How to effectively poison cockroaches in an apartment yourself: drugs and folk remedies

Reasons for the appearance of insects in the house

Where do cockroaches come from in an apartment?
Most often, mustachioed aggressors appear in premises where there is something to eat, and hygiene rules are not always followed. Sometimes insects enter apartments with perfect order. The reasons for the appearance of pests are as follows: control of cockroaches from neighbors on other floors;
the habit of leaving unwashed dishes in the sink and on kitchen cabinets; residents are not annoyed by a poorly cleaned table: leftover food, spilled tea, crumbs; insects enter the home from other premises during the delivery of furniture and household goods.

Prevention against cockroaches

Prevention against cockroaches helps prevent an increase in the number of pests and serves as an effective measure of protection against them.

  • Clean up spilled liquids and fallen food crumbs immediately.
  • Use a trash can with a lid and throw away trash daily.
  • Do not leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight; wash them immediately.
  • Store food in containers and places that are difficult for insects to reach.
  • In summer, install mosquito nets on opening windows.
  • Cover the vents with an additional layer of fine mesh to prevent insects from getting through.

In some cases, repair is one of the most effective preventive measures. The fewer cracks, crumbling walls, peeling wallpaper and leaking water pipes in your home, the less comfortable the environment for cockroaches.

How to find a nest

Cockroaches themselves are timid creatures; they try to stay away from human eyes and direct rays of light. Strong lighting directly signals them about danger, so they try to stay in the shade and live in dark, damp, cluttered places.

To find out if there are cockroaches in the house, go into the kitchen or bathroom in the middle of the night. If there are insects, at least one will still catch your eye. And where there is one, there is a whole colony. You can also find the products of their vital activity - feces, they look like dark brown small spots. They can be seen in different drawers, at the joints of doors, under the sink. When a colony of cockroaches grows, a specific unpleasant odor appears in the apartment.

Since cockroaches need darkness, warmth, water and food, the best places to hide are the bathroom, toilet and, of course, the kitchen. In the kitchen, they most often live under the sink, refrigerator, inside kitchen furniture and some electrical appliances.

Their flattened body shape allows them to inhabit cracks in baseboards, floors, behind hanging cabinets, in ventilation, near pipes, under bathtubs and even under wallpaper. If the house is old, then there will be several times more cracks and other defects suitable for living parasites.

Since the first time after the “housewarming”, cockroaches are very careful, you need to carefully inspect every corner (not skipping the bedroom, the passer-by) for the presence of them or traces of their vital activity.

To kill cockroaches in hard-to-reach areas, you can use a steam generator.

Where do cockroaches come from?

Domestic cockroaches are a problem in apartment buildings and dormitories. They visit private houses less often and it is easier to drive them out of there. And in human anthills there is freedom for pests: you can travel to different apartments to find a better shelter. There is always water and food, a comfortable temperature and many secluded corners.

Where can cockroaches come from?

  1. If your house has a garbage disposal, then sooner or later you will see barbels, if not at home, then definitely in the entrance.
  2. Usually insects come from neighbors. And not necessarily from loved ones: pests travel freely through ventilation shafts, penetrate through cracks in walls and doors, and can crawl along the facade of a house.
  3. They sneak in from outside, for example, your guests bring them, or you yourself can bring a couple of individuals from vacation.

If you notice one Prussian, then perhaps it is a scout. He separates from the main colony to find a new suitable home for it. The main population will follow in his wake. So take immediate action.

Are cockroaches dangerous for people and animals?

You should not take your proximity to cockroaches lightly. They are dangerous. And not only for humans, but also for pets.

The destruction of parasites must be started immediately after their detection, because they:

  1. They carry pathogens that can cause diseases such as hepatitis, tuberculosis, meningitis, intestinal infections, etc., as well as helminth eggs.
  2. They are a source of allergens. The excrement of pests, their shed chitinous cover, and the dried bodies of dead individuals are mixed with dust and enter the human skin or respiratory tract, causing allergic rhinitis, bronchial asthma, and dermatitis.
  3. They are capable of crawling into human natural openings at night - the nasal or ear canal. They cannot come back out, and the presence of a foreign living body in the ear or nostril causes pain and irritation of the nasal mucosa or the walls of the ear canal.
  4. They can bite a person. This rarely happens, only in cases where the pest is experiencing a shortage of fluid and food. Mechanical damage from bites is not so terrible; what is much worse is that pathogenic bacteria can enter the bloodstream and cause a dangerous disease.

Pets can also be harmed by cockroaches. This most often occurs when chemicals were used to kill parasites. Even after death, an insect carries a danger, because many insecticides work on the principle of accumulation. For this reason, the pest’s body contains a poisonous filling, which, when it enters the stomach of a pet, can cause permanent poisoning.

Using insecticides?

The insecticides offered by manufacturers today have many qualities that were simply incompatible until recently. For example, they affect insects through the respiratory system, and not by contact. In addition, many of the drugs are relatively safe for humans.

Modern insecticidal methods of controlling cockroaches can be classified as follows:

  • Gels. One of the most convenient forms of drug release. There is no need to remove people from the premises or treat all surfaces. It is enough to apply the product in the corners of the room. The gels work effectively and can be used without making changes to your family’s lifestyle. Typically, it takes several weeks to kill the insects. The gels “Sturm”, “Globol”, “Fas”, “Brownie”, “Raptor” are widely used today. Gels are inexpensive and can be used in rooms for a wide variety of purposes.
  • Aerosols. Such drugs are distinguished not only by their effectiveness, but also by their speed of action. The most famous of them are “Executioner”, “Tetrix”, “Raid”, “Combat”, “Fufanon”, “Raptor”, etc. After treating the room, cockroaches die within one to two hours. However, for this it is necessary to remove people and pets from the premises and isolate aquariums and terrariums. The use of drugs is not only quite labor-intensive, but also expensive.
  • Powders. In colloquial speech they are often called “dusts”. This means of fighting cockroaches combines the disadvantages and advantages of previous means: they do not interfere with people’s presence in the room, they are in the middle price category, insect control is not carried out instantly, but over the course of several months. The most widely used powders are “Pyrethrum”, “Clean House”, “Raptor”, “Brownie”.
  • Pencils or crayons. Their most famous representative is the Mashenka chalk. They are quite effective, but require care when using. Their main advantage is their cost.

Effective chemical preparations

In the modern world there are a huge number of different chemical preparations that have proven themselves to be effective means in the war against insects. When choosing a chemical, it is necessary to pay attention not only to cost, effectiveness and speed of action, but also to safety not only for people, but also for pets, and in some cases ajax and plants.


This is the most common option for fighting insects, especially with a large invasion. This method has a lot of undeniable advantages, including speed of action. Almost all modern aerosols are sold in a ready-to-use form, but there are also those that require prior dissolution in water.

