How and how to remove greasy stains from curtains and tulle at home

Home / Bath cleaning


Published: 07/12/2020

Reading time: 6 min



  • 1 “whiteness”, “Amway” and other chemical bleaches
  • 2 Video material
  • 3 Selecting funds
  • 4 Removing greasy stains on tulle at home
  • 5 Tooth powder or talc
  • 6 How to get rid of yellowness and soot on kitchen curtains?
  • 7 How to get rid of old stains on kitchen curtains?
  • 8 How to bleach tulle with folk remedies
  • 9 How to clean kitchen curtains from grease stains using affordable means?
  • 10 Potassium permanganate
  • 11 Bleaching tulle
  • 12 Wash off grease stains from tulle
  • 13 Baking soda
  • 14 Salt or baking soda
  • 15 Removing fresh stains
  • 16 Removing old grease stains from tulle
  • 17 Vinegar and water
  • 18 Vinegar, ammonia and salt
  • 19 Stain remover
  • 20 Removing greasy stains from tulle at home

“whiteness”, “amway” and other chemical bleaches

The rationality of using these products depends on the stain itself and the type of curtain. It is convenient to use chlorine-containing products if the curtain has turned gray or yellowed.

Then we prepare a solution with the addition of “Whiteness” and put the entire curtain in it. After 30–40 minutes, wash in a machine or by hand.


This product is convenient to use if a stain has formed that is difficult to remove and cannot be removed. Pour con on the contaminated area, let the product sit, and then wash.

Note! The disadvantage of this product is several facts. “Whiteness” cannot be used often, as it can ruin the structure of the fabric. It is also prohibited to use for washing colored items.

Amway products are practically harmless to fabric, effectively remove greasy stains on colored and white tulle (with or without chiffon), and are easy to use. However, they are expensive, so not every housewife has them on hand.

Washing in a washing machine

Remove the tulle from the curtain rod and thoroughly shake off any dust. It is advisable to pre-soak the curtain fabric for two hours in a warm 10% solution of table salt with the addition of washing powder. After soaking, many contaminants will be removed, and the veil will be cleared of gray or yellow deposits. It is unacceptable to use hot water, as synthetics become hard and yellow when heated.

Rinse the curtain fabric, put it in a laundry bag and wash it in the washing machine. After finishing washing, the tulle should not be wrung out. Iron a slightly damp curtain at the lowest possible temperature. Places on the canvas where there are hard inserts, such as appliqués or embroidery, are best ironed through a layer of gauze. After final ironing, immediately hang the curtains in a permanent place.

It is necessary to understand that the most general recommendations for machine washing tulle at home are described here. When caring for it, the housewife should take into account the properties and characteristics of the fabric:

  • synthetics 100%: wash at t = 30°C, liquid detergents;
  • viscose: without pre-soaking; t = 40°C, without spinning the fabric;
  • white cotton fabric, white linen: pre-soaking; t = 95°C, washing powder;
  • colored plain cotton fabric and linen: t = 60°C, with a printed pattern – t = 40°C;
  • lace, chiffon, mesh: hand wash only; t = 40°C, dry horizontally, without ironing.

Choosing funds

There are household chemicals on sale that are specifically designed for washing tulle in a machine or by hand. The most popular and effective are:

  • Flat – liquid product is sold in 500 ml packaging. According to the manufacturer, it not only removes gray plaque and yellowness from curtains, but also prevents their reappearance. It has an antistatic effect, acts very delicately, and therefore allows frequent use. Price – 120 rubles.
  • Stork-Cashmere for tulle is a good and inexpensive washing powder that will help deal with even difficult stains on curtains. Removes tobacco and greasy soot and contains optical brightener. Price – up to 80 rubles per package of 300 g.
  • Sofin Global - a powder with the effect of preserving the whiteness of curtains, copes with nicotine deposits, grease and other contaminants typical of kitchen curtains. The package contains 400 g, price – 70 rubles.

If the tulle material is made of nylon, thick organza or cotton, you can safely use regular washing powder.

Various gels for children's linen also perform well, especially if they come with a whitening effect - they can handle kitchen stains on fabric.

But for thin curtains made of veil or silk, it is better to use only special shampoos for washing delicate fabrics.

Synthetic laundry detergents

The ideal product for washing tulle fabrics is gel. It is effective at +30...+40°C - at this temperature it is possible to wash tulle by hand and in a machine. It is completely rinsed without leaving chemical marks on the canvas.

