How to make air popcorn in the oven

How to make popcorn in the oven yourself?

In general, the classic scheme involves cooking this dish in a frying pan under a lid, where a high temperature is created with lower heating. Many housewives use a microwave, but it is a little more difficult to control the process. However, it is also easy to make popcorn in the oven, but it is important that it is heated to at least 220 degrees, and preferably 240, since high heat is needed. Also, pay attention to a couple more points:

  • If you use fresh corn, buy the varieties Gostinets and Malysh - it is very important that the grains have enough moisture and dietary fiber, otherwise they will not swell and, accordingly, the dish will not be successful.
  • Popcorn is always prepared exclusively in a closed container: it can be a large (!) form with a lid, a sleeve, or a bag. Firstly, the particles will not scatter throughout the oven, and, secondly, the grains will quickly open.

The classic recipe for oven popcorn is corn kernels, which are poured with vegetable oil and sprinkled with salt. In addition, there are snack options with brown sugar, nuts, honey, chocolate, as well as cheese and spices. In addition, you can cook it not only from corn, but also from chickpeas - this gives the dish a pleasant nutty flavor.

How to make microwave popcorn from corn?

Modern popcorn manufacturers create special packaging suitable for cooking cereals in microwave ovens. If they can do it, then why not try it themselves? To do this, prepare:

  • Corn grains;
  • Corn oil;
  • Container for microwave ovens.

Process progress:

  1. Before putting into the oven, you can place the grains in a cold place for several hours.
  2. Spread the grains in the container in an even layer.
  3. Add a spoonful of butter and coat all the grains.
  4. Secure the container tightly with the lid.
  5. Click on maximum power for 1.5-2 minutes.
  6. After the popping noise stops, open the lid.

Classic oven popcorn in a bag: step-by-step recipe

The amount of salt listed below makes the grains quite salty, so it can be reduced if desired. You can also omit the salt entirely and replace it with brown sugar if you want sweet or caramelized popcorn. The operating technology is more significant, and flavoring additives are selected individually by each housewife.


  • corn grains – 200 g;
  • vegetable oil – 50 ml;
  • salt - 1 table. spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Take oiled baking parchment and glue it well around the perimeter, leaving only one side untouched, to form a bag. It should be slightly larger in size than an A4 sheet. Or use a special baking bag/sleeve.

  2. Pour oil over the grains placed in a large bowl. Sprinkle with salt.
  3. Shake several times and pour into the bag.

  4. Tie the edge tightly and place on a baking sheet.
  5. Cook popcorn for about half an hour at 200 degrees.

How popcorn got into movie theaters

Everyone knows what popcorn is. This is a special type of corn that explodes when heated. This property was discovered about three thousand years ago by the Indians. They used corn as amulets and decorations, and also carried it with them when hunting, as popcorn is very light and quite filling. Of course, then it would never have occurred to them to add any spices to it. A certain fashion for popcorn started in America at the beginning of the last century, and during the Great Depression of the 30s, it entered the cinema halls and remains there to this day. He came to Russia much later - only in the 90s.

It is curious that most often cinemas make the majority of their profits from the sale of popcorn, rather than tickets. In addition, the treat causes a strong feeling of thirst. At first, when popcorn had not yet become a mandatory attribute of cinema, it was sold on the street in small mobile carts. Now every cinema has at least one machine for making popcorn, and salt, sugar, caramel, etc. can be added to the finished treat without any problems.

Sweet popcorn in the oven with chocolate and nuts

This variation is less common in movie theaters than traditional salty, sweet and caramel snacks, but it is very popular in America. The dish is high in calories, so be careful when taking a large bucket with you to the series. You can use any chocolate in the recipe, including white, but for the latter you need to reduce the amount of butter by about 30%. And, of course, it will be very interesting to take chocolate with additives - sea salt, nuts, pieces of berries.


  • corn grains – 300 g;
  • butter – 70 g;
  • honey – 70 g;
  • milk chocolate – 150 g;
  • cashews – 100 g;
  • almonds – 100 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Place the corn kernels on a hot, heavy-bottomed frying pan. Try to spread them out in a thin layer.
  2. Cover with a lid. When the interval between the sounds of explosions increases to 5 seconds, turn off the stove.
  3. Melt the broken chocolate with butter over low heat.
  4. Enter honey.
  5. Blend the cashews and almonds in a blender until they form small pieces and add to the chocolate mixture.
  6. Pour the prepared popcorn onto a baking sheet and pour over the sweet “sauce.”
  7. Mix with a spatula and place in an oven preheated to 230 degrees.
  8. Cook for 15 minutes, stir a couple of times during this time.

How to make popcorn at home: basic rules

It is necessary to pour out the grains in a thin layer so that they heat evenly. Before cooking, you need to put the dry grains in the refrigerator for 1.5-3 hours. The dishes must be heat-resistant and large in volume, since after opening the grains will exceed their original size by 3 times. The best option for popcorn is corn oil, but you can also use extra virgin olive oil.

If you have neither one nor the other, then sunflower is also suitable. Seasonings should be used to taste, but too much can overwhelm the taste of the grains themselves, so you need to add them carefully. “Correct” grains burst evenly and are 98% fully opened. The grains must be completely covered with oil; for this, oil is added to the poured grains and quickly mixed.