Modern, more expensive drugs do not have an unpleasant and pungent odor, like, for example, Dixlofos, or even vice versa, they have a pleasant odor. When treating a room with such products, it is best to remove animals and children from the room, ideally for a day, and then carry out a wet cleaning.

To get rid of cockroaches in an apartment, they most often use: “Raptop”, “Dichlovos”, Combat, “Regent” or Get. On average, the price for one aerosol varies within 200 rubles.


These products are often used in residential premises where people live permanently. Gels are easily applied/removed from almost any surface without leaving any traces behind. Thanks to their relative safety, they can be used in apartments where animals and small children live.

To prevent them from getting into food by mistake, a special component is added to their composition, which, when it hits the taste receptors, begins to become very bitter, so animals and children are unlikely to confuse the gel with something tasty.

A similar product must be applied to all places where insects appear. This is done in small portions (drops) at a step distance of 10-15 centimeters.

The main negative point is the impossibility of processing the entire room. The product is not effective against cockroaches that hide in hard-to-reach places, or against egg laying. Among other things, the effect of use occurs only 7-10 days after use.

To get rid of cockroaches once and for all, you need to use the gel in combination with other remedies. Among the most popular drugs are O, Global, Doxlox and Raptop. On average, their price is about 150 rubles.


The safest method of getting rid of insects (and not just cockroaches) is a trap. The main advantage of this control option is that the traps can be used in residential areas where there are animals and children. Among other things, one cannot help but say about the large assortment of traps to choose from. Their prices vary depending on their quality and effectiveness.

Traps will be most effective only if the cockroaches choose your place of residence as a transit base, and not to move to it for permanent residence. Traps are placed next to all possible cracks, ventilation shafts, and water pipes. Among the most popular are “Kombat”, “Doxlox” and “Raptop”, and the average price fluctuates around 180 rubles.


Chalks are an effective remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, which has been known for a long time as a universal remedy for insects. The main advantage is ease of application, low cost and effectiveness.

There are some small details and shortcomings, among which we can note the impossibility of completely processing the entire room. The treatment needs to be repeated systematically, but, among other things, white chalk stripes on the floor, walls or furniture spoil the aesthetic appearance of the room. The most popular are Tornado and the famous “Mashenka”. The cost of such products often does not exceed 20-50 rubles.


Just like crayons, powders have long been known as an accessible and inexpensive means for treating premises. Thanks to their harmlessness, they are almost completely safe for children and animals, which is why they can be used in residential premises.

It is necessary to understand that this is far from the most effective option for fighting cockroaches. The powder needs to be systematically updated, plus everything else, it is unlikely to show its effectiveness in the event of a large accumulation of insects in the house.

The most commonly used are “Super Fas”, “Clean House”, “Tornado” and “Phoenax”, the cost of which varies within 100 rubles.

Ultrasonic repellers

To find out how to destroy cockroaches in an apartment forever, it is necessary to consider a modern ultrasonic repeller option. The main advantage can be noted that it is absolutely harmless for people, but it can negatively affect pets. It is also worth noting that such products are intended only to repel, but not to destroy cockroaches. Plus, everything else cannot be said with complete confidence that the repeller is quite effective.

The price of such a means of struggle is much higher than the cost of many other options and is around 900 rubles.

Special preparations

Cockroaches die from various substances. Sellers of similar products will help you choose a product for a specific case. At the same time, it is necessary to post all the information about who lives in the apartment and whether there are children or pets. Quite often, the use of chemicals is undesirable for a number of reasons, so you will have to make do with folk remedies and preventive measures.


Modern Dichlorvos is not the same drug that was produced 30 years ago. The modern spray contains two active ingredients - permethrin and cypermethrin, as well as amephatic carbohydrates, preservatives and auxiliary components. Pyrethroids are drugs of average toxicity class, but this is quite enough to kill insects.

The aerosol contains another toxic substance - pineronyl butoxide, which is dangerous to humans. In this regard, the use of Dichlorvos requires compliance with safety measures.

For effective control, first of all, you need to destroy insect nests, as well as treat places where pests accumulate. It is possible to use “Dichlorvos” and long-term agents, such as insecticidal gels, which allows you to permanently get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood in the apartment. In this case, the processing can be repeated.


The gel contains an active substance called fipronil and is considered very effective against cockroaches. Insects begin to die 8 hours after contact with the drug. The substance does not pose a great danger to people and pets, but this does not mean that safety precautions should not be observed when using it. It is also convenient to use, since the drug is placed in a convenient tube packaging with a syringe-shaped spout. This makes it easy to apply the substance in hard-to-reach places. In addition, the drug is inexpensive. For one tube weighing 20 grams it is enough to pay 50 rubles.

At the same time, you need to know that with frequent use of Dohlox-gel, cockroaches begin to get used to it. Therefore, to ensure the destruction of these unpleasant insects, Dohlox-gel should be alternated with other drugs.

Xulate C25

Main characteristics of the product:

  • price (50 ml) – 790 rubles;
  • release form - microencapsulated drug, you can purchase the product in a bottle made of dark plastic, but there is also a canister made of white polymer material;
  • poisonous substance – chlorpyrifos;
  • concentration – 25%;
  • hazard class – 3.

The drug is universal, acts on all insects. When studying the question of what exterminators poison cockroaches with, one of the first remedies they pay attention to is Xulat, since it retains its properties for six months. Working solution recipe:

  1. You will need: a container for mixing ingredients, water - 1 liter, 3-16 g of the drug.
  2. The components are mixed until the solution reaches a uniform consistency.
  3. The product is irrigated on hard surfaces using a sprayer.


The drug with a pleasant odor is harmful to adults. The white powder is in bags, each weighing 10 g. Disinsection is carried out with a solution prepared on the basis of the drug. Manufacturers also offer long-acting Fas gel. Active ingredients: thiamethoxane and pyrethroid.

The composition contains additives that simplify the preparation of the solution. The product is toxic: if it enters the stomach, poisoning is possible. The treatment is carried out in protective clothing; a respirator and special glasses are required.

Important! The drug does not affect cockroach eggs; the treatment is carried out several times.


Main characteristics of the product:

  • price (5 bottles of 6 ml) – 400 rubles;
  • release form - container made of opaque white plastic, liquid concentrate;
  • active ingredient – ​​fenthion;
  • concentration – 27.5%;
  • hazard class – 3.

The drug is odorless and effective against various insects. Does not last long - up to 12 days after treatment. The concentrate is used to prepare a solution:

  1. Take: a container for mixing the components, 1 liter of water, 40 ml of the drug.
  2. The product is diluted with water, then stirred for 5 minutes. After this, spray treatment is carried out. Substance consumption – from 50 to 100 ml/sq.m. m.


