Recipes for making sea buckthorn compote

  • 7 How to cook sea buckthorn compote in a slow cooker
  • 8 Terms and conditions of storage of sea buckthorn preparations
  • 9 Conclusion
  • Sea buckthorn compote is a tasty and healthy drink, as well as one of the options for canning berries, the purpose of which is to preserve them for a long time. The product can be stored well in a cellar or indoors, after processing it loses almost no vitamins and remains as amazingly tasty and aromatic as in its original fresh form. There are many recipes by which you can prepare sea buckthorn compote - from the classic one, when the drink is prepared from the berries of this plant alone, as well as with the addition of other ingredients: various fruits, berries and even vegetables.

    Beneficial properties of sea buckthorn compote

    The benefit of sea buckthorn compote is that it contains a lot of vitamins, especially ascorbic acid, which is found in more in these berries than in citrus fruits. Vitamin C is a well-known antioxidant that helps maintain the body’s youth and improves immunity, just like tocopherol and carotene. Sea buckthorn also contains B vitamins and phospholipids, which normalize fat metabolism, and this allows those who consume it to maintain normal weight. In addition to vitamins, it contains important minerals:

    • iron;
    • magnesium;
    • calcium;
    • manganese;
    • sodium.

    Sea buckthorn is used for nervous disorders, skin diseases, hypovitaminosis, metabolic disorders, and cardiovascular diseases. It is valued in folk medicine as a good remedy that helps restore strength lost after illness. Sea buckthorn will be useful for pregnant women as a source of folic acid, which is important during this period of time.

    Interestingly, in addition to fresh berries, they also use frozen ones, which are prepared in season and stored in the refrigerator. They are no less useful and are always available, even in winter cold.

    Option 5. Sea buckthorn compote with pumpkin

    According to this option, the sea buckthorn compote turns out to be very pleasant, delicate in taste, and bright orange in color.
    It is best to brew the drink in the fall, when the sea buckthorn is well ripened and the pumpkin is fully ripe and has acquired a natural sweetness. Ingredients :

    • ripe pumpkin - 1 small;
    • sea ​​buckthorn – 400 g;
    • a little more than two liters of water;
    • sugar – 260 g.

    Step by step recipe

    Step 1:

    Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds, cut into medium squares.

    Step 2:

    We sort out the sea buckthorn and wash it.

    Step 3:

    Having put everything into jars, pour in hot water and let sit for 12 minutes.

    Step 4:

    Pour the infused water into a saucepan, add sugar, and boil over medium heat.

    Step 5:

    Pour the hot syrup into jars with pumpkin and berries and roll up.

    Step 6:

    Wrap it in thick cloth, leave it for several hours and lower it into the cellar for storage.

    For variety, you can mix apricots, pears and other fruits with pumpkin and sea buckthorn, having previously freed them from seeds and cores. If you are not preparing compote for the winter, reduce the amount of sugar in the recipe to 150 grams.

    How to preserve maximum vitamins when heat treating sea buckthorn

    To make sea buckthorn compote most useful, you need to take into account some technological features when preparing it. Only fully ripe, firm, but not overripe berries are selected for it. They go through them, throwing out everything that is unusable, that is, too small, dry, spoiled, rotten. The rest are washed under running water and left to drain.

    In order to maximize the benefits of sea buckthorn compote, it is permissible to cook it only in enameled or stainless steel containers; aluminum cannot be used (the vitamins in it will be destroyed). You can prepare the product for future use, using or without sterilization - it depends on the specific recipe. Sea buckthorn berries are dense and do not crack under the influence of boiling water, so to add richness to the compote during the preparation process, you need to cut off the sepals from them. The finished drink can be kept in the refrigerator or poured into jars and placed in a dark, cool and always dry place: there they will last longer.

