Step-by-step recipe for making salad with squid and crab sticks
Salad with squid and crab sticks - recipe for Coral Reef salad
6 servings 20 minutes 190-200 kcal 5/5 (1) Salad with squid, corn and crab
Baked sushi
Rolls in the oven
17 Prepared by: Marina Zolottseva 11/29/2016 Cooking time: 35 min Save I cooked Rate
Azerbaijani cuisine. How to prepare sauces for meat dishes?
Azerbaijani shashlik: choice of products, cooking features, what to serve with, sauce recipe
All-Green Chimichurri is a spicy sauce made from fresh herbs, popular in Latin
Winter salad of cucumbers with onions and vegetable oil - 5 recipes with photos step by step
Recipes and preparations 0 240 Article rating Kira Stoletova There is probably no such house where
Chicken stuffed with eggs
Tutyrgan tavyk - Tatar stuffed chicken (Tatar Stuffed Сhicken) Whole Tatar stuffed chicken
5 Prepared by: Marina Zolottseva June 22, 2015 Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes Save I
Vegetable stew with minced meat
Recipe for stewed potatoes with minced meat and vegetables. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.
Reviews (2) 13 Prepared by: Vladimir Bratikov 06/14/2015 Cooking time: 50 min Save I
Step-by-step recipe for making navy-style pasta with stewed meat
Navy pasta with stewed meat - an economical version of the classic recipe
8 servings 35 minutes 167 kcal 5/5 (1) Navy pasta with homemade stew
Chicken lula kebab at home - 4 proven recipes
What is lula kebab and the rules for its preparation Lula kebab is a type of shish kebab, which is prepared from
8 delicious recipes for making zucchini jam with lemon and orange for the winter
Zucchini jam with lemon and orange Cooking time – 4 hours Servings –
Pie with frozen berries in the oven. Recipe for jellied, sour cream, shortbread, kefir, milk, yogurt
Pies with berries. Delicious pies filled with various berries using simple recipes
Posting in the group: Baking The recipe for a pie with frozen berries is popular in many cuisines
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