New generation insecticide. It is a rebranding of the semi-professional Gett product and is available in the form of granules. The granules contain a highly concentrated, broad-spectrum toxin. The product can be used not only against cockroaches, but also against other pests - ants, bedbugs, fleas and so on.

The active substance of the drug is chlorpyrifos. This drug is practically harmless to humans and pets.

The product is used as follows: it is diluted in water in a concentration of one to ten and sprayed over the surface using a spray bottle. Potential places where cockroaches gather and their possible routes of movement are subject to treatment. These areas should not be washed or otherwise treated for a month. Half of the insects die within the first week, the rest die within about a month.

In addition, the product is used in high concentrations to create baits. They can be made, for example, from bread, breadcrumbs obtained from rolls, or porridge. The simultaneous use of spraying and bait increases the effectiveness of the drug several times.


  • high efficiency
  • low toxicity
  • no odor


  • high price

In addition, the effect of the drug has a significant duration over time. In this case, an artificial “barrier” is created that prevents the listed types of pests from entering the house for quite a long time.


Main characteristics:

  • price – 2300 rub.;
  • release form - a bottle made of white polymer material;
  • active ingredient – ​​chlorpyrifos;
  • concentration – 48%;
  • hazard class – 2.

The drug kills any insects. If you are wondering what exterminators use to poison cockroaches in your apartment, you should pay attention to this product.

The main advantage is protection for 1-2 months.

Preparation of the solution:

  1. You will need: a container for mixing the components, 1 liter of water, 5-10 ml of the drug.
  2. Dilute the concentrate with liquid and mix thoroughly. To do this, use a spray or spray bottle.
  3. They treat walls (up to 1 m), ventilation, the area under the bathroom, sink - next to the trash can, behind household appliances.


The drug is a direct analogue of the drug Medilis Cyper discussed above. Main parameters:

  • price (50 ml) – 250 rubles;
  • release form – transparent plastic bottle, liquid concentrate;
  • active ingredient – ​​cypermethrin;
  • concentration – 25%;
  • hazard class – 3.

The drug is universal, it has a specific smell, so after use it is necessary to ventilate the room for a long time. To prepare the solution, use the following recipe as a basis:

  1. You will need: a container for mixing the components, liquid – 1 l, concentrate – 5-15 ml.
  2. The solution is used to treat contaminated surfaces where traces of cockroaches are visible. The product evenly covers furniture, floors, and walls; to achieve this result, use a spray bottle.


The German manufacturer claims that one drop of this gel can poison five hundred cockroaches. The active ingredient is chlorpyrifos, which acts on the nervous system of insects, and they are no longer able to bother anyone. The gel is absolutely harmless to mammals, which makes pet owners very happy.

This gel is long lasting. The cockroach does not die immediately, but spreads the “infection”, infecting other individuals. The peak of the epidemic occurs within 24 hours, but the entire family will finally die in a week or two.

It is recommended to apply the product to paper strips and place them in suspicious places. After two weeks, you can repeat the treatment to consolidate the result (do not forget about the offspring).

Price – 280 rubles.


Easy to use, the toxic pencil is often purchased by apartment owners where a lot of cockroaches have accumulated. The drug acts quickly, pests drop dead and crawl out of the most secluded corners within 15–20 minutes after treatment. The effect of the composition lasts from 7 to 9 days, if necessary, treatment is carried out again. Active ingredients: zetacypermethrin and deltamethrin.

The drug belongs to toxicity class 4, the harmful effects on humans and animals are minimal. The undoubted advantage is ease of use. Continuous lines can be drawn on any surface, around the perimeter of showers, cabinet doors, floors, and furniture.

Clean house

A fairly effective remedy for getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment. It has a powerful poisonous effect. It is used both to combat cockroaches and bedbugs, flies, and fleas. Low consumption at a low price (5 grams of powder are required per 1 m2). The result occurs within 24 hours and lasts up to 1 month.


  • fast-acting remedy;
  • reliability;
  • low consumption;
  • small price.


  • high toxicity;
  • the need for thorough cleaning after use.


The French manufacturer threw all his strength into the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, but quite by accident discovered that the product he created was very effective for fighting cockroaches.

The active ingredient is fipronil. By the way, the cockroach doesn’t even need to try the “treat”; it can be absorbed into its body even through the surface of its shell.

What do we have to do? The substance is dissolved in water according to the instructions. The stronger the concentration, the greater the lethal effect. And then you pour the liquid into a bottle and spray it on the hot spots. It is advisable to wear a gas mask and a protective rubber suit, but if you don’t have one, you can get by with ordinary rubber gloves, goggles and a mask (even a scuba diver’s mask will do).

It is better to remove children and pets from the premises in advance; you should not leave other family members. After an hour and a half or two, the apartment needs to be thoroughly ventilated and accessible areas washed.

Price – 3,150 rubles per hundred gram jar.


The aerosol is simply lethal - insects have absolutely no chance of survival. A very convenient nozzle makes it possible to spray the drug even in hard-to-reach places.

Unfortunately, the product is very toxic and has an unpleasant odor. It is recommended to spray it while wearing a mask and be sure to leave the room for several hours, then ventilate and wash all surfaces.

It is the brainchild of Henkel, which also produces other forms of insecticides - traps and gels. Plastic traps with poison inside are very popular among the population. The cockroach eats the poison and then infects hundreds of other individuals, including its own offspring.

The quality is quite consistent with the price. The price for an aerosol is 300 rubles, for a package of six traps – 450 rubles.

Cockroaches in the house

Cockroaches can become a real scourge for a house, apartment or other premises where people spend their time. If such “neighbors” appear in your home, it will not be easy to get rid of them. As soon as these insects appear in any room where there are favorable conditions for them, they begin to multiply at incredible speed.

It is known that there are more than five thousand species of these insects in the world, but literally several species inhabit Russian houses. You can see photos of different types of cockroaches below.

Types of cockroaches

Cockroaches are characterized by the following set of features by which they can be easily recognized:

  • oval and oblong body, the length of which can range from 4 millimeters to 10 centimeters;
  • triangular and flat head (sometimes may be heart-shaped);
  • the mouth opening of the cockroach is turned down and covered with a special shield-like formation;
  • Cockroaches have gnawing mouthparts.

Cockroaches are insects that like to live in warm and humid areas and are also extremely mobile. Most often, they show their activity at night, and that is why we often do not notice them right away, but only discover them when they have already managed to significantly increase in number. During the daytime, insects prefer to hide in various crevices, in furniture and behind tile protrusions.

The largest cockroach known to science is the Madagascar cockroach. Fortunately, this type of view appears extremely rarely in apartments. However, it is worth imagining how unpleasant it will be to find several representatives of this large species at home, which will begin to multiply quickly. In our homes, as a rule, there are two types of cockroaches - the black cockroach and the red cockroach (aka the Prussian). Black cockroaches are also known as “kitchen cockroaches” due to the fact that this is their favorite place to live in the house.

