Raspberry compote and berry preparations - the most delicious recipes

Frozen raspberry compote


  • frozen raspberries – 750-800 gr.
  • sugar – 200 gr.
  • water – 3 liters

Cooking method:

  1. Containers with ice raspberries are taken out of the freezer.
  2. For compote, you can use frozen whole berries or shaped briquettes of raspberries, ground with sugar.
  3. To make the compote fragrant and concentrated, you need to take more berries than are suggested in the usual recipes for fresh raspberries.
  4. Place the berries on a plate and wait 5 minutes.
  5. During this time, the whitish coating on the berries will disappear, but the raspberries will remain firm.
  6. The berries are placed in a sieve and quickly rinsed with cold water.
  7. The condensate that settles on the berries contains harmful substances that need to be gotten rid of.
  8. Cold running water does the job perfectly.
  9. Raspberries are placed in a saucepan without waiting for complete defrosting.
  10. Add sugar.
  11. Raspberry compote should not be cloying.
  12. With too much sugar, the fresh berry taste is lost.
  13. These proportions leave raspberry sourness as the leading flavor note of the drink.
  14. Pour cold water into the pan.
  15. The taste of compote largely depends on the quality of the water.
  16. If there is no spring water or pre-purified water, then the tap water is passed through a filter.
  17. Compote of frozen raspberries is boiled for 5 minutes.
  18. Then cover the pan with a lid and leave for 20 minutes.
  19. The warm compote is filtered.
  20. For good filtration, a metal sieve is not enough: the grate is additionally covered with one or two layers of gauze.
  21. The compote will turn out perfect; there will not be the slightest hint of the presence of raspberry pulp flakes.
  22. Raspberry compote is poured into a jug or glass bottles and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  23. A chilled drink made from frozen raspberries gives a special pleasure.

Bon appetit!

Raspberry-cherry compote

The most common combination for most regions is cherry and raspberry. Many people remember this pleasant sweet and sour drink from childhood. Cherry taste and aroma perfectly complements red berries.

To cook cherry and raspberry compote, prepare the following components per 1 liter jar:

  • cherry – 0.2 kg;
  • raspberries – 0.1 kg;
  • sugar – 0.15 kg;
  • water – 0.7 l.

Place clean berries in a jar and pour boiling water over them. Let it sit for 10 minutes. Drain the water into a saucepan and prepare the syrup. Pour the boiling syrup back into the berries and seal.

A simple recipe for raspberry compote without sterilization

The easiest way to make compotes is without sterilization. In this case, time is saved and the taste is more natural. However, such preservation should be consumed first, preferably 1 year in advance, as it can explode.

A simple recipe for raspberry compote without sterilization

Ingredients (for a 3 liter jar):

  • Raspberries – 2-3 glasses;
  • Sugar – 2 cups;
  • Water – 2.5 l.

Interesting! To make the taste of raspberry compote more vibrant, you can add a little citric acid to the syrup during cooking.

Cooking method:

  1. The berries are washed. To prevent them from becoming wrinkled during cleaning, you should wash them in a sieve under the shower.
  2. The jars are washed in advance with soda and doused with boiling water.
  3. Raspberries are packaged in jars and filled with boiling water.
  4. When the water begins to cool, pour it into a saucepan, add sugar and bring to a boil over low heat until the sugar dissolves.
  5. The prepared syrup is poured into jars of raspberries and rolled up.

To cool, turn the jars of raspberry compote upside down and place them under a blanket.

Raspberry compote with sugar - quick preparation for the winter

To prepare the drink according to this recipe, use both fresh raspberries and raspberry cake, which remains after jam or preserves. Additional ingredients include sugar, citric acid or natural juice.

Fresh raspberries are washed and placed in a pan, then filled with water and the berries are brought to a boil. The same is done when using leftover raspberries from jam. As soon as the liquid boils, it is drained and filtered through a fine sieve.

Then put it back on the fire, add sugar and a little citric acid, cook for 10-15 minutes until syrupy, and then pour into sterile jars and store.

The juice is very aromatic and refreshing. If you cool it a little in the refrigerator, you can serve it immediately.

Compote of raspberries, sloe and cherry plum for the winter

If you want to surprise your family with a delicious and unusual compote, then this recipe can help with that. A trio of raspberries, cherry plums and sloe will not leave anyone indifferent. The sweet and sour drink turns out to be very healthy, tasty and aromatic. It definitely won’t stay on your shelves in the cellar for long. To add your own twist to the preparation, you can add your favorite spices or herbs.


  • Raspberries – 1 tbsp.
  • Yellow cherry plum – 350 g.
  • Turn – 200 g.
  • Sugar – 1 tbsp.
  • Citric acid – 1 pinch.
  • Boiling water – 2.5 l.

