Folk remedies for mosquitoes: how to get rid of them in an apartment

Mosquito repellents (video)

Pryrethroid is a general-acting nerve poison. It was first isolated from pyrethrum - Persian chamomile. Now pyrethroids are being synthesized. Under the influence of pyrethroid in mosquitoes, nerve impulses are blocked and paralysis and death occur. If the product contains a high concentration of the active substance, mosquitoes die quickly.


Fumigators are a plastic container that is equipped with an electrical plug and plugs into an outlet. A plate with the active substance is placed in the fumigator or a bottle with a liquid product is screwed on. After switching on, the fumigator heats up, causing the active substance to heat up. It begins to evaporate under the influence of temperature and spread through the air. As a result, the substance affects all insects in the room and destroys them.

The most famous fumigator is Raptor.

Fumigators are not recommended to be used in rooms where there are pregnant and lactating women, as well as small children. It is also known that the work of fumigators can harm cold-blooded animals. There have been cases of illness and death of fish, snails, and inhabitants of terrariums. Before turning on the fumigator, it is recommended to take the cages with birds to another place.


Mosquito coils work on the same principle. The active substance begins to be released into the air when the product smolders, so it is set on fire at one end. To prevent a fire from occurring, the mosquito repellent of this type is installed on a special metal stand.

Ultrasonic repellers

They can be powered from the mains or be battery-powered. The devices emit ultrasound of a certain frequency, which informs insects of danger and repels them. Mosquitoes detect ultrasonic waves and emit them themselves. Therefore, such repellers have a good effect on them.

Types of mosquitoes

In addition to ordinary mosquitoes that feed on human blood, there are other species of this insect. Some prefer the blood of animals and birds. Others do not bite anyone, but eat plant foods.

Common blood-sucking mosquitoes belong to the family Culicidae. They are usually found near human habitats. These insects come in any color as they adapt to their surroundings.

Mosquitoes from the family Tipulidae are distinguished from others by their particularly long legs. They usually hover in the air for a long time, motionless. They can often be seen under the ceiling, where warm air accumulates. Due to their terrifying appearance, such mosquitoes are mistaken for malaria. But in reality, these insects are harmless. They do not feed on blood, but prefer nectar, plant roots or dew.

The most dangerous mosquitoes, which are the source of the spread of many diseases, are mosquitoes. They live in warm countries in Africa or Asia, in a subtropical climate. These insects are not found in our country.

Midges living in the vicinity of water bodies belong to a subspecies of mosquitoes. They bite very painfully. The bloodworm or bell mosquito is also known. These insects are not dangerous because they do not attack anyone.

Modern methods of mosquito control

It is impossible to get rid of mosquito infestations once and for all, but it is possible to reduce or eliminate the population for a long time. There are a lot of modern pest control products that can always be found on the shelves of hardware stores and home departments.

Mosquito net

To get rid of mosquitoes, you should first pay attention to protecting your apartment. Mosquito nets are ideal for prevention. A mosquito will not be able to get into the apartment due to the microscopic size of the mesh cells

There is a wide range of designs for windows and doorways on sale.

A mosquito will not be able to get into the apartment due to the microscopic size of the mesh cells. There is a wide range of designs for windows and doorways on sale.

To prevent the pest from getting into your home, cover all possible openings to the street: windows, vents, doors

Also pay attention to ventilation. You can cover the holes with gauze or a special anti-mosquito cloth.

Fumigators with liquids and plates

One of the most popular devices for protecting premises from mosquitoes is a fumigator. The principle of operation is to heat the insecticidal substance contained in the plate or liquid. The product releases vapors that have a detrimental effect on insects. The device requires an electrical connection to operate.

The drugs begin their effect within 30 minutes after connecting to electricity. One plate is enough for 12 hours of work, and a bottle of liquid is enough for 45-60 nights. The radius of action of the substances is 20 square meters. m.

Before use, carefully read the instructions for use.

If there are small children living in the house, use the device with extreme caution, following the prescribed safety measures specified by the manufacturer on the packaging.


The action of the spiral is based on the distribution of toxic substances at the treatment site. To make the spiral work, set fire to its tip and immediately extinguish it so that the smoldering process begins

Use spirals with extreme caution, and only outdoors, such as a gazebo, veranda or balcony. In enclosed spaces, insecticides released can cause poisoning of the body

Ultrasonic repeller

The device operates from the mains. The repelling process involves the distribution of special radio waves that the insect body cannot tolerate. However, these waves do not affect humans in any way.

Use of traps and baits

Mosquitoes notice humans due to the release of carbon dioxide during breathing. Based on this principle, scientists have invented a special device that releases carbon dioxide. The female insect smells an odor that attracts her and flies to the place where the device is exposed, where she ends up in a special container, from where she can no longer get out.

Magnetic mosquito nets for doorways

Until recently, housewives covered doorways open to the street with curtains. This was extremely inconvenient, since going through the device on the doors was quite difficult.

Nowadays there is a wide range of mosquito nets for doors of various modifications. The most popular of them are magnetic grids. The magnets are located along the central vertical line of the mosquito net. Now, when passing through a doorway, you will not worry about the curtain getting caught or sliding to one side. Once opened, the magnets are attracted again and the mesh closes on its own.

