What to do if there are midges in orchids: how to get rid of them at home

Description of pests

Before you start fighting small flies, you should determine which insect has infested your indoor flower. Some small midges do not harm the plant, while others can destroy it. To understand this, you should know some facts about each of them.

  1. Fungus gnats are insects that are extremely similar to midges. They fly around the flower, are small in size and are found in the cold season. Most often, parasites appear in spring or autumn. They do not harm the orchid, but their larvae in the soil are capable of destroying the roots, which, in turn, begin to rot and die.
  2. Whiteflies are white midges that can live on flowers. They are 2-3 millimeters long. They are quite easy to see, as they are capable of leaving yellow streaks on the leaf blades. The larvae are found on young stems and leaves of the orchid and infect these areas, which contributes to the extinction of the plant.
  3. Drosophila are yellow in color and have red eyes. They are fruit midges that can lay more than four hundred eggs at a time. The larvae are active the day after laying eggs and within a week they grow into full-fledged adult insects. Pests do not cause much harm to the plant, but they greatly interfere by flying nearby.
  4. Thrips are elongated black insects with small stripes on their backs. Most often they inhabit the leaves of the plant, sometimes they can be found in the soil. If a grower sees a silvery film and a large number of black dots on the leaf blades, it means that he has encountered this parasite. The leaves become dry, subsequently the plant may die. It should be remembered that these insects are active only at night, but it is extremely difficult to see them during the day. Thrips can infect not only leaf blades, but also the root system. They are small, but multiply very quickly, so you should get rid of them quickly.

Prevention measures

To prevent pest damage, insects must be properly cared for. A humid environment is extremely attractive to small midges, so flowers should be watered only when the substrate dries out, avoiding overwatering. The root system should not be covered with moss. It is excessively moistened and creates favorable conditions for the reproduction of insects.


It is better not to use folk remedies as fertilizers. They should prefer complex mineral supplements sold in specialized stores. To transplant plants, it is important to prepare the substrate well. Both store-bought and home-made mixtures can be disinfected.

Midges quite often appear in orchids, so knowing the rules for combating them is useful for all gardeners. The most effective results can be achieved by using chemicals, but it must be remembered that drugs of this group are dangerous not only for the pest, but also for humans. Simple rules of prevention will help keep the plant healthy and reduce the amount of hassle associated with caring for it.

Why do midges appear?

If midges appear in the soil or on the leaf blades of orchids, you need to find out why this happened. Some people try to get rid of pests right away without understanding why they appeared. This contributes to the deterioration of the orchid's condition. It is extremely important to understand why the insects appeared. There are several common reasons.

  • Perhaps the pests began to appear after the plant was transplanted. They can fly on it or near the flower. This means that the pest larvae were in the substrate (in the bark) that was used during transplantation.
  • If the plant is purchased in a store, you need to consider its root system. Most often it is sold in a transparent pot, so this is quite possible. You also need to examine the leaf plates of the flower. Sometimes pests can appear in a greenhouse. They get rid of them, but some of the insects may be hidden in the flowers of the plant. They multiply extremely quickly, so after a while gardeners notice pests in the flowerpot.
  • Sometimes gardeners fertilize the orchid with egg shells, coffee grounds or tea leaves. They can also place decorative moss in a flowerpot, water the flower very often, or pour it with the liquid that was infused on the bread. This leads to a process of rotting, resulting in the appearance of midges.

Pests: description and appearance

Midges are a type of insect that lives on flowering plants, including orchids, and leads to their gradual death.

Moreover, these are not only small flying flies, but also larvae, which are distinguished by a high level of resistance to processing agents and an equally high ability to reproduce.

How to recognize attackers? These insects can have two types of color: white and black. The main distinguishing features of pests are:

  • oblong body;
  • striped body color;
  • presence of two wings.

Typically, midges do not reach more than five millimeters in length.

The main reasons for the appearance of midges

Why did midges appear on the orchid and in its soil? The primary reason for the appearance of different types of midges is the increased humidity of not only the surrounding air, but mainly the soil (substrate). They can fly in from the street or from other indoor plants that require soil or organic matter to be kept in a pot with constant humidity.

Midges appear on orchids due to high humidity.

Often the cause of the appearance may be a poor-quality or unheat-treated soil mixture containing midge larvae, which will quickly begin to spread to other flower pots.

Quite often, when using moss to maintain humidity, gardeners are in no hurry to replace it. As it decomposes, it is a good source of all kinds of flying pests.

Placing vegetables or fruits next to tropical plants causes not only negative consequences for development, but also the appearance of all kinds of insects. And often not harmless.

What kind of midges can live in an orchid?

An orchid can harbor different types of midges. Some of them are quite harmless, others can eat the plant in a few weeks.

What actions to take if there are midges in a flower?

If pests appear, do not panic. Some gardeners immediately begin to take some actions, which ultimately make the situation worse. In order to know what to do if midges infest your orchids, you need to understand the reason for their appearance.

Sometimes the culprit is:

  • Transfer. If, after the manipulation, flies were noticed flying on or around the flower, it means that the used substrate contained larvae, from which the pests subsequently hatched.
  • Buying a flower in a store. When making a purchase, you should very carefully examine the roots, since the transparent pot allows you to do this, and the leaf plates. Sometimes parasites appear in greenhouses where indoor flowers are grown. Of course, they are destroyed, but some can still take refuge on flowers.
  • Considering that midges multiply very quickly, it is not surprising that the gardener soon notices them in a flowerpot with an orchid.

