How to remove the smell of jeans (new and old, if the fabric smells like rubber, tobacco, etc.): useful tips and tricks

Method 1

The simplest and most commonplace option is to put the clothes in the washing machine. In this case, you can add conditioning agents. As a rule, this is enough to remove the unpleasant odor. Repeated rinsing will help consolidate the effect. And, of course, you only need to dry it in the open air.

Washing machine

How to wash it properly?

The most common cause of odor is the chemicals that were used to dye the fabric. In addition, pants may become saturated with foreign odors during transportation and storage. You can cope with the problem if you wash your jeans properly.


  • remove all things from pockets, fasten zippers and buttons;

  • turn the pants inside out;
  • dilute a detergent in a basin - this can be either improvised or specialized compositions;
  • soak the pants for the time specified in the instructions, most often it is 30-40 minutes;
  • rub the pants with light movements, systematically working through their entire length;
  • the solution is drained, if the jeans smell strongly, then pour washing powder into the basin or pour in liquid detergent, beat it into foam and leave them for another 10 minutes;
  • drain the solution and rinse the jeans in water with fabric softener.

After washing, they are hung out to dry in fresh air for at least a day. You can find out how to wash jeans here.

Proven ways to remove musty smell from clothes

Violation of the rules of washing, drying or storing in a closet leads to the fact that washed clean clothes acquire a very unpleasant musty smell.
It will not be possible to mask the “aroma” with perfume (perfume only enhances the “aroma” of mustiness). Fixing the problem and returning freshness to your favorite things can only be done with proven, properly selected methods and means.

We will tell you in this article how to remove musty smell from clothes after lying for a long time using improvised means and household chemicals.

Emergency help: removing odors without washing

There are times when there is no time or it is undesirable to wash. For example, you don’t want to throw a clean thing into the dirty just because of the aromas that it has absorbed. Or you need to put on a blouse, but before leaving you discover that your armpits smell of sweat. What to do in such situations:

  • Place the item carefully in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for 20–30 minutes. Cold temperatures do a great job of eliminating organic odors.
  • Pour vodka into a spray bottle, generously spray the item or problem area until wet and hang it on the balcony. Vodka evaporates quite quickly, and with it an unwanted aroma. If you are in a hurry, dry it with a hairdryer.

I haven’t tried the freezer, but vodka somehow helped me out. I didn’t dare to perform this trick several times in a row with the same blouse, but for one evening it worked 100%.

Basic cleaning methods

You can get rid of bad odor by using one of the following remedies:

  • air conditioner;
  • Castile soap;
  • acetic acid;
  • soda;
  • Oxiclean;
  • borax (borax);
  • lemon with salt.

Fabric softener

Wash your denim pants with regular powder and add conditioner to the drum. If the smell subsides, repeat the wash cycle. Upon completion of the 2nd wash cycle, the smell should definitely disappear.

Castile soap

This product is optimal for removing bad odors. Instead of ordinary powder, pour a couple of tablespoons of Castile soap into the drum (for a small machine load) or 4 spoons (for a standard load). Make sure the soap is distributed evenly.


Acetic acid is a good deodorant. Pour a little vinegar into the drum (a quarter cup for a small load, half a cup for a standard load).

Baking soda

Do not use acetic acid and soda at the same time, because they neutralize each other's effects. Along with the powder, pour half a glass of soda into the machine at a normal load. Once the drum is full, do not start washing. Let the jeans soak for a couple of hours.


It is possible to eliminate unpleasant odors using a chemical stain remover called Oxiclean. It eliminates dirt and odors by triggering oxidative processes. Fill a bucket with heated water and pour a spoonful of this cleaner into it. Leave your pants in a container of water overnight. Wash them in the morning. Remember to use gloves to protect your hands.


To get rid of odors, use borax when washing. To familiarize yourself with the required volumes of borax, read the instructions on the pack.


Place one-third cup of salt and a slice of lemon into the drum. This method will, at a minimum, help reduce the smell coming from clothes.

Odor removal instructions

There are several remedies you can choose from. It is quite simple to apply them either in the washing machine or in the basin while soaking. If you need to wash several pairs of jeans, it is best to wash them one at a time.

