Gladioli: harvesting and storing bulbs, practical tips for growing and storing

Those who want to decorate their garden and those who grow beautiful flowers for bouquets should definitely pay attention to gladioli. As part of today's review, we will tell you how to harvest and store bulbs, how to process them correctly, what temperature and humidity conditions need to be observed, what planting and care rules need to be followed.

This is what gladioli bulbs look like

Gladioli: brief botanical information

These perennial flowers belong to the Iris family. They came to us from hot Asian countries and from the Mediterranean. Gladioli owe their name to the shape of their leaves, which resemble a sword (gladius - sword), the second name is sword. Gladiolus inflorescences are a vertical spike on which flowers are arranged in several rows or in a spiral. Their size can range from miniature (6 cm) to giant, reaching 15 cm.

Gladioli are propagated by bulbs that grow on the roots of plants in one year. Tuber buds (babies) are formed around the main bulb, which also serve as planting material for new bushes. The height of the gladiolus bush reaches 80 centimeters, the inflorescences differ in the density of flowers, the length of the spike and the size of the flower.

How to plant?

Immediately before planting, gladiolus bulbs are soaked either in a special solution to strengthen the root system (sold in specialized flower shops) or in clean warm water. After six to eight hours of soaking, the tubers are saturated with moisture , after which they can be planted in the flowerbed.

The location for future planting of gladioli must be chosen in sunny, open areas (the flower loves the sun and warmth) with loose soil. Additionally, each hole is fertilized with organic fertilizer, ash, and sand is added. Seven days after planting, flower seedlings are fertilized with humus.

For active flowering, gladiolus needs a large amount of light, air and free space. Therefore, when planting, a distance of at least 15 cm must be left between the holes.

When to dig up gladioli in the fall and how to store them after digging

First of all, it is necessary to say that it is impossible to leave tubers in the ground for the winter - there is a 100% chance that they will freeze. The second reason why it is necessary to remove them from the ground is that the bulbs, when left in the ground for a long time, are affected by diseases and pests. And third, digging up the bulbs allows you to separate the “babies” from them for propagation of the variety you like.

Tuber separation

Now let's figure out exactly when to dig up gladioli in the fall. It depends on the climate, the variety of plants and when they were planted and when they bloomed. It is believed that bulbs need to be dug up a month and a half after flowering, but this is not suitable for all climatic conditions. For example, in the northern regions, where flowering occurs late and the weather begins to get colder early, such an interval cannot be maintained. Usually they start in mid-September and then dig until the autumn frosts appear. The timing can be more accurately determined by the condition of the leaves: if they begin to wither and turn yellow, then it’s time to start.

The bulbs of plants with dark-colored flowers are dug up first, because they are more susceptible to various fungal diseases than others. The last to be dug up are those plants that were grown from the “children”. If damage is visible on the leaves of gladioli, this indicates a fungal infection. They need to be dug up urgently in order to cope with the emerging disease.

To accurately determine the timing, you should monitor the weather forecast. You need to choose a sunny and dry day, and if you still had to dig it up in rainy weather, then the bulbs must immediately be washed in running water and dried.

Plant bulbs with dark-colored flowers are dug up first.

Interesting Facts

Gladiolus has been known since ancient times. Its corms were used as food. They were baked and eaten raw, and also used to make flatbreads, grinding them together with onions.

The ancient Greeks believed that gladiolus protected warriors from death and brought victory . For this purpose, warriors wore amulets made from gladiolus corms around their necks. In the Middle Ages AD, flour was made from the bulbs, which was used as an additive when baking bread.

In the XYII and XYIII centuries, this wonderful plant was used for medicinal purposes. It was used as a diuretic and to relieve toothache.

How to properly dig up gladioli after flowering

So, the time has been determined, a fine day has been chosen, and you can start digging. This should be done with a shovel, but it must be stuck into the ground vertically and as deeply as possible so as not to damage the bulb. Using a fork instead of a shovel is less dangerous for the tubers, but if the soil is too crumbly, there is a chance that they will not be found.

If the bulb was cut due to carelessness, it can be saved by treating the cut side with brilliant green. This bulb should be stored separately.

In advance, you need to spread an oilcloth or fabric nearby, over which to shake the planting material so as not to lose the “babies”. Then the bulbs are washed; there is no need to remove the husks. The old onion (bottom) should come off easily; if you couldn’t separate it right away, it should work out after drying.

Washed tubers

Digging and disinfecting tubers

Gladioli must be removed from the soil very carefully so as not to damage the bulbs.