The black cockroach is a larger species than the red one. Its body can reach a length of 2.5-3 centimeters. Redheads are almost two times smaller. The oblong, flattened body gives insects the opportunity to deftly “sneak” into various crevices. The structure of the legs allows them to climb steep surfaces and penetrate into the room with the help of ventilation and other communication openings.

How do cockroaches get into the house?

Apartment owners who have had experience in “smoking out” cockroaches from their own homes probably remember that these insects are capable of running extremely fast. In each specific case, it is difficult to say where the unexpected “guests” came from. Among the reasons for their appearance in human housing are the following:

  • unwashed dishes that constantly remain in the sink;
  • Garbage that was not taken out on time, including food waste;
  • defector cockroaches that come into the home from neighbors who have problems with these insects.

In addition, there is an additional threat of cockroaches for those owners who live near cafes and other catering establishments. Sometimes people bring cockroaches in bags or bags from work. Thus, we can say that pests can appear in the house for various reasons. The first method that will allow you to protect yourself from their occurrence is clean dishes, a tidy table and timely discarded food waste.

If at least one cockroach has entered your house, then the likelihood that their number will soon increase many times over is very high. It happens that insects appear even in those houses whose owners are quite clean. After cockroaches appear in such a house, the owners begin to shrug their shoulders, not understanding what caused the appearance of unwanted “guests.”

Reproduction of cockroaches

Understanding this process is quite important for owners of apartments and houses, as it will help to understand how cockroaches live, and, therefore, how to deal with them. Experts report that a female cockroach gives birth to up to forty new individuals at a time. The exact number depends on how many individuals are contained in the egg that the female carries. Visually, the egg looks more like a bag. Many apartment owners have probably seen a female with an egg quickly moving around the furniture.

As a rule, the female manages to lay up to four clutches, after which her biological death occurs. It is quite difficult to detect cockroach larvae in the house. The situation is further aggravated by the fact that cockroaches are able to reproduce all year round, flooding the apartment with young individuals. Among the peculiarities of their existence is also the fact that these insects are able to leave specific traces in the apartment, which allow other individuals of their species to find food, water and shelter.

Getting rid of cockroaches is often quite difficult. It is worth noting that even expensive products designed to combat them are not always able to help solve the cockroach problem. Experts recommend preventing the appearance of cockroaches in the house by taking all possible measures, since it will be difficult for unwanted neighbors to survive later.

The fact that cockroaches can spoil food is not known to everyone. Many people believe that cockroaches feed exclusively on crumbs and leftover food, but these insects can also damage food wrapped in a thin shell. In addition, cockroaches often damage the following products:

  • leather goods;
  • books;
  • houseplants;
  • greenhouse plants;
  • wallpaper and paper products.

Those Prussians who begin to feed on feces become carriers of serious diseases, which is why it is necessary to protect your home as much as possible from the appearance of these insects. Let us remind you that worm eggs can get into your home precisely “thanks to” cockroaches.

Lifespan of cockroaches

Many people probably know the joke that cockroaches appeared in the world before dinosaurs and were able to survive, outliving the extinct reptiles by many tens of millennia. This joke perfectly reflects the essence of cockroaches, namely the vitality and adaptive properties of these insects. Naturally, for the appearance of pests, a certain minimum of conditions is necessary, which makes their existence possible. Among the main conditions for the existence of cockroaches:

  • presence of water;
  • presence of food.

The lifespan of cockroaches depends on whether there is food. Red cockroaches can survive without food for up to 30 days, and kitchen cockroaches can last up to 70 days. Hungry and limited in food, they become even more dangerous, because they not only begin to feed on their fellow creatures, but can also bite the owners of the apartment.

One of the interesting facts about cockroaches is that these insects can live without a head. Insect researchers report that a cockroach that for some reason ends up without a head can live up to several weeks. How does this happen?

This is due to the fact that a cockroach whose head is removed develops a special clot. Breathing is carried out through small holes that are located throughout his body. Even if the head of a cockroach is removed, this insect will be able to navigate due to the fact that it still has elementary reflexes. This “headless” life can last up to several weeks.

Scientists have also been able to prove that cockroaches have excellent memory. This means that the loss of the head leads to the fact that the insect will be less able to navigate in space. However, such cockroaches almost completely lose the ability to learn.

How do cockroaches bite?

As already noted above, cockroaches are capable of biting people when they are hungry or lack moisture to maintain their viability. Naturally, this does not happen due to any abnormal aggressiveness, but because in this way they are trying to compensate for the lack of nutrition.

Most often, cockroaches bite people on the following parts of the body:

  • lips, eyelids, elbows, knees (cockroaches bite off pieces of skin);
  • the skin around the eyes and lips during sleep (mostly children and women are affected by such attacks);
  • epidermis in the nasolabial fold.

It is worth noting that cockroach bites are not only unpleasant, but can become inflamed. In addition, sometimes bites can become infected due to the infections that household pests carry. Moreover, cockroaches can bite the eyelashes and eyebrows of sleeping children, as well as damage calluses and small wounds in children and adults.

Cockroaches sometimes feed on secretions left on the human body, such as saliva, eye discharge, and even excrement. In general, we can say that a cockroach bite is not nearly as safe as many people think. Swelling and inflammation are common consequences after a bite from this insect.

Allergic reactions to cockroaches

Cockroaches often cause allergies in their “owners”. As a rule, allergens enter the human body in several ways:

  • inhalation;
  • contact;
  • along with food.

Doctors say that more than half of patients suffering from bronchial asthma are allergic to these insects. People who are allergic to these insects may end up with the following problems:

  • attacks of suffocation in places where cockroaches live;
  • feeling faint while cleaning a room filled with cockroaches.

To avoid allergies as a result of contact with cockroaches, you must adhere to the following safety rules:

  • take care of the plumbing in good condition;
  • Wash and put dishes away in the designated place on time;
  • throw out garbage, because insects live where there is something to eat (including in garbage containers);
  • Keep your trash can or trash container tightly closed to prevent food scraps from attracting cockroaches.

The above tips will allow you to be safe from the appearance of Prussians if your house is still clear of them, and will also help prevent the reappearance of insects after you have managed to get rid of them.

Places where cockroaches hide

Most of us know what cockroaches look like, but spotting them right away is not so easy. As a rule, we notice cockroaches when they become full-fledged owners of our kitchen and begin to cause a lot of trouble. An owner who wants to understand whether there are cockroaches in his house can use tips to detect insects. So, to find these pests in your home, pay attention to the following signs:

  • furniture and tiles are covered with black dots (these are cockroach feces);
  • a specific smell accompanying cockroaches is detected in the kitchen or other room;
  • corners, crevices and cracks are filled with cockroach eggs.