Laundry soap will quickly remove the chemical smell from jeans. Grate it and dissolve it in water. After this, soak your pants in it for about an hour or two. You can also add soap directly to the washing machine.

Vinegar is also an excellent deodorant. Add some to the fabric softener compartment of your machine and run a normal wash cycle. A full load will require 0.5 to 1 cup, while a small load will only require 0.25 cup.

Another great deodorant that works well against chemical odors is baking soda. Do not use it at the same time as vinegar, as the effect of these substances will be neutralized. To use baking soda, add 1/2 cup to your detergent. If possible, stop the machine after it has filled with water to allow the items to soak in for a few hours.

If this doesn't help, try filling a bucket with hot water and adding a little active oxygen-based product (like Vanisha) to it. Place your jeans in a bucket and let them soak up the mixture. The smell may become stronger when they get wet, but it will go away once the pants are washed. Put on gloves, then remove the jeans from the bin and wash as usual.

Another option is to add a little borax to the powder compartment of your washing machine.

Use of purchased funds

Store-bought chemicals are much more effective than traditional ones, but they are also easier to ruin clothes. In addition, the use of purchased products can cost a pretty penny, since some drugs are very expensive. The most effective are the following purchased products:

  1. Vanish OxiAction stain remover is a stain remover recommended by many housewives that does an excellent job of removing diesel stains from linen and clothes.
  2. Extraction gasoline or aviation kerosene is a radical method; soaking contaminated clothing in such products for 40 minutes will almost 100% guarantee remove stains and the smell of kerosene.
  3. Any drugs with an active oxygen effect are sold in household chemicals departments, usually in the form of powders; You can either wash contaminated clothes in such products or soak them in them.
  4. Cleaning paste for motorists - in any auto store you can find such products designed for washing hands from oil or flammable materials. These products are also suitable for cleaning clothes. Rub the paste into the kerosene stain and let it soak in for 10-20 minutes, then wash the item.
  5. Vinegar is best for removing kerosene odors or stains from hard shoes (you can clean leather shoes, leatherette shoes, rubber boots or sneakers). It is better to first treat the shoes with any degreaser and only then wipe them with a cloth soaked in vinegar; Instead of vinegar, you can use half a lemon.

What products should not be used?

Some odor removal methods should absolutely not be used if you need to remove the aroma of diesel fuel:

  • Under no circumstances should leather jackets be soaked in solvents, kerosene or acetone and acetone-containing products, as this will lead to irreparable damage;
  • colored items should not be washed in acid-based products; for such things you need to use mild detergents;
  • Instead of extraction gasoline, it is impossible to use a seemingly close analogue in the form of regular fuel from a gas station; ordinary fuel contains a large number of impurities and additives that will color the washed item so that it will be impossible to wash it;
  • Do not use kerosene or any aggressive solvents to wash synthetic fabrics, as this will lead to staining of the fabric and irreparable damage to its structure.

Additional tips and ideas

Some cleaning products, such as Vanish and borax, may cause some fading of the fabric. Test on a small area first to ensure that the shade of the jeans is not affected.

Do not add other clothes to the wash as they may pick up the odor if it is not successfully removed.

Jeans should never be washed with hot water as this may cause them to shrink.

Special formulations

You can get rid of the unpleasant smell of jeans using special compounds that are sold in retail stores and online markets. Top 3 effective remedies:

Washing liquid Domal Jeans Fashion

This is a concentrate that is used to care for denim . It can be used for washing items with embroidery, rhinestones and appliqués. The temperature of the water in which the composition is active ranges from 30 to 60 degrees. The price of the gel is 300 rubles.

Nordland balm for denim

The product works even in cold water (at 20 degrees) . The gel not only eliminates unpleasant odors, but also preserves the color and structure of the fabric. It does not contain dyes and belongs to the biodegradable group of substances. The price of a 750 ml bottle is 400 rubles.

Gel Synergetic

The composition can be used for machine and hand washing of denim fabrics . It contains herbal ingredients and has a hypoallergenic formula, so it can be used for washing children's clothes. The price of a 0.75 l bottle is 260 rubles.

