How to open a sink plug

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Michel August 21, 2016Specialization: plumber with 10 years of experience, computer repair specialist, powerlifting coach. I have extensive experience in construction, interior decoration, and making homemade furniture. Hobbies: sports

What kind of bathtub plugs can you find on sale? Which ones are the most convenient and reliable? Finally, how can you plug a bathtub if there is no stopper? I am going to answer these and some other questions in my article.

Unusual stopper with a float.

How to remove a plug from a bathroom with a modern mechanism?

Situation: there is a stopper in the bathroom, which is raised/lowered using a toggle switch (twist) under the faucet. The toggle switch (twist) stopped functioning when the plug was in the down position (plugged). It is not possible to pick up the plug. Any ideas?

You need to spin the wheel

You need to turn the wheel located on the back wall of the bathroom (which protects it from overflowing) counterclockwise. And the cork will immediately pop out on its own!

and if the wheel is not

what if the wheel doesn't work? this is how I have it

Same story, traffic jam and

Same story, the cork and the wheel do not function together, so I tied a rope to the cork and usually pulled it. But today everything went a little wrong and the plug along with the rope was sucked into the drain and a vacuum was formed. I tried to pry it off with a knife, a spatula, even a pill blister - it was no use. I don't have a plunger

Thank you very much for

Thank you very much for the tips. I was so angry, I took a bath, everything was fine, but I couldn’t unscrew the plug. A small suction cup helped, it’s good that I found it in the kitchen! The cork came out like a cute little thing!

A toy with a suction cup helped!)

A toy with a suction cup helped!)

Thank you. there is no husband,

Thank you. There is no husband, the child was bathing. The other day the plug stopped working well. and now it is completely stuck in the closed position. I scooped out the water and picked it out with a knife on the 10th attempt. but, damn it, it stopped catching the plug altogether. Thanks for your advice! I unscrewed the bolt on the plug more, voila! everything is working! and opens and closes. I'm my own plumber!

But I didn’t succeed either

But I couldn’t do it with a wood blower, or a knife, or anything. I had to consult the installer. He advised to remove the protective screen (unscrew the screws and it comes off). Then remove the plug in the siphon and pull out the plug. And when I pulled out the plug, I also pulled out a bunch of garbage underneath it! I was even surprised how much crap had accumulated there in just a year! And this plug itself broke. Now I’ll buy a regular one, with a chain, so as not to suffer!

A whole bath of water. the cork is not

A whole bath of water. the plug did not open. I didn’t drain the water, the plunger-suction cup helped... a few movements and VOILA. Thanks to the Internet. Several times already, similar sites and reviews from people have helped to cope with various problems. So write.

I live 2500 km from my parents,

I live 2500 km from my parents, my mother called that the bathtub was full and she couldn’t get the plug out. Go straight to the Internet, and that’s it. I called and told him about the plunger, two or three movements, the issue was resolved. Thank you very much.

I'm that kind of mom too. Thank you

I'm that kind of mom too. Thank you very much for writing on the Internet. I managed! Not right away, but it worked! Thank you very much!

It helped. Only

It helped. The only effective way. Thank you.

The vacuum cleaner is excellent at sucking and

The vacuum cleaner sucked perfectly and pulled out the plug! Thank you!

Thanks for the solution

Thank you for the solution - vacuum cleaner, you helped me out a lot!

A vacuum cleaner is

A vacuum cleaner is power. Half a second and... cork in hands. Thank you.

Pour into basins, pans

Empty basins and pots with water from the bathroom and pour boiling water into it. The cork will fly out both literally and figuratively, like a scalded one.

I just took it out myself.

I just took it out myself. First, remove all the water from the bathroom. Then take a water gun (probably everyone has one lying around) and start sucking out the cork. In a second, the cork will be in your hands.

this answer to those who don't have

this answer to someone who doesn’t have a plunger

You are a genius! I'm desperate too

You are a genius! I also despaired, but the plunger saved the situation, and then I picked up the plug with a knife. And everything worked out!)

Good with a knife

It works well with a knife. Pick it up and that’s it. That’s if there’s no suction cup.

I've been taking it out with a plunger for a month now)))

I've been taking it out with a plunger for a month now)))

Oh yeah. That helped

Oh yeah. That helped

There is a plug stuck in the bathroom, how to get it out?