It often happens that the owner, who has the opportunity to see all of the above with his own eyes, does not pay attention to it until the cockroaches begin to scour the apartment in whole schools.

Remember that if traces of at least one cockroach were found in the house, then you must take measures to combat them. First, carefully inspect the kitchen, trying to find traces of insects. Wash all dishes and kitchen utensils to make sure there are no food residues on them that could serve as food for pests. You also need to inspect all products to make sure that cockroaches have not spoiled them and will not feed on them in the future.

If you notice that cockroaches have settled in your home, then you should not put the matter off. Remember that the sooner you eliminate these insects, the less harm they will cause to the health of the entire family and the integrity of the home.

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Folk remedies

Use your own prepared cockroach repellents in your apartment, choosing the most effective ones, conveniently at home along with purchased medications. To prevent the mustachioed from becoming addictive, alternate the compositions.


By removing access to drinking and food, you can deprive the Prussians of warmth in winter. Freezing is used for destruction.

Turn off the heating system, open all windows and doors wide and allow the apartment and everything in it to freeze.

For the creatures to die, the temperature must drop to -10 degrees Celsius and remain this way for at least three hours.

This method is difficult to implement in a city apartment, since individual heating in such rooms is still rare.

In addition, it is difficult to qualitatively reduce the temperature here. Nothing will prevent some of the insects from hiding deeper in the ventilation, hiding in holes on the warm wall, and returning when the procedure is completed.

But in a private home or country house, such an event can be quite effective.

Sugar and soda

Sugar attracts insects. By itself, it is not harmful, so it must be mixed with a substance that is poisonous to cockroaches, for example, soda.

  1. Combine baking soda with granulated sugar, using equal amounts of each component.
  2. Place in the paths along which cockroaches move.

Since the mixture turns out sticky, it is better to scatter it on a sheet of paper.


Perhaps the best remedy for getting rid of cockroaches in an apartment. Boric acid is popularly called borax. The chemical is toxic to living organisms. In its pure form, the acid does not attract cockroaches, so it is added to the bait.

  1. Combine 100 gr. borax, 30 gr. powdered sugar and starch.
  2. Moisten a little with water.
  3. Make small balls.
  4. Place in pest habitats.

Soda and potatoes

Sodium bicarbonate is effective in eliminating insects due to its ability to release carbon dioxide.

Baking soda does not attract insects. Therefore, it must be added to edible bait, for example, to boiled potatoes.

  1. Mix baking soda with mashed potatoes.
  2. Roll into balls.
  3. Place treats in areas where cockroaches have been spotted.
  4. Change bait every day.
  5. The reaction in the insect’s body begins after 2-3 days.

Soda is absolutely safe for humans. But if you have pets in your home, do not let them eat the bait.

Tar soap

You can drive away insects with well-whipped soap foam. It should be applied liberally to baseboards and other places where insects are expected to live. Cockroaches suffocate in an alkaline environment and soon die.

Residents who are concerned about how to get rid of cockroaches forever are unlikely to benefit from this method. It is quite labor intensive and does not guarantee 100% results.


A remedy for cockroaches in an apartment, which has a pungent odor, is considered the most effective at home. Mustached ones cannot stand the smell of ammonia. It is used pure or diluted.

  1. In its pure form, ammonia is drawn into a syringe and sprayed into hard-to-reach places.
  2. You can also pour the concentrate onto small rags and spread them over the infected areas.
  3. When diluted with warm water, the solution is used to wash floors and furniture.

Ammonia quickly disappears, so treatment must be carried out daily.

Kerosene or turpentine

An effective repellent. It is enough to treat the contaminated surfaces with kerosene or turpentine, the result will not be long in coming. The mustaches cannot stand these odors and quickly leave their settled places.

There is also a significant drawback. If cockroaches live with neighbors, then there is a high probability that after the treatment is stopped they will return.


Folk remedies, such as vinegar, have been used against cockroaches in apartments for a long time.

  1. Rub vinegar on thresholds, baseboards, kitchen furniture, trash cans, as well as pipes under the sink, bathtub and behind the toilet.
  2. After treatment, it is better to close the room tightly and not enter until disinfestation is completed.
  3. After completing the process, the room should be well ventilated.

You can take either 9% vinegar or highly concentrated essence (diluted with water).


There are a lot of onion recipes. Let us bring to your attention the most common one.

  1. Chop 2 onions.
  2. Add 100 grams to it. wheat flour and powdered sugar.
  3. Add a packet of baking powder.
  4. Pour in 1 tbsp. l. vegetable oil.
  5. If the mixture is too dry, moisten it with water to obtain a dough consistency.
  6. Roll into balls and place in areas frequented by cockroaches.


In addition to strong odors, cockroaches cannot tolerate low temperatures. Already at -5 degrees they die. A similar method can be used to remove ants from the apartment.

If unwanted “tenants” move in during the winter, and you have the opportunity to leave your home for 1-2 days, act.

Remember that freezing temperatures can damage your heating system. Therefore, be sure to disconnect the batteries before leaving.


Essential oil is a natural repellent. The most popular esters in the fight against mustache are lemon, mint, cedar, eucalyptus and lavender.

When diluted, the mixture can be poured into a spray bottle and treated areas occupied by cockroaches.

It is important to consider that an allergy to oil is possible. In this case, it is better to use an alternative method.

How to get rid of cockroaches quickly, easily, forever

  1. Black dots. If small dark balls appear on dishes, kitchen shelves, or wallpaper, alas, they were left behind by cockroaches. This is what their waste products look like.
  2. Specific smell.
  3. Clutches with eggs in corners and crevices. If you find them, you can, of course, be glad that your apartment has officially received the “cockroach-friendly” status, but this also means that the insects will have to be removed twice. First, the main number of pests will be destroyed, then the hatched offspring.
  4. A personal meeting. Cockroaches are curious and sociable creatures, therefore, if you do not pay attention to the alarm bells described above, sooner or later they will make contact. Most often, black (up to 3 cm in length, kitchen) or red (up to 1.3 cm in length, Prussian) cockroaches appear in houses.
  1. You have a lot of delicious food. Cockroaches also love to eat. Only if you eat sandwiches in front of the computer, they are content with little: the remaining crumbs. And they also have enough open garbage bags or buckwheat scattered in the kitchen drawer.
  2. You have plenty of water available. A good lunch needs to be washed down. Therefore, puddles near the sink and a leaking shower stall will come in handy.
  3. Your neighbors have plenty of food and water. No matter how hard you try to destroy pests, all your efforts may be frustrated by the stubbornness of your dirty neighbors. If you can’t come to an agreement with them, it’s enough to seal your own home: eliminate cracks and cracks.
Boric acid is a strong poison for cockroaches. Once in the digestive tract of an insect, it affects its nervous system. The cockroach becomes paralyzed and dies from suffocation. It is best to use boric acid in powder; it can be bought at any pharmacy.

