 1-2 carrots through a medium grater. Stew together with onions.
  11. Finely chop the cabbage and add the stew to other vegetables.
  12. Without removing from the heat, season the vegetables with tomato juice. Stir and add the remaining salt, sugar and ground pepper to taste. Bring to readiness: the cabbage should become soft.
  13. After removing from heat, let the future filling cool to room temperature.
  14. Start the shaving brush: in a separate bowl, mix the yolk with 1 teaspoon of cream.
  15. Divide the risen dough into balls of approximately 20 g.
  16. Roll out each ball, put in the filling (about 30 g) and wrap it.
  17. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
  18. Place the pies on a baking sheet and cover with the prepared brush.
  19. Bake at 180 ºC for 25 minutes.

Interesting! In the late 1950s, the Japanese Hazuo Tomita decided to patent the pies as his own culinary product. A large trial took place, as a result of which Russian representatives managed to prove that pies are an original Russian dish, known at least since the time of Ivan the Terrible.

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