    Option 8: Preparation for sea buckthorn compote for the winter

    Simplified versions of many dishes are so similar to ordinary, classic ones that it would simply be incorrect to separate them and pass them off as different recipes. If you have a large, unstocked freezer or are desperately short on time, follow steps one through four. In all other cases, prepare a rich syrup base for compote, skipping the fourth step.


    • orange sea buckthorn - exactly a kilogram;
    • 1200 grams of sugar;
    • two liters of water from the filter.

    How to quickly prepare healing sea buckthorn compote

    Step 1:

    When making winter harvests, careful selection of fruits cannot be ignored. Sea buckthorn is no exception; carefully sort the berries, make a compote from soft and bruised ones for immediate consumption or, if you have a low-temperature freezer, freeze them.

    Step 2:

    For further actions, you will need a sieve with cells through which sea buckthorn seeds will not pass. In a bowl with high sides, mash small portions of berries with a masher, transfer the mixture to a sieve and wipe. We collect the peel and pulp together and set aside the seeds.

    Step 3:

    Having set the manual meat grinder to the finest grinding, first pass the pulp through it twice. Mash the seeds thoroughly in a porcelain mortar in tablespoonful portions and collect separately. Then add approximately the same amount of sugar to them and grind through a meat grinder.

    Step 4:

    Having mixed the sea buckthorn pulp with ground seeds and the rest of the sugar, the mass can be divided into bags and frozen. If you prefer to preserve them, we do things a little differently.

    Step 5:

    To preserve, mix sea buckthorn pulp with seeds and a couple of tablespoons of sugar, and dilute the rest of the refined sugar in eight hundred milliliters of boiling water. Bring the syrup to a boil, collect the foam, and add the pulp and seeds into it.

    Step 6:

    Once it boils, boil the mixture for about four minutes, pour into small, sterilized containers and seal hermetically with lids that have been boiled for several minutes. When preparing compote from such a base, add it to any frozen fruits, dried fruits, or citruses. The drink turns out very tasty even if you simply dilute the sea buckthorn syrup with cold table mineral water.

    The benefits and harms of sea buckthorn compote for children

    Compote of fresh and frozen sea buckthorn for children is a source of vitamins for a growing body, as well as a good prophylactic that helps fight colds, and simply a tasty treat that children will not refuse.

    The berries of this plant are allowed to be given to children over 3 years old; in children under this age they can cause allergies. Therefore, children need to be accustomed to them gradually - give 1 piece at a time. per day and monitor the body's reaction.

    Attention! Children with high acidity of stomach juice, diseases of the gallbladder, and liver should not consume sea buckthorn.

    How to cook compote from frozen sea buckthorn

    Frozen berries of this plant can be placed in boiling water without prior defrosting. You just need to cook syrup from water with granulated sugar (200-300 g per 1 liter) and add sea buckthorn there. Bring to a boil again, simmer for 5 minutes. and remove from heat. Let cool and pour into cups. You can cook frozen sea buckthorn compote at any time of the year, even in winter, as long as it is available. You can add other frozen berries to the frozen sea buckthorn compote recipe, which will give it a unique taste and aroma.

    Classic recipe for fresh sea buckthorn compote

    This drink is prepared using classical technology, just like from other berries or fruits. First you need to sterilize the jars, then fill them a third with washed sea buckthorn and fill them with boiling water to the top. Cover with tin lids and leave for 15 minutes. for pasteurization. After this, you need to drain the liquid back into the pan and reheat it. Pour 200 g of sugar into 3-liter jars, add boiling water and roll up the lids. Sea buckthorn can be stored in them throughout the winter if you place the jars in an unlit and cool place.

    Recipes for sea buckthorn compotes with the addition of berries, fruits and vegetables

    Sea buckthorn compote can be cooked not only according to the classic recipe. There are many other options where sweet berries, some vegetables or fruits are used together with the main raw materials.