Sonic attack

The operating principle of such repellers is based on the life activity of mosquitoes. The device emits ultrasonic waves identical to the squeak of males when in danger. Females hear this and are afraid to approach the affected area.

Lighting devices

The device proved to be very weak in the fight against mosquitoes. The work scheme is based on attracting insects to ultraviolet light. As soon as the pest lands on the grill of the device, it immediately receives an electric shock and dies. Unfortunately, mosquitoes are not attracted to light. Insects are more attracted to the smell of a person, so they rarely fly close to the device.

Anti-mosquito bracelets

Special mosquito repellent bracelets are impregnated with various oils and fragrances that repel insects. On the packaging, the manufacturer assures that full protection of the body is guaranteed for 200–240 hours.

In fact, the range of action of the anti-mosquito accessory is so small that for optimal effect you will need to wear a bracelet on each limb. In addition, the smell of impregnation disappears much faster than indicated on the packaging, and, as a result, the device becomes ineffective.


It’s easier to prevent the appearance of biting parasites than to suffer from a thin squeak over your ear and scratch mosquito bites until they bleed. It is important to combat dampness in basements and apartments, eliminate leaks in a timely manner, and put fine-mesh grilles on the air vents.

The most reliable remedy is a mosquito net on the windows. It is necessary to ensure that the contours of the element and the fastening fit tightly to each other, otherwise parasites make their way into the home even through the slightest cracks. If mosquitoes appear in the house with mesh protection on the windows, you need to check the quality of installation and fastening of the mosquito net.

Below is a video about how to quickly and effectively get rid of mosquitoes in an apartment:

Cologne “Carnation”: the best of alcohol-containing means of protection

Blood-sucking insects also do not like the smell of alcohol, so for short-term protection you can treat the skin with alcohol, vodka or even cognac. However, the best alcohol-containing folk remedy for mosquitoes is “Carnation” cologne, which contains clove flower extract.

This is an inexpensive cologne with a rather pungent odor that many find unpleasant. However, as a mosquito repellent, Gvozdika is very good. A small amount of cologne is applied to the skin or clothing, providing protection against insects for several hours.

Summer is undoubtedly a romantic time of year. However, the blissful summer heat and evening twilight are overshadowed by the appearance of small “ghouls” - mosquitoes and midges, which are capable, in the literal sense of the word, of getting to anyone. How to protect yourself from them?

Folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges are safer for our body than various chemicals

This is especially important when it comes to the health of the child. So, how can you save yourself from midges and mosquitoes? We’ll find out in our article! Folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges in nature. Oh, these midges!

Oh, these midges!

Damn mosquitoes!

These “ghouls” appear in April-May. They disappear in September-October. In their short life, these bloodsuckers manage to literally bleed many people! They attack before sunset. It is the females who feed on blood. They inject a special anticoagulant into the blood, which prevents the blood from clotting. It is this substance that causes our itching and redness.

Folk remedies against mosquitoes:

Folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges in the house

Fighting midges:

  1. Find out the reasons why you have midges in your apartment. The fact is that they lay their eggs in food that begins to rot.
  2. Get rid of spoiled food and limit midges' access to water.
  3. Catch them on a saucer of wine vinegar or with sticky tape.
  4. You can add a special spice called cloves to the orange. The smell will cause the midges to leave your home.

We fight mosquitoes:

  1. In a private house, elderberry bushes should be planted under the windows. Mosquitoes and midges will fly around your home.
  2. Place tomato seedlings on the window. The fact is that mosquitoes cannot stand the specific smell of tomato leaves.
  3. “Fry” camphor in a frying pan or use tobacco smoke. Simply put, smoke the bloodsuckers out of your property.

Remember, folk remedies for mosquitoes and midges are in no way inferior to professional chemicals sold in stores. However, in comparison with them, traditional methods of combating these annoying insects are absolutely harmless to our body.

People who spend summer weekends in the country, in the forest or near bodies of water, rural residents and mothers walking with strollers have to suffer from annoying bloodsuckers. Midge and mosquito bites are very painful and cause an allergic reaction in many people. Within a few minutes after the insect sucks blood and flies away, swelling develops at the puncture site, burning and itching appears. A collision with a cloud of midges can even lead to an increase in temperature.

To avoid encounters with these dipterans, measures should be taken in advance. Of the folk remedies against mosquitoes and midges, crystalline vanillin is considered the most effective in terms of protection.

Mosquito repellents

OZZ products

The action of this class of substances is based on the strong odor of the main active chemical, which causes discomfort to mosquitoes. The concentration of this substance is so high that it even masks the natural aromas of the human body, thereby making it completely unattractive to mosquitoes.

The main active ingredients of most currently used repellents are the following chemicals:

  • diethyltoluamide
  • carboxyl
  • oxamate
  • benzoyl piperidine

There are several manufacturers producing repellents. Let's look at the most popular products currently on sale.

OZZ products

OZZ products

OZZ products The products of this manufacturer are represented by almost all types of repellents: from sprays to lotions.

Typically, sprays are applied evenly to the surface of the skin and can show their effect for about 5-7 hours.

Creams have a slightly shorter “working time” - no more than 3 hours.

