How to remove the smell of tobacco from your mouth, clothes and other places when smoking

At first, the smell of tobacco has time to disappear from the skin between smoke breaks, but the more often and longer you smoke, the more difficult it is to get rid of the smoke that has ingrained into the skin. As a result, over time, the skin becomes rough and loses its natural elasticity, the nail plates turn yellow, and the hands lose their youth and beauty. Let us emphasize once again that these negative consequences occur only from the fact that you are holding a cigarette in your hand, without even taking puffs.

You should not think that this problem is purely cosmetic. Through the skin pores, tobacco tar enters the blood vessels and, along with the blood flow, is distributed throughout the body. As a result, the harm from each cigarette smoked is further aggravated.

Now you know why tobacco aroma is dangerous and why you need to fight it. We'll tell you how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes from your hands in simple and accessible ways.

Long live scented soap!

After each smoke break, wash your hands thoroughly with soap, and with particular diligence, lather the hand in which you hold the cigarette. For this procedure, use soap with strong perfume fragrances - the aromatic substances contained in such products reliably eliminate the smell of tobacco.

Please note that you should always wash your hands with cold water. Warm and hot water reduces effort to a minimum.

Along with your hands, don't forget to wash your face, mouth and chin. If you have a beard or mustache, wash it as well if possible.

How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes on your hair?

How to remove cigarette smell from hair? To do this, heavy smokers can use:

  • To wash hair. However, after every cigarette, no one can afford this, and therefore they will have to look for other ways.
  • Use long-lasting perfume and eau de toilette. It is enough to sprinkle your curls a little to refresh them. Not all fragrances are equally good for such purposes. It is recommended to use perfume with pronounced fruity and floral notes. The same method allows you to understand how to remove the smell of cigarettes from your hands. Simply wipe your fingertips with perfume.
  • Use dry shampoo. This is often not worth doing, but after a “smoky” day and before evening events, you can use this method.

Wet wipes are always at hand

The method of combating tobacco odor with soap and cold water is good for everyone, except for one thing: it cannot be used in every situation. Ordinary wet wipes are a different matter.

If you often smoke on the street, in the field, on construction sites and anywhere where it is not physically possible to wash your hands, carry wet sanitary wipes in your pocket. These products, based on a variety of non-woven materials, are impregnated with a moisturizing composition that successfully removes tarry traces of tobacco smoke from the skin. If the impregnation contains perfume compositions, the effect will be especially pronounced.

After wiping your hands, traditionally do not forget about the skin of your face - the smell of tobacco remains on it too. And when the napkin dries slightly, at the same time wipe your clothes at least a little.

In addition to accessibility, wipes have another advantage - unlike soap, they practically do not dry the skin. However, do not forget about the likelihood of allergic reactions and use products from unfamiliar brands with caution.

How to deal with the unpleasant smell from cigarettes?

How to get rid of the smell of smoking? It is necessary to eliminate unpleasant amber not only from hands and fingers, hair and mouth. Acrid smoke penetrates into fabrics, leaves a mark on furnishings, and eats into the upholstery of a car or home sofa. How long does it take for the smell of cigarettes to disappear from a room? This may take several months - everything will depend on the furnishings and the material from which they are made. If the room has carpets or the furniture is upholstered with fleecy fabric, then this can take quite a lot of time. This process can be accelerated using some natural, folk and chemical means.

Natural flavors

Sliced ​​fresh citrus peel can help remove the smell of cigarettes. Lemons and oranges, tangerines and limes can be used for this purpose. To complete the task, you will need to cut the peel into small slices, spread it among the furnishings, and collect it after 1-2 hours. Coffee beans can serve the same purpose.

Smokers can use natural flavors as a permanent odor remover. To do this, place the peel in a bowl. You can do the same with coffee beans. However, such “fresheners” will need to be changed quite often - every 1-2 days.