  1. Using a shovel or pitchfork, stepping back from the bush about 20 cm, dig up the bulb with the children.
  2. Use a fork to lift the clod of earth along with the root system and pull the plant by the stem. This way you will pull the bulbs out of the ground without damage.
  3. During the growing season, the mother gladiolus bulb produces many children of different sizes. To prevent plant children from getting lost, after digging, lay the family out on cloth or film.
  4. The stem is cut with sharp pruning shears at a height of 5 cm from the top of the bulb.

Digging is carried out in dry, sunny weather; it is advisable that the soil is free of excess moisture, otherwise it will be difficult to remove the plant from the soil.

Mother gladioli bulbs with babies

There is no need to forcibly tear the babies away from the mother’s bulb and clean off the soil. Place the dug-out families in a dry, sunny place to dry. After drying, the earth will fall off on its own. Do not peel the husks from the bulbs under any circumstances, otherwise it will be difficult to preserve the gladioli bulbs. The husk has a protective function and protects the tuber from damage.

After this, the family is divided separately into mother bulbs and children. The smallest children, as well as those that float to the surface during soaking, are thrown away. The corms should be disinfected in the Fitosporin solution, and damaged or diseased bulbs should be removed. After soaking, be sure to dry.

How to store gladioli after digging, methods of processing bulbs

Treatment of gladioli bulbs after digging with a fungicide

The necessary operation immediately after washing is to treat the bulbs with a fungicide against thrips. If this is not done, thrips will destroy the bulbs by drinking the juice from them.


Disinfect with a three percent solution of potassium permanganate by keeping the tubers in it for at least half an hour.

Treatment with drugs

Soak in solutions of the drugs “Decis”, “Iskra” or “Inta-vir” for half an hour. Tubers affected by the fungus must be burned. After all treatments, cut off the foliage, leaving a stump of 2-3 cm. The roots must be removed immediately after digging.

Suitable preparations for processing

Rules for drying gladiolus bulbs

It will take a month for the corms to dry properly. All this time they must be at an ambient temperature of +25°C to +30°C. In an apartment, this could be at the top of the kitchen cabinets, where it is always warm. Planting material is laid out in one layer on paper or fabric. If you need to dry the bulbs faster, you can use a hair dryer. Accelerated drying also helps prevent disease. Bulbs should be inspected daily to identify damaged or diseased ones. The “babies” that have not separated can be easily separated after drying. Then they are stored in separate paper or fabric bags.


If thrips are found on the bulb, it is placed in a plastic bag with an insecticide for half an hour. Then the onion is thoroughly washed in hot water and dried.

Protection of tubers from diseases and pests

During wintering of planting material, the most dangerous thing that can harm the bulbs is thrips, as well as various molds and rots. It is almost impossible to detect the presence of thrips immediately. This small pest hides inside the corm under the husk, but at the initial stage the tuber looks completely healthy.

Thrips on bulbs

Thrips suck the juice from the tuber, which leads to its drying out and subsequently to death. If you suddenly notice round spots, bite marks on the bulbs, and yellow dust is pouring out of it, it means thrips are at work. The damaged tuber is thrown away, and the rest are treated with Actellik or other drugs. After processing, the planting material is dried.

On a note! It is impossible to immediately detect thrips damage, so treatment of gladioli bulbs before wintering is mandatory.

If they are not dried properly, mold may form on the bulbs, which will lead to their death if not noticed in time. Therefore, be sure to review your stored plants monthly. At the first signs of mold, treat the gladioli with Fundazol, and then dry thoroughly. The corm should remain hard, but not shriveled; if it becomes soft, it means it has frozen or rotted. There are proven folk methods for protecting corms in winter.

Advice! Place a few cloves of garlic and dry mint in the boxes with gladioli; this will protect them from the development of fungal diseases.

They also use a method of disinfection with a solution of hydrogen peroxide : 10 ml of peroxide per 100 ml of water, keep the bulbs in this solution for up to 12 hours.

Disinfection of gladioli bulbs

After winter, the bulbs may shrink a little, seem to dry out, this is a normal process, because they lose moisture. To restore the water balance in the tubers, they are wrapped in damp cloth for a day. To speed up plant growth, tubers can be soaked in Epin or Zircon . This will stimulate the growth of the root system, and the plant will be stronger. A weak specimen of the tuber can be immersed in a urea solution . Nitrogen fertilizer will give strength to the flower. Do this immediately before landing, not earlier.

Necessary parameters for storing gladioli in winter at home

The ability to properly preserve bulbs is the main criterion for the success of further cultivation of swords. Here are some useful tips.


The bulbs do not germinate for about two months; during this time they can be safely stored under any conditions, and then you will have to worry. The optimal temperature for long-term storage of corms is from +2°C to +8°C.