Various ointments (for example, OZZ-18) are potent agents and are used only in cases where the number of mosquitoes is particularly high. The ointment also lasts up to 6 hours.

Spray lotions have a complex effect on the skin. They not only repel mosquitoes, but also provide nutrition to its integument. This type of repellent is considered the safest for humans and is recommended for people with particularly sensitive skin.

Products from the manufacturer Kontra

Product from the manufacturer Kontra

Products from the manufacturer Kontra are certified by the Ministry of Health, are highly effective, have virtually no odor and do not leave stains on clothes.

Today on the market such products are presented in the following form:

  1. Gel "Kontra". It is only a repellent, but also a cosmetic product. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin
  2. Mosquito cream. A universal product for the protection of adults and children over 12 years of age. Apply to exposed areas of the body. Protection time is 4-5 hours
  3. Lotion spray. Has a mild effect. Its use is allowed from 12 years of age. Can be used in conjunction with other types of cosmetics. Action time is 4-5 hours

Brand Off

Brand Off

Trademark Off A fairly popular line of products at present. It consists mainly of sprays, the most popular of which are:

  1. Spray Off "classic". A typical aerosol product designed to be sprayed onto the body, clothing or hair. It has a faint neutral odor for humans. Action time: about 4 hours
  2. Spray Off Family. A new form of repellent that can be used by both adults and children over 12 years of age. Apply to skin or clothing. The action time is about 3-4 hours. If the clothes treated with the product are left in a sealed plastic bag for 10-12 hours, the repellent effect on the clothes will last for 2.5-3 days. Application to the skin can be done no more than once every 12 hours!

ATAS products

ATAS products

ATAS products are mainly represented by sprays or spray lotions. The latter have a fairly long duration of action, reaching up to 6 hours.

We can safely say that currently the market for spray repellents is even to some extent oversaturated with products, since it is naturally not limited to the listed manufacturers and brands. The buyer can always find something he likes and he will have a great choice.


Mosquito repellents safe for children


The chemical industry offers many products that are intended for children - creams, lotions, sprays. There are special anti-mosquito bracelets for children, and repellent devices are used that create an ultrasonic wave.

When using children's insect repellents, keep in mind that most of them should not be applied to damaged skin with wounds and scratches; it is important to avoid exposure to mucous membranes. Chemicals should not be used more often than 2-3 times a day, and their maximum duration of action is about two hours

When going on a picnic with your child, treat the clothes well, not the skin. Sometimes mosquito repellents are applied to the stroller canopy. After a walk, you need to remove substances from your child's skin.

Folk remedies

Caution in the use of chemicals, restrictions and precautions encourage parents to look for folk remedies against mosquitoes. Use essential oils in a child's room or while walking with a child with caution.

But folk remedies such as:

  • Fresh elderberry branches.
  • Camphor (100 grams evaporate over the burner).
  • Carbolic acid (applied to walls and household items).

Vanillin (do not confuse it with vanilla sugar) is suitable for protecting against mosquitoes at home. Dissolve 2-3 bags of vanillin in a liter of water and pour into a spray bottle. The product does not have a very long-term effect (about an hour), then repeat the spraying.

A teaspoon of vanillin can be mixed with a tablespoon of baby cream, and the resulting composition will protect the baby’s skin during a walk. This cream is also suitable for pregnant women, and vanillin can be added to Vaseline or your usual cream.

The best fumigators

Below is an overview of the most effective and popular fumigators.


One bottle of liquid for the Raid fumigator will last for thirty nights if used daily for 6-8 hours. This product is designed to protect against mosquitoes in a room with a volume of about 50 cubic meters. The active component of the product is prallethrin (1.6%). In addition, there is a liquid with a pleasant eucalyptus scent.

The fumigator itself is worth a separate description. Some models have functions for adjusting the highlighting of active components, as well as an automatic shutdown timer.

Raid device

As reviews show, Raid liquid is one of the most effective. Insects actually die, and all that are in the room.


Mosquitoll liquid is more effective, which is available in several forms: for adults, as well as for safe and gentle protection of children.

The fumigator for adults contains the active substance esbiotrin in a concentration of 3.3%. It effectively kills insects, but is safe for humans in acceptable doses. One bottle lasts approximately 45 nights, which is very economical. And almost complete destruction of all insects, as manufacturers claim, is ensured after just half an hour of operation, but for best results it is advisable to leave the device on for two hours. If a window is open in the room, then it is better to use the fumigator all night, but no longer than 8 hours in a row.

Liquid Mosquitoll

Children's liquid for the Mosquitoll fumigator is made on the basis of transfluthrin (its concentration is only 0.8%). In addition, the composition contains chamomile extract, which also repels mosquitoes and is used as a light flavoring.

As for the devices themselves, they are quite convenient, as they allow you to ensure the tightness of the bottle, as well as ensure uniform evaporation and distribution of active substances throughout the space.


The Fumitox fumigator also effectively protects against mosquitoes. Its main component is prallethrin, which is a synthetic analogue of a substance obtained from Dalmatian chamomile extract. Also in the composition you can find antioxidants and organic solvents. It is worth noting that the product has no odor, so it will not cause discomfort. One bottle of liquid is enough for 30 nights of full use (that is, six to eight hours). A product for children is also available, but many are not satisfied with its effectiveness.