Method 3

You can also remove unpleasant odors using sea bath salts, preferably with a strong flavor. Soak the jeans for about an hour and a half in a warm solution of salt and water. You will need to dilute one hundred grams of salt in five liters of warm water. Sea salt is a good absorbent and perfectly absorbs odors. After soaking, rinse with any rinse aid and dry.

Sea salt

How to remove second-hand items from items

An item purchased at a second-hand store must be washed immediately, especially if it is intended for a child. However, even after 2 washes with double rinsing, odor may remain on certain items.

Before you start washing your jeans, you need to familiarize yourself with the recommendations for handling them:

  1. Second-hand items cannot be stored with clothes purchased in a regular store. This is due to the ability of an unpleasant odor to transfer to other things.
  2. You need to rinse things well to eliminate the maximum amount of harmful substances.
  3. Jeans are washed at the highest possible temperature that is acceptable for the material.

To remove the smell from jeans purchased at a second-hand store, you can use the following folk remedies:

  • ammonia;
  • acetic acid;
  • salt;
  • soda;
  • coffee and other natural flavors.

First, wash your pants using one of the products listed above. After this, carry out a standard wash with powder, sparing no water for rinsing.

Dry the item in the fresh air. After this, iron your jeans. The unpleasant odor should completely disappear.

Let's look at how to clean denim pants using ammonia:

  1. Pour 5 liters of water into a bucket.
  2. Pour 20 milliliters of alcohol into a bucket and stir.
  3. Leave your pants in the bucket overnight.
  4. Take out your jeans and do a spin.
  5. Dry them.
  6. Carry out washing in the standard way.
  7. Use conditioner when rinsing your jeans.
  8. Air dry your pants.
  9. Iron using steam at high temperature.

Clothes must be dried in the air, for example, on the street, on the balcony. This way the jeans will completely get rid of any remaining moisture and formaldehyde elements.

How to remove odor from clothes: the most effective ways

It's no secret that any fabric has a porous structure that easily absorbs various odors, including unwanted ones. Therefore, quite often you can notice that your favorite jacket or trousers smell of food, tobacco or mold. To help cope with this problem, we will next look at how to quickly and efficiently remove odor from clothes without ruining them.

Solving the problem with home remedies

Many people mistakenly think that in order to most effectively get rid of smells from clothes, they will need to purchase expensive household chemicals. Undoubtedly, professional products can clean things that smell bad quite well. However, there are more accessible folk methods that can remove unpleasant odors from clothes just as well. Let's get to know them in more detail.

Sodium carbonate

Baking soda is an excellent adsorbent, so it removes unwanted odors well. To get rid of unpleasant smell from clothes, you need to do the following:

  • pour three liters of water into a small saucepan and bring it to a boil;
  • pour sixty grams of baking soda into the liquid;
  • mix the ingredients thoroughly;
  • remove the solution from the stove;
  • soak stinking wardrobe items in the resulting liquid for thirty to forty minutes.

After the manipulations have been completed, the soiled items are washed in the usual way and sent to dry in fresh air.

Table vinegar

Organic acetic acid will help remove odor from any fabric quite effectively. Therefore, nine percent table vinegar is often used to remove unwanted odors from clothes at home. To carry out the hygiene procedure you will need:

  • mix vinegar and cool clean water in a deep container in a ratio of one to three;
  • pour the resulting liquid into a spray bottle;
  • spray the cleaning solution onto hanging clothes;
  • after ten to fifteen minutes - wash things using laundry soap.

Method 4

Baking soda can also be used as an absorbent; it is the most common and inexpensive remedy for removing dirt and odors. Add 100 - 150 grams of soda to the washing powder and set the mode to soak. Then wash and rinse the jeans twice. As a rule, this is enough to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

washing powder

How to remove odor from jeans using vinegar. METHOD-1 How to eliminate odors during washing

1. Read the clothing care information on the tag located on the inside. On it you will find rules for care, washing and drying methods. Read each tag carefully to extend the life of your items and not damage them due to improper care.

  • If there is no tag with instructions on the clothing, such an item should be washed only in cold water, otherwise the fabric may be damaged or it will simply “shrink”. For vintage or expensive items, it is safer to use dry clean only.