Aroma oils

How to get rid of cigarette smell using aromatic oils? To do this, you need to purchase your favorite, as well as a special bowl. A candle is placed at its bottom, and sea or plain water mixed with a couple of drops of oil is poured into the upper container. The following oils can be used as an effective remedy:

  • Juniper,
  • Lavender,
  • Pines,
  • Lemon or orange
  • tea tree,
  • Ylang-Ylang,
  • Sage, Ave.

All the proposed aromas will not completely eliminate the smell of cigarettes; they will only mask it. If the smoker continues to “indulge” in cigarettes, then any remedy will not be stable and effective.


This product allows you to get rid of smoke embedded in the surface of furniture, wall, ceiling, and floor materials. To prepare a vinegar solution, use half of 1 glass of water, which is mixed with 1 glass of apple cider vinegar. This is the method that allows you to get rid of cigarette smoke from your hands.

Moisten a napkin with the prepared product, then wipe the surfaces of the furniture with it, but without pressing. Do not apply the composition to untreated wooden products.


Eau de parfum or eau de toilette helps quickly get rid of the smell of tobacco in an apartment, office, or other room. These should be fruity, woody, chypre or floral aromas. Water and powder ones will not be able to cope with this task. In order not to waste an expensive product, just drop it on hot objects - a lamp, battery or aroma lamp. This method resembles the action of an aroma lamp. It allows you to mask the unpleasant aroma.


This is a real natural sponge that absorbs unpleasant odors. To use, the rice should be poured into a bowl and left in the middle of the room. You shouldn’t think that this method will get rid of smoke forever, but it will remove the stench for a short time.


All kinds of fresheners and flavors fall into this category. There are special anti-tobacco compounds. You can make the mixture yourself:

  • ¼ tbsp. Mix baking soda with ½ tbsp. ammonia.
  • Add ¼ tbsp to the mixture. vinegar.
  • Pour the mixture into a container with three liters of water.

This product is used for wet cleaning; it can be used to wipe all objects, not just walls and floors. You need to make sure that there are no streaks or marks on the surface.

Having chosen how to get rid of the smell of cigarettes, you should still think about not poisoning your body. If this cannot be avoided, then it is still recommended to smoke not in an apartment or office, but in the open air, but in a specially designated place.

Antiseptics: alcohol against tobacco

Antiseptic hand liquids are another remedy that will come to the rescue in any conditions. Such disinfectants are available in different forms - in the form of gels, lotions and even sprays. This variety is united by an alcohol base with a characteristic pungent odor that quickly overpowers the smell of tobacco.

Another option is antiseptics designed specifically to eliminate tobacco odor. They are more effective than conventional disinfectant gels, but are more expensive and rarely available for sale.

Don't get too carried away with using any antiseptics. Antibacterial gels dry the skin even more than soap, so it is recommended to use them only occasionally.

How to remove the smell of cigarettes from your mouth using hygiene products

None of the remedies listed below are a panacea - they will not help completely get rid of the strong tobacco aroma from your mouth. However, regular oral cleaning and specialized products can help reduce the odor as much as possible.

Teeth cleaning

This is the most basic procedure that helps keep your breath fresh. It is advisable to brush your teeth at least 2 times a day to minimize the damage from smoking. If a person smokes a large number of cigarettes per day, teeth should be brushed as often as possible - preferably after every meal.

The effectiveness of brushing your teeth can be increased by following these recommendations:

  1. It is best to use a brush with medium-hard bristles.
  2. The brush size should not be too large or too small.
  3. It is desirable that the back surface of the brush be covered with special rubber bristles, which are used to clean the surface of the tongue and cheeks.
  4. Change your toothbrush every 2 months.

Important! The duration of brushing your teeth should be at least 2-3 minutes.

Tongue cleaning

Tobacco tars and particles accumulate in large quantities on the surface of the tongue, so brushing your teeth alone is not enough to remove the unpleasant smell of tobacco.

It is recommended to clean your tongue of plaque at least once a day, paying special attention to the back of it - this is where most of the harmful bacteria are located.

Use the rubberized part of the brush or a special scraper to clean the tongue. Treatment is carried out in the direction from the base to the tip of the tongue. Do not press too hard so as not to damage the delicate surface.