The large assortment offered by manufacturers allows you to choose a gel for different needs:

  1. Traditional gels for hand and machine washing (Ariel, Synergetic and others). As a rule, their formula contains substances that cope with stains of various origins (fruit, coffee, wine, etc.), as well as a complex with whitening components.
  2. Soft bleaches contain any gels for washing children's clothes: “Ushasty Nyan”, “Umka”, Ocean Baby, AQuA baby.
  3. New generation optical brighteners intended only for white fabrics. They brighten even gray or yellowed curtains.
  4. Oxygen bleaches create the effect of whiteness without destroying the structure of the fabric. Suitable even for products with colored patterns. Used for low temperature machine washing.

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Removing greasy stains on tulle at home

To effectively combat fat on tulle, you need to know some rules for caring for this delicate fabric. How to remove grease from tulle curtains:

  • Before you start fighting grease on your curtains, it is recommended to rinse them in cold water to get rid of accumulated dust.
  • Tulle fabric is a delicate fabric and requires careful washing at a water temperature of no more than 30 degrees, without squeezing or twisting. When machine washing, you must select a delicate cycle without spinning and wash in a special mesh bag. After washing, it is advisable not to iron the tulle, but to hang it wet immediately in place.
  • Many aggressive substances used to combat oil stains are contraindicated for tulle fabric.

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It will be much easier to remove a greasy stain if you first treat the curtain with a steam generator.

  • Use special stain removers or improvised products to remove greasy marks.
  • Grease stains from curtains can be removed by soaking and washing, or without removing them from the curtain rod, applying a cleaning agent to the contaminated area.

How to bleach tulle

Depending on what fabric the curtains are made from, the question of how to wash them is decided. There is always soot and dust in the kitchen, and in private homes there can also be soot. All these contaminants contribute to the appearance of gray plaque. To get rid of it and return textiles to their whiteness, you need to use effective means at hand.

How to remove stains and bleach tulle using boiling. This method is suitable for products made from natural fabrics: linen and cotton. Pour two tablespoons of bleach into a container with water, add three tablespoons of laundry soap shavings and one spoon of soda.

Curtains are placed in the resulting mixture, and the basin is set on low heat for an hour. As soon as the water has cooled, you need to wash the textiles and rinse well. This method will help solve the problem of how to wash soot from curtains.

If you don’t want to boil, you can use an effective method using peroxide and ammonia. For ten liters of warm water you need to pour three tablespoons of the first and one of the second component. The curtains are soaked in the resulting solution for a maximum of thirty minutes, in most cases ten is enough. After the procedure, the curtains should be washed and hung to dry in a ventilated area. This method is suitable for both synthetic and natural fabrics.

How to clean kitchen curtains from grease stains using affordable means?

For synthetic fibers and thick curtains (which do not fade or deform), you can use some folk remedies:

  • ammonia. To do this, you should wet a dry and clean towel and treat the mark (suitable only for fresh and not large-area contaminants);
  • The pulp of black bread also allows you to clean kitchen curtains from greasy stains without leaving any marks. Thanks to this method, the product can be cleaned while hanging without removing it;
  • talc, potato flour, starch or baking soda. To do this, you need to remove the product and sprinkle it with one of the products, placing a clean sheet of paper under the stain. Leave for 3-4 hours and then wash with soap;
  • tooth powder and high-quality gasoline. For larger stains, use tooth powder. The stain is sprinkled with it, and after drying, the remaining product is shaken off. Then the trace is treated with gasoline applied to a dry cloth;
  • vinegar solution. Vinegar should be diluted 1:1 with slightly warm water and the contaminated area should be thoroughly treated with it. Leave until completely dry. If it is necessary to treat several stains, then the curtains are removed and rubbed with a mixture of table vinegar, table salt and alcohol (4: 4: 1), and then washed.

Old greasy stains are removed using a mixture of ammonia and glycerin. To begin with, the contamination is treated with pure glycerin, and then wiped with a cloth soaked in ammonia.

Removing greasy marks from home textiles

Housewives are often concerned not only with the question of how to wash curtains from grease, but also how to remove oily marks from a carpet, tablecloth or upholstery of a soft corner.

  1. Sprinkle fresh greasy stains on the tablecloth with salt. When it absorbs the fat, carefully sweep it away and rub the household mark. soap and wash.
  2. You can use talcum powder. Lay the tablecloth on the ironing board and sprinkle the stain with talcum powder. Place thin paper on top and run a low-heat iron over it. Clean the surface of the tablecloth from talc. If the mark remains, repeat the procedure and do not remove the talc for 8 hours.
  3. Light-colored furniture upholstery can be easily saved with lemon juice. Squeeze the juice from 1 citrus and stir it with 2 tbsp. l. vinegar. Rub the liquid into the greasy spots and wash off the solution after an hour.