Fumigator "Fumitoks"

The fumigator is very convenient, because you can change the position of the plug, which allows you to adapt to almost any outlet location and ensure complete and uniform evaporation.

The reviews we receive are mostly positive. Many people consider the product not only effective, but also safe and easy to use.

"Picnic Family"

Fumigator liquid “Picnic Family” is not only effective, but also safe, since it contains exclusively natural ingredients: pyrethrins (Dalmatian chamomile extract), citronella and tea tree extracts. At the same time, the smell is so light that it is almost unnoticeable. And one bottle is enough for as many as 45 nights of full use (up to 8 hours continuously).

Liquid Picnic Family

The device itself, used for protection against mosquitoes, is very convenient, as it is universal and suitable for using both liquid and plates. In addition, the fork is swivel, so you can choose any position. There is also a convenient operation indicator.


To get rid of insects, our readers recommend the Pest-Reject repeller

. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electromagnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, environmentally friendly product for humans and pets. Read more here...


Raptor liquid products are available in several forms, one of them is a composition with natural ingredients (“Raptor Bio”). All products are quite effective and do not have a strong odor, although a slight odor may be present. One bottle, if used daily for eight hours, should last for a month.

Means Raptor

The devices can be different, there are even mobile ones that run on batteries (they are designed to use plates).

Choose the right product and forget about those annoying mosquitoes!

Mosquito repellents

For home use

It is easiest to get rid of bloodsuckers indoors, since in an open area the most we can do is reduce their numbers and scare them away for a certain time. But in a closed space we can even prevent their appearance, using, for example, the following prevention methods:

  • close windows and doors at night;
  • do not turn on the lights when windows and doors are open;
  • Use home protection products to repel insects.

And, of course, the most effective way to combat it is to install a mosquito net. At the same time, with a mesh, you can open the window at night so that fresh air can enter the room without fear that a bunch of flying pests will annoy you while you sleep.

You can’t go anywhere without a mosquito net – thanks to it you can freely ventilate the room without fear of mosquito attacks

Don’t despair: modern means called fumigators will help you evict annoying neighbors.

Device Features of use Electric fumigator with plates, powered by mains The plates must be changed periodically

An electric fumigator with a removable container containing a toxic liquid. It is important to take precautions when coming into contact with the liquid when refilling the container.

If mosquitoes do enter your home, fumigators will help you escape from them.

The listed electrical devices can be used in enclosed spaces, for example, at home, but do not forget to periodically ventilate the room, especially if it is a bedroom.

Repellent plants

If you do not want to resort to chemical and expensive means and preparations to combat flying bloodsuckers, you can use alternative methods. Scientists have conducted many studies and come to the conclusion that mosquitoes cannot tolerate the aroma of some “simple” plants. The list of the “green army” includes:

  • spruce;
  • fir;
  • sagebrush;
  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • Walnut;
  • western thuja;
  • tomato leaves;
  • black currant;
  • valerian;
  • lemon;
  • tansy;
  • carnation.

To get rid of mosquitoes in your area, you can plant plants that repel such insects

There are also additional options for using plants as a means to get rid of annoying midges:

  • while at the dacha, you can place juniper branches in the fire, which will definitely scare away bloodsuckers from your area;
  • plants can be placed in a vase at home to protect the room from pests;
  • These plants can be made into a decoction and used as a repellent, applied to the skin of the body or sprinkled on clothing.

You can make a decoction of the above plants to spray on clothing and skin, or use essential oils

Despite the prevalence and general safety of these plants for humans, it is worth remembering individual intolerances and possible allergies.


You can buy a fumigator in the form of a spiral in stores. They are sold in boxes of 5-10 pieces.

The spiral is very simple to use: it must be installed on the metal base included in the kit and set on fire, holding it over the fire for 15-20 seconds. Afterwards, the spiral should be extinguished and left to smolder and fumigate the room.

A spiral is often used, which is set on fire to repel mosquitoes.

Some manufacturers give different recommendations for use, so it is better to study the description on the package. The only condition that unites all spirals is a ban on use in enclosed spaces and installation near people and food.

Ultrasonic repellers

Small boxes that you can carry with you anywhere. The effect of the repellers extends over two meters around, driving away pests that are uncomfortable with ultrasound, including mosquitoes.

Recently, ultrasonic repellers have become popular, which usually have a range of 8-12 meters. They can be used both at home and outdoors

There are also OUs that operate from the network. They can be purchased for your home, as their range of action reaches 8-12 meters, which allows you to rid an entire room of bloodsuckers.

Aerosols - advantages and disadvantages

Medicines produced in the form of aerosols will help you cope with mosquitoes. The compositions reliably protect against insect attacks, but can harm humans.

The following characteristics are considered to be the advantages of mosquito repellent aerosols:

  • the bottle is convenient and easy to use;
  • the product is sprayed evenly onto a specific area;
  • it will be possible to treat hard-to-reach places;
  • the radius of action of the drug extends to 3.5 meters;
  • the compositions are able to protect for several hours in a row.

In addition to the list of advantages, there are also disadvantages:

  • The spray contains toxic components, so spraying should not be done near food. Avoid contact with the face, especially the eyes.
  • Aerosols should not be used to protect children.