2. Soak your clothes first. Pour warm water into a bucket or basin and dissolve 30 grams of washing powder in it, then immerse the clothes from which you want to remove the smell. Leave to soak for 30 minutes.

  • Add the juice of half a lemon to water to remove sweat stains.
  • Use only cold water as directed on the label.

3. Rub areas with strong odor. Use a soft-bristled brush to gently scrub areas of clothing with an unpleasant odor. On sportswear this is the armpit area and collar.

  • This method works well if you wet the clothes first, but you don't have to. Wet the item before cleaning if you want to skip the soaking step.

4. Add 230 grams of baking soda to the washing powder. Baking soda is often used as a deodorizer and helps eliminate unpleasant odors. If you use dry laundry detergent, add baking soda along with it to the detergent dispenser tray. If liquid, add soda when the powder begins to be collected (that is, the tray begins to fill with water).

5. Use oxygenated bleach. Unlike chlorine bleach, it does not change the color of fabric and effectively neutralizes odors. It is also environmentally friendly and less aggressive because it does not destroy the structure of the fabric. Use it with your regular laundry detergent.

  • Although oxygenated bleach is considered safe for colored fabrics, it should not be used if the care label states “Do Not Bleach.”

6. Try laundry detergent with borax. Borax has proven effective in eliminating odors, stubborn stains, and even softening water. Many manufacturers of branded household goods offer for sale washing powders containing borax, which eliminates the hassle of dosing and adding it separately to the powder. Replace regular laundry detergent with this product and add oxygenated bleach or baking soda for clothes with strong odors.

  • If you can't find laundry detergent with borax, simply dissolve 110 grams of borax powder in hot water and add it along with your regular laundry detergent. Wait until the tray is full of water before adding the borax solution.

7. Add 240 milliliters of white vinegar while rinsing. Vinegar is an affordable natural remedy that helps eliminate unpleasant odors. Vinegar will not reduce the effectiveness of the washing powder and will neutralize the odor during rinsing. Add 240 milliliters of vinegar if you're dealing with particularly strong odors.

  • For odors that are very ingrained, add baking soda.

Tips and tricks

Before you start doing procedures aimed at eliminating unpleasant odors, read these recommendations:

  1. Certain cleansers can cause a slight lightening of the color of your pants. Before using the product, test how it works on an inconspicuous part of your clothing.
  2. When washing jeans, do not put other items in the drum, as they may absorb the remaining odor.
  3. Do not use dryers to remove odors. Treating things with heat will cause the room to be filled with chemical fumes that are harmful to the human body.

Knowing how to quickly remove unpleasant odor from jeans, you can make your clothes clean and fresh, comfortable to wear.

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Tips and tricks on how to remove odor from jeans

New jeans may have an unpleasant odor. Many people have encountered this problem, but not everyone knows how to solve it.

Regular washing does not always help, and incorrectly selected cleaning products can harm the product.

Read the article on how to remove the smell of new and worn jeans without ruining them.

Ways to get rid of unpleasant odors from carpets

Various folk remedies are known to combat the odors of vomit, mustiness, mold, urine, beer, fish, and tobacco smoke emanating from the carpet. There are also effective methods for eliminating persistent synthetic odors from new carpet.

To eliminate the smell of vomit from the carpet, it is recommended to use a soda solution. It is enough to add two large spoons of soda to 1.5 liters of warm water.

Rub the resulting solution into the carpet with a sponge and leave for several hours. After drying, you need to vacuum the rug.

Baking soda is alkaline, and vomit is acidic. When they interact, a chemical reaction occurs, the result of which is the elimination of the unpleasant odor of vomit.


It is recommended to do the following:

  1. Sprinkle baking soda over the entire carpet and leave it overnight.
  2. Vacuum the carpet in the morning.
  3. Mix 1/3 cup of white vinegar with one large spoon of hydrogen peroxide and 1/3 cup of grated laundry soap.
  4. Pour the mixture into a plastic bottle and add warm water to it.
  5. Using a sprayer, spray the entire carpet.
  6. Allow the product to dry thoroughly. Then vacuum it.