In order to eliminate pests, you need to buy a new soil mixture, a pot, “bathe” the plant well and replant it.

How to remove midges with store-bought preparations?

Having noticed that midges have appeared in the orchids, you need to immediately take action:

  1. Place a bag on top of the pot and take it out to the balcony (street) or to a separate room.
  2. Plants standing nearby must be quarantined for 2 weeks.
  3. The infected orchid is examined. If there are a lot of insects and the plant is severely damaged, it is necessary to treat it with an insecticide.
  4. Before this, the plant is washed with laundry or green soap.
  5. Severely affected leaves and roots are removed. Change the soil.

Store-bought mosquito repellents are insecticides—poisons that kill insects. They are also harmful to humans. The treatment is carried out outdoors or in a well-ventilated place, wearing gloves and a mask.

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This well-known remedy for the Colorado potato beetle is very often used against pests of indoor plants: thrips, whiteflies, scale insects and others. "Aktara" is a powerful insecticide that kills insects in 24 hours. After treating the tissue, the plants and soil become toxic to them. The poison lasts 7-28 days.

To destroy pests, 1 ml of the product is diluted in 10 liters of settled water, and then watered and sprayed on the orchid leaves. Repeated treatment is carried out on days 7-10. An Aktary ampoule (1 ml) costs approximately 60 rubles.

Advice. In order not to burn the roots and leaves of the orchid, the Aktara solution is used after showering the plant (on wet leaves and soil).


A very effective chemical. Effective on all types of midges in orchids. But at the same time it can cause severe poisoning. When processing, you need to use a respirator. An Actellika 2 ml ampoule costs 35-80 rubles. The concentrate is diluted in 2 liters of water, sprayed on the orchid leaves and watered the soil. Repeated treatment is carried out after 7-10 days.


One of the most affordable insecticides for indoor flowers. A 4 ml ampoule costs about 15 rubles. The main active ingredient is Aversectin S. The drug causes paralysis of the digestive system of midges. The insects stop feeding and die after 3-6 days. It is classified as a mild agent. “Fitoverm” does not harm indoor flowers, but it may not cope with tenacious parasites. It is used at least 3 times with an interval of 5-7 days.

2 ml of the drug is diluted in 200-250 ml of water and watered well. If the pest lives on the leaves, “Fitoverm” is sprayed on the aboveground part.

Important. The orchid should not be watered for at least 3 days after treatment with an insecticide and fed for another 2 weeks.

Types of these insects

Identification of midges is the main task of the gardener in order to determine the method of combating them:

  • Whether they are harmless fruit flies or fungus gnats;
  • Or these are thrips with whiteflies that cause significant harm.


Soil or fungus gnats of the family Sciaridae are one of the most ancient groups of dipterous insects. There are more than 20,000 species of this insect in the world. In home floriculture, only three of them are most often found:

  • Sciara;
  • Licoriella;
  • Bradysia.

It is quite difficult for a non-specialist to distinguish them. Some are a little smaller or larger. Some are darker or just a little lighter. Only under a microscope can you figure out which species the plant has chosen.

In most cases, their appearance is associated with larvae in the soil. But often, adult individuals that fly into the window lay eggs in moist soil favorable for reproduction.

Attention! If conditions exist for their life activity, reproduction and nutrition, then it is not possible to get rid of them even with chemicals. The place of dead insects will be taken by newly arrived ones.

Basic conditions for the existence and rapid reproduction of Sciarides:

  • Rapidly decomposing organic matter;
  • And constantly wet soil.

A small, dipterous (wingless species are rare) mosquito with:

  • Narrow body and rounded head;
  • Very small in size, depending on the type - 0.5-2 mm. For orchids, it is not the sciarids themselves that are dangerous, but their larvae.

The legs and abdomen are usually gray or black. The underdevelopment of the oral organs does not allow adult individuals to feed, so they do not pose a danger to the plant.

The danger comes from their larvae, which appear after a few days, when the female lays eggs in moist soil. The larvae are worm-shaped, from 2 to 10 mm in length.

Translucency, translucent intestines and a black head are distinctive features from the annelid, which also prefers a moist substrate with organic elements.

It is the larvae that harm the orchid by eating the roots. The areas of damage begin to rot quite quickly; as a result, the putrefactive process eventually covers the entire root system, which can lead to the death of the plant.

Sciarid larvae cannot tolerate overdried substrate. If they are removed from the substrate, they die in a matter of minutes

Fungus gnats

It’s not for nothing that the pest received such a name. The midges flying around the flower resemble small mosquitoes, no more than half a centimeter in size. Sometimes insects are called sciarids. Most often, “uninvited guests” can be encountered in the cool season - spring or autumn. During the period when the heating has either not yet been turned on or has already been turned off. Mosquitoes are not dangerous for the flower, which cannot be said about the larvae. The latter, being in the ground, destroy the root system, which begins to rot.


Many gardeners notice that small white midges have appeared in the soil.

This snow-white, moth-like whitefly, more reminiscent of a miniature moth, poses a real threat to the mostly thin-leaved plant, but large colonies do not disdain fleshy, juicy shoots.

Whitefly body:

  • White or yellow-red color;
  • Only up to 3 mm long (usually about 1.5 mm);
  • The 4 wings fold into a roof-like shape when at rest.

