How to cook eggs perfectly (hard-boiled, in a bag, soft-boiled, poached)

Soft-boiled eggs are a traditional, inexpensive delicacy beloved by many since childhood. At home, they can be cooked in a saucepan or ladle on a gas or electric stove. This is a great dish to start your day with.

There are many opinions regarding how many minutes to cook after the water boils. But this question cannot be given a definite answer, because each person has his own opinion on this matter.

According to generally accepted rules, eggs are considered soft-boiled if they have a completely liquid yolk and solid white inside (a small amount of protein liquid near the yolk is allowed). Some people like there to be no liquid protein at all, while others adore it. Therefore, it is necessary to vary the cooking time based on your own tastes and wishes.

What are the benefits of a soft-boiled dish?

A chicken egg is an indispensable product of the human diet. This is the perfect breakfast food.

It is added to salads, soups and sandwiches. Soft-boiled dishes retain a maximum of useful components. At the same time, the yolks are preserved perfectly.

This food is used for diets and weight loss.

This product contains almost all the necessary vitamins:

  • iron, amino acids, calcium and copper have a positive effect on the vascular system;
  • phosphorus and vitamin D strengthen human teeth and bones;
  • vitamin E strengthens the walls of blood vessels;
  • the yolk contains lutein, which is a natural antioxidant;
  • this product is a prevention against cataracts;
  • Due to their high energy value, eggs are recommended for children and athletes.

Cooking soft-boiled in different gadgets

In addition to traditional cooking on the stove, modern housewives have mastered a variety of kitchen appliances and units. Now you can cook eggs without using it.

Degree of egg readiness over time.

In a steamer

This method will give a head start to any other, since steaming is considered the most humane for preserving nutrients.

The most common question from housewives who decide to use a double boiler is: “How long will it take to soft-boil an egg this way?” Let's figure it out:

  • Cold water is poured into the steamer;
  • Thoroughly washed chicken eggs are placed in a bowl placed in a double boiler;
  • The lid closes tightly and the timer is set for 8-10 minutes;
  • The timer sounds, which means it’s better to immediately place the eggs under cold water to cool, otherwise they will continue to cook for some time.

We invite you to study the process of boiling eggs in a double boiler in the next video:

In a slow cooker

Many people now have a multi-cooker in their kitchen, which has made the cooking process much easier. You can also cook soft-boiled eggs in it. The algorithm of actions is simple:

  • The bowl is filled with water, it doesn’t matter whether it’s cold or hot. If you need to get results faster, then you should choose the latter option. But, the timer will turn on only after the water reaches a certain temperature and begins to boil;
  • The testicles are treated with food-grade detergent and rinsed thoroughly;
  • They should be placed in a special container, which is intended for steaming in a slow cooker;
  • Then it is installed on top of a bowl of water in the kitchen gadget, that is, all the same steps are performed as for steaming other products;
  • Select the “Steam cooking” program from the menu, the time for soft-boiled cooking is 5 minutes;
  • The timer sounds, which means the healthy soft-boiled eggs are ready and should be immediately immersed in cold water.

In the microwave

Another device is a microwave oven. But is it suitable for cooking soft-boiled eggs? No, no, no, it is not recommended to cook eggs in their shells in this gadget, as there is a high risk of explosion.

Do you want to know how to cook them with the yolk facing out? Well, please watch and remember! There will be something to surprise your family!

Useful tips

To get a soft-boiled egg, you need to cook it properly.

The procedure lasts 2-4 minutes, it all depends on what is needed at the end:

  • for semi-liquid yolk and white it will take 2 minutes;
  • so that the yolk is raw and the white is soft - 3 minutes;
  • for soft whites and semi-liquid center – 4 minutes.

It should be borne in mind that on a gas and on an electric stove, the time to prepare the product may be different.

If you neglect time, you will end up with a hard-boiled dish. How long it takes depends on the size of the product. Small eggs are boiled for a minute , and large ones - 5-6 minutes . The main problem that can arise during cooking is cracking shells.

To prevent protein from leaking out, use the following tricks:

  1. It is important that the ingredients are at room temperature before cooking. Therefore, they need to be warmed up a little after refrigeration.
  2. Salt to protect the shell from cracking. In addition, it will speed up the boiling of water.
  3. Some experienced cooks pierce the blunt end of the egg.
  4. If the water is too hot, the shell may crack.
  5. The container must correspond to the number of eggs, they must fit tightly to each other.

To remove the shell easily, immediately after cooking, rinse the food with cold water and let it cool.