To properly preserve gladioli bulbs, you need to maintain the ambient humidity within 60-80%. With high humidity, the bulbs will begin to rot, and in dry air they can dry out. A slight drying out of the bulbs is quite normal. Before planting, they need to be wrapped in a wet rag, and they will return to their original shape. “Children” cannot be overdried, so they are kept separately from adult bulbs and constantly in a humid room.

How to Preserve Gladiolus Corms

First of all, not all corms are worth storing. The gladiolus corm, like love, lives for three years, and then the plants that grow from it may not bloom at all. Therefore, it is worth conducting an audit of the bulbs and discarding

  • old corms;
  • damaged corms;
  • ​ “babies” with a burst shell.

The photo below shows a typical old corm: it is flat and has a wide bottom.

The younger the corm, the “rounder” it is and the narrower its bottom.

Before storing the bulbs, dry them well.

sadovnik-xxiFORUMHOUSE Member

You need to cut off the roots and leaves, leaving a small stump. Place to dry in a warm, dry place. After 2-3 weeks, the mummified uterine bulb will be easily separated without damaging the corm.

The drying room should be warm and dry, optimal conditions: temperature +25 - +30 degrees and constant access to fresh air. You can put it on the kitchen cabinet next to the hood or come up with something similar. After this preliminary drying, you need to separate the “babies” from the corm; those larger than a pea are already suitable for storage. After this, the corms and “babies” are dried for about another month at a temperature of about 20 degrees.

It is important not to overdry! Planting material will be better preserved if some amount of moisture remains in it. “Children” are not dried for as long as corms and are sent for storage earlier.

Before storage, ONLY the top layer of scales is removed from the corm, under which pathogens of various diseases can live.

The corms are placed in one paper bag (or thin stocking), the “babies” in another. This is an important point; they cannot be stored together. Then they are stored until spring at a temperature of +5-+6 degrees in a fairly dry place. It could be:

  • glazed loggia;
  • vegetable compartment of the refrigerator;
  • staircase;
  • veranda, window sill of a heated cottage;
  • place near the balcony door.​

To prevent the corms from becoming infected with thrips, add two or three heads of garlic to them.

The refrigerator is a little damp for gladioli, so you need to do this:

  • wrap each onion in paper;
  • put them in a cardboard box.

RobertaFORUMHOUSE member

I have been storing gladioli in the refrigerator for many years. You will get 2-3 pieces out of 40, no more.

This will protect them from excessive dampness.

Then the hard part begins. Gladioli corms are very capricious and fastidious to wintering conditions.

  • For the first forty days they behave ideally; during this time the natural resting phase lasts, the corm sleeps without any tricks.
  • Then the dangerous phase of forced dormancy begins, and the corm can wake up and germinate. At this time, the corms need to be monitored, and at the first signs of germination, take them out again, dry them well, then pack them and put them back in a cold place.
  • In the spring, three weeks before planting, the corms and children need to be moved to another storage location, with a temperature of +15 degrees.

How to understand that it’s time to plant gladioli: by birch leaves.

MapleForumHouse Member

You can plant gladioli when the leaf on the birch tree is the size of a penny coin.

Properly storing corms is not as difficult as it looks. If everything is done correctly, the planting material will survive, and the gladioli will bloom profusely and for a long time.

The main thing is to check the condition of the corms from time to time and not let everything take its course.

What to remember about storing gladioli corms:

  • they cannot be stored together with dahlias: dahlias need a more humid environment for successful storage;
  • to protect against thrips, you need to add a couple of heads of garlic to the corms;
  • The storage temperature for gladioli must be constant. This is why a refrigerator is preferable to a loggia: temperature changes can lead to dampening of the planting material.

StemidForumHouse Member

The corms were stored in a box on the loggia. A week later I take it out to see, my dear mother, everything in the box is raw!

Storage areas for gladioli bulbs in winter

In the basement or cellar

A well-ventilated basement or cellar is considered the most suitable place to store corms. They are placed in containers with a lattice bottom. Another technique is to place the tubers in transparent women's stockings and hang them. The basement where vegetables are stored is not suitable for keeping gladioli, because they can be damaged by the moisture evaporated by the fruit during storage.

To protect them from moisture, you can sprinkle the tubers with ash.

In the apartment

Most gardeners are interested in how to store gladioli at home in winter. The most suitable area may be the section of the refrigerator where vegetables are kept. The packaging material will be paper or cardboard.

On the balcony

If the gardener does not have a basement, you can use a balcony or loggia. Containers with tubers laid out in one layer are placed on a raised platform, and when frost sets in, they are wrapped in blankets. Sometimes this is not enough; for reliability, it is better to make a special container: a wooden box lined on all sides with foam plastic. It should also be wrapped in a blanket or an old fur coat.

