How to peel a grapefruit

Number three or how to peel a grapefruit with your hands

This fruit can be peeled with a knife. Another option is to use a special citrus peeler. The third method is to remove the peel by hand. To do this, the skin is first slightly torn with a fingernail, then the peel fragments are completely removed. After cleaning, the fruit is torn into 2 equal parts, each of them is sequentially disassembled into slices.

The pulp is freed from films and zest. The fruit must be washed before peeling.

How to peel grapefruit using a microwave oven

We are used to using the microwave to heat and prepare various dishes. But there are many other useful properties of this household device. For example, it can be used to make stale bread fresh again. Walnut shells will crack easily if they are heated for 30 seconds in a microwave oven at full power.

A microwave will also help when removing bitter films from grapefruit. The outer skin of the fruit should be peeled. Now we place it on a plate, put it in the oven and turn on the device at full power for half a minute. During this time, the grapefruit juice will not evaporate. But the unwanted films will become like paper. It will be very easy to tear them off with your hands and expose the juicy pulp.

The simplest option

This citrus is loved by many for its unique tart taste, aroma and richness. Don't know how to quickly peel a grapefruit and get to the juicy slices? We will teach! We have collected several secrets and useful tips in one review.

The first method presented to your attention is the simplest! Even a person who has never peeled fruit will be able to follow our instructions. What to do?

  • Make several longitudinal cuts at a distance of 2-3 centimeters from each other;
  • Pry the “lid” with a knife or fingernail and hook it;
  • Pull the skin and continue to pull - thanks to the cuts, it will come off like a snake; you can perform the same actions with a knife.

Ready! There is a second option to peel grapefruit without much effort - also as simple and straightforward as possible!

  • Make 4 vertical cuts from top to bottom, going 3-4 millimeters deep enough;
  • Cut off the top;
  • Start peeling off each of the four petals, releasing the flesh.

That's it, you've done it and peeled the fruit. No special equipment or special skills are needed. If you don’t even have a knife at hand, you can remove the peel with your hands - we won’t describe this process, everything is as clear as possible to anyone.

Shall we continue? In the meantime, watch the video on how to properly peel a grapefruit - and we’ll tell you about another method!

How to properly peel grapefruit: several effective ways

Among all citrus fruits, people most often neglect grapefruit fruits. The reason lies in the characteristic bitterness contained in the peel and thin film inside the fruit.

However, an unpleasant aftertaste can be avoided if you learn how to properly peel this fruit. Doing this manually will not be entirely easy. We will tell you how to properly peel grapefruit in our article.

But first, let's look at how to choose a good fruit.

Beneficial properties of grapefruit

Like other citrus fruits, this fruit is characterized by a high content of vitamins. 100 ml of freshly squeezed grapefruit juice contains up to 45 mg of vitamin C.

This is the amount of ascorbic acid that compensates for the daily requirement of a child aged 5-10 years.

In addition, grapefruit contains vitamins A, B1, B2, D, as well as potassium and magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, zinc, cobalt, organic acids and pectin. The calorie content of the fruit is 35 kcal.

The characteristic bitterness of the peel and films inside the fruit is due to the content of naringin, a plant flavonoid.

To avoid a bitter taste when eating the fruit, you need to know how to properly peel grapefruit. In fact, naringin is not a harmful substance at all, but only unpleasant to the taste.

It is extracted from grapefruit peel, and then used in the production of sports nutritional supplements for weight loss.

Useful properties of the fruit:

  • normalization of cholesterol and blood glucose levels;
  • improving blood circulation and heart function;
  • removal of salts and toxins;
  • activation of liver function;
  • strengthening the immune system;
  • normalization of intestinal function during constipation;
  • fight against insomnia, depression, drowsiness, lethargy, apathy;
  • prevention of cancer.

How to choose a good grapefruit

When choosing a ripe and juicy fruit in the store, you should pay attention to its color and smell. As a rule, the brighter the grapefruit, the tastier it is. A ripe fruit has a pleasant aroma, unlike one that was taken from the tree in an unripe state. It is important to pay attention to this criterion. Also, if you compare fruits by weight, a ripe fruit will be heavier.

