How to wash a matte stretch ceiling without leaving streaks?

You won’t have to wash a matte stretch ceiling often, because one of the main advantages of such a finish is practicality and convenience. Modern matte stretch ceilings are made of durable PVC film, very resistant to various types of contamination. Some sellers position their products as “absolutely maintenance-free.” But in real conditions, sooner or later any ceiling will require cleaning, especially if there are small children and teenagers in the house who manage to get everything dirty. Ceilings in rooms such as the kitchen also require special care. How to wash a matte stretch ceiling without damaging it and leaving streaks on the surface? What detergents can be used and is it necessary to use them at all?

Rules for caring for ceilings

Ceilings are cleaned as they become dirty. Most often this will need to be done in the following rooms.

  • Kitchen. It is clear that kitchen grease and soot, even with a good hood above the stove, will still settle on the ceiling.
  • Bathroom. Bathrooms are not heavily polluted, but if there is poor ventilation, condensation will constantly accumulate on the ceiling. When drying, the drops leave streaks and marks on the coating.
  • Loggias and balconies. Stretch ceilings do not accumulate dust; they also have antistatic properties, which to some extent protect the surface from contamination. But over time, even the best-quality surface will reveal settled street dirt, especially if your area cannot be called environmentally friendly.

In general, the rules for caring for matte stretch ceilings come down to a number of recommendations on what not to do when washing and cleaning PVC surfaces.

Hard brushes cannot be used for washing suspended ceilings.

Preventive measures

Matte and glossy stretch ceilings do not require specialized care, however, if they are heavily soiled, professional help may be required. To avoid unnecessary costs, it is necessary to apply preventive measures when using this type of ceiling. For example, in a kitchen where a large amount of fat, soot and soot accumulates, it is better to install and constantly use a powerful hood when preparing food. In the bathroom, you can pull a horizontal curtain, which will protect the ceiling from soap splashes and limescale. A less expensive way to keep the surface in perfect condition is regular dry and wet cleaning, as well as timely removal of fresh dirt.

By following the above tips, the suspended matte ceiling will delight its owners with cleanliness, durability and beauty for a long time.

What not to do?

Here's what you shouldn't do if you decide to wash a matte stretch ceiling:

  • use hot water - the water temperature should not exceed 40 °C;
  • use abrasive detergents and materials;
  • wash the ceiling with acetone-based products - it dissolves PVC film;
  • use hard or sharp objects and hard brushes for washing;
  • resort to using a mop - the risk of damaging the tension covering in this case is quite high;
  • use only approved detergents;
  • Do not use stain remover without first testing it on a small area of ​​the film that is hidden from view.

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Ceiling cleaning products

If you are faced with the task of how to wash a matte stretch ceiling, then it is important to decide what cleaning products to use. It is also important to understand what technology to use. Not every product is suitable for caring for matte ceilings. For example, abrasive and active chemical components should not be used, as they may harm the material. Among the abrasives we can distinguish dry powders and substances that are intended for use in dry form. They may scratch the material. Even if you dilute them in water, they do not cease to be dangerous due to the presence of insoluble elements.

Acids, solvents and alkalis are considered active substances; they are also prohibited. It is important to familiarize yourself with the ingredients of the mixture, which should not include acetone, which will simply melt the film. The best remedy is a special composition recommended by the manufacturer. You can buy it at construction stores. If there is no such product on sale, but you still intend to wash the ceiling, then you can use a regular soap solution, which does an excellent job.

Before washing the matte stretch ceiling, you can prepare cleaning products for mirrors and glass. Some of them contain ammonia, but if there are no other harmful substances, then you can use them. The simplest solution is to use dishwashing detergent, which comes in the form of a solution or gel. The main task before using such compositions is to check the mixture for the absence of active chemical compounds. Moreover, the use of such products should be accompanied by diluting them with water until a small amount of foam is obtained. It is easier to apply to the surface, and you can use a soft cloth. With its help you will eliminate stains, bubbles and traces of foam on the surface.

Dry cleaning

The dry cleaning method will help refresh a slightly dusty ceiling. In this case, use a soft, lint-free cloth to care for the coating. This can be microfiber, a suede cloth or a special non-woven cloth with an electrostatic effect. These wipes are used to remove dust from polished surfaces - they attract dirt and do not leave streaks.

Use a circular motion to remove dust from the surface. If you see cobwebs in the corners, it is not necessary to clean the entire ceiling. It is enough to remove the dirt using a soft brush without touching the film itself.

