Kharcho soup in the Polaris multicooker. I want kharcho in a slow cooker

Time: 140 min.

Servings: 6-8

Difficulty: 4 out of 5

The aromatic kharcho soup in the Polaris multicooker will appeal not only to lovers of Georgian cuisine. It has a lot of spices, garlic and meat.

The main components of this dish, which cannot be removed under any circumstances, are beef, sour tkemali plum sauce, walnuts and spicy spices. The soup turns out to be quite spicy, so it is better not to offer it to small children and those who suffer from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Kharcho is a rather thick soup, although it does not contain potatoes. Flour dressing added to the roast adds viscosity and richness to the broth. There are various options for preparing this dish, from which the nuts are removed, and instead of tkemali sauce, only tomato paste is added. If you come across a recipe that tells you how to cook dietary kharcho soup in a Polaris multicooker, don’t believe it! This doesn't happen.

Method for preparing kharcho soup

Cut the carrots into strips and the onions into cubes. Lightly fry the vegetables in the set “Frying” mode in sunflower oil until the onion lightens.

First cut the beef pulp into small pieces. Place the pieces of meat with the vegetables, close the lid of the multicooker and simmer the meat and vegetables in the “Stew” mode for 20 minutes.

After the time for stewing the meat and vegetables has come to an end, add tomato juice, switch to the “Frying” mode and fry all the ingredients until the excess moisture evaporates and the tomato juice becomes thick.

Before adding rice to the soup, rinse it under running cold water several times to remove excess starch.

Place the washed rice in the slow cooker.

Then, usually, like in any soup, add diced potatoes.

Now add 1 liter of boiled water, add salt, black pepper, paprika and bay leaf. If you love the taste and smell of garlic, you can add a clove of finely chopped garlic to the kharcho soup. In the “Soup” mode, set the time to 40 minutes, prepare the kharcho soup with the lid closed.

Quite simple, but very tasty kharcho soup turns out to be richer in a slow cooker than in a regular saucepan. I think this happens because the soup simmers slowly under the lid, preserving and enhancing all the flavors. Pour the finished soup hot into bowls and serve.

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There are 12 comments in total:

    Tell me, does your soup not boil over when the lid is closed? Today I’m cooking soup for the first time and when the lid is closed in soup mode, foam starts to rise.

    Very tasty recipe! Everything is simple and fast. Thanks a lot)))

    This recipe is not entirely suitable for the Polaris 0517 multicooker, unless you improvise. The “Frying” mode is standard - 15 minutes and there is no way to stop it when the onion brightens, I had to actively stir until the specified 15 minutes had expired. Further more. The stewing mode has a step of 1 hour and there is no way to simmer meat with vegetables for 20 minutes: (Frying with tomato sauce “until the moisture evaporates” is the same - 15 minutes and no less. The “soup” mode is also a step of 1 hour, you can’t choose 40 minutes. There is a huge minus for the recipe, which is attributed to the Polaris 0517 multicooker! I, as a novice multicooker user, trusted the recipe and started cooking, only then realizing that the recipe was not for us. There are no complaints about the multicooker. Alina is wrong. I’m waiting for the soup to be cooked, skipping the steaming tomato juice and leave the soup for an hour...

  • Tanya, you can calmly decrease or increase the time, for this there is a “Minutes” button. And, also, if the food is already ready, and there are still some minutes left in the multicooker mode, then don’t look at it - just turn it off and that’s it)
  • Beginner user, study your cartoon first before putting downvotes! There is an instruction manual for this.

It's no secret that dishes cooked in a slow cooker turn out much tastier than when cooked in the traditional way in a saucepan. What's the secret? This miracle machine can cook in the “Simmering” mode, that is, it maintains the same not very high temperature for a long time. This temperature regime allows all products to be cooked gradually, preventing them from being overcooked and becoming an unknown mass. In the cuisines of the world there are a lot of dishes that are simmered under a lid during cooking. The traditional Georgian soup kharcho is one of these. Each housewife has her own recipe for this thick soup, each adding her own twist to it.