Below are several effective ways to peel grapefruit correctly (pictured). Depending on how you plan to use the fruit in the future, one of the proposed options is selected.

How to properly peel grapefruit

This citrus is widely used in cooking for preparing fruit salads and desserts. Grapefruit also produces a very tasty tonic juice with its inherent spicy bitterness. But it is precisely because of the characteristic bitterness that some people refuse to eat this fruit and dishes made from it.

Below we offer a simple way to peel grapefruit so that it does not taste bitter, using only a knife and a cutting board. This process can be represented step by step in the following sequence:

  1. The top of the grapefruit is cut off in such a way that the pulp remains intact.
  2. Using a small and sharp knife, shallow cuts are made from the top down at a distance of 1-2 cm.
  3. Use your fingers to grab the peel where the cut is made. The entire fruit is cleaned in this way.
  4. The white film remaining under the peel is easily removed by moving from top to bottom.
  5. The grapefruit is divided into slices. Lastly, a thin film is removed from each slice.

To implement the next method, you will again need a knife and a cutting board. But in this case, unlike the previous one, a minimum of actions will be performed by hand.

The sequence of manipulations describing how to properly peel a grapefruit so that it does not taste bitter is as follows:

  1. Using a sharp knife, cut off the top of the fruit on one side and the other so that the pulp is visible.
  2. Next, using the same knife, the peel of the fruit is cut off. When working, you should adhere to the natural shape of the fruit and try to cut off only the thin and bitter film and as little tasty pulp as possible.
  3. As a result of the previous steps, you should get a fruit that is completely cleaned from the outside and round in shape. To use it when preparing fruit salads or desserts, all you have to do is cut out the slices. In this case, a sharp knife is used to separate the slice from the membrane and remove it from the fruit.
  4. The remaining slices are cut out in a similar way.
  5. From the pulp remaining on the membranes you can squeeze out a tasty juice with a spicy bitterness.

How to peel grapefruit for juice

This method is suitable for cases where the appearance of the peeled fruit is not so important. It is used, as a rule, when you need to prepare delicious juice.

In this case, the following sequence of actions is observed:

  1. Without removing the peel, the fruit is cut into two halves of equal size.
  2. Using a small spoon, remove the pulp and membranes from the skin and place in a bowl.
  3. Using gauze or a sieve, squeeze out all the juice from the pulp.

How to peel grapefruit without a knife

If you don't have a knife and cutting board at hand, this doesn't mean you won't be able to get beautiful slices for your fruit salad. There is a simple and proven way to peel film from grapefruit.

It consists of the following:

  1. The thick peel is removed from the pre-washed fruit.
  2. The peeled fruit is divided into slices by hand.
  3. A thin film is removed from each slice one by one. To do this, you need to take a slice and tear the membrane on one side. Then clean the film from the other side and from the bottom. The bones must be removed.
  4. The remaining slices are cleaned in a similar way.

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Description of grapefruit

It is widely believed that grapefruit is a hybrid of an orange and a pomelo, but there is still controversy in scientific circles regarding the origin of this fruit. The fruits grow on trees whose height ranges from 5 to 15 m. Ripening grapefruits form clusters in which from 3 to 12 fruits can grow.

This fruit has an external resemblance to an orange:

  • covered with a dense peel of yellow and reddish shades;
  • fruit diameter is 10-15 cm;
  • the pulp is divided into segments.

Grapefruit differs from orange in its sour pulp with the presence of characteristic bitterness. This feature is associated with the high content of the plant flavonoid naringin. The largest amount of this substance is found in the film that envelops the pulp (when adding grapefruit to dishes, it is removed, since it negatively affects the taste).

The color of the soft subcutaneous part depends on the type of fruit; there are about 20 varieties. There are varieties with red and white (yellow) flesh. There are species with a large number of seeds and with their complete absence. The peculiarity of the fruit is that the redder the pulp, the sweeter it is. Fruits with a white core have a pronounced sour taste.