Vinegar will be necessary with this method if mold has also formed on the carpet.

Dampness and mold

Due to excess moisture, the rug begins to smell damp. Subsequently, mold appears on it.

To get rid of this phenomenon, it is recommended to use special means. Fungicides in the form of sprays are suitable for this.

To combat mold and fungi, it is recommended to use the following products:

  • "Fongifluid";
  • "Prosept Fungi Clean";
  • "Glutoclean".

It is enough to treat the moldy areas with a spray and then wipe them with a damp sponge.

To do this you need:

  1. Moisten a section of the carpet with 200 ml of vodka. And leave it like that for 2 hours.
  2. The carpet is treated with a solution based on Vanish and washing powder. It is enough to mix 50 ml of “Vanish” and 20 g of powder. Add 1 liter of water to the mixture.
  3. The area where there is a stain is treated with 10 ml of ammonia.
  4. The top section of the carpet is covered with 50 g of citric acid.

The carpet is left in this state for a day. After this, it must be thoroughly rinsed with water and dried.

A solution based on citric acid and vinegar will help get rid of the problem. It is necessary to dissolve a large spoon of citric acid in a liter of water. Add a few drops of vinegar to the solution.

If beer was spilled on a white rug, it is better to use hydrogen peroxide. A large spoonful of the solution must be mixed with a liter of water. Moisten a rag in the mixture and treat the rug with it.

Then you should wait until the coating is completely dry. Next, you need to sprinkle the carpet with salt and then vacuum it up.

Fish scent

The fishy smell is absorbed well by ordinary salt. Simply sprinkle it on the area of ​​the carpet where there is a fish stain and rub it in thoroughly with a brush. Leave the salt on the carpet for half an hour, then vacuum it.

An alternative way to combat fish odor from carpet is to use acetic acid dissolved in water.

Tobacco smoke

You can only remove the smell of tobacco from a carpet using a special product. Vanish is most suitable for this.

It is recommended to mix carpet shampoo with water in a ratio of 1 to 9 and apply it evenly to the carpet using a mop. After processing, the product should be dried and vacuumed.

From the new palace

Chemical odors from new carpeting are best eliminated by routine ventilation of the entire room. It is recommended to do this daily. It is necessary to ventilate the room for several hours.

Baking soda absorbs foreign odors well. It is enough to sprinkle it all over the carpet and walk over it with a vacuum cleaner. It is also recommended to vacuum the rug daily at first. This will dissipate the chemical smell faster.

Jeans smell damp. How to get rid of damp smell on clothes: proven methods

An unpleasant smell of dampness on clothes can appear when there is an increased level of humidity in the apartment. This happens especially often in the off-season. It also occurs if you leave clothes in the washing machine for a long time. Often, simply rinsing things does not help get rid of the smell of dampness. Then home remedies will come to the rescue.

Soda and coffee grounds

These two products are absolutely safe and can even be used on children’s clothing. Add a little water to the soda and stir until it becomes a paste. Apply the mixture to the entire surface of the clothing with a dishwashing sponge or a clean cloth and wait 20-30 minutes. Then rinse the item in warm water, and if the damp smell is very strong, wash it with powder.

Coffee grounds are used according to the same principle. Apply it to your clothes and wait half an hour. Then use a soft brush to remove the product and wash the item with powder. Use this method only on dark clothing.

Hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

A mixture of hydrogen and ammonia will help remove the smell of dampness from clothes. Mix hydrogen peroxide with water in a ratio of 1:5, provided that the fabric is delicate. If you are not afraid of damaging the item being treated, you can use pure peroxide. Please note that this product does have a slight bleaching effect and may make the fabric fade. Use ammonia according to the same principle.

Washing with vinegar

If the damp smell is very strong, pour half a bottle of vinegar into a bowl of water and soak your clothes in this solution. Wait an hour, then run the machine wash. Also add a little vinegar to the powder and mix until it becomes a paste. After this, the clothes must be rinsed several times. If the smell is not very strong, then it is permissible to do without soaking. You can enhance the effect of vinegar with baking soda.