Methods for boiling soft-boiled eggs

There are several ways to soft-boil an egg. You can put it in cold water, bring it to a boil at high temperature, reduce the heat after boiling and note the time. Three minutes is enough to get a semi-liquid egg, reminiscent of a raw one, but with a denser white; in this case, the yolk will remain completely liquid. Four minutes is enough for the white to be completely cooked and the yolk to be slightly thick. And if you want to leave a small liquid spot in the middle of the egg, then you need to cook for five minutes.

You can drop the eggs by the tablespoon into the boiling water, do it carefully and slowly and make sure they are not cold. Cook them for one minute, then turn off the heat and keep them in hot water. If you take out the eggs after five minutes, the consistency will be liquid; after six minutes the white will become firmer. The eggs will be in the bag in seven minutes.

Run the boiled eggs under cold water for a couple of minutes to make them easier to peel. If you want to soft-boil quail eggs, reduce the cooking time by 60%. Experiment with time to achieve the consistency you like best.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs

Now let's find out how to boil soft-boiled eggs. For this method of preparation, the product must be the freshest.

To check if it is fresh, put it in cold water. If the eggs immediately sink to the bottom, then they were laid no later than 6 days ago.

If the egg sank a little but did not touch the bottom, then it was laid 1 to 2 weeks ago, which is also not bad. If food floats on the surface, it cannot be used for cooking, but it is suitable for home baking. There are three cooking methods.

1st method

To prepare using the cold method, you need to wash the ingredients, put them in a saucepan and cook in cold water.

Place the saucepan on high heat. When the water begins to boil, the temperature should be reduced. How long to cook after boiling depends on the desired result:

  1. Three minutes is enough for the products to turn out semi-liquid. In this case, the protein will thicken a little, but will not become very hard.
  2. To make the yolk thicker, you need to cook for 4 minutes.
  3. To obtain a thick yolk with a raw center, cook for 5 minutes.

2nd method

With the hot method, eggs must be boiled in boiling water. To do this, you need to rinse the ingredients and dip them into the bubbling liquid using a spoon. After a minute, cooking should be stopped and the product should be left in boiling water for another 5-6 minutes.

If you keep it in boiling water for 7 minutes, you will get a dish in a bag. After a few minutes, the ingredients can be poured with cold water for two minutes. This will make it easy to remove the shell.

3rd method

There is an interesting recipe without cooking. Place the prepared product tightly in a saucepan and pour boiling water over it. In this case, the water should only slightly cover the shell. Close the pan and leave the food for 10 minutes.

After this, drain the water and brew a new portion of boiling water. Secondary filling is done for 2-3 minutes. After this, the eggs should be served immediately.

How to boil eggs

Boiling eggs seems like the simplest thing in cooking: just put them in water, put them on the fire and take them out after a few minutes.
But often, due to non-compliance with certain nuances, eggs crack, turn out tasteless, the white acquires the consistency of rubber, and the yolk turns out to be either completely raw or too thick. To prepare soft-boiled eggs, it is very important to take fresh eggs: the staleness of hard-boiled yolks is not as noticeable as in a liquid state. If you put eggs in water, fresh ones will sink to the bottom - their age ranges from 1 to 6 days. Eggs floating in the middle, between the surface of the water and the bottom, were stored for one or two weeks; these can also be taken for boiling. But if they have surfaced, then they are already a month or more old; it is advisable to use them for baking, and buy new ones for cooking. In addition, fresh eggs are easier to peel.

Choose a pan of the appropriate size depending on the number of eggs - they should lie tightly in it, not float, so that the shell does not crack. Before you start cooking, keep the eggs at room temperature if they were stored in the refrigerator. It is advisable to add a little salt to the cooking water, so the shell will become harder and will not burst.

How to cook in a saucepan

Now let's take a closer look at how to cook eggs in a saucepan.

In this case, you need to adhere to a certain technology:

  1. Rinse the ingredients well.
  2. Place in a saucepan and cover with cold water.
  3. Add a spoonful of salt.
  4. Place a pan of water on the fire.
  5. After boiling, cook for 2-4 minutes.
  6. Pour out the boiling water and fill with cold water.

There is no need to peel the shell. This dish must be served immediately.

How to properly boil a soft-boiled egg?

Eggs can be consumed raw (many people respect the eggnog drink) or boiled. But there is an intermediate option - soft-boiled, when the white gently envelops the amber-stringy yolk... mmm.