Situation: there is a stopper in the bathroom, which is raised/lowered using a toggle switch (twist) under the faucet. The toggle switch (twist) stopped functioning when the plug was in the down position (plugged). It is not possible to pick up the plug. Any ideas? Highsnobiety Style

Same story, traffic jam and

Same story, the cork and the wheel do not function together, so I tied a rope to the cork and usually pulled it. But today everything went a little wrong and the plug along with the rope was sucked into the drain and a vacuum was formed. I tried to pry it off with a knife, a spatula, even a pill blister - it was no use. I don't have a plunger

Thank you very much for

Thank you very much for the tips. I was so angry, I took a bath, everything was fine, but I couldn’t unscrew the plug. A small suction cup helped, it’s good that I found it in the kitchen! The cork came out like a cute little thing!

A toy with a suction cup helped!)

A toy with a suction cup helped!)

Thank you. there is no husband,

Thank you. There is no husband, the child was bathing. The other day the plug stopped working well. and now it is completely stuck in the closed position. I scooped out the water and picked it out with a knife on the 10th attempt. but, damn it, it stopped catching the plug altogether. Thanks for your advice! I unscrewed the bolt on the plug more, voila! everything is working! and opens and closes. I'm my own plumber!

The bathtub plug is stuck tightly, how to remove the plug stuck in the drain from the bathtub?

The plug was stuck tightly, they pulled and broke the chain, how to remove a stuck plug from a bathroom drain.

Most likely your plug is made of soft rubber or silicone, or whatever they are made of in the modern world, I once had such a problem.

We bought a new plug, when I put it in the siphon, I was also surprised why it somehow sat there freely, rising and falling without any effort. But having filled the bathtub with water, it fulfilled its function; nothing was drained. The water was not cold, I got it for the child, it was even a little bitter, because I wanted the bath to warm up before swimming.

In short, the child was bathed, then the wife took a bath, and then I came and, as in your description, I pulled the chain weakly at first, the cork did not give in, and when I pulled harder, the lower ring of the chain bent. The chain is in your hands, the stopper is in the siphon and there is a full bath of water.

It was not very convenient to poke around in the water, so I had to take a screwdriver and after several unsuccessful attempts with a torn eye under the chain, I finally pulled out the plug.

After the water had drained, I tried to plug the drain hole with a plug and realized that it closed it very tightly. Subsequently, he determined that when the plug gets into warm water, it expands and gets tightly stuck in the siphon.

I don’t know whether this is good or bad, on the one hand, not a drop is drained into the sewer, as often happens, you pour a full bath of water, and after 15 minutes there’s already half there. But on the other hand, this plug did not last long; I still tore it with a screwdriver the next time I took it out.

I advise you not to fall for all sorts of silicone plugs, but to buy a regular one made of rubber with a durable eyelet.


Answers from experts

Dmitry K.:
press it with your heel and it will open))

Attention! Spanish bathroom: where the drain is (on the vertical wall of the bathroom) there is a washer-plug valve. Think about turning it to the RIGHT - the plug in the drain will rise on its own :-). PS To everyone whose advice I saved time and got rid of scratches on corks, I’ll give you a Yandex wallet


PS I’ll give you a Yandex wallet to anyone whose advice saved time and got rid of scratches on corks. Kidding!


eee... I don't know what yours is... We have a pimp on the tap, you press it and the plug comes out... and then you can calmly take it and pull it out.... O_o...


There are two types of plugs: 1 - rises and falls by means of a handle that must be turned back and forth. 2 - rises and falls by pressing the plug itself. Pressed once - it closed (lowered and locked). I pressed it a second time and it opened (raised).


If there is such a plug, there must be a mechanism of levers on the sink behind the faucet to open and close it. And so unscrew the siphon under the sink and use a long screwdriver to push the plug up.

Ivan Kashin:

Yes, this is a disease of Chinese shower cabins. I also tinkered with it. I broke it with a screwdriver and pliers. spat. I went to Leroy and bought the same thing only without a spring and a valve and with a regular black rubber Sovdepov plug. It’s beautiful and doesn’t get clogged with all sorts of crap, since the water leaves not through the silk now, but through 5 large holes. all this happiness costs only 150 rubles. just find a consultant there in the plumbing department and tell me what is for the shower stall.... They know they buy them from them very often because the cabins are equipped with bullshit and everyone breaks them.

Makar Andreevich:

Replace along with the sink.


You MUST have a PUSHER in your faucet design, so you don't need to drill anything. Find the button on the faucet. In one Egyptian hotel this button was on the BACK of the faucet!