The uniqueness of grapefruit

The fruits have a unique chemical composition. They contain large amounts of minerals, antioxidants, vitamins, dietary fiber and enzymes. The following components have high concentrations:

  • ascorbic, pantothenic and folic acids;
  • pyridoxine;
  • niacin;
  • tocopherol;
  • riboflavin;
  • retinol;
  • routine

Orange fruits contain phytoncides, essential oils, mineral salts, glycosides and pectin.

The unique properties of the fruit are used not only in cooking, but also in cosmetology and for various diseases:

  1. Citrus juice helps remove excess fluid from the body.
  2. Seed-based extract is useful for skin diseases, hair loss, and dandruff.
  3. A number of active components have the effect of natural antibiotics.
  4. Antioxidants in the fruit have a rejuvenating effect, positively affecting the condition of the skin and the whole body.

  5. The fruit is useful for maintaining the function of the heart and vascular system, and serves as a stroke prevention.
  6. Grapefruit is used to strengthen the immune system and is included in weight loss diets. The fruit has a low calorie content - about 22 kcal per 100 g.
  7. The fruits contain essential oils that increase libido.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with a mixture of grapefruit and orange.
All parts of the fruit have beneficial properties. The peeled pulp is used for culinary purposes, the zest is added to confectionery products.

What and how can you peel grapefruit at home?

Knowledge of how to peel grapefruit can be useful not only to lovers of this product. Today, aromatic pulp with a pleasant acidity is often added to various salads, desserts, sauces, and dressings for main courses. Many housewives have a clear negative attitude towards this process and often try to replace the fruit with something suitable for the situation. Indeed, if you don’t know how to handle the product, you can experience many unpleasant moments. Fortunately, there are several approach options that will help not only peel the capricious fruit, but also preserve its valuable pulp.

How to eat grapefruit correctly

Eating grapefruit in a way suitable for most citrus fruits, dividing it into segments will not work, since under the peel each segment is tightly fused with its neighbors. For convenience, the fruit is cut in half, and the pulp is scooped out with a pointed teaspoon. Those who do not like the bitter taste sprinkle the halves with sugar or powdered sugar. The main bitterness is concentrated in the skin of the covering lobe. The pulp is also added to desserts and salads. But most of the harvest goes to juice production.

Read also: Passion fruit - beneficial properties and contraindications, calorie content, composition. How to eat passion fruit, recipes. Growing passion fruit at home

Photo: How to eat grapefruit with a spoon

Peeling fruit with a knife

To cut the fruit, you need a knife with a thin, sharp blade. There are special tools for cleaning citrus fruits. Step-by-step instructions on how to properly peel grapefruit:

  1. Cut off the tops on both sides of the fruit. Enough of the skin must be removed to expose the flesh.
  2. Cut the skin with neat, smooth movements from one top to the other. It is necessary to ensure that a minimum amount of pulp remains on the peel. Otherwise, a large amount of juice will leak out during cleaning.
  3. After removing the skin, carefully remove the remaining white zest.

  4. Cut out the first slice, separate the transparent partition. It is necessary to avoid sudden movements and pressing on the pulp to avoid juice leakage.
  5. After cutting and peeling the last slice, squeeze the juice out of the lump of separated films.

The pulp can be eaten immediately or used in dishes. The shelf life of peeled fruit in the refrigerator is about 4 days.

There are other ways to peel grapefruit with a knife:

  1. First cut off the tops, then make vertical cuts at a distance of 2 or 3 cm. The depth of the cuts should be about 4 mm. You need to pry off the peel and separate it from the pulp. Then you should disassemble the grapefruit into slices and remove the soft part.
  2. The caps on both sides are cut to the pulp. The fruit is placed on a cutting board. Holding the fruit with your hand, you need to cut off the peel in even strips, while grabbing the pulp. Cut the peeled fruit to the middle, then unfold it like an accordion. In this case, the films on the slices will come away from the pulp on their own. This method is suitable for obtaining smooth, beautiful pieces; its disadvantage is a large loss of juice.