For dry cleaning, you can use a vacuum cleaner. You will need a special fabric nozzle, but even in this case you should not touch the surface of the stretch ceiling so as not to damage the structure. Hold the nozzle a few centimeters from the surface so that you can remove dust without damaging the ceiling.

Surface cleaning methods

Minor accumulations of dust can be easily removed from the stretch ceiling using a small soft cloth. In this case, it is necessary to avoid strong mechanical impacts on the canvas in order to avoid its deformation or damage. In particular, we are talking about polyvinyl chloride canvases, which, under strong pressure, stretch into unattractive strips and form wrinkles. Only professional technicians can eliminate defects of this type.

When cleaning a stretch ceiling from dust using a special attachment on a vacuum cleaner, you should be careful and careful. The minimum distance from the brush to the tension fabric should be about 2 cm. It is not recommended to apply the nozzle tightly to the fabric.

Using a steam generator:

  • The tool is directed to the contaminated area and treated with steam.
  • The resulting condensation is removed and the surface is wiped dry with a soft cloth.

It is also recommended to carry out wet cleaning with a mop carefully and carefully. Otherwise, you may scratch the surface if the rag suddenly slips off the crossbar.

When manually cleaning the fabric of a suspended ceiling structure, it is recommended to wear gloves after removing all decorations. To clean the surface, you need to prepare several napkins or rags. With the help of some, the ceiling is washed, with others, they wipe and dry the material, and also eliminate all kinds of stains.

All work is divided into several stages:

  • Dry cleaning of the canvas is carried out, during which accumulations of dust and waste products of small insects, such as cobwebs, are removed from the corners and on lamps.
  • Apply a suitable cleaning agent to the ceiling and leave it for some time. In this case, the composition is able to act on the most persistent contaminants.
  • Next, the ceiling is thoroughly washed and dried using dry wipes and rags. Using other dry rags, wipe the surface, eliminating soap stains.


If you have firmly decided that you cannot do without wet cleaning, then first choose a good care product. Professionals recommend using special detergents for suspended ceilings. They are produced in the form of aerosols or sprays.

You can take care of the film coating using other household chemicals.

  • In rooms where the main pollutant is grease, you can use dishwashing liquid, washing powder or gel, and even regular soap solution. Dilute the product in water so that no solid particles remain, and feel free to start washing.
  • In other situations, use glass cleaners containing ammonia to care for the coating. They perfectly remove dust, small grease and leave no streaks. You can prepare the solution yourself from pharmaceutical ammonia: approximately 50 ml of ammonia is consumed per 1 liter of water.


If you are unsure about a detergent, do a simple test. Apply the working solution to a small area of ​​PVC film, wait 10-15 minutes, then rinse with water. If the film is not damaged, this product can be used to care for the coating.

Step-by-step instruction

Having decided how to wash the suspended matte ceiling, let’s take a closer look at how this should be done.

  • Before cleaning, remove rings and bracelets to avoid scratching the fabric.
  • If you need to use a vacuum cleaner, use a soft, lint-free brush and be gentle on the material. The nozzle should be positioned a few centimeters from the coating, avoiding a tight fit to the ceiling. If you move the brush closer, the material may sag. Be extremely careful not to scratch the surface with the edges of the nozzle.
  • If you are using an aerosol, spray the liquid onto a small area, wipe it with a soft cloth, and thus treat the entire area one by one.
  • The soap or powder should be completely dissolved in warm water so that no solid particles remain. Apply foam to a napkin or sponge and work the ceiling in smooth movements, from one wall to another. Avoid circular movements, otherwise streaks will form.
  • After treating the entire area, thoroughly rinse off any chemical residue with clean water. Check to see if there are any stains or streaks on the surface.
  • After washing, dry the coating with a clean cloth.

Required Tools

To wash a suspended ceiling, you will need:

  • ladder;
  • bucket;
  • detergent solution;
  • plastic bottle with a spray (if the product is not aerosol);
  • sponge or rag.

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As already mentioned, the sponge should not be abrasive, and it is better to use soft and non-woven rags - microfiber, suede, special napkins.

If you really want to, you can use a mop with a fabric attachment to wash the ceiling, but you must be sure of the strength of the film structure. It’s better not to take risks and wash the surface with your hands.