Mouth rinses

An additional measure to combat the smell of cigarettes is to rinse your mouth daily. It is advisable to carry it out not only after brushing your teeth, but also every time after smoking. Mouthwashes quickly destroy harmful bacteria in the mouth and wash away tobacco plaque.

Advice! It is better not to buy alcohol-based products. They can cause severe irritation to the oral mucosa.


This is one of the easiest ways to get rid of the aroma of tobacco - chewing gum can be purchased at almost any grocery store. However, you should not try to get rid of the smell with the help of mint leaves - they work very mediocrely. Fruit-flavored gum can effectively combat tobacco aroma, especially if it contains a small amount of sugar. Sugar-free antiseptic chewing gum is sold in pharmacies.


"Antipolitsay" is a specialized oral freshener designed specifically to combat the smell of alcohol and cigarettes. The product is available in the form of lollipops and spray. The speed of the product does not depend on the form of release - after 4-5 minutes the aroma of cigarettes will become barely noticeable.

Anti-smoking sprays

There are a large number of special sprays aimed at masking the tobacco aroma in the mouth. However, not all of them are useful. Products that do not contain alcohol, which can greatly irritate your gums, work best to combat odor.

Citrus peels or ginger pieces - two in one

If you don't smoke a cigarette often, after a smoke break, wipe your hands with freshly cut lemon, grapefruit or orange peel. People have long used citrus peels to combat unpleasant odors, and the smell of tobacco is no exception.

The bright peel of fruits from the citrus family contains essential oil, which has a disinfectant and antiseptic effect. Moreover, unlike the classic antiseptic, lemon, grapefruit or orange juice has a beneficial effect on the skin, improves its color and helps maintain elasticity. Another bonus is that with regular use of this product, your nails become stronger.

Pieces of ginger root also help well.

Causes of bad breath in smokers


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Every person at least once in his life has encountered the problem of bad breath from cigarettes. Opponents of smoking are no exception - they also encounter this phenomenon when communicating with smoking loved ones, colleagues, or simply interacting with unfamiliar heavy smokers in public places. So why does such an accessible hobby as cigarettes, the smoke of which seems to be completely exhaled from the lungs, leave such an unpleasant trace behind?

The main factors influencing the persistence of cigarette odor from the mouth:

  • With prolonged smoking, the mucous membrane of the oral cavity, the surface of the tongue and tooth enamel absorb more and more nicotine and tar - chemical compounds with a pronounced pungent odor - from inhaled cigarette vapors. Over time, the acidity of saliva changes, which means that its direct purpose - cleansing and moisturizing the cavity - is not carried out properly;
  • A smoker's cough is fraught with many health problems, one of which is bad breath. In cigarette lovers with chronic diseases of the respiratory system, mucus and other unpleasant smoking products accumulate in the tracts, which provoke the proliferation of pathogenic bacteria in the nasopharynx , aggravating the smell of tobacco from the mouth;
  • When people smoke to lose weight, it's not just the smell of cigarettes that comes out of their mouth . In these cases, as a rule, halitosis is caused by a whole complex of abnormalities in the functioning of the body: firstly, disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract; secondly, failure to maintain the body’s water balance - dry mouth only intensifies the already unpleasant odor; thirdly, the cigarette smoke itself, which eats into the mucous membrane of the mouth, throat, and respiratory tract, and which is not “masked” by anything during fasting, because food itself does an excellent job of getting rid of the unpleasant odor;
  • Smokers often face dental problems . Any diseases of the teeth or gums cause bad breath, and when combined with tobacco smoke, heavy breathing only gets worse.

Coffee grounds are another flavoring agent

In terms of intensity and “sharpness” of aroma, natural coffee boldly competes with tobacco. If after a smoke break you wipe your hands with fresh coffee grounds, the smell of tobacco smoke will disappear without a trace, giving way to a light coffee fragrance.

Women will especially like this method of getting rid of cigarette smell, because coffee grounds are not only an excellent remover of unpleasant odors, but also an excellent natural hand scrub. However, under the influence of drinking coffee, the skin acquires a brownish tint, so after the procedure, do not forget to wash your hands with soap.