If grease gets on the carpet and has time to harden, shaving cream will help. Squeeze a large amount of product onto the stain and leave for a quarter of an hour. During this time, the cream will soften the dirt. Remove the foam with a soft cloth. If the stain remains, treat it again. Usually the fat comes off quickly, leaving no marks or streaks.

Old grease must first be scraped off the carpet a little, being careful not to damage the fibers of the covering. Then stir 1 tbsp in 50 ml of water. l. baking soda powder, apply generously to the stain and rinse after 30 minutes.

Potassium permangantsovka

Potassium permanganate not only whitens, but removes greasy stains from tulle.


  1. 100 g of 72% laundry soap are grated and dissolved in warm water.
  2. A small amount (literally a pinch) of potassium permanganate is diluted in a mug, without leaving a single whole grain. The water should take on a rich red wine color.
  3. The resulting solution is poured into a bowl of soapy water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees and mixed.
  4. The canvases are soaked for 30-40 minutes and then rinsed.


  • After this treatment, the tulle remains snow-white for a very long time.
  • Potassium permanganate and laundry soap are cheap.


  • The method is quite labor-intensive.
  • If potassium permanganate is not completely dissolved, washing tulle curtains will be problematic: stains that are difficult to remove will remain on them.

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How to get rid of yellowness, soot or grease on tulle

To remove all stains from tulle, it is important to consider the following rules:

  • Before soaking in water, you should rid the curtains of dust by shaking them;
  • washing is carried out in warm, not hot water, the temperature of which should not exceed 35°C;
  • if washing is done by machine, the tulle must be folded, otherwise it will not be possible to smooth the curtain after drying;
  • It is advisable to wash the product with the addition of a small amount of vinegar, which adds shine to the material.

The most effective method of getting rid of stains is washing.

How to wash in a washing machine

Machine washing allows you to clean tulle from various contaminants, but the wrong choice of mode, temperature and even cleaning agent often leads to destruction of the structure of the material.

When using the machine, the following rules are taken into account:

  • Do not use products containing chlorine;
  • It is easy to clean the curtain from stains with oxygen bleach;
  • Soda or vinegar is used together with the cleaning agent;
  • The curtain becomes snow-white when hydrogen peroxide, sold in tablets, is added.

Attention! Washing is carried out on a delicate cycle, which ensures gentle cleaning of the fabric.

Wash by hand

If it is impossible to use a machine or there is no delicate mode, you have to remove stains on the tulle manually. To do this, prepare a basin filled with warm water. A safe detergent is used for washing.

The procedure for removing stains from curtains is divided into stages:

  • dust is shaken out;
  • the tulle is soaked in warm water without adding cleaning agents;
  • after half an hour the water is changed,
  • washing powder is added to it;
  • the curtain is soaked for 10 minutes;
  • all areas with stains are washed by hand;
  • the product is thoroughly rinsed;
  • the tulle is hung on a rope to allow water to flow freely.

To ensure that clean tulle does not have to be ironed, it should not be wrung out or folded. If it is necessary to remove strong and old contaminants, boiling is carried out. The pan is filled with water, to which detergent is added. The dishes are placed on the fire, after which the curtain is lowered into it. Boiling is carried out until the dirt is completely removed.

Bleaching tulle

If only the strongest stains are visible on colored or dark curtains, then even dust is noticeable on snow-white curtains, so when buying such tulle, get ready for the fact that you will have to wash it often, and sometimes even bleach it. Below are three proven methods for bleaching curtains.

Take an enamel bowl/pan that will fit the curtain. Get some water. Add 2 tbsp. l. bleach, 3-4 tablespoons of grated soap (preferably laundry soap) and 1 tbsp. l. soda Let the liquid boil and place the tulle in the solution. Boil for 50-60 minutes over low heat. After this, rinse the curtains thoroughly. If desired, you can additionally wash them in the washing machine.

Boiling is only suitable for curtains made of cotton or linen.

Pharmaceutical products are also used for whitening, in particular ammonia and hydrogen peroxide. Take a large bowl and fill it with 9 liters of warm (but not hot!) water. Pour 3 tbsp into water. l. peroxide and 1 tbsp. l ammonia. Soak the curtains in this mixture for 30-40 minutes. Wash as usual.

