dried meat
Recipes for cooking dried meat at home
Dried meat Such meat is a wonderful product for lovers of hiking and extreme conditions, athletes.
2_salad with ham and pickles
Salad with ham and pickles. Step-by-step recipe with photos
I often prepare salad with ham and pickles in different variations, adding those
Potatoes with legs in the oven
Chicken legs with potatoes in the oven with mayonnaise: recipes for every day
6 Prepared by: Julia Vetrina 02/07/2017 Cooking time: 1 hour 20 minutes Save I
Uyghur guiru lagman is the most delicious and aromatic
The dish is called Uyghur lagman because in Central Asia, which is the birthplace of lagman, the recipe
How to properly fry a steak in a frying pan
Chopped beefsteak is loved in many countries around the world. Juicy beef cutlet made from 100% beef
puff pastries with mushrooms
Julienne in buns - recipe with photo
Many people know that breakfast should be hearty. It is recommended to eat soup with
how long to fry chicken liver in a frying pan
How long should you fry chicken liver so that it tastes tender?
Tender, aromatic, juicy and appetizing fried chicken liver is a healthy and affordable offal.
"Shari" salad with avocado, cucumber and black beans
Recipe Avocado salad with tomato and egg. Calorie, chemical composition and nutritional value.
Shari's Avocado, Cucumber and Black Bean Salad This salad is a great example of...
Turkey breast in the oven - 5 cooking methods. This meat flies away from us instantly
Turkey thigh: 8 proven recipes for deliciously cooking meat
Cooking features to make the breast juicy and soft The process of baking a turkey breast is not
quick pizza in 10 minutes
My sister taught me how to bake a five-minute “Student” pizza in a frying pan. Sharing a quick recipe
Pizza can be prepared according to a variety of recipes. But I would like to offer the readers of my
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