Why is the smell of tobacco so pungent?

Cigarette smoke is not only very smelly, but also corrosive. When smoking, tobacco smoke permeates absolutely everything: hands, hair, clothes, nearby objects. This persistence of the cigarette smell is due to the chemical composition of the tobacco used for filling.

In addition to nicotine, carbon monoxide and various volatile impurities, cigarettes contain a large amount of viscous, highly toxic resins, which, when released into the air, stick to surrounding surfaces. They have an amazing ability to penetrate deeply into various structures, so they remain there for a long time. It is the presence of highly toxic resins that makes the smell of cigarettes so pungent.

Smoky room

Vinegar: table, apple, wine

Vinegar essence is also one of the popular home remedies to combat unpleasant odors. Table alcohol vinegar absorbs well and neutralizes the smell of tobacco, and at the same time destroys germs that are transferred from the cigarette to your hands.

Natural types of vinegar, obtained from alcohol-containing products due to their processing by special acetic acid bacteria, act in the same way, only more mildly. In addition, by rubbing your hands with apple or wine vinegar, you saturate your skin with vitamins, organic acids and antioxidants, restoring its softness and elasticity.

Remember that any vinegar is a fairly strong irritant, so after the procedure, be sure to rinse your hands with cool water.

Gas and solid phase components

Under the influence of high temperature, volatile substances from tobacco leaves begin to evaporate and break down - thus creating new components of tobacco smoke. And non-volatile substances evaporate and turn into smoke. A core stream of smoke is created when puffing. In the intervals between puffs, the burning cone of a cigarette emits a secondary stream of smoke with its own special chemical composition - these are highly concentrated liquid particles suspended in the air, each of which consists of many compounds of oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, carbon oxide and dioxide, as well as semi-volatile and volatile organic substances. The chemical substances produced by a cigarette are divided into a gas component and solid particles. The first includes hydrogen cyanide, carbon monoxide and dioxide, hydrogen sulfide, isoprene, ammonium, acetaldehyde, isoprene, nitrobenzene, acrolein, acetone, hydrocyanic acid, etc. The tobacco smoke phase mainly includes nicotine, tobacco tar (tar) and water. The resin contains polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, including aromatic amines, nitrosoamines, pyrene, isoprenoid, fluoranthene, anthracene, chrysene, primitive and difficult phenols, naphthols, cresols, naphthalene, etc. It is important to remember that the substances released into the air by a cigarette are only partially absorbed by the smoker himself, and the rest is inhaled by people nearby who are forced to be passive smokers. The solid phase includes, among other substances, metals in varying numbers (in descending order): potassium, sodium, zinc, lead, aluminum, copper, cadmium, nickel, manganese, antimony, steel, arsenic, tellurium, bismuth, mercury, manganese, lanthanum, scandium, chromium, silver, settlements, cobalt, cesium, gold. In addition, radioactive compounds of lead, polonium, potassium, strontium, etc. are formed.

How long does it usually take for it to air out?

Even one smoked cigarette can spoil several tens or hundreds of cubic meters of air.

Numerous aromatic compounds provide a persistent, pungent odor that lingers on almost any surface that comes into contact with smoke, and remains on clothing or tissues of the human body.

The smell of tobacco from the mouth completely disappears in a few hours. This is noticeably longer than the 40-100 minutes it takes the average smoker to need his next cigarette.

Using snuff or chewing tobacco only leaves an odor in the nose or mouth. Thus, changing the method of delivering nicotine into the blood will reduce the inconvenience caused to others.

READ Which tablets for bad breath are better to choose?

No matter how many ways there are to clean your mouth after smoking a cigarette, you can get rid of the stench forever only by giving up this habit.

However, if you need to freshen your breath before an important meeting or date, you can use one of the modern or traditional ways to quickly eliminate the stench or eat it away.


