What is included in the mold repellent?

Causes of mold

Mold reproduces through spores, releasing them in large quantities into the air. Lightweight, invisible to the naked eye, they are in a constant state of search until they find themselves in an environment favorable for germination. Then the colony begins to grow rapidly, reaching visible sizes in a short time.

Factors contributing to the growth of the fungus:

  • Humidity above 65%. Mold loves dampness and condensation on the walls.
  • Poor ventilation. In places where there is constant movement of air currents, spores constantly move and do not germinate.
  • Warm. The fungus begins to develop especially rapidly at temperatures of +22…25°C.

Fungus on the walls

If you do not eliminate the causes that contribute to the formation of mold, then no antifungal compounds will save you from its reappearance.

Why does mold appear on walls?

Effectively getting rid of the visible consequences of mold growth on walls is necessary only after destroying the main causes of its appearance. If they are not eliminated, the presence of fungus on the walls of the apartment will be a constant occurrence. The fact is that mold consists of microscopic spores. They are not noticeable to humans just like specks of dust or microbes in the air. But, nevertheless, they are there. As soon as the spores enter a favorable environment, they begin to grow. The result of this process is black mold on the walls and any other surface. What can be called favorable conditions for the growth of fungus and how to get rid of them?

If the room is characterized by air with a high level of humidity - above 80%, as well as the presence of a weak ventilation system, then you can be sure that sooner or later mold will manifest itself. Like any other fungus, which it is, mold loves warmth and humidity and multiplies intensively in such conditions. That is why you should not place a large number of flowers in small rooms that require the constant presence of water. Tropical and liana representatives differ in these needs. Try not to dry clothes in the room and do not use additional humidifiers.

See also: How to save wallpaper from mold?

If, while in the room, you smell dampness, and notice increased humidity in the walls in the apartment to the touch, these are the first signs that mold is beginning to develop in the room. The next stage will be the appearance of black spots - this is a fungus. How can you get rid of the very cause of fungus in your apartment? It is necessary to establish a ventilation system. If it is common to the entire apartment building, then it makes sense to install your own forced ventilation system. Open the windows more often, ventilate the apartment, if possible, you can install an air conditioner. Do not place furniture close to the walls, leave some free space - this way air can circulate freely throughout the entire space in the room. If, in addition to the walls, there are other damaged objects, interior elements or things, then they must either be cleaned very well or disposed of.

Why is it dangerous?

Black, white, green spots on the walls are just visible part of the mold. The mycelium grows deep into the material, gradually destroying it. Porous organic matter, which includes wood, is especially affected. Concrete and brick are slowly, but still inevitably, becoming less durable. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of protection against fungus even at the construction stage.

Doctors classify mold as a III-IV group of pathogenic microorganisms that cause allergies, bronchial diseases, asthma, conjunctivitis and gastrointestinal problems. Black mold is considered the most dangerous, but other types cannot be called harmless.

How to fight fungus?

To get rid of mold forever, you need to not only destroy its visible manifestations, but also eliminate the cause of germination. First of all, they eliminate leaks and clean the ventilation.

It is not enough to wash off the fungus with an antiseptic; you will have to remove the entire affected layer from the wall down to the concrete or brickwork. This is the only way to be sure that all the mycelium has been destroyed.

After this, the room is dried and treated with antifungal drugs. For finishing, it is better to use materials with special impregnation that prevents the reappearance of mold.

Top mold repellents

On store shelves you can find many different drugs to fight fungus. Some of them are used only against certain types of mold, others are universal. Before purchasing, be sure to read the instructions, which indicate what materials the drug can be used on.

The highest rankings, according to experts, are occupied by the following mold remedies:

Biotol spray

This Russian-made antibacterial product is suitable for all surfaces. It can be used in conditions of high humidity and for outdoor work. The absence of chlorine and mercury in the composition allows you to spray natural wood products, architectural monuments, and slabs with this product against mold and mildew. Effective for severe infestations.



The Slovenian anti-mold product does not leave streaks and does not change the color of the coating, so it can be safely used on walls, floors, and ceilings. Affects all types of fungi. Suitable for indoor use. Before use, the liquid is diluted in a ratio of 1:4, and then sprayed with a spray bottle. In case of severe infection, the treatment must be repeated.


Unicum spray foam based on sodium hypochlorite is an effective remedy for mold in the bathroom, toilet, and kitchen. The convenient sprayer allows you to treat even the most difficult to reach areas. The product is used to destroy fungus on ceramic tiles, plastic products, and remove unpleasant odors. Use with caution on painted surfaces, as the composition of the liquid may affect the color.



Professional anti-mold product. Penetrates deep into the material, which helps destroy the mycelium. By diluting the fungicide in different proportions, the product can be used both for prevention during the construction phase and to combat the emerging problem. Re-infection rarely occurs after using the drug.

Neomid bio repair

The anti-fungal product produced in Russia is safe for humans. Available in the form of a concentrate and a ready-to-use solution. With increased humidity, efficiency decreases. Preventative treatment provides long-term protection to building materials from mold. Can be used in case of severe infection. After spraying, the product is left for 2-3 hours, after which it is removed using a stiff brush.