Rules for using the aerosol:

  • Shake the aerosol bottle before use.
  • Spraying is carried out at a distance of 20 cm from the body.
  • The composition can be applied to exposed skin, clothing, and hair.
  • Do not spray more than once every 4 hours.
  • Do not spray the composition near an open fire.

Aerosols repel mosquitoes and last a long time after spraying. To get the maximum benefit from the drug, you must follow the instructions for use.

A mosquito bit me: what to do?

If you notice redness, slight swelling, or even a blister, the skin in which is terribly itchy, then most likely you have been bitten by a mosquito. We unbearably want to scratch the bite site, saving ourselves from pain and itching, but after scratching everything only gets worse: the skin turns even redder, blood may appear, and an unsightly mark will remain on the scratched area for a long time.

It's best not to scratch the bite area as this may cause more problems.

What to do if a mosquito bites you?

  1. Itching is perfectly relieved by fresh onion juice, aloe juice, lemon, dandelion leaves, as well as by applying plantain or parsley.
  2. A saturated solution of table salt will also protect the bite site from the desire to scratch it and redness.
  3. Ammonia, vinegar solution, soda - what you can use to wipe the bite area.
  4. You definitely need to treat the areas that you have already combed with brilliant green.
  5. If the itching does not stop, you should use allergy medications and immediately visit a doctor.

If you notice a mosquito bite, it is recommended to use ammonia, vinegar, soda and other means that can be easily found, perhaps, in every home

How to Reduce Itching from Mosquito Bites

There are several tools available:

  • weak soda solution: per glass of water – ½ tsp. product;
  • freshly prepared onion juice. The second option is to cut the onion, carefully lubricate the itchy areas;
  • weak solution of potassium permanganate (weak pink);
  • decoction of calendula or chamomile: 250 ml of boiling water – 1 tsp. flowers, leave for 30 minutes, strain.

READ ALSO: Crustacean woodlice insects in an apartment: how to get rid of and prevent the reappearance of parasites

You need to prepare a home remedy, cool it to room temperature, and gently wipe the itchy red spots on the body. You should not cauterize the bite sites, especially after scratching: this can increase irritation. There is no need to scratch or rub the affected areas too much: microcracks appear on the skin, and infection easily penetrates, especially when attacked by mosquitoes in nature.

Traditional methods of killing mosquitoes

To combat insects, you can use various natural and safe means for humans, including:

Citronella essential oil

In this case, it is important that the oil is not perfumery, but natural. Soybean oil, which can be mixed with catnip or lavender. Neem tree seed oil comes from India. Garlic. Ammonia is an effective remedy that can be used, but is not advisable, since it is unpleasant not only for mosquitoes, but also for household members. Camphor heated on a burner. Valerian or tobacco. Tea tree oil. To fight bloodsuckers, just drop oil on a lamp or place a cotton pad soaked in the product on the windowsill

It is worth noting that the oil is effective not only in repelling mosquitoes, but also in treating bites. Elder. Persian or Caucasian chamomile. This product also repels insects, because it contains pyrethrum, which all parasitic insects are afraid of.

Important! Some of the folk remedies can cause an allergic reaction, so their effect on the body must be checked first.

Features of mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are small insects reaching a length of 3-7 mm. Their activity peaks in the warm season. You can encounter this problem in nature, in the courtyard of a private house, in a barn or living room. Insects fly into the house in response to the heat, which is detected by their infrared vision.

Mosquitoes feed on plant sap, but female pests also feed on human blood, which is necessary for the development of offspring and population growth. Insects find their victims by the smell of sweat.

Insects make squeaking and buzzing noises while flying, which disturbs sleep and peace. But the main danger of mosquitoes is bites, which cause discomfort in the form of itching, redness, and swelling. In addition, insects can be carriers of dangerous infectious diseases (malaria or yellow fever).

Mosquitoes are small insects whose females feed on human blood to reproduce healthy offspring.

Traditional methods of controlling mosquitoes in an apartment

Some people, having blocked access to the apartment for mosquitoes, do not fight insects indoors, hoping that the bloodsuckers will die in a day or two. However, you shouldn't hope for it. Mosquitoes have a much longer lifespan. It depends on who is in front of us, a male or a female, as well as on the temperature in the apartment.

The female mosquito feeds only on blood, while the males consume the nectar of individual flowers. If the temperature in the apartment is about 25 degrees, then the female, feeding from you, can live for about 43 days. The lower the temperature, the more its life expectancy increases. At a temperature of 10 degrees, the female will live up to 120 days.

The lifespan of males is much shorter. At a temperature of about 25 degrees it will live only 20 days. However, this is enough to get you bored. Therefore, do not delay the fight against mosquitoes, because they can not only ruin your night with an unpleasant squeak, but also cause serious harm.

For people with allergies to bites, mosquito bites can be a real problem. It is very difficult to hide from insects, since they can smell the blood and sweat of a person several tens of meters and sometimes kilometers away.

There is also a dubious theory that mosquitoes can transmit HIV, but this has not yet been proven.