Sergey Chudak:

I tried but it doesn't work

How to remove a metal stopper from a bathroom? How to open a bathroom drain?

The bathroom drain is closed with a metal stopper using a rotating handle . The handle has stopped functioning. It is impossible to pick up this plug. What to do? How to remove the plug in the bathroom if the siphon is broken?

It turned out that it was not so easy to remove the metal plug from the drain hole in the bathroom. I tried different methods, looked at the structure of this drain and the principle of its functioning, tried to carefully pry this plug somehow - as a result, I only scratched it a little, so I didn’t pry it anymore. I thought about it and decided to use a plunger; if it breaks through the blockages, then I should pull out the plug. So the plunger helped.

The drive for opening the plug is made using a cable, which can be felt from the bottom of the siphon. You need to pull the cable strongly towards yourself and the plug should come out. With such manipulation, it can break or jam later. Without the plug, you can already unscrew the siphon and replace it. You can also drill in the plug a small hole and, using some kind of hook or wire, remove the stopper completely. In this case, the siphon can be used further, with another rubber stopper.

Detailed installation instructions

The bottom valve, which is included with the mixer, is installed in stages. To install it, you will need simple tools and plumbing sealant, which is used to seal seams when installing plumbing fixtures. All work can be done independently.

The only caveat: the standard set contains all the tools with sharp edges that can damage the sink coating. It is advisable to prepare gaskets in advance and press metal elements through them to protect the plumbing.

Stage 1 – preparatory work

The lever and hoses lead down through the hole, under the sink. Typically, mixers are equipped with flexible tubes. If the model comes with rigid hoses, you will have to bend them yourself.

It is important to do the work very carefully so as not to damage the walls of the pipes, otherwise they will quickly rot and leak.

It is highly undesirable to file the products, because... chips can easily get into the faucet mechanism. During operation, problems will arise that will lead to premature abrasion and wear of parts.

If it is impossible to do without cutting the hard pipes, after finishing the work you need to thoroughly rinse all structural elements with a powerful stream of running water.

The tap is secured with a clamping nut. If there are doubts about the reliability of the installation, you can use sealant as an additional method of fixation.

Stage 2 - assembly and connection of parts

Using nuts with rubber gaskets, the hoses are connected to the supply pipes. You need to follow the shape of the bend. If it turns out to be in the shape of the letter U, everything is fine: water will flow freely.

But an S-shaped bend is undesirable. Unnecessary obstacles will create conditions for an uneven increase in pressure in the system, which within a year or two will lead to leaks at the joints.

The shut-off valve is placed in the sink drain hole and the spokes are assembled. They are laid crosswise using a special plastic connector.

The clamp itself is twisted with a screwdriver. The result is a simple but reliable cross-shaped design.

Stage 3 - installation of the lever and siphon

The spoke must be connected to the lever and attached to the eye of the device, as shown in the diagram below.

All that remains is to bring the corrugation from below and secure the siphon. It is important that the plug tightly closes the drain hole, so immediately check the quality of the system’s assembly.

It is necessary to open the tap and observe how the plumbing works for 3-5 minutes.

If the water flows well into the drain and the joints remain dry, everything is in order. If signs of leakage appear, the nuts should be tightened.

If even after this the joints are wet, you will have to completely disassemble the system and redo the work, since the installation was clearly done incorrectly. Sealing tape can correct the situation, but it is unlikely to last long.

Stage 4 - checking the tightness of the plug

The work can be considered complete if the siphon does not leak and the shut-off valve tightly closes the drain hole. They check it like this: lower the plug, draw the maximum amount of water into the sink and leave it for half an hour to an hour.

The indicator of correct operation of the device is a constant level. It’s better not to rely on your own eye and make a mark on the sink with a marker.

If after an hour the water remains at the same level, the shut-off valve is installed perfectly. Minor changes are a reason to check the tightness of the lid to the bottom of the sink.

How to remove a metal bathroom stopper

steel magnet should attract. no one goes to school? take a good magnet into the physics lab, apply it - the plug will stick to it with a magnetic field and come out, bringing the magnet back up

After removal, I recommend throwing it away and buying a cork stopper (like in a wine bottle), so that if something happens you can screw in the corkscrew

if you don’t want to, then drill a hole with a drill (by the way, if there is no magnet, you can try now), drill a hole with a good drill, screw a nail in with pliers and remove the plug.


A common problem for toilets and bathrooms is the difficulty of removing stuck accessories from the outlet. This can be easily dealt with by hooking the edge of the lid that is stubbornly stuck in the bolt with a screwdriver or a sharp knife.