Onion— 150 gr.
Walnuts- 100 gr.
Garlic- 4 cloves
Tomato paste- 50 gr.
Khmeli-suneli- taste
Bay leaf- 2 pcs.
Greenery- 1 bunch
Salt- taste
Beef— 600 gr.
Rice- 100 gr.
Tkemali sauce— 150 gr.
Vegetable oil- 40 ml.
Flour- 50 gr.
Red pepper- 2 gr.
Parsley- 1 gr.
Allspice— 6 pcs.

Cooking process

Step 1

Start cooking with the soup dressing. It contains many components that need to be crushed before frying. First, chop the walnuts, lightly toast them in a frying pan, and set them aside. Peel the garlic cloves and squeeze through a garlic press or chop very finely. Allspice peas are crushed in a mortar (you can use a pinch of ground allspice instead). Stir together chopped walnuts, allspice and garlic.

Step 2

Wash and peel the onions. Cut it into half rings, and then in half again. The beef is washed and cut into small pieces. Pour vegetable oil into the multicooker bowl, add the prepared onion, and turn on the “Baking” or “Frying” mode for 30 minutes.

The onion is fried in a slow cooker for 10 minutes, then chopped beef is added to it. Fry the meat and onions for another 10 minutes. Pour two tablespoons of flour into a bowl, stirring, pour in a little cold water so that there are no lumps. Rinse the rice under running water seven times.

Step 3

Six minutes before the end of the frying program, add flour diluted in water and tomato paste to the meat. Stir with a silicone spatula and wait until the toasting program ends. After the beep, add tkemali sauce, walnuts with garlic and pepper to the multicooker bowl. Pour two liters of water. Add washed rice and spices (khmeli-suneli, red pepper, salt to taste and bay leaf) to the soup.

Step 4

Close the multicooker bowl and set the “Soup” mode for an hour and a half.

Five minutes before the end of the cooking program, finely chop the greens (preferably cilantro) and add them to the soup after the beep. After 10 minutes, the soup can be poured into bowls and you can enjoy the spicy aromas of Georgian cuisine.

Enjoy your meal!

Kharcho soup in a slow cooker - a classic recipe

Strictly speaking, the composition of soup prepared in a slow cooker is no different from that cooked on the stove, but there are still differences in technology. Let's look at how to cook kharcho soup in a slow cooker according to the classic recipe.


  • 500 gr. beef tenderloin;
  • 1 onion;
  • 200 gr. rice cereal;
  • 3 walnuts;
  • 150 gr. tkemali (or satsebeli) sauce;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1⁄2 tsp. ground red pepper;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • cilantro and parsley;
  • salt.

Preparation progress:

  1. We thoroughly wash the meat, remove the film and veins, cut into pieces no more than 2 cm thick.
  2. Place the meat in the slow cooker, set the “Soup” program, and set the time for 1 hour.
  3. As soon as the cooking time for the meat has expired, strain the broth, pour it into a separate bowl, and remove the meat.
  4. We clean, wash and chop the onion. Grease the multicooker with oil, pour in the onion, set the “Frying” program, fry the onion until half cooked (it will become translucent).
  5. After 5 min. After the onion begins to fry, add meat to it, fry for another 6 minutes.
  6. Rinse the rice several times, add it to the meat, and pour in the broth. We set the “Soup” program and set the time for half an hour.
  7. While the rice is simmering, peel, chop the nuts and garlic, and pour it all into the soup.
  8. Finally add spices and sauce. When the set time has expired, crush it with chopped herbs, let it stand for 20 minutes, it should be saturated with the aromas of all the ingredients.

Pea soup in a Panasonic multicooker

We present to your attention two ways to prepare pea soup in a Panasonic multicooker. Here, housewives have different opinions about cooking peas in a slow cooker, because some believe that peas must be soaked, while others do not. We will look at both options for preparing soup in a Panasonic multicooker.