The option with ammonia is suitable for nylon tulle, as well as for curtains made of organza or chiffon.

The last method requires starch. First wash the curtains with powder. Pour 5-6 liters of water into a basin and add 2 tbsp. l. starch. Soak the tulle for 40 minutes. The curtains will become noticeably lighter and stiffer, so next time it will be much easier to remove dirt.

If the curtains have not only turned yellow, but also become covered with soot, then the life hacks described below will come to the rescue.

Remove the curtain from the window and wash it with soap or powder. Fill a bowl with water and mix it with two tablespoons of soda. Apply dishwashing detergent to the stains, then place the item in a bowl of baking soda and leave overnight. When you wake up, rinse the curtains, dry them, and you can hang them back up.

The second method also requires pre-washing with soap or regular powder. After washing, place the still wet curtains in a large bowl and fill with 5-6 liters of warm water. In a cup, dilute 7 tbsp. l. salt and add to the bowl. Leave for 2-3 hours. Rinse. Take a cup, pour warm water into it and add 13 drops of brilliant green, stir thoroughly.

Ways to wash tulle

There are several methods of washing: by hand, in the washing machine, with boiling (boiling) and without. All of these options are suitable for caring for delicate fabrics.

Machine washable

All modern machines have a program for washing delicate items, and some models have a special mode for curtains. For machine washing use soft liquid detergents. To avoid damaging the canvas, it is enough to follow a few rules.


If the tulle is very dirty, before washing, soak it for 2 hours in warm water or soda solution (1 tablespoon of soda per 5 liters of water). Before putting it into the machine, the fabric treated with soda is rinsed.

To remove light yellowness 1 tbsp. l. salts are diluted in 1 liter of warm water and the curtains are soaked for 2-3 hours. Then rinse in cool water. To remove grease, sprinkle 1 tsp onto a dry stain. starch and leave for 5-10 minutes, then shake off the starch. Wash the stain with laundry soap or oxygen powder and load the tulle into the washing machine.

Washing modes

To prevent the fabric from accidentally getting caught when the drum rotates, use special washing covers. If there is no cover, it is replaced with a pillowcase.

Wring out the tulle at low speeds - maximum 400-500.

For expensive and particularly delicate materials, choose a delicate program and a mild detergent.

To give the tulle a snow-white shine, add a little blue diluted in water to the tray when rinsing. You can replace the blue with green stuff from the nearest pharmacy: make a weak solution (5-7 drops per 1 glass of water) and add it instead of rinse aid. The fabric will bleach the first time.

Important! You need to work with brilliant green carefully so as not to splash everything around, since traces of it are very difficult to remove. If you make a mistake with the dosage, the curtains will have an emerald tint.

Temperature selection

The temperature regime for washing is selected depending on the type of fabric:

  1. Polyester and nylon are washed as usual at +40°C. These fabrics are not bleached, but ironed through natural fine fabric (gauze). It is believed that nylon can be washed at temperatures up to +60°C. But at this temperature, yellow spots may appear on it.
  2. Organza, veil and muslin are washed on a delicate program at +30°C in a washing case. Organza and muslin should not be wrung out or twisted: after washing, the water should drain, the curtains should be hung slightly damp. The veil is wrung out at low speeds and ironed at low temperature.
  3. Fabrics made from a mixture of cotton and polyester are washed at +60°C, then the product can be easily washed without pre-soaking and is slightly bleached. Iron at temperatures up to +150°C.

Wash by hand

Many housewives wash delicate fabrics only by hand. This way, problem areas are better visible and there is less risk of ruining the curtain fabric. In this case, conventional laundry detergents are combined with natural bleaches.

If there are expensive or designer curtains with asymmetry or complex decorative inserts hanging in the kitchen, they are also washed by hand.

Before washing, remove the tulle from the curtain and shake off the accumulated dust. After this, the canvas is soaked in warm water for 1.5-2 hours. You can add washing powder or table salt, which will soften the water and help remove many contaminants.

Advice. Do not use hot water to soak delicate fabrics - they will become hard and turn yellow quickly.

If any substances were added to the water during soaking, the curtains should be rinsed with warm running water before washing.

The curtains are immersed in a bathtub or other large container with warm water. Tulle is washed at a temperature of +30…+35°C.

To effectively wash a yellowed curtain, add apple cider vinegar at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water. A gel for washing delicate fabrics is suitable as a detergent. If this is not available, use powder for automatic washing machines: unlike regular powder, it produces a little foam and makes the product easier to rinse.

