15 interesting and practical ideas for storing bags in the kitchen

Before you figure out where to store them, you need to divide the bags into several groups. Depending on size, material and purpose:
  1. Packaging bags are familiar transparent small bags with or without handles; they are mainly used for packaging food and non-bulky items.
  2. T-shirts - depending on the size, they are used for different purposes. Some people go to the market with them, others throw garbage in them.
  3. Large bags - usually appear in the house after a trip to the supermarket; they are suitable for packing old things and collecting garbage.
  4. Gift bags - needed for wrapping gifts, a small picnic or storing memorabilia. But, unlike previous types, they are stored in closets with things.

Textile tube

Neat and compact product made of thick fabric. Hang on a hook anywhere in the kitchen. The bags are inside, so the device looks very neat. You can sew it yourself.

Storage methods

Nowadays, there are special containers and boxes for storing such small containers. There are several ways to fold bags compactly using them.

Option 1

Use storage drives.

The essence of these drives is that they allow you not only to neatly fold the bags, but also to take them out in the same way. Let's consider the option of storing plastic bags in storage bins.

  • Fold the bag into a narrow strip.
  • Put it in the drive.
  • Pull the handles out.
  • Slide the next one through the handles of the previous set.
  • Leave the handles from the new bag.
  • Repeat the process until all are added.

Option 2

Attach the bottle to any door in the kitchen

This method is almost no different from the previous one. Only because instead of a storage device you can use a very ordinary bottle. The size of the bottle depends on the number of sachets. The question arises: how to store bags in a bottle? Very simple.

  • Take a bottle and cut off the bottom and neck.
  • Fold the bags as in the previous methods.
  • Fill the bottle as long as there is room in it.

It will be very convenient if the bottle itself is attached to any door for storing packages in the kitchen.

Option 3

How to carefully fold a T-shirt bag into a box.

If you have a cardboard box lying around the house, you can use it to store packages. In order to make them convenient to fold, you need to make a hole on top of the box about 1-2 cm wide. Then we proceed according to plan:

  • Align the package.
  • Place in a box, leaving the handle out.
  • Take the next bag and align it as well.
  • Pass the lower half of the bag through the handles of the previous one, and also leave the handles outside.
  • Place the remaining bags in the box in the same way.

Everything turned out very simple. It is enough to pull the handles of the top package and it is conveniently removed from the box.

The whole point of such a storage device is that when you pull out one bag, you automatically get another. And storing packages becomes very convenient.

Pouch with elastic at the bottom

Handicraft lovers will appreciate the fabric bag decorated with appliqué. Thanks to the elastic band, the bags will be securely fixed inside. This product will fit perfectly into the interior of a rustic kitchen.

When choosing or creating a bag, you should use colors that match kitchen textiles - curtains, potholders or tablecloth.

Lifehacks for storing bags: interesting ideas

Creative people use hand-made items from scrap materials for storage. But not every person has a creative approach to organizing space. For those who do not want or cannot bother with making unusual storage containers, online stores have a large selection of ready-made products for bags. They come in closed and open types, with different types of attachment to the surface. Such things are made from a variety of materials:

  • cardboard;
  • plastic;
  • metal;
  • wood;
  • silicone;

Note to housewives!

A container for storing packages can become an item that will complement the interior of the kitchen, the main thing is to use it correctly.

Plastic bag

Paper, gift, plastic - you can store bags in any convenient way, if you solve the problem of compactness. One of the most effective methods to turn large packages into tiny ones is to form a triangle.

  • The package must be leveled and then folded several times.
  • The bottom corner of the resulting strip needs to be folded.
  • Repeat this process until you end up with a small corner.

By implementing at least one of the listed ideas, you can forever get rid of the problem of storing plastic bags in the kitchen.


Needlewomen never tire of coming up with new options for storing bags; they will not only help organize the space, but can also serve as home decoration.

In a plastic bottle

On a regular plastic bottle of any convenient size, you need to cut off the neck, and you can decorate it depending on your creative preferences. For those who are comfortable with knitting needles or crochet, it will not be difficult to knit a beautiful cover; it can be either simply with a pattern or in the form of animals, berries or vegetables. Seamstresses can easily sew a cover, for example, in the shape of a nesting doll or animals. Even if you don’t have a sewing machine, you can sew it to order in a workshop.

How to fold bags correctly

To fold cellophane into a triangle, you need to fold the bag four times lengthwise to get an even strip. The strip must be folded with corners in the form of a triangle. The corners should overlap one another. If the package is in the form of a T-shirt, then the handles are folded into the triangle pocket.

You can fold the bags into a tube. To do this, the bags are folded in four to form a strip, and then wrapped around your finger. The ends are tied with string or handles, if there are any on the package.

If there is absolutely no time, then the bag can be folded first vertically and then horizontally. The result will be either a rectangle or a square. This method will also provide compact storage of not only kitchen bags, but also other types of bags.


There are several types of bags that can be found at home:

  • packaging;
  • T-shirts;
  • large;
  • gift

Gift bags are more difficult to fold compactly, since these products are made of dense material, which deteriorates during the described manipulations.