Neomid bio repair


The antifungal antiseptic Xiolat, due to its water base, is able to penetrate deeply into the structure of the surface being treated. It destroys not only the mold itself, but also its spores. After application, the liquid is not washed off. This makes it possible to avoid re-infection.

Abedis 06

The Polish drug has a universal effect. Its level of safety allows the product to be used in children's institutions. Suitable for treating cellars, greenhouses, garages, and apartment walls. For preventive purposes, it can be added to mortars and paints. For large areas affected by the fungus, re-treatment is carried out after three days.

Olympus Stop mold

If the fungus appears in rooms where the sun does not reach, for example, in a cellar or basement, then it is best to use the Olympus Stop Mold product. It works well in humid conditions, destroying even long-established colonies. The absence of chlorine in the composition allows the liquid to be used for any product without fear of changes in the color and texture of the materials. To achieve a better effect, manufacturers recommend applying a second layer of the drug after the first has dried.

Olympus Stop mold

Pufas AMSS

A German anti-mold solution can quickly destroy fungus. Its value lies in its careful handling of the material being processed. This allows you not to worry when spraying decorative elements. Can be used for preventive purposes during construction or repair work.

Grass Bimold

A concentrated preparation based on sodium hypochlorite is used to destroy fungus on the walls of the bathroom, toilet, and shower stalls in the apartment. It is used as a disinfectant in baths and saunas. It not only destroys fungus, but also removes stains from it, as it has bleaching properties.

Alpa Fongifluid

Alpa Fongifluid for mold removal is considered the best among Russian products. In addition, it effectively fights moss and lichen. Can be used in conditions of high humidity. Suitable for processing any materials.

Sazi Wepost Luxe

The drug is used to kill mold on concrete. After treatment with it, it is worth applying a water repellent. It will cover the surface with a thin film, preventing fungal spores and moisture from penetrating into the material.


The antifungal agent serves as reliable protection against the growth of mold on the walls in the apartment. The drug is deeply absorbed into materials, does not change their texture and does not leave streaks.



Savo is the best anti-mold remedy with the active ingredient sodium hypochlorite. The destruction of all types of fungus occurs in the shortest possible time without first cleaning the infected area. The drug is sold ready-to-use with a convenient spray bottle. The treatment is carried out with the windows open, as the liquid has a pungent odor.


Today you can purchase the following mold repellents in specialized stores:

  • Olympus stop mold. A product for combating mold fungi in apartments, basements, garages and other buildings. They can be used to process brick, stone, wood and ceramic surfaces. Suitable for drywall. The colorless solution is safe for people and animals.
  • Abedis 06. Concentrate that must be diluted before use. The composition contains chlorine, so you need to use the product with extreme caution. Apply to the surface with a brush and leave for a day. After which it is necessary to rinse with water.
  • Fongifluid Alpa. Used for external and internal use. Sold ready-made. When treating the surface, the consumption is 1 liter per 5 m2.

Folk remedies

Many of our compatriots still believe that the antifungal agents that our grandmothers used are in no way inferior to industrial drugs. Moreover, they are much cheaper and are found in every home:

  • Table vinegar is used for prevention. If mold has already appeared, then it is better to use a 70% solution. It is sprayed from a spray bottle onto the walls and ceiling, and after 40–60 minutes it is washed off with a sponge soaked in warm water.
  • Ammonia is suitable for non-porous materials. It is added to water in equal proportions and sprayed onto the problem area. After an hour, wash off and ventilate the room.
  • Whiteness helps get rid of black mold. The disadvantage is its ability to whiten the surface being treated, so you must first test the effect on a small area.
  • It is best to use borax on concrete walls. To do this, pour half a glass of powder into 2 liters of hot water and stir until completely dissolved. It can be applied to the surface using a brush or roller. If you add less water to the substance, you will get a paste that is more aggressive. A few minutes after application, it is cleaned with a stiff brush.

To destroy the fungus, potassium permanganate, soda, hydrogen peroxide, copper sulfate, and tea tree oil are also used.

Tips for choosing

Before purchasing the necessary product, it is important to consider:

  1. Surface type. The selection is carried out individually, although most often it is the universal options that are used.
  2. Toxicity. The smaller it is, the better. This is an important parameter to use, especially for those who have people with asthma, allergies, children and pets nearby.
  3. Form. Some will prefer a concentrate, while for others a spray or dry form will solve the problem faster. The choice is up to the buyer.
  4. Brand. Trust only trusted manufacturers who have been specializing in the production of such products for years, and buy the product only in trusted stores to avoid misunderstandings.
  5. Best before date. Do not use expired products.
  6. Volume. Select based on the area of ​​the damaged surface.
  7. Smell. A pungent odor can cause headaches and many unpleasant consequences.
  8. Package. Check its integrity.
  9. Before purchasing a product, consult with knowledgeable people and in severe cases, we strongly advise you to contact specialized services to resolve the problem quickly and effectively.


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