13 recipes for delicious strawberry jam for the winter from the magazine “Our Kitchen”

Confiture “Strawberry-exotic”

Surprise your loved ones and friends with an unusual dessert. And rest assured, you will have the recipe for its preparation more than once.

You will need: 0.5 kg of strawberries, 0.5 kg of kiwi, 1 kg of sugar or 0.5 kg of gelfix, a package of vanilla sugar, a large lemon.

Preparation. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, cut large berries into pieces. Peel the kiwi and finely chop it too. Place strawberries and kiwis in one bowl and add regular and vanilla sugar. Squeeze lemon juice there. Mix everything together and let it brew for three hours so that the components give juice and the sugar dissolves. Grind the mixture with an immersion blender and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring and skimming, for 7-8 minutes. Pour the hot jam into sterilized jars and close the lids. After the jam has cooled completely, store it in a cool, dark place.

Thick jam with whole berries, grapefruit or orange

In this version, it turns out to be simply incredibly tasty and aromatic, but how could it be otherwise, because we use lemon juice and grapefruit in its composition. And it also comes out with a very light, pleasant bitterness. This is especially good for those who do not like sweets too much.

Or you can use orange instead of grapefruit. In this case, we do everything exactly the same, only instead of one representative of citrus fruits, we use another.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1 kg
  • grapefruit - 1 piece
  • lemon juice from half a lemon
  • dry ground ginger - 0.5 teaspoon


1. Sort the berries, remove damaged and wrinkled ones. Pour water into a container and put the berries in it, rinse and place in a colander. Then dip it in a pan of water several times to rinse thoroughly again.

It is better to choose medium-sized berries, ripe, but not wrinkled. Otherwise, it will boil over during cooking and you won’t get whole berries.

2. Transfer to a towel and let the water drain. Then carefully remove the stalk, lightly pulling the tail, and gently twisting the berry itself.

It is not recommended to remove the stalk first and then wash the strawberries, because when it is removed, the berry will begin to secrete juice.

3. Prepare a suitable container. This can be either a thick-walled pan or a basin.

Do not use aluminum cookware for cooking, as the berries will oxidize in it. Also, do not use metal spoons for mixing, use only wooden ones.

4. Sprinkle the berries with sugar, shake lightly so that it penetrates between them. This way they will begin to release juice sooner and the sugar will dissolve faster.

Leave for 8 - 10 hours, preferably overnight.

5. In the morning, shake the container lightly and place on low heat. Wait until all the sugar has dissolved, shaking the contents periodically. It is not advisable to interfere with it. You can only lightly dip the berries into the syrup using a wooden spatula so that they warm up faster and are saturated with juice. It turns out that we are giving them a bath.

6. Bring to a boil, and as soon as active boiling begins, immediately turn off the gas. And you can “buy berries” for a little while longer.

7. Now let’s set the container with the berries aside, away from children and animals. Remember what happened to my cherry jam? I wrote about this in a previous article... And we leave it to soak in the juice for the whole day, until the evening.

From time to time you can lightly shake the contents, as if bathing the berries in syrup.

8. In the evening, put the container with the contents on the fire, bring to a boil again, cook for 3 - 4 minutes, without letting it boil too much. And again leave overnight, soak in the juice.

9. Prepare lemon and grapefruit for morning cooking. Peel the grapefruit, then disassemble it into slices and remove the white partition from each of them. She is very bitter and harsh, and neither of those will play a good role. You also need to remove all the seeds and cut the fruit itself into small, neat pieces.

If you don't want to cook with grapefruit flavor, use orange. It also needs to be peeled, seeds and membranes removed, and then cut into pieces.

10. Place the bowl with the berries on the fire, add the chopped grapefruit. Shake the contents lightly. Using a wooden spatula, you can drown the grapefruit pieces so that they can release their juice more intensely.

11. Once the syrup is hot, squeeze lemon juice into it. You can “buy” the berries in syrup again, lowering them with a spatula, but without damaging their integrity.

Lemon juice prevents berries from becoming sugary during storage. Therefore, this technique is often used by housewives. Or replace it with a small amount of citric acid.

12. As soon as the syrup starts to boil, add ground ginger. Let all this splendor simmer for 5 minutes, then turn off the gas.

13. Place the hot jam into sterilized jars, close with scalded lids and screw on. Leave to cool by turning them over and placing them on the lid. It will be good if you cover them with a blanket

Leave it like this until it cools completely. Then store it in a cool, dark place, away from heating appliances.