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If the plug is made of plastic, you can try to remove it by prying it from different sides of the slightly protruding edge. But if all attempts are unsuccessful, a special screw rod for uncorking bottles will help save the situation.

If the blockage is brass and the eyelet from the chain that helps pull the device is broken, you can test its edge with a pipe wrench, but if the tool slips, you will still have to disassemble the outlet from below.

The best tactic after losing a treasured item is to force yourself to walk to the hardware store to pick out a replacement for the damaged part.

  1. How to remove the plug from the bathtub if it is tightly stuck in the outlet?

It all depends on its material and design.

The easiest way to do this is with a rubber plug: you just need to pick it up by the edge with a flat-head screwdriver.

This also applies to a metal plug with a rubber shell.
You can try to remove the plastic plug with the same screwdriver, alternately prying it from different sides.

If this does not help, a corkscrew for wine bottles can often save the situation: it is screwed into the cork, after which it is removed with some effort. Of course, after this you will need to go to the store to get a replacement for the damaged part.

Finally, if the corkscrew turns out to be powerless, you have to take radical measures: the cork is drilled in the middle and removed with pliers.

The biggest problem that can cause the owner is a brass plug stuck in the outlet of an old bathtub. Especially if the eye for the chain, which can be caught with pliers, is broken off. Sometimes it is possible to grab its edge with a gas wrench. If the key slips, you have to disassemble the outlet and knock out the plug from below, which is extremely inconvenient due to the tightness under the bathtub.

The worst case scenario is dismantling the cast iron outlet. In this case, it is easier to change the entire harness.

As a rule, cast iron trims are equipped with brass plugs. Here are some recommendations for dismantling them:

  • First, disconnect the outlet from the tubular siphon by unscrewing the union nut on the connection. This can be done with a gas wrench No. 3 - No. 4;
  • Try to unscrew the outlet by inserting open pliers into its grille. If necessary, use any lever inserted between their handles;
  • If the outlet does not work, heat it from below with a hair dryer or blowtorch. Thermal expansion will do its job, and the thread will move.

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A comment

    Registration: Nov 2001 —> Messages: 1022 —>


, no, not with water, of course. household technical oil. Well, like for sewing machines or for lubricating door hinges. At worst, you can try using vegetable oil for this purpose. But I repeat once again - it would be good to wipe dry the place where the cork is before doing this. Also, preferably, in addition to the oil, you can try holding a piece of ice from the refrigerator on the cork. To cool the plug. Just do not press on it, otherwise it will jam even more.

Yes, and after dripping the oil, give it time to seep into the micro-cracks between the plug and the walls of the water drain. An hour or two should be enough.

How to open a stopper in a sink

Situation: there is a stopper in the bathroom, which is raised/lowered using a toggle switch (twist) under the faucet. The toggle switch (twist) stopped functioning when the plug was in the down position (plugged). It is not possible to pick up the plug. Any ideas? Highsnobiety Style

Same story, traffic jam and

Same story, the cork and the wheel do not function together, so I tied a rope to the cork and usually pulled it. But today everything went a little wrong and the plug along with the rope was sucked into the drain and a vacuum was formed. I tried to pry it off with a knife, a spatula, even a pill blister - it was no use. I don't have a plunger

Thank you very much for

Thank you very much for the tips. I was so angry, I took a bath, everything was fine, but I couldn’t unscrew the plug. A small suction cup helped, it’s good that I found it in the kitchen! The cork came out like a cute little thing!

A toy with a suction cup helped!)

A toy with a suction cup helped!)

A comment

    Joined: Apr 2003 —> Messages: 12651 —>

Disassemble the drain under the bathtub and knock the plug out of there with anything, then immediately catch the correct string from outside and plug it back in (with the string) so that not the entire bathtub spills onto the floor

Then collect the drain back.

But this is not for such a beauty, of course

You can call a locksmith. He will come and do everything, but in 2-3-4 days.

You can also try picking it out with manicure gadgets.

A comment

    Registration: Aug 2003 —> Messages: 12348 —>

Honestly, I came home very late yesterday, so I didn’t try anything.

Thank you all very much for your advice


it will be like “cutting off the head to remove the yoke from the neck”


the method is good, but inappropriate,
the bottom of the bathtub is completely covered with tiles, these strange people didn’t even leave a window to crawl under.

Here. looks like the truth.

where can I get such a hook? where are all kinds of construction and household items sold?

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