Cocktail B-52 - composition and recipe, proportions and rules for drinking the drink

Nowadays, there are a lot of different options for cocktails served in bars. These can be tall and low cocktails, mixed and layered, and also differ in alcohol base. Cocktails called shots, that is, those that are drunk in one sip, look especially beautiful and interesting.

A shot called B-52 is one of those cocktails that you want to know more about. However, not everyone understands what exactly this drink is, what it looks like and how it is drunk.

  • You can see what the B-52 cocktail looks like externally from photos on the Internet, which are numerous.

But as for the cocktail preparation option, you won’t be able to find out about this from the photographs. In our article you will learn a little about the shot cocktail called B-52.

We will also look at homemade preparation of this extraordinary one-sip drink. This, of course, is not easy without sufficient skill, but if you carefully follow the recipe, everything is extremely simple.

How to make cocktail B52: composition, recipe, proportions

At the moment, the B-52 cocktail is considered an integral attribute of club life; it is served in all decent bars in the world.

Historical reference

B-52 is an alcoholic cocktail with a pleasant sweetish taste, consisting of three layers of liqueurs (coffee, cream and orange), which are poured in equal proportions.

The drink was created in 1955 in one of the Malibu bars. It was named after the American strategic bomber Boeing B-52 Stratofortress, which entered service with the US Army just that year.

Recipe B-52 at home

There are two classic recipes. In the first, liqueurs are poured one by one, in the second, the cocktail is set on fire after preparation. It looks very impressive, but it’s not so easy to drink without training.

Composition and proportions:

  • coffee liqueur (Kahlúa or Captain Black) – 20 ml;
  • cream liqueur (Baileys or its equivalent) – 20 ml;
  • orange liqueur (Cointreau) – 20 ml.


The main difficulty is to obtain uniform, not torn layers that do not mix with each other.

To do this you need to do the following:

Pour Kahlua into a shot at room temperature.

Add Baileys, spoon or knife at a time. If you pour it just like that, the drinks will mix and you won’t get a clear boundary between them, and that’s so beautiful!

Add Cointreau, spoon or knife at a time.

Let's set it on fire.

Kahlua is a Mexican coffee liqueur. Strength - 20-36%. Baileys is an Irish cream liqueur. Strength - 17%. Cointreau is a French clear liqueur. Strength - 40%. The shot (stack) should not differ from room temperature and the temperature of the drinks - the glass will fog up, the beauty will not be visible, and it will be slippery to hold from condensation.

The main task is to obtain even layers of different drinks separated from each other that do not mix with each other.

To do this, pour the coffee liqueur into the shot glass, then carefully pour the cream liqueur over the back of the spoon.

This must be done very slowly. The last orange liqueur is poured using the same principle.

How to drink B-52

The correct way to drink a cocktail is in one sip through a straw, lowering it to the very bottom layer. If you have a lit B-52 in front of you, you cannot hesitate, otherwise the straw will melt.

First, the drinker feels the coldness of the lower layer, then gradually a warmer layer enters the mouth, and in the end the cocktail becomes completely hot. This provides a dizzying effect. People who try the B-52 for the first time are euphoric.

But you shouldn’t abuse it, because after 3-4 drinks you can get very drunk.


History of the drink

In fact, the B-52 cocktail is an alcoholic layered drink, that is, its three ingredients are poured into a glass sequentially and served unmixed. As a result, a person sees three straight lines of different liqueurs in his glass. Today there are three main versions of his birth:

  1. This drink was created in 1955 after the first hydrogen bomb was dropped. The fact is that in appearance this cocktail is similar to the consequences of such an explosion. And this drink received its name in honor of the plane from which the bomb was dropped - Boeing B - 52.
  2. Here the Americans are also considered the creators of this alcohol. True, according to this version, the B52 was created already during the Second World War. But no one knows where such an unusual name came from.
  3. In this version, the creators of the B-52 are Canadians. The recipe was created in one of the restaurants, and one of the bartenders of The Keg Steakhause and Bar is considered its inventor.