Once you have opened the jar, it should be stored in the refrigerator.

As you can see, it is prepared according to the “five-minute” principle, that is, the cooking time is 3 times for approximately 3 - 5 minutes. By the way, if the berries are very small, then it is enough to cook them only twice.

The same goes for strawberries.

And one more addition. Berries can also be cooked with gelatin. In the last article I told you how to cook this, but there we pureed the strawberries and we got more jelly. If you are interested in this recipe, then follow the link and read.

Here you can leave the berries whole. And add 20 grams of gelatin to these proportions of ingredients. You need to fill it with water in advance and allow it to swell and completely dissolve. Read more when you follow the link.

And we have the following recipe.

Strawberry preparation “Berry to berry”

This delicacy is perfect for pancakes, pies, pies, as well as for making jelly and compotes. From this amount of products you will get one half-liter jar of the product, so you can increase the proportions.

You will need: 0.5 kg strawberries, 250 g sugar.

Preparation. Place the strawberries in a colander, rinse well and remove the stems.
Place the berries in a deep bowl and add sugar. Stir gently and leave for 3-4 hours to release the juice. Then put them on the fire and bring to a boil, periodically removing the foam and stirring, and then cook until the sugar is completely dissolved (5-7 minutes). Place the hot jam into a sterilized jar, cover with a sterilized lid and roll up.

Strawberry jam preparation of products and general principles of preparation

In order to make good jam you will need a certain amount of strawberries and sugar.

It is advisable to pick strawberries from the garden on sunny days, so they will contain less water and more beneficial properties.

Wash and sort the strawberries well, removing leaves that are not suitable for eating and spoiled berries.

Rinse well again and leave it in a sieve, allowing the water to drain thoroughly. Nobody makes jam from wet strawberries because it will be too watery and the taste will be completely different.

As for the ratio of sugar and berries, it’s almost always 1 to 1 per kilogram of strawberries, kilogram of sugar. But if the strawberries are ripe and sweet, you can take a little less sugar so that your strawberry jam does not turn out cloying.

Strawberry jam with banana and cinnamon

Just a magical combination of ingredients. Haven't tried it yet? Be sure to prepare!

You will need: 400 g strawberries, large ripe banana, 150-200 g sugar (ideally brown), lemon juice, 2 tsp. ground cinnamon, 0.5 tsp. gelatin.

Preparation. Cut the washed strawberries and peeled banana and place in the pan. Pour in lemon juice, add sugar and stir. Then put on fire and cook, stirring every 5-10 minutes. After 30 minutes, add cinnamon. If you need a thicker consistency, lightly beat the jam with a blender. Soak gelatin in cold water for 5 minutes, add to the mixture and mix well. Pour the jam into a clean, dry jar and close the lid. Cool. Store the treat in the refrigerator.

Try making spiced strawberry jam! 2-3 cinnamon sticks, a pinch of ground allspice - and the berries will take on a completely new taste.

Strawberry jam without cooking: a recipe from a gypsy

This recipe for strawberry jam with whole berries is known as gypsy jam. You will need a kilogram of strawberries, a kilogram of sugar and 200 grams of water. The jam is prepared immediately in jars.

Pour sugar into a saucepan.

Pour out the water and place the pan on the stove. Boil for 15 minutes. Add 2 grams of citric acid.

While the syrup is boiling, prepare the berries. Large fruits can be cut in half. Leave medium-sized berries whole, just trim off the stems.

The peculiarity of the recipe for strawberry jam “from the gypsy” is that the jam is not boiled. The berries are poured into jars and filled with hot syrup (3 times).

Boil the sugar syrup for jam for 15 minutes, then remove from heat. While the syrup is cooking, prepare the jars. Pour the prepared hot syrup over the strawberries in the jar. Let the berries stand for 15-20 minutes so that the strawberries release juice.

This is the first time and the strawberries are still cold. Then the berries will release juice. It must be poured back into the pan and brought to a boil again. The second time you need to boil the syrup for 10 minutes.

Repeat the boiling procedure a third time.

Rinse the jars well. Boil the lids for 5 minutes.

Sterilize jars. To do this, pour 50 grams of water into each jar and microwave for 10 minutes.

Place berries in each jar and fill with the resulting syrup.

Close the jars, turn them over and wrap each one.

If it seems to you that the syrup is very liquid, then increase the boiling time of the syrup for the last time.

Strawberries in their own juice

All the berries in this jam remain intact. A great option for those who like to decorate cakes and pies with strawberries.