Antipolice lollipops are a biologically active mouth freshener, created specifically to eliminate foreign odor from the mouth. The product contains eucalyptus oil, licorice root and gum arabic. These plant components destroy odorant molecules (carriers of odor), and at the same time cleanse the airways and soften the throat.

How to get rid of the smell of cigarettes from your breath using Anti-Police? After smoking, depending on the form of the drug, slowly dissolve two lozenges or irrigate the oral cavity with a spray from an aerosol can. The effect is felt 5 minutes after administration and lasts for an hour. If during this period of time you take up a cigarette again, repeat the intake after returning from the smoking room.


How to remove the smell of cigarettes from your mouth when you don’t have any special products at hand?

READ What to do if there is a smell of acetone from your breath?

Simple food products that can be found in any home refrigerator will help. They can, if not kill you completely, then at least mask the stench of tobacco.

Spices and seasonings

Cinnamon, almonds, fennel, bay leaves, cloves, parsley and many other flavored products themselves have a strong smell; you can fight off the stench either by chewing a little greenery or dried mass, or by eating some dish or drink with them - a cinnamon bun , shortbread with almond sprinkling, salad with fennel or parsley.

This, of course, is a temporary, one-time measure; if you eat something after each cigarette, you can ruin your digestion.

Tea and coffee

Competing hot drinks are also suitable for removing tobacco smoke from the mouth.

Adding ginger, mint or lemon to the teapot will enhance the effect.

You can simply chew the ground coffee beans, it will drown out other aromas from your mouth.


Milk and fermented milk products remove the stench of tobacco in almost one sip due to the suspended fat content in them.

Because of this, skim milk is less effective. You can either simply drink it on its own or add it to coffee or tea.

A few spoons of sour cream or a sandwich with butter will also quickly destroy the stench.

Unfortunately, in many adults, the body cannot cope with the digestion of dairy products, in which case they use other methods.


All varieties of nuts contain enough fat to absorb aromatic compounds from the mouth.

A handful of hazelnuts, hazelnuts, almonds, pine nuts or a couple of large walnuts will get rid of the smell.

Nut smoothies are effective, a kind of vegetarian replacement for cow's milk. You can carry a bag of mixed nuts in your pocket and use it to smoke cigarettes.

Diet to get rid of bad odor

Correcting your diet will help remove the smell of cigarettes from your mouth or make it less pronounced. If you know what needs to be included in the menu and which products are better to avoid, you can minimize the problem.

In addition to changing your diet, “water treatment” has worked well, which is also aimed at combating the stench that is present in all smokers. The only drawback of these methods is that a positive result will not appear immediately.

Odor removal products

To prevent your breath from smelling so strongly of tobacco, you need to improve your overall health. To do this, you need to eat right and, if possible, give up fast food and foods with a lot of carcinogens. If you have a question about how to hide that you smoke, the following products will help solve the problem:

  • Green apples. They freshen your breath well and help mask the smell of tobacco.
  • Coffee beans. You can quickly eliminate the characteristic odor by chewing a couple of coffee beans, spitting them out and rinsing your mouth.

Coffee beans

  • Greenery. Parsley, dill and celery not only mask the smell of tobacco, but also destroy most of the harmful microbes present in the oral cavity.
  • Spices. To prevent your breath from smelling like cigarettes, you can chew lemon balm, mint or eucalyptus.
  • Spices. One of the most effective ways to quickly remove the smell of tobacco is to chew a small handful of cloves or a cinnamon stick for a couple of minutes. Afterwards, you need to rinse your mouth with clean water - the cigarette stench will be replaced by the pleasant smell of oriental spices.
  • Citrus fruit. You can kill the unpleasant amber for a long time by chewing several slices of orange, tangerine or lemon along with the zest. The essential oils contained in these products will also help improve your oral health.
  • Natural yogurt. Fermented milk products, which do not contain preservatives, dyes and sugar, have a positive effect on fresh breath by improving the microflora of the stomach.
  • Ginger. You can kill the smell of cigarettes that comes from all smokers by eating a slice of candied ginger. The product is also useful because it provokes increased salivation, which prevents the mouth from drying out after smoking.