Storing tubers in the ground

This method is not suitable for northern regions with a harsh climate; it can only be used in the southern regions of our country. It is also not suitable where groundwater lies close. To store gladioli bulbs for storage, a trench about 80 cm deep is dug, the tubers are placed in a wooden or plastic container, sprinkled with sand and placed at the bottom of the trench. The top of the pit is filled with sawdust, leaves or hay, forming a mound over which the film is stretched.

For storage you will need a container with a lattice bottom.

How to preserve tubers in the refrigerator

Many gardeners use a regular refrigerator to store bulbs. The ideal place is the vegetable compartment - the lowest shelf.

Did you know? The name of the flower comes from the Latin word gladius - “sword”. Its leaves are very similar to swords, which is why the plant got such an interesting name.

The advantage of storing tubers in the refrigerator is the ability
to constantly monitor their condition .
At any time you can reduce the temperature or, if necessary, move the package to a higher shelf. Before sending the tubers for the winter, they need to be slightly dried. After that, they are wrapped in newsprint. Having combined several packages, it is worth wrapping them in thicker paper. Be sure to make holes with a diameter of approximately 1 cm - they are necessary to ensure ventilation.

Did you know? In the 3rd century BC. e. Gladiolus tubers were baked, then ground with onions and delicious cakes were prepared from the resulting dough.

After this, the bundle must be placed in a plastic bag, at the bottom of which holes must also be made. Once every 20-30 days it is worth inspecting the bulbs for the absence of diseases. If you notice that some tubers are damp, you should remove them from the bundle.

What to do if thrips are found on gladioli

Thrips are insects that are common pests of flowers. If at least one bulb infected with thrips is stored, this can destroy all other tubers. Thrips multiply quickly, move to neighboring bulbs and suck all the juice out of them. Let's look at how to store gladioli so that they are not destroyed or damaged by thrips.

First of all, you need regular inspection of all bulbs. If the husk has become rough and small holes are found on it, this is the work of thrips. If such tubers are not removed, then round gray or brown spots may appear, the bulb dries out and sheds yellow dust.

Even when all damaged bulbs have been removed, for preventive purposes, before planting in the ground, each tuber should be treated with Actellik or simply kept for five minutes in hot water at a temperature of +50°C.


Gladioli should never be replanted in their original location earlier than three years later. Sources of disease contamination and insect larvae may persist in the soil.

The drug "Actellik"
When buds begin to form, it is recommended to spray with Decis, Karbofos and other pest control agents. Treatment should be repeated every 18-20 days.


Based on the information presented, we can conclude that storing gladioli in the refrigerator can be quite simple. The main condition is the presence of a spacious box. Designed for storing vegetables. If there is no such thing. It is worth considering other options that allow you to preserve planting material in an apartment. Gladioli can be kept on the balcony or directly indoors, but there is a risk of their premature germination, so such methods are not often used.

When sending planting material for storage, you need to remember that all bulbs need to be isolated from each other. Otherwise. If one element is affected by rot, all specimens may be lost. Also during storage you need to monitor the condition of the bulbs. They should be dense, without traces of bacterial damage. If any signs of spoilage are detected, the onion should be isolated.

Do not forget that the bulbs need to be prepared in a timely manner for planting in the ground. To do this, they need to be removed from the refrigerator 3-4 weeks before the intended planting. The material must be cleaned and treated with a fungicide. If all of the above conditions are met, the gardener will be able to achieve exuberant flowering of gladioli, which occurs at the end of summer.

Video: preparing gladioli bulbs for planting

Watch this video on YouTube

Video: how and where to store gladioli in winter

How and where to store gladioli in winter

Watch this video on YouTube

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Rules for planting gladioli and caring for them in open ground

First of all, we decide on the location. The place where potatoes and carrots previously grew is not suitable for planting swords. Also, you should not choose places where manure was previously applied - gladioli do not tolerate it. And suitable predecessors can be marigolds, dahlias, tomatoes and peas. Also, you should not choose shaded places and those where groundwater is close. Acidic soils are also unsuitable, or the soil for flowers must first be deoxidized. On heavy soils add sand. Gladioli do not like organic matter, but mineral fertilizers need to be applied before digging. To get the desired result from growing gladioli, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • the bulbs are planted to a depth equal to four diameters of the bulb itself;
  • the distance between tubers should be from 15 to 20 cm;
  • the bottom of the trench should be drained with sand or sphagnum;
  • The soil during planting should have a temperature of at least +10°C.