Attention! It is still not known for certain which of these versions is considered correct. But most historians still give preference to the first assumption, since it not only contains an explanation for the name, but also the date the cocktail was born.

Legendary layered cocktail B-52

Cocktail B 52 is one of the most popular club drinks. Refers to dessert interpretations of alcoholic mixes. They are ready to offer it to their clients in any reputable bar in all countries of the world.

Three types of liqueur (creamy, coffee-flavored and fortified orange) are poured sequentially into a presentation glass. This presentation looks incredibly impressive. The drink is pleasant to drink. And the delicate sweetish aftertaste will be an additional pleasure for gourmets.

History of cocktail B 52

The stories about the origin of the drink are as unusual and multifaceted as the alcoholic cocktail B 52 itself.

There are several completely different versions about the origin of the hop mix:

  • whether it is a dedication to the American rock band from the 70s “The B-52s”, their fiery rhythms;
  • or an aircraft bomber with identical markings - “Boeing B-52”;
  • someone claims that we owe its appearance to the most fashionable women's hairstyle in the 60s (it had a similar name to the above-mentioned airplane).

If you listen to all the options, then the place where this drink was invented is also ultimately uncertain. Although this is quite understandable: everyone wants to take credit for how original the find is in every sense.

Many sources dwell on the version that the B-52 was invented and tested for the first time in the 40s by American pilots based in Italy.

How many degrees in cocktail b 52

The bartender's main commandment when creating this drink is not to mix everything together. The highlight of the drink is the multi-colored stripes inside your wine glass.

The classic version assumes the presence of a distinct layering of three liqueurs in the glass. And this is not difficult to do due to the different densities of the alcoholic beverages included in the composition.

The original alcoholic cocktail b 52 has a strength of 28%. Add 15 ml to the glass one by one. each liqueur.

Today you can find other interpretations of this mix. Modern versions allow changes in volume and proportions of liqueurs in the drink.

Bartenders are also not averse to replacing one of the recipe ingredients with a non-standard one. Of course, this is a matter of taste preferences of clients. But we will still continue to talk about the classic B 52.

Cocktail recipe B 52 at home

We offer the composition and exact proportions for making your own drink:

  • cream liqueur (in the original - Baileys, but an analogue is also possible) - 15 ml;
  • coffee-flavored liqueur (Captain Black or Kahlúa) – 15 ml;
  • orange liqueur (it’s better to take Cointreau) – 15 ml.

All ingredients are added in the same sequence.

You can drink it immediately after filling the glass, or set it on fire for added effect. The second option looks original at the time of submission. Although you will have to practice a little to drink it.

Cocktail composition B 52

There are several ways to prepare an alcoholic cocktail b 52. At least, if you do not have the required ingredient, you can easily replace it with the most suitable one. If you don’t like the proposed combination of flavors, experimenting is also not prohibited.

The classic mix is ​​based on:

  • Mexican coffee liqueur with aromatic notes of hazelnut (36% ABV). Suitable options where the base is rum plus sugar cane, vanilla;
  • Irish Baileys - whiskey plus cream (17% strength) with mint or chocolate notes, fruity aromas or a hint of caramel;
  • French cognac liqueur made from green Caribbean oranges with a bitter aftertaste (strength reaches 40%).

Cocktail B-52: recipe, composition, ingredients

The place of first preparation, where the recipe for the B-52 cocktail was invented, is unknown.

History of the B-52 Cocktail

Some say the B 52 was created at the famous Alice's restaurant in Malibu, California. Others are talking about a steakhouse in Calgary, Canada. It’s as if it was mixed in modern proportions for the first time in this establishment in 1977. Most people lean toward the Malibu, California cocktail because it contained Grand Marnier for ignition.