What drinks can help?

Various drinks will help freshen your breath after a smoke break:

  • Milk. First you need to rinse your mouth with water, and then drink a glass of full-fat milk in small sips.
  • Fresh juices. To prepare the drink, it is better to use apples, oranges, tangerines, carrots or grapefruit.
  • Strong coffee. To drown out the cigarette odor, you need to drink a cup of freshly brewed coffee.
  • Soda. The gases present in such drinks speed up the process of weathering the unwanted odor. Also, the cigarette trail becomes less noticeable due to strong flavors.

How can increasing your water intake help?

You can also minimize bad breath caused by regular smoking by drinking water. A technique called “Water Treatment” involves saturating the body with the necessary amount of moisture and regulating the water-salt balance. Regular consumption of water is also beneficial because it helps clean tooth enamel from accumulated plaque.

To eliminate bad breath, you need to drink only clean water, without added sugar or dyes. “Water treatment” involves consuming at least 8 glasses of water per day. In hot weather or during increased physical activity, their number is increased to 10. To make it easier to adhere to this regimen, you can sometimes add diluted lemon juice to the water.

What drinks and foods will worsen the situation?

In order not to aggravate the situation, it is recommended to avoid consuming hot drinks and alcoholic beverages, as they dry out the oral mucosa, as a result of which the bad breath after smoking will be even more pronounced. You should also refrain from sweet, starchy, spicy and salty foods, and dishes with garlic.

Not recommended

Is the smell from smoking harmful?

Cigarette smoke contains about 4,000 harmful chemical compounds, which, in addition to the disgusting stench, are harmful to human health. Animals cannot tolerate the spirit of tobacco. If a drop of nicotine kills a horse, then what about children and cats?

Children of smokers often suffer from coughs and allergies. The harm caused to the younger generation by nicotine is often irreparable.

Milk helps neutralize the harm from tobacco smell. Toddlers who drink three glasses of milk a day find it easier to cope with the consequences of their parents' nicotine addiction.

Adults use oatmeal kvass, which is a powerful cleansing drink, including the smell of cigarettes in the home.

Simple rules for smokers

Choose light flavored cigarettes (with the exception of menthol) or reduce their daily amount. This will improve your well-being and have a pleasant effect on communicating with non-smoking people, but it will not solve the problem itself and its consequences. The presence of menthol aggravates the toxicity of the elements that are included in cigarettes. Light tobacco is more harmful than black tobacco, as preservatives and dyes are used in its production. Therefore, preference should be given to dark varieties.

Cigarette smell from the mouth is sometimes easier to eliminate than the same smell from clothes, hair, hands, from a smoky room, or from the inside of a car. Therefore, the problem should be solved in a comprehensive manner, choosing the most effective method for you. And when possible, do it immediately after smoking a cigarette, before the tobacco smoke permeates you and others present. This simple precaution will somewhat soften the harshness of the odor from the oral cavity.

And if you try to limit the number of smoking breaks, your breathing will become easier and better. Take into account a few simple rules:

  • plan your daily intake, take a certain number of cigarettes;
  • refrain from smoking on the eve of social events;
  • When you smoke again, think about the family budget.

Constantly paying attention to bad breath can prevent many different diseases, including dental and gum disease.

How to eliminate the smell of cigarettes in your mouth

The primary advice given by people without bad habits and recommended by medicine is to forget about smoking forever. Indeed, a simple remedy, effective and without any special investment. But not everyone manages to use it. Non-smokers will not understand, but smokers will sympathize. And the smell from the mouth will not disappear for a long time for those who quit smoking.

Basic hygiene products will partially solve the problem: you should brush not only your teeth and tongue, but also the inside of your cheeks. This procedure must be carried out twice a day, carefully brushing each area with a toothbrush. Using dental floss beforehand will make the task easier and enhance the effect of the toothpaste. It is better to scrape off the plaque from the tongue, which will help get rid of bacteria. The pharmacy sells special scrapers for these purposes, but you can limit yourself to a regular spoon.

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