On the street it is not difficult to hide from insects, because it is enough to shorten the duration of the walk, but at home it is impossible to do this, because this vile buzz will haunt you both day and night

Of course, you can hide from them under a blanket, but in the summer you don’t want to do this, which is why it is important to know how to eliminate mosquitoes from your living space. To do this, you can use the tools and devices described below.

Sprays, ointments and creams

Such products are not practical in their use, so they can only be used when going outdoors. You won’t be able to use the products in an apartment, and their period of action is only a couple of hours, which means they won’t be able to protect you during sleep.

mosquito net

You can also protect yourself from mosquitoes using a mosquito net that is installed on the windows. It serves as a barrier for insects, thanks to which they will not be able to enter the house. The mesh is safe for human health and is non-toxic. The only drawback is that if the surface is damaged, the integrity of the barrier will be compromised and mosquitoes will again enter the home.

Repellent odors

You can also influence mosquitoes using odors, while some of them can kill insects, while others attract them and will serve as a habitat that prolongs life.

In order to repel mosquitoes, it is best to use one of the options suggested below:

  • Tomato stems.
  • The smell of mint, bird cherry, lavender or lilac.
  • Walnut leaves.
  • Eucalyptus or lavender oil.
  • Cloves, basil and other spices.

Reasons for appearance

Mosquitoes prefer rooms with temperatures above +20 degrees and high humidity. It is no coincidence that in nature insects live near bodies of water and are most active in the warm season. An unpleasant squeak is heard more often in the evenings; biting parasites actively swarm around the light and approach the heat source. It is no coincidence that everyone who has left the windows open with the lights on in the room knows: mosquitoes will certainly fly into the home for a night “meal.”

Parasitic insects feed on blood; some species transmit dangerous diseases from an infected person to a healthy person. The main reason mosquitoes appear near people is the need for food. The parasite bites the skin with its proboscis, the insect's saliva irritates the epidermis, and red spots appear on the body. When scratching, the size of the spots increases. Multiple mosquito bites are especially dangerous for young children: an attack by a flock of insects can lead to allergies.

The main living areas in multi-storey buildings: basements, bathrooms, balconies, kitchens, areas under a suspended ceiling, rooms if the housewife often dries clothes in the house. Dampness combined with warmth and plenty of food is an ideal environment for biting parasites. Garages and sewers are habitats and breeding areas for pests.

The risk of mosquito infestation increases in the presence of provoking factors:

  • dampness in the house;
  • open windows, no mosquito net;
  • grates with large holes are installed in the air vents;
  • the faucet is constantly dripping in the bathroom; there is a container in the bathroom or under the sink to collect water in the leakage area;
  • residents turn on the lights in the evenings, forget to close the windows or protect the home from insects with a mosquito net;
  • the house is located near a pond;
  • There is often water in the basement due to rusting and minor pipe breaks.

READ ALSO: Small leather beetles in an apartment: how to get rid of a harmful insect and destroy its larvae
Many people are interested in the question: where do mosquitoes come from in city apartments in winter? Insects die in the frosty season; at temperatures around 0 degrees, the parasites fall into torpor. Pests adapt to unfavorable conditions: they overwinter in warm, damp basements, and fly to the upper floors along stairwells and elevator shafts. That is why even in winter sucking parasites can end up in your home.

Find out how to use an ultrasonic rodent repeller in your home and apartment.

Read about how to choose a magnetic glass cleaner for washing windows in an apartment in this article.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in nature and in the forest

Do clothes with anti-mosquito treatment work?

Repellent-impregnated clothing is not some newfangled invention. Military uniforms treated with permethrin have long been tested on the military, saving American soldiers from malaria and other diseases caused by insects, some of which were fatal. The US Army has used permethrin for more than 20 years to impregnate uniforms. And only recently have they begun to use this technology for commercial purposes and produce clothing for civilians.

What to choose: clothes with anti-mosquito impregnation or spray?

You can buy ready-made clothes treated with permethrin or buy a spray, for example, from the American brand Sawyer and treat your clothes yourself. Factory impregnation of clothing against insects can withstand from 25 to 70 washes, but under no circumstances should it be dry cleaned. And you can’t iron it either, because, as scientists who conducted experiments say, ironing destroys the components of permethrin. The main advantage of the spray is its low price - $13 for a 350 ml bottle of spray, but the effect of one treatment lasts up to 40 days or 6 washes.

Theoretically, clothing can be treated with other repellents, for example those containing DEET, but they are less durable and do not retain the repellent effect after washing.

Are permethrin-treated clothing safe?

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has certified the safety of clothing treated with permethrin. In 2009, they assessed the risks in various modes of use, including wearing the clothes by toddlers, or contaminated clothing, or, in the case of the military, long-term daily wear. And they concluded that clothing impregnated with permethrin in factory conditions is unlikely to pose any threat to the people wearing it, both in the short term and during long-term wear. They also claim that there is no risk for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. Although, you can certainly weigh all the dangers and consequences yourself by critically approaching the issue. Yes, permethrin is a powerful pesticide. Therefore, it is hardly worth spraying all your clothes and children’s clothes in the city. But, if you or your child are traveling to a forest infested with ticks and mosquitoes, then the benefits of using permethrin outweigh all the risks.

We have prepared a table for you showing the active ingredients effective against mosquitoes, repellents, and where they are used.