After washing and rinsing, the tulle is given whiteness. To do this, add a few drops of blue to the water - the solution should turn pale blue. The fabric is dipped into it, washed again, rinsed in cool water and lightly wrung out without twisting.

Then the curtains are hung to drain the water and the fabric to dry, and then ironed.

Boiling (digesting) fabric

Tulle is boiled only if it is cotton or linen without synthetic additives. Polyester, nylon, organza, veil and other types of artificial fabrics cannot be boiled.

We offer one of the “grandmother’s” methods of cleaning:

  1. Warm water is poured into a deep basin, bucket or other metal container, in which washing powder or laundry soap shavings are dissolved.
  2. Place fabric in the solution, bring to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for an hour, stirring and turning constantly.
  3. Then the fabric is taken out, rinsed with warm water (not cold - natural fabrics “shrink” when there is a sudden change in temperature), lightly wrung out and hung out to dry. Iron the curtains slightly damp.

Wash off grease stains from tulle

Many housewives decorate the kitchen window with tulle curtains. Over time, the delicate synthetic material begins to turn yellow, becomes covered with a layer of dust, soot, and drops of fat and becomes unattractive. How to wash kitchen tulle from greasy stains? Useful means to remove contaminants:

  • table vinegar;
  • powder for delicate fabrics;
  • household soap;
  • dishwashing liquid.

Rub tulle household. soap as much as possible and immerse in a small bowl of warm water for 3 hours. Rub lightly with your hands and rinse in several waters. There should be no trace of contamination left.

  1. If you need a quick, proven way to remove greasy stains from tulle, try dish liquid, such as Fairy.
  2. Pour 1 tbsp into the soaking water. l. dish gel and the same amount of washing powder.
  3. Thoroughly dissolve the ingredients, place the tulle in the solution for 20 minutes and wash.

Numerous fresh greasy stains on tulle can be washed off with vinegar. Dilute it with water 1:1, wet the curtains and wait until they dry. Then rinse the item and wash it in soapy water.

Video on the topic

Visual instructions for washing kitchen curtains and tulle.

As you can see, there is no shortage of means and methods for removing grease from curtains. The main thing is to remember that the sooner the contamination is treated, the greater the chance of returning the curtains to their original cleanliness.

Source of the article:

How to remove grease from tulle in the kitchen: the best ways to remove grease stains from kitchen curtains than from curtains, How to remove grease from kitchen curtains.

Salt or baking soda

Salt is highly effective against fresh stains on curtains, tiles, and microwave ovens. A special paste is prepared from it.

All that's left is to add salt

To do this, pour 1 tbsp. l. salt with a little water. The resulting mass is applied to the previously removed tulle and left for half an hour, then washed by hand or in a machine.

Baking soda is used in the same way. To enhance the effect, it is combined with vinegar: pour a little soda on the stain, pour in acetic acid and wait until the reaction between the ingredients ends, then wash the product.

We remove old stains

It is a little more difficult to remove stubborn grease stains. For this purpose, various methods and means are used.

  1. Mechanical cleaning method. A section of the curtain with ingrained grease is brought to the spout of a boiling kettle or held over a pan from which steam is pouring out for several minutes. After this, it is washed in a soap solution. Treating the stain with a steam generator gives a stronger effect.
  2. Household chemicals (for example, Udalix, Astonish, ACE, SARMA). When choosing an industrial product, you should focus on the color and composition of the product.
  3. Grease from white curtains is perfectly removed by laundry soap with a whitening effect.
  4. Homemade cleaners. Substances that can be found in any kitchen, pantry or home medicine cabinet effectively combat old greasy marks. They are used separately and in the following combinations:
  • Ammonia (60 ml), 9% vinegar (60 ml), table salt (30 g). The mixture is thoroughly rubbed into the contaminated material and left for a quarter of an hour.
  • Laundry soap and ethyl alcohol (proportions are arbitrary).
  • Acetone and purified gasoline, taken in equal parts.
  • 3% peroxide dissolved in water (30 ml per 1 l). The curtain is soaked in the product for an hour and a half.
  • An aqueous solution of 9% vinegar (15 ml per 1 l). The time of exposure to contamination is 1-3 hours.
  • Ammonia (5 ml), glycerin (15 ml), water (15 ml). The mixture is applied to the product for 15 minutes.

After local stain cleaning, the curtains should be washed manually or in an automatic machine.

Some of these substances (peroxide, vinegar, acetone) can discolor fabric, so they should be used on colored items only after preliminary testing.