You will need: 5 kg strawberries, 1.5 kg sugar.

Preparation. Sort the strawberries, leaving only dry whole berries. Remove the stems and rinse. Place in clean, dry 0.5-liter jars to the top. Add sugar (about 100 g per jar) and leave in the refrigerator overnight. The next day, when the strawberries release juice, space in the jar will be freed up, so the berries with syrup from one jar will need to be distributed among two incomplete ones. Fill to the shoulders. Close the lid loosely. This should be done with all banks. Place them in a saucepan or basin, fill with warm water up to the shoulders. Bring water to a boil over high heat. Boil for 5-7 minutes. Then quickly roll it up. If there is some sugar left at the bottom, carefully turn the jar over until it dissolves. Store in a cool place (basement).

Strawberry puree without sugar

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg


1. Place the washed, peeled berries in a saucepan with a thick bottom and heat them to a boil, or rather to 90 degrees. At the same time, they should be stirred continuously so that they do not burn.

2. Puree the mass using a blender - this is a quick way, when you don’t have time, you can use it. In general, it would be more correct if we rubbed the entire mass through a sieve using a wooden spoon.

So choose the method yourself.

3. Put the resulting puree back on the fire and bring it to a boil again with continuous or fairly frequent stirring. If you are using a pan with thick walls, you can stir less often, but if you are using a regular pan, you should stir more often.

4. Once it boils, heat for 5 - 7 minutes. After 5 minutes, start pouring it into a sterilized jar directly from the pan in which our puree is prepared.

Then mix and put the puree into the next jar, and so on until it is finished. Immediately cover jars with sterilized lids.

5. Turn the jars upside down and cover with a towel. Leave until completely cool.

Then store in a cool, dark place.

These are the delicious and original recipes we have today. I hope that everyone can choose a recipe to their taste. And in conclusion I would like to give some advice.

  • To make the jam thick, try to pick the berries when there has been no rain for two to three days. If it rains, the berry is saturated with water, it is somewhat watery, and when cooked there will be a lot of water in the syrup.
  • also after washing, let the berries dry thoroughly
  • and do not keep it in water for a long time, otherwise it will absorb moisture. It’s best to wash in small batches in a colander, simply dipping it into a container of water.

More useful tips in the previous article. There are already enough links to it in today’s article. And you can easily find it.

Make delicious jam. And if at the same time you put a piece of your soul and love into the process itself, then it will not only be very tasty, but also healing.

Bon appetit everyone!

Author of the publication

Strawberry jam with lemon

A distinctive feature of this jam is its pleasant sourness. An ideal option for those who do not like too sweet desserts.

You will need: 0.5 kg of strawberries, 250 g of sugar, juice of half a lemon.

Preparation. Wash the strawberries well and sort them. Cover the berries with sugar and leave for several hours to release the juice and dissolve the sugar. Stir occasionally. Cook until soft, then add lemon juice and cook for about 15 minutes. Roll into sterilized jars.

Strawberry jam with lemon

Even a novice housewife can make this jam. And its taste is simply amazing.

You will need: 1 kg strawberries, 1 kg sugar, 1 lemon.

Preparation. Peel the strawberries, rinse and dry well on a paper towel. Add sugar and leave for 2 hours to release the juice. Then grind the berry-sugar mixture with a blender. Pour in lemon juice and mix well. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, stirring constantly. Remove the foam periodically. Pour the finished jam into sterilized jars and seal tightly with lids.

Strawberries pureed with sugar without boiling the berries

This is my favorite way to prepare berries for the winter. You can’t even call it jam, since it is not subjected to heat treatment at all.

I have already presented one of these recipes to your attention in a previous article. There we used the berries in their entirety and prepared them by freezing.

Today's recipe differs from the previous one in that we will chop the berries and store the jam in the refrigerator.

Since in this recipe we do not heat the berries, but essentially leave them fresh, we need to use more sugar. Depending on the acidity of the berries, you need to take from 1.3 to 1.5 kg of sugar per 1 kg of berries.

In the same way, you can use any berry - Victoria, garden or wild strawberry.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.3 - 1.5 kg


1. Prepare the berries. To do this, it must be washed, the stalk removed and dried until the water has completely evaporated. If the water remains, this may cause the jam to “play” and open the jar. And then it will have to be redone.

2. Then crush the fruits either with a masher or a mixer. I prefer the first method, since in this case it will be thicker, and there will also be small whole pieces in it.

Grind in small batches to avoid leaving too large pieces.

But the second option is better suited for storage.