    Compote of sea buckthorn and apples

    This is one of the most proven combinations, since everyone loves apples. But since both have a sour taste, more sugar needs to be added to the compote being prepared (300-400 g per 1 liter of water). The ratio of sea buckthorn to apples should be 2 to 1. The process of preparing this type of compote is no different from the classic one. When the jars of sea buckthorn have cooled, they need to be placed in a basement or cellar for long-term storage.

    An original combination, or compote of sea buckthorn and zucchini

    This version of the drink involves adding fresh young zucchini, cut into small pieces, to the sea buckthorn. You will need: 2-3 tbsp. berries, 1 medium zucchini, 1.5-2 tbsp. sugar for every 3-liter jar. The cooking process is as follows:

    1. Peel the zucchini, cut lengthwise and cut into half rings about 2 cm thick.
    2. Place enough zucchini and berries into jars to fill them 1/3 full, pour boiling water on top and leave for 15-20 minutes.
    3. Then drain the water and boil it again, pour in the vegetables and berries and roll up the cylinders with tin lids.

    Sea buckthorn and lingonberry compote

    To prepare a vitamin drink according to this recipe, you will need 2 cups of sea buckthorn, 1 cup of lingonberries and 1 cup of sugar per 3-liter jar. The berries need to be washed and poured into pre-sterilized containers, filling them a third full. Pour boiling water under the neck, cover with lids and leave to cool for 15-20 minutes. Drain the liquid, boil it again, pour it into jars and close the lids.

    Vitamin boom, or pumpkin compote with sea buckthorn

    This is a recipe for sea buckthorn compote for children, which has a unique bright aroma and taste, and thanks to the pumpkin it can be called a real vitamin bomb. To cook this type of compote you will need the following ingredients in equal proportions:

    1. The vegetable must be peeled, washed and cut into small cubes.
    2. Pour into jars, filling them approximately 1/3 full, and pour boiling syrup at a concentration of 1 cup per 2 liters of water. After steeping for 15 minutes, pour it back into the pan, boil and pour it into jars again.
    3. Store the finished product in a cool and unlit place.

    Cranberry and sea buckthorn compote

    A great way to replenish vitamin reserves in the body is to prepare sea buckthorn-cranberry compote. It will require a lot of sugar, since both berries are quite sour. So, you need to take:

    • sea ​​buckthorn and pumpkin in a ratio of 2 to 1;
    • 1.5 cups of granulated sugar per 3 liter jar;
    • as much water as needed.

    Sort and wash the raw berries, place them in containers, filling them no more than a third, and pour boiling sugar syrup on top. After it has cooled a little, pour it into a saucepan, boil and pour it over the berries again.

    Three in one, or compote of sea buckthorn, apples and pumpkin

    A drink made from sea buckthorn and 2 more ingredients: pumpkin and any type of apple will be very useful. All components need to be prepared: rinse, cut fruits into slices, peel vegetables and seeds, cut into small slices. Pour into 3-liter jars in layers, pour boiling water with sugar (about 1.5 cups per jar). Let it sit for 10 minutes, boil the syrup and pour it over the raw materials again. With its pleasant yellow color and sweet taste, children should like sea buckthorn compote.

    Sea buckthorn compote with chokeberry

    For a 3-liter cylinder you need to take

    • 300 g sea buckthorn;
    • 200 g rowan;
    • 200 g sugar;
    • A little more than 2 liters of water will be needed.

    Before canning, the berries need to be prepared: sorted, removed spoiled ones, washed the remaining ones and placed in pre-sterilized and dried jars. Pour boiling syrup into them and leave to pasteurize for 15 minutes. After this, carefully pour the liquid into the pan, boil again and pour into cylinders. Cylinders sealed with tin lids should be turned upside down and wrapped in something warm. The next day, when they have cooled down, move them to the cellar or basement with other items for storage.

    Preparation of sea buckthorn compote with black currants

    This is a simple recipe for compote made from sea buckthorn and one of the most popular garden berries - black currants. The ratio of products should be as follows:

    • 2 to 1 (sea buckthorn/currant);
    • 300 g of granulated sugar (per 3-liter bottle).