  • smoked pork ribs – 200 g;
  • carrots and onions – 1 pc.;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • split peas - 1 cup;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

How to cook soup in a Panasonic multicooker:

  1. Place peas, carrots grated on a medium grater, chopped onion, and potato cubes into the multicooker bowl.
  2. All this splendor needs to be filled with hot water - 2.5 liters, close the lid to turn on the “Quenching” program. The time must be set to 3 hours.
  3. That’s it, there’s nothing more to say about cooking pea soup in a Panasonic multicooker. The only thing we will advise you is that 15 minutes before the end of the program you need to salt the soup and add spices to taste.
  4. The soup in the Panasonic multicooker will turn out thick, rich, aromatic and satisfying. The peas will boil and turn into puree.
  5. Here’s another recipe for making soup in a Panasonic multicooker, it’s a little different and prepared a little differently. The beauty of it is that the peas in the puree are not boiled soft and there are individual peas in the soup (they are soft).
  6. The set of products is slightly different: meat is excluded from the list, but we add vegetable oil, only 1 tablespoon, and you need to take 2 potatoes. more.
  7. Peas - they need to be washed and the longer and more, the better. The water should be almost clear. You need to pour it into a spacious bowl, fill it with water, leave it for a couple of hours right on the table, let it stand at room temperature, so it will become softer and cook faster.
  8. After 2 hours, you need to pour the peas into the multicooker bowl (drain the water), add fresh water - you will need 3 liters, set the “Stew” program, or you can “Soup”, time - 1 hour.
  9. This soup takes longer to prepare than usual because it consists of several stages. After the specified time, you need to strain the pea broth, pour the peas into a bowl, and wash the multicooker bowl and wipe dry.
  10. Pour vegetable oil into a clean multicooker bowl, turn on the “Frying” program, fry the carrots cut into strips (you can grate them) and the onion into small cubes.
  11. While the vegetables are fried, peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.
  12. Lightly salt the roast, add potatoes, stir. Add broth and stir again.
  13. Close the lid of the device to set the soup cooking program in the Panasonic multicooker. We will cook in the “Soup” mode, or you can select the “Stew” program. Set the time to 40 minutes. This is enough for all the ingredients to cook.

This option is good because it saves electricity and there is no need to force the multicooker to work for 3 hours in a row; it is much easier to soak the peas and then wait a little. If you bought whole peas, then you need to soak them overnight, these are the recommendations. Good luck with your cooking and bon appetit everyone!

Chicken soup-kharcho

There is also a dietary version of kharcho soup, it is prepared with chicken. Any part of the carcass is suitable for this, the only condition is that you need to remove the skin and remove all the fat.


  • 500 gr. chicken;
  • 200 gr. rice cereal;
  • 1 onion;
  • 2 tbsp. l. sunflower oil;
  • 2 tsp. khmeli-suneli;
  • 4 tbsp. l. tkemali;
  • 1 garlic head;
  • 5 pieces. prunes;
  • 1 chili pepper;
  • 150 gr. tomato puree;
  • 1⁄2 bunch of cilantro;
  • salt, black pepper, cloves, cinnamon, saffron to taste.

Preparation progress:

  1. Wash the chicken meat, if necessary, trim off the fat and skin, cut into medium pieces.
  2. Pour water into the multicooker, put the meat in it, start the “Baking” mode, time 25-30 minutes.
  3. We clean the onion and cut it. Pour into a frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry until golden brown.
  4. Wash the hot pepper, remove the seeds and chop. Wash the prunes and chop them. Add all this to the roast, mix, simmer for 2 minutes.
  5. Next, add tomato puree, spices and chopped cilantro into the frying dish. Stir, simmer in a frying pan for several minutes, add garlic. Let the finished frying stand for 3 minutes.
  6. Strain the finished broth.
  7. Pour the washed rice and chicken into the multicooker bowl, add broth and start the “Baking” mode again. When the broth boils, pour the roast into it, add salt and pepper, let it boil for 5 minutes, then transfer it to the “Warming” program and leave the soup to steep for half an hour.

Soup in a Panasonic multicooker

It turns out that cooking soup in a slow cooker is as easy as shelling pears, you just need to know which products need to be added and in what order. Let's prepare soup together in a Panasonic multicooker.


  • chicken – 300 g;
  • carrots – 2 pcs.;
  • garlic – 1 clove;
  • spaghetti - to taste;
  • potatoes – 3 pcs.;
  • greens: dill and parsley, 2 sprigs each;
  • salt, spices - to taste.