Of course, it’s worth saying a few words about how to choose this product correctly? After all, no matter how you cook a spoiled egg, it will not taste good.

First of all, you should pay attention to the appearance of the shell; it must be clean and intact. If the letter “D” is on the label, then this means that this is a dietary product and its use is reduced to one week from production. The letter “C” says that this is a table product, its shelf life is limited to 25 days.

Now let’s talk about how to achieve the desired appearance and taste when cooking. There are two ways to boil a soft-boiled egg: start cooking in cold water or hot.

Whatever cooking method is chosen, be sure to wash each egg under running water and soap. This is all just for the sake of health.

In cold water

  • Cold water is poured into a container (pan, ladle);
  • Carefully, one by one, the eggs are lowered into it;
  • Then put it all on the stove and turn on the fire;
  • After boiling, time is noted (3 minutes) and the heat is reduced to medium. There is no need for violent boiling in this matter;
  • When the time is up, remove the container from the stove and catch the eggs one at a time;
  • For faster cooling and easier cleaning, it is better to place under cold running water.

Here's what all these cooking stages look like:

In hot water

  • Boil water in a small saucepan;
  • After boiling, eggs are immediately placed in it (it is more convenient to lower them with a spoon). One of the conditions is that water must cover each by at least 1 cm;
  • It is enough for them to cook in boiling water for 1 minute (it is better to use a timer);
  • Then you should remove them from the stove, cover tightly with a lid and leave for 6 minutes;
  • Afterwards, the eggs can be placed under cold water to cool.

In a slow cooker

You can cook the dish soft-boiled in a slow cooker or in a double boiler.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Wash your homemade eggs.
  2. Place them in a special multicooker bowl.
  3. Fill with water until they are completely covered.
  4. Set the mode to “steaming”.
  5. Cook for 5 minutes.
  6. Transfer to another bowl and fill with water.

Serve unpeeled.

How long does it take to boil soft-boiled eggs?

Before soft-boiling eggs, you need to decide where to buy them - from a farmer or in a store. It is believed that store-bought eggs need to be cooked for less time than country eggs. It is not known to what extent this is true, but this rule is relevant if you take into account the size of eggs - country eggs, for example, are almost always larger, so they need to be boiled a little longer.

  • On an electric stove in a saucepan. It is recommended to cook for three to four minutes. If you boil them for exactly three minutes, then approximately 20% of the protein, which is located near the yolk, will be a little runny. If you cook for about four minutes, the white is guaranteed to completely harden, but the yolk will still remain runny.
  • In a slow cooker. To cook soft-boiled eggs in a multicooker, you must select the “Steamer” mode. Here it will take about 5 minutes for the egg to turn out to be approximately the same consistency as when boiled in a pan on the stove after 4 minutes.

Soft-boiled eggs - should you throw them into boiling water?

Another point that is worth finding out before cooking soft-boiled eggs is whether the time is counted from placing them in cold water or after boiling? Should I throw it in boiling water or cold water? Let's start with the second one. Both answer options are correct: eggs can be placed in either cold or boiling water. And how many minutes to boil soft-boiled eggs does not depend on this factor. The time is counted from boiling, not from placing the eggs in the water.

And here you can find out how long to boil hard-boiled eggs

Also, how many minutes to boil soft-boiled eggs depends on the category. The weight of eggs of the highest and second categories is very different (45 and 75 grams, respectively), which changes the cooking time.

If you overdo it, the yolk will turn out at least “in a bag”, and at most – hard-boiled. And if you cook too little, the protein will remain raw.

Cooking eggs

An egg, it would seem, is such an ordinary product, but there are many options for preparing it. There are also many ways to boil an egg. The most popular ones are soft-boiled, in a bag, and hard-boiled. The degree of readiness of the egg depends, of course, on the cooking time.

How to boil the perfect egg?

  • Soft-boiled.

The most delicate runny yolk and strong cooked white – yummy!

To soft-boil an egg perfectly, you need to do this. Place a small saucepan 3/4 filled with water on the stove and bring to a rapid boil. Add a pinch of sea salt. Using a slotted spoon, plunge the egg into the boiling water and immediately remove it, then lower the egg to cook for 4, 5 or 7 and a half minutes. An ideal soft-boiled egg takes 5 minutes to cook in this way, a completely liquid egg takes 4 minutes, and a half-firm egg takes 7 minutes 30 seconds.

  • In a bag.

For some reason, it so happens that eggs in a bag are not as popular as other versions of boiled eggs. However, if you are an amateur, why not treat yourself?