    Before immersing them in jars, you need to sort out all the berries, select the spoiled ones, remove the stems from the rest, wash them and dry them a little. Place the berries in jars, pour boiling syrup into them and leave to pasteurize for 15-20 minutes. Then boil again, pour in a second time, and then roll up the lids. Store as usual.

    Sea buckthorn and cherry compote recipe without sterilization

    This recipe for sea buckthorn compote includes such a combination. It will require berries in a ratio of approximately 2 to 1, that is, 2 parts sea buckthorn to 1 part cherries. Sugar - 300 g per 3-liter bottle. The sequence of preparing this compote is no different from previous recipes: wash the berries, put them in jars, pour syrup. After 15 minutes have passed, pour it into the same pan, boil again and fill the cylinders up to the neck. Wrap in something warm and leave until cool.

    How to cook compote from sea buckthorn and barberry

    To make a drink according to this recipe, you will need 0.2 kg of barberry and 300 g of sugar per 1 kg of sea buckthorn. All berries must be sorted, all spoiled ones must be removed from the mass, the remaining fruits must be washed and scattered into jars in thin layers. The volume filled with berries should be 1/3 of them. Execution sequence:

    1. Sterilize the lids and jars, fill them with berries and fill them to the top with syrup.
    2. After 20 minutes of pasteurization, drain the liquid, boil again and pour over the cherries and sea buckthorn.
    3. Seal with lids and leave to cool.

    Compote of sea buckthorn and peaches

    In this case, the ratio of ingredients will be as follows: for 1 kg of sea buckthorn, 0.5 kg of peaches and 1 kg of granulated sugar. How to cook:

    1. You need to cut the washed peaches into 2 parts, remove the pits and cut into small slices.
    2. Sort and wash sea buckthorn berries.
    3. Transfer both of them into sterilized jars and pour hot syrup on top, prepared at the rate of 300 g per 1 liter.
    4. Leave for 20 minutes and then pour over the berries again.
    5. Leave the jars to cool and then move them to the cellar.

    Sea buckthorn compote with lingonberries and raspberries

    You can make compote from sea buckthorn with the addition of sweet raspberries and sweet and sour lingonberries. In this case, for 1 kg of the main ingredient you will need to take 0.5 of the other two and 1 kg of sugar. Distribute it all among the jars, filling them no more than one-third full. Pour in hot syrup and leave to steep for 15-20 minutes. After this, pour the liquid back into the pan, boil, pour the berries a second time and roll the lids on the jars.

    Sea buckthorn compote with grapes

    For sea buckthorn-grape compote, ingredients are taken at the rate of 1 kg of grapes, 0.75 kg of sea buckthorn berries and 0.75 kg of sugar. They are washed, allowed to drain and distributed among all the jars. The containers are filled with hot syrup and left for 20 minutes. Then the compote is poured into the pan, boiled again and poured into the jars, this time completely. Roll up the lids and wrap for 1 day.

    How to cook sea buckthorn compote in a slow cooker

    You can cook sea buckthorn compote not only on a gas or electric stove, but also in a slow cooker. This is convenient, because there is no need to do everything manually, just pour all the components of the compote into the bowl of the device, press the buttons and that’s it. Sample recipe:

    1. 400 g of sea buckthorn and 100 g of sugar per 3 liters of water.
    2. All this needs to be put in a multicooker, select the “Cooking” mode or similar and cook the drink for 15 minutes.

    The second recipe for compote in a slow cooker: sea buckthorn in combination with apples:

    1. You need to take 3 or 4 ripe fruits, peel the skins and cut into thin slices.
    2. Place them in a bowl and pour 1.5 cups of sea buckthorn berries and 0.2 kg of sugar on top of them and add water.
    3. Cook for 15 minutes.