And also the B 52 cocktail, which is included in the incendiary category , that is, the high concentration of alcohol allows it to be set on fire. Like the bomber with which its name is associated, this cocktail clearly has the potential to blow things up. B 52 is a multi-layered cocktail, strong, and easily recognizable when it comes to tasting.

As mentioned above, the B 52 drink is named after a bomber that was used during the Vietnam War, carrying out missions, very well suited for dropping strategic incendiary bombs, hence the burning version of this cocktail.

Like many other drinks and cocktails, the familiar B 52 has a noble origin, so we can say that its popularity has inspired bartenders to create other variations of cocktails. By playing with layers, you can change the strength of this drink, using different densities when combining ingredients.

Although special processors are required to create the exact recipe, most bartenders know exactly how to make B52.

There are two types of B 52

The first refers to creating horizontal layers, while the second is mixed with a blender or mixer. When creating layers, it is recommended to pour the ingredients into a glass using an inclined spoon and then serve with a straw. The cocktail is served in shooter glasses or shots.

Classic recipe B 52

Cocktail composition B 52

  • 2 cl (1 part) Kahlúa coffee liqueur;
  • 2 cl (1 part) Baileys Original Irish Cream liqueur;
  • 2 cl (1 part) Grand Marnier liqueur or Cointreau liqueur.

Basic ingredients of the classic recipe.

Liqueurs are sweet alcoholic drinks flavored with many different ingredients that are suitable for use both in cocktails and alone. Alcohol content in liqueurs is generally not a feature of these specialty drinks.

Liqueurs are produced in almost all countries of the world and have different flavors and colors. Most liqueurs have a low alcohol content of around 15-30%, although some have much higher alcohol content up to 55%.

Kahlúa is a Mexican coffee liqueur . While burning, it gives the drink a delicate aroma of coffee and chocolate.

Baileys Original Irish Cream , an Irish liqueur based on Irish whiskey and cream created at the Gilbeys distillery in northern Ireland, is the first Irish cream liqueur on the market. It can be consumed as a stand-alone drink or can be an ingredient in many cocktails, such as in B 52.

Grand Marnier is another liqueur, this time made from a blend of cognacs and orange liqueur.

It can be served as a stand-alone drink or used in a wide variety of cocktails such as Cosmopolitan, Grand Mimosa, Grand Marnier, Margarita, etc. In drink B 52 this is the top layer.

It serves as a flammable agent. Grand Marnier must be warmed first as it does not ignite at room temperature.

There is B52 with a higher alcohol concentration . Consists of coffee and cream liqueur, as well as rum instead of orange liqueur. A version of the reinforced B52, which is popular today in men's groups, is first set on fire. Then you need to drink B52 quickly. B 52 is the perfect drink to enjoy meeting with your best friends and toasting to a wonderful evening.

The main secrets of preparing the B-52

Before preparing and drinking B-52 at home, you may ask how many degrees is there in B-52?

This glorious drink contains 29.9% alcohol by volume. What makes any cocktail B 52 a decoration for any evening in company? B52 is a very versatile drink and can be served in three variations:

  • After dinner, usually served at room temperature.
  • During the day, chilled with ice cubes.
  • Burning, at the hottest party.

Special effects when preparing B52

Ever wonder how bartenders create the unusual rainbow effect in their cocktails? They use a method called "floating liqueurs" , which is achieved by slowly adding liqueur, pouring it gradually over an inverted spoon. This creates a rainbow effect in the glass when using different colored liqueurs or liqueurs.

The following tips will help you make your B-52 pitch more impressive.

Dip the rim of the shot glass in lemon juice and then in sugar. The taste will be very unusual and new. A simple yet effective way to add some flair to your cocktail!

The presentation of the classic B52 is very important! Add colorful decorations - mints, umbrellas, straws, paper flowers and even sparklers! These decorations are cheap and easy to find in stores. Add crushed ice - simply place ice cubes in a plastic bag and crush the ice with a heavy object. Use fruit slices for garnish and add herbs to the classic B52.


How to diversify the recipe?