  • Sprinkle the powder along the cockroach paths: along baseboards, near watering places (toilet, sink, shower). It will settle on the insect's legs, and when the cockroach begins to clean them, it will end up in the stomach.
  • Make delicious baits: mix mashed potatoes, egg yolk, sugar or flour with boric acid and roll the resulting mass into balls. Place them wherever harmful barbels can run.

Ammonia has a strong odor that cockroaches do not like. Therefore, they tend to quickly leave the premises treated with this substance. To get rid of cockroaches, add ammonia to the water when cleaning floors, shelves, walls and ceilings.

Freezing. Cockroaches are cold-blooded creatures. They stop reproducing and weaken at temperatures below +7 °C. However, this method can only be used in winter, preferably in severe frost. It’s enough just to leave the windows wide open for a day (or better yet, two). It is necessary that all rooms freeze to –10–15 °C.

A trap will help if there are not many cockroaches. It can be done at home. Grease the inside of a wide-necked jar, deep enamel or glass bowl with oil, grease or petroleum jelly, and crumble bait into the bottom: cookies, bread, sugar. Insects will be drawn to the smell of something delicious, and then they will not be able to get out. You can also use a plastic bottle as a dangerous container: cut off the neck and, turning it over, insert it back like a funnel.

Leave the trap in the kitchen or bathroom overnight and be sure to kill the pests in the morning. They can be poured with boiling water or sprayed with insecticide.


The market is rich in a variety of specialized products: from sprays and crayons to nanotechnological lamps and traps. The main thing when working with such things is to carefully follow the instructions and do not forget about gloves and a protective mask.

How to get rid of cockroaches forever

If you live in a private house, it will be enough to thoroughly poison the insects once, and then regularly take preventive measures so that the insects do not come to visit in the future.

But if you are the happy owner of a home in an apartment building, you cannot do without coordinated actions with your neighbors. Agree with all residents and carry out pest control at the same time. Otherwise, it may happen that cockroach troops from another floor will enter your neutralized apartment again and again.

Preventive measures

  1. Keep your home tidy. To destroy pests, one single cleaning is not enough; it is necessary to clean regularly. Store food in an airtight container, remove crumbs from the table, and keep an eye on areas where pets eat. It would be a good idea to check your kitchen drawers for any spilled grains. It is advisable to wash dishes immediately after eating, rather than storing them in the sink with food leftovers inside.
  2. Take out the trash. Don't keep trash in the cabinet under the sink or stack overflowing bags by the front door. Get into the habit of regularly walking to trash cans (or the garbage disposal), and place a container with an airtight lid in the kitchen.
  3. Fix leaks in a timely manner. While cockroaches can survive for weeks without food, they cannot live even a day without water. Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check potentially dangerous places (toilet tank, sinks, pipe joints) for leaks. In addition, do not forget to wipe the surfaces in the bathroom dry after active bathing. Well, it’s better not to overuse the sailor’s method of washing floors (this is when a bucket of water is poured onto the deck at once).
  4. Repair cracks. If your neighbors are not clean, make sure your apartment is inaccessible. Inspect the walls, ceiling, corners of the room: there may be cracks. They should be puttied. Cover the ventilation holes with a special fine mesh, through which insects will not be able to crawl.

Do whiskered pests bother you? What methods do you use to protect your apartment from cockroaches? Share your tips in the comments.

Houseplants and herbs

Indoor plants emitting a strong aroma will quickly force cockroaches to leave the living space. Good protection against the invasion of household pests is provided by the presence in the apartment of:

  • geraniums;
  • red elderberry;
  • wormwood;
  • anise;
  • eucalyptus;
  • tansy;
  • wild rosemary;
  • honeysuckle;
  • lemon balm.

Such plants are considered medicinal. They are sold in pharmacies. They are dried before use as an insecticide. Then small bouquets are made and placed in areas where domestic parasites are concentrated. The technique is not very effective, but in combination with other measures, it has a right to exist.


Under this name lies a powder prepared from the inflorescences of a medicinal variety of chamomile. It is sold in pharmacies. This is an effective remedy for driving cockroaches out of an apartment. Pyrethrum is placed under the carpet, near the trash can, and laid out in the kitchen and rooms. It is most effective when used in combination with other types of baits, traps and poisons for cockroaches.

Bay leaf

The persistent smell of the spicy seasoning is intolerable to insects. Bay leaves can quickly expel domestic parasites from your home. You can set fire to a twig and fumigate your kitchen space with fragrant smoke. As a result, a certain amount of essential oil will be released, the smell of which is unpleasant to cockroaches.

Elderberry branches

The strong aroma of this plant repels household pests. To expel parasitic insects from the chosen living space, elderberry branches or flowers are laid out around the apartment. The method is not highly effective and should be used in combination with other options for exterminating Prussians.

Geranium branches

In a house where curly geranium grows, there are not only cockroaches, but also mosquitoes, flies, and other harmful insects. The pretty flower exudes a pleasant aroma for humans, but unbearable for parasites.

Weak points of cockroaches

But cockroaches also have vulnerabilities. Here are the main ones.

Critically dependent on water

Cockroaches cannot live for long without water - a week at most. Therefore, they like to live close to the sink, behind the refrigerator and along cold water pipes, where condensation collects. For the same reason, in houses with a damp basement, residents of the lower floors often suffer from cockroaches.

Water is essential for cockroaches. Below we will discuss how to use this wisely.

Afraid of the light

Cockroaches are nocturnal and hide during the day, as light serves as a danger signal for them. One of the factors for their favorable existence is the presence of shelters in which they can hide during the daytime.

These are cracks in baseboards and ceilings, loose edges of wallpaper, narrow spaces in places where door frames do not fit tightly or behind the back wall of hanging cabinets. The more such places in the apartment, the more comfortable cockroaches feel. And in a dilapidated housing stock with dry plank floors and cracked plaster, it’s a paradise for them.

But even with a fresh renovation, if the finishing elements have access to the spaces under the panels, cockroaches can find shelter.

Not resistant to inorganic compounds

This is good news for those who are thinking about how to get rid of cockroaches using folk remedies. Borax and boric acid are substances to which they never learned to adapt. Meanwhile, boron compounds, accumulating in the body of Prussians, gradually kill them and also undermine their ability to reproduce. These tools are worth using in your combat arsenal. Later I will tell you about effective ways to use them.