Ironing and steaming

To remove the unpleasant smell of dampness from clothes, wash them and rinse them with conditioner. After this, dry it, preferably in the sun. Place a damp natural fabric on a completely dry and ventilated item and carefully iron the item on all sides. Use the steam function on your iron. If you have a steam generator, then use it.

How to remove mold from clothes?

How to wash viscose items without shrinking?

How to iron shirt sleeves correctly?

Preventive measures

You can prevent unpleasant odors from appearing on your clothes by opening your closets at least once a week to allow fresh air to enter. Ventilate for 2-3 hours.

When you install the washing machine in an automatic machine for the night, take out your clothes immediately in the morning, otherwise an unpleasant damp smell will appear very soon. If you don’t have time to do this, then at least open the washing machine door. Make sure your clothes remain dry after steaming.

Do not stack or hang things in the closet too closely, otherwise there will be no free air circulation. It is better not to dry clothes in the bathroom, as the humidity level there is quite high. Hang things on the balcony or in a dry, ventilated area. If you put a piece of fragrant soap in the closet, all textiles will smell of it, and this will perfectly mask the smell.

The above methods will help get rid of the unpleasant smell of dampness on clothes, as well as prevent its occurrence. If the air humidity in the apartment is high, ventilate it regularly and turn on the heaters if necessary.

Method 5

There is another way to eliminate unpleasant odors; it doesn’t even require washing. But for this you will need a steamer or at least an iron with a steam function. Before starting work, fill the equipment with water with the addition of a few drops of aromatic or essential oil and begin steaming. In this case, it is better to put on a mask and open the window, as hot fumes with a pungent odor will be released. After this, be sure to hang your jeans out in the open air.

Protective mask

Getting rid of the smell of sweat

Another reason that causes discomfort is the smell of sweat from clothes. Usually the disposal process does not cause complications if you take into account the recommendations.

Sweating is a physiology that allows the human body to maintain water balance. Deodorants may not protect against adverse effects. After the smell has been absorbed into the clothes, it becomes necessary to eliminate the unpleasant aroma in the shortest possible time. In this case, it is not necessary to go to dry cleaning. What methods are recommended?

How to remove odor from a denim jacket. How to get rid of smell on a jacket

Once clothes spend a little time in a place where there are strong odors, such as smoke from a fire, they become thoroughly saturated with an unpleasant aroma. But this does not mean that your things are hopelessly damaged. Even heavy jackets can be odor-free.

You will need

  • vacuum cleaner, sprays, aromatics, vinegar, water, citric acid, salt



The choice of method for removing odor from a jacket depends primarily on the material from which the item is made. Otherwise, the smell may go away, but stains or even holes will remain on things. So read the label carefully to see what your jacket is made of. The next point is how long ago and how strongly the smell penetrated into the clothes. If it is not old, then simply airing the jacket on the balcony will get rid of the unwanted aroma. But just remember that clothes should not be exposed to direct sunlight to prevent them from fading. If after a few days the jacket still smells fragrant, then try to remove the smell using the following methods.


Ventilation can be replaced with a vacuum cleaner. This method is especially effective for things that cannot be put in the washing machine (sheepskin coats, fur coats). The fact is that the smell is caused by microparticles that settle on clothes, so a vacuum cleaner can very well help you remove various odors, in particular tobacco.


Look for special sprays and products on sale to remove odors from all types of fabrics, for example, the German product “Sagrotan”. Then proceed according to the instructions.


You can remove odors from any outerwear using the so-called. aromatic makers This could be a plate with coffee beans or mint. Place the saucer on the radiator and hang a smelling jacket next to it. Another option is to hang the jacket on a hanger, put a special clothes bag on top, place an incense bottle underneath and close the bag. After the smell goes away, air the jacket in the fresh air. Instead of mint or coffee, you can use dry perfume, soap or store-bought sachets.


If the jacket is made of a fabric that can be soaked and washed, add diluted vinegar (about 1 tablespoon per liter of water), citric acid (1 tablespoon per 10 liters of water) or concentrated salt solution to the water. These methods will help in combating the smell of fish, dampness, etc.

