Dried and dried persimmons: how to properly dry and make dried persimmons at home

Dried and dried persimmons - benefits, harm and calorie content, how the berries are dried

Persimmon is an eastern culture, a berry mentioned in the works of ancient Greek philosophers Socrates, Plato, Thales.
Diospyros among the Greeks, persimmon in Hindi, persimon among the American Indians, and kaki among the Japanese belongs to the ebony family of the genus Ebenus. China is considered the birthplace of persimmons, where the “fruits of the gods” appeared more than two centuries ago. Then the “heart apple”, the “winter sun” spread throughout Asia. By the 19th century, persimmons began to be grown in all regions with tropical and subtropical climates. Persimmons ripen in late autumn, hence the name “winter sun”: the bright orange fruits delight with their ripe, sweet, fleshy pulp in winter. Nowadays, the oriental delicacy is prepared for future use in the form of jam, marshmallows, jam, and the berries are frozen. Another type of preparation: dried persimmon and dried persimmon. The elegant taste of the oriental delicacy makes it possible to use it instead of sweets.

In Japan, the fruits, subjected to the dehydration process, are used as an independent dish; there, dried persimmons are called “hoshigaki”. In Korea, low-alcohol punch is made from dried berries.

Dried and dried persimons retain all the beneficial qualities of fresh berries.

How to choose fruits for drying

For drying, select ripe, elastic fruits with an even, smooth skin. Overripe fruits are not suitable because during the heat treatment they will release juice and become blurry. Do not dry limp, damaged fruits. Varieties and astringency do not play a role in this case. They are guided by their own preferences. Buy persimmons at the end of summer, in autumn. At this time it is the most delicious, with a minimum content of chemical additives.

What is the difference between dried and dried berries?

The difference between dried diospyros fruits and dried fruits is the method of preparation. Berries are most often dried in the oven or in a dryer, and cut into thin plates. It takes eight to twenty hours to prepare dried persimmons.

Sun berries are dried as whole fruits under natural conditions. The skin is first removed from them. The fruits are hung on strings. Periodically, once a week, the persimmon is warmed up. Dried persimmon will be ready in a month and a half.

Those who see the finished product for the first time do not always like the way dried persimmons look. The white coating that forms on the surface can be mistaken for mold. But that's not true. Glucose released during the dehydration process sugars the fruits, enveloping them in white crystals.

Composition of dried persimmon

Already at the sight of the “winter sun” you can be charged with joy, vitality, and positivity. The composition of the red sun confirms external perception.

  • In terms of iodine content, Diospyros fruits are not inferior to seaweed and fish.
  • Persimmon is enriched with potassium, calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus, iron, manganese. Mineral elements are necessary for the proper functioning of human organs and systems.
  • Among the vitamins, the first place in fruits is taken by vitamin C (ascorbic acid). Next come vitamins A, groups B, P, E, and beta-carotene.
  • Natural sugars are found in dried berries in the form of sucrose and glucose.
  • Of the organic acids, the most common are malic and citric. Persimmons contain rare betulinic acid.
  • Antioxidant compounds, fiber, and pectins are included in dried berries.

With such a natural composition of valuable substances, persimmon berries are a low-calorie product. Depending on the variety, the calorie content of the fruit ranges from 53 to 62 calories per hundred grams. The Korolek variety has 53 calories, the Shokoladnitsa variety has 56 calories, the Sharon variety has 60 calories, the Bull's Heart and the Spanish variety have 62 calories.

With loss of moisture, calorie content increases. How many calories are in dried persimmons? The calorie content of the product increases to 235 calories per 100 grams. The calorie content of dried persimmon is 245 calories per 100 grams. The berries have a glycemic index of 50 units, which allows them to be eaten by diabetics, but in limited quantities.

Benefits of dried persimmons

Knowing the composition of the product, you can figure out why dried persimmon is useful.

  1. The berry has a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, soothes inflammation, and prevents bleeding.
  2. Dried and dried persimmon improves appetite.
  3. Eating dry and dried berries prevents hemorrhoids and cures the disease.
  4. The fruits of the sun in dried, dried form are able to remove waste and toxins from the body.
  5. Persimmon strengthens the walls of blood vessels, normalizes blood pressure, accelerates blood circulation, and improves the functioning of the heart muscle.
  6. Potassium-rich product fights cough.
  7. The unique betulinic acid contained in dried berries resists cancer cells.
  8. Dried, dried persimmon fruits in ground form are used for healing wounds, as an anti-inflammatory agent.
  9. Regular consumption of healthy berries strengthens the immune system and has a rejuvenating effect on the entire body as a whole.
  10. The benefit of dried persimmon for the body lies in its high content of ascorbic acid, which fights viruses.
  11. The beneficial properties of dried persimmon are complemented by the beta-carotene and zeaxanthin it contains, which improve vision and have a beneficial effect on eye health.
  12. The iron contained in berries performs a hematopoietic function and increases hemoglobin levels.
  13. Dry fruits can reduce the negative effects of alcohol due to the ability to break down alcohol oxidation products.
  14. Diospyros has a positive effect on potency and is a preventative against male ailments.

When can a berry be harmful?

Persimon in some cases has a negative effect on the body. These include anemia. In this state, the product complicates the process of iron absorption. Take the dried fruit with milk with great care. It is advisable not to consume them at the same time, but to take a break of 1-2 hours between meals.

Important! You should use the “heart apple” with care after operations performed on the digestive organs.

The fruit contains tannin. It has astringent qualities. Therefore, with a poorly functioning stomach or intestines, the pulp can cause:

  • constipation;
  • food obstruction;
  • fermentation.

