Recipe for ginger tea with lemon and honey

Tea with ginger and lemon has been prepared for many centuries. Our ancestors knew a lot about delicious drinks! Thanks to this root, our usual drink turns into real ginger nectar. This inconspicuous ingredient gives it such a magical taste that you want to enjoy it as often as possible.

In addition to the wonderful taste and dizzying aroma, this drink has another invaluable quality. Tea with ginger and lemon is the first remedy in the fight against colds. It alleviates symptoms and speeds up the healing process by leaps and bounds. When you have a cold, drink ginger drink hot or well warm.

Another advantage is quenching thirst. In this case, you should drink it cold, or with ice. Even in the most intense summer heat, it will cope with thirst - it can easily replace harmful drinks.

If you have never brewed ginger tea before, now is the time to do it. Believe me, it will become a favorite of all family members. Several detailed step-by-step recipes with photos will help you make delicious nectar; you just have to choose which one you like best.

Honey is a storehouse of nutrients

Honey has long been valued by humanity for its healing properties and its ability to act as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent. Honey contains vitamins, macroelements, amino acids that promote the production of interferon, which, in turn, protects the body from viruses. By eating just 30 grams of this unique natural immunostimulant every day before breakfast, of course, in the absence of allergies, you can be sure that acute respiratory diseases and flu will bypass.

Honey can also be used as an ingredient in various vitamin cocktails, the best of which is ginger tea. And if you add fresh lemon to the drink, the effectiveness of the mixture for strengthening the immune system will increase several times.

Slimming Tea

Ginger tea with lemon and honey helps you lose weight without washing away beneficial substances and nutrients from your body. You can get rid of extra pounds with the help of tea without causing harm to your health.

A drink made with ginger burns fat, improves metabolism, cleanses the gastrointestinal tract of toxins, removes excess fluid, but at the same time saturates it with vitamins and minerals that strengthen the immune system and have a beneficial effect on the entire body. Well, quite a lot has already been said about the benefits of honey, and there is no point in talking about it again.

If tea with ginger for colds is drunk mainly during illness and at its first signs, then tea for weight loss should be consumed every day, for a long time, and in large volumes. Listen to your body: how it reacts to the drink. The fact is that ginger contains a pungent substance, so the kidneys, liver or stomach may not withstand its effects. If any organ gives a distress signal, the drink will need to be stopped.

Recipe 1.

To prepare the drink, take 2 teaspoons of green tea, 30 grams of grated ginger root, juice from half a lemon. Pour everything into a thermos and fill it with two liters of boiling water. When the tea has steeped and cooled slightly, strain it and add 3 teaspoons of honey. The drink prepared according to this recipe should last for two days.

Recipe 2.

Place 0.5 teaspoon of grated ginger in a glass and pour boiling water to the top. After 10 minutes, put a lemon ring and a teaspoon of honey into a glass. The drink can be taken throughout the day. If the acidity of the stomach is high, it can be taken during meals; if it is low, it can be taken half an hour before meals.

What are the benefits of ginger?

Ginger root is a plant with a spicy taste and delicate aroma. It is actively used in cooking, but it is advisable to use it for preventive and therapeutic purposes, since it contains vitamins A, B, C, trace elements zinc, calcium, iodine, as well as antibiotics and antimyotics of organic origin. Ginger is unique for its strong bactericidal, disinfectant and antifungal properties, as well as the ability to cleanse the blood and stimulate its renewal.

To prevent the flu, it has recently begun to be used even more often than garlic, in contrast to which ginger root also has a pleasant smell.

The root has a cumulative effect, that is, you should not expect an instant effect. But if you drink tea with ginger every day, starting in the summer, your immunity will slowly but surely increase.

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For whom is this drink contraindicated?

For tea to be beneficial, you must drink it correctly, and do not forget about possible contraindications for taking it. Even an absolutely healthy person should not drink more than 2 liters of the drink per day, and it is better to drink it in the first half of the day.


  • hypertension;
  • heart disease;
  • gastrointestinal pathologies (gastritis, ulcers, pancreatitis, cholecystitis);
  • hepatitis;
  • uterine or any internal bleeding;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • temperature above 39 degrees.

The drink is strictly prohibited if you have an individual intolerance or allergy to the constituent components of tea. It is not recommended to give it to children under 3 years of age, and to older children it is given only after consultation with a doctor.

Ginger-lemon tea with honey: boost immunity

Ginger tea for immunity with the addition of honey and lemon is considered one of the most effective drinks. Do not rely on the fact that this is a panacea for all colds and flu. But if you regularly use the mixture, combine it with sports, walks in the fresh air and good nutrition, then the immune system will actively resist the invasion of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

When preparing medicinal tea, you should not be guided by the rule of adding ingredients “by eye”; you must follow a clear dosage. In addition, despite the benefits, the vitamin mix also has contraindications. Thus, it is not recommended for use by young children and people with allergies.

Here is one of the most common and simple recipes for ginger-lemon tea with honey, which is recommended for use at the first signs of flu and colds as an antipyretic and anti-inflammatory agent:

  • any honey - 1 tablespoon;
  • grated ginger root, lemon juice - 2 tablespoons each.

Cooking method:

  • Mix ginger with lemon juice.
  • Pour the mixture with 2 cups of boiling water.
  • Cool the tea a little and add honey to it. If a beekeeping product is added to a hot liquid, its beneficial qualities will be lost.
  • It is recommended to drink tea every day in small portions - one small cup before going to bed will be enough for the body.