Making soup in a Panasonic multicooker:

  1. The peculiarity of the preparation is that all the products are added almost simultaneously and there is no need to fry them. It is only important to maintain the sequence.
  2. And one more thing: it is better not to add any chicken cubes or other chemical additives; let the chicken absorb all the aromas of other products so that the soup in the Panasonic multicooker turns out rich, tasty and very aromatic.
  3. Let's start by preparing the meat. If you bought chicken in a store, then most likely you bought a broiler, which means that the chicken will cook a little faster than homemade chicken. To prepare store-bought chicken, you will need 1.5 hours, and to cook soup in a Panasonic multicooker from homemade chicken, you need to set aside 2 hours.
  4. First, wash the meat and cut it into portioned pieces, this will make it easier to pour the soup and immediately place a piece of meat in each plate.
  5. Following the meat, place the chopped potatoes into the multicooker bowl. Wash, clean, wash the tubers again, cut into strips or whatever you like.
  6. Prepare carrots in the same way. We also clean and cut it as if for frying, but you noticed that the recipe does not indicate vegetable oil, which means there is no need to fry it.
  7. We put all the prepared products in the multicooker bowl, put spaghetti on top, pour hot water, put a clove of garlic.
  8. That’s it, you can close the lid of the multicooker, set the “Stew” program, the time is 2 hours if you are preparing soup in a Panasonic multicooker from homemade chicken, and 1.5 hours if from a store-bought one.

We are waiting for the signal, as soon as we hear it, open the lid of the device and add fresh herbs. Pour the hot, aromatic soup into large bowls. Don't worry that the soup won't cook the way you're used to cooking it on the stove. It will taste even better than fried soup. And bon appetit everyone!

Classic European recipe

This is perhaps the most popular recipe for kharcho in a slow cooker; it is more or less adjusted to our standards.


  • 600 gr. beef;
  • 1 tbsp. rice cereal;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 sweet pepper;
  • 2 large tomatoes;
  • parsley and dill;
  • salt, seasonings, bay.

Preparation progress:

  1. Wash, dry, cut the meat.
  2. Peel and wash potatoes, carrots, onions, peppers. Cut potatoes, peppers, tomatoes into cubes, and three carrots.
  3. In the multicooker, set the “Baking” program and set the time to 35 minutes. Add the meat and fry for 20 minutes. In oil.
  4. Add chopped onion after 5 minutes. grated carrots, after another 5 minutes peppers and tomatoes. Simmer vegetables and meat until the end of the program.
  5. Add clean rice cereal and prepared potatoes.
  6. Salt and pepper to taste, add seasonings.
  7. Fill with water to the full line. We set the “Quenching” program, set the time for 1.5 hours.
  8. After the stewing is complete, add chopped herbs and chopped garlic and leave for 20 minutes. in the “Heating” mode.

Recipe for cooking Georgian style in a slow cooker

This is not such a popular recipe, but it is very tasty, so it’s worth trying.


  • 400 gr. veal;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 head of garlic;
  • 1 tsp each khmedi-suneli and ground red pepper;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • 200 gr. rice;
  • 150 gr. walnuts (shelled);
  • 200 gr. tkemali;
  • salt;
  • greenery.

Preparation progress:

  1. Wash the meat, cut it into medium pieces, put it in a multicooker bowl, and fill it with water. Set the “Soup” or “Stew” mode, set the time to 60 minutes.
  2. Strain the finished broth.
  3. Peel the onion, wash it, pour it into a multicooker, fry in vegetable oil in the “Baking” mode for 5 minutes.
  4. Pour the broth into the onion, add meat, rice, nuts, sauce, spices and salt. Set the “Quenching” mode for 20 minutes. Simmer under a closed lid.
  5. To finish cooking, squeeze the garlic into the multicooker and set the “Warming” mode for 10 minutes.

Kharcho soup in a slow cooker has a rich taste that cannot be achieved when cooking on a gas or electric stove. The thing is that they lack the simmering function, which plays an important role in this dish. Cooking soup in a slow cooker helps the food reveal its flavor; it will definitely not be overcooked. Historically, it is customary to cook kharcho in an oven; modern equipment completely imitates this process, allowing you to achieve the same result.