Functions of the glands

Each animal has its own individual smell, by which they distinguish each other. It arises as a result of the work of the glands.


The glands located in the skin of dogs are called sebaceous or alveolar. They secrete a secretion that lubricates the fur, which is the source of the dog's odor.

Functions of the skin glands:

  • identification;
  • moisture preservation.

The more skin glands a dog has, the stronger his odor. The number of ducts is determined by the breed.


Dogs' sweat glands are located between the pads on their paws. They also secrete a secretion with a special aroma. That's why dogs smell each other's tracks.

Laundry soap and Antipyatin

Wet foul-smelling clothing and rub with soap until foam forms. You may need to rub the fabric a little, add water and knead it well. The more foam the better.

Next, set the item aside for half an hour until the soap penetrates normally into the fibers and binds all the dirt and remaining odors. Rinse the fabric under running hot water and rinse thoroughly with soap; you will most likely have to scrub it again. Washing in a machine at normal settings will allow you to finally consolidate the effect.

If the remedy does not help the first time, then it should be repeated a couple more times and with obligatory settling for half an hour.

The smell of gasoline and diesel fuel

It is better not to wash clothes that emit the aromas of diesel fuel and gasoline in a regular washing machine - you should not risk their condition. Residual fuel can get on plastic and metal parts, which will destroy them. In addition, the smell can transfer to other things.

When deciding how to remove gasoline smell from clothes, you should never try to neutralize stains and smells with bleach or stain removers containing chlorine. This may result in a chemical reaction that may result in harmful fumes. In addition, the matter will not be limited to one-time processing of the material, so first of all you need to prepare for a long work.

If your clothes smell of gasoline, the first thing you need to do is take them out into the fresh air. The gasoline will evaporate and the smell will disappear. But this process is not quick, it will take up to two weeks (depending on the degree of contamination).

You can also try soaking the affected clothing in a high-quality detergent solution. There is no need to rush: it is better to wait about a day before starting washing. You can dry things only in the fresh air. The maximum that is allowed is to hang it on a loggia or balcony, but not indoors.

You can try soaking the affected clothing in a solution of a high-quality detergent

Most often, such products are universal, so they are good for removing various odors, including the smell of gasoline.

Diesel fuel has a persistent, pronounced “aroma” that is very difficult to remove. There are several ways to remove the smell of diesel fuel from clothes:

  1. Extraction gasoline or aviation kerosene. First you need to prepare a solution and put clothes in it for half an hour. After washing thoroughly, rinse well with conditioner. You need to dry your clothes in the fresh air so that the gasoline vapors completely disappear.
  2. High quality detergent. You need to add more detergent to a bowl of water, mix well and put clothes there for half a day. Then the items can be washed in the usual way in a washing machine, rinsed and hung in the fresh air.
  3. Things can also be soaked in a solution of white spirit and acetone.

It is quite possible that you will have to spend a lot of time and effort. But if you still can’t achieve the result, you can use a special aerosol or go to dry cleaning.

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How to remove second-hand smell from clothes: the best ways

In second-hand stores you can find a lot of interesting things, and even save money on their purchase. Often you can find high-quality and completely unworn clothes there, even with store tags and price tags. Its only drawback is the smell of chemicals. But if you wish, you can handle it quite easily, without even resorting to dry cleaning services. You will learn how to remove the smell of second-hand clothes from clothes in our article.

A heavy chemical spirit is the hallmark of any thrift store. Even large online second-hand shops are saturated with it through and through, let alone small shops. And this, you will be surprised, is good, because it speaks of the sellers’ responsible approach to things.

The pungent smell on second-hand clothes indicates that they have undergone the necessary chemical treatment and are free of all bacteria, fungi, insects and other things that are unpleasant for the new owner. The treatment is carried out with special formaldehyde aerosols, harmless to humans, but destructive to microbes. No washing can disinfect fabric as efficiently as formaldehyde. Its only drawback is that getting rid of the second-hand smell, that is, formaldehyde aerosol, is quite difficult. But with proper processing it is quite possible!

Attention! Before you wash your European thrift store purchase, store it separately from the rest of your wardrobe, or at least in an airtight bag/container. This way you will protect the rest of your things from the formaldehyde smell.