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Green tea with ginger and lemon: recipe

Green tea combines with the spicy root just as well as black tea. It also warms well, and if cooled, it becomes an excellent thirst quencher.


  • water – 0.5 l;
  • green leaf tea – 1 tbsp;
  • fresh ginger – 10 g;
  • lemon – 1-2 slices;
  • honey – 2-3 tsp.

Quantity: 2 servings.

Preparation time: 3 min.

Cooking time: 10 min.

How to use ginger correctly?

There are many options for eating this, frankly, life-giving root, but in this article we will look at the simplest and most accessible even for those who are too lazy to cook - ginger tea. You will find many recipes for making such tea without us, but we still hope that our “drop of tea” will come in handy).

We have found for ourselves and for you the most useful and at the same time simple recipes for preparing this ginger drink, which is healing in all respects, for those who have no contraindications for this wonderful root. It can be consumed cold or hot with quick and obvious benefits.

Is it possible to give a medicinal drink to children and pregnant women?

During pregnancy, ginger tea with honey can and should even be drunk, but only after your doctor's permission. If there are no contraindications, then you can enjoy the aromatic drink and increase your immunity.

But it is recommended to treat children after 3 years with this drink. Kids enjoy drinking sweet ginger tea prepared according to the classic recipe: ginger, black tea (green tea is not allowed for children), lemon and 2 spoons of honey.

For children, the course of treatment with the drink is 20 days, after which the intake is stopped.

Ginger drink with pepper and cloves

Such a drink can be safely classified as a health-improving drink, capable of activating natural metabolism and participating in weight correction in case of excessive obesity. If desired, you can add a stick or pinch of cinnamon to this recipe.

It is prepared simply and quickly: directly in a tea cup, mix the powder of dry ginger root, pepper and cloves in equal acceptable proportions; pour boiling water over it and, covering it with a saucer or suitable lid, leave for 10-15 minutes. There are no special instructions on the method of administration, except that it must be used for therapeutic and health purposes regularly within the sanatorium period - at least 20-25 days.

What is ginger root combined with?

Ginger drinks are prepared for weight loss, preventing colds, maintaining vitality during illness, improving the functioning of the digestive system, and stimulating the nervous system.

To make tea, ginger is combined with cinnamon, lemon, honey, medicinal herbs and dried fruits.

Hot ginger drinks are beneficial for many reasons. This is an excellent warming property, thanks to which some inflammatory processes can be prevented. This includes activation of metabolic processes, improvement of brain activity, and aromatherapy.

Honey is an essential component of many drinks. It is a natural antioxidant, rich in vitamins and minerals, has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties, has a mild analgesic effect along with a powerful anti-inflammatory effect.

Ward off a cold

If you are prone to colds and respiratory infections during the cold season, we advise you to replace regular tea with ginger-lemon tea: this way you can strengthen your immune system and at the same time warm up with a delicious unusual drink when you come home from the cold.

What do you need for 1 cup?

  • Ginger root 5-10 g.
  • Fresh lemon 1 slice.
  • Carnation 1 pc.
  • A pinch of cardamom.
  • Allspice 1 pc.
  • Honey to taste.

Ginger tea is often made without regular tea and is technically an infusion.

What to do?

  • Wash the ginger and cut a couple of thin slices from the root. For this method of slicing, it is not necessary to peel the ginger.
  • Place all ingredients in a cup and pour boiling water over it.
  • Let the drink brew for 5-7 minutes and then add honey. If you add honey not to boiling water, but to hot water, the benefits from it will be maximum.

Important: If you expect to never get sick during the fall and winter with the help of ginger, then you need to understand that its effect is more cumulative and preventive than one-time therapeutic. If you are already sick and want to be treated exclusively with ginger tea, then you should not count on any special effect, although the root can alleviate the symptoms a little. It is better to prepare for the cold season in advance and include a lemon-honey drink with ginger in your diet on an ongoing basis.

Recommended drink recipes

  • If you like to try everything original and unusual, then use the masala tea recipe and prepare this spicy Indian drink with spices and milk yourself.
  • In winter, I really love warming drinks and I suggest you try a recipe for sea buckthorn tea, which has a number of medicinal properties and has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the stomach and the entire digestive system.
  • And be sure to find an old Russian recipe for sbiten and cook it at home. You will definitely love this hot, spicy drink based on herbal infusions and honey, which is simply irreplaceable in cold frosty weather.
  • Believe it or not, you can prepare more than just unusual tea options at home. Use a simple “beer recipe” and prepare a small assortment of “homemade snacks” to accompany it to surprise your friends and enjoy the process itself.

Now you know enough alternatives to classic black tea, and I am sure that ginger tea will become one of your favorite drinks. There are a lot of recipes for its preparation, so I look forward to your feedback and new recipes in the comments.

Culinary recommendations

  • To ensure that ginger imparts maximum nutrients and flavor to the drink, grate it using the finest grater.
  • If you make a ginger infusion separately and then pour it over citrus fruits and honey, the tea will turn out more rich.
  • Instead of honey, you can put ordinary sugar in the drink, but this replacement will worsen its beneficial properties and taste.
  • A little cinnamon will add some piquancy to ginger tea.
  • It is not at all necessary to add black tea to the ginger drink. And it will be very tasty.
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