Cooking method:

  1. We sterilize the jars and lids in advance in a convenient way, and then dry them.
  2. We sort through raspberries, thorns and cherry plums, leaving only ripe, dense and uncrushed berries. We rinse them in cool water using a colander, and then dry them.
  3. Place thorns and cherry plums on the bottom of a dry jar. Sprinkle raspberries on top.

Tip: Raspberries are a very delicate berry and can be easily crushed. That is why it is very important that it be on cherry plums and thorns.

  1. Next, pour in the required amount of granulated sugar.
  2. Pour purified water into the pan and place the dishes on the stove. When the liquid boils, pour it in a thin stream into the jar, filling half the glass container. We wrap the bottom of the container with a warm blanket.
  3. Cover the jar with a sterile lid and let the berries brew for 15 minutes.
  4. While the berries are steeping, prepare another portion of boiling water.
  5. After the time has passed, add citric acid, and then pour in the prepared boiling water.
  6. We seal the compote with lids, turn it over and roll it into a fur coat or blanket.

When the compote of raspberries, sloe and cherry plum has cooled, transfer it to a cool and dry place where the sun's rays do not reach. Good luck and delicious preparations to you!

Raspberry jam - a traditional “grandmother’s” recipe

Both adults and children will definitely like this jam. It is very tasty and, as you know, no less healthy. It is added to tea or to pancakes, as well as to fresh baked goods, or diluted in winter to produce a fragrant compote.

For preparation, a minimum set of products is used - raspberries, sugar and a little citric acid. The raspberries are thoroughly washed with water and sorted, removing dried or fresh leaves, dirt and other “forest” residues.

The berries are placed in a deep, enamel container and sprinkled with sugar so that it completely covers them. In this form, the raspberries should brew for 5-6 hours and let out a little juice, which immediately turns into sugar syrup.

After this time, place the contents of the bowl into a saucepan, dilute it a little with water and cook over low heat, constantly stirring the ingredients. After boiling, remove the foam with a wooden spoon, simmer for 10-15 minutes, and add 1-2 tbsp at the end. l. citric acid or squeeze fresh lemon directly into the pan.

While hot, the jam is sorted into clean containers, which first require high-quality sterilization in boiling water or steam, and then covered with lids. Then, according to “grandmother’s” technology, they are turned over, wrapped in a blanket or blanket and allowed to cool. And then they are sent to dry shelves and enjoyed with delicious and sweet jam in the winter.

Raspberry and mint compote for the winter

Raspberry and mint compote has a refreshing, pleasant taste and rich aroma.

Ingredients (per liter jar):

  • Raspberries – 450 g;
  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Mint – 2-3 leaves;
  • Water.

Cooking method::

  1. The raspberries are sorted, washed in the shower and allowed to drain in a colander.
  2. Mint is also washed and dried.
  3. Canning jars are cleaned with soda and sterilized. When they are dry, berries, mint are placed in them and sugar is added.
  4. It is necessary to boil water over a fire for 3 minutes. Then the berries are poured into the jars along the top edge.
  5. All that remains is to immediately cover the jars with lids and roll them up. Before this, it is important to boil the lids for 5-10 minutes.

You can replace mint in this recipe with lemon balm. It is only very important to wash the leaves thoroughly, since these herbs usually accumulate a lot of dust and sand. If they are dirty when placed in jars, the canning may explode.

Raspberries with apples - sweet compote recipe

A very tasty combination is obtained by combining fresh apples and raspberries with the addition of lemon juice and a little table wine. A drink prepared according to this recipe has refreshing and medicinal properties; it is especially good to use as a preventative against colds and to strengthen the immune system in cold winter.

The main ingredients used are:

  • raspberries - 250 gr;
  • fresh apples of the “sour” variety - 250 g;
  • lemon - 1-2 pcs.;
  • red table wine - 0.50 ml.

The apples are washed with water, then cut into small cubes and sent to a saucepan to simmer over low heat until they begin to ooze and become soft.

At the same time, pour the washed raspberries into a bowl and sprinkle granulated sugar on top, after which they are left to steep for several hours so that they release the juice.

As soon as the apple syrup boils for 5-7 minutes, add berries and sugar to it, mix everything well and cook over low heat for another 10-15 minutes until smooth, simultaneously adding squeezed lemon juice and 2-3 tablespoons of wine.

Then all this is filtered through a sieve and served fresh, or the compote is sorted into sterile jars and stored for winter storage.

Original compote of raspberries, cherries and peaches


  • raspberries - 1.5 tbsp.;
  • red cherry – 1 tbsp.;
  • peaches – 3-5 pcs.;
  • sugar – 300 gr.