There is also a quick way to process the fruit, which is suitable for making freshly squeezed juice. In this case, the appearance of the peeled fruit does not matter; the peel does not need to be removed. The fruit is cut into 2 halves with a knife, from which the pulp is scraped out using a teaspoon. The partitions must be separated; pulp remains on the remaining halves of the peel, so they need to be squeezed out.

How to properly peel, cut and eat grapefruit

By understanding how to eat grapefruit, you can get rid of the bitter taste. To do this, it is enough to perform simple manipulations that separate the pulp from the skin. The peeled pulp is eaten fresh or added to salads, main dishes and fruit desserts.

The cause of the bitter taste is the film. All citrus fruits have it, but usually remain tasteless. The grapefruit skin contains a lot of quinic acid and glycoside. These substances impart bitterness. Although they are completely harmless, your appetite may be affected.

The fruit is cleaned quickly and carefully. This won't take much time. First, it is washed under running water. The peel accumulates dust and dirt particles, as well as chemical components used by farmers for processing.

There are two ways to get rid of the skin. The simplest one is to cut the citrus in half and then eat the pulp with a teaspoon. To prevent the juice from staining your clothes, you need to use a spoon with teeth. It is much more convenient to get sweet pieces.

If the pulp is needed for cooking, the citrus is cut into slices. Unlike orange, this is easy to do. Large slices are quickly cleared of films. They can be chopped or used whole for serving dishes.

At a festive feast, you can surprise guests with an unusual serving. To do this, the fruit is thoroughly washed in hot water with the addition of soda. After drying the peel, it is sent to a deep and wide bowl.

The top is carefully cut off. The pulp is exposed, but must not be damaged. You can start removing the core. The easiest way to do this is with a spoon, swirling it in the center.

You should get a small hole with a diameter of 3 cm.

There will be a lot of juice left in the hole. It is poured into a wide glass and cooled. You can add sugar if desired. Choose heavy, ripe fruit. It will contain a lot of juice. Citrus fruits do not ripen at home, so it is important to immediately buy high-quality fruit. It can be used to prepare:

  • snacks,
  • salads,
  • side dishes for the main dish,
  • jam,
  • marmalade,
  • dessert decorations.

Citrus fruits go well with seafood. It is best to add them to shrimp and mussel salads. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and trace elements. With regular use, the body's immune system will be strengthened and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract will be normalized. The main thing is not to overdo it, so as not to cause a rash on the skin.

A variety of dishes are prepared from grapefruit. But it is of greatest value to the body in its fresh form.


Grapefruit is a fragrant and juicy sweet and sour citrus fruit with a characteristic bitter taste. It owes this flavor to the content of the glycoside naringin in the peel and membranes of the fruit. Therefore, when preparing desserts, salads, snacks, jams, alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks, the question arises: how to peel grapefruit to get rid of the bitter taste.

  1. Using a sharp knife with a narrow blade, make a deep cut in a circle at a distance of 0.5-1 cm from the stem of the fruit.
  2. Turn over and repeat the deep circular cut on the opposite side.
  3. Use the handle of a knife to push out the cut center of the grapefruit. Thus, the result was a grapefruit with a through hole in the middle.
  4. Cut the fruit into slices.
  5. Cut off the skin of each slice.

On a note! More than 20 varieties of grapefruit are cultivated in southern Europe, Africa, Asia and Latin America. The taste of grapefruit varies depending on where it is grown. The sweetest and juiciest is red grapefruit. The lighter the pulp of the fruit, the more sour it is.

  • Use a knife to cut off the tops of the fruit so that the pulp becomes visible.
  • Then, carefully, without damaging the pulp, cut off the remaining peel with a knife according to the shape of the fruit - from pole to pole. Finally, remove the remaining white layers.
  • Cut into slices, separating with a knife from the surrounding membranes. It is recommended to do this over a bowl so as not to lose the juice that is released.
  • The remaining membranes can be squeezed to obtain grapefruit juice.
  • Peeled slices can be consumed immediately, or stored in the refrigerator for 3-4 days, placed in a glass container with a lid and used as needed.

On a note! When performing this slicing method, it is important to use a sharp knife with a thin blade, otherwise the grapefruit will bleed a lot of juice during slicing.