Usually large bags are used for storage. Packing bags and T-shirts are placed in the latter.


Packing bags are small plastic bags that are used for wrapping sandwiches, vegetables, and fruits. Such products are produced without handles.


The most common type of packages that are sold or given out free of charge in stores. Products of this type are stored in the house in order to store garbage, or for later shopping trips.


Large bags, in comparison with a T-shirt, are large in size. Therefore, such products are used for similar purposes. Also, old things are often stored in large bags.


This option is used for gift wrapping. Due to the characteristics of the material from which such bags are made, the latter are stored in separate boxes with other things.


Fold the bag into a triangle

Flatten the bag until flat.

If you are folding a T-shirt bag, make sure that the handles are parallel to each other. Try to straighten the handles as best as possible, as they will also play an important role when you fold the bag into a triangle.

  • It's easier to spread the bag out on a hard, flat surface, such as a kitchen counter.
  • If you have enough dexterity, you can try to straighten the bag on its weight, rather than on a flat surface. Keep in mind that this is not that easy, so don't be discouraged if you don't succeed. In any case, you can try it again later when you have a little more experience.
  • Try to expel as much excess air as possible from the bag. To do this, run your hands along it in the direction from the bottom up.

Start by lining up the sides of the bag (if folding a T-shirt bag, line up the handles). Fold the bag again, now aligning the previous fold with the sides of the bag. Continue rolling the bag, folding it in half lengthwise each time (if you are folding a T-shirt bag, stop when the resulting strip is approximately equal in width to the handles of the bag). You should end up with a narrow rectangular strip.

  • Remember to smooth the bag and expel any excess air after each additional fold. The flatter it becomes, the easier it will be for you to fold it into a triangle.
  • The number of longitudinal folds will depend on the size of the bag and the shape of its handles. Usually only two or three folds are required.
  • Fold the bottom corner of the rectangular strip diagonally.

    Select the bottom corner through which the last longitudinal fold passes. Fold it diagonally, pulling it towards the opposite side of the strip and forming a triangle.

  • Smooth out and straighten the resulting triangle.
  • At this stage, the package will look like a rectangle, having one adjacent side with an isosceles triangle (on the smaller side).

  • Fold the resulting triangle up onto the strip to create a new triangle.

    Take the loose bottom corner of the triangle and fold it up onto the rectangular strip, converting the adjacent line between the old triangle and the rectangle into a new fold.

    • The outer contours of the polyethylene strip will again take on the outline of a narrow rectangle.
    • The technique used here is similar to folding an American flag into a triangle.

  • Continue folding the strip along adjacent sides with the triangle.

    Repeat the last two steps, gradually wrapping the strip around the triangle. Work almost to the very end of the strip (or bag handles). Remember to leave a small tip of the strip for the final fold.

    • With each new fold you will get new isosceles triangles stacked on top of each other.
    • Don't forget to straighten and smooth the bag after each fold. If the triangle is too plump, it will not hold its folded shape well.

  • Tuck the remaining end of the strip inside the folded triangle.

    Make the final fold by wrapping the tip of the strip around the triangle. Slip it into the pocket formed by the previous triangles. As always, straighten the bag after each fold so that it looks neat and holds its shape well.

    Repeat the procedure with the remaining bags and store them.

    Fold all other bags into triangles. Now they take up noticeably less space and will be easier to store. They can be put away anywhere, for example, beautifully placed in a basket on the kitchen countertop or simply thrown into a drawer under the sink. The decision is up to you.

    To use the package, simply expand it.

    No matter how cute triangle-folded bags may be, they cannot be used in this form. If you need a bag, take a triangle and release the end of the folded strip from it. Grab this edge and simply shake the bag to completely unroll it. Depending on how tightly you rolled the bag, you may have to work a little harder to straighten it out.

    Tie the bag in a knot

    Fold the bag lengthwise.

    To tie a bag into a knot, you first need to roll it into a narrow strip. In this case, it does not matter exactly how to orient the handles of the T-shirt bag in front of you. To collapse the package, simply follow the steps below.

    • Lay the bag flat on a hard, flat surface. Run your hands over the bag to remove as much excess air as possible. The flatter the package becomes, the smaller the finished unit will be.
    • Fold the bag in half lengthwise to form an elongated rectangle. As before, straighten and smooth the bag.

  • Fold the bag in half lengthwise again. This time it will become an even narrower rectangle. Continue folding the bag in half lengthwise until the layers of plastic begin to provide some resistance to your hands. Don't forget to smooth out each next fold.
  • Fold the resulting strip in half crosswise.

    Fold the strip in half crosswise to make it shorter. Now you should be left with a narrow rectangle in your hands, which is half the length of the original package.

    • Test the plasticity of the resulting strip by wrapping it around your finger. If the strip is too elastic for this, then it is too elastic to tie a knot. In this case, straighten the transverse fold and unfold one or two longitudinal folds. Then bend the strip crosswise in half again and test for plasticity.
  • Form a small loop from the shortened strip.

    Place the loop about 1 inch from the last fold on the strip. The loop should be large enough for two of your fingers to fit through it. Make sure the folded end is on top and the longer (and possibly uneven because of the handles) end is underneath.

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