Planting gladioli in trenches
During the entire period of flower growth, you need to monitor the soil moisture, preventing it from drying out, but you should not over-moisten it. In hot weather, it is recommended to water every evening, and after watering, be sure to loosen it to break up the soil crust. Watering should be so abundant that the soil is moist at a depth of 20 cm. However, you should not pour water directly on the plants.

Fertilizing is carried out after the release of the first leaves - with nitrogen fertilizer, after the release of the sixth leaf - with phosphorus-potassium fertilizer, when laying the buds, you can use a solution of bird droppings. Spraying with a solution of potassium permanganate, copper sulfate and boric acid also works well.

Corms in the apartment

Storing gladioli after digging in an apartment is quite problematic. It is important to find a place where there will be no sudden temperature changes. The reading on the thermometer should be 5-10 °C, and the humidity should be between 60-70%. Such conditions can only be ensured in rooms isolated from the battery.

Science knows more than 200 varieties of gladioli. Find out what the most popular varieties are.

The most suitable places in the apartment for storing gladioli bulbs:

  • openings between window frames or balcony doors;
  • hallway near the front door (landing area);
  • toilet (you can place the tubers next to cold water pipes);
  • glazed loggia;
  • unheated storage room.

A loggia is the most ideal option for storage in an apartment. With the onset of cold weather, it is recommended to transfer the tubers to an insulated box with a thermometer. Do not place the box on the floor; use boards or a special underlay. If the frost is too severe, you can throw a blanket or blanket on top.

Regardless of the storage location, be sure to ventilate the bulbs! If you notice that mold has appeared, you need to dry the tubers. If stains form on them, be sure to cut them off and fill the sections with a strong solution of potassium permanganate. In this case, healthy bulbs should be treated with the “Maxim” preparation, dried and placed in a dry, clean bag. If some tubers have become soft or too hard, you need to get rid of them - they can no longer be used for planting flowers.

If you want beautiful gladioli to please the eye at your summer cottage, you should pay attention to their storage during the winter. Follow the recommendations and you will succeed!

Read also: 9 best ornamental grasses for flower beds

Photo gallery and varieties of gladioli

Varieties of gladioli

Varieties of gladioli are classified according to many parameters and are written in the form of a digital and alphabetic code containing all the information about a given variety. Immediately after the name the variety code is indicated as a three-digit number.

Here are the quality standards indicated by the code:

CipherFlower diameterNo less flowersFlowers openPeduncle length
100less than 6155/6Max. 43
2006-9186/5Max. 46
3009-11,5 (12)197/5Max. 51
40011,5 (12)-14208/6Max. 51
500more than 14197/5Max. 56

The first digit of the code indicates the diameter of the flower, the second – the color group, the next one informs about the color saturation and the presence of inclusions of other colors (for single-colored ones an even number is indicated). The three-digit number is followed by the flowering time:

  • OR – very early;
  • R – early;
  • RS – early middle;
  • C – average;
  • SP – mid-late;
  • P – late;
  • OP – very late.

Next, two numbers indicate the year the variety was selected. In addition, the author's surname or company name is added. There may also be a combination of letters indicating corrugation:

  • NG – non-corrugated;
  • UG – moderately corrugated;
  • G – corrugated;
  • SG – highly corrugated;
  • SSG – super highly corrugated.

Designation of varieties

Photos of gladioli in landscape design

This royally luxurious flower could not fail to gain recognition from landscape designers around the world. The variety of its colors, shapes and sizes allows you to create compositions that are not similar to each other, in accordance with the individual characteristics and purpose of any area.

Varietal diversity

Gladiolus is an incredibly beautiful plant. There are a huge number of plant species and varieties. They are:

  • miniature;
  • small;
  • average;
  • large;
  • gigantic.

Flower colors are very diverse.

In order to take into account all varieties, scientists have developed a classification of gladioli varieties, where each variety is described by color and flower size using digital codes.


To prevent gladioli tubers from taking root during storage, before storing them in the refrigerator, they are thoroughly dried and placed in gauze nets.

Alternatively, the tubers can be wrapped in toilet paper (as soon as the paper starts to get damp, it is changed).

Gladioli bulbs are dug up for storage thirty days after the flower shoots wither. There is no point in keeping the tubers in the ground. High humidity and low temperatures activate the process of tuber rotting and the proliferation of bacteria and fungi.

If it is not possible to wait for the gladiolus to bloom, first of all, cut off the still blooming arrow, and after fifteen days, dig up the tuber. It is better to dig up bulbs not with a shovel, but with a pitchfork . This will protect the planting material from damage by the sharp blade of the bayonet.

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