  1. Cut the grapefruit into 2 halves.
  2. Using a sharp knife, cut out the flesh of the fruit along the contour, carefully moving it between the grapefruit segments and the peel, cutting it at the bottom.
  3. Then cut the slices together and take each one out with a spoon.
  • Cut the washed grapefruit into 2 equal halves without removing the peel.
  • Using a small spoon, carefully scoop out the pulp. Squeeze the remaining halves to obtain juice.

On a note! Scooping out the pulp using a special citrus spoon with serrated edges will be easier than using a regular teaspoon.

  1. Make a cross-shaped cut around the circumference of the fruit to the depth of the grapefruit peel. Remove 4 peels.
  2. Divide the grapefruit into 2 halves with your hands.
  3. Then, using a sharp knife, carefully cut the top film, next to the core.
  4. Remove the film and remove the first peeled slice. The second half of the film remains on the grapefruit.
  5. Then also cut the film on the second slice, releasing it. Repeat the action until the fruit is completely cleansed.

On a note! The advantage of this method is that there is no loss of juice.

  • Peel the grapefruit with a knife, cutting off the white layer.
  • Cut the peeled fruit into slices on 4 sides, so that a central column remains in which the bitter films converge, forming the core of the fruit. The plates are used for further preparation, and the column with the core is squeezed out for juice.

On a note! When buying grapefruits, choose fruits of the correct round shape, with colored peel, without greenery. Sweeter fruits are distinguished by their bright skin color and heavy weight.

To peel grapefruit, you can also use an automatic machine designed for peeling round-shaped vegetables and fruits. Then, dividing the grapefruit into halves, remove the partitions from the segments with your hands.

The choice of method for peeling grapefruit depends on the subsequent use of the fruit, and the presented methods will allow you to choose the appropriate one.


Citrus lovers sometimes have a question: how to peel grapefruit? This is a simple process, but quite tedious. Simply cutting off the skin and scooping out the pulp with a teaspoon is not always appropriate. Sometimes the fruit is needed to decorate a dish, and sometimes it is used as a salad ingredient. Extracting grapefruit juice also requires some preparation of the fruit.

Cleaning methods:

I. Suitable for aesthetic consumption or salad preparation.

  1. Grapefruit is washed thoroughly. Clean only with a sharp, thin-bladed knife. It is better to get a special knife that is used to cut citrus fruits; it will never be superfluous in the kitchen.
  2. To peel properly, you will need to leave the grapefruit without the bottom and top tips. The thickness of the cut is needed so that the flesh can be seen.
  3. The peel is cut carefully and correctly from top to bottom. Movements should not be made abruptly so that there is almost no pulp left on the skins. After removing the main peel, the white layer is also removed with a knife. Next, the grapefruit is correctly cut into slices, leading the knife from the outer edges to the core. And to remove the bitterness, they get rid of the membrane partitions of the fruit.
  4. It will be easier to clean when the first slice is cut, it will be possible to hold and remove the membranes with your fingers, from which at the end of the process you can squeeze out a little juice, pour it over the clean fruit or drink it.
  5. Store peeled grapefruit on the refrigerator shelf for no more than 4 days.

II. For cases in which it does not matter what type of peeled citrus you get, for example, to obtain juice.

Tip: It is correct to cut the grapefruit in half. There is no need to remove the peel. Use a small spoon to get all the pulp. Special spoons are also sold for similar purposes. The pulp remains on the citrus halves, so they need to be squeezed out to obtain the juice. There is no need to get rid of membrane partitions. They are healthy, so they are eaten despite the bitter taste.

III. You can properly peel grapefruits using kitchen appliances. You can use a machine that peels fruits and vegetables. The grapefruit is placed in the desired unit. All that remains is to divide the fruit into slices and remove the partitions.

Tip: After peeling the fruit, films remain, which, after soaking for an hour in ordinary water or mineral water, can be used for cosmetic purposes. To restore beauty and tighten your skin, you can wash your face with the strained infusion or make ice and wipe your face.