Place the eggs in cold water, turn on the gas and cook them for four minutes.

Another option is to place the eggs in boiling water for just a minute, and then turn off the gas and leave them in the same container for seven minutes - this way the eggs in the bag will turn out tender and tasty!

  • Poached egg (without shell).

A poached egg can be added to an avocado sandwich for a wonderful and healthy start to the day. But boiling a poached egg is not that difficult.

Fill a wide saucepan halfway, bring to a light boil over medium heat, add salt (a pinch of salt is enough).

Break the egg into a mug and tip it into the pan in one motion. Do the same with the remaining eggs. Depending on the size and temperature of the eggs (for example, just selected from the refrigerator), you need to cook them for 2 to 4 minutes. An egg boiled for 2 minutes will be very runny. To check if it is ready, select it on a plate and press lightly with a spoon, follow your intuition. If the egg is too soft, return to the water for another minute.

Place the poached eggs on a plate lined with a paper towel, then serve on toast. Sprinkle with coarse salt and pepper.

  • Hard-boiled.

This is probably the most popular version of boiled eggs. Such eggs are present everywhere: in salads, soups, hot dishes. However, many people overcook eggs and then the yolk acquires a rather unpleasant greenish or bluish tint, and the egg itself is not particularly pleasing in taste.

To hard boil an egg really hard you need to: put it in cold water, bring the water to a boil, cook in boiling water for one minute, then reduce the gas and cook for another seven minutes.

Another way to hard boil eggs is this. Place an egg in a slotted spoon into boiling salted water for a second, then lower the egg and cook for 10 minutes.

How long to boil soft-boiled quail eggs

Soft-boiling quail eggs in boiling water is faster than boiling chicken eggs. This will only take 1 minute. Quail eggs are placed in a saucepan, filled with water and placed on high heat. Remove from the stove one or maximum two minutes after boiling and cool in cold water.

Whatever method is chosen to boil a soft-boiled egg: in the shell or without it, in a pan of boiling water, in a microwave oven or in a slow cooker, this dish will always be nutritious and beneficial for the human body.

How to boil soft-boiled eggs in a saucepan on the stove

The simplest and most convenient way to boil a soft-boiled egg is to cook it in a saucepan on an electric stove or on gas (on a gas stove).

  • Total cooking time: 8 minutes, pre-cooking time: 5 minutes (water boiling time in the pan), cooking time: 3 minutes.
  • Calorie content: 159 calories (per 100 grams of product).
  • Cuisine: European. Type of dish: side dish. Number of servings: 1.

To prepare soft-boiled eggs you will need the following ingredients:

  • Chicken eggs – 3 pcs.,
  • Water – 1 l.,
  • Salt – 1 tbsp.

To boil a soft-boiled egg you will need to perform the following sequence of steps:

  • We wash the eggs in cold water and put them in a saucepan (it is advisable to choose a saucepan of a size so that the eggs in it lie as close to each other as possible and do not roll around in it when the water boils).

  • Pour cold water into the prepared pan with fresh eggs, add 1 tablespoon of salt and place on the stove.

  • After the water in the pan boils, reduce the boiling temperature and note the cooking time (3-4 minutes, no more).

  • At the end of the boiling process, the eggs must be transferred to a container prepared in advance with cold water for a few minutes so that they are eventually well cleaned of their shells.

  • Soft-boiled eggs are ready! Bon appetit!

There are also several less popular ways to cook soft-boiled eggs:

  1. Place a pan of water on the stove (there should be enough water so that after adding the eggs, it completely covers them), add one tablespoon of salt and bring to a boil, then reduce the heat. At this time, wash the eggs and keep them in warm or hot water for a few minutes to warm them up (it is also advisable to take them out of the refrigerator in advance so that they are not cold). Place the eggs using a tablespoon into boiling water and cook for 3-4 minutes, then immediately transfer to a container with cold water.
  2. This method is similar to the previous one, only after the eggs are placed in boiling water, they are cooked for only 1 minute, after which the pan is removed from the stove and the eggs are allowed to steep in hot water for 5 minutes.
  3. Prepare a clean pan, wash the eggs and place them in it. Boil water in a kettle and pour boiling water over the eggs in the pan so that the water completely covers them and wait 10 minutes, then drain the hot water from the pan and pour boiling water over the eggs again, and wait 2-3 minutes, after which we transfer them to a container with cold water. water. With this method of boiling soft-boiled eggs, the yolk remains liquid, but the white does not completely harden and remains soft and tender.