Lamb kharcho in a multicooker Redmond

Since the dish is prepared from lamb, you should take into account the characteristics of this meat and serve the soup only hot and fresh. Lamb will add a unique aroma and rich taste, which distinguishes kharcho from other soups.

To make kharcho soup in the Redmond slow cooker you will need the following ingredients:

  • lamb (fillet) – 500 g;
  • potatoes – 4 pcs;
  • onions – 2 pcs;
  • polished round rice – 100 g;
  • tomato paste – 4 tbsp. l.;
  • garlic – 4 pcs;
  • water – 2 l;
  • sunflower oil – 50 ml;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • fresh greens.

Sort and rinse the rice under the tap until the water runs clear. Rinse the lamb fillet in cold water and cut into small pieces 1.5-2 cm thick. Peel and finely chop the onion, and chop the garlic with a knife or grate it.

Place all products into the multicooker bowl. Dilute the tomato paste in the required amount of water and pour it over the ingredients. Salt the dish, add spices, stir and cover with a lid.

Then set the multicooker to the “Soup” mode for 60 minutes and cook the dish until the program ends.

As you can see, preparing kharcho in the Redmond multicooker is very simple. You can prepare all the ingredients in advance, put them in a bowl, and at the specified time simply press the “Start” button. To add even more flavor, add a pinch of basil and saffron.

Before serving, garnish the soup with fresh herbs.

Features of kharcho soup

Disputes about the classic soup recipe arise constantly, but every housewife can prepare it with her own characteristics. You can highlight the characteristics that any option is suitable for:

  • a large number of spices, spices and herbs;
  • sour base (traditionally this is tklapi and sun-dried tkemali or dogwood puree);
  • beef, rice and walnuts.

Substitution of traditional ingredients often arises out of necessity. Classic kharcho soup consists of ingredients that are not always available in stores. It is popular to replace tklapi with satsebeli sauce, tkemali, tomato paste; in extreme cases, you can use pomegranate or other sour juice. Beef is often replaced with lamb, sometimes pork or chicken can be used.

There is a common misconception in Russia that lamb is the main ingredient; the full name of the soup “Dzrohis Khortsi Kharshot” is translated as “beef meat for kharcho.”

Some recipes for kharcho in a slow cooker do not contain walnuts, although the classic recipe cannot do without them. Not everyone likes nuts; it’s easy to find a recipe without them on the Internet. Cilantro gives the soup a special aroma; it is difficult to find in central Russia, so you can replace it with aromatic parsley. Let's look at the most popular recipes for kharcho soup in a slow cooker.

First recipe

To prepare the soup, we will need the following ingredients:

  • beef or lamb - 500 g;
  • onion - 2 pcs;
  • carrots - 2 pcs;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs;
  • large tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • rice - 1 glass;
  • salt, garlic, herbs, bay leaf, spices - to taste.

This recipe is well suited for cooking at home. The first step is to cut the meat into small pieces. Next, you need to cut the potatoes, onions, sweet bell peppers and tomatoes into cubes. Grate the carrots on a medium grater. The meat must be fried in vegetable oil for 20 minutes. Onions, carrots, peppers, tomatoes are added at intervals of 5 minutes, then you need to wait for the signal to end the mode.

It is important to take into account during the cooking process that rice swells greatly; it is important to correctly calculate its quantity.

After frying, the remaining components are added to the bowl, and the container is filled with water to the top mark. The amount of spices depends on the taste of the housewife. The soup is cooked for an hour and a half in the “Stew” mode. Towards the end of the operation, you need to prepare a bay leaf, garlic passed through a press and finely chopped herbs. All that remains is to add all this to the bowl, set the “Warming” mode on the Panasonic, after which the soup will be ready for consumption.

Second recipe

It is better to cook kharcho soup in a slow cooker with beef, which we took care of when creating the second soup recipe. Pork and lamb meat are suitable if you want to cook a dish, but the appropriate ingredient is not available.