Prevention of occurrence

To prevent unpleasant neighbors from settling in with you, you should follow the following rules:

  • regular cleaning will prevent the accumulation of crumbs on the floor, which means cockroaches will have nothing to eat;
  • take out the garbage in the evening so as not to lure the Prussians with scraps;
  • all edibles should be kept in containers, bags or put away in a closet;
  • it is worth eliminating all leaks in the pipeline and taps;
  • Place a fine mesh grille over the ventilation hole;
  • From time to time, use some repellent techniques, for example, washing the floor with ammonia.

Tips from housewives

Before you poison cockroaches yourself with chemicals and toxic substances, you should acquire at least basic theoretical knowledge on the topic and ensure that you have the necessary protective equipment. Experienced housewives claim that mustachioed parasites cannot stand the smell of fresh lemon. By placing slices of this citrus in the kitchen, you can significantly reduce the number of Prussians.

Cockroaches are incredibly tenacious insects, which is reflected in their ability to quickly adapt to changing environmental conditions, including toxic substances. Therefore, it is not advisable to immediately use the entire arsenal of stored poisons. Control agents for mustachioed pests are introduced gradually as needed. The favorite refuge of parasites is the refrigerator. It is first subjected to disinfestation.

Traditional methods of getting rid of cockroaches

Folk methods of fighting cockroaches are based on age-old wisdom. By observing the behavior of insects and identifying their main triggers, people have figured out how to get rid of cockroaches for good. This is not to say that 100% success is guaranteed. Methods sometimes misfire. But if you are anti-chemical and don't trust ultrasound, take note of these options.

Freezing out an apartment

Pests do not tolerate cold well. At temperatures around 0C they feel comfortable, at temperatures below zero they begin to worry. If the thermometer drops to -10C, the parasites do not survive. Also, the entire clutch dies, new individuals are not hatched.

How to kill cockroaches by freezing?

  • Open the windows wide.
  • Turn off heating appliances.
  • Place parasite-infested items on the balcony.
  • If possible, leave the room: it will be cold.

After half an hour or an hour you can return: the insects are dead.

This method is environmentally friendly and simple, but does not always work. In the summer, when temperatures are above zero, freezing will not work for obvious reasons. It will not be possible to “keep out” insects in an apartment with central heating. Please note: cockroaches are smart and agile. If there is at least one heated zone in the apartment, all the parasites will flock there. Pests are ready to wait for warming for an hour, two, ten hours - as long as necessary. Even if a few cockroaches survive, they will breed around the apartment again.

Lack of water

Water is one of the few critically important products. Without it, a cockroach cannot survive. The method is effective and always works. Here's what to do.

  • Close all taps.
  • Wipe off any remaining moisture.
  • Make sure there are no leaks.

The pests will either die from dehydration or find another habitat.

But the result cannot be achieved in a few days. You will have to wait three to four months before the lack of moisture affects the cockroach’s body. Because and a person cannot live without using water for so long, this method cannot be used in residential premises. But if you are planning to go on a long vacation or go to relatives for temporary residence, use this method. When you return, you will not find a single parasite.


This flammable mixture does not kill insects: they will not drink kerosene, and the chitinous shell is impervious to the action of the components. But the smell of petroleum product is guaranteed to repel pests. What to do? Take a thick cloth and put on gloves. You will need a lot of kerosene: buy at least 500 ml. Coat all corners, baseboards, furniture joints, gaps between floorboards or parquet ribs. Treat the interior parts and shelves in cabinets, drawers, and cabinets. Pay attention to areas behind furniture and household appliances. Cockroaches often hide under bathtubs, sinks, behind trash cans, and under water pipes. Treat the walls and floor there.

The method is effective, but has specifics.

  • The smell of kerosene is unpleasant not only to cockroaches. People feel it too - and are rarely happy.
  • The aroma remains in the apartment for a long time. If you are allergic, anaphylactic shock is possible.
  • Furniture, clothing, and personal belongings are also saturated with the kerosene smell.
  • The mixture is flammable. Even a small spark leads to a fire.

If you decide to use kerosene, work only in PPE and stay away from open flames.

Homemade traps

To eradicate a cockroach population, you will need three things:

  • potent bait (honey, yeast, sweet juice, sugar, etc.);
  • sunflower/butter oil, petroleum jelly or similar substance;
  • bottle with a narrow, high neck.

Place bait at the bottom of the bottle. Lubricate the neck with oil or Vaseline. Leave the bottle upright. The best place for her is a dark, quiet part of the apartment. Because Cockroaches are most active at night, so you should use bait at this time of day. The next morning you will find parasites trapped at the bottom of the bottle.

If you don’t have a bottle, you can use tape, grease the cardboard with long-drying glue, syrup or thick honey. The cockroach's legs will stick to the substance and the pests will remain in place.

What's wrong with this option? It is impossible to exterminate the entire population. Cockroaches are smart, quickly understand what's going on, and learn to avoid traps. Also, the bait will not catch parasite eggs. Those. you can catch all the adults of the colony, but when the young cockroaches are born, everything will happen again.

Traps can be used as a preventative method. A scout cockroach that gets into an apartment by mistake will die at the bottom of a bottle and will not have time to inform its relatives about the location it has found.


Insects navigate by smell, so their sense of smell is subtle. The aromas of food and drink attract them, while strong odors repel them. How to get cockroaches out of your apartment forever? Use:

  • flowers (geranium and chamomile are ideal);
  • aromatic oils (spruce, eucalyptus, rosemary);
  • ground petrium;
  • ammonia.

Fresh flowers decorate the windowsill and make the apartment cozy.

Aromatic oils have a beneficial effect on health and soothe. They also disinfect the air in the apartment. Aroma oil is recommended for use during periods of outbreak of infectious diseases and for year-round prevention.

Petrium powder is made from dried aster plants. It smells like chrysanthemums or asters. Fans of these colors will like this method.

Ammonia is a medical preparation. It is used to bring the patient to his senses. In small doses, it causes a surge of vigor and relieves drowsiness.

The problem is that aromatic oils, floral scents and ammonia cannot be sniffed 24 hours a day. You need to ventilate the apartment and breathe fresh air. Reducing the concentration of aromatic substances also reduces the level of protection.

It is also important to understand: anti-cockroach aromatherapy works as a prevention. Those. it is not suitable for exterminating a population. Geranium, rosemary and petrium will not allow pests to enter the apartment, but if a cockroach crawls inside and is satisfied, the smell will not scare it. But in 99% of cases, a person will get a headache from constant strong aromas. The manifestation of an allergy is also possible.

Boric acid

How to remove cockroaches from an apartment with boric acid? After all, the chemical compound emits a strong aroma, and parasites are sensitive to it! There are several ways to eliminate the smell.

  • Boiled egg + boiled potatoes. Mix the ingredients with the acid and roll into balls.
  • Potatoes + kefir. Crush boiled potatoes with kefir and add boric acid.
  • Raw yolk + sugar + flour + water + acid. This is not only a good way to neutralize the aroma, but also a food bait for cockroaches.
  • Starch + vanilla + powdered sugar. Sugar and vanilla give off a strong odor that pests like. To roll into balls, add clean, unflavored water to the mixture.