Cooking method:

  1. We select the ingredients for the compote: the berries can be of any quality - overripe and bruised, but the peaches must be whole, without damage.
  2. We sort through the raspberries and remove unnecessary small debris, we do the same with the cherries, the seeds are removed from them as desired, they do not spoil the taste of the drink.
  3. We wash all ingredients under cold water.
  4. First put peaches in a three-liter jar, and then raspberries and cherries.
  5. Pour the sugar according to the recipe directly into the jar, no need to stir anything.
  6. Boil water to pour in the fruit and berry mix.
  7. Boiling water should be poured very carefully so that the glass does not crack under the influence of high temperature.
  8. You can do it this way - first fill the jar one-third full, cover with a lid and wait about 3-4 minutes for it to warm up thoroughly, and then fill the rest up to the “hangers.”
  9. The jar of compote should be sterilized; to do this, it must be placed in a special saucepan with high edges for 12 minutes, the neck covered with a lid.
  10. After this procedure, close the jar with a metal lid using a seaming key, then turn the container over and insulate it.
  11. As soon as the berry and fruit compote has cooled, we move it to the pantry or basement (any dark and cool place).

Bon appetit!

Vitamin drink made from cherry plum and raspberry

The drink prepared according to this old Russian recipe is incredibly aromatic and tasty, and has beneficial and healing properties. The aroma of cherry plum combined with raspberries will not leave anyone indifferent on cold autumn and winter days.

To prepare one standard liter jar, take the following ingredients:

  • red raspberries, ripe - 250 g;
  • yellow cherry plum - 150-200 g;
  • fresh mint leaves - 2-3 pcs.;
  • sugar, lemon juice, water.

The container for seaming must be washed with water and sterilized with steam or in the oven, then dried, turned over and started preparing berries and fruits. Cherry plums and raspberries are cleaned of leaves and dirt, sorted, if desired, the pit is removed, but not necessarily.

The fruits are poured mixed into glass jars, and a few fresh mint leaves are thrown on top. It will give the drink a unique aroma and additional freshness in taste. Now the traditional syrup is prepared on the stove by mixing water with sugar after it boils and stirring the solution for 15-20 minutes over low heat.

As soon as everything is ready, pour the liquid into jars of berries and fruits and close the lids tightly using a key. After some time, when the compote is well infused, it will acquire a beautiful pink color and can be served as an ideal refreshing and healing drink.

In addition to cherry plum, the same compote can be prepared in combination with other fresh berries: blackberries, blueberries, strawberries, etc.

The main thing is to use berries in equal proportions, add to them 1 or several types of fruit (apples, pears, apricots, etc.) and, of course, do not forget about mint leaves to get a tonic effect.

Raspberry compote with notes of lemon balm


  • red raspberries – 1000 g;
  • granulated sugar – 250 g;
  • lemon balm - a few leaves.

Cooking method:

  1. For compote, it is better to take garden raspberries; they should be large, dense, without visible defects, but not overripe.
  2. The selected berries should be washed under running water and then dried slightly by placing them on a kitchen towel, which will absorb excess moisture.
  3. Wash the lemon balm leaves thoroughly.
  4. We prepare the jar: clean it with soda, rinse and sterilize.
  5. Place the berries and lemon balm leaves into the treated container and sprinkle sugar on top.
  6. The water for the compote needs to be boiled in a separate bowl or kettle.
  7. Pour boiling water over the ingredients in the jar, pour hot water very carefully, in a thin stream, otherwise the glass may crack due to temperature changes, the liquid should reach the edges of the neck.
  8. Cover the compote with a sterile lid, roll it up, turn it upside down, cover with a thick blanket, and leave for about 48 hours until completely cooled.

Bon appetit!

Raspberry and gooseberry compote

The assorted raspberry and gooseberry compote has a pleasant, sweet taste. Especially if you add cherries to the main ingredients when cooking.


  • Raspberries – 500 g;
  • Gooseberries – 300 g;
  • Pitted cherries – ½ cup;
  • Sugar – 1 glass;
  • Water.

Interesting! Compote with raspberries and apples, orange or lemon, and blackberries also turns out delicious.

Cooking method:

  1. Cherries and gooseberries are thoroughly washed and dried. It is necessary to remove all the tails and stalks so as not to spoil the compote.
  2. The raspberries are sorted, washed in the shower and dried.
  3. Cans for preservation are washed with soda, sterilized or simply doused with boiling water.
  4. Now you need to put the berries in jars and pour boiling water over them. Leave the compote covered for 20 minutes until the water begins to cool.
  5. After 20 minutes, the water is poured into a saucepan, put on fire and sugar is added to it. When the syrup boils, you need to wait 3 minutes, pour it into jars and immediately seal them.