But even such a seemingly trivial alcoholic drink can be diversified:

  1. When serving, this cocktail can be set on fire.
  2. Instead of top orange liqueur, you can pour regular absinthe, however, this increases the strength of the cocktail significantly, so this alcoholic drink is more suitable for men.
  3. Instead of coffee liqueur, it is perfectly acceptable to use a chocolate drink.
  4. It is not recommended to change the creamy layer. However, you can take not just liqueur with such a traditional taste, but, for example, with additives in the form of a taste of citrus fruits or vanilla.
  5. You can serve B-52 with ice, but it will be better if it is crushed. In this case, ice one centimeter thick is poured into the bottom of the glass, and other ingredients are poured on top in layers. You should not set fire to such a chilled drink, and it is better to let it brew for about 4 minutes before serving.
  6. Salt will give this cocktail, prepared according to the classic recipe, an unusual taste and appearance. To do this, the rim of the glass is moistened with lemon juice, and then dipped into it, after which all the ingredients are poured, and before direct use, the edge of the glass is decorated with a thin slice of lime.

It is worth understanding that if you cannot find exactly the brands of liqueurs indicated in the classic recipe, then you can easily get by with those that are on sale. The main thing is that the tastes match, and the strength of the selected alcohol does not exceed thirty revolutions. Only if these subtleties are observed will it be possible to prepare a real B-52.

Cocktail B-52: composition, recipe and variations of the “explosive” drink:

The invigorating taste of orange, as if drenched in cream with a coffee aftertaste, pleasant sweet notes and a powerful lift in mood - these are the sensations that the B-52 cocktail, whose composition is characterized by the participation of three liqueurs, gives.

The story of an explosive masterpiece

This legendary, unusual cocktail is rightfully considered an attribute of any get-together or party. It is prepared in all pubs around the world, its name is familiar to everyone, and its taste has millions of admirers. In addition to sophisticated cooking technology, the B-52 boasts a rich history and three versions of its origin.

According to the first and most plausible theory of its origin, the B-52 cocktail (the composition and recipe are described below) was named after the Boeing B-52 bomber aircraft. The unique recipe was invented at the Alice bar in Malibu.

The strategic missile carrier entered service with the US Air Force in 1955, and this date coincides with the invention of the cocktail.

The version seems to be true also because the appearance of the professionally prepared B-52 evokes thoughts of an exploding thermonuclear bomb, which was transported by the aforementioned Boeing.

According to the second theory, the B-52 cocktail, the composition of which is incredibly popular in almost all drinking establishments, was invented by an American pilot during the Second World War.

The third thesis leans towards the fact that the puff drink was born in the Steakhouse pub in the Canadian city of Calgary between the 70s and 80s of the last century.

Be that as it may, the B-52 was received with a bang and set off on a triumphant journey across the planet.

Cocktail B-52: composition and proportions

B-52 consists of three liqueurs. In a masterfully prepared cocktail, the drink ingredients do not mix with each other, forming 3 clearly visible layers.

  1. Kahlua is a Mexican coffee liqueur.
  2. Baileys is an Irish cream drink.
  3. Cointreau is a French orange liqueur.

All drinks are present in the cocktail in equal doses - 20 ml each. They are allowed to be changed: Kahlua can be replaced with a similar Captain Black liqueur, and Cointreau with the Marie Brizard Grand Orange drink. B-52 is a cocktail that is usually served while it’s burning, so in these cases, instead of Cointreau, strong dark rum or Scotch whiskey with an alcohol content of at least 60% is used.

Cocktail B 52: recipe, composition, rules of use

Homeland: United States of America


Of all the versions of the invention of this drink, the most interesting and plausible is the dedication of its name to the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress strategic bomber.

The fact is that the plane began its service with the United States Air Force in the year that an unusual burning drink appeared at the Alice bar in Malibu. This was in 1955.