Reproduction occurs frequently and very quickly. It takes just over a month for a generation of the same age to emerge, from eggs to adult.

Stages of whitefly development.

Females usually lay eggs on the inside of young leaves in groups, in the form of a ring of up to 20-25 pieces. The fertility of females is very high - 130-250 eggs. The larvae that emerge from the eggs have good mobility at first. Having found a convenient feeding site, they attach themselves and draw juices from it.

The most favorite place is the inside of the leaf plate. As they grow up, their body is covered with a waxy coating, with three molting times. After the third molt, they stop moving and feeding, entering the transitional phase of growing up.

It is this period, when the skin hardens and the larva turns into a “false cocoon,” that is beyond the reach of almost any drug, even a systemic one. Therefore, to destroy a colony, complex, repeated and, moreover, systematic treatment is required at certain intervals.

Sucking juice from leaves, stems, damaged parts of the plant:

  • Turn yellow;
  • And they dry out.

At the location of the colony of larvae and adults, sugary secretions remain, stimulating the appearance of sooty fungus, which causes further harm to the orchid.

Whiteflies reproduce very quickly.

Important! Whiteflies are often carriers of viral infections.

Like most parasites, they prefer places:

  • Warm;
  • With high humidity;
  • Unventilated.

Their appearance in the apartment can occur:

  • In open windows;
  • Or with the appearance of a new plant.


Yellow midges with red eyes are fruit flies or fruit flies, as they are also called. This pest has more than 1000 species. It is difficult to imagine that an adult lays over 400 eggs. The larvae appear the next day after this, and in less than a week adult pests can be observed. Despite the fact that these midges do not cause much harm, it is not very pleasant when such insects fly near a flower.

Fruit midges (drosophila)

Another representative of insects that can appear on an exotic flower is a fruit fly from the order Diptera.

The tropical beauty does not pose any harm or particular danger, but its appearance means the beginning of putrefactive processes in the substrate. In addition, the appearance of fruit flies in the apartment is not very pleasant.

Small in size, with a short life cycle, flies feed on rotting products:

  • Moss;
  • Leftover tea leaves;
  • Fruits;
  • Vegetables.

When midges appear in the ground, their presence causes great inconvenience to gardeners. The female can lay more than 400 eggs, from which larvae emerge literally within a day, and adults a week later.

Stages of development of Drosophila flies.

And no matter how harmless fruit flies are, it is necessary to fight them.


One of the most dangerous types of insect parasites for any plant. Very small, on average 1-2 mm, with a piercing-sucking type of mouthparts. The slender running legs have a tooth and a bubble-like suction device.

Thrips are one of the most dangerous plant pests.

The main food of thrips is plant cell sap. Reproduction and development are divided into several stages. A female can reproduce about 10-12 generations in a year. Eggs are laid in the tissue of leaf blades, where they go through more than one stage of development:

  • After the eggs, larvae appear;
  • Then protonymphs and nymphs;
  • And only then does an adult appear.

The damage caused by the pest is similar to that of a spider mite. Air enters into the puncture of the tissue of a leaf or other part of the orchid and the process of rotting begins:

  • Leaf color changes;
  • A silver-colored film appears;
  • The leaf turns yellow and falls off.

An orchid attacked by thrips needs isolation and prompt treatment from such harmful parasites that can destroy the plant.

Thrips do not tolerate high humidity.

Why did midges appear in an orchid pot?

Insects breed where there are optimal conditions for their life. The main requirement for their development and reproduction is high humidity. The causes of small midges may be the following:

  1. Substrate infested with insect larvae. After watering the soil, they become more active - they begin to multiply and settle on leaves and peduncles. If the humidity in pots with other plants is also high, flies will colonize them too.
  2. Decaying moss is a favorable environment for pests. It retains the moisture and warmth that midges require.
  3. Insects can fly in from the street. They lay larvae in moist substrate.
  4. Next to the orchid are fruits and vegetables. If the food begins to rot, midges appear in it and move into the orchid pot.

An orchid that is watered frequently and abundantly is an attractive place for pests. Therefore, the primary reason for their attacks is illiterate care and non-compliance with the conditions of keeping the flower.

Treatment of flowers with insecticides

Some gardeners believe that since they have learned how to get rid of midges in orchids, they can immediately buy any product and begin processing.

Important! Certain insecticides are designed to control specific pests.

If the belonging of midges to a specific group has not been determined, then manipulation cannot be carried out. This may harm the flower.

Knowing what pests have settled in the orchid pot, you should act.

Processing in this case is divided as follows:

  • Sciarides. If these insects are noticed, then treat the stems and leaves with “Raptor”, “Raid”, “Neo Dichlorvos”. As for the soil, it is etched with Bazudin or Grom-2. We should not forget about disinfecting window sills or other surfaces where the flowerpot stood.
  • Whiteflies. To combat these midges, the following products are used: “Fury”, “Sherpa” and “Aktara”. Only stems and leaf blades are processed.
  • Drosophila. Not knowing how to get rid of midges in orchids, which are called fruit flies, you should resort to the help of Hexachloran, Dichlorvos or Combat. The products must be used strictly according to the instructions.
  • Thrips. Controlling these pests is quite difficult and takes a long time. It is best to use “Aktellik” and “Fitoverm”, which are used to treat once every 10 days. The manipulation is carried out until all thrips are destroyed.