Cleaning by hand

  1. Citrus is washed with cold water. You need to remove the pulp from the top (about a centimeter).
  2. The grapefruit needs to be peeled like an orange. If the fruit is ripe enough, the skin can be removed easily and quickly. The white layer is not removed because it protects the pulp from finger pressure.
  3. The fruit is divided into halves and taken apart into slices, which are laid out on its side.
  4. Use a sharp knife to remove the membrane film. This is done along the slice in its upper part.
  5. Then, one by one, they unroll it slice by slice so that the pulp is on the outside.
    Place edible parts in containers correctly. With experience, all manipulations are completed in a matter of minutes. Citrus peeled in this way cannot be stored for a long time so that it does not release juice.

Selection of ripe


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Cleaning fruit by hand

If you don't have a knife, you can peel the fruit by hand. When ripe enough, the peel comes off easily. In this case, you should not remove the entire white layer; it will protect the pulp from damage when pressed with your fingers.

There is a way to make peeling the zest easier. To do this, the peeled fruit can be placed in the microwave at maximum power for 20 seconds. After this, the light shell will become soft and pliable. This method has a drawback - some of the nutrients may be lost during heat treatment.

Number three, or how to peel a grapefruit with your hands

The step-by-step procedure is as follows:

  1. Use any sharp object or fingernail to tear the surface at the top.
  2. Tear it off until you remove it completely.
  3. Break it in half.
  4. You will see damaged films on the pieces. Take out the “innards” from them. Hold the slice on the side where it is closed.
  5. Move sequentially from sector to sector. If the shell is intact, tear it from the inside. Remove the outer zone with remaining albedo with a light tug.

Selection of ripe

The quality of the fruit is important for a healthy diet. To choose the right ripe grapefruit, pay attention to its weight and brightness. The most colorful fruits will also be the sweetest. Pinkish with sourness, and white fruits taste like lemons; they are good for seasoning dishes. Brown fruits are also beneficial. You can tell about the juiciness and ripeness of grapefruit by the rich aroma of the peel. Citrus fruits grow in the tropics and are not stored in the cold. You should not purchase them in unheated rooms.

How to eat properly

First, a few rules that will help you benefit and avoid harm! Follow them, it's not difficult:

  • Eat no more than 1-2 fruits per day;
  • You cannot eat fruit for more than three days in a row - you need to take a break for at least a day;
  • Do not drink juice/eat pulp on an empty stomach - it can be harmful due to high acidity.

It’s not enough to just peel the grapefruit, you need to use it correctly! We recommend eating the slices in their pure form – as an addition to breakfast, for example. And you can also:

  • Add to fruit salads - serve with yogurt, whipped cream;
  • Place in salads with poultry or seafood;
  • Make jam or confiture.

We've taught you how to properly peel and eat a grapefruit - enjoy! Get the maximum benefit and taste from each juicy slice, do not forget to pamper yourself with bright fruits more often. Let them always be in your refrigerator!

Grapefruit: how to properly eat and remove films?

In winter, there is nothing better for breakfast than half a ripe and juicy grapefruit. Its tart taste helps you wake up, and its rich composition helps you stay in good shape. At this time, citrus fruits are just coming into season, so choosing a good fruit becomes easier. In our house, grapefruits are often eaten fresh, and sometimes we bake them with honey in the oven. They are a great addition to chicken or shrimp salads. And what a fragrant jam they make. ) In any case, you will have to learn a couple of tricks to correctly select a good specimen and then quickly clean it.

How to store grapefruit at home?

If you can’t eat all the grapefruits at once, you can easily store them at home. Simply place the fruits in a fruit basket and leave to stand at room temperature. They will wait for you about 10 days. Store them separately from fruits that speed up ripening (such as apples). Do not keep citrus fruits in direct sunlight or near a radiator. The heat will cause them to dry out and wrinkle. They can be stored in the refrigerator for three weeks.

Do you like to eat grapefruits for breakfast in winter? Let's share our experiences and recipes in the comments.

We recommend reading on this topic:

  • What are the benefits of grapefruit and how to lose weight with it?
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