The finished compote of raspberries and other berries should be turned upside down and left to cool under a blanket. The next day you can put it away for storage.

Raspberry compote is a healthy drink. Regardless of the preparation method, it contains many useful substances necessary in winter. You can use different berries and fruits to prepare it to improve the taste and make the drink unusual. And in order for the raspberry compote to be stored for a long time and not explode, it should be stored in a cool place, such as a cellar or refrigerator.

How to cook raspberry compote with currants

Perhaps the healthiest and most delicious compote is made from raspberries and currants.
For one 3 liter jar, prepare 0.3 kg of each type of berry. Canning procedure:

  1. Rinse currants and raspberries well with cold water, remove the stems.
  2. Place the berries in a sterilized 3 liter jar. They should fill the container two-thirds full.
  3. Cook the steep syrup: dissolve a glass of sugar in a liter of water and bring to a boil.
  4. Pour in the prepared syrup up to the neck.
  5. Immediately roll up the lid.

Compote of raspberries and apples

The drink turns out sweet and aromatic. The longer it sits in the pantry, the richer the flavor becomes.

Natural additives will help make the compote more aromatic and spicy: cloves, vanilla or cinnamon. Spices are added to the finished syrup before pouring the contents of the jars.


  • sugar – 450 g;
  • apple – 900 g;
  • water – 3 l;
  • raspberries – 600 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Slice the apples. Sort through the berries. Leave only the strong ones.
  2. To boil water. Add sugar. Boil for 3 minutes.
  3. Throw in apple slices and berries. Boil. Boil for 2 minutes. Leave for an hour.
  4. Drain the liquid and warm it up. Pour into prepared containers. Roll up.
  5. Turn the jars over. Cover with a blanket. Leave until completely cool.

With added cherries

The ideal tandem is cherry and raspberry. The popular combination of berries provides the drink with light spicy notes and makes the taste rich.

Cherries should be used sparingly. Otherwise, the rich cherry aroma will overwhelm the subtle raspberry one.


  • water – 7.5 l;
  • cherry – 600 g;
  • sugar – 2250 g;
  • raspberries – 1200 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Sort through the raspberries. Throw away spoiled specimens, otherwise they will spoil the taste of the compote. Rinse the berries. Place on a paper towel and dry.
  2. Remove pits from cherries.
  3. Sterilize containers. Place cherries on the bottom, then raspberries.
  4. Boil water. Pour into filled jars. Set aside for 4 minutes.
  5. Pour the liquid into a saucepan. Add sugar. Boil for 7 minutes.
  6. Pour the prepared syrup over the cherries and raspberries.
  7. Roll up. Turn the jars over and cover with a warm cloth.

Raspberry compote with apples for a 3 liter jar

My favorite childhood drink is apple and raspberry compote. If you choose sweet and sour varieties of apples, the drink will only benefit from this. You only need 2-3 apples, a glass of berries and sugar.

  1. Cut clean apples with peel into segments, remove core and seeds.
  2. Rinse raspberries with cold water.
  3. Place apple slices and raspberries in a three-liter container.
  4. Add sugar and pour boiling water.
  5. Let sit for about 10 minutes.
  6. Drain the liquid, boil it, and return it to the jars.
  7. Repeat the procedure twice more.
  8. Roll up the jars, turn them over and leave to cool.

Compote with raspberries and oranges recipe for 1 liter jar

No matter how delicious raspberries are, you always want to cook something tastier. I suggest you try making raspberry and orange compote. The taste will be indescribable.


  • Raspberries 150-200 grams.
  • Orange 2-3 slices.
  • Sugar 100 gr.
  • Water.

Cooking method:

  1. Place sorted and well-washed raspberries into a jar, add orange slices.
  2. Pour boiling water over and leave for 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, add sugar to the water, stir and boil for 2-3 minutes after boiling.
  4. Pour back into the jar and screw on the lid.
  5. Raspberry and orange compote is ready.

A simple recipe for raspberry compote for the winter

For novice housewives who do not yet know how to properly cook raspberry compote, we recommend taking note of the simplest recipe for the preparation.

Prepare 0.8 kg of berries, 0.4 kg of sugar and one and a half liters of water.

The cooking technology is as follows:

  1. Place the washed berries into a sterilized 3 liter jar.
  2. Bring water to a boil and slowly pour into the jar.
  3. Let the drink steep for 7-10 minutes.
  4. During this time, the raspberries will release juice and the water will become brightly colored.
  5. Using a perforated lid, drain the water into a separate pan.
  6. Place the liquid on the stove and bring to a boil.
  7. Add sugar to boiling raspberry water and boil, stirring until it dissolves.
  8. Pour the resulting boiling syrup into a jar and seal.
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