Prevention methods

Even if midges in orchids are relatively harmless, finding them, to put it mildly, is unpleasant. Instead of enjoying the charming sight of flowers, you have to spend time, effort and money on a tedious struggle. Insects will not infest houseplants if you follow 3 simple rules:

  1. Isolate the new plant for 2 weeks.
  2. Follow watering standards.
  3. Install a mosquito net on the window.

This is the basis of the basics, which an experienced gardener will never violate. Additionally, the following measures may be taken:

  • Preventive treatment with Fitoverm 1-2 times a month. If plants have been repeatedly attacked by midges, you can use this relatively “light” drug for prevention. You need to dilute a 2 ml ampoule in 400 ml of water. Water the orchid at the root and spray the leaves. The drug remains active for 2 weeks.
  • Hanging up sticky tape.
  • Using cinnamon. Natural cinnamon needs to be ground and sprinkled on top of the soil (literally a pinch). It is important not to get on the roots. The smell of cinnamon repels midges.

Midges in orchids: how to get rid of them at home

Mealybug on an orchid: how to get rid of pests and treatments

If there are midges in an orchid, what to do first:

  1. Place the pot with the infected plant in quarantine for a month, that is, place it separately from other flowers.
  2. Place the flower under a gentle stream of warm water to wash away larvae, eggs and adults.
  3. Inspect the soil, stems and leaves, remove any remaining eggs and larvae with a damp cloth.
  4. Cut off dead and damaged parts of the plant, dust the cut areas with ash or crushed coal.

To remove pests from the roots, the plant is thoroughly washed with warm water.

Important! If the soil is heavily infested with pests, it is necessary to replant the orchid, thoroughly washing the roots.

Manual method

If you unexpectedly find midges in orchids, you should first try manual methods of dealing with pests.

It is recommended to sanitize the root system of the plant and its greenery. The procedure should be carried out immediately after the first insect is detected. This has a positive effect, since some types of flies tend to reproduce quickly.

Untimely processing of the plant can lead to its death caused by a quantitative invasion of flies.

First, you need to trim the orchid by removing damaged leaves and fading parts of the stem. Healthy areas of the flower should be thoroughly rinsed with running water at room temperature using a soft sponge. Thanks to this procedure, pests that have adhered to the above-ground part of the plant are eliminated.

After performing the ablution, you need to carefully remove the flower from the ground along with the root system, trying not to damage any of the roots. Then you need to carefully rinse the orchid root. To do this, you can use a shower head, after placing the plant in a basin or other container.

If there are damaged parts of the roots, they need to be cut off and thrown away along with the old soil. This will get rid of black midge larvae. The orchid pot should be disinfected by rinsing with boiling water, and the plant should be transplanted into it using a new substrate.

Treatment with chemicals

If transplanting a plant does not bring the desired results, it is recommended to proceed with more radical methods.

Before getting rid of midges in orchids using chemical reagents, it is advisable to study the composition of the poisons and which types of pests each of them affects most destructively:

  • For the destruction of fungus gnats, preparations such as Raptor, Dichlorvos, Reid, Bazudin, Grom-2, and adhesive tape are suitable;
  • You can get rid of whiteflies using chemicals such as Aktara, Aktellik;
  • Chemical aerosols and sprays have a detrimental effect on fruit flies: Dichlorvos, Combat, Hexachloran;
  • You can destroy thrips with the help of Aktara, Aktellika, Fitoverm.

All drugs must be used in accordance with the instructions, strictly adhering to the dosage and method of application.

Disinsection using traditional methods

Before you get rid of midges in orchids at home using chemicals, you can try more gentle methods.

Since chemicals have a detrimental effect on both insects and plants, they are used in extreme cases.

Traditional methods mainly include wet treatment of flowers with various solutions prepared independently.

To test folk remedies, do the following manipulations:

  • chop a few cloves of garlic, pour boiling water over the resulting pulp, let it brew for 5 hours. After filtering the liquid, use it to spray orchids, pour the rest of the infusion into the ground;
  • mix 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vegetable oil with 0.5 liters of water, wet the flower;
  • hang several sticky tapes near the plant, thanks to this method you can get rid of small pests;
  • sprinkle the plant and soil with wood ash, this will prevent damage to the delicate leaves, preventing small bites.

You can also use a soap solution or mustard powder to treat the plant and soil.

Traditional methods

What to do if midges appear in the ground in orchids:

  1. Treat with soapy water. 1 tbsp. l. soap (preferably without dyes and other additives) is diluted in a glass of water. Moisten a cotton pad with the composition and gently wipe all parts of the plant for a week. After a break of several days, another 2-3 treatment cycles are repeated. When the insects disappear, wait a month, after which they wipe the flower once to prevent the reappearance of midges.
  2. Use garlic infusion. The cleaned head is crushed, poured Art. boiling water The liquid is used in the same way as a soap solution.
  3. Prepare an apple cider vinegar trap. The liquid is poured into a small jar, mixed with a couple of drops of dishwashing gel, and closed with a plastic lid with small holes made in it. The prepared container is placed next to the flower pot. Midges (fruit flies and sciarids), sensing the smell, will fly inside and die, since they will not be able to get out of the trap.
  4. Place citrus peels or garlic cloves around the plant. This folk method is based on the fact that strong odors repel insects.
  5. Prepare a weak solution of potassium permanganate and pour it over the soil. The disinfectant liquid will destroy the eggs and larvae.
  6. Sprinkle the soil with mustard powder. Repeat the procedure once a week until all midges disappear.