To cook at home you will need the following ingredients:

  • beef fillet - 600 g;
  • rice - 250 g;
  • walnuts - 100 g;
  • satsebeli sauce - 150 g;
  • 1 onion;
  • garlic cloves - 4 pcs;
  • suneli hops - 2 teaspoons;
  • ground red pepper - 1 teaspoon;
  • black peppercorns, salt, herbs - to taste.

The meat is cut into small pieces, placed in a cup and filled with water. You need to set the “Extinguishing” mode for an hour; it starts differently on different Polaris and Panasonic models; details can be found in the instructions. The broth needs to be strained.

Frying the onions is done in vegetable oil in the “Baking” mode for 5 minutes, followed by switching to “Stewing” and adding broth with meat, rice, ground walnuts, sauce, spices, pepper and salt in the amount indicated in the list of ingredients. 20 minutes after the start of cooking, pressed garlic is added. The final stage is the “Heating” mode, which brings the dish to its optimal state in 10 minutes.

Variety of cooking methods

Many people notice that one version of kharcho in the photo differs significantly from the other in color, and there is also a difference in taste between the recipes. The classic recipe is rarely used, the soup is prepared from pork and other types of meat, beef is not the only option. Tomato paste is often used as an additive, which helps the soup in the slow cooker to fully reveal its taste.

Every housewife has cooking secrets that make her soup an original creation without analogues.

In Russia, soup was influenced by European tastes in cooking; modern recipes for cooking in a slow cooker are clear evidence. In the photo of a traditional Georgian dish, you cannot find many ingredients that are widely used in Europe and Russia. This fusion of cultures cannot be called good or bad, it simply helps to open up new flavors for the classic soup. The following components are often used when cooking in a slow cooker:

  • carrot;
  • potato;
  • tomatoes;
  • garlic;
  • fresh tomatoes;
  • sweet (bulgarian) or hot pepper;

These products are absent from Georgian soup recipes, but modern European cuisine can no longer do without them. Before cooking, you should make sure that the multicooker has the necessary functions and modes. Their names may differ, but in essence be the same; Polaris and other manufacturing companies have a different approach to the manufacture of goods. Preparing soup in a multicooker is not difficult; most functions are performed automatically; you just need to add the ingredients correctly.

Prepare broth from brisket. Rinse the meat under cold running water. Cut it into portions. Place the meat in the bottom of the multicooker bowl and fill with cold water. Press the MENU button and select the COOK function. Set the COOKING TIME to 1 hour using the CLOCK button. Click START. After the water boils, remove the foam and continue cooking the broth. Meanwhile, in a bowl, cover the rice with cold water. Peel the potatoes, wash them and cut them into small cubes.

Grate the peeled carrots on a fine grater and chop the onions with a knife.

We also finely grate the parsley root.

Pour the finished broth into a separate bowl. Pour vegetable oil (about 2-3 tablespoons) into the bottom of the multicooker bowl. We send chopped onions and carrots there. Press the MENU button and select the STEW function. Set the COOKING TIME to 20 minutes using the MINUTES button. Let's start. As soon as the onion becomes transparent, add grated parsley root to the bowl. We continue to stew the vegetables.

Dilute the tomato paste in a small amount of water. Five minutes before the end of stewing, add tomato paste and tkemali to the container with vegetables.

Add hops-suneli and ground black pepper to the tomato dressing to taste.

Wash the rice thoroughly and throw it into the slow cooker. Pour in the prepared hot broth. As soon as the broth boils, throw in the chopped potatoes. Select the COOK function. Set the COOKING TIME to 25 minutes. Let's start.

At the end, add finely chopped garlic, herbs, bay leaf and salt to taste. Check the readiness of rice and potatoes.

Our soup - kharcho cooked in a slow cooker, is ready! Enjoy your meal!

Kharcho soup is a well-known national Georgian dish. Its recipe was invented in ancient times, during the formation of the Georgian ethnic group. Kharcho is a fairly high-calorie product, as it contains fatty meat; this same factor makes it an excellent source of proteins and polyunsaturated fats, which are so necessary for every person, for example, for building muscle mass, recovery after a long illness and, of course, healthy growth and development.