It is undesirable to use drying for cooking during exacerbation of pancreatitis or intestinal adhesive pathologies. Some people are also not recommended to use it if they are individually intolerant to the substances contained in the product.

Do I need to wash dried persimmons before eating?

If the fruits were prepared independently and were pre-processed, then there is no need to wash them immediately before eating. It is recommended to rinse the purchased version with boiling water before use to kill all the microbes that are invariably present in such products. Many play it safe and thoroughly soak the persimmon before eating it. This is an effective method that will protect against bacteria well.

If the product is used for cooking with heat treatment, such manipulations are not necessary. All microbes die when exposed to high temperatures.

How to dry persimmons at home

Cooking dried diospyros fruits will take longer than drying.

  • Ripe berries are selected.
  • The fruits are carefully removed from the skin. In this case, the stalk is left.
  • Persimmons are dried on threads passed through the tails, suspended in a dry, shaded, ventilated room.
  • After seven to ten days, the fruits of Diospyros are covered with a whitish sugar coating.
  • The berries become dried after 4-6 weeks: it all depends on the temperature and humidity in the room.
  • Every week, the fruits must be gently kneaded to ensure even distribution of sugar and moisture inside them.

If the rules of drying and drying are violated, the product will become moldy.

This can happen in a room with high humidity. You need to carefully ensure that there are no insects near the preparing fruits that will lay eggs inside the berries. The smell of rot and a greenish tint will indicate that the product is spoiled.


For its honey-like sweetness and delicate soft texture, persimmons have received many common names: food of the gods, gourmets' choice.

There are three varieties of the fruit, all of which have their own personality in appearance and taste.

  1. Ordinary persimmon. The fruit has a rich orange color. After ripening, the pulp mixture becomes jelly-like. Unripe fruit is tart due to its high tannin content.
  2. Sharon. The taste is reminiscent of apple, quince and apricot. Ripe fruit is extremely soft and does not have a tart aftertaste. The skin is narrow, it is not necessary to peel it off.
  3. Kinglet. The skin is orange and the flesh underneath is brown. 2nd title – chocolate persimmon. It tastes sweet and not at all cloying.

How to select and store dried persimmons

It is better to buy or prepare persimmons in dried form, since the product has a more useful composition, a pleasant taste without an astringent effect, and is stored for a long time. When buying a finished product, you should pay attention to the main sign of a quality product, namely, a uniform white coating. If it is present on the selected fruit, you should make sure that it does not rub off. This may occur if the fruit was simply sprinkled with starch or flour to attract the consumer.

The second thing you should pay attention to is the condition of the fetus. It should be soft and pliable, like rubber.

To store dried whole fruits, it is recommended to cut off the stalk, after which they can be stored in a glass container with a hermetically sealed lid, putting it away in a dark cabinet. A freezer is also suitable, in which persimmons, both whole and cut, are placed in disposable bags. The temperature is set to no more than -5 degrees. In this way, the fruits can be stored for 6 months.

How to properly eat dried persimmons

When purchasing a finished product, the question arises whether it is necessary to wash dried persimmons before use. You don't have to do this. If in doubt, you can scald the fruits with boiling water. Dried, dried fruits of diospyros can be consumed in different ways:

  • eat like candied fruits;
  • make tea; to do this, just pour boiling water over a few slices of the product and let it brew for ten minutes;
  • cook the compote by boiling the pieces of fruit in water for about 30 minutes with the addition of a pinch of citric acid and sugar to taste;
  • Use as a filling for pies, but first the pieces must be kept in hot water to soften.

Useful tips

You can dry persimmons using the classic oriental method or a simpler one. The second method is to dehydrate the berries using the oven. In this case, no pre-treatment or cleaning is required.

The classic method takes up to 5 weeks . You must first remove the skin and then hang the berries on strings. After a week, a thin film forms on the surface of the berries. Every 3 days it is necessary to gently mash the berries to soften their core.

During the drying process, sugar will crystallize near the surface, as a result of which a white coating will appear on the persimmon, which will indicate the correct dehydration process. Some more tips for using this product:

  1. Helps with a hangover - removes alcohol oxidation products from the body, which reduces the harmful effects of alcohol on the body.
  2. Dried persimmon in paste form can be used as an antiseptic for open wounds.
  3. Antioxidants help slow down the aging process and detoxify the body.
  4. When crushed, it can be used as a face mask.
  5. It is not recommended to use after operations of the digestive system.
  6. Diabetics are also not recommended to eat dried berries.
  7. Acts as a diuretic, preventing the formation of stones.
  8. When buying dried persimmon, run your finger over its surface; if the white coating is easily erased, then this is an attempt to deceive - it is sprinkled with powdered sugar or starch.

In the oven

Not everyone can dry persimmons in a dryer - not every kitchen has a unit, so first we will use more affordable options. There is an oven in almost every home!

We do not recommend using a gas oven - the temperature in it is uneven. If you have an electrical cabinet - perfect!

A few words about how to dry persimmons in the oven:

  • Dip the fruit in boiling water for a few seconds, holding it by the tails - this is the easiest way to remove the skin;
  • Remove the peel with your hands and place it on a baking sheet lined with parchment, baking paper or a special mat;
  • Place the baking sheet in the oven, preheated to 60C and turn on the convection mode (if there is no convection in the oven, open the door slightly);
  • Leave for 6-8 hours. Will have to wait!

Unfortunately, this option is not ideal - the lion's share of taste features is lost. But in most cases, this is the only way to get dried fruits - not everyone has the opportunity to use natural methods. Now let's talk about how to dry persimmons in an electric dryer - if you have a special device at home.

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