3. Add all the sugar at once, mix and leave to infuse. We need to get a state where the sugar is completely dissolved and there are no grains left at all. This may take two to three days.

During this period, the ground berries should be mixed several times a day. You will also need to store it in the refrigerator during this period.

4. When the sugar crystals have completely dissolved, the finished product can be poured into sterilized and completely dry jars and sealed with the same lids.

5. Immediately store in the refrigerator. You can make a small “sugar pillow” on top. To do this, simply leave a little space on top and cover the top layer with a thick layer of sugar. No need to stir.

Keep an eye on him for several days. If you see that the contents of the jar have begun to rise, immediately open it and digest it.

This may happen because there is not enough sugar in the berries, or water has entered, or the seal of the package is broken.

And to be sure of the result, you can pour this jam into plastic containers or hermetically sealed bags and store it in the freezer.

There will already be a 100% probability of safety. It doesn't freeze too much and is always quick and easy to defrost.

Eating such a delicious dessert is a pleasure. It's like a popsicle. And the children simply adore him.

Strawberry jam “Superbenefits”

An amazing jam recipe with minimal sugar.

You will need: 1.5 kg of strawberries, 0.5 kg of sugar, a bag of “Zhelfix 2:1” (25 g).

Preparation. Wash the strawberries, remove the stems, and chop with an immersion blender. Add jellyfix mixed with 2-3 tbsp. sugar, mix well. Stirring constantly, bring to a boil, add the remaining sugar. Stirring constantly, cook for 3 minutes. Turn off the heat and skim off the foam. Pour the jam into sterilized jars, roll up and cool.

Field strawberries with ponytails for the winter

Field strawberries have one peculiarity: their sepals are very difficult to detach from the fruit. You can spend a lot of time and remove all the greens from the berries, if this is important, or you can make jam directly from strawberries with tails.

Cooking time: 8 hours.

Servings: 4.


  • Meadow strawberries – 1 kg;
  • Granulated sugar – 1 kg.

Cooking process:

  1. Sort through the strawberries, remove forest litter, moss, and grains of sand. Discard spoiled or damaged fruit. The green sepals are not removed in this recipe. There is an opinion that you should not wash wild strawberries so that they do not become sour. However, since the fruits are collected with greens, it is advisable to wash them from adhering debris.
  2. Rinse the wild strawberries in several waters until the water comes out clean. Place the strawberries in a colander and let the water drain. Place in one layer on a thin kitchen towel and dry the berries naturally.
  3. Place dried wild strawberries in a bowl, sprinkling them with sugar. Place in the refrigerator until a sufficient amount of juice comes out of the fruit. In such cases, the dishes and contents are usually left in the refrigerator overnight.
  4. Pour the released juice into a separate pan, in which the jam will be cooked. Place the bowl with the juice on the stove over medium heat. Cook until the sugar crystals dissolve, stirring constantly. If the berries have released little juice overnight, you can add a little water.
  5. Place strawberries in berry syrup and juice, bring to a boil, cook for about 5 minutes, removing foam from the surface. Remove the jam from the stove and let it cool (about 4-5 hours).
  6. Repeat steps 4-5 2 more times. You should not cook longer than indicated, because if the mass is overcooked, the berries will be bitter.
  7. Distribute the finished jam into pre-sterilized jars. Boil lids for jars (nylon or metal) for 5 minutes and let dry. Close the jars with the contents with nylon lids or roll them up.
  8. Store meadow strawberry jam for 1-2 years in a cellar or pantry.

Bon appetit!

“Marble” delicacy with marshmallows

A very unusual and tasty strawberry preparation, however, you need to eat it within a month.

You will need: 1.25 kg of strawberries, 0.5 kg of gelling sugar, 400 g of marshmallows (chewable marshmallows), lemon juice, 150 ml of 33-35% cream, vanillin or vanilla sugar.

Preparation. Peel, rinse and coarsely chop the strawberries, mix with lemon juice, gelling sugar and vanilla sugar (vanillin). Leave for 30 minutes. Grind the marshmallows, pour in the cream and bring to a boil. Simmer over low heat, stirring, until completely dissolved. Boil the strawberry mixture, stirring constantly, for 3 minutes. Pour the prepared confiture into jars, filling each 2/3 full. Pour the marshmallow cream on top. Cover with screw caps and turn over for 5 minutes.

Thick strawberry jam for the winter with gelatin

You can make delicious strawberry or wild strawberry jam from small berries. And in order to make it thick, we will use gelatin for this.

