How to clean a washing machine with soda

04/06/2017 Technology

A breakdown of an automatic washing machine is a real disaster for modern people. How can you now cope without a faithful home assistant, do your laundry by hand, take out a loan and buy a new unit, or try to repair the old one?

All these unpleasant questions and troubles can be avoided if you know how to clean a washing machine with soda not only from scale, but also from other harmful substances.

Why do you need to clean your washing machine?

Thanks to advertising, every housewife knows that cleaning an automatic washing machine is necessary. But why exactly is it needed, what goals are being pursued, and what will happen if such a procedure is neglected, not everyone can explain.

In fact, the problem is not only that over time, calcium salts, or simply lime, begin to be deposited on the heating element and other elements of the unit. Although this is perhaps the most dangerous, as it leads to the most serious damage, up to and including complete failure of the machine.

If preventive cleaning is not carried out from time to time, fabric fibers, small debris, and just dirt accumulate on the internal parts. This leads to the formation of fungus and the appearance of a putrid odor from the car. Filters and hoses can rot and burst, not to mention a complete breakdown in sanitation. Would you give your child panties and a T-shirt that were washed in an automatic washing machine that was covered in mold inside?

So, regular cleaning of the automatic machine is necessary for two main reasons:

  • to avoid breakdowns;
  • so as not to harm your own health.

Good to know: a heating element covered with a layer of scale takes much longer to heat up to the desired temperature than a clean and well-maintained one. This means you are paying more for energy consumption than you otherwise would. While competent and timely cleaning of the washing machine would help to avoid unnecessary expenses.

Preventive measures

By forgetting to clean your washing machine regularly, you increase the risk of plaque and mildew. The machine may fail before the end of its service life. To increase the service life of the machine, do not forget to clean it at home with soda and vinegar. To avoid unpleasant odors, remember the following steps:

  • Try not to pour too much detergent: this will not help to wash things perfectly, and the remaining powder will settle on the walls inside.
  • Do not keep the machine loaded with dirty laundry for a long time.
  • Start the process immediately after downloading.
  • After washing, remove items and do not leave them wet inside the drum.
  • Open the machine periodically to dry it.

To prevent the appearance of scale and limescale, do not forget:

  • Wipe accessible parts dry each time after washing.
  • Place a good filter at the water inlet to the apartment so that liquid without impurities enters the drum.
  • Before washing, remove all small items from your pockets and fasten zippers and buttons.
  • Do not place old, worn-out items in the machine.
  • Do not wash jackets and sweaters that are too fluffy.
  • Periodically turn on the machine without laundry, pour a little powder into the tray, and run it empty.

Video: cleaning a washing machine at home

Video: harm of citric acid for a machine - expert’s opinion

What exactly needs to be cleaned

Most owners pour soda or citric acid into the cleaning product tray once every six months, run the unit idle - and feel completely calm, believing that they have ensured the cleanliness and safety of their machine.

Do you think so too? You are wrong. This is only one of the stages of high-quality cleaning of the washing unit. In reality, you need to take care of the following details:

  • container for washing powder;
  • rubber seals and cover;
  • drum;
  • inlet filter and waste filter;
  • heating element (heating element);
  • internal and external drainage hoses.

Don't be intimidated by the impressive list - you will have to work quite a bit. A universal cleaner - ordinary soda - will do the rest.

Cleaning recipes with baking soda, vinegar and citric acid

An effective way to clean a washing machine is to use vinegar and NaHCO3. The recipe eliminates scale and prevents the development of fungus. Cleaning occurs after activating the device.

A vinegar solution is placed in the contents of the drum, and 3 tablespoons of baking soda are added to it. The wash starts in boiling mode, all items are first removed from the drum.

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After the cycle is completed, 100 ml of 9% vinegar is added to the drum, after which the mode of the same name is activated. At the end of the procedure, the doors are wiped with a napkin, and the filter is cleaned of any remaining dirt.

Vinegar may leave a negative odor emanating from the inside of the device. To eliminate it, turn on the idle rinsing mode and thoroughly wipe the machine.

A mixture of citric acid and soda ash quickly removes limescale deposits from the faucet area. Use 150 g lemon powder and 15 g NaHCO3. The mass is placed in the detergent tray, then the rinse mode is set to high temperature.

NaHCO3 cleans the washing machine no worse than galangal, while being affordable and safe. With the additional use of citric acid, scale and mold are quickly eliminated. The procedure is carried out as needed, on average once a month.

