Caring for plastic windows, lubrication and do-it-yourself adjustment

Plastic windows, unlike wooden ones, are more reliable and durable. But they also require care. It would be a mistake to assume that they will retain beauty and functionality on their own. But it is important to do this correctly, otherwise the window may become deformed and the glass may become cloudy. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the following care tips.

After installing windows in an apartment, we periodically check the operation and functionality of the window mechanisms. Every season we must evaluate the condition of the fittings, how the doors behave when opening and closing, and whether they jam. We can do this ourselves, with our own hands, without the involvement of specialists.

Recommendations and instructions for caring for plastic windows

Plastic windows have one feature - they are very airtight. Therefore, when the windows are completely closed, moisture accumulates inside the room, which over time can contribute to the appearance of mold. This problem can be avoided by regularly ventilating the room.

If we are talking about winter, then you can leave the windows in the “micro-ventilation” position - this will protect you from unnecessary drafts. You also need to make sure that the ventilation in the apartment or house is working properly, and the humidity does not exceed 45%. Otherwise, condensation may form, which will negatively affect the service life of the product.

A rubber seal is used to seal windows. To avoid problems associated with drafts or blowing, it is important to prevent solvents and other aggressive substances from coming into contact with this part of the window.

Rubber compressor

To ensure that the sealant does not stick together and the glass remains clean and transparent, the window needs to be washed approximately once every 6-7 months.

Features care

Despite the fact that quite often apartments have double-glazed windows and they require minimal care, you need to be careful not to wash them with inappropriate products:

  • Powders with abrasive particles that can damage the integrity of the coating.
  • Compositions with acid or chlorine, acetone.
  • Other household chemicals with aggressive components.

Ordinary soapy water is best suited for this purpose: it does not contain aggressive substances. And since the PVC surface does not have microcracks or gaps, a soft microfiber cloth will perfectly wash away the dirt and dust accumulated on the window.

Products for double glazed windows.

If you need to get rid of more serious contamination: marker or PVC foam, then it is better to use a melamine sponge. But she does not always cope with her task. If marks still remain, you can use a professional stain remover.

It will help get rid of dirt, but will destroy the surface layer of PVC, so this place will look untidy.

Handles and drainage holes

The window handle mechanism wears out very quickly, especially if it is not used properly. You should not lean on them or hang things. If the handle does not turn well and does not fit completely into the gap, internal contamination has occurred, which must be eliminated. To do this, the structure is disassembled and all excess particles are removed.

When the tightening screws are loosened, the mechanism also ceases to function normally. To make adjustments, you can call a specialist or do the work yourself. Simply remove the trim that surrounds each knob, quickly tighten the necessary screws, and reinstall the trim.

To extend the life of the handle, it is recommended not to use too much force when turning the mechanism , and also to avoid applying pressure when the window is closed.

At the bottom of each sash there is a small drainage hole, which is necessary to remove liquid from the windows that gets in during bad weather conditions.

It is covered with a plastic cap that can be opened if necessary to clean the hole. It also accumulates a large amount of dust and dirt.

No special compounds are needed to clean the hole. First, you need to use a brush to clean the hole from dirt, then use a vacuum cleaner to pull out dust and small particles. If it is not possible to completely remove the contamination, you can use a regular thin wire, insert it into the hole, and remove the remaining particles.

Such manipulations must be carried out at least once a year. In the absence of timely cleaning, the service life of the window is somewhat reduced, and the appearance of the double-glazed windows worsens.

After cleaning the drainage holes, it is necessary to treat the window sill with soapy water and a soft sponge. If you leave dirt on it for some time, it eats into the material and is not completely cleaned. This is especially true for white window sills made of plastic and having a rough surface.

Caring for plastic window fittings

Although PVC windows are easy to use, a complex fitting mechanism is hidden inside them. In order for this system to work correctly, and for the window to open and close easily, it must be properly cared for.

Lubricating hardware

During each ventilation, dust and dirt settle on the sashes and fittings, which accumulate and gradually complicate the operation of the units. Oil accumulates impurities that lead to friction, squeaking and grinding. If any of the parts fails, replacing it will cost a lot of money. To prevent such problems from appearing, you need to lubricate the seals and hinge connectors of the windows every six months. Silicone lubricants or regular machine oil for sewing machines are suitable for this.


How to lubricate plastic windows for the winter? In order to protect product parts from the cold, it is better to take a semi-synthetic or synthetic lubricant with a density of WD-40, which is neutral to rubber and plastic. It is most convenient to buy oil in a spray can. Treating plastic windows before winter will only take a few minutes, but will extend their service life for a long time. [vote2x id=»152" align=»center»]

What is the best way to lubricate plastic windows?

During maintenance work, the question arises: how to lubricate the mechanism of plastic windows, fittings and seals. Let's figure it out.


Almost all known lubricants are suitable for lubricating locking mechanisms:

  • Silicone-based lubricants are produced specifically for locking devices of plastic, wooden and aluminum windows. Can be purchased in tubes or spray cans;
  • Universal silicone lubricants - used for any mechanisms;

Lubricant for plastic windows.

  • Machine oil for sewing machines - easy to apply and stays on the lubricated parts for a long time;
  • All types of mineral, semi-synthetic and synthetic lubricating oils neutral to rubber and plastic (printed on the packaging) (excludes spindle and diesel engine oil - too fluid).

Important: some experts consider WD-40 lubricant ideal for window mechanisms - it creates a protective waterproof film on its surface. The second part is categorically against its use - at low temperatures it does not work well as a lubricant and thickens. The editors of the StroyGuru portal did not find any compelling arguments either for or against its use. Therefore, it is better to refrain from such a purchase and purchase special products that contain 3 types of lubricants: for rubbing parts, fittings and seals.

You should not try to find a replacement for the oils listed above. The use of some home or improvised remedies is strictly prohibited:

  • oils of vegetable and animal origin (sunflower, rapeseed, butter, etc.);
  • Vaseline;
  • shoe cleaning products (gel, wax, spray);
  • oils for 2-stroke internal combustion engines;
  • margarine.

The listed products thicken in the cold, which makes it difficult for all window systems to work, and also collect dust well.

Sealing rubber bands

It’s a little more difficult to figure out the issue than lubricating the rubber seals on plastic windows. Profile sites recommend several professional and home remedies. The professional ones include:

  • “Fenoflex” is a German product specially created for window seals (according to the creators, it increases their service life by 20-25%);
  • Lubricant for sealing rubber bands from window care kits, etc. They are sold in plastic cans or bottles with special nozzles for squeezing out the lubricant;
  • Technical silicone is the most affordable means for caring for any rubber products, and at the same time the best. It is easy to apply, does not smell, and is transparent. Retains properties at temperatures ranging from -50 to +230oC.

WD40 solvent is also classified as a professional product, which we strongly disagree with. Any solvent must be fluid. The fluidity is provided by either kerosene or alcohol (there may be its derivatives) - it is impossible to say for sure, since the manufacturer has classified the composition of the product.

Everyone knows about the results of the interaction of both of these substances with natural rubber or artificial rubber - over time, the molecules of the material lose the ability to move relative to each other (elasticity is lost), the product becomes fragile and cracks or stretches.

Practice confirms that a one-time exposure of seals to WD40 does not harm them. Prolonged use leads to the fact that the seals literally jump out of the grooves.

Among the home remedies it should be noted:

  • Glycerin is a colorless viscous liquid, a product of saponification of fats. Performs its functions well indoors. However, problems begin on the outside: it dissolves in water (in the rain), which requires frequent lubrication of the seals on the street side;
  • Vaseline is a great softener for rubber. Does not dissolve in water, which protects the seal from the effects of rain. The problems lie in the temperature regime: it can withstand frost down to just -25oC, and in the heat (over +27oC) it begins to melt. Therefore, in case of significant temperature changes, re-application of the protective layer is required.

Lubrication instructions are simple:

  1. the rubber bands are wiped with a soapy solution with a soft cloth or sponge, after which they are wiped dry with a napkin;
  2. if the seal has two petals, first the surface between them is lubricated, and then the outer one;
  3. liquid products (glycerin) are applied with a cotton swab or sprayed if sold in cans;
  4. viscous substances are applied by hand (silicone, petroleum jelly) or with a brush;
  5. Proper care of rubber bands involves lubrication twice a day: in spring and autumn.

How to lubricate plastic window fittings

The answer is simple and concise: by the same means as the locking mechanisms.

Instructions for lubricating plastic windows. Manufacturers of window fittings and sash opening/closing mechanisms sometimes indicate the location of lubrication. For other owners, here is a diagram (see photo below) that shows where the lubrication point is.

Window lubrication points.

Window lubrication begins with washing the glass unit and profiles (frame and sashes) with special products and then cleaning all elements of the sash and frame from dirt, dust and old grease. To do this, the sash opens alternately in different planes so that you can first clean and then lubricate the locking devices for different opening modes.

All metal parts are wiped with a sponge, brush or damp cloth, after which they are wiped dry with a dry napkin or cloth. In this case, you must follow two simple rules:

  • no detergents for metal parts;
  • the weather should be calm - with the wind, dust, soot, volatile fats, etc. can fall onto the cleaned surface.

Lubricant is applied according to a simple algorithm:

  • after washing and cleaning, the window is ventilated (dry);
  • all moving parts, mounting brackets, bolts and latches are lubricated (methods for applying lubricant are shown in the photo);

The tubular spout helps you reach the most difficult to reach spots.

Window lubrication with aerosol.

  • after lubrication, the window closes and opens several times in each plane - thus, the lubricant is distributed over the entire surface of the lubricated parts.

Some tips:

  • The most convenient way to lubricate is with a syringe.

Lubricating windows with a syringe.

  • Spray cans contaminate the plastic and seals next to the part on which the spray was applied (even with a spout tube) - you will have to wipe it again. Therefore, it is better to avoid them.
  • From plastic bottles, it is enough to squeeze 1-3 drops into the lubrication point.

Lubricating parts using a plastic bottle.

  • All parts of one window should be lubricated at the same time.

If all procedures are performed correctly, the window will extend its service life by several years. But there is no need to take risks and prevention should be repeated regularly.

Do-it-yourself care and replacement of seals

The elastic seal around the perimeter of the sash is very important - it ensures tightness and prevents drafts. Rubber bands most often fail because they bear a large load, and accumulated dirt causes them to stick together and lose their properties.

To reduce wear, it is not enough to simply wash them. Manufacturers recommend lubricating the rubber bands. The lubricant protects the material from moisture and cold and extends its service life. In the store you can purchase both professional products and universal silicone lubricants - any option will do.

How to change seals on plastic windows if they still fail?

Seals for windows.

  • First you need to find out which part requires replacement. Most often the gaskets on the frame fail. When you come to the store, consult with a specialist - he will help you choose the thickness and profile of the seal you need.
  • Then you need to remove the old insert. Laying the new seal must begin from one of the corners of the groove. Then, pressing the material with your fingers, carefully place the elastic in its place.

Mosquito net care

Mosquito nets should be removed from light openings in the fall, washed with warm water and stored in the pantry until spring. This will help extend the life of the protective fabric. Caring for your mosquito net also includes checking the plastic holders and handles. Over time, they become brittle and break, so they periodically require replacement. If this is not done in time, the frame will not fit tightly to the opening, and insects will be able to enter the rooms through the resulting cracks. To replace the holders and handles, you just need to unscrew the screws with a screwdriver and then screw in the new elements using them. You can do all this on your own without the help of a specialist.

After removing and washing the mosquito nets, you should check their fabric for integrity. If damaged areas are found, it is necessary to replace the canvas before spring. Find out how to do this without the help of a specialist from the instructions on OknaTrade.

Proper care of drainage holes

The drainage is a small hole that is located at the bottom of the profile. It is covered with a visor, so it does not require special care. Drainage holes allow you to remove moisture that accidentally gets inside the glass. Once a year you need to check if they are clogged. If there is dirt in the niche, you can remove it with a regular toothpick or an old toothbrush

Cleaning mechanisms from debris and dust

Here are several types of stains on plastic windows and their removal:

  • Dust on the glass and frame can be removed using soap or a special product.
  • Dirt on the sealing gaskets can also be removed with a soap solution.
  • If dust gets into the fitting mechanisms, it will not be possible to completely get rid of it. In this case, it is enough to simply lubricate the parts regularly.

Video: Tips for caring for plastic windows.

How to properly lubricate fittings?

The fittings installed in the plastic window make the use of the structure as convenient as possible. With its help, window sashes are tilted, rotated and fixed in a certain position, additional ventilation can be arranged, and the sashes can be protected from sagging. With proper care, high-quality fittings for PVC windows last for more than ten years, providing warmth and comfort in the home.

Here are simple rules for caring for plastic fittings:

  • When cleaning windows, you need to remove dust and dirt from metal parts. To do this, use a soft sponge and soap solution. Remove dirt from hard-to-reach places with a brush or vacuum cleaner.
  • Metal parts of the structure should be lubricated at least twice a year.
  • Lubricants must not contain resin.

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The lubricant must be applied very carefully, avoiding contact with the rubber seal, as this can damage it. All places where metal parts come into contact must be thoroughly lubricated: bolts, fastenings and brackets, latches, hinges, handle mechanism. In addition, oil must be poured into all technical holes and distributed evenly around the perimeter of the structure. After this, to evenly distribute the lubricant, you need to close and open the sash several times. After making sure that all parts have received their portion of the lubricant, the remaining oil is removed with a piece of dry cotton cloth.

How to properly adjust plastic windows

After several years of using the product, the owner may encounter several problems:

  • there was air leaking from under the seal;
  • the handle turns with effort;
  • The window does not close tightly.

All these breakdowns can be easily solved by adjusting the product: you just need to tighten a few screws. Tools you will need are pliers, a hex wrench, a spatula, a flathead and a Phillips screwdriver.

All possible adjustments.

  • If the sash is skewed, you need to loosen or tighten the upper hinge of the sash. When turned clockwise, it rises, and when turned counterclockwise, it lowers.
  • If there is a problem with drafts, it is necessary to adjust the sash pressure. To do this, you need to act on the eccentric system, which is located on the end of the window. For uniform pressing, it is recommended to adjust all mechanisms equally.


Eliminating drafts and blowing

The most common problem that owners of plastic windows turn to specialists with is drafts. There can be many reasons for blowing:

  • If there is a draft around the entire perimeter of the window, then most likely the window was not switched from summer to winter position.
  • Is the cold felt in the slope area? This was probably caused by a poor-quality installation seam. To correct this problem, you will have to completely rebuild the slopes.
  • If it shows through from the hinge side, then you need to carefully inspect the entire profile and make sure that there are no unsealed holes in the window. You can eliminate drafts using silicone for window frames.
  • Sometimes the cause of a draft is the misalignment of the sashes. This problem can be solved by adjusting the window.

    Adjusting the window when there is a draft.

Window handle repair and replacement.

Another part that often fails is the handle. It is this detail that people come into contact with most often. To avoid damage, you need to turn the handle gently and without pressure. If it fails, the easiest way is to replace the part.

Replacing the window handle.

1.First you need to unscrew the decorative plate at the base of the handle. Under it there are two screws on which the part is attached.

2. If you need to install a ventilation limiter, then before installing a new handle in its base you need to install a ventilation control plate - the so-called “comb”.

3.Then you need to tighten the screws and install the decorative plate.

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Mosquito net on plastic windows: choosing and caring for it

The mosquito net is a very valuable detail, especially during hot periods. We rarely think about her, but she also needs care.

It protects the apartment from midges, mosquitoes, flies, spiders and other insects that have no place in the house. Now on the market you can find the following types of meshes:

  • Velcro;
  • frame;
  • roll

    Frame mosquito net.

Frame meshes are the most popular: they are durable and easy to install. When choosing a mosquito net, you need to pay attention to the frame material. A more practical option is made of PVC, although you can also find meshes with an aluminum frame. The service life of the product is at least two years, but, as practice shows, with proper care it can last much longer.

How to care for a mosquito net? The most important thing is to take it off for the winter. Otherwise, the inexpensive plastic from which the product is made will collapse very quickly. You also need to wash the mesh with soapy water once a year.

Caring for fittings

It is necessary to care for PVC windows comprehensively and efficiently. The normal functioning of the entire structure largely depends on the condition of the fittings. The elements do not need to be washed, but do require regular lubrication. It is recommended to follow some rules to extend the life of the mechanism.

Do not wash parts with water , as this may cause rust formation and difficulty opening or closing the valves. Acidic solutions, petroleum jelly and various industrial resins are not suitable as lubricants.

All moving mechanisms are coated with anti-corrosion coating on top. When using hard brushes, it wears off, which also leads to the formation of rust. The fittings are treated with special lubricants annually. To do this, you can use the same means as for the sealant. If the window becomes difficult to open or close, it is recommended to contact a specialist. Debris and dirt may have gotten into the grooves and gaps. It is better to lubricate fittings in autumn or spring.

Setting winter and summer periods

Plastic windows require periodic adjustments to help establish a comfortable climate in the room. Few people know that there is a “winter-summer” mode, which is regulated by the tightness of pressing the canvas to the frame. In winter, when temperatures drop lower, it is important to eliminate any possibility of blowing. But in summer, air from the street can circulate more freely.

We regulate winter/summer.

To set windows to “winter” mode, you need to adjust the locking mechanisms (trunnions), which are located on the side and upper ends of the sashes. This can be done using pliers or a hex wrench. How can I tell what mode a window is currently in? On round axles there is usually a point or mark by which you can determine how tightly the sash is pressed against the frame. In the summer mode, the risk is usually turned towards the street, and in the winter - inward.

Prevent fogging

In winter, many people face the problem of plastic windows fogging. This occurs due to the large difference in temperature and humidity outside and indoors. There is no way to influence the external environment, but simple rules will help avoid the problem:

  1. It is necessary to increase the indoor humidity to 50%. This can be done using a special device that humidifies the air and prevents drying out.
  2. In addition, you should make sure that the ventilation in the room is not clogged. If there is insufficient carbon dioxide removal, windows fog up much faster. A professional can help you install proper ventilation.
  3. Regular ventilation of the room should be ensured. Despite the low temperature, it is necessary to open the window several times a day for 5-10 minutes. In this case, it is worth removing children from the ventilated area.
  4. Today, on the market or in a hardware store, you can purchase special products that absorb moisture and prevent fogging.
  5. There are also special compositions for glass treatment that help cope with the problem. They are usually used by motorists, but they are also suitable for PVC double-glazed windows.

It is important to remember that fogging must be dealt with. With the constant accumulation of large amounts of condensate, the functioning of the entire structure deteriorates and threatens the appearance of rust and mold on the seals. Mold can spread to walls, and its presence is very dangerous for the health of adults and children.

Window maintenance is necessary in summer and winter. In the first case, it is enough to wash and lubricate the seal and fittings. In the second, you need to monitor the absence of condensation. With proper and regular maintenance, the structure will last a long time and maintain an aesthetic appearance.


  • Author: Alexander Belozerov
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How to wash PVC windows without streaks

What to do if you want to wash a plastic window simply, safely and without streaks?

The choice of various products is wide: stores sell special sprays, gels and pastes. But even ordinary laundry soap does a good job of removing dirt and dust. In order to get rid of stains, you need to make a detergent without excess foam and after each flush, rinse the rag thoroughly in clean water. If you follow these recommendations, at the end of cleaning it will be enough to wipe the surface of the window with a dry cloth so that there are no streaks left on the glass.

When caring for PVC windows, you can get by with simple products (soap and machine lubricant) or purchase a whole set of professional products designed for window care - it all depends on your goals and capabilities. The main thing is to take care of the product, but how is not so important. Among the professional sets the following can be noted:

  • Window care from KBE and TROCAL.
  • Products from Rehau.
  • Professional set Cosmoklar.

The cost of one such set is approximately 500 rubles.

Product for lubricating plastic windows.

You can also get rid of dirt on windows and sills using ordinary products that every housewife has in her home. Here are some homemade recipes for caring for double glazed windows:

  • Special wipes (they remove minor stains well).
  • Regular newspaper (removes stains very well, even at the end of cleaning the glass).
  • Warm water with vinegar added. For 1 liter of water, add 3 tablespoons of vinegar. To make it easier to apply the solution to glass, you can use a spray bottle. It cleans effectively and leaves virtually no streaks on the glass. This product is also very good at cleaning tarnished glass.
  • To keep the glass shiny for a long time, it is recommended to wipe them with a solution of starch and water (1 tablespoon of starch per liter of water) - rub the glass, then rinse with water and wipe dry.

Salt water also gives shine to the glass.

Window care.

PVC window maintenance products

Any window is usually washed at least once every six months, with the onset of spring or autumn. Plastic construction is no exception. Before starting work, you need to stock up on suitable cleaning products.

Specialized glass aerosols, which are sold at any hardware store, are excellent for cleaning glass units.

You can make a cleaning solution from ingredients available around the house. To do this, dissolve 1 tbsp in 1 liter of warm water. l. liquid soap and the same amount of alcohol or vinegar.

You can wash a plastic profile with a regular sponge, soak it in soap suds, or use a special plastic care product. Do not use solvents or other aggressive substances, iron brushes, or powders containing abrasives. They may leave yellow spots and scratches on the frame and window sills.

Rubber seals are treated with substances containing silicone or glycerin.

The fittings are lubricated with high-quality technical oils without adding salts and acids. Solid oil, Vaseline or technical oil with silicone are excellent for these purposes. At home, craftsmen recommend using WD-40. You can use care products for metal parts from a kit designed for servicing plastic windows. Typically, such goods are sold in companies engaged in the production and installation of PVC windows.

Some tips for cleaning windows

  • For those who want to keep their apartment as warm as possible, experts advise installing energy-saving film on the windows. Thanks to its structure, it reflects rays in the summer, protecting the room from overheating, and in winter it retains heat by reflecting the rays inside. Energy-saving packages on windows can significantly save on heating costs in winter and on air conditioning in summer.
  • Always use rubber gloves when cleaning window glass.
  • We advise you to ventilate the room well after cleaning, especially if you used ammonia or vinegar.
  • Be careful when cleaning to avoid getting detergents in your eyes.
  • On high floors, be sure to follow safety precautions.

    We follow safety rules.

Any person can provide proper care for plastic windows with their own hands. With proper handling, the product can last about 40 years. PVC windows will provide an optimal microclimate in the house and protect from cold and wind.

How to maintain the functionality of the fittings?

Well-maintained fittings are the key to comfortable, reliable and durable operation. Fixation of the handle in the middle zones should be carried out without hindrance. High-quality care for PVC windows involves keeping the metal elements located along the border as clean as possible. This will require removing dirt and old lubricant coatings using a cloth soaked in soapy water, as well as a vacuum cleaner, sponges, brushes or soft brushes.

Each locking and fastening part should be lubricated with silicone or machine oil without resins and aggressive acids. For these purposes, grease or a lubricating coating from a comprehensive set that includes care products for plastic windows for gaskets and profiles is suitable. They almost always contain anti-corrosion substances, including a liquid mixture of saturated carbons and mineral oil.

A comprehensive set of tools can be purchased from specialized companies that perform installation and further maintenance. Some specialists use WD-40 in their work. It is not recommended to use vegetable oil and other components not intended for specialized care.

Lubricating hardware

When operating windows, the greatest load falls on the fittings, for this reason they are more susceptible to mechanical wear.

When caring for plastic windows at home, you should pay due attention to all mechanisms, as well as use the appropriate products. The algorithm of actions is quite simple. The following must be done: thoroughly clean the surface, lubricate the trunnions, brackets, hinges, strikers, fasteners, bolts, latches and handle release device.

Then turn the handle and open/close the window door so that the lubricant spreads as evenly as possible.

Tips for caring for plastic windows: carefully apply a little oil along the window edge into the grooves and remaining movable fittings. Try to prevent lubricant from dripping and getting on the sealing rubber.

Seal care methods

To protect rubber seals from deformation, wear, loss of elasticity and drying out, it is recommended to treat them with special substances. Timely maintenance of plastic window seals will allow the profile to maintain its protective functions without compromising the seal of the window. The house will not be afraid of drafts, dust or external noise. Before using products such as glycerin or silicone oil, you need to clean the seal with a damp cloth.

It is important to note: the compositions of various lubricants must be free of solvents, alkali and alcohol. If you do not know how to properly care for plastic windows, be sure to consult with specialists. When applying any composition, be careful. Half an hour after wiping the seal, the remaining oil is removed with a dry cloth.

Cleaning the Drain Holes

The purpose of the drainage holes is to remove water, but they quickly become clogged, which causes ice build-up, increased humidity, and fogging of the windows. Proper care of plastic windows with your own hands is done using rubber gloves, special brushes or old toothbrushes.

Mosquito net care

In summer, a mosquito net is a useful window element, but in winter it is better to remove it and leave it for seasonal storage in a ventilated area. If you know how to care for plastic windows, do not neglect the recommendations for caring for mosquito nets. Washing in soapy water, drying and putting it back in its original place is the whole secret of care.

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