Caramel cheesecake recipe. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.


Prepared by: Yana Gornostaeva

10/27/2016 Cooking time: 5 hours 0 minutes

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Caramel cheesecake is perfect for those who love cottage cheese-based sweets. It is very healthy because it contains a lot of protein and calcium. An excellent treat for children and their parents.

How to make Caramel Cheesecake

Take a clean and dry blender bowl and place the walnuts in it. Add cookies broken by hand to them. Beat thoroughly until the sand-nut mixture becomes homogeneous.

Melt the butter in the microwave or in a water bath. Pour it into the cookie and nut crumbs, which must first be transferred to a clean bowl.

Mix the mixture with oil thoroughly. Take a baking dish. Roll out the resulting dough, place it in the mold, making boots. Leave the mold in the refrigerator for forty minutes.

While the cheesecake base is chilling in the refrigerator, take the gelatin and fill it with water. Let it swell well. This will take about half an hour.

Place cottage cheese in a blender bowl. It’s better, of course, to use homemade cottage cheese, but if you don’t have that, then store-bought will do. Add boiled condensed milk to the cottage cheese. beat everything thoroughly with a blender until completely homogeneous.

Now dissolve the prepared and swollen gelatin in a water bath or simply in the microwave. Then add a couple of spoons of curd and milk mass to it.

After this, add all the gelatin to the mixture of cottage cheese and boiled condensed milk. Mix everything well.

Take your crust out of the refrigerator and place the resulting filling in it. Refrigerate the cheesecake for three to four hours. Only after this time has expired can the adjusting ring be removed. Serve the finished cheesecake with tea or coffee.

Homemade cheesecake without baking

Curd cheese will give your dessert a special taste that your guests will certainly appreciate. What products will you need this time? See the list here:

  • Cookies – 250 g.
  • Butter – 150 g.
  • Cream - one and a half spoons.
  • Gelatin - one and a half tablespoons.
  • Curd cheese of any brand – 750 g.
  • Brown sugar – 200 g.
  • Condensed milk - one can.
  • Almonds for decoration.

Homemade caramel cheesecake is prepared as follows:

  • Finely chop the cookies with a blender and mix them with butter (110 grams).
  • Place the base in a mold lined with baking paper and mold the sides.
  • Cover the resulting structure with cling film and place the mold in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
  • Soak gelatin in cream.
  • Beat cream cheese with sugar (150 grams) until smooth.
  • Place condensed milk, remaining sugar and 40 grams of butter in a saucepan. Place the bowl over low heat and stir the contents. Cook the caramel for another five minutes after boiling.
  • Combine the filling with gelatin, and then add caramel to them. Mix the products in two motions so that they do not turn into a homogeneous mass.
  • Place the filling on the base and put the future dessert in the refrigerator.

After a few hours, decorate the cheesecake with almonds and serve.

Mango cheesecake with agar-agar

Mango cheesecake prepared according to this recipe has moderate sweetness and a delicate consistency.

Preparation next.

Composition of ingredients

For the main layer
Cookies “Jubilee”250-300 g
Butter100 g
For the mousse layer
Mascarpone500 g
Sour cream (20-30%)250 g
Brown sugar (it is possible to replace it with regular white sugar, but then the dessert will not have a caramel flavor)150 g
Mango3 pcs.
Lemon1 PC.
Vanillin (optional)3 g
For the mango jelly
Mango2 pcs.
Agar-agar1 tsp.
Hot water50 ml

Step-by-step cooking process

Mango cheesecake has a simple recipe:

  • First you need to grind the cookies, pour melted butter into it and mix everything thoroughly with your hands, breaking up the lumps.
  • The prepared base must be compacted at the bottom of the mold.
  • Next, you need to prepare mango puree (you can buy ready-made mango puree in the store, but it is rarely on sale).
  • Then you should remove the zest from the lemon and grate it on a fine grater.
  • In a separate bowl, beat the mascarpone with sour cream and brown sugar on low speed. The recipe specifies a sugar volume of 150 g - this is enough for the dish to have a non-sweet caramel flavor. However, the amount of sugar can be varied.
  • Gently stir in vanillin, zest and mango puree into the whipped cream.
  • The finished mass should be placed on a cookie base and cooled for several hours.
  • To make jelly, add water to agar-agar.
  • At this time, you need to prepare mango pulp puree, put it in a saucepan and combine with agar-agar.
  • The mixture must be brought to a boil, stirring constantly, then removed from the heat and cooled for 5 minutes.