Why soda

Soda is widely used by people as an economical and effective cleaning agent. White crystals can be used to safely clean almost anything: dishes, bathroom fixtures, remove fabric stains, wash clothes, and even whiten teeth. Soda has unique chemical properties.

This is an excellent adsorbent; it literally absorbs fats and dirt. And, in addition, it creates an alkaline environment in which most bacteria are not able to continue active life.

Soda neutralizes calcium salts and other harmful impurities in water, making it softer. But most importantly, it is completely non-toxic and is not a strong aggressive chemical. The exception is caustic soda, but it is practically not used in everyday life; it is needed only in the chemical industry.

To clean and disinfect your washing machine, you can use baking soda, which is used primarily in the manufacture of confectionery products. But if you need professional cleaning of the washing machine with soda, then it is better to choose soda ash.

It will better dissolve scale, mucus and grease that inevitably accumulate during operation of the washing machine. And at the same time, it is not as caustic as caustic. If you use it wisely, adhering to certain rules, everything will be fine.

Is it possible to add baking soda to the machine when washing clothes?

When washing, sodium bicarbonate enhances the effect of washing powder, does not deteriorate the structure of the fabric and eliminates old stains. Using a chemical component, the stench is removed from things. The component can be used for rinsing things.

Expert opinion


The exception is soda ash - it is used exclusively for cleaning the empty drum and internal elements of the device. Due to its aggressive composition, it spoils things by corroding the fabric structure.

Food grade sodium bicarbonate should be used based on the recommendations:

  1. To lighten fabric, NaHCO3 is mixed with ammonia. Add 5 tablespoons of powder and 10 ml of alcohol to a bowl of water. Things are soaked and then rinsed in the washing machine. To improve the effect, soda is added to the drum, then washed at a temperature of 50 degrees.
  2. To eliminate unpleasant odors, items are placed in the washing machine. 100 g of baking soda is poured on top of them, and white vinegar is additionally used - 250 ml. The washing starts, after the cycle is completed, the clothes stop smelling bad.
  3. To wash kitchen towels, use NaHCO3 mixed with laundry soap. The basin is first filled with water, the mixture is dissolved in it, the volume of which is determined by the number of towels. After two hours, the items are placed in the washing machine along with soda water. Washing is carried out at a temperature of 80 degrees.
  4. To enhance the effect of the washing powder, add a handful of soda to it. Things are soaked in a soda solution, then washed as usual.
  5. Grease stains can be removed from items using a mixture of bleach, sodium bicarbonate and laundry detergent. Funds are taken in equal proportions. The components are mixed in 5 liters of boiling water, and clothes are placed in the solution. After the liquid has cooled, the items are placed in the drum, and 2 tablespoons of NaHCO3 are added to them. Washing is carried out at temperatures up to 50 degrees, rinsing is performed twice.

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Sodium bicarbonate is always added to soften water; washing with it is allowed at temperatures from 50 degrees.

The chemical component is suitable for linen and cotton products. It is used instead of conditioner to make clothes soft.

Cleaning Exterior Elements

First you need to clean the tray, rubber seals and lid, and, if necessary, other surfaces of the device. Under no circumstances should you just sprinkle white powder on all these parts. First, soda ash is mixed in equal proportions with warm water. Using a sponge or cloth, rub this mixture onto all seals, the lid, and outer surfaces.

You also need to treat the inside of the washing machine drum with soda solution. There is no need to wash it off immediately. It will take at least half an hour for the active components of soda to take effect. During this time, you can do the tray.

It is in the compartment for detergents that mold most often appears, especially if the owners abuse detergents and do not ventilate the unit. As a result, residues of powder undissolved in water gradually accumulate on the walls of the tray; they begin to turn to stone and mold.

If the tray is slightly dirty, you don’t have to take it out - just treat it with soda and leave it for half an hour. If the plaque layer is very dense, the tray must be removed and immersed for half an hour in a more liquid solution of soda ash - for 2-3 liters of warm water you will need 2-3 tablespoons of soda, respectively. There is no need to add any additional cleaning agents - there are already enough of them on the walls of the tray.

After half an hour, the remaining soda solution is removed from all surfaces with a clean damp cloth. You may need to rinse it in clean water and squeeze it out from time to time. To completely remove all traces of soda, you need to close the tray, lid and turn on the quick wash mode. All. This completes the first part of cleaning the automatic washing machine with soda ash.