Features of care

Before washing a matte stretch ceiling, you need to understand the variety of means for carrying out such work. Some people believe that there is no need to do anything special, it is enough to just monitor external cleanliness. However, there is another opinion, which says that the ceiling needs careful periodic cleaning and tightening of the sagging sheet. If you were deciding how to wash a matte stretch ceiling without streaks at home, but you were unable to achieve a positive result, and the material was damaged, then it is recommended that you become more familiar with the technology for carrying out the work. It is noteworthy that even if the ceiling sags, it can be removed and then hung again. But in this case, there is no way to do without the help of professionals.

How to wash the ceiling?

First, go over the ceiling with a dry cloth, removing the top layer of dust. Then proceed directly to the washing process:

  • dilute the detergent in water at a temperature of 30-40 ° C;
  • soak the sponge in the solution;
  • if you use a spray to care for stretch ceilings, then moisten the sponge in plain water;
  • spray the spray onto the surface;
  • Clean the film in a circular motion without pressing too hard on the ceiling;
  • if you use detergent solutions, rinse them with plain water so as not to leave streaks;
  • After finishing washing, go over the stretch ceiling with a dry cloth.

Washing matte stretch ceilings is somewhat easier than glossy ones - as a rule, there are no streaks left on them even after using washing powder solutions.

Now you know how to wash a matte stretch ceiling. Use special products to care for PVC film and do not apply mechanical force. To avoid streaks, wipe the film with a dry cloth after finishing work.

Special devices

Let's choose a tool that will help you quickly and easily clean the surface. In order to understand how to wash matte stretch ceilings, you need to assess the degree of contamination.

After the renovation, the walls, floor and ceiling are covered with a thick layer of dust. Before washing a stretch ceiling, matte or glossy, you need to get rid of fine dust using the dry cleaning - this is necessary so that there are no streaks after wet cleaning. The most effective way to remove plaque is with a vacuum cleaner.

Please note: you can vacuum the material only if you know for sure that the structure is firmly fixed, otherwise you will have to repair the product.

If very little dust or cobwebs have accumulated on the ceiling, it will be enough to wipe the surface with a soft, lint-free cloth or sponge.

For wet cleaning you will need a small piece of flannel or suede fabric. In the hardware department of any supermarket you can purchase a special microfiber cloth that attracts dust. To avoid scratching or tearing the coating, it is best to clean the ceiling by hand, instead of using a mop.

How often should matte stretch ceilings be washed?

Ceilings in living rooms usually need to be cleaned no more than 2 times a year. The kitchen and bathroom may need to be cleaned more often as they are more susceptible to dirt.

During the cooking process in the kitchen, soot and grease often form, which can also settle on the ceiling. It is better to remove such contaminants immediately before they are absorbed. For washing, you can use standard products. Using an exhaust system in the kitchen helps reduce the likelihood of contamination.

No matter how carefully you use the bathroom, it is impossible to prevent accidental splashes of soapy water. They often leave unsightly marks on the ceiling. You need to wipe it when it gets dirty.

What is the easiest way to clean the ceiling?

The easiest way to clean the canvas is during the day, when stains and dirt are noticeable on the surface of the material, especially in kitchen areas where there is a special hood. If special lighting fixtures are installed on the ceiling, then before we begin to wash the canvas, it is necessary to turn off the electricity.

If we wash the ceiling with a steam generator, then it is important that the steam temperature is not higher than 40-50 degrees. If it is not possible to maintain such a temperature regime, then the equipment nozzle should be kept at a distance of 20-30 cm from the canvas. However, even after using the steam generator, you will have to wipe the surface with your hands using a soft sponge or rag. You can use a mop, but you need to choose a tool designed for cleaning glass.

Before washing the ceiling, it is important to heat the room to 22-25 degrees. This will greatly reduce the likelihood of the material being pressed through and cracks appearing on its surface.

Preparing working tools

To clean the matte surface, use soft sponges or cloth napkins. Do not use a hard brush.

Important: when starting to clean the stretch fabric, remove all accessories from your hands. Rings, bracelets, and watches can scratch the coating, snag it, or even tear it.

It is also not advisable to use a mop. Its sharp parts can damage the surface and leave scratches. If you do wash the ceiling with a mop, then wrap it in a soft cloth.

For your vacuum cleaner, choose a soft brush or lint-free attachment.

A stepladder will help you with your work, make it easier to process the ceiling surface, and allow you to reach any hard-to-reach place.