Active IngredientProductPhotoPrice
DEETRepel 100 Insect Repellent Spray – kills mosquitoes, ticks and other biting insects for up to 10 hours~$6.96
PicaridinSawyer Repellent with 20% Picaridin – spray provides up to 12 hours of protection against mosquitoes~$6.90
Avon SKIN SO SOFT with 20% Picaridin – spray for gentle protection of the whole family~$10.95
PermethrinBlack Flag Fogging Insecticide – used for fumigation of large areas with steam generators~$14.93
Zorrel Permitrin-Treated Insect Shield Tee Shirt~$27.95
Sawyer Permethrin Clothing Insect Repellent - a special spray for spraying clothes~$13.00
IR3535Avon SKIN-SO-SOFT IR3535 – moisturizing mosquito repellent lotion with sun protection~$4.79
PyrethroidsCutter Backyard Bug Control is an insecticide for protecting large areas. Connects to a hose. ~$9.45
Eucalyptus oilRepel Lemon Eucalyptus Natural Insect Repellent Spray – provides 6 hours of mosquito protection~$8.99
Citronella oiliCooker Mosquito Repellent Bracelets – natural repellent bracelet~$19.99
Cutter Candle – repellent candles for natural protection against mosquitoes~$14.77
Citronella Outdoor Sticks (set) – the smoke from lighting these sticks repels mosquitoes~$17
Geranium oilInvisaband All Natural Mosquito Repellent Bracelets - safe mosquito repellent bracelet, suitable even for children~$19.80

Anti-mosquito insecticides: for larvae and adults

TypeProductActive substancePrice on American Amazon
Biological agents (bacteria) for larvae Place in standing waterMosquito DunksBTI~$5.80
Mosquito BitsBTI~$16.76
Bonide Mosquito Beater Water Soluble PouchesBTI~$7
Grub chemicals (IGR) Pour granules/diluted concentrate into standing waterAltosid Pro-G Mosquito LarvicideMethoprene (Precon)~$34.24
IG Regulator, 4 oz by Martinpyriproxyfen (Nylar)~$17.18
For adults Spray the areaSuspend Sc Insecticidedeltamethrin~$41.40
Black Flag 190255 Fogging Insecticidepermethrin~$14.93

First aid for bites

If you still were unable to avoid the unpleasant consequences of encountering mosquitoes, to get rid of irritation and itching, use these popular tips:

  1. To reduce itching, rub the bite area with a solution of baking soda (dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm water, soak cotton wool in the solution and apply to the pimple for a few minutes).
  2. A similar effect can be obtained if you lubricate a mosquito bite with ammonia diluted with water (in a ratio of 1 to 1).
  3. You can remove swelling from a bite by using finely grated potatoes. Potato pulp is applied to the wound and left for several minutes. After the potatoes darken, change the lotion to a fresh one.
  4. You can apply a plantain leaf or crushed parsley leaves to the bite site. These plants can relieve inflammation and relieve pain.
  5. A proven and reliable remedy for the treatment of mosquito bites is the Vietnamese balm “Red Star”. It is this balm that will not only help after a bite, but may also prevent it.
  6. Lemon juice, mint juice, regular baby soap, and banana peel help relieve irritation and itching. For adults, it would be appropriate to rub the pimple with a cut onion or clove of garlic.
  7. For allergy sufferers, it is recommended to use medications (ointments, tablets, drops). The best drugs to cope with the body's reaction to an insect bite are Fenistil gel, Tavegil, Hydrocartisone (be sure to read the instructions and consult a doctor before use!)

And to avoid being bitten, you should follow some simple rules.:

  1. Take walks in the forest in closed clothes.
  2. Walk away from swampy areas.
  3. Before going out, do not use perfumes with a sweet aroma.
  4. Prefer windy weather for walking.
  5. When camping outdoors in tents, use mosquito nets.

By observing all the rules and following the suggested tips, you can not fear for the health of yourself and your loved ones, and feel free to go on country walks and picnics.

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Mosquitoes Mosquitoes in nature Mosquito bite Mosquito protection Repellents Folk remedies for mosquitoes Mosquito Insects

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  • Sergey

    with us 1 year, 1 month, 8 days
    2020-11-11 14:16:35

    Nikolay, it’s no secret) I ordered the Noveen IKN910 LED insecticidal lamp from the online store

  • Nikolai

    with us 8 months, 14 days
    2020-10-12 12:25:53

    Tell me, Sergey, where did you buy this device, if it’s not a secret?

  • Yuri

    with us 1 year, 4 months, 16 days
    2020-07-02 12:40:50

    Comrade Voronin, checkers “Quiet Evening”, “Samuro” and “City” are sold in the online store Repellers Com Ua

  • Yu. Voronin

    with us 1 year, 25 days
    2020-06-01 16:25:15

    Tell me, Yuri, where can I buy the checkers you mentioned? I looked all over the internet and couldn't find them.

  • Sergey

    with us 1 year, 1 month, 8 days
    2020-05-18 13:48:33

    Today, pests such as mosquitoes can be controlled in a modern way - with the help of UV electric lamps. In the summer, the Noveen IKN910 LED insect killer helps me a lot. Thanks to his work, flies and mosquitoes in the summer at the dacha do not bother me.