Removing old grease stains from tulle

When greasy drops have appeared on the curtains for a long time, for complete removal you will need glycerin and ammonia. Dilute them in equal proportions, moisten the cotton wool and gently rub the halo of dirt, and then the stain itself. When the material is dry, wash the curtains as usual. This is an excellent method for removing fat from tulle.

Oily spots on curtains made of organza, chiffon, nylon can be removed with a special solution.

  1. Mix 50 mg of ammonia and vinegar with each other, add 1 tbsp. l. table salt and mix the composition thoroughly.
  2. Apply to sebaceous marks and wait 10 minutes.
  3. After washing in a soapy solution, you will realize that you have found the ideal solution for removing greasy stains on curtains.

If the tulle has strongly absorbed soot and grease, it is advisable to use a high-quality stain remover. For synthetic fabrics, a mild, chlorine-free cleaner is suitable. Liquid Vanish has proven itself well.

Dissolve several caps in water, soak the dirty tulle for a couple of hours and wash.

The stain remover will get rid of greasy deposits, whiten, refresh the fabric, and you won’t need to look for a new product to remove grease from kitchen curtains.

How to remove grease stains from tulle curtains using home remedies

Glycerin and ammonia

This mixture removes even old oil stains well. Mix these 2 components in equal proportions and rub the stain with cotton. Then wash the kitchen curtain as usual.

Ammonia, vinegar and salt

Take 50 mg of each substance, add 1 tbsp. l. salt and stir. Apply to the stain for 10 minutes and then rinse or wash the item.

Vinegar, ammonia and salt

Make a solution from 1 tbsp. ammonia, 4 tbsp. spoons of vinegar and 1 tbsp. spoons of table salt and rub the stained area, wait 10 minutes, then wash in warm soapy water.

Stain remover

There are special stain removers on the market for synthetic fabrics. They are less aggressive, but no less effective. Easily and simply rid your curtains of grease.

Dish detergent

Grease stains from tulle can be easily washed off if you use regular dishwashing detergent. Especially if you drop it on a fresh stain. You just need to mix the gel with hot water and apply it to the oily area using a sponge. The second option is to soak the entire curtain in a solution with a cleaning agent (add 2 tablespoons of product per 1 liter of water) for 15 minutes.


Salt or saline solution will help remove grease from kitchen curtains. Sprinkle a pinch of salt on the oiled area or soak the tulle in this solution.

Laundry soap

72% laundry soap will do an excellent job of removing greasy marks on tulle fabric. Rub it onto the stain and leave it on for a while. You can also grate soap shavings, add them to a basin of warm water and soak the entire curtain for 1-2 hours.

Starch, chalk or baby powder (talc)

Fresh traces of grease should be sprinkled with starch, chalk, talcum powder or baby powder as quickly as possible. These substances will quickly absorb fat.

Vinegar and water

Vinegar diluted with water in a 1:1 ratio can wash organza, veil, nylon or other tulle fabric.

Baking soda

To combat oil marks on tulle, use soda or a soda solution (add 2 tablespoons of baking soda to 10 liters of water).

The fabric must be soaked in the soda solution for at least 8 hours.

Ammonia and laundry soap

Prepare a soap solution from laundry soap shavings. Then add 4 tsp to 500 ml of soap solution. ammonia and soak the tulle for several hours.

In our article, we tried to tell you how to remove grease stains from curtains, using the most effective and simplest methods. The products used can easily be found in the apartment of any housewife. We hope that they will help you keep your curtains looking attractive for a long time.

Vinegar, ammonia and salt

If you don’t have glycerin on hand, but you have long wanted to wash the curtains from graying and greasy stains, remove it and soak it in a solution that is safe for fabric, but merciless for greasy stains (of varying complexity):

  1. Mix ammonia (1/2 bottle), vinegar (1/2 tbsp.) and dissolve 1-2 tsp in them. table salt.
  2. Pour the resulting liquid into a bowl of water.
  3. Soak the tulle in the solution.
  4. Wash the product.

If there is a pronounced old stain on the curtain, before soaking, soak it in a concentrated solution of vinegar, salt and ammonia.

Grease stain mixture

To achieve maximum effect, boil the product in water with these products.

To restore white curtains from yellowing, add hydrogen peroxide (1/2 bottle) to these ingredients. Pour the mixture of components into water, place the tulle there and take it out after 30-60 minutes, snow-white, since peroxide has bleaching properties.

Learn more about how to bleach white clothes.

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