Chemistry connoisseurs certainly know that formaldehyde is very effectively broken down by ammonia. But before you remove the second-hand smell from clothes using ammonia, try gentler methods. Most often, washing with a long rinse and drying the item in the open air helps. It takes at least a day to dry, or rather air, clothes so that the unpleasant aroma disappears properly.

Attention! Wash items you recently bought at a thrift store separately from the rest of your clothes!

If washing doesn’t help, we turn to ammonia. Before removing the second-hand smell from things, prepare a solution of 10% ammonia with water. The proportion of the solution determines the volume of the item prepared for processing:

  • 20 ml per 5 liters of water – for small items;
  • 100 ml per 10 liters of water – for large clothes.

You can add a few drops of essential oil, such as geranium, citrus or clove, to the solution. But this is not at all necessary. Next, simply soak the item in the resulting mixture for at least an hour. For cotton this period is quite enough, but for synthetics it may take several hours. After soaking, wring out the clothes and hang them outside the window to air. When the fabric is dry, wash the item as usual.

We recommend that you find out what means other than stain removers can be used to remove cherry stains from clothes.

You can read here how to get rid of unpleasant odors in your apartment without the help of aerosols.

There is an opinion that ammonia can damage paints on colored fabrics. But this is nothing more than a common misconception. Ammonia does not spoil fabric fibers and does not interact with dyes in any way. Colored items can be treated for odor in the same way as white ones.

In thrift stores, all clothing is disinfected, regardless of material. How to remove the second-hand smell from items with fur or leather inserts, or made entirely of leather/leatherette. Naturally, soaking will not work for them, but will only hopelessly ruin the new thing. If airing the item also does not help, use one of the following methods.

Pack the item in a tight bag and place it in the freezer. During the cold season, you can simply hang it outside. Leave the clothes in the cold for 3-5 days, depending on the intensity of the odor.

How to get rid of second hand smell without freezing? Pack the clothes in a tight bag, after pouring a few tablespoons of ground coffee into it. Leave it for a couple of days and the smell will disappear. Instead of coffee, you can use sea salt, even unflavored.

Learn how to properly care for your pearls.

You can find out how to remove the smell of dampness in a closet here.

Dampen a small cloth with vinegar essence and place it in a bag along with the thrift store item. Tie the bag and leave for 12 hours. After this period, thoroughly ventilate the clothes.

How to remove the second-hand smell from a fur coat or clothes with fur trim? Prepare a solution of equal parts:

  • warm water;
  • ethyl drinking alcohol;
  • vinegar essence.

Dampen a sponge or fine-toothed comb in the solution and run it through the fur. Apply the treatment in the direction of hair growth. After you have gone over the entire surface of the fur, let the item dry, preferably in the fresh air.

In one out of a hundred cases, it will be possible to eliminate the second-hand smell nestled in the fibers of the fabric. But why not try? If you feel that the aroma of formaldehyde is very light, barely noticeable, just close the item in a bag or container for a couple of days with a strong fragrance. Ground coffee, aromatic soap, a bottle of your favorite perfume, or a napkin moistened with them will do.

The sellers themselves tried to take care of how to remove the smell from second-hand clothes. In large chain stores in this area, you can purchase special fabric deodorants that help neutralize the odor of formaldehyde. The same perfume for clothes can also be bought in some online stores of household chemicals.

And finally: if all else fails, take the item to the nearest dry cleaner. Professionals will definitely be able to cope with foreign odors without damaging either the shape or color of the clothes.

How to remove the smell of dog urine from an apartment?

    How to get rid of the smell of tobacco and sweat from clothes - learning the best methods

    How to get rid of the smell of tobacco in an apartment - bring back a fresh aroma

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Attention, bleaches contain components that are aggressive to fabrics. Even if the manufacturer allows clothes to be washed with bleach, the fibers of the fabric still lose their strength each time. But there is an undoubted advantage of bleaches, whether chlorine-containing or oxygen-containing compounds. They handle many types of dirt and remove odors.

Use bleach only as directed and before removing odors from clothing. Only this will protect things from final damage.

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