Often, a soft-boiled egg is eaten immediately after cooking, while it is hot, while the egg itself is placed on a special egg stand, with its sharp spout facing up, a small area of ​​the shell on the spout is peeled off and the egg itself is eaten using a teaspoon.

How many calories are in a soft-boiled egg?

Calorie content 1 pc. soft-boiled eggs are 87 calories (with an average egg weight of 55 grams).

Useful tips and answers to questions on the topic: how to boil soft-boiled eggs

  • How to boil soft-boiled eggs so that they peel well? In order for boiled eggs to be well peeled, after boiling they must be immediately transferred from boiling water to cold water and kept in it for 5-10 minutes.
  • What is the best way to boil eggs that have just been taken out of the refrigerator? It is better to boil eggs chilled in the refrigerator and place them in cold water so that they do not burst during cooking (the shell does not crack). In this case, the cooking time after boiling water in the pan does not change.
  • What is the difference between a soft-boiled egg and one in a bag? In a soft-boiled egg, the yolk is completely liquid, but in an egg boiled in a bag, it is liquid only in the center (the yolk near the white is hardened).
  • What kind of water should you use to boil soft-boiled eggs? Soft-boiled eggs can be boiled either by placing them in cold water (the most popular method) or by placing them in boiling water (the time and sequence of boiling the eggs is reduced).
  • How to eat soft-boiled eggs? It is more convenient to eat cooked eggs when crumpled; I use an egg cup, in which the egg is placed with the blunt end down, only the spout is peeled from the top and the egg is eaten with a teaspoon. With this method, the yolk does not leak from the egg and it is convenient to eat.
  • How to boil eggs on a gas stove? The type of stove (gas, electric, induction) does not affect the sequence and time of boiling the eggs (the main thing is that the water does not boil too much during cooking so that the eggs do not hit each other).
  • Do I need to salt the water when boiling soft-boiled eggs? Salt helps maintain the integrity of egg shells during cooking (especially important for soft-boiled eggs, so that the yolk does not leak into boiling water).
  • How to peel soft-boiled eggs? Due to the fact that the structure of soft-boiled eggs is more delicate, it is better not to peel them completely before eating. It is enough to carefully break the shell at the sharp end of the egg with a spoon, then peel it off the spout and then remove the white and yolk using a teaspoon. Special egg cups are quite convenient for soft-boiled eggs.

In conclusion to the article, it can be noted that knowing how much and how to boil soft-boiled eggs, you can prepare a tasty and nutritious breakfast for yourself and your loved ones from such an affordable product as chicken eggs. We leave our reviews and useful tips on the topic of how long to cook soft-boiled eggs after boiling water and when adding them to cold water in the comments to the article and share it on social networks if it was useful to you.

Yulia Sabinova

Chief editor of the site. Cook, technologist, traveler. I love to cook, read interesting articles about cooking and proper nutrition, learn everything new and share the most interesting things with others. I am glad to see you on the pages of the InfoEda website.

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Cooking technology: hard-boiled, in a bag, poached

In fact, there are so many ways to use and prepare eggs that it is impossible to count, and more and more new recipes are appearing.

But there are basic options that, once mastered, can significantly diversify your menu.

Hard-boiled in cold water

  • Wash the eggs and place in a container with cold water so that it covers them completely;
  • Bring to a boil over high heat and switch to medium;
  • 8-9 minutes is enough for the white to be strong and the yolk to be strong, but not hard;
  • Then remove the product from boiling water under cold water.

Hard-boiled in hot water

  • Place a container of water on the stove, selecting medium heat;
  • After boiling, carefully place the eggs into boiling water one at a time;
  • A minute after cooking, you can turn off the stove and close the container with a tight lid;
  • After 15 minutes of standing on the switched off stove, they will be hard-boiled;
  • Cool as usual using cold water.


There are several ways to prepare eggs without shells; poaching is considered the simplest. You will need an egg, vinegar and water:

  • Break the shell and strain the contents through a sieve;
  • Put the water to boil;
  • Add two to three drops of table vinegar to boiling water;
  • Reduce the mode to minimum and pour in the egg;
  • 3-4 minutes of cooking will be enough to make the dish tasty and healthy at the same time.

Of course, it’s better to see such preparation, so we present the video:

In a bag

If you cook this way, the white envelops the delicate, slightly viscous yolk in the middle, while remaining soft.

  • Eggs are dropped into boiling water;
  • Reduce heat and cook for 5 minutes;
  • After everything is ready, they can be placed under cold water, after draining the hot water.