    And another recipe for compote from this wonderful berry:

    1. Place 200 g of sea buckthorn, 200 g of raspberries and 0.25 kg of sugar in a slow cooker and add water.
    2. Turn on the device and after 15 minutes. get the finished product.

    Frozen sea buckthorn compote with apples

    Sea buckthorn compote with apple slices will be quite appetizing. However, it may be frozen. Apples will give the drink a special uniqueness and a certain sophistication of taste. Such a wonderful “composition” will be incredibly useful in winter and summer.

    Required ingredients for compote with apples and sea buckthorn:

    • Frozen sea buckthorn – 300 g;
    • Mint leaves - several pieces;
    • Apples – 3-4 pieces;
    • Sugar – 300 g;
    • Water – 700 ml.

    Method for preparing compote:

    1. Sea buckthorn fruits do not need to be defrosted; just remove them from the freezer;
    2. The apples are also washed, cut into pieces, and the cores are removed;
    3. Place sea buckthorn and apple slices in a container;
    4. Then pour sugar in there;
    5. Everything is filled with water and put on fire;
    6. You need to simmer the sea buckthorn and apples in water for about ten minutes;
    7. Mint is added;
    8. After a minute, the leaves are removed;
    9. Remove the finished drink from the heat and cool.

    It is allowed to add citric acid and cinnamon during the preparation of sea buckthorn compote. But in this case it all depends on the tastes and preferences of the family or guests.

    If you need to make winter preparations, you must use a sterilizer and prepared jars with lids. Fruits are poured into jars, then filled with syrup, sterilized and rolled up.

    Prepare delicious and healthy feijoa jam for the winter. How to make jam from green walnuts - the most complete collection of recipes.

    How to properly prepare rosehip compote. Read useful tips in our article.

    Terms and conditions of storage of sea buckthorn preparations

    Sea buckthorn compote will only be useful if it is stored correctly. You can leave jars in the room, but this is not entirely correct. The best conditions for storing any preserved food are a temperature no higher than 10 °C and no lighting, so it is advisable to transfer the cooled compote to a cellar or basement. The shelf life of sea buckthorn product is at least 1 year, but no more than 2-3. It is not recommended to store it longer - it is better to prepare a new one.

    Option 7: Exquisite sea buckthorn compote

    These berries don’t need excess sugar; add as much as indicated in the recipe, and you can add a little less according to your taste. Kiwi fruit and a handful of raw sea buckthorn berries will help decorate the compote. Peel the kiwi, cut into quartered circles, freeze in large ice trays, or in circles at the bottom of disposable cups. Rinse the berries and place them in square shapes, freeze with compote acidified with lemon juice. If you serve the compote in decorative glasses, decorate the top with a snowball of sugar, and throw a spoonful of frozen red currants into the compote itself.


    • light sea buckthorn berries – six hundred grams;
    • a small fragrant lemon;
    • refined sugar - one and a half glasses.

    Step-by-step recipe for refreshing sea buckthorn compote

    Step 1:

    Sort the sea buckthorn, get rid of the dry twigs, and remove the mashed berries. Under an enamel saucepan, turn on the burner to maximum heat and immediately pour sugar into it, followed by berries washed under running water.

    Step 2:

    From a boiling kettle or other pan, pour half a glass of boiling water and stir the contents of the pan, add water to a total volume of just over two liters.

    Step 3:

    Cut off as much peel as possible from the lemon, cut the pulp as desired and squeeze out the juice. Select all the seeds and remove them, place the pulp in a saucepan, and use about half of the juice.

    Step 4:

    Chop the zest with a knife, take a small heaped spoon and also add to the compote. Cook for up to a quarter of an hour at a barely noticeable boil, then cover and turn off the stove. After letting it cool for an hour, strain the compote and add lemon juice to taste. Pour the compote into jars and set aside to cool, pouring out about a glass.

    Step 5:

    Dissolve the remaining lemon juice in a glass of compote and add a drop of mint essence if desired. Pour into ice cube trays and freeze; serve compote with ice cubes.

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