Cleaning with soda ash

The main problem that arises when operating automatic washing machines is the formation of scale on the parts. Also, if you do not strictly follow the operating instructions for the equipment, an unpleasant odor may develop over time. All mechanisms can be cleaned using soda ash. Using soda ash, you can clean your washing machine efficiently; it also has a lower cost compared to special products sold in retail outlets, but it is no less effective.

To get rid of mold and plaque on the parts of the washing machine and the unpleasant odor you need:

  1. Make a soda solution. To do this, I mix one part baking soda and one part water.
  2. The resulting mixture is applied directly to the drum and around the rubber cuff. Most mold forms in the folds of the cuff. You need to work with rubber gloves. Baking soda can cause skin irritation.
  3. The product should be kept for about half an hour.
  4. Using a sponge, remove dirt from the parts of the washing machine along with the soda solution.
  5. We turn on the washing machine for a quick wash without items.

Effective methods for cleaning a washing machine

How to clean a washing machine?

Dealing with the smell can be difficult, but it is still possible. To do this, you should get used to giving your assistant a thorough cleaning from time to time.

For this you will need:

  • Rubber gloves (household gloves, which can be purchased at the household goods department, or non-sterile medical gloves)
  • Soft cloth, sponge and moisture-absorbing wipes.
  • Cotton swabs, old toothbrush.
  • Soda Ash.
  • Table vinegar (9%).
  • Lemon acid.


Soda is a real treasure for housewives, because it has been one of the most common cleaning products since the times of our great-grandmothers.

Everyone who has ever tried to remove grease and scale from dirty dishes, as well as other cutlery and household appliances knows about its unique properties.

Soda is successfully used in the preparation of various dishes (often to create “airiness” in baked goods), as well as for removing stains from clothes, and as a bleach.

We present you with some effective tips on how to clean your washing machine:

  1. Take rubber gloves and put them on before starting cleaning to avoid possible allergic reactions.

  2. Mix soda and water to obtain a homogeneous mass (1:1).
  3. Apply the resulting mixture to those places where mold most often appears (cuff folds, drum, laundry detergent tray). To clean hard-to-reach areas of the washing machine, use an old brush and cotton swabs.
  4. Leave the solution on the parts for about 30-35 minutes.
  5. Next, use a sponge or soft cloth to wipe the stained areas with special care.
  6. Turn on the quick wash program. To clean the washing machine, it is better not to throw laundry into the hatch, but to run the wash cycle empty.

Why soda specifically?

As we said above, soda is an indispensable assistant in every person’s life. Most often, soda comes in three types:

  1. Food (used in cooking, for baking and other confectionery products).

  2. Calcified. Contains strong alkalis.
  3. Caustic (used in industrial enterprises, has pronounced alkaline properties).

By the way, this explains its brilliant properties as a cleaner. Soda can perfectly clean the bathroom, plumbing fixtures, tiles, dishes, tiles, and clothes.

It is also used as a water softener. If you always wash in hard water, then over time scale will begin to settle on the internal parts of the machine. To avoid this problem when washing, add a little soda to the powder. It’s worth considering what items you wash.

If you wash silk in your machine, then leave these preventive measures for future washing.

Soda is a fairly aggressive product that should be used extremely carefully, and not exceeding the required volume.

Lemon acid

How else can you clean your washing machine?

Excellent cleaning of your washing machine can be done not only using soda, but also other folk remedies.

For example, cleaning a washing machine with citric acid.

To clean the tank this way, you will need approximately 200 grams of citric acid.

Pour the required amount into the washing machine tank itself (or you can also pour it into the powder tray - it all depends on what exactly you want to clean).

Some people prefer freshly squeezed lemon juice, thinking that this will help them clean their washing machine much more effectively.

But this is a myth: the juice has a concentration lower than that of powdered acid, and it is unlikely that it will cope with limescale and scale.

Table vinegar

Also, one of the most effective combinations of several components for cleaning the internal contents of the washing machine is table vinegar.

You need to pour it into the powder tray and run the longest wash cycle at the highest temperature.

Washing is done empty, without adding detergents and laundry.

After an hour, stop the process, wait an hour and continue washing again. Once the cycle is complete, clean individual dirty parts with a brush or small brush. This is necessary to remove any remaining scale.

After completing the procedure, wipe all elements with soft napkins or a cloth. Leave the drum open so that it can ventilate and after a certain period of time the smell of vinegar will ventilate.

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