Spraying with garlic infusion is a plant-safe way to remove pests

Garlic infusion

To prepare this infusion, you need to take 1 head of garlic and finely chop it. Then pour 600 ml of boiling water and leave for 3-5 hours. For ease of processing, the infusion can be strained.

The leaves are carefully treated with infusion on both sides. The pulp that remains after straining is buried in the soil. Some breeders take fresh garlic cloves, cut them and bury them in a flowerpot.

Potassium permanganate solution

First of all, it is worth saying that using potassium permanganate in its pure form is prohibited, it causes burns and harms the plant, it is very important to follow the dosage. To prepare a working solution, you need to dilute 1 g of potassium permanganate in 1 liter of water.

The solution should have a pinkish tint. Used for spraying and watering, which are carried out once every 8-10 days. Treatment is carried out for a month.

Soap solution

To prepare the solution, you need to take 25 g of laundry soap and add 1 liter of warm water. The soap is first crushed or grated so that it easily dissolves in water. Used for washing leaf plates, treatment is carried out 2-3 times a month.

Vegetable oil

You need to take 1 liter of water and add 1.5 tablespoons of vegetable oil. Leaves and stems are sprayed with this solution.


Wood ash is used to control pests on the root system. This product also makes it possible to reduce the acidity level of the soil. Wood ash is distributed on the roots and on top of the soil.


For this method, regular matches are used; you will need 4 pieces. They should be immersed in the substrate with the wooden ends facing up. Then moisten the substrate with water. Matches must be changed every 2 days.


Getting rid of insects using potent drugs is recommended in extreme cases when other methods have not helped.

The most difficult thing to deal with are sciarids. You will need to use several products in combination: the above-ground parts of the plant are treated with “Raid”, “Raptor” or “Neo Dichlorvos”, for the soil use “Bazudin” or “Grom-2”. Pests can remain not only in the pot, but also on the surfaces around it, so you need to wipe the windowsill with a disinfectant.

Actillicom is suitable for killing thrips. The infected plant is treated with this drug three times over a period of 10 days.

“Actellik” also effectively copes with whiteflies. They are also removed using insecticides “Sherpa” or “Fury”. To get rid of eggs and larvae, the soil is spilled with water.

How to get rid of it at home using biological methods

If midges appear in orchids, you can get rid of them using home remedies:

  • Vacuum cleaner. It will help collect whiteflies. When you touch the phalaenopsis, the butterflies immediately fly up, disturbed. You can take advantage of this behavioral feature of theirs. You need to turn on the device in advance and point the end of the suction tube (it is better to remove the nozzle) just above the plant. Touch the orchid and the whiteflies will fly up and be sucked in. It will not be possible to collect all the midges at once; you need to repeat the operation several times, taking breaks.
  • Fly tape. A ribbon hung near an infested plant will collect most of the adults.
  • River sand. It is pre-calcined in the oven and then poured in a thin layer onto the ground. Monitor the condition of the plant: after a few days all the midges should disappear, and if this does not happen, the procedure is repeated.
  • Soil washing. Since the most difficult thing is to remove not the adults, but the larvae, you need to thoroughly wash the soil every 4 days.

Note! If there are fruit flies in the house and flower pot, you need to fight them differently. You should throw away the remains of moss, tea leaves and other natural fertilizers, if they were used, and reduce the frequency of watering. Inspect the room, remove all food that attracts fruit flies (fruits, vegetables).

To get rid of fruit flies, all moss from the ground must be removed

How to get rid of pests at home

Experienced flower growers say that we get rid of midges as soon as we notice their appearance. There is no point in delaying this. Today, both folk remedies and special chemical preparations with a wide spectrum of action are used for these purposes.

True, no matter what method is chosen, you should start with mechanical processing. If pests have infested the orchid, the damaged leaves should be removed. Those that remain should be rinsed well with warm water. Having dealt with the leaf plates, you need to tackle the roots. To do this, take the plant out of the pot and carefully wash the roots in the shower. The substrate must also be replaced.

After this, it will not be superfluous to treat the orchid with special preparations.

How to protect an orchid

In fact, making sure that nothing in the flower starts is not so difficult. To do this, you should water the flower from time to time and do not irrigate until the bark is completely dry. In the summer, use mosquito nets to prevent the appearance of insects from outside.

When purchasing a new substrate, it would be a good idea to put it in the freezer for a couple of days to prevent the appearance of midges. The larvae cannot tolerate cold, so they die. From time to time it is recommended to wipe the sheet plates with soapy water.

What does the affected flower look like?

Signs of a midge attack can vary. All parts of phalaenopsis, without exception, can be attacked. So, the external signs of the presence of pests on a flower are as follows:

  1. fine brown pigmentation on leaf blades;

  2. a white coating with tiny pores may appear in the same place;
  3. the leaves partially turn white, and black dots form on this whitened background;
  4. in rare cases, the entire surface of the leaf turns white;
  5. a large number of midges, both black and white, are observed on the buds;
  6. Insects can also be seen in contaminated soil.

What kind of midges live in orchids?