How long to boil soft-boiled eggs?

Properly boiling soft-boiled chicken eggs is not so easy, since without knowing the exact cooking time, they can be overcooked and the yolk will become hard, or undercooked and not only the yolk, but also most of the white will be liquid, so you should adhere to the exact cooking time in minutes:

  • How long does it take to boil soft-boiled eggs in a saucepan on the stove? To soft-boil eggs in a saucepan, you need to cook them for 3-4 minutes (if you cook for 3 minutes, a small part of the white around the yolk may remain partially liquid, but if you cook the eggs for 4 minutes, the white will be completely solid).
  • How long does it take to cook soft-boiled eggs in a slow cooker? Chicken eggs must be boiled for 5 minutes in the “Steam” mode in a multicooker so that they turn out soft-boiled (the yolk is runny).

Knowing the time for boiling soft-boiled eggs, we will now consider how to properly boil soft-boiled eggs in a saucepan in several ways.

Soft-boiled eggs: how to cook them correctly

Soft-boiled eggs are associated with adolescence, as they are most often prepared for children. Remember an egg in a stand with a runny yolk and a solid white? This is exactly that dish.

Not only children, but also adults should remember the food and treat themselves to such a dish. A soft-boiled egg is low-calorie, filling and healthy, so it must be present in every person’s diet.

How to boil eggs? It would seem that there is nothing simpler - put the egg in a pan, add water and wait until it cooks. But the result is darkened: the protein sticks to the shell, and it is almost impossible to get it out of there. Something went wrong?

How to boil soft-boiled eggs: cooking rules and useful life hacks

From the outside it may seem that the question of how to boil soft-boiled eggs is trivial. This is not entirely true. It's as easy as shelling pears to ruin eggs when boiling them rather than cook them perfectly. It is important to know several nuances here. For example, did you know that whites require a higher cooking temperature than yolks? Today we will tell you how to combine two temperatures in one saucepan and how long to boil soft-boiled eggs.

How to boil a soft-boiled egg: cooking time, preparation, cleaning secrets

1. First of all, wash the eggs thoroughly. Then carefully place them in a pan of cold water. The liquid should cover all the eggs by about a centimeter and a half from above.

2. Put it on fire. Boil? How long to boil soft-boiled eggs after boiling is something you must learn once and for all. If you like half-baked eggs, with both the yolk and white still runny, let the eggs boil for 2 minutes. If you prefer the white to “set” and the yolk to flow out when you bite it, then wait another minute.

How long should you boil soft-boiled eggs if you put them straight into boiling water? Just a minute! Then immediately turn off the heat and remove the saucepan from the stove, tightly closing the lid. So the eggs should stand for about five more minutes. During this time, the white will become dense, but the yolk will remain liquid.

3. To make the eggs easy to peel, be sure to place them under very cold running water for a couple of minutes. Before peeling, you can tap the sides of the testicle with a knife. This way the shell will come off faster.

Life hacks for boiling eggs

  • Don't forget that cooking time may increase in proportion to the number of eggs. After all, they take heat from the water, and if you boil a dozen or more at once, the temperature will drop significantly.
  • Fresh eggs may take longer to cook. Even if you want soft-boiled eggs, after boiling they need to be cooked a couple of minutes longer than the time indicated above.
  • If you miss the time and are not sure whether the egg is cooked, remove it from the pan and swirl it on the table. If it barely spins, it means it’s not ready yet. The already welded one will rotate much faster.

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How to boil quail eggs

We seem to have sorted out chicken eggs, but how to cook quail eggs? Yes, actually the same thing, only making a discount on their size. This means you need to reduce the cooking time.

  • Wash them in soap and water, rinse thoroughly;
  • Using a spoon, lower into boiling water, lowering the heat (yes, their shells are more fragile, so the risk of cracking is higher);
  • How long to cook? And from 2.5 to 6 minutes is enough.

After 2.5 minutes they will be soft-boiled, after 3.5 - in a bag, 5 minutes is enough until they are hard. They cool down like chicken ones, best of all - under running cold water.

If you are expecting guests, then as a snack you can quickly prepare sandwiches, having boiled eggs and salted fish, such as salmon, available. Salt it in advance so that you can simply remove it from the refrigerator at the right time. How to salt salmon: the best ways. The snack will turn out very bright! In this article, our chefs will delight you with new recipes. This time - squid salads with cucumber and egg. Enjoy your meal!

Find out right here and now how much protein is contained in one chicken egg. This information is sometimes very important!

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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