In addition, gelatin will help speed up the cooking process, and the delicious treat will be prepared very, very quickly.

That's all! As you can see, everything is quite fast and easy. Even someone who has never cooked before can handle it.

So be sure to prepare this jam. Imagine how delicious it will be to spread it on bread in winter and enjoy it with hot aromatic tea.

For me, such jam is always the taste of childhood. You run around with the guys on the street, you get cold, you come home, and your mother spreads a large slice of bread with it and pours it into a cup of tea. This feeling is simply unforgettable and always warms the heart.

Strawberries in syrup

In this jam, all the berries remain bright and dense; the delicacy can be presented as a beautiful sweet gift. In addition, it retains more vitamins and berry flavor.

You will need: 5 kg strawberries, 1.5 kg sugar.

Preparation. Sort the strawberries, leaving only dry whole berries. Tear off the stalks, wash and place in clean, dry 0.5-liter jars to the top. Add sugar, about 100 g per jar. Leave in the refrigerator overnight to release the juices. The next day, the strawberries will release juice and “sit down,” so the berries with syrup from one jar will need to be distributed into two incomplete ones up to the shoulders, and then closed loosely with a lid.

Place all the jars in a basin or pan, then pour warm water into the container up to the shoulders. Bring it to a boil over high heat and simmer for 5-7 minutes. Then immediately screw the lids on. If there is some sugar left at the bottom, gently swirl the jars until it dissolves.

Aromatic treat with agar-agar

We’ve come to yet another option; it has become fashionable to use a component such as agar in cooking. In addition, I hope that this unconventional option will save everyone from depression in inclement weather. And also, when you are bored, you can arrange fun gatherings with friends or a lively company.

I would like to consider this time the recipe in a frying pan. After all, if you have a small volume of red fruits, then why not use it.

Strawberry jam will be thick, like American jam. Take small jars so that you can quickly open them and eat every single drop. Moreover, the combination of vanilla and strawberries will make this dish even more aromatic.

We will need:

  • granulated sugar - 700 g
  • water - 50 g
  • agar-agar - 1.5 tsp
  • vanillin to taste
  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • lemon - slice


1. Examine the berries, tear off the stems, and then cut the too large ones into four parts. This is done so that the juice is released much faster. Prepare about 1 kilogram in this way.

2. Pour sugar right on top, this is easy to do because the frying pan is wider than the pan. Leave for 1.5 hours until liquid appears.

3. After this, pour the agar-agar into water so that it swells. You can, as an option, use gelatin or gelfix. Add a little vanilla extract or vanillin to the strawberries and simmer over low heat. Bring the mixture to a boil.

Secret, do you want the jam to not lose its color? After the berry boils, squeeze out the juice (1 tsp) from a lemon wedge and add to the mixture. It will turn out not too cloying and a beautiful color.

Stir, and don’t forget to do this periodically, plus, as you can see, no foam has formed, it’s great, you don’t have to clean it up. In this case, the culprit is lemon).

4. 15 minutes should pass from the moment of boiling, which means you can already pour in the agar-agar. Don’t forget to do it this way, stir the jam clockwise with a spatula and at the same time carefully and slowly add the agar diluted in a glass of water. As you can see, Victoria has shrunk in size, and that’s how it should be.

Once again, after adding the agar, you will see bubbles on the surface, this means that the liquid has boiled, cook for 5 minutes, and then pour into jars.

5. Take them sterile, you get two half-liter jars. Cover with a clean lid, tighten well, turn the top upside down and wrap with a towel. Let cool at room temperature.

6. As you can see, everything is brilliantly simple, and most importantly it turns out very tasty, especially if you take a bun or a piece of soft loaf and spread it on it.

Strawberry jam with orange

Oddly enough, you can hardly feel the orange in the delicacy, but the berries reveal their taste and aroma in the best possible way.

You will need: 10 kg of strawberries, 3.5-4 kg of sugar, 2 oranges (with thin peel).

Preparation. Wash the berries, let them drain, cut the large ones into pieces, leave the small ones as is, cover everything with sugar for 2 hours. Cut each orange into thin slices, peeled but without seeds, and add to the strawberries. Bring to a boil, skim off the foam, and simmer over low heat for 10 minutes. Cover with a lid and leave until completely cool. Repeat cooking twice for 10 minutes after boiling. Pour into sterilized jars and close with lids.

Strawberry jam quick recipe for the winter

This recipe is also called five-minute because in this recipe the strawberries will not need to be boiled and cooled several times.