Any of the mixtures listed will work. Make “pies” from the ingredients and spread the poison in places where cockroaches live: near trash cans, under the kitchen sink, in the bathroom, in the ventilation shaft. Parasites will gladly try a poisoned treat. Boric acid destroys the chitinous shell, paralyzes the pest’s nervous system, and blocks the respiratory tract. Result 100%.

But remember: acid is also harmful to mammals. If there are animals or children in the house, do not use this method. Unlike the gel, there is no bitterness in the “pies” with boric acid. The child will easily eat the treat - and maybe more than one.

Important: after any insecticidal treatment - with natural or chemical preparations - carry out a general cleaning of the apartment. Throw out the trash, wash the dishes, put food in sealed bags, and agree with your neighbors on a schedule for keeping the hallway clean. If you do this, you will get rid of cockroaches forever.

Bottom line

There are many ways to fight the Prussians and each is good in its own way. But when you need to take into account several factors (location, number of insects, children, animals), then when choosing a drug it is better to consult with specialists. Even though cockroaches quickly get used to some poisons, science does not stand still and over time new methods and means will appear. Finally, watch a video about the effect of some products on cockroaches.



How to remove black cockroaches from an apartment

If small cockroaches do not cause much panic among apartment owners, then large black ones cause real horror. These insects spread more than 50 diseases that are very dangerous to human health. How to deal with large cockroaches in an apartment so that over time there are no more of them?

The lifespan of a black cockroach reaches up to 2 years, while red cockroaches live 8-12 months. Fighting cockroaches can be a long and painful process; a lot of effort, nerves and time will be spent fighting these unpleasant neighbors. There are several chemical methods for cockroaches:

  1. Gels
  2. Aerosols
  3. Powders
  4. Crayons

As a rule, black cockroaches live in groups and when fighting insects it is important to find their shelter. If you pour boiling water over it, you can rid your home of insects for a long time. Also, black cockroaches are afraid of the cold, but they can only be frozen out in a separate low-rise building. To do this, in severe frost, you need to turn off the heating and leave the windows wide open for 1-2 days. At +5°C, black cockroaches hibernate, and at -7°C they die after 1 minute. Sewers are another favorite place for black cockroaches. They usually run out in the dark, so residents do not immediately find out how long ago cockroaches appeared in their house and how many there are. The solution to how to deal with sewer cockroaches lies in professional disinfestation with high-quality insecticides. Store-bought remedies will not save residents from a crowd of arthropods: in the end, they will develop immunity. There will always be a few surviving insects in the colony that have evaded the chemical. They will produce offspring that are resistant to the poison, and gels, aerosols, and sticky traps will no longer be useless. An effective control method to quickly get rid of black cockroaches in St. Petersburg and Leningrad. area, is professional pest control. Professional equipment and high-quality products used by specialists will help you get rid of cockroaches in your home forever.

How to deal with black and red cockroaches yourself

You can find a lot of pseudo-tips on the Internet, but none of them completely guarantee their disappearance. However, there is a list of certain substances that they cannot tolerate:

  • Bay leaf
  • sugar bait
  • sticky traps
  • boric acid

The smell of laurel scares off the Prussians and makes them flee from the place where it spreads. Bay leaves can be placed in areas where cockroaches appear. You can use whole leaves or grind them and leave them on paper. Laurel leaves can be replaced with lavender; cockroaches also do not like this smell.

A budget option for how to deal with red and black cockroaches in an apartment is to mix sugar with baking soda. Insects will come for sugar, and the toxic substances in soda kill insects in a matter of minutes. You can create a trap using glue. Wood and cardboard are favorite places for cockroaches to hang out, so you can take a piece of wood or cardboard and apply glue or duct tape to the surface. A piece of sugar is suitable for bait. After a short time, the sticky place will be strewn with insects that came running to the bait, but were unable to escape back because they were stuck. Boric acid can be used to create a toxic paste that instantly kills insects:

  1. Onion
  2. Art. flour
  3. 1 tsp Sahara
  4. 4 tbsp. boric acid
  5. Water

Mix all the ingredients until a thick paste is formed. Distribute the resulting product in places where uninvited guests are detected. Over time, uninvited guests will either run away from the apartment themselves or die from the toxic substance. These useful tips will help protect yourself from the proliferation of unwanted insects. If you were unable to solve the problem on your own, you should definitely contact a disinfection service to avoid unpleasant consequences, especially for people with allergies.

How to fight cockroaches in a hostel: folk remedies

The dormitory is one of the most common places for cockroaches to gather. Left food in a common kitchen, spilled water or dirty dishes will certainly attract the attention of these insects, which have an excellent sense of smell. But driving them away from the hostel is not so easy, so there are 3 rules that will help avoid the appearance of Prussians:

  1. you need to agree with all residents about disinfestation
  2. all neighbors must adhere to general rules of sanitation in the kitchen and in the block. If some people have cockroaches, they will eventually migrate to other residents.
  3. Using store-bought chemicals may repel cockroaches temporarily, but not drive them away forever.

Red-haired Prussians are the most common in the hostel. The female red cockroach lives for 2 years and during this time she can give birth to offspring of up to 40,000 cockroaches. They multiply quickly, are unpretentious in food, and their immunity instantly adapts to new types of chemicals and poisons. Fighting Prussians with folk remedies will help protect your block from the invasion of unpleasant insects. This method is suitable if neighbors are not interested in exterminating insects and you only have to protect your own territory. Folk remedies, unlike chlorophosphorus compounds, are safe and will not harm human health or pets.

  • wide dishes
  • onion
  • vegetable oil

Chop the onion and place in a bowl. Moisten a cotton swab with vegetable oil and wipe the walls of the dish with it. Cockroaches will come running to the smell of onions, but will not be able to get out of the dishes.

  • Water
  • ammonia

This method is suitable for prevention so that new cockroaches do not come. Before each washing of floors and surfaces, it is enough to drop a few drops of ammonia into the water. The appearance of cockroaches is a real domestic tragedy and requires a quick response. The most effective way to quickly prevent the proliferation of cockroaches is to seek professional help. For more than 7 years he has been engaged in pest control of premises in St. Petersburg and Leningrad. areas. Contacting us will provide the following advantages:

  • use of modern safe insecticides;
  • the use of various control methods, the choice of which is determined individually in each specific case;
  • affordable prices for processing;
  • quality assurance;
  • no additional surcharges for processing on weekends;
  • free consultations on the problem of preventing the re-emergence of pests;
  • discounts for clients who regularly order our services (catering establishments, hostels, housing offices, construction companies).
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