Chickpea popcorn in the oven in the form

A very interesting snack option for a home movie show, which uses chickpeas. It does not open up like corn kernels, but it turns out no less tasty and crunchy. Before starting work, chickpeas need to be soaked in cold water for 10-12 hours, otherwise they will take a very long time to cook. Any flavoring additives are allowed, but the most interesting is “popcorn” with spices.


  • chickpeas – 80 g;
  • vegetable oil – 2 teaspoons. spoons;
  • paprika - 1 table. spoon;
  • salt – 1 teaspoon. spoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Pour the soaked chickpeas with water and cook over medium heat for about half an hour until they become soft. Transfer to a colander.
  2. Pour the oil into a large pan or frying pan without a handle to form a nice layer.
  3. Lay out the chickpeas, sprinkle well with salt and paprika.
  4. Mix thoroughly or simply shake the container several times.
  5. Cover with a lid without plastic elements, place on a wire rack in an oven heated to 170 degrees.
  6. According to the classic recipe, popcorn is cooked until the kernels begin to shoot out sparingly - this can be seen through the glass lid. Chickpeas need at least an hour, and you can cook them without a lid for the last 15 minutes.

Popcorn in a frying pan

Any housewife can make this recipe if she has a frying pan with a lid on hand. Cooking time – 10 minutes.


  • corn grains - 3 tbsp;
  • vegetable oil – 2 tbsp;
  • salt – 1 tsp;
  • pepper – 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

  1. Heat vegetable oil in a frying pan and cover with a lid.
  2. When the popcorn is ready, turn off the heat and let sit.
  3. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and stir well.

What ailments are hidden in the bag?

Supermarkets offer the buyer options for popcorn with cheese, caramel, and vanilla flavor. Choose any one you like. The preparation is simple: put the bag in the microwave, set the mode, and wait for the bag to inflate. True, the result is not always what we would like.

The manufacturer attracts with a beautiful label. Have you ever torn a bag before cooking? Have you seen what's inside? I was curious: there is so much flavoring that I immediately want to plug my nose. Instead of cheese there is a stinking slurry, and instead of sugar there is a substitute. A shelf life of 2 years indicates the presence of preservatives. Somehow the wet goodness in the bag is stored and does not mold.

If you often eat dessert, then the health supplements will not add. Dyes may cause an immediate allergic reaction. If an allergic person ends up with a skin rash, consider him lucky.

The gastrointestinal tract will not thank the owner for such feeding. Gastritis is guaranteed after two weeks of eating the treat.

If you like dessert and cannot buy popcorn, then choose unflavored popcorn in a bag. Making your own popcorn is the best way to do it. You can buy as much grain as your heart desires on the Internet. Cook popcorn at home and there will be no harm to your health.

Caramel popcorn

Not everyone likes the salty taste of regular popcorn, but this caramel variation is sure to please! This product can be used not only as a snack, but also as a healthy and tasty dessert that can be given without fear even to children.

Take the already described basic recipe as a basis, but you can supplement it with aromatic caramel syrup. To cook it you need:

  • cane brown sugar - 2 cups (about 400 grams);
  • salt - 1 teaspoon;
  • butter - 200 grams;
  • corn syrup - ½ cup;
  • molasses - 1 tablespoon;
  • soda - ½ teaspoon;
  • roasted peanuts - 1 cup.

Cooking time: 1.5 hours.

Calorie content: 500 kcal/100 grams.

To make the caramel syrup base, heat the butter in a saucepan, add sugar, molasses, salt and corn syrup. Stir the mixture thoroughly and keep it at medium temperature until it boils. Once it starts to boil, stir for another 5 minutes and then remove the container from the heat.

Add baking soda to the cooling syrup and stir again until the mixture stops foaming and turns light in color. Separately, grind the peanuts into crumbs in a blender. If you don’t have a blender, you can put the nuts in a bag in a thin layer, tie it and roll it over with a rolling pin or beat it with a hammer.

Useful tips

There are a couple of tricks that will help you make the perfect popcorn for you and your friends.

  1. Choose whole grains that have not been dried out - only they will make excellent and tender popcorn;
  2. You can determine whether a corn variety is suitable for popcorn by eye: the best kernels will be smooth, as if varnished;
  3. Do not use palm, coconut or peanut oil for cooking - they contain a lot of harmful substances, and the calorie content of such popcorn will be higher than when using regular sunflower or olive;
  4. Not only the ingredients already described can be used as additives in snacks. Spices, chocolate chips, sauces will help give popcorn an unusual taste.

Thanks to our recipes, you can always quickly provide yourself and your guests with a wonderful and satisfying snack - popcorn.

Choosing grains for making popcorn

You need to be especially careful when choosing grains for making popcorn. After all, not just any ear of corn can make popcorn. A special variety is used for this. This is exactly what is suitable for preparing this dish. But the grains themselves, in turn, are divided into several categories, which are used for various purposes.

  • "Small butterfly" Used for cooking at home. It makes very tender and airy popcorn, but it is very fragile
  • "Medium Butterfly" The most common option. Prepared using machines in parks, cinemas and other public places
  • "Big Butterfly" The hardest grade. Used in industrial production. Packaged and supplied to stores for sale.
  • "Caramel". It differs from previous types in its round shape. Great for caramel coating.

On store shelves you can find various types of grains, both domestic and foreign. Choose what you like best

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