  • Olga

    with us 1 year, 3 months, 13 days
    2020-03-13 12:43:33

    Electric exterminators are also very effective against mosquitoes. For example, in the warm season I use the N'oveen IKN-20 insecticidal lamp and these bloodsuckers do not bother me and my family. You can buy this device here:

  • Yuri

    with us 1 year, 4 months, 16 days
    2020-02-11 11:50:45

    Better yet, use insecticidal sprays against mosquitoes. An excellent option for this would be the “Quiet Evening”, “Samuro” or “City” checker. As a result of their use, these harmful bloodsuckers do not bother me when fishing or in the country. I recommend to everyone!

About the safety of mosquito repellents for children and pets

The safest mosquito repellents that do not affect pets and children are ultrasonic repellers.

As for essential oils, many are confident that their use is safe, but this is not the case. For example, essential oils can have a stimulating effect on pets - remember how cats behave under the influence of valerian oil.

Geranium on the window will repel insects

Essential oils of geranium or cloves can have a negative effect on the child's body. If children spend a long time in a room with a strong smell of such oils, they may experience weakness, dizziness, and sometimes nausea. In addition, allergic reactions are possible.

Be careful: mosquitoes!

The harm from a bite from a small bloodsucker is not as harmless as it might seem at first glance. The female mosquito (only females feed on blood), focusing on heat, carbon dioxide exhaled by a person, sweat secretions (namely the smell of lactic acid released in sweat) selects her victim. Before starting to drink blood, the mosquito injects its saliva under the human skin, which contains anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting, thereby diluting it and facilitating the process of blood sucking. Itching, swelling, rash, and blisters may occur at the site of the bite. In addition, there is a possibility of contracting various dangerous infections (malaria, tularemia, yellow fever, some types of encephalitis). In people prone to allergic reactions, with reduced immunity, and even in young children, after a mosquito bite, swelling may occur, swollen lymph nodes and severe headaches may occur. If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately take antihistamines.

At home (in an apartment, in a country house) in a closed space, you can get rid of annoying bloodsuckers using special electrical and ultrasonic devices, which are freely sold in almost all stores. In nature, protecting yourself from mosquitoes is much more difficult. But you shouldn’t give up summer evening walks just because of the fear of being bitten by these harmful insects - in order to save yourself from annoying bloodsuckers, we suggest using effective remedies against mosquito bites.

How to get rid of mosquitoes in the yard: fumigators and traps

We talked about insecticides, chose the best ones, now let's decide how to use them correctly. The most effective method of spraying is to use foggers. Foggers (hot fog generators (fumigators)) can be called “weapons of mass destruction.” Creating toxic fog is a simple and effective method of mosquito control.

The Burgess 1443 40-Ounce Outdoor Propane Insect Fogger is one of the best-selling foggers on Amazon with a rating of 4.4 out of 5 stars. Why is it so popular? Obviously because of the price. Before writing a review, we made sure that you can save your money with it: it’s not exactly the best, but it’s a solid and cheap device. It is powerful enough to release mist up to 3m away. Price: $61.77

Specialized products for repelling and killing mosquitoes

Mosquito exterminators

This category is the most effective and modern means of combating mosquitoes. Its main representatives are the so-called mosquito exterminators, which can exterminate insects over fairly large areas using specialized technical means. They are conventionally divided into several groups:

Carbon dioxide traps

Carbon dioxide trap

Carbon dioxide traps The operating principle of such devices is based on a complete imitation of warm-blooded objects (human or animal), including heating the air. For this purpose, a propane cylinder is connected to the device, the gas from which, burning in a small amount, produces this imitation.

Insects attracted by the heat, flying close to the heat source, are picked up by a stream of air created by a special fan. This air flow draws mosquitoes into a trap located nearby. The trap is a bag from which mosquitoes cannot escape and die in it.

The cost of such devices is quite high and amounts to several hundred dollars, however, their efficiency is one of the highest. One such trap can protect an area of ​​several hundred square meters from mosquitoes. This is quite enough to ensure a comfortable existence on an area equal to a medium-sized garden plot.

Electric traps

Electric trap

Electric traps A device capable of protecting slightly smaller areas (from 0.3 to 1 hundred square meters), however, it is much cheaper and works without a propane cylinder. The electric trap looks like a night light, the light of which attracts mosquitoes in the dark.

Mosquitoes, attracted by the light of such a trap, fall onto a metal mesh connected to a voltage source, where they die.

The device is absolutely safe for humans and can be used both in open spaces and indoors.

Ultrasound repellers

Ultrasound repellers

Ultrasonic repellers The operating principle of these devices is based on simulating the mosquito squeak that male mosquitoes emit at the moment of danger. Hearing this ultrasonic signal, mosquitoes begin to fly away from its source.

The effectiveness of such devices depends on the intensity and frequency of the ultrasound used. The most widely used repellers are from the following manufacturers:

  • Tornado (frequency from up to 40 kHz)
  • Typhoon (frequency 5 to 18 kHz)
  • Veitek (30 – 40 kHz)

Depending on the power of the device, its range of action ranges from 2 m (battery-powered devices) to 15 m (with stationary power supply from 220 V).

The price of such devices is approximately half that of electric traps.

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