Pour the jelly mixture over the top of the cheesecake and let it cool again for 1 hour until the jelly hardens.

How to serve a dish

It is recommended to decorate mango cheesecake with pecans, boiled condensed milk or glaze it with white chocolate. You can also make patterns from whipped cream.


  • Place the cookies in a blender bowl and grind.
  • Mix the crumbs with butter and place them on the bottom of the pan. Press the “dough” firmly to the bottom (we won’t make sides this time).
  • Bake the base in the oven at 160 degrees. The whole process will take about ten minutes.
  • Beat the cheese and sugar with a whisk. Gradually add sour cream, eggs and vanilla.
  • Mix condensed milk with egg until smooth.
  • Place the cheese filling on the base. Place caramel on top of it and use a toothpick to make streaks.

Place the cheesecake pan in the oven, and place a bowl of water underneath it. Cook the dessert for no more than an hour, then cool it at room temperature. Place the cheesecake pan in the refrigerator for several hours and then serve the dessert.

Cheesecake with fruits

Cheesecake with fruit and mascarpone has a distinct tropical taste and is reminiscent of popsicles. Just like other recipes, this cheesecake does not require baking.

Composition of ingredients

For the base
Shortbread cookies300 g
Butter100 g
For filling
Mascarpone300 g
Fat cottage cheese200 g
Canned peaches (you can use fresh ones)200 g
Gelatin powder200 g
Boiled water100 ml
For decoration
Fruits: pineapples, grapes, tangerines300-400 g

Step-by-step cooking process

Cheesecake with fruits is prepared as follows:

What can I add?

You can add any other tropical fruit (or a mixture of them) to the cheesecake filling. You can also decorate the dessert with candied lemon.

How to serve a dish

To prevent the fruit from falling when cutting and serving the cheesecake, you can secure it with gelatin syrup. For this, 1 tsp. gelatin should be poured into 100 ml of canned peach syrup (if you used fresh peaches, you can prepare the syrup yourself) and leave for 1 hour. After this, the mixture should be boiled, cooled and poured over the fruit. Before serving, cheesecake with infused fruit should be refrigerated for at least 1 hour.

Cheesecake with kiwi

No-bake mascarpone cheesecake does not need to be made with a shortbread base.

The base can be made from dates and nuts - this dessert will be less calorie and more healthy.

Composition of ingredients

For the base
Dates200 g
Almond200 g
coconut flakes200 g
For the soufflé
Cashew400 g
Mascarpone200 g
Coconut oil (can be replaced with butter)200 g
Maple syrup (or any other syrup)50 ml
Vanilla extract (optional)2-3 drops
For the jelly layer
Kiwi1 kg
Gelatin20 g
Water150 ml

Step-by-step cooking process

Important: before starting cooking, you need to soak the cashews in water for at least 12 hours - this will soften the nuts and make them easy to work with.

How to prepare kiwi cheesecake:

  • First, you need to soak the dates in hot water for 30 minutes to soften them.
  • After 30 minutes, the dates need to be dried, pitted and pureed in a blender.
  • Then add almonds to the dates (it is recommended to pre-fill them with hot water for 5-7 minutes, and then peel them by pressing your fingers on the nut - the peel will come off easily; however, this step can be skipped) and coconut flakes, continue to beat in a blender for another 7-10 s.
  • The resulting mass should be slightly sticky. If you don’t want it to contain too large pieces of nuts, you can beat it again.
  • The resulting mass should be placed on the bottom of the springform pan in a dense and even layer, and put into the refrigerator.
  • Then you need to take the pre-soaked cashews, drain the water and rinse the nuts in clean water.
  • After this, the cashews must be ground in a blender to a paste-like consistency, and then add mascarpone, syrup and vanilla extract to the paste. Beat the mixture again for 1 minute. at low speed.
  • At the very end, you should add coconut (or butter) cut into small pieces and re-beat the soufflé until a fluffy, creamy consistency is obtained.
  • The soufflé should be placed on top of the base, leveled and the form with the cheesecake should be placed in the freezer for 30 minutes.
  • At this time, it is necessary to peel all the kiwis, separate 2 pieces. (will be needed for decoration), and cut the remaining ones into cubes.
  • Sliced ​​fruits need to be poured with 100 ml of water and whisk until smooth.
  • Next, you need to heat the remaining 50 ml of water in the microwave and pour the gelatin over it, wait until it completely dissolves. The mixture should be stirred constantly.
  • Dissolved gelatin should be poured into the kiwi puree, mix the mixture and pour it onto the cheesecake.
  • The remaining kiwis need to be cut into circles and placed on top.
  • The cheesecake pan needs to be placed in the refrigerator to harden for 3-4 hours.

What can I add?

If the cheesecake is being prepared only for adults, then when the kiwi is chopped, you can add a mojito cocktail instead of water. This will give the dessert an even more interesting taste. You can also additionally decorate the dish with mint leaves.

How to serve a dish

Before serving, the dessert must be well cooled so that it is stable and the jelly does not spread.

Cheesecake with cherries and cherry sauce

No-bake mascarpone cheesecake goes well with various sauces and toppings.

The cherry sauce used in this recipe sets off the sweetness of the dessert due to its slight sourness.

Composition of ingredients

For the base
Shortbread400 g
Butter100 g
For the soufflé
Mascarpone600 g
Heavy cream or sour cream150 g
Powdered sugar250 g
Lemon zest40-50 g
Vanillin10 g
For the cherry sauce
Cherry0.5 kg
Sugar2 tbsp. l.
Starch2 tsp.
Water50 ml

Step-by-step cooking process

The preparation of the dessert is as follows:

  • First you need to crush the cookies and mix them with liquid butter.
  • Next, the mass should be placed on the bottom of the mold and cooled for 30-40 minutes.
  • Then grate the lemon zest on a fine or medium grater.
  • In a separate container, you need to combine powdered sugar, zest and vanillin, add the entire volume of mascarpone and start beating everything with a mixer at low speed.
  • Continuing to beat, pour in a thin stream of cream or sour cream in several portions.
  • The mass must be whipped exclusively at low speeds until it acquires a smooth and stable consistency.
  • After this, the soufflé needs to be distributed on a cookie base.
  • While the cheesecake is cooling, you need to cook the cherry sauce. To do this, you need to sort out the cherries, rinse them thoroughly and remove the pits.
  • Then you need to rinse the berries again, drain them in a colander and dry them, then separate about 150 g of cherries and beat them in a blender until pureed.
  • After this, you need to combine cherry puree, whole cherries and sugar in a saucepan. The mixture should be placed on low heat and simmered, stirring occasionally.
  • At this time, you need to dissolve the starch in the water, and when the juice appears and begins to boil, pour the starch liquid in a thin stream into the pan and wait until the mixture boils completely.
  • After boiling, the sauce must be removed from the heat and cooled.

Before serving, pour the cheesecake generously with sauce and place the berries on top.

How to serve a dish

Cheesecake must be served chilled. It is recommended to decorate the dish with mint leaves.

Cheesecake with apples and caramel

An original dessert with an unusual taste will win the hearts of your family. Prepare the following ingredients to prepare it:

  • Shortbread cookies – 400 grams.
  • Butter - 150 grams for the base, 100 grams for the filling and 60 grams for the caramel sauce.
  • Walnuts – 60 grams.
  • Medium-sized green apples - one kilogram.
  • Sugar – 160 grams for apple filling, 150 grams for cheese and 200 grams for caramel.
  • Cream - 150 grams for filling, 200 grams for caramel.
  • Cream cheese – 300 grams.
  • Two eggs.
  • Sour cream – 300 grams.
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