And so it’s good to sort out the strawberries and wash them from dust and garden dirt. Remove unnecessary leaves and twigs.

Place the washed strawberries on a dry surface and let them dry a little naturally.

Place all the prepared strawberries in a bowl, cover with sugar and leave overnight.

In the morning, drain off all the juice that has been released. This is convenient to do with a colander.

Bring the juice to a boil, pour the berries into it, and cook for 5-7 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam.

Place the strawberry jam into jars and seal the lids tightly. Turn over, cover with something warm and leave in this position until completely cooled. Your five-minute strawberry jam is completely ready, enjoy your meal.

Strawberry confiture with rhubarb

A very unusual, but extremely successful combination of products. If rhubarb grows in your garden, be sure to prepare this confiture.

You will need: 0.5-0.6 kg of strawberries, 450 g of rhubarb petioles, 100 g of mint leaves, lemon, 0.5 kg of sugar, 20 g of pectin or gelfix (sold in grocery stores).

Preparation. Cut the prepared berries into quarters, rhubarb into pieces. Peel the lemon from seeds and peel, including the white film, and chop finely. Chop the mint. Place strawberries, rhubarb, lemon and mint in an enamel pan or basin, add sugar and heat, stirring. When the mixture boils, add pectin, then boil for another 5 minutes. Cool, pour into jars and refrigerate until completely thickened.

The amount of sugar required in this recipe may vary, depending on how sweet the berries are. Therefore, it is recommended to periodically take a sample. To sweeten the treat in time.

You will find even more excellent recipes on the pages of the magazine “Our Kitchen”. You can subscribe to the publication at any post office or subscribe via the Internet.

Strawberry treat with pineapple and orange juice

This is another original recipe that turns out jam like a real delicacy. It contains not only pineapple, but also orange juice. But if you want to surprise your household at all, then prepare this batch with cognac or rum.

The recipe that I found in one of the magazines calls for white rum with Malibu coconut liqueur. I haven’t prepared it with these ingredients, but I add orange juice and it turns out very tasty.

In addition, orange juice, like lemon juice, does not allow the product to become sugary and the product itself is perfectly stored.

We will need:

  • strawberries – 1 kg
  • sugar - 1.2 kg
  • pineapple - 1 piece
  • orange - 1 pc.


1. Sort the berries and remove damaged berries. Then place the batch in a colander and rinse thoroughly. It is better not under running water, but by lowering a colander into a container filled with water. This way they will be less susceptible to mechanical stress.

2. Carefully remove the stalk from it and place it in a basin, sprinkling it with sugar. You can leave it whole, or you can cut it into 2 - 4 parts, and in this case we will get confiture.

This is exactly the way I would recommend cooking it.

When mixed with pineapple pulp and orange juice, the whole mass will be more uniform in color and taste.

3. Peel the pineapple and cut in half. Inside there is a white hard core, it must be carefully cut out. Then cut the fruit into small pieces, the same size as the chopped strawberries.

4. Add the pieces to the container in which you will cook.

5. Wash the orange and squeeze the juice out of it. You can use a juicer for this, or you can cut it into two halves and squeeze the juice out of it with your hands. Make sure that no seeds get in with the juice.

Add the juice to the already chopped and delicious-smelling ingredients.

6. Gently mix all contents using a wooden spatula. If you are preparing confiture, you don’t have to worry about mashing the berries. If you want to cook with whole berries, then in this case it is better to do it carefully, or even just shake the contents.

Another advantage of cooking confiture is that you don’t have to wait for the juice to release. And the whole cooking process will take very little time.

7. Place a bowl on the fire and bring the mixture to a boil. Skim off any foam that forms. At first, keep the temperature at medium so that all the sugar dissolves and does not burn. You also need to stir more often.

8. Once it boils, turn up the heat and heat over high heat for 5 - 6 minutes.

9. If you prepare your delicacy using alcoholic beverages, add them at the very end. Stir again until it all comes apart.

10. Turn off the gas, collect the foam. To make this easier, you need to lightly shake the pelvis and rotate it a little, shaking it. Foam will collect in the center. It should be removed with a wooden spoon or spatula.

11. By this time, we should already have sterilized jars and lids ready. Transfer our delicacy into jars and seal with lids. Makes approximately 3 jars of 500 ml each.

Turn the jars over and put them on the lids. Cover with a blanket and leave until completely cool. Then store in a cool, dark place.

Once the jar is opened, it will need to be stored in the refrigerator. When exposed to air, the jam can quickly sour.

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