Versions that the cocktail was invented by a pilot (1944) or a bartender at the Calgary bar “Keg's steakhouse” (1945) have not been confirmed, although some similar drink may have been mixed before. But no one knew about him.

Types and varieties:

The variations of the cocktail depend largely on the brand of liqueur and whether it is lit or not. The burning drink is called "Flaming B-52". But sometimes the layers of the cocktail are stirred and served on a platter with ice.

Perhaps the most significant difference is the variant called “Oscar Wilde” or “B-53”. In it, orange liqueur is replaced with absinthe “Xenta Absenta” in the same proportion.

Another, very feminine option is to replace coffee liqueur with chocolate liqueur. It's delicious too. Although it is no longer the B-52 in its classic form.

Effect on the body: excites a feeling of excitement, invigorates, induces euphoria, quickly intoxicates.

How to drink:

The cocktail is a layered “shot”, so it is prepared in stacks. They drink in two ways: with and without ignition (in any case, in one gulp). If the drink is set on fire, then drink it through a straw, very quickly (before it melts). In this case, instead of the top layer of orange liqueur, you can pour rum.

Ignition gives an interesting effect: cold at the bottom, the drink burns at the end of drinking. Many compare this effect to taking off. In addition, this option is very spectacular - it will literally take your breath away (both for the drinker and for the spectators).


The cocktail can be easily prepared at home. The main thing is not to rush to pour layers of liqueurs into the shot glass. This must be done carefully. In this case, all components of the drink and the spoon for “stacking” them must be sufficiently cooled.

It is not necessary to use the exact brands of liqueurs given in the recipe. Instead of Irish Cream liqueur, the gentle creamy Bailey's Irish Cream is perfect, and instead of Grand Marnier, its orange relatives Triple Sec or Cointreau. A coffee-flavored Captain Black can easily replace Kahlúa liqueur.

The main proportion of the drink is 1:1:1, that is, we take all components equally (20 ml each).

The dosage is 3-4 servings of drink per evening. It is unacceptable to exceed it, since even after the 2nd serving you will feel sufficiently intoxicated.

The question of how many degrees there are in a given cocktail is strategic, because its strength will vary depending on the brand of liqueurs used in its preparation (and maybe even rum or absinthe). On average, it can fluctuate between 20-30%.

Cocktail "B-52"


  • Kahlúa coffee liqueur - 20 ml
  • Irish Cream liqueur - 20 ml
  • orange liqueur "Grand Marnier" - 20 ml

You need to prepare it like this:

  1. Before starting cooking, you need to cool the stack in advance and prepare long matches for ignition.
  2. Place the liqueurs in the stack layer by layer (using a spoon): first coffee, then cream and finally orange.
  3. Light it up. The flame will give you a show effect and incredible sensations of “turns”.


Useful tips

Based on “B-52”, you can prepare many options for equally tasty drinks, which are classified as part of the general “B-50” series. They replace any specific layer using nut, anise, almond liqueurs, absinthe, rum, mint schnapps. Each of these drinks has excellent taste. For example, replacing coffee liqueur with chocolate liqueur is considered an excellent option for women.

If you are planning to surprise your loved ones with drinks, then you can prepare other, no less impressive cocktails that also contain liqueurs. I am sure that your guests will be impressed by the delicate White Russian cocktail with a coffee component and cream. The Blue Lagoon drink with a non-trivial combination of Blue Curaçao and vodka is incredibly beautiful and aromatic.

The famous Margarita cocktail, which, by the way, also contains a liqueur ingredient (Triple Sec), will certainly make a lasting impression. I think many would prefer the Cosmopolitan cocktail, which harmoniously combines lime juice, cranberry and Cointreau.

Write about your impressions of preparing and tasting the magnificent drink “B-52”. Did you manage to perfectly separate the layers of the drink and drink it in such a way as to feel the legendary effect of taking off?

Cocktail recipe “B-52”: composition and preparation at home

There are probably few people who have not heard about the flaming cocktail with the original name “B-52” at least once in their lives. From this article you can find out what the history of the origin of the cocktail is hidden behind its name, as well as familiarize yourself with the recipe for making the B-52 cocktail at home.