Contents of the article:

  • 1 What kind of midges live in orchids? 1.1 Midges in orchids. What should I do?
  • 1.2 Fungus gnat in an orchid
  • 1.3 Thrips in orchids
  • 2 Insects that live in orchids
  • 3 Measures to combat midges in orchids
  • 4 There are midges in the orchids. How to get rid of an insect
  • 5 Pests of orchids
  • 6 Black midges fly near a flower, sciarids
  • 7 How to get rid of insects?
      7.1 Where do midges come from in orchids?
  • 7.2 What kind of midges can grow on orchids?
  • 8 How to prevent pests?
      8.1 Method - how to get rid of insects
  • 8.2 Chemicals
  • 9 Fungus gnats
  • 10 How to get rid of midges in orchids
      10.1 Types of midges in orchids
  • 10.2 Fungus gnat in an orchid
  • 10.3 Sciarides
  • 10.4 Thrips
  • Midges in orchids. What should I do?

    If you notice that midges are flying around a pot with an orchid, then you may have questions:

    • What kind of midges live in orchids?
    • Are midges dangerous in orchids?
    • What needs to be done and how to get rid of midges in orchids?
    • Today's article is dedicated to answering these questions.

    Midges that infest orchids can be “harmless” fungus gnats or “harmful” thrips. In order to choose the right means of protection, it is necessary to identify the flying insect.

    First, analyze your watering regime and make sure that you do not overwater the orchid and leave two or three dry days between waterings. In this case, dry days are considered not those days when the soil dries out on the surface of the pot, but those days when the soil dries out completely throughout the entire depth of the pot.


    For more information on how to determine whether the soil in a pot with an orchid is dry, read the article “How often to water an orchid.” Next, evaluate whether there is damage to the orchid leaves: multiple dark spots or a silvery film.

    Fungus gnat in an orchid

    If you water the orchid frequently and do not leave two or three dry days between waterings, and there are no characteristic damages on the leaves (multiple dark spots or a silvery film), then in your case, most likely, a fungus gnat has appeared in the orchid.

    To finally make sure of this, evaluate the habitats and appearance of the midges.

    Where do they live? Fungus gnats live in the ground. If we talk about orchids, then, as a rule, fungus gnats settle in those pots in which the soil consists not only of bark, to which moss or peat is added.

    Important! Mosquitoes live in clean bark only if the bark has already decomposed. In particular, fungus gnats came to our house and lived in plants that grow in the soil, but they were not interested in orchids that grow in the bark. Appearance? Adults look like small black mosquitoes; in fact, they are most often represented when people talk about “midges.”

    Appearance? Adults look like small black mosquitoes; in fact, they are most often represented when people talk about “midges.”

    Are they dangerous? Adult fungus gnats do not cause harm. Damage can be caused by larvae, which in large numbers can damage the roots.

    How to treat? The main method of protection is drying: in dry soil the larvae will not hatch, and the adults live for two weeks. Start by reducing watering of the orchid. Additionally, you can buy yellow sticky tape at the flower shop to collect the adults.

    Or put a yellow saucer with water - mosquitoes fly towards the yellow color. As a last resort, you can replace the soil by washing the orchid roots to remove mosquito larvae. And in the future, follow the general rules for watering orchids.

    Thrips in orchids

    Thrips in orchids If you notice that multiple bites have appeared on the leaves, which on the green leaf of the orchid become white, silver, and darken over time, then there is a high probability that your orchid is being devoured by thrips.

    Where do they live? Thrips, unlike mosquitoes that live in the ground, live on leaves and actively feed on orchid leaves.

    Appearance? They have an elongated shape, a striped abdomen and two wings.

    Thrips, rather, do not even fly, but quickly run and hide in the bark. Multiple damage appears on the leaves - bite sites,

    Are they dangerous? Thrips, unlike fungus gnats, cause significant harm to the orchid. Insects pierce plant cells and completely suck out the juice from them. Fungi may grow in the bite areas.

    The orchid leaf itself receives not only and not so much a decorative defect, but dies, deprived of cell sap. Therefore, if thrips are found on an orchid, you should not delay their destruction.

    How to treat? For treatment, it is necessary to rinse the orchid in the shower (during the next watering), which will wash off some of the individuals, and treat the orchid with Fitoverm (or another drug for thrips) according to the instructions at least 3 times with an interval of 10 days.

    How to remove pests from an orchid

    At home, you need to start fighting insects that fly over a tropical flower immediately after detecting pests. To do this, use time-tested folk remedies or modern developments in the chemical industry.

    Before treating the plant with the chosen product, mechanical destruction of insects is carried out. First, we get rid of damaged leaves. The remaining ones are thoroughly washed with heated water. After the above-ground part has been processed, they move on to the root system. To do this, take the phalaenopsis out of the pot and clean the root system from pieces of substrate.

    Then carefully wash the roots with running warm water. Epiphytes are transplanted only into fresh, disinfected soil.

    Next, to finally get rid of insects, the plant is treated with drugs.

    How to remove insects without chemicals

    Methods for exterminating pests are chosen depending on the type and how many of them appear on the plant. To eliminate fruit flies and a small number of whiteflies, it is sufficient to use traditional methods. But if thrips appear, they can only be removed with strong chemicals.

    To kill whiteflies, it is enough to wash the orchid’s leaf blades under running water every day for a week. Thus, the laid eggs will be washed away and the insects will not have the opportunity to reproduce. For the same purpose, you can wipe the plant with a soap solution.

    Some types of pests cannot tolerate the strong odors of essential oils in fruits and vegetables. This feature can be used to repel insects. But the plant itself suffers from such odors. For example, thrips do not like citrus aroma. Therefore, we remove them by dropping zest from oranges, lemons or grapefruits into the substrate. They also do not tolerate the aroma of garlic well if you rub the leaves of the flower with it.

    Important! The proposed methods are suitable only as a preventive measure or for the destruction of individual insects. If there is a strong pest infestation, they do not have a good effect.

    Insecticide treatment

    To eliminate sciarids, the leaves and stems of a tropical flower are treated with the drug “Raptor”. Instead, you can use “Raid” or “Neo Dichlorvos” spray. Be sure to etch the soil using Bazudin or Grom 2. Additionally, the window sill or shelf on which the pot with the plant stands is disinfected.

    To cope with whiteflies, the entire above-ground part of the plants is treated with the preparations “Sherpa”, “Aktara”, “Fury”. Adult insects and larvae will die if 3-4 treatments are done every 5 days. The leaves are additionally washed with soapy water.

    Fruit midges are eliminated with aerosol preparations. Usually, Hexochloran spray or regular Dichlorvos works well on them. You can use other drugs with similar effects. Processing is carried out indoors. Half an hour after spraying, open windows and doors for ventilation. This time is enough for the fruit flies to die.

    Thrips are very difficult to control. Complete destruction of this pest will require a lot of time and several treatments. They can be eliminated with Fitoverm or Actellik. Treatment is carried out every 10 days until all parasites are destroyed. Additionally, every 30 days the root system of the plant is washed and the soil is replaced with fresh one.

    Orchid pests: what are they, ways to combat them, photos

    Traditional methods

    If there are few insects and they do not cause much harm to the plant, you can get by with folk remedies. Garlic infusion is effective against some midges. It is prepared from crushed vegetable cloves. The plant material is filled with water and left for 5 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and the green part and the substrate in the pot are sprayed with it.

    On a note! A peeled clove of garlic can simply be buried in the ground. The vapors it produces will scare away insects and they will disappear as quickly as they appeared.

    Many insects cannot tolerate contact with wood ash. Then it is scattered on the surface of the substrate to drive away the enemy. This treatment is beneficial for the plant itself. Ash acts as a fertilizer and reduces soil acidity.

    The soap solution prevents the appearance of insects and creates an obstacle to the life of pests. To do this, dilute a little liquid soap in water and wipe the leaves and stems on all sides with the resulting solution.

    Why do midges appear in flowers?

    To avoid the reappearance of insects, try to figure out where they came from.

    Improper watering

    Constantly waterlogged soil creates ideal conditions for insects. Drosophila can even settle in a swampy pan.

    Stagnant air

    Pests feel best and actively reproduce in rarely ventilated rooms without ventilation systems.

    External factors

    Midges may well fly into an open window or window and enter an apartment along with bouquets or potted flowers.

    Fungus gnats often enter rooms through hoods and ventilation shafts from warm and humid basements.

    Spoiled vegetables and fruits

    Waste vegetables or fruits that were not thrown out on time also become housing for fruit flies and black midges. And from them the midges move to the flowers.

    1. Water the plants moderately. Check every time to see if the soil is dry enough. Remove excess water from the pan.
    2. Heat the soil, especially natural soil, for at least 30-40 minutes in the oven or steam it in a water bath.
    3. When planting, make a drainage layer so that water does not stagnate in the pot.
    4. Spray and bathe the plants.
    5. Remove dried and dead leaves and flowers.
    6. Inspect your plants regularly.
    7. Keep new flowers separate for two to three weeks.
    8. Do not store peelings for a long time, do not let vegetables and fruits rot.
    9. Regularly ventilate the room where the plants are located.

    Varieties of midges in flowers and flower pots

    Flower midges can be classified as insects of the Diptera family. They number about 2000 subspecies. Let's list the most common ones.

    White midges on flowers - whiteflies, scale insects

    White midges, called whiteflies or scale insects, look very similar to aphids. Among indoor plants in pots, soft leaves of fuchsia or begonia are preferred.

    White midges on house flowers are whiteflies, also called “scale insects.”

    Black midges in flowers - sciarids

    Black midges that live in house flowers are called sciarids, and another name for these parasites is fungus gnats. They prefer to live near the root system of flowers such as aloe, Decembrist, ficus, azalea. For humans, this type of insect creates considerable inconvenience in the apartment - it gets into food or drink. Settling in the soil where the flower grows, they make it dense and impervious to air, thus causing enormous damage to the roots of the plants.

    Black midges on house flowers are called sciarids or fungus gnats

    Ground fleas in flower pots - fools

    Podura (ground fleas - white flies), the second name is springtails. These are jumping wingless parasites. You can see them in places where there is high humidity (the bottom of a pot, a wet tray, the top of the soil of a heavily watered flower). White larvae of podurs cause damage to plant roots. They differ from other parasites in their speed and jumping if someone wants to touch them.

    White insects that are found in the soil of home flowers - podras or springtails

    Prevention of pest damage

    Proper care and regular preventative measures reduce the likelihood of insects appearing.

    Prevention measures:

    • water only after the substrate has dried, so as not to create a favorable environment for pests;
    • keep a vase with the peel of any citrus or a sprig of lavender near the pot - their specific smell will scare away flying insects;
    • do not leave food scraps or garbage in the room;
    • always disinfect the substrate used when planting (transplanting);
    • periodically obsolete hygiene procedures for phalaenopsis (any other orchid) (shower, wiping the leaf plate);
    • close the windows with mesh to prevent midges from entering the room from the street;
    • Tea leaves, infusion of eggshells, and coffee grounds are not suitable for feeding - they create a nutrient medium for the larvae;
    • Do not use moss to improve the breathability of the substrate - when decomposed, it releases substances that insects feed on.

    The appearance of midges on orchids is prevented by following the rules of planting and care, but if they appear, timely measures taken will help save the flower and other indoor plants. The main thing is to do everything correctly so as not to harm the delicate orchid.

    Getting rid of insect pests

    If there are midges on orchids, then you need to get rid of them immediately, otherwise not only the flower will die, but also the crops growing nearby.
    To understand how to deal with a pest, first determine its variety, then carry out measures common to any species. General rules:

    • quarantine the flower for a month, isolating it from other plants;
    • cut off the affected areas, then wipe the remaining leaves and stems with a solution of laundry soap, using a sponge, soft cloth, or rinse under a warm shower;
    • remove the roots from the pot, free them from the substrate and rinse under running warm water;
    • transplant into disinfected fresh substrate.

    Note! When subsequently processing the above-ground part, cover the soil with film so that larvae and insects do not get into it.

    No chemicals used

    Not every pest can be gotten rid of using simple methods without the use of chemicals. For example, you can try to remove fruit flies and whiteflies using the simplest measures, but they will not help against thrips.

    When midges appear, you need to wash each leaf every day for a week under running water to wash off the eggs and their waste products, or wipe with a solution of soap (preferably laundry soap). Thrips really don’t like the smell of citrus fruits, so you can put the zest of lime, lemon, or orange into the substrate, and rub the leaves with garlic, the phytoncides of which thrips also cannot tolerate.

    The simplest ways:

    • water the substrate with a pink solution of manganese;
    • Sprinkle the soil with mustard powder once a week;
    • every 3-4 days, sprinkle the soil with calcined river sand;
    • replace the substrate, if it contains moss, tea leaves, which were used as fertilizer;
    • hang adhesive tape next to the pots;
    • Remove any food debris, stale vegetables and fruits from the premises.

    Information! These control methods are effective if there are few insects and they have not had time to create large colonies, or if they are used as preventive measures.

    Insecticides against midges

    There are drugs that are effective at different stages of orchid damage, and how to use them to get rid of a specific insect is indicated in the instructions.
    Insect and preparation for its destruction:

    1. Fungus gnat (sciarids). Treat the above-ground part (without flowers) with Raptor, Neo Dichlorvos, Raid, the soil with Grom-2, Bazudin. The surface where the pot stood is also subject to disinfection.
    2. Whitefly. Insecticides Aktara, Sherpa, Fury are effective when spraying stems and leaves.
    3. Drosophila. We remove midges with Dichlorvos, Hexachloran, Combat. Spraying should be carried out indoors, after half an hour, ventilate.
    4. Thrips. This pest is more difficult to control than other midges, so it is necessary to use Fitoverm and Actellik every 10 days until they are completely destroyed. Wash the substrate every 4 weeks with warm water.

    Folk remedies

    If there are few midges in orchids, then simple and affordable folk remedies, the effectiveness of which has been tested in practice, will help get rid of them:

    • garlic infusion - pour several crushed cloves with warm water and leave for at least 5 hours, use to spray the green part and substrate;
    • bury a peeled clove of garlic in the ground - pests do not like its smell;
    • pollinate the surface of the substrate with ash;
    • as a preventive measure and to remove small colonies, wipe the leaves and stems with a sponge (napkin) soaked in a warm solution prepared from 20 g of liquid soap and a glass of water;
    • wipe the leaf blades and stems with an oil solution (40 g olive or grape oil + 0.5 l water).

    Note! Use the products daily for 5-7 days, after a break of 3-4 days, repeat the course 2-3 times. After a month, carry out preventive treatment in any way.

    Larvae - how to get rid of them

    It is especially difficult to fight larvae that hide in the substrate. To destroy them, you need to pour hydrogen peroxide dissolved in water (1 part peroxide + 4 parts water). After watering, a slight hiss will be heard, confirming that the drug has reacted. As soon as the substrate dries out, water it again. The larvae should die after such exposure.

    In sciarids, the larvae die if there is no moisture supply, so you need to stop watering for a while. If there are a lot of them, then the substrate needs to be replaced and the roots washed.

    If affected by thrips, it is necessary to inspect the leaves and remove the affected ones - the female lays eggs in the pulp of the leaf. After pruning, spray the entire plant and substrate with an insecticide.

    Prevention of infection

    To prevent insects from starting again, you should follow some rules:

    • Sprinkle the soil purchased for indoor plants with plenty of water and then place it in the freezer for several days. During this time, the larvae, if they are present in the soil mixture, will die.
    • Do not immediately place a purchased new flower in a room where others are located, but place it in a separate room. If after a month there are no pests on it, you can move it to the others. However, it is not recommended to keep the entire collection on one windowsill.
    • Install mosquito nets on the windows to prevent insects from entering the house from the street.
    • Keep the room where the orchid is kept clean and promptly throw away spoiled fruits and vegetables.
    • New pots, before transplanting the plant into them, should be disinfected: pour boiling water over them or rinse with a manganese solution.
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