Superstition or scientific fact: why can’t you mix boiled and raw water?

One of the rather old urban legends says that you should not mix boiled water with unboiled water for drinking. Among the beliefs about the consequences of drinking such water, there are many options, ranging from poisoning with nausea and vomiting, ending with a decrease in immunity and the development of a number of diseases with their further transition to the category of chronic. No one can provide any objective argumentation as to why all this should happen and what chemical processes take place there.

Is it possible to dilute boiling water with unboiled H2O?

It should be said right away that you can mix boiling water and tap H2O .
A one-time use of the mixture will not affect your well-being in any way. When combined, the boiling effect is neutralized, and the water you drink should be considered raw.

In such a situation, another question is asked: “Is it possible to drink raw water?”, since the very fact of mixing does not produce any effect on the body.

Or is it still possible?

All arguments about the dangers of mixing boiled and raw drinks have no scientific basis. Moreover, they are dubious from the point of view of simple logic. In fact, there is only one result of such actions - boiled water, when diluted with raw water, becomes unboiled again.

  • From the point of view of disinfection, diluting boiled water with unboiled water does not make sense and neutralizes the entire effect of heat treatment. If the raw liquid contains viruses and bacteria, they will be transferred and multiply. Even a small amount of contaminated liquid is enough to spoil boiled water. However, it is not a fact that there are harmful microorganisms in it. Chlorination and filtration used in the modern world make it drinkable.
  • From the point of view of changing the composition, diluting raw boiled water has practically no effect on the concentration of impurities. When heated, chlorine is released along with steam, and salts are converted into scale and deposited on the heating elements. The addition of raw water leads to the fact that impurities that were released during heat treatment reappear in the composition.

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It turns out that the question of whether it is possible to mix boiled and raw water is similar to the question of whether it is possible to drink unboiled water. If it's clean and filtered, then why not.

So, the statement that boiled and raw water should not be mixed is a belief that has no scientific evidence. When mixed, the liquid again becomes raw with all the ensuing consequences. This is not dangerous to health, unless the water is taken from a river or other dubious source. In fact, many people dilute their tea with cold, unboiled water and do not experience diarrhea or any other negative effects.

Why do they say that there is no need to interfere?

The root of this long-standing superstition is difficult to find . It is possible that the myth has an edifying character. In times of lack of running water, people got their drink from wells and rivers. Such water did not even claim to be clean.

Pest microorganisms could actively flourish in the wells. At the bottom of the dug holes, fallen leaves rotted, moss sprouted, and sometimes even the dead remains of small animals were found. Naturally, after boiling, it is not worth diluting purified water so contaminated.

Rumors about the harm of water memory

In second place is the theory of water memory, according to which the body can only absorb homogeneous water, and boiled water mixed with unboiled water remains heterogeneous further. There has been talk about the memory of water for quite a long time, but most often it turns out to be nothing more than fiction for a successful fraud with the sale of water charged with success, health and the treatment of certain diseases. We all remember tricks about charging water from the TV screen, but the maximum that could be obtained from such water was the placebo effect.

And so all the main arguments of supporters of the veracity of the legend turned out to be unconfirmed from a scientific point of view and unconvincing even from the point of view of simple logic. There is no confirmation, only beliefs that this cannot be done. Now let's turn to the logical side of the question of whether it is possible to use mixed boiled water with unboiled water.

Consequences of mixing

The following scientific (and pseudo-scientific) hypotheses about the harm of the mixture are put forward:

  1. The first concerns the structure of water at the molecular level.
    Proponents of the idea of ​​“memory” of water claim that it is able to “remember” situations that happen to it. Consequently, boiling negatively affects the “memory” component. Adherents of this hypothesis are confident in the incompatibility of boiled and raw water due to the heterogeneity of the molecular structure of the mixture.

  2. The next idea concerns salts in water. More knowledgeable people have suggested that mixing raw and boiled water creates a high level of salt concentration in the mixture. Although it has been scientifically confirmed: the concentration increases very slightly and has no effect on the body.
  3. According to the latter assumption, hot or warm boiled water promotes the growth of bacteria. And if the composition also contains sugar, such an environment is extremely favorable for microorganisms. In fact, protozoa cannot reproduce per second, despite their fertility. It will take a long time for the drink to become harmful to humans.

As practice shows, the proposed hypotheses are not true or are only half true.

Why not?

According to legend, if you mix raw and boiled water, the following can happen:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • stomach ache;
  • decreased immunity and the development of various chronic diseases.