Kharcho soup, contrary to popular belief, is prepared not from lamb, traditional for Georgian cuisine, but from beef. An integral component of kharcho soup are also tkemali plums or dried dogwood fruits, which give the finished product a special sour taste. In Russian realities, dogwood and tkemali are usually replaced with tomato paste, since it is more accessible than southern fruits. Thus, what we call kharcho soup, in essence, is not it, however, this “northern modification” of kharcho soup has an excellent taste!

Recently, multicookers have been gaining popularity among modern housewives. Indeed, they are very convenient to use, they save time, and you don’t need to spend a lot of effort to learn how to cook with them. In this regard, let's look at how to cook kharcho soup in a slow cooker. In terms of its taste, the dish is practically no different from the same soup prepared in a different way.

  • Meat: beef or young veal - 0.5 kg;
  • Onions - 2 medium-sized pieces;
  • Carrots - 2 small;
  • Bell pepper, preferably thick-walled - 2 pieces;
  • Tomatoes or tomato paste to taste;
  • Rice - one glass from your multicooker;
  • 3 medium sized potatoes;
  • Salt, black pepper, bay leaf and other spices to taste;
  • Chopped greens;
  • Sunflower or olive oil for frying;
  • Two heads of garlic.

This is all we need to make soup in a slow cooker.

Vegetable soup in a Panasonic multicooker

Every mother knows how difficult it can be to feed her child healthy meals. The baby flatly refuses to eat soups or does not want to eat cottage cheese. In the second case, everything is clear, you can make delicious cheesecakes from cottage cheese in a slow cooker, but what to do if the child does not want or does not like to eat first courses? You can’t let everything take its course, because the child must eat liquid every day. All that remains is to show a little imagination and prepare something special so that the child wants to eat such a beautiful dish immediately. This time we will help you and offer a recipe for making soup with meatballs and cornmeal.

What products do you need:

  • minced beef – 400 g;
  • celery root – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3 pcs.;
  • egg – 1 pc.;
  • cream 25% fat - half a glass;
  • corn flour – 3 tbsp;
  • fresh parsley - half a bunch;
  • spices: ground nutmeg - on the tip of a knife, 1-2 bay leaves, ground black pepper and salt to taste.

How to cook delicious soup in a Panasonic multicooker:

  1. The cooking is step by step, we start by preparing the following products: onions, celery root and garlic. These ingredients need to be washed and peeled.
  2. Tear off the leaves of the parsley and break the egg into a bowl, just separate the yolk from the white.
  3. We cut the onion into cubes as usual, grate the celery root on a grater with medium notches, chop the parsley with a sharp knife, pass the garlic through a press or also chop it very finely with a knife.
  4. To prepare the meatballs, combine lean ground beef with egg whites and spices in a separate bowl. You need to add salt, garlic, nutmeg and ground black pepper to the minced meat. Mix everything, the minced meat should be homogeneous.
  5. We form small balls of minced meat with our hands, and as the balls form, we place them in the multicooker pan.
  6. Add celery and onion to the meatballs, pour in 1.5 liters of hot water.
  7. That's it, now you need to set the cooking mode - this will be the “Steam” program, set the time to 30 minutes.
  8. In the meantime, the meatballs are cooking, let's move on to other products: we need to make a flavorful dressing. To do this, you will need cold cream and yolk - beat these ingredients in a bowl with a whisk or fork, add corn flour, and mix.
  9. The best way to do it is this: first mix the yolk with the cream, and pour 2 heaped tablespoons of flour into another bowl. The liquid should be poured little by little into the bowl of flour and stirred immediately. This way you will avoid the appearance of lumps.
  10. As soon as the signal sounds, you can open the lid, turn off the device for now, and pour the dressing little by little, in a thin stream, onto the finished meatballs; you just need to constantly stir the broth so that the dressing does not set.
  11. After these steps, you can add salt to the soup, add bay leaf (if you like) and continue cooking the soup in the Panasonic multicooker for another 10 minutes. Program "For a couple".
  12. Pour this soup into deep plates, garnish with a sprig of fresh herbs, add a spoonful of sour cream to each plate and add croutons. Bon appetit!
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