Cleaning procedure

Many owners of private houses and apartments are thinking about how to wash a matte stretch ceiling. Before starting work, you must remove all jewelry from your hands, including rings, bracelets and rings that could damage the coating. Not all cases require complex techniques; you can often get by with simpler measures, this is especially true for matte coatings that can be easily cleaned with water or a regular vacuum cleaner. Water will not leave streaks on such surfaces, and maintenance will be much easier for the housewife.

Before washing a matte suspended ceiling, you can prepare a brush from a vacuum cleaner, which you can simply walk over the surface; in most cases, this is enough. It is better if the brush is as soft as possible, but you need to be careful not to touch the fabric with the sharp edges of the nozzle, as there is a high risk of damaging the fabric. If you were unable to get rid of the contamination completely, then you need to take a more serious approach to solving the issue. You can wash the fabric by first checking how the detergent affects the fabric in the corner of the room. If damage occurs, it will not be noticeable.

Features of washing the ceiling in the kitchen

Before washing the matte stretch ceiling in the kitchen, you should not stock up on any aggressive substances, since care for the coating in this area of ​​the house is carried out using the same technology. The only difference is more frequent washing procedures. It should be remembered that matte fabric sheets are less durable compared to PVC coatings, so they must be treated with the utmost care and attention. Sometimes glass cleaners penetrate into the structure and change the color of the surface, so it is best to avoid such substances in favor of plain water. For severe contamination, it is recommended to use a powder solution. However, the particles must be completely dissolved. It is also important to take into account that the same area should not be rubbed for too long, as it may be damaged, and after drying the color may change.

How to wash a suspended ceiling at home - a universal method

At home, manufacturers recommend washing suspended ceilings only with special products or soapy water. In most cases, such cleaning is enough to clean the canvas from dust, construction dirt, greasy or nicotine deposits, and soot. In this step-by-step instructions, we will tell you about the universal and only cleaning method that is approved by manufacturers of tensile structures.

  • A regular mop with bristles, or better yet, a flat mop;
  • Clean and soft microfiber or flannel rags (2 pcs.);
  • A bowl of warm water (but not hot!);
  • Spray bottle (optional);
  • Liquid soap;
  • For greater convenience, it is advisable to prepare a stepladder.

Our advice: The easiest way to wash ceilings is with a mop with a moving platform and a microfiber attachment, which is also called a telescopic mop (pictured). The price of such a mop is quite high - from 2 thousand rubles, but it is light, nimble and already has a nozzle that can be washed several times.

Washing a stretch ceiling with a telescopic mop is more convenient and safer for the canvas than any other

Step 1. Dilute a weak soap solution of liquid soap and warm water in a basin. If you use a spray bottle, then the following proportions are suitable: for 1 glass of water, 4 drops of liquid soap.

Useful tips

  • In order for the matte canvas to retain its attractive appearance for a long time, dry cleaning should be carried out regularly. If stains appear, they should be cleaned immediately, without delaying washing until later. Old stains are much more difficult to remove.
  • You should ventilate the room at least once a day, then less dust will settle on the surface.
  • It is better to clean before lunch, when there is good lighting, so as not to use an additional light source.
  • The stretch covering in the bathroom must be washed daily. Condensation accumulates in this room and stains may remain on the surface. It is enough to walk over the coating with a dry cloth to remove excess moisture.
  • The kitchen is the place where the ceiling gets dirty the most. Cleaning here should be done as often as possible so that soot and grease do not accumulate on the ceiling.
  • Before cleaning, remove jewelry from your hands and use gloves. Such measures will protect the ceiling covering from minor scratches and the skin from drying out.
  • If you are not sure whether the detergent you have chosen is suitable, you should conduct a preliminary test. You can apply a little composition in a dark, inconspicuous corner of the room.
  • Unfortunately, some stains cannot be removed using conventional means. Such contaminants include yellowness that appears on the ceiling in the kitchen. To get rid of it, you will need to contact specialists; they will recommend special compounds that can cope with this problem.
  • If you are using a glass cleaner containing ammonia, it will be convenient to pour it into a spray bottle, apply, wait about ten minutes, and then wipe dry with a microfiber cloth.
  • Before cleaning, you should cover furniture and decorative items so that the product does not get on them.

The matte ceiling is a luxurious part of the interior. Proper care will help maintain its attractiveness and durability for a long time.

How to wash suspended ceilings - video

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