A number of theories explain the harm to health. Let's look at the main ones:

  • “The body does not understand what is being given to it, because boiled water is dead, and unboiled water is alive.” It is believed that boiling neutralizes all beneficial substances. But in reality, raw water contains mainly salts that are useful. After boiling, their concentration decreases slightly, but they do not disappear completely. That is, the statement about “dead” water is a myth.
  • “Raw water has memory, but boiled water does not. When mixed, the liquid becomes heterogeneous and harmful.” Conversations about memory have been going on for quite some time. But no evidence of this was found. Often behind them lies a banal scam involving the sale of water charged with success (luck, against certain diseases, etc.).
  • “The mixed water has a salt composition that can cause diarrhea.” A certain composition of salts can indeed act as a laxative. But in ordinary water, salts cannot combine in this way.
  • “Once in disinfected boiled water, microorganisms from raw water multiply at a catastrophic rate.” In fact, the growth of bacteria is influenced by heat and nutrient medium (sugars). But even under favorable conditions, infection will take some time. Warm sweet tea will spoil in about 4 hours if you add unboiled water.

Most likely, the warning came from ancient times, when drinking water was collected from rivers and wells. It was dangerous to consume it without boiling. The liquid was disinfected by boiling. Adding a raw portion neutralized the entire effect - the water was again filled with microorganisms and could cause intestinal upset or infection.

Which one is better to choose for drinking?

It is better to drink raw, but filtered water; boiled water has little harm to the body. The main disadvantage is the scale that forms after boiling.

But it is always better to boil the liquid rather than “feed” your body bacteria . The boiling process does not have any colossal consequences.

To get rid of scale, you can additionally strain the water through cheesecloth. After this procedure, boiled water becomes harmless.

Rumors about “dead” water and its harm

One of the most common justifications for the myth is that after boiling water becomes “dead”, and mixing it with “living” raw water does not allow the body to recognize what it is actually being given. Allegedly, in the so-called “dead” water, along with all microorganisms, all beneficial properties and other substances die after boiling. It’s funny, because salts, which are the main beneficial substances dissolved in water, will not disappear when boiled, perhaps only their concentration will decrease slightly. It will not decrease in vitamins, because most likely they simply aren’t there. But the stories about “dead” water are an unsubstantiated legend, which has no scientific confirmation.

The meaning of the sign

According to the general interpretation, dilution with cold water can lead to the following:

  • divorce;
  • conflicts in the family;
  • parting with a loved one.

In addition, the ritual can weaken the overall energy, which will negatively affect work and social activity. The person becomes indifferent and passive.

The interpretation will be slightly different depending on the details associated with the diluted tea:

  • there was a piece of bread in the drink - for unexpected guests;
  • a man and a woman drink liquid together - to replenish the family;
  • with tea leaves - to an unexpected male guest;
  • mixing up salt and sugar means positive changes in life;
  • spilling a drink on yourself means problems at work, stagnation in your career or a crisis;
  • spilling a drink on the floor means conflicts with an old acquaintance.

Explanation depending on the type of tea:

  • black - misunderstandings will arise in relations with your loved one;
  • green - to difficulties at work, conflict with the boss or with colleagues;
  • hibiscus - to problems with relatives;
  • herbal - unpleasant situations with unfamiliar people, random passers-by or fellow travelers on the bus, subway.

If you do not take into account the meaning of the sign, it will be very difficult to restore relationships and regain trust and mutual understanding.

According to another common interpretation, an incomplete cup (you need to leave room for dilution) brings financial problems. If a person does not pour to the brim, then expect losses.

It is dangerous to leave unfinished tea. It is necessary to take into account the conditions in which the cup was left. In any case, this is a bad sign that predicts conflicts with those people who were nearby at that time.

What scientists say about diluting boiling water with raw water


What scientists say about diluting boiling water with raw water


Consequences of mixing raw water with boiling water

Chemists have studied the issue comprehensively, conducted many laboratory experiments and are finally ready to publish the results of their research. It turned out that ordinary water from the city water supply is no different from the water that has been in the kettle.

The main difference is in the number of microorganisms; in boiled water their number is noticeably smaller. But the metal salts that are present in water are not particularly reduced by boiling; they penetrate into the body in the same way.

The conclusion is simple: if you want to switch to a healthier diet, but the quality of the tap water is not very good, it is useless to boil it, it is better to buy special drinking water.

How long can boiled water be stored?

Shelf life is limited to 12 hours. Then pathogenic microorganisms may appear in H2O.

What is the difference between distilled water and boiled water?

Ideally, distilled water contains 2 molecules of oxygen and one of hydrogen, and no more impurities, salts, or bacteria. However, even according to GOST, the presence of negligible amounts of impurities in the distillate is allowed.

Boiled water is not devoid of useful and harmful substances; its composition is less pure than distillate.

For reference! The distillate has an unlimited shelf life

Pros and cons of raw water

Raw water is considered to be water that has not been exposed to temperature. It can be divided into bottled and tap. It differs in composition due to differences in extraction sites and delivery conditions.

This liquid goes through several stages of purification and filtration before it reaches the tap and can be consumed. Tap water has a high concentration of iron and heavy metals.

To rid the liquid of bacteria and infections, it is treated with chlorine, the concentration of which may increase due to passage through the pipes.

The degree of suitability for consumption of the resulting liquid depends on the condition of the pipes leading to the home. If they are old, then the taste of the liquid will be unpleasant, and its composition will be oversaturated with harmful chemical elements.

Bottled water is most often obtained from underground sources and undergoes not only artificial purification, but also natural filtration. For these reasons, such a liquid is considered purer and healthier. It can be consumed, but not in large quantities. However, some people still prefer boiling not only for cooking, but also for drinking.

Properties of raw water

Ever since school, everyone knows the formula of water, namely H2O. Despite this, such a composition is very difficult to find in the modern world, since there are now too many different impurities in the water. Moreover, their concentration depends on where this water was taken from.

Based on this, raw water can be both beneficial and harmful. So, ideally pure raw water, which happens very rarely, will be very beneficial for the body, because the human body consists of 85% water.

However, if the water contains chemical elements such as radium and uranium, this can negatively affect the respiratory system and gastrointestinal tract. Moreover, if the concentration of such substances is very high, then such water can cause death.

Why you can’t mix raw and boiled water

There is another way to explain the prohibition on mixing water. Many people are confident that the process of boiling tap water destroys dangerous salts and heavy metals. In fact, tap water cannot contain hazardous metals or salts.

If they predominate in the water, then this indicates that the settlement has big problems at the water treatment plant. In addition, the existing salts and metals in the water will not go away even after boiling. The only thing that can happen is their disintegration or a change in their state of aggregation when they precipitate. All of them are safe for humans, and some of them are even used as additives in the food industry.

It turns out that theoretically it is possible to mix water, but it is better not to do this if there are any doubts about this. In this case, everyone decides for themselves. It is advisable to drink filtered and purified water.

What could be the consequences if you dilute boiled water with raw water?


People say that if you mix boiled and tap water, you cannot avoid negative consequences. Symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, exacerbation of chronic ailments as a result of decreased immunity may appear.

This is real, but only under the condition that there were pathogenic microbes or bacteria in the unboiled water; the liquid was dirty or of unknown origin. But if both waters were clean and drinkable, then such things cannot happen.


It is safe to drink boiled water even after it has been diluted raw. This rule applies to water that is safe for humans.


Another myth: in boiled water, bacteria from raw water multiply much faster. Scientists set out to find out if this is true. It turned out that nothing like this actually happens. If this is sweet tea, which is ideal for the life of pathogenic microorganisms, then we can talk about their accelerated rate of reproduction.

Recommendations for safe consumption of bottled water

Yes, by purchasing water from trusted manufacturers, you can be sure that it meets all requirements and there is no need to boil it before drinking. But you must follow some rules to stay healthy. First of all, you need to regularly clean the cooler. After all, a lot of bacteria accumulate in it. But it will not be possible to disinfect it efficiently at home, so it is better to conclude a service agreement. For example, Royal Water LLC provides such services.

How to dispel a negative interpretation

What could be easier than brewing tea with warm water or just waiting for it to cool? However, if you have no time to wait or if such a product seems tasteless, then you can use the following protective rituals:

  1. Place cloves, lavender, nettles, and juniper in your home. It is necessary to wrap the dried grass in a cloth, tie it with a string and place it in a corner of the home. You need to do this so that the amulets are not conspicuous.
  2. Place icons around the house. You can use only two: the Mother of God and St. George the Victorious. It is better to place them in a red corner and surround them with Bible books and candles.
  3. Attach a sprig of rowan at the front door above the threshold. It protects from ill-wishers, dark forces, and evil guests. This plant also prevents the leakage of finances, happiness, and harmony.
  4. Watch your words and actions, learn to count expenses. Sometimes what seems to be the consequence of a sign is actually the carelessness of the person himself.

Experts in the field of esotericism recommend not focusing on a negative prediction. A lot depends on a person’s faith. It is better to focus on the positive and think that nothing bad will happen.

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