History of the cocktail

The most common (and well-founded) version of the creation of the cocktail is that the B-52 was first prepared in Malibu, at the Alice bar.

It is named after the Boeing B-52 Stratofortress bomber. In 1955, the Boeing entered service with the US Air Force. In the same year, a few months later, the B-52 cocktail was invented.

There is an opinion that the cocktail was invented in Canada, in Calgary, at the Keg's Steakhouse bar. Moreover, according to some reports, the creation of the cocktail is attributed to some Russian scientist!

Cocktail recipe “B-52”


  • 1/3 part Kahlua liqueur (20 ml);
  • 1/3 part Bailey's Irish Cream liqueur (20 ml);
  • 1/3 part Grand Marnier liqueur (20 ml).

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“B-52” is a cocktail produced by the principle of “layering” three types of liqueur. Proper preparation of a cocktail allows you to see three clear layers in the glass. Cointreau liqueur is often used instead of Grand Marnier orange liqueur.


  1. Kahlua coffee liqueur is poured first.
  2. Next, to prevent “mixed” layers, use a cold tablespoon to fill the glass with a second layer. To do this, slowly and carefully pour Bailey's Irish Cream over the back of a spoon.
  3. Fill the glass with the third layer in the same way. Use a spoon to pour Grand Marnier orange liqueur.
  4. After this, the top layer of the cocktail is set on fire and drunk hot.

It is advisable to calculate the ratio of liquor in such a way that the glass is as full as possible. This will help the glass not to overheat and prevent burns.

How to drink "B-52"?

Drink the cocktail quickly, while it is hot and does not have time to “burn” and melt the straw. At this time, the drinker of the B-52 cocktail experiences quite peculiar sensations.

They start drinking the drink from the bottom while still cool, then warm, and at the end - scalding hot.

Most people associate the sensation with the effect of a “quick take-off” - they take their breath away and feel a little dizzy. After a few minutes, the courage passes and clarity of thought returns.


Cocktail "B-52"

Cocktail “B-52” is a three-layer alcoholic cocktail made from coffee, cream and orange liqueur. Refers to digestifs - dessert cocktails. It is set on fire and quickly drunk through a straw. Another way is to mix the ingredients in a shaker, pour into a glass and serve on ice.

Part of the group of official cocktails of the International Bartenders Association (IBA). Ingredients according to IBA: Kahlua liqueur, Bailey's liqueur, Grand Marnier liqueur. The latter can be replaced with Cointreau or Triple Sec.

  • The strength of the cocktail “B-52” is 30% vol.
  • Layering cooking method - ingredients are added in layers in a certain sequence and do not mix.
  • Category by volume Shot Drinks - cocktail “for a sip” (from 40 to 60 ml).


How to drink correctly?

To appreciate the unique taste of this three-component cocktail, it must be consumed correctly. Only in this case will it fully reveal its aroma and delicate aftertaste.

  1. In one gulp. This is the easiest and fastest way to consume this drink. Immediately after preparation, drink the cocktail in one sip. Therefore, it is best to cook it in small portions and serve it in small piles.
  2. Through a tube. This option of use involves drinking a cocktail, both in regular and set fire form. In the first case, the cocktail is drunk slowly, first enjoying the taste of each layer. If the drink was set on fire before serving, it should be drunk as quickly as possible. In this case, a person starts drinking a cold drink and ends up drinking a hot one. This consumption allows you to fully reveal the full taste of this alcohol.

Reference. Drinking ignited B-52 implies not only an additional development of the taste of this drink, but also leads to fairly rapid intoxication.

The B-52 cocktail has gained wide popularity not only due to its unique taste, but also to its unusual appearance, and by replacing its main components with liqueurs with other flavors. You can create your own drink with this name